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Dejibo 08-02-2011 07:34 AM

Exercise thread August 2011
Whoa, a whole new month flew on by us.

I walked 3 miles today. 2 flat then 1/2 up hill and 1/2 back down the hill. Sheesh! Rabbit Hollow Road is getting me in shape.

I have a bunch more errands to get to today, so its going to be one of those days, but at least I have a fruity shake, (with spinach) in hand and I have covered it in fresh strawberry and banana so, I dont even taste it or that carrot. I will eat a small dinner tonight and lets see if my tummy is ready for food.

Dejibo 08-02-2011 07:36 AM

How is sally feeling? think we can get her lifting soup cans soon?

dmplaura 08-02-2011 10:10 AM

Walked 30 min this morning... today's the start of my work week.

My anxiety is through the roof right now dealing with hornets in my sanctuary of an apartment. The exterminator was here today, so hoping he got their nest and they're gone for good.

I don't know if I'll be able to walk tonight. We have severe thunderstorm watches on.... and that could last into the night. If so I'm not walking in that, but may do Wii game tonight instead. :)

Thanks for starting a new thread Dej! :hug:

SallyC 08-02-2011 02:17 PM

I'm hanging in there, Dej thanks for asking. I did my stretches and exercises, before arising and it looks like a good day.:)

TXBatman 08-02-2011 04:11 PM

Went to spin class last night. 45 minutes of intervals. We had two newbies join us...hopefully they will stick with it and become regulars. Planning to go again tonight unless my wife needs help with her work.

Erin524 08-02-2011 07:03 PM

I'm probably going to go to the gym in a little while to walk and see if I can get my muscles in my legs to stretch themselves out. Bought a new book for my Kindle this morning (Cowboys & Aliens) and so far the book is interesting, so I think I can get some good walking out of that reading material.

Last night I felt like crap. Felt sick, and was in Spasticity Purgatory (not quite Spasticity Hell) Everything felt stiff and I just felt yucky. Ended up taking half a valium to see if that would help the stiffness. I dont take anything regularly for the to naturally stretch my muscles by walking or stretching instead. Last night I just felt kind of horrible so I got the valium out.

Seems like every few months I'll have a couple of days of spasticity that just beats the crap out of me. That's when I'll either try baclofen or valium to try to break the stiffness. Baclofen hasnt been helping, but the valium has been pretty good.

I'm going to try for a half hour or more tonight for treadmilling. Mostly because I've got a decent book to read and I'm hoping I'll get lost in the book while walking. I better go before I change my mind and just sit here and read my book instead. (I really wanna be lazy today!)

Erin524 08-02-2011 09:24 PM

just got back from the gym. I made it 20 minutes (.40 of a mile). I think there was something wrong with the a/c in the gym because after about 15 minutes I was starting to sweat, which I dont normally do. Usually when I'm at the gym, I dont do anything strenuous enough to involve serious sweating...even if I'm on the treadmill for a half hour.

Got home and now I have a stomachache and feel kinda yucky. Felt yucky yesterday, but different than this. This feels more like I got overheated.

At least the stiffness in my legs feels better from the walking. Just wish that 20 minutes of walking didnt knock me out like this. Think I'm gonna go fill up a bottle of water and hydrate.

dmplaura 08-03-2011 07:50 AM

Walked yesterday and today 30 min in the morning.

Last night we had thunderstorms during the evening, so no after dinner walk.

Then I was busy doing work around here, so I did 'chores' (more physical though - was fixing my air conditioner and that involved leaning out a window and removing debris from the unit - not fun but the hornets are gone!).

I want to walk tonight/tomorrow to make up for the missed walk yesterday, but wouldn't you know it? They are calling for more thunderstorms today and more rain.

We'll see... my head's a wildfire of pain this morning from the weather. Soon time to work too.

Dejibo 08-03-2011 08:00 AM

2 miles this morn, then I stared down the throat of Rabbit hollow. I have a whole lot of quit in me today, but I started the climb anyway. I made about 1/3 of a mile, and came back down. just not in the mood for it. So, I am home, juiced, and showered. Ready to start my day.

dmplaura 08-03-2011 07:56 PM

Did my 5km approx tonight, managed to get out and back before the rain. Was chillier out for a summer night (damp and humid air, but cool) yet I was sweating by the time I got home (fast walking) and just barely beat the next round of rain.

