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Hope_floats 08-26-2014 07:31 AM

LYRICA WITHDRAWAL - a true nightmare!
Hello everyone. I sincerely pray that you are all doing well and congratulate those who have made it to the other side.

As I write this, I am so desperate for help. If you can offer a couple of words of support and advice I will be eternally grateful.

Let me introduce myself. I am a 37 year old female, professional, wife, and mother to a 3 year old boy. I have been on Lyrica for over 3 years on and off. This had been prescribed to me for neurogenic pain. I was diagnosed to have fibromyalgia plus had a traumatic back injury due to a faulty epidural during my c-section three years back. And several doctors believed that Lyrica would be the solution for both problems. They started me on 75 mg, increased to 150, then 300....etc.

I must admit that that even though it didn't do too much for the pain, it made me "care less" about the pain. It also helped with my anxiety which wasn't at a morbid level, only part of my slightly anxious personality. By this I mean that I would feel anxious if giving a presentation , going to crowded places, meeting new people for the first time, etc. Otherwise was completely normal. I found that Lyrica would help me feel more at ease and talk easier to others...kinda give me some courage I guess. I also must admit that it gave me a bit of a head-buzz that I enjoyed. I have never smoked, drank alcohol, or ever experimented with any recreational drugs whatsoever. My whole life I have been on the straight and narrow, even during high school and college. So I never knew what it meant to have a head buzz or feel "high". But I enjoyed the feeling that Lyrica made me feel.

I started to up my dose by myself as I grew tolerant to it. Towards the end I would be taking around 10 capsules of 300mg per day!!!!
I know this is a ridiculous amount and I don't know what got into me?! I feel like the Lyrica in my system made my judgment go bad and I would accept things I usually would never taking dangerously high doses of Lyrica!!

I did get off Lyrica once in January and the withdrawl lasted for maybe 10 days and wasn't that severe. So I guess I didn't learn enough of a lesson and went back on it when. My back pain became worse.

Now I have made a firm decision to stop Lyrica once and for all. I didn't really taper off properly. My last capsule of 75 mg was on June 29 (58 days ago). And I still feel like I am not myself. You will not believe the roller coaster of a nightmare I was on! I was admitted to the hospital initiall for 2 week with a diagnosis of "Acute Confusional State". I was disoriented to person, place, and time. I had amnesia, dyskinesia, total insomnia, and hallucinations. I couldn't even use the bathroom by myself or bath myself. I was completely dependent on others. Incidentally they discovered that I was extremely low in Vitamin B1 which I believe was depleted by the Lyrica. Apparently I had Beri Beri and Wernicke's Encephalopathy (sever B1 deficiency leading to both physical and mental consequences). This occurs in alcoholics but I have NEVER even had a sip of alcohol. So I my best bet is that this was caused be the Lyrica!

A month after I was a bit better but as of today I still have the following symptoms: insomnia, anxiety, PANIC ATTACKS, a sense of depersonalizations and derealization, depression, and a general sense of uneasiness and tension, and memory problems. I always feel Iike I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, absence of impending doom. I'm too frightened to go out of the house where there are crowds for fear that it will be obvious that I am "abnormal". My close family who knows about what happened to me say I appear completely normal on the outside, but God knows that's NOT how I feel on the inside. On the inside I'm SCREAMING and my heart is racing and find it difficult two breath. But on the outside you wouldn't have a clue.

In desperation I started Cipralex (an antidepressant of the SSRI group) and am on day 8. Unfortunately things get worse on it before they get better ( it takes anywhere from 2-8 wks for a positive effect). My panic attacks are worse at night when I try to sleep and they keep me up FRIGHTENED TO DEATH with palpitations. I also would wake up repeatedly drenched in sweat and having panic attacks throughout the night. Again in desperation I added on Seroquel (an atypical antipsychotic/antidepressant which helps with anxiety and insomnia and actually augments the effect of Cipralex). This helps only at night when I'm unable to sleep from the panic attacks. It gives me only 4 hours of sleep (both when I tried 100mg and 200mg). And I know I NEED TO SLEEP because I noticed my panic attacks get worse when I'm sleep deprived.

I apologize for the lengthy message but I feel an obligation to let others know what Lyrica has done for me. I'm not a psychiatric patient, but had so many mental symptoms due to severe B1 (Thiamin) Deficiency brought upon by the Lyrica. So if ur having mental symptoms PLEASE INSIST THAT YOUR DOCTOR CHECKS YOUR VITAMIN LEVELS, ESP B COMPLEX!

