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Denise R 09-19-2008 11:51 AM

Hello Looking for fibro friends
My name is Denise.I am 49 and married to a wonderful man who understands me and supports me.We have 4 grown kids and 1 grandson.
In 2000 I was diagnosed with RSD after a fracture to my left foot.
It was diagnosed as RSD 4 months later when I could not walk on it and the pain was well you know.... off the charts.I have had 3 blocks with worse symptoms after than before.... for me the blocks seemed to make it move from the foot to EVERYWHERE. I did have a bad reaction during the 2nd block.3rd block no reaction but no pain relief either
I joined Braintalk and followed a lot of advice from other members and put the RSD in remission for several years with only a few flare ups when I did way too much.
However now it's back even if I do nothing.My husband says I have been living in denial about it and I think he's probably right. For years I looked for all kinds of things that could be causing my problems.In the last 5 years I have been to so many doctors I lost count.I have been diagnosed with RSD, Fibromialgia (which I dismissed immediately big mistake on my part) , Arthritis, Mitral valve prolapse,tackycardia, osteoporosis,Stomach ulcer,
IBS ( I think it's because of the meds I take)Anziety and probably a few others I can't think of now as my memory is not what it used to be.I have off and on pain in almost every part of my body.I refer to it as stupid pain because it is there today and gone tomorrow then back again.
For several years I thought I just needed to get over it.Pull myself up by the boot straps, you know think right, act right and you will be alright.Mind over matter well I guess I am here today to admit that I need help.
RSD is here to stay and I need coping skills and friends that understand RSD and Fibro.
I live in Las Vegas it's a fun town if you feel good but just another city if you don't.It's also a hard town to make friends in everyone is so busy making money or throwing it away.Too busy for a friendship I miss friendly people.I know their are some here but they must hide away in their homes like me.It's way too hot to go out it makes the RSD and Fibro worse
I look forward to talking, learning and make friends on this forum.
I hope you are having a good day .
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Dmom3005 09-21-2008 04:43 PM

Hi Denise

I am Donna, and have 3 sons, two which are grown and have a son each.
And one has 3 like step daughters which I call my granddaughters.

My third son is 17 and has epilepsy and has been a real challenge at times.
He is a wonderful young man and I'm so proud of him. He overcomes obstacles in his life daily. From bullies at school, seizures at school and lowering of his IQ every year. Its been a rough thing for mom to understand
for the truth.

I'm a Regional Program Specialist which is just a specially neat title for a parent advocate in Indiana I handle 5 counties in my part of the state.

I too have lots of issues with my health. I had many as a child, and thought
okay I wont have to worry as a adult they are gone. Little did I know they would just return to haunt me.

I have gastroenlogical reflux disease, ulersititus colitis, abnormality in my brain, fibromyalgia, bulges in my neck, and many others I can't even think
straight. Life just finds more each day, and my husband is always just
saying you like to spend money going to the doctor.

So I just quit telling him when I have to do things, unless I need a ride.
Then sometimes I have to depend on others anyway. He is a believer
you create your own problems.

But anyway, I have mainly just a group of co-workers that care. ANd a family that isn't close to my home. But they care. And then a internet
home of friends in a forum here. ANd then I look for more daily. SO join my
group. And know I might forget to check in, but frequently visit the bi-polar
group because they are one of the friendliest most active groups. That
welcome friends.


tamiloo 09-24-2008 10:47 PM

Denise so sorry you have all the challenges you have. I too have fibro and many other things going on with this wonderful bod of mine. You take care and know that there are lots of great folks that will be there when you need to bend a ear...take care!:hug:

Doody 09-27-2008 04:54 PM

Hi ((((Denise)))). Another fibro sufferer here. You're not alone! We understand. :hug:

warbelsnap 10-06-2008 11:05 PM

Welcome Denise. Its nice to meet you. We can all use more friends. They are what help to keep us going and give the support and understanding we need. This board is especially good for that. Everyone on this board understands and knows what it is like everyday. The board and all of us friends are always available. That's what friends are for.

lmintz66 10-27-2008 04:49 AM

Hi Denise!
My name is Lisa and I am 41. I have been dx. with RSD in my hand and Fibro.also. I could really use a friend who knows the pain of both. Sorry it took so long but I just recently joined. Thanks, I look forward to talking to you more!