Tomorrow evening is supposed to be dry to walk. Let's hope. I want to make up for Tuesday's lack of a walk. :)

SallyC 08-03-2011 08:09 PM

I am so proud of and happy for you walkers and riders..:grouphug:

dmplaura 08-04-2011 08:37 PM

30 min this morning, 20 minutes toning, and I got my 5km walk in this evening after dinner, yay! :)

TXBatman 08-04-2011 11:45 PM

1 hour spin class tonight. Legs are sore...seeing a doctor tomorrow about a sore shoulder/neck that has been bothering me for about a month. Hope it gets better soon.

Erin524 08-05-2011 12:48 AM

Didnt exercise yesterday or today. I did walk across the street when my aunt was trimming bushes in her yard and her next door neighbors, and played with her pug and helped hold the yard waste bag. (that counts!)

I did look at my calendar that I've been using to keep track of how often I exercise. Whenever I go to the gym, when I get done, I make a note on the calendar in my ipod touch of how long I walked and the distance. When I get home, it syncs to my computer. I also sync it to the calender on my ipad.

The cool thing I noticed, is the calendar on the ipad is big enough that I can look and read every entry that I've done on the calendar. I thought it was pretty neat when I looked at it today and saw just how often I've been exercising every month. I was surprised at how often I've been going.

I need to go thru it again and add up the mileage that I've done and see what the total amount is.

Dejibo 08-05-2011 07:16 AM

its quite humid here, so I only walked 2 miles and slowed the pace a bit. I have six hundred errands in the city, so I will get my walking in there.

have a great day!

SallyC 08-05-2011 12:15 PM

I don't feel like it..:D:p

Kitty 08-05-2011 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 792958)
I don't feel like it..:D:p

Me either. Wanna come over for some ice cream? :D

SallyC 08-05-2011 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 792960)
Me either. Wanna come over for some ice cream? :D

No thanks, I just checked your temp..:eek:

dmplaura 08-05-2011 07:49 PM

Did my morning 30 min walk, 20 of toning at dinner. Worked overtime today, so that sucked up my free time. Ah well.

Glad to see people still active and going, keep it up folks! :) :grouphug: love hearing your success stories!

ewizabeth 08-05-2011 09:32 PM

Ok, I joined the YMCA about 3-4 weeks ago. I really like swimming laps and didn't think I would enjoy it. If I go to the gym, there are others there who can watch you. There are the muscle guys who look at the women, even old ones like me. So I don't really enjoy the gym much. But I go into the lap pool, especially the shallower one and swim laps in the free lane when little kids are having lessons in the other lanes. Nobody pays attention to me so I can relax and concentrate on the water and my movement. I'm getting a little better each time and moving faster. I really enjoy it and I just never thought I would! And I got free registration in July!! :) It is very relaxing so I recommend it highly to anyone considering!!

Erin524 08-06-2011 12:35 AM

Walked on the treadmill today. Actually felt pretty good today. Managed to walk for 23 minutes, and I did something I've not done before. I upped the speed on the treadmill to a speed that I havent gotten up to yet. (whatever the machine default is, I pressed the speed up button four times.)

Also managed to do that particular speed for most of the walk.

So, I did 23 minutes, and did .48 of a mile. Ever so much closer to the half mile mark that I havent been at for awhile.

Legs got tired, but I didnt feel quite as tired as I usually do when I was finished. Maybe the fatigue monster is on vacation?

EddieF 08-06-2011 08:12 PM

Exercise kills Mr Fatigue Monster :) I would feel sick (fever/aches ect) if I swam 20 laps 2 days in a row. 1 yr later I do 30 & want more. 35 today.

Dejibo 08-06-2011 08:37 PM

thought I posted today....hmmm...thought wrong.

Did 2 miles today, slow walk. its humid here, was on the edge of a headache, went back to bed and lounged most of the day. Ahh, thats better.

Back up and at it tomorrow.

Dejibo 08-07-2011 10:40 AM

new day has dawned, and I slept right thru it. I was too tired to get up and walk, and chose to be a lazy bum today. I mean I do have other things to get done, but just didnt feel like a crack of dawn walk, so DH went without me. Hurrray! DS went to church, and I get to do some ME things. Of course most ME things involve getting others ready to start their week. Lunches, clean clothes, clean beds, clean get the idea.