In addition I was hoping, really praying, that someone...anyone...could chime in and say that they felt the way that I did and came out the other side. I'm desperate to feel "normal" again. Can anyone tell me how much longer it will take? I never expected to feel this way 8 weeks out!!


God Bless You All,

Hope_floats 08-28-2014 06:01 AM

I feel bad that no one has replied.
I know this forum is full of true angels so plz help me.
Words can not describe how awful I feel.
Please lend a hand my friends... PLEASE.

Lara 08-28-2014 03:23 PM

I'm so sorry for what you are going through.
It must be horrible. :hug:

If I may suggest ... try posting over on the
Medications & Treatments Forum

There are other posts there regarding withdrawal from different medications.
In fact if you scroll down on this forum - Chronic Pain - you'll see many threads already there about Lyrica withdrawals.

Another idea is to try searching the forums for "lyrica withdrawal".

edited to add: try this

forum search - lyrica withdrawal

Diandra 08-28-2014 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Hope_floats (Post 1092263)
I feel bad that no one has replied.
I know this forum is full of true angels so plz help me.
Words can not describe how awful I feel.
Please lend a hand my friends... PLEASE.

There are several posts about having problems with Lyrica withdrawal and if you read through them you will find the info you are looking for. You are probably not getting responses for that reason.
I wish you the best....I know it is not easy.

Hockey 08-28-2014 09:17 PM

This is a very hot topic on NT.

I was on Lyrica for nerve pain. My evil neurologist stopped me cold turkey, so I know the hell you're going through. The drug really should be tapered off, under medical supervision.

McKenzie 08-30-2014 01:18 AM

Lyrica nightmare

Originally Posted by Hope_floats (Post 1091703)
Hello everyone. I sincerely pray that you are all doing well and congratulate those who have made it to the other side.

As I write this, I am so desperate for help. If you can offer a couple of words of support and advice I will be eternally grateful.

Let me introduce myself. I am a 37 year old female, professional, wife, and mother to a 3 year old boy. I have been on Lyrica for over 3 years on and off. This had been prescribed to me for neurogenic pain. I was diagnosed to have fibromyalgia plus had a traumatic back injury due to a faulty epidural during my c-section three years back. And several doctors believed that Lyrica would be the solution for both problems. They started me on 75 mg, increased to 150, then 300....etc.

I must admit that that even though it didn't do too much for the pain, it made me "care less" about the pain. It also helped with my anxiety which wasn't at a morbid level, only part of my slightly anxious personality. By this I mean that I would feel anxious if giving a presentation , going to crowded places, meeting new people for the first time, etc. Otherwise was completely normal. I found that Lyrica would help me feel more at ease and talk easier to others...kinda give me some courage I guess. I also must admit that it gave me a bit of a head-buzz that I enjoyed. I have never smoked, drank alcohol, or ever experimented with any recreational drugs whatsoever. My whole life I have been on the straight and narrow, even during high school and college. So I never knew what it meant to have a head buzz or feel "high". But I enjoyed the feeling that Lyrica made me feel.

I started to up my dose by myself as I grew tolerant to it. Towards the end I would be taking around 10 capsules of 300mg per day!!!!
I know this is a ridiculous amount and I don't know what got into me?! I feel like the Lyrica in my system made my judgment go bad and I would accept things I usually would never taking dangerously high doses of Lyrica!!

I did get off Lyrica once in January and the withdrawl lasted for maybe 10 days and wasn't that severe. So I guess I didn't learn enough of a lesson and went back on it when. My back pain became worse.

Now I have made a firm decision to stop Lyrica once and for all. I didn't really taper off properly. My last capsule of 75 mg was on June 29 (58 days ago). And I still feel like I am not myself. You will not believe the roller coaster of a nightmare I was on! I was admitted to the hospital initiall for 2 week with a diagnosis of "Acute Confusional State". I was disoriented to person, place, and time. I had amnesia, dyskinesia, total insomnia, and hallucinations. I couldn't even use the bathroom by myself or bath myself. I was completely dependent on others. Incidentally they discovered that I was extremely low in Vitamin B1 which I believe was depleted by the Lyrica. Apparently I had Beri Beri and Wernicke's Encephalopathy (sever B1 deficiency leading to both physical and mental consequences). This occurs in alcoholics but I have NEVER even had a sip of alcohol. So I my best bet is that this was caused be the Lyrica!

A month after I was a bit better but as of today I still have the following symptoms: insomnia, anxiety, PANIC ATTACKS, a sense of depersonalizations and derealization, depression, and a general sense of uneasiness and tension, and memory problems. I always feel Iike I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, absence of impending doom. I'm too frightened to go out of the house where there are crowds for fear that it will be obvious that I am "abnormal". My close family who knows about what happened to me say I appear completely normal on the outside, but God knows that's NOT how I feel on the inside. On the inside I'm SCREAMING and my heart is racing and find it difficult two breath. But on the outside you wouldn't have a clue.