Denise R 10-29-2008 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by lmintz66 (Post 397106)
Hi Denise!
My name is Lisa and I am 41. I have been dx. with RSD in my hand and Fibro.also. I could really use a friend who knows the pain of both. Sorry it took so long but I just recently joined. Thanks, I look forward to talking to you more!

Hi Lisa,:hug:
I am so sorry that you also have both of these monsters.
I often wonder if RSD causes Fibro
What came first for you ?
For me it was the RSD. I got it after I dislocated the top of my foot, when I tripped over a child safety gate. Don't laugh it's true.:o
Oh go ahead it's been 9 years and even I find it funny & ironic it was a safety gate after all LOL:D
What happened to your hand?:(
How long ago was it when you were dxed with RSD?
Did you get nerve blocks for it?
Do you visit the NeuroTalk RSD forum ?:grouphug:
:eek:Sorry for all the questions :confused2:
but I am also interested in talking to someone with both RSD and Fibro

I know how it feels for me some days it feels like a truck ran over me in my sleep,some days it feels like I am the rusty tin woman of Las Vegas.
How does it feel for you?I hope you are not in a lot of pain but if ever you need to tell someone this is a great place and you can count on me responding but sometimes it's a few days between my log ons. I like the phone better typing is not my strong point.:(
I am and artist:Painter: not a writer:Writting: so I never learned to type fast I just hunt & peck:D

I have only just accepted the fibro dx even though my Rheumatologist told me 2 years ago I had it. I just wanted to blame it all on RSD and still want too. Why........ well I put the RSD into remission for a while by giving my sympathetic system a chance to heal, BUT I don't know how to put fibro into remission.
The search is on.My husband bought me 2 books on fibro.I would put up the names of the books but can't remember if that goes against any Neurotalk posting rules.Mostly I have learned I have to move every hour for at least 5-10 min. So I have been setting the oven timer and then, I have to get up and stretch even though my body wants to just sit and try to not feel any pain.I just started this week and am in a lot of pain now, but it's supposed to help bring back muscle tone before you start walking or exercising.I have no muscles left they have shrunk along with my weight before all this I weighed 125-130 now I struggle to keep my weight above 100 for my health I force myself to eat as well as drink a rice protein drink but with no appetite it's hard.
The author of one of the books (a DR with Fibro herself) says you should be getting 8 hrs of good sleep before starting an exercising plan or even changing your activity level.She sounds on track to me so I will give it a try as all the meds especially Soma have me really thinking I am becoming an addict.
I wonder if there is something about muscle relaxers that perpetuate the condition??????????????
Any thoughts about this anyone?
Well this was a lot of typing for me I like to talk a lot if you do maybe we can call each other I have vonage so long distance is free if I call you.
Have A Pain Free Day & Thanks for taking the time to read this long post.
Denise R:hug:

DM 10-29-2008 06:19 PM

Hello Denise~ Nice to meet you. Boy, where do I start?? I have Fibro, Dermatographism, Polymyalgia, Osteoporosis, arthritis, hemangioma on my spine, L5-S1 spinal disc fusion, neuropathy and on top of that~~ A Neuro from Mayo said yes to MS, but wait till the brain MRI shows active lesions. Whew! Guess you can see that your'e not alone in having troubles.

I have a chronic backache every day and it's getting to be the norm. I sleep w/a contour leg pillow between my knees and w/the Fibro, I toss and turn all night.
Glad you found NT, as this place is so informative and everyone here is so helpful.

Make sure you take a look around at the other forum's too, and make yourself at home.

*also a game forum*

Gee, after reading all my complaints, I think I need to lie down.. take care Denise and welcome again.

Doody 10-29-2008 06:38 PM

LOL DM! I think I need to lay down as well after reading that! :hug:

DM 10-29-2008 07:46 PM

Yeah, kind of pitiful, aren't I Dood???? Geez, no wonder I hate my Rheumy!! ha! He keeps giving me new initials to put behind my name. *grin*

warbelsnap 10-29-2008 09:25 PM

I think I have a headache after reading that. hahaha...hehehehe...naw just kidding. But sometime laughter is the only thing that can get us through. Thanks....I did need a laugh.

