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Bearygood 07-12-2008 07:52 AM

Big Brother 10
BB 10 starts on Sunday! Here's some info. for any BB fans out there who visit this section.

The Houseguests' bio.s are in many places on the internet but here's a different spin -- Jen from BB 8's take!: (Note that the "Jenius" used the 'word' 'Jenuine' in one of her descriptions, LOL. )

This is just a rumor but a few places have speculated that the twist includes a secret room and mirrors. Also, I had read at some point that there were actually going to be 14 houseguests -- there have only been 13 revealed so there is also some speculation that IF there is a 14th houseguest it might have something to do with the secret room. Who knows for sure but apparently when Julie Chen was giving a tour of the house on the Early Show there were 14 slots on the "memory wall".

This season has been described as a "return to BB's roots" in honor of the 10th anniversary. I tend to think it has more to do with BB9's bad ratings! At any rate, I hope this is a good season!

Becky21 07-14-2008 09:20 PM


From what I saw last night, I think this season will be better. I sure hope they get that woman voted out of there. I can't stand listening to her after one show.

It seems like last night show didn't give enough info about the players for me to decide who I liked and disliked. I can't even remember all their names.:D

DM 07-14-2008 09:25 PM

thanks BG! I was channel surfing and about flipped when BB came on. I had forgotten all about it. It usually takes me a few episodes before I pick a few faves, but right now~~ Renny must GO. (Not a Jesse the bodybuilder fan either)

Becky21 07-14-2008 10:29 PM

That's the one DM. Renny.:eek: They will probably keep her just to annoy us like they do every season. They pick a goof ball who either, cries, whines or is just plain annoying. This year it is Renny.:eek:

Bearygood 07-15-2008 09:21 AM

Absolutely! That Renny is awful, isn't she? Some of this you'll see tonight but the spoiler DOES go a little further so if you don't want to know, don't look! But if you DO, highlight the text below with your cursor. :D Developments are a little confusing because the houseguests have been there for at least a few days longer than the show's premiere but I think the live feeds only went live on Sunday night.

Well, apparently we're not alone in our thoughts about Renny -- and she managed to annoy all of US in just one hour!!! As I said above, I don't really know the specifics because of the timetable but alliances are already being formed and also already thwarted. From what I can tell, the earliest alliance may have been men vs. women with Jerry being on the women's side (I THINK largely because of April's influence but don't hold me to it!) People also think Libra is bossy -- she doesn't seem very popular. I THINK it was Jerry who the POV but in any event, it was used. The noms are now Renny and BRIAN. I don't know what Brian did to **** Jerry off but it looks like he did SOMETHING. I think the plan right now is to have Brian, Dan, Jerry and Renny out first & not make it to the jury but we know this can change on a dime.

I don't have time to look at everything but enough people seem to be ****** off at various people that it looks like BB might be redeeming itself with this season! LOTS of drama! (And it looks like the earliest hook-up is April and Ollie.)

Bearygood 07-15-2008 09:09 PM

Now THAT was pretty good! I must say that Renny really amused me tonight, LOL. :D We also learned that Libra is no dummy!

(Hi, Beth!)

Becky21 07-16-2008 12:43 AM


I liked Renny better tonight too! She seems to be very honest even though she is annoying. The rest of the people sure do stay away from her. That's really sad. Brian is a sleeze bag!

I think this is going to be way better than the last 2 BB's. I actually like a few of the people on this show so far. That's more than I can say for the last 2 seasons.

It seems like I have missed some of it and it could just be me or the editing. I didn't realize everyone was on to Brian so fast. It's probably me!:D

Bearygood 07-16-2008 07:27 AM

She cracked me up as she was gong through the honey, LOL. And I LOVE her outfits, LOL! One of my fave spoiler sites whose "mascot" is a hamster has the hamster wearing a sequinned beanie, LOL.