In desperation I started Cipralex (an antidepressant of the SSRI group) and am on day 8. Unfortunately things get worse on it before they get better ( it takes anywhere from 2-8 wks for a positive effect). My panic attacks are worse at night when I try to sleep and they keep me up FRIGHTENED TO DEATH with palpitations. I also would wake up repeatedly drenched in sweat and having panic attacks throughout the night. Again in desperation I added on Seroquel (an atypical antipsychotic/antidepressant which helps with anxiety and insomnia and actually augments the effect of Cipralex). This helps only at night when I'm unable to sleep from the panic attacks. It gives me only 4 hours of sleep (both when I tried 100mg and 200mg). And I know I NEED TO SLEEP because I noticed my panic attacks get worse when I'm sleep deprived.

I apologize for the lengthy message but I feel an obligation to let others know what Lyrica has done for me. I'm not a psychiatric patient, but had so many mental symptoms due to severe B1 (Thiamin) Deficiency brought upon by the Lyrica. So if ur having mental symptoms PLEASE INSIST THAT YOUR DOCTOR CHECKS YOUR VITAMIN LEVELS, ESP B COMPLEX!

In addition I was hoping, really praying, that someone...anyone...could chime in and say that they felt the way that I did and came out the other side. I'm desperate to feel "normal" again. Can anyone tell me how much longer it will take? I never expected to feel this way 8 weeks out!!


God Bless You All,

Dear Laura, my story and experience with Lyrica is similar in some ways. I was on it for over 10 years and my withdrawal has been hell for over 18 months. I have joined this forum because I want to raise awareness of how dangerous this drug is in the long term. I am not sure how to navigate this website yet, but I would love to talk/share more with you to help you and others through this. It is very real and dangerous but very gradually I am starting to return to "normal".
Regards McKenzie

Hope_floats 08-30-2014 06:33 AM

Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. Sometimes we don't need the answer but just need to know that there's support out there and we're not going through this alone. God bless each one of you.

I did write in the Medication & Treatment forum but unfortunately didn't receive a response yet.

Hope_floats 08-30-2014 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by McKenzie (Post 1092787)
Dear Laura, my story and experience with Lyrica is similar in some ways. I was on it for over 10 years and my withdrawal has been hell for over 18 months. I have joined this forum because I want to raise awareness of how dangerous this drug is in the long term. I am not sure how to navigate this website yet, but I would love to talk/share more with you to help you and others through this. It is very real and dangerous but very gradually I am starting to return to "normal".
Regards McKenzie

Hello McKenzie,
Thank you for your reply. I'm so sorry that you are still suffering but I can relate to you. Please tell me your exact symptoms, treatments used that helped, and duration of symptoms. Will I ever feel "normal" again? I don't mean to be perfectly fine, but at least free of the anxiety and panic attacks that have made me a prisoner in my own body! :(

Hope_floats 09-06-2014 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by McKenzie (Post 1092787)
Dear Laura, my story and experience with Lyrica is similar in some ways. I was on it for over 10 years and my withdrawal has been hell for over 18 months. I have joined this forum because I want to raise awareness of how dangerous this drug is in the long term. I am not sure how to navigate this website yet, but I would love to talk/share more with you to help you and others through this. It is very real and dangerous but very gradually I am starting to return to "normal".
Regards McKenzie

Pls share your experience with us. I'm still pretty bad after stopping Lyrica for 10 wks!
Thank you.

ginnie 09-06-2014 06:15 PM

Hi Hope
Have been off line or I would have said hello way before now. So sorry you are dealing with the withdraw of lyrica. I do indeed know about getting off a drug that you have taken for years.
My hope is that your doctor will go slowly for you. Also there are other temporary meds that can take the edge off. Ask.
There really is light at the end of the nightmare.
I took morphine for years for my spine. Two spinal fusions later I got off it. Most awful experience I ever had. So I sure know what you face. These medications we receive in such good faith, sometimes can turn to be our worst enemy. One day and a time, One step, and keep your friends and family close to you. Hope your doctor is compassionate. ginnie:hug:

Synnove 09-06-2014 06:32 PM

Hope floats.

I see you must have been going through some horrendous experiences.
I hope you are getting help now, and can slowly get back to a better handle on the terrific pain that neuropathy can cause.