Coffeebean 11-05-2008 05:12 PM

Hi Denise,

I too have been diagnosed with both RSD and fibro. I thought my RSD came first (after two failed ulnar nerve surgeries) but then a neurosurgeon friend of mine sat me down and said that I had fibromyalgia and that is probably what caused pain in my arm leading to the surgeries. I don't know, I thought I had the RSD first, but maybe this doctor is correct.

I fought both diagnosis for a long time. I was too afraid of RSD to accept I had it and that may have been a mixed blessing. I am now traveling to see a specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and he has been surprised at my recovery. He thinks it may be related to the lack of medication that I have taken. I was so much in denial about RSD and in so much pain from my surgery, that I could not force myself to get the SGBs or take the medications prescribed. Every time I try, I seem to get so sick from side effects.

I do struggle with RSD because I will tend to get a break from it but then it flares up again. I get so discouraged because I feel so isolated from the world. Like life is going on but I have to sit at home and miss it. I miss going to work, seeing coworkers, feeling vital, having some financial independence, etc. Yes, RSD (and fibro and all these nasty pain syndromes) sure can rob a person of some good years.

Okay, sorry to get down. I have been struggling for the first time in my life with a little bit of depression so I am working through it. Responding to a post is a step for me. I have read these forums for over a year, but I don't write as much because of pain or anxiety. You know, it is like - if I respond then I must be admitting I have the disease. Yes, I think I am still struggling with it all.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well. Also, I wanted to know what you did to get your RSD to go into remission for a while?

Denise R 11-06-2008 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Coffeebean (Post 402859)
Hi Denise,

I too have been diagnosed with both RSD and fibro. I thought my RSD came first (after two failed ulnar nerve surgeries) but then a neurosurgeon friend of mine sat me down and said that I had fibromyalgia and that is probably what caused pain in my arm leading to the surgeries. I don't know, I thought I had the RSD first, but maybe this doctor is correct.

I fought both diagnosis for a long time. I was too afraid of RSD to accept I had it and that may have been a mixed blessing. I am now traveling to see a specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and he has been surprised at my recovery. He thinks it may be related to the lack of medication that I have taken. I was so much in denial about RSD and in so much pain from my surgery, that I could not force myself to get the SGBs or take the medications prescribed. Every time I try, I seem to get so sick from side effects.

I do struggle with RSD because I will tend to get a break from it but then it flares up again. I get so discouraged because I feel so isolated from the world. Like life is going on but I have to sit at home and miss it. I miss going to work, seeing coworkers, feeling vital, having some financial independence, etc. Yes, RSD (and fibro and all these nasty pain syndromes) sure can rob a person of some good years.

Okay, sorry to get down. I have been struggling for the first time in my life with a little bit of depression so I am working through it. Responding to a post is a step for me. I have read these forums for over a year, but I don't write as much because of pain or anxiety. You know, it is like - if I respond then I must be admitting I have the disease. Yes, I think I am still struggling with it all.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well. Also, I wanted to know what you did to get your RSD to go into remission for a while?