Yes, I was impressed that they orchestrated the Brian thing and I get the impression that it was Libra who figured it out. She's smart but others are annoyed with her because she's bossy. (I know we haven't seen that on TV yet but I don't really think that's a spoiler.) In terms of the timeline, don't forget that they've been in the house for around a week and we only began watching on Sunday. I don't remember but maybe I'm wrong -- I always thought we saw them enter the house live before? :confused: At any rate, I think that's why this first week might have been confusing. Although -- I do like that the drama is beginning pretty early on! :D

DM 07-16-2008 08:06 AM

Hello fellow BB fans. Well, it's getting interested alright. I thought it was great when the house landed in Jerry's room and spilled it about Brian's scheming. I didn't like the idea from the very beginning that he was using his military background to undermine the others w/Jerry.

Do anything you want, but don't use that as a way to scheme or lie.

*stepping off soapbox*

Renny may turn out to be the new Evil Richard. Now, you all know, we can't type his real name. Carry on all and thanks alot for the updates Beary. What would we do w/o ya??

Bearygood 07-16-2008 06:07 PM

I'm pretty sure I know who's going home tonight but the house IS divided. I think we'll see which two of the gals are completely at odds -- cat fight, anyone? ;) Looks like drama, drama and more drama.

I almost forgot BB was on tonight -- well, I DID forget. But it is, and it's weird. It's usually Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday -- don't know why they changed it up and I like it better the other way.

I doubt that we'll see this on TV but Jessie the genius (NOT) said that Julie Chen is married to someone in TV but he's a nobody and that's why she didn't change her name. :eek: Uh, calling Les Moonves, President of CBS and Julie Chen's spouse! :p You'd think perhaps if he was going to be on the show he'd do some research!

(Project Runway begins tonight too!)

Bannet 07-16-2008 08:31 PM

I'm sooo glad Brian was voted off! I can't stand people who try to take control!

I have to say though, I am falling for.........................Jerry!!!!! He seems like such a sweet old man! (who knows he could be the next evil ****) LOL

I love old people. I just can't help it. They have an air about them! I love listening to old stories and the things used to be. Oh well hmmmm Carry on!

Bearygood 07-16-2008 08:39 PM

LOL. I was kind of hoping to like him a little more than I do out of the gate but I do have a soft spot for him because I've heard that his wife has Parkinson's and he wants the money to care for her.

I'm glad that Brian is gone too. I think that Renny has some more entertaining to do. :D

On an entirely different note, doesn't Keesha look a lot like Daniele from BB9?

Becky21 07-16-2008 10:56 PM

I am so glad Brian was voted off too. :D He was a snake!:eek:

I am really changing my opinion of Renny. I hope they keep her for a while and show some of her personality because they really showed her in a bad light on the first show. I was glad she told that smart *** kid off tonight about showing respect to earn respect. He is the biggest liar and got caught when they showed the clip of her apology. I know he didn't see the clip but we did. My gosh, what happened to respect your elders?:confused: I guess it's a lost cause for some of these kids.

My favorite is Jerry so far. I just wonder if he can last long in that atmosphere. He is such a "man" and I am really impressed with his honesty. He won't play dirty and they may give him the boot. I hope not, I would like to see him win.

Yes, Beary, I do think that girl looks like Daniel! She is much prettier and classier but when she was sitting down and had her knees up, she reminded me of Daniel.

I watched Project Runway and I agreed with their decisions. I watched Sheer Genius after that and agreed with their decisions also. I am on a roll here with reality.:D I never pick the right people. I better check and see if I won anything on the lottery tonight since I've been picking winners all night. LOL:D

I have Jon & Kate Plus 8 on now. LOL I love that show!:) I just want to hugs and kiss those little kiddos. They are so cute.:p

I saw the promo for Kathy Griffin tomorrow night showing she wants to open a school just like Oprah near her favorite vacation spot. ROTFL:D I was laughing my head off.:D She is hilarious.:D I'll be watching her tomorrow night as well.:p

Reality show time is finally here. I think BB is going to be good.:)

Doody 07-17-2008 09:22 AM

Yay! A Big Brother thread!!!! One of the highlights of my summer!