Maybe tomorrow I will walk. for today I am on strike.

SallyC 08-07-2011 11:37 AM

I was taught that Sunday is a day of rest!:)

EddieF 08-07-2011 01:20 PM

MS doesn't care what day it is so after I just ate 1/2lb basa, cleaned pool, i'll be scrubbing pool tile & doing a good 25 laps providing the thunder doesn't get much louder :)

dmplaura 08-07-2011 01:54 PM

Walked 30 min or so to get to the stores today, then lugged my groceries a few blocks home from the bus drop.

Wanting to go back out to purchase a fan, but I wondered why a while ago I began to feel really terrible (ill), then I heard thunder. Go figure. :rolleyes:

Once I get my laundry from the dryer (thunder = chores indoors time) I'm going to see about going back out, since I haven't heard any booms in a while. I would like to get a fan before the stores close today (5 pm close on Sundays in our city for most locations, save for some grocery, and the stores that are always open).

ewizabeth 08-08-2011 12:01 AM

Stayed in a hotel last night with DH and they had a small pool so I swam a bit before breakfast. Not easy to do laps in a small pool but I got some movement in for about ten minutes then headed back into town and to work. I have Tues and Wed off this week and plan to swim some laps each day at the Y.

Erin524 08-08-2011 01:57 AM

No gym today, but I went to Borders Bookstore today to see if the going-outta-business sales had gotten any better. (not really. They're to 25% off now. I want better discounts. The Kobo e-readers are only 25% off!)

They had all the furniture in the store over in the coffee shop area of the store, and had signs that they were going on sale and to not sit on the furniture. (why? afraid the 10yrs of people sitting on them didnt ruin the chairs already?) I sat on it anyways...and when they complained, I held up my cane and said I was thinking of buying one of their chairs. (way overpriced!)

We were there for about an hour, and I walked back and forth in the store looking for knitting and crochet books. I figure if I walked around enough that my legs got tired, and my back hurt so bad that I had to sit down on their for-sale-used furniture, that I got a work out.

Planning on going to the gym tomorrow afternoon. I hurt my knee swimming at a hotel a few weeks ago. (kicked too hard off a wall and did something to my knee) The knee feels better after I walk. Hurts a ton if I sit with it bent, or sleep in one spot too long. Hoping that eventually if I keep exercising it, that it'll feel better soon.

Dejibo 08-08-2011 07:04 AM

My god! its soupy out there! its so humid you can drink the air. I came back after two moderatly paced miles drenched in sweat. ICK! Jumped in the shower, and I am ready for my day of errands.

dmplaura 08-08-2011 05:31 PM

Hope errands go well Dej, I know the muggy humid carp weather's dreadful!

We're being flooded out today.. I walked a good amount, but got home with really really wet running shoes (not good at all). I ended up logging on and working 4 hours of overtime (yeah, I'm going to regret that I bet by Friday) because the weather was just THAT bad today.

I did my 20 min toning. Thinking and after dinner walk if it's not crazy soaking out there now. It seems to have calmed a bit, but I see thunderstorms are forecast for this evening so that's not cool! :(

Dejibo 08-08-2011 05:51 PM

Got overwhelmed in the grocery store. UGH! I was doing great till a mom with 3 wagons, and six count them SIX kids were following me from isle to isle. I skipped a couple of isles to get away, and ...there she was! I went back 4 isles to catch up and...There she was! I backed up to get lunch meat for Ds and...there she was! I told DH I couldnt take it anymore. I went and sat in the cafe area till I saw her go to the check out, and by then I was completely spent!

Ever wants folks to just GET AWAY FROM ME! let me shop in peace! where did all these people come from?

SallyC 08-08-2011 06:49 PM

Dej, go shopping in very early morning. No parents, no kids, only a few weirdos..(take DH with you:D)

Erin524 08-08-2011 11:24 PM

Dej, for me it's always the family with the screaming kid that's trying to break the sound barrier with the screaming. (loud enough you can hear the screams while still out in the parking your car) Usually it's a kid that's so obviously so tired that he/she/it shouldnt be out shopping with the parents, but should be home napping, but instead it's being hauled around while they look at dvd's in the Electronics section of WalMart.