Hello and thanks for post I am so sorry you also have also been dxed with both.
At first I wore a catapress patch/Clonidine directly over the useless foot. This is how my Dr. Dxed me with RSD because in several days I could move it and start to put weight on it.
However it still hurt like **** so I wore the catapress patches its a heart med but works on RSD by slowing the nerve impulses .
I took Neurontin for the burning shooting twitching pain and tried most ever pain killer my Dr could think of most hurt my stomach real bad. I now have an ulcer most liiey fro the meds
I was on ibupropen 800 muscle relaxers & antidepresents After developing a rash where I put the patch my Dr put me on Clonidine the pill form it really helped.However.........................
I finally decided that I had had enough pharacuticals after trying a new SSRI that caused me to pass out on the bathroom floor and wake up almost unable to move except for my heart which was racing at 145-165!!!!!!!!!!!
After all this and 3 nerve blocks which did not help but did make it turn into full body RSD (my opinion)I decided I needed a new plan so I slowly went off all meds for 3 years.During this time my discomfort was minimal.
When problems came back it started with my stomach so I started to keep a list of what makes me feel bad.
It was the discovery that I was NOW allergic or sensitive to soy, wheat and dairy that turned things around for me.I also gave up cafein for 3 years.All forms of it except green tea boy was it hard to give up chocolate:mad:
I really thought the rsd was gone until I went on a cross country vacation for a month when I got home the pain was back but it was different instead of burning now I get a lot of all over muscle cramps and back, shoulder and neck spasms that last for a days.
Just when I was learning to deal with it again a stressful thing happened with my daughter and grandson.My Dr thinks maybe the stress and lack of sleep gave me fibro on top of the RSD but that's my GPs opinion. I did not think stress could bring back RSD I thought only a new injury could. I am learning stress can be as bad as an injury, for someone with RSD , as it leads to a lack of sleep and for someone with RSD that just spells more pain soooooo now I am back to taking Atenolo ,Soma ,Tramadol, Trazadone daily. &Valuim & Davocet when needed.
I hate meds and being dependent on them but several new books I am reading about Fibro say you need meds untill the flares are under control.
My RSD books say the same thing
What do you think ?Personaly I think it's the processed food.So I have gone organic.Trader Joes is my favorite store.
Take care and feel better soon.
Sorry the post is so long I am from Texas and come by it naturally LOL

Coffeebean 11-06-2008 05:19 PM

Denise, this is so funny you mentioned Trader Joe's. I just made my weekly run there this afternoon. If I am being careful and watching my diet, I do feel better. But I have to admit, on the way to Trader Joe's I ran through McDonalds and got a medium coffee. I need it to get through my little shopping trip. That is one of my big hurdles to tackle - get off the coffee. Do you think it made any difference when you omitted caffeine for three years? Are you still off of caffeine?

My husband too has said to me several times recently that I am in denial about the diagnosis of RSD. I am lucky because he is so supportive when I need him. It has been hard one him, I can tell, but he doesn't ever complain. Seeing me in pain all the time and no longer able to work has been hard (I am 51 this year and did not plan on retirement until 65). It sure has been a financial hardship on us. Health issues can sure change the course of one's plans.

What makes it worse for me is that I live in fear every day of RSD and a spread. I can deal with the change in lifestyle and social life better than I can deal with the fear of the unknown. I know other posters have said the same thing - they went to many doctors (like me) in the hopes of a new miracle or answer only to end up with more meds and more emotional exhaustion. I think if I can just accept it, then maybe I can put some energy into creating some balance, rather than just going from doctor to doctor.

As for the fibromyalgia, I can't even get a handle on that one. I know I hurt everywhere, it is like all my nerves are so irritated all the time. I can tell I have had the fibromyalgia longer than the RSD. I was just able to deal with it by taking Advil, Darvocet and a few other meds.

I was interested in what another poster (I think her name is Cinnamon) had said recently about fibromyalgia and a connection to viruses we are exposed to. I know for sure I never felt the same after having a really bad case of mono (Epstein Bar) when I was 18-years old. It took me a year to get any energy back and from that time on I had constant aches, sore throats, exhaustion and flu -ike symptoms. This poster said her doctor gave her some antiviral meds and she felt better, along with some other treatments. I wonder if there could be a connection. It is very possible I think since doctors are not yet sure of the cause.

Well, my arms hurt (RSD in my left arm) so I will stop for now.


Dmom3005 11-09-2008 03:55 PM

I dont know anything about RSD but I am learning more and more about
Fibro. And I am not liking what I'm learning.

I have had the worse few days, about 10 days ago, I started getting
a sinus type feeling, but knowing it wasn't a infection yet. I just
moved along. I had fell and have 3 stitches in my knee on Wednesday
the 29th of October, and have a broken finger. So then this last
Wednesday I lost my voice and finally started to get it back yesterday.

And have been coughing my head off. I have presdnone left from the
last infection so am finishing it and doing nebulizer treatments. Trying
to keep breathing. But if I dont get lots better soon will need a doctor.


DM 11-12-2008 10:47 AM

Hello FM friends! You know, as hard as it is to read about other members/friend's misery and pain, it validates to me that my FM is one nasty disease. Right now w/the damp, cold weather upon us, it is rearing it's ugly head in a big way.