I must say, I have never heard about such a high dose of Lyrica. I thought the absolute maximum daily dose was 600 mg, ( 350 mg being the mostly max used) Was it your neurologist that managed the prescription ?

I have been taking Lyrica for about 1 1/2 year for neuropathy pain.
( The doctor put me on Neurontin at first, but that was quickly stopped due to feeling dizzy and "high" ( if that is what I felt. I, just like you have never taken any kind of drugs or alcohol, so I do not know what it means) I did not like the feeling of being like that Out of control.

The Lyrica has really helped my neuropathy pain, and I have tolerated it well. That is except for ONE thing, and this one thing, I have been thinking, could be due to Lyrica:

I have been getting some strange night episodes when I wake up and feel like something is pounding inside. Then I feel an extreme warmth that starts at one part of the body, and it slowly spreads to other area, one by one. It often ends up with a extreme internal heat inside my head.

I have been explaining this to my neurologists ( have been seing 3 - 4 of them in consultations) I have had different tests, the cause of this has not been found, other than the fact that I think it is the Lyrica.

I went to the Mayo Clinic, the neurologist there could not diagnose it other than she said it sounds like a panic attack. I did get upset with this, and told her that I do not feel anxious in general ( other than a little due to lack of diagnosis, and due to everlasting neuropathy pain and burning)

I was sent to a epilepsy neurologist and had 72 hour EEG monitoring for seizures, but luckily negative.

All this I am telling has been while I am still on Lyrica. I have been told that it is very important to take Lyrica with regular intervals so that the drug level stays the same in the blood stream at all times.

I read all your horrible withdrawal symptoms, and I started to compare.
But first, I must say, I do not have the stuff you are mentioning.

So now I have come to think, that this strange night episodes could some sort of withdrawal symptoms during the night if the level gets low( ??)

I am planning to try to stop Lyrica. And I have discussed it with my doctor.
I will have to, just to be able to confirm or dismiss the idea that the night symptoms is due to Lyrica.

Other than this night symptom, I am really doing well on Lyrica. But I do not think that it is a med one should be on for long term.
At present they think they have found the cause of my neuropathy, Rheumatoid Arthritis. And I have been actively treated for that for some time, hoping the neuropathy will lessen, but so far not.

I hope you will be well soon. I hope you have a good neurologist that can help you through the withdrawal and help you treat your neuropathy.

Wiix 09-06-2014 09:48 PM

What's wrong with good old fashioned Tylenol? Unless of course your pain is an injury then forget it. Sounds like you were injured, :(

Best thing to do is STOP!! Stop all the pill popping and let your body get over all this. Stop listening to doctors!

Lara 09-06-2014 10:46 PM


Best thing to do is STOP!! Stop all the pill popping and let your body get over all this. Stop listening to doctors!
... best not to stop any medication suddenly though. :)

Always ask your doctor.

Hannie 09-07-2014 08:29 AM

I was also on lyrica but did not know how hard it was to go off it and without seeking advice I just stopped it but went through 3 weeks of hell even though I was on many other pain killers some of which are very high pain killers, my dr went mad when he heard what I had done as you are supposed to go off them really slow,
I really feel for you.

Andy_Pablo 09-08-2014 04:11 AM

So sorry to read about your issues. I also take Lycira for chronic pelvic nerve pain & I too have weird trippy sensations & sometimes complete amnesia which can sometimes stretch for hours. I think being able to hear my own eyeballs when they move is the most bizarre. They do very little for the pain, so after reading about your nightmare, I think I will speak to my doc about a slow withdrawal. Its bizarre how much these medications that are intended to help, end up causing added stress & problems. I hope you get the help you need both with your pain & medication issues...

Dr. Smith 09-08-2014 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 1094669)
What's wrong with good old fashioned Tylenol?


While generally safe for use at recommended doses, even small overdoses can be fatal. Compared to other over-the-counter pain relievers, paracetamol [Tylenol, acetaminophen, APAP] is significantly more toxic in overdose but may be less toxic when used chronically at recommended doses.
It can also cause liver damage, especially when used longterm or in higher than recommended doses.

Some people (self included) have little choice if they cannot take NSAIDs, so I take NAC to try to mitigate liver stress.


Tamara66 01-14-2020 07:43 PM

Laura I know how you feel. I'm going threw withdrawals right now and feel the same as you did. How long did it take to withdrawal? Help scared

TheoRhetorical 02-19-2020 06:21 AM

Lyrica strikes again
My tolerance to Lyrica was so bad I could hardly get off base doses. Yet even coming off that gave me miniversions of these common symptoms

I have also seen the bad side of Lyrica in full effect in another Fibro sufferer

I think it is wise to look at some of the more medically-orientated drug and alcohol withdrawl/detox sites. Their general info on getting through withdrawls may offer some relevant ideas.