I always end up with that group of people going to the same parts of the store where I'm trying to shop. It's so hard to shop while my ears are bleeding.

and to make sure this post is actually on topic...I went to the gym today. Everyone and their brother was there. I had to search for a treadmill. Finally found one off in the corner, that was actually a really nice treadmill. I just didnt like that the little thingie that people can plug their headphones into so they can hear the audio on the tvs was in the way of my Kindle sitting on the book rest. How happy am I that Amazon designed the K so that you can change the screen orientation. I put the K sideways on the book rest and read it that way. Next page button was kind of inconvenient, but at least I still got to read.

did 20 minutes, and about .43 of a mile. It was crowded in the gym, and I kept getting evil eyes from some of the jogger/runners that wanted the treadmill I was on. Apparently I wasnt worthy of using that treadmill because I was only walking and not running on it. (some people make me want to smack them around with my cane...I dont tho, because I dont want to get blood on my cane.)

Dejibo 08-09-2011 07:36 AM

Did 2 miles this morning. im pooped! didnt want to wake up, didnt want to walk, didnt want to loads of things....but I did! Then I had a glas of full fruit juice with montel williams BS powder in it, and im off and running. going to the movies today!

dmplaura 08-10-2011 07:12 AM

I worked 8 hours + 1.5 hours overtime yesterday. Walked before work, then when I got back home, helped a lady move several huge heavy boxes to her car (moving out), then worked...

Did my 20 toning last night while cooking, and still did my 5 km last night following dinner (though an hour late... it was dark out when I got home).

Today, after 7.5 hours of sleep or so, I got up, showered, and set out on my walk for 30 minutes. Well, I am burnt out I think. I didn't feel the familiar 'bounce' in my step today. I was dragging the last half of the walk. Not good.

Supposed to be really rainy tonight, but this is also supposed to be my 5 km walk tonight (skip Thurs-Sat) and I'm thinking I may not do it. I don't know if I can. I feel downright fatigued, which isn't like me most days.

Otherwise feel great, except my pain is stepped up a notch and I feel dopey as all heck. Let's see how work goes today.

Erin524 08-10-2011 11:01 PM

I went to the gym today, things were going great for about 9 minutes when the treadmill just up and stopped on me. Nearly faceplanted into the control panel of the machine. Pulled my shoulder a little, and hurt my hand. Pulled something in my back too. I'd just sped the thing up before it just went dead on me.

Really annoyed the heck out of me. Pay $30 a month for the membership and half the machines don't work.

That was the first time I've had a machine crap out on me like that tho

I went and kvetched (complained) to the management and went home.

I think I only walked maybe 8 or 9 minutes.

My back hurts now

Dejibo 08-11-2011 06:15 AM

woke draggin my right leg. thats odd because its always my left that suffers thru the flairs, but there it is, my right let being very stubborn and not wanting to work. 5am. made DS breakfast, dragged on my clothes, and off we went, draggin a leg and all. Still did 2 miles, but slower. my leg is all buzzy and unhappy. So...let see where this lead. Stupid disease! walking is good for me, but I cant walk if I am dragging a leg.

dmplaura 08-11-2011 07:13 AM

Did not walk last night... worked an extra hour of overtime (yes I am stubborn!). I did my 30 min walk before work, and 20 minutes of toning at dinner, but it was so dark and pouring out I stayed in.

Might see about walking tonight. I don't know the work situation, but I may veto the overtime for the rest of the week (though having extra money when hubby's here visiting would be really nice).

dmplaura 08-12-2011 08:10 AM

Well, I didn't walk last night beyond 20 minutes to take out $20 at an ATM of my bank nearby home. It was drizzling really hard out (and they said 0% chance precip... yeah right!). Was miserable, cold, dark, so I walked a short bit and came home.

Have to walk to the store tonight about 20-25 min from home, and back, so that'll be a good replacement I think for the walks missed this week.

Did my 30 min this morning, and while my 'bounce' is back, my head's in dreadful pain today. Weather change... going from very chilly/unseasonably cold (which I was loving once it stayed that way a few days... low pain!) to humid/hot and dry today. Going to make for a difficult day here.

I hope everyone else is doing well and having a great week! :hug:

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