Denise~ I am so anti meds too. I fight taking them, but after my Rheumy appt yest, I think my Dr finally got through to me. He changed my AD, upped my nightime med and told me to take my pain meds. I have so much daily pain that my body is constantly in an uproar trying to combat it, which he explained, leaves me suseptible to so many other ailments.

Lisa and Donna~ Your'e right too! I've had FM for a long time and I thought I had a handle on what it is about. It seems to change and of course, we all know how unpredictable FM can be. I have a book on FM, but think I need to reread it and re educate myself.

Donna~ Hope your'e healing; I am a "tripper and faller'' too. NOT FUN!

Have a good day all and thanks for the reminder that I need to treat my FM, not fight it.

Doody 11-12-2008 11:29 AM

Oh my ((Donna)) what a time you've had of it. That old 'when it rains, it pours' sure has been happening to you! Hope you are better.

((DM)) what meds do you take? Every time I see my doctor he harps on me (nicely though) to exercise. I wonder how many fibro patients he has? I just look at him and think...yeah, right! Should I exercise before or after I wrap up in my hot blankets after work for the pain? :p

It has been a rough month. And here I am, never having admitted that yes, I am a barometer, LOL! When I get up from my desk at work most days, it's a huge effort and I hobble around til my body gets with it. People are always asking what's wrong! Now I just go ahead and say "I have fibro, it's nasty, I'm in a bad flare, and I hurt all over." I usually get an "Awww, that's awful."

It is SO nice to be able to talk to people who share this! I don't feel so alone with it. There is one other lady at work with fibro and occasionally we commisserate.

Dmom3005 11-12-2008 02:56 PM

Hi all

Well the sagga continues

My knee has a area that has a small infection possibility. So if they
hadn't already ordered a zpak for my cold the day before. I'd have
been put on antibiotics.

My finger isn't liking me. Its not exactly healing like I'd like. But
I'm hoping soon.

And I slept most of today, and I think that is good. And I'm working
on feeling lots better. Soon I hope to report a big better feeling.

It makes my work harder.


warbelsnap 11-12-2008 09:33 PM

All...yes...FM is bad. There are somedays I have a hard time trying to understand what my body is trying to tell me. FM seems to be an ever changing disorder with so many environmental influences that it is really hard to get a handle on. My Rhuemy insists that I start exercising also...recommended yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc. She stated she does want me to work my muscles just stretch them at least 4 days a week. On amazon, there are 2 yoga dvds specifically design for FM patients. I have both but only tried one of them. So far it is not bad at all. I am glad that I too found this board and have people who understand what I am going through to talk too. Don't know about most, but my family really does try to understand and they do to a point. They just can't completely cause they aren't going through it. So I just wanted to say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD. THERE ARE SOMEDAYS I JUST DON'T THINK I COULD MAKE IT ANOTHER MINUTE IF IT WAS NOT FOR THIS BOARD AND ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE HERE.

tamiloo 11-12-2008 11:06 PM

I just wanted to give all my fellow fibro friends a big hug!!!

warbelsnap 11-13-2008 12:21 AM

Thank you means the world to us.

hugs right back at you my friend.

Judy2 11-14-2008 03:54 AM

Hi Denise and a late Welcome! I spend most of my time over on the MS board and then run out of energy when I check in here. It's okay reading most of the time, but having to think and respond takes alot of energy -- as you all know!!

Sorry you have to deal with this lousy pain too. I was about your age when I was diagnosed with MS although think it was around since 1976. While on one of the injectable drugs for MS, I developed the fibro and have had constant pain since. My wonderful -- NOT -- list of ailments is: mitral valve prolapse, atrial fibrillation, gerd, arthritis, fibro and secondary progressive MS. My legs no longer work so am in a powerchair all the time. Still live alone with my little Bichon Frise, Tasha, but have some great friends who help out alot. I'm now 65, divorced, three grown "kids" and six grandkids. I love them dearly but can only take the noise, commotion, etc., for one day at a time. Had to sell my car this year since I can no longer get in with my legs being so stiff let alone use the pedals. Thought about getting a minivan that I could "roll" into and learn to use hand controls, but after much thought, felt it would take too much energy for the amount I'd use it.