Also - it seems unless I have misread, there is much self-medicating happening here. Adding this, overdosing that, suddenly ceasing the other... I am going to have to say, of course your body and mind are going through hades. While I am not reading that this is a cause of your conditions, I would be concerned that such a cluster of such strong meds with such a range of impactful effects and side-effects may increase or intensify some of the experieces you are suffering.

Some people say, "Stop listening to doctors" but sometimes when suffering so long with such little effective support we get used to selfmanaging. It has its traps though, too.

If I have misread, please excuse my reply.

One thing I can advise is to try to, "Reality Check" as much as you need. Just to refocus on the reasons you are experiencing this and the reality that if you keep fighting, withdrawls receed and pass. Do it yourself, and ask those closest to you to call a, "Reality Check" if you are losing focus. A good ally who is aware of what is happening for you can be better than a pill...

Good luck!!

caroline2 02-19-2020 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheoRhetorical (Post 1283701)
My tolerance to Lyrica was so bad I could hardly get off base doses. Yet even coming off that gave me miniversions of these common symptoms

I have also seen the bad side of Lyrica in full effect in another Fibro sufferer

I think it is wise to look at some of the more medically-orientated drug and alcohol withdrawl/detox sites. Their general info on getting through withdrawls may offer some relevant ideas.

Also - it seems unless I have misread, there is much self-medicating happening here. Adding this, overdosing that, suddenly ceasing the other... I am going to have to say, of course your body and mind are going through hades. While I am not reading that this is a cause of your conditions, I would be concerned that such a cluster of such strong meds with such a range of impactful effects and side-effects may increase or intensify some of the experieces you are suffering.

Some people say, "Stop listening to doctors" but sometimes when suffering so long with such little effective support we get used to selfmanaging. It has its traps though, too.

If I have misread, please excuse my reply.

One thing I can advise is to try to, "Reality Check" as much as you need. Just to refocus on the reasons you are experiencing this and the reality that if you keep fighting, withdrawls receed and pass. Do it yourself, and ask those closest to you to call a, "Reality Check" if you are losing focus. A good ally who is aware of what is happening for you can be better than a pill...

Good luck!!

I've read so many horrors of this Lyrica drug, I wouldn't touch it if it were free.
And taking Lyrica is hardly self medicating, it's handed out by the docs. I woke up in the 80's to the dangers of the RX drugs.

Hudson61D 12-10-2020 10:43 AM

Tapering off of Lyrica/Pregabalin
I'm a 64 year old male that was put on lyrica 14 months ago for neuropathy pain in my legs and OA in the lumbar region of my back. The lyrica was prescribed by my neurologist.

I've put on 80 pounds in those 14 months. My PCP wants me off this drug. Due to the weight gain, I'm on blood thinners (due to a clot in my right calf muscle) and high pressure medication. Lyrica has ruined my quality of life. I was only taking 225 mgs a day and having tapered to 100 mgs a day over a two month period. I'm now getting nasty anxiety in the afternoon and evening. I have suffered with generalized anxiety disorder all my life and currently take 200 mg of zoloft. My PCP has prescribed Xanax (.5 mg, 3 times a day) to help with the anxiety but I don't want to replace one problem drug with another.

I plan on doing water titration for the final 100 mgs by tapering 10% per month. I hope to finally get off this medication once and for all. This medication should be banned.

caroline2 12-10-2020 01:36 PM

Oh Hudson, another story on this terrible drug...thanks for giving yours and sorry for all your misery....I would not touch it and won't touch many other drugs either...

My strongest pain med is 1 ibuprofen and 1 extra strength tylenol (generic) every 6 hrs....and I get thru my 24 hrs and I'm 82......

Now and then I will wake up during night in a lot of body pain, from shoulders to feet, and it happened last night, so I took my 2 pain meds 1 hr earlier, and it got me back to sleep. And always with some food as I keep a couple crackers on my nightstand for that reason and eat them during night wake ups.

I take a LOT of supplements and my most helpful for the neuropathy seems to be Inosine and I need to order it again as I'm about out.... I've posted a lot here and I deal with all my issues since hip replacement 10 yrs ago....

Thanks again and welcome and make some changes, MSM in water a couple times a day helps calm pain too....

razzle51 11-27-2021 02:28 AM

i am on it now just 50 mg twice a day ..stopped taking it for few days and didnt feel any different... i know i have gained some weight which i cant stand..i have taken lyrica in the past and no problem getting off. it effects everyone differently

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