As somebody said, this cold, damp weather is really doing a number on the fibro. Are you weather sensitive? Usually I can tell about 12 hours in advance of a storm coming this way. Lately I've been trying to fight the extreme fatigue. Seems like all I do is sleep, go to the bathroom, eat and go back to sleep again. Certainly didn't imagine these "golden years" turning out like this! Stuck in the house most of the time.

Hope you're having as good a day as possible and hope to get to know you better. Take care! :)

Kathy90277 11-16-2008 11:41 AM

Hi Denise and other Fibro Friends -

As you can see from my signature, I have Fibro as well. Don't have RSD though. Thank goodness! I don't need anymore ailments. Ha!

I completely understand how you feel Denise. To be very honest, my childhood chums are not very understanding of my chronic illnesses. They do not want to understand. I get along better with people who are dealing with the same things I am dealing with. I have a few friends who do have chronic illnesses and we talk and try to lift each others spirits. I also have two wonderful friends (ex-coworkers) who are extremely supportive. We all need friends and I am very glad I found this forum.

I'm 55 yrs old, married 21 yrs and I have a daughter from my first marriage. I also have two grandchildren. My granddaughter lives with us. She will be 16 in April. When her parents moved to another city she did not want to leave her friends and school so she is living with us during the week and goes home on weekends.

I deal with pain 24/7 and I am on a heavy narcotic. I am having surgery on Dec. 2nd on my back. They will be removing a diseased disc and putting in a cage. I have curvature at that same area that does not help matters. Hopefully the surgery will help with the pain I deal with in my lower back and right leg. Keeping fingers crossed.

My fibro pain is the pitts. I feel like someone has hit me all over my body. Just punched at me.

I live in Redondo Beach, CA by the way. I am happy to meet you as well as the other posters on this thread. Keep your chin up and watch a funny movie. Funny movies always put me in a better place for some reason.

Here's a :hug: for you and everyone else. Have a good day today and I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else here.


warbelsnap 11-16-2008 02:55 PM

Welcome Kathy. Sorry to hear about your pain. We here on the board do understand and are friends from the very beginning. We all have something in common. We are always here.

Kathy90277 11-16-2008 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by warbelsnap (Post 409218)
Welcome Kathy. Sorry to hear about your pain. We here on the board do understand and are friends from the very beginning. We all have something in common. We are always here.

Hi warblesnap - Thank you very much.:)

Dmom3005 11-16-2008 06:46 PM

NOt sure I've posted on this thread.

But I'm Donna and I have fibro and some other issues. I've been dealing
with my asthma and probably broncitis lately so being online hasn't been
as much. But my fibro comes and goes thanks to the fact that my
other issues sometimes in the pain area, take over.

I'm just trying to understand what all is involved.


Lara54658 11-16-2008 07:29 PM

thank you for sharing...

My name is Laura and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in October 2008. It's been a shock and I read that it presents with trauma and infection -- both are true in my case.

I am interested in the fact that you state that "For years I looked for all kinds of things that could be causing my problems.In the last 5 years I have been to so many doctors I lost count.I have been diagnosed with RSD, Fibromialgia (which I dismissed immediately big mistake on my part) , Arthritis, Mitral valve prolapse,tackycardia, osteoporosis,Stomach ulcer,
IBS ( I think it's because of the meds I take)Anziety and probably a few others I can't think of now as my memory is not what it used to be."

I hear that my diagnosis is a "syndrome" so my pain sensitivity will not go away and neither will my exhaustion. You have successfully raised 4 children. You provide me courage. I ask you whether the pain and exhaustion in your life fluctuates given what you focus on. Mine does.

This fluctuation of perception leads me to believe at times I do not have the disease. I have difficulty focusing on my health and realizing that I am in a ill human body that others depend on to function -- including me!? Is this what happens with you at all?

I, too, was brought up to "get over it.Pull myself up by the boot straps, you know think right, act right and you will be alright.Mind over matter". I accept a spiritual aspect of this and the gift of knowing how human all of us are at times...but then I distance myself. I am so scared that now I cannot live the life I envisioned for myself; I am scared of "me".

But I do not stay this conscious at all times and fell when I read your statement "well I guess I am here today to admit that I need help." I live in rural WI, and I just moved here so it is hard to introduce myself and then have so many needs to want to "complain" about (health insurance that doesn't pay, dearth of deep friends, lack of interesting interactions). I would prefer to be in a position of giving.

I just contacted someone outside the home (for involvement in something called "Lifeline" that allows ill and elderly individuals to remain in their homes). I want to start volunteering, and perhaps obtain a paid position with health insurance. But its hard due to the fact that I don't want to see myself as so ill and vulnerable; I am married to someone who has MS and I am 39. This is all their is.

I am lucky to be able to participate in this community and hear of someone else's life who suffers similarly. Your post reminds me that I am human and OK.

Your note added something to my life because it encouraged me to acknowledge that I am not alone in wanting to disown this disease And that fear given vulnerability remains normal. I wish you continued energy to provide such a beautiful gift of emotional exchanges.

Take care and good luck! You are an incredibly special woman.


warbelsnap 11-16-2008 09:04 PM

Welcome Laura. And you are not alone. My name is Betty. I was diagnosed with Fibro and other things between May 2008 and Aug 2008. It is okay to ask for help when you need it. I have never been one to ask. If it can be done, I'd do it myself. That is just the way I have always been. Unfortunately, I had to leave a job I loved and enjoyed because of the pain. My rhuemi is still trying to find the right combo of meds to make the pain somewhat bearable to where I don't have to take so many narcotics during the day. I've also learned that you can only do what you can do and you have to take it one day at a time. Nothing more, nothing less. On one of the other posts, I stated we are survivors everyday that we get up even if we accomplish something or not. We have all been dealt a crappy hand physically in life. Just do what you can. When you get down, the pain gets really bad, or just feel alone, come and talk to us. We are all in this together. We do understand. I've come to think of this board as another part of my family that I rely on. Sometimes I don't get on for weeks, and then other times I'm on it everyday, several times a day. I am sorry that you are having to go through this. Please remember you have family here and we are always willing to listen and do what we can. Welcome and good luck with the volunteering. I do hope it works out for you. Please keep in touch with us.

Denise R 11-16-2008 11:42 PM

hi Donna

Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 405040)
I dont know anything about RSD but I am learning more and more about
Fibro. And I am not liking what I'm learning.

I have had the worse few days, about 10 days ago, I started getting
a sinus type feeling, but knowing it wasn't a infection yet. I just
moved along. I had fell and have 3 stitches in my knee on Wednesday
the 29th of October, and have a broken finger. So then this last
Wednesday I lost my voice and finally started to get it back yesterday.

And have been coughing my head off. I have presdnone left from the
last infection so am finishing it and doing nebulizer treatments. Trying
to keep breathing. But if I dont get lots better soon will need a doctor.


Hi Donna ,
Boy you have had a rough time of it.I hope are feeling better soon.
I found that when I cut dairy out of my diet I no longer needed the nebulizer or the inhaler.It took several weeks of no dairy to realize that I am now senstive to dairy and for me it it was very hard to accept .I would try some every few weeks but all the problems came back right away then went away when I stopped dairy,I have done this at least 6 times because I just could'nt accept that something that never bothered me does now.
I have also discovered that soy and wheat bring on as flare as well .
Take Care Denise

Denise R 11-16-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kathy90277 (Post 409122)
Hi Denise and other Fibro Friends -

As you can see from my signature, I have Fibro as well. Don't have RSD though. Thank goodness! I don't need anymore ailments. Ha!

I completely understand how you feel Denise. To be very honest, my childhood chums are not very understanding of my chronic illnesses. They do not want to understand. I get along better with people who are dealing with the same things I am dealing with. I have a few friends who do have chronic illnesses and we talk and try to lift each others spirits. I also have two wonderful friends (ex-coworkers) who are extremely supportive. We all need friends and I am very glad I found this forum.

I'm 55 yrs old, married 21 yrs and I have a daughter from my first marriage. I also have two grandchildren. My granddaughter lives with us. She will be 16 in April. When her parents moved to another city she did not want to leave her friends and school so she is living with us during the week and goes home on weekends.

I deal with pain 24/7 and I am on a heavy narcotic. I am having surgery on Dec. 2nd on my back. They will be removing a diseased disc and putting in a cage. I have curvature at that same area that does not help matters. Hopefully the surgery will help with the pain I deal with in my lower back and right leg. Keeping fingers crossed.

My fibro pain is the pitts. I feel like someone has hit me all over my body. Just punched at me.

I live in Redondo Beach, CA by the way. I am happy to meet you as well as the other posters on this thread. Keep your chin up and watch a funny movie. Funny movies always put me in a better place for some reason.

Here's a :hug: for you and everyone else. Have a good day today and I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else here.


Hi Katy,
I love the idea of a fuuny movie. What do you like?

I will be praying for you on the surgery date I hope it helps.

My dughter lives in Glendale CA

WOW the fires are so scarry I hope you and all your loved ones are safe!

Dmom3005 11-19-2008 10:43 PM

Thanks Denise

I have watched Dairy but it doesn't make a difference with my
symptoms. Now I don't take Soy very well so I quit trying to
drink it.

I just need to accept that I'm going to have some problems,
and keep working on it.


Barbara Mullikin 01-08-2009 04:14 PM

Hello Denise
I Too Have Fibro , I understand your pain, I feel Your Pain, And I am Sorry For Your Pain. Hugssssssssssss Nice too Meet YOu

Dmom3005 01-09-2009 05:57 PM

Welcome Barbara
Welcome abroad the fibro room. Let us know if we can help.

I'm Donna.

I have a question for anyone around. Not sure if its fibro or one of
my other problems. But I've been having massage therapy, and my
muscles are so tight that its leaving bad bruising.

Any one else bruise really fast and bad.

And what do you use.

Besides ice.


warbelsnap 01-10-2009 12:17 AM

Welcome Barbara its nice to meet you. :D My name is Betty. :wink:I am so sorry you are having to go through this just like the rest of us. We are all friends here and if you every need to talk, complain, hugs, etc., this is the place to come. I would be very lost and nuttier than normal if not for all of the wonderful people on this board. :grouphug:

tamiloo 01-10-2009 04:26 AM

Hello Betty, I was thinking of you last night when I found this picture...:hug:
Hope all is well with all my fibro friends!! I'm having sleeping problems. I think I'm afraid of sleep. Of being in bed alone while my Olhipie sleeps. My computer is in and amoire desk in our bedroom so I'm still by him but I have all of you with me too. Goodnight all I'm going to try to sleep...which me luck!!

warbelsnap 01-10-2009 11:20 AM

Tamiloo--thank you...I love it. I hope you got some sleep last night. I am so sorry you have been having problems. I sure wish I could just snap my fingers and make everyones pain go away. Please are not alone. We are all here with you and will always be. Let us know if we can help. Gentle hugs and lots of them to you. I will keep you in my prayers.

Doody 01-10-2009 11:05 PM

Hi ((Barbara)) and welcome! I too am sorry you have this nasty stuff. I'm glad you found this great place! NeuroTalk is wonderful, all of the subforums have ownderful people. :hug:

Wow Donna! Do you have a massage therapist that has good training with fibromyalgia therapy? Be sure and let them know when they are hurting you. My therapist is excellent at gauging what's going on with my fascia and muscles. Sometimes when she touches me and it hurts really bad it's surprising to find out she's putting very little pressure on me. So it doesn't take much to hurt you when that fascia is so flared!

Maybe you need someone with more skill in this area, I'm just not sure. I haven't bruised from my therapy. :hug:

tamiloo 01-11-2009 03:08 AM

Hugs to you all this morning...was going to say tonight but looked at the clock...going to bed...finally tired!

WC Nightmare 01-23-2009 12:47 AM

Hi D,
Just 2 1/2 hours from Vegas. 45 miles south/south rim in AZ. Fibro pal although they didnt know thats what I had until a week ago tuesday. Kinda wondering if all these surgeries were neccesary. My little read headed step daughter is a message therapist in LV at one of the huge resorts. I have three grown and seven grandbabies that are my world, just wish I could bare to travel, riding kills me. Tomorrow is a new day, a new way!

Doody 01-26-2009 10:25 AM

Hi WC. You sure are new with your diagnosis! I'm not sure exactly why, but when they first diagnosed me with this I was shocked, dismayed, overwhelmed, even though it isn't 'life-threatening'.

It sure is dibilitating. I hope this post finds you feeling good. :hug:

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