Seems they do the same thing every season. Always an older guy. Always a woman who is 'older' and a little strange, always the blonde 'bimbos' (no offense to blondes), etc. etc.

I like Renny. Can't STAND the boys! It's the usual collage of a couple good looking and bad boys. I'm really tired of Jessie? ripping off his shirts and showing off. He could wear a t-shirt and you would still be able to tell he has that mass of muscles, but puhlease, quit ripping off the shirts!

What cracks me up is that every season there is always talk about betrayal, but come on!!! It's a contest to win money!

Just loved when the one blonde walked up to the group and told them to go ahead and feel her real boobs. :eek:

It surprises me when they bring on older folks and this middle age woman. I mean, really...some of those physical challenges they have are unbelievable!!! LOL I tried to show my grandson how to jump rope last weekend and I swear I came very close to breaking my neck. Couldn't even get in one jump, LOL!

Now you guys will think I'm nuts because my favorite character so far on these shows has been Evil D i c k. The way he and Jenny went at it...

So far nobody has struck me as a favorite. I'm not too impressed with any of them yet. Of course, I really like Jerry but I don't think he has a chance. He and Renny barely made it through that first challenge.

Bannet 07-17-2008 03:50 PM

Yay Becky!!! I watched all those shows too last night.

We could have popped popcorn and watched them together.

I saw my mom today who is a big brother nut too and she and I both agreed the keesha looks like Danielle. LOL

Looking forward to more spoilers.:D

AZjanie 07-17-2008 04:24 PM

Yea! BB 10 thread!
I was getting a bit concerned as I kept checking the Stumble Inn and never saw anything about Big Brother??

Glad I found you all and so far I am enjoying this one so much more than the last two. I haven't found anyone I really am rooting for as yet maybe later.

I think Renny is like an alien to the others there and I don't think she'll last long. She would do better to keep a low profile but may be too late now. I love the "spoilers" too.

Because of inside info; I bet with DH on outcomes and always win!! :D

hurtsobad73 07-17-2008 04:40 PM

Yea BB thread...
Yesternight's episode was so great (for the exception of HH competetion). Yes we used to see them go in live, so I don't know what is up with that. I hope, if there is a 14th person, it is Josh from season one. He is my all time favorite.

So far, and I don't have much to go on, my favorite is Memphis. Maybe b/c I am a huge Elvis fan and we all know where Graceland


Bearygood 07-19-2008 10:35 AM

Hi, BB fans. Sorry I've been a bad spoiler. Been busy and when there are this many people it takes some time to decipher. I think it'll be easier as the numbers go down. Also, it seems that with each season they really play hard out of the gate so that makes it difficult and requires more time as well. Things do seem to be settling down though - in other words, they might not be changing alliances every 10 minutes. Okay, some non-spoiler items.

Libra's favorite saying seems to be "this, that and a third". Has anyone ever heard that before or is it just me? Keesha (aka Daniele #2) seems pretty prone to throwing tantrums. Gee, maybe she should be known as Whinele #2! Okay, that's little stuff -- now on to the spoiler! Remember, if you want to see it, highlight your cursor over the text. If not, skip the rest! Anyone else wanting to do or respond to a spoiler, simply write the post and before posting, highlight the text you want to "hide" and change its font color to white.

Jessie put Dan and Steve on the block with the excuse of retribution for trying to save Brian. Michelle won the POV and promised she would not use it. It looks like the plan is for Steve to go home but he's campaigning very, very hard. Battle lines have been drawn.

The first no-surprise alliance is Keesha, Ollie, Libra and April. For purposes of convenience, I shall now refer to them as KOLA. :-) Not quite sure if Ollie is REALLY part of KOLA or if the gals are just using him but we'll see. (I think Ollie is definitely capable of flipping on a dime). Jerry and Renny seem to be outcasts -- not 100% sure what's going through their minds and if they're really aware of this. (I THINK Renny thinks she's cool with KOLA.) KOLA are planning to pick people off one by one and one of their quandries is the order -- in other words, WHO will be more useful in the jury house. Keesha has referred to Jerry as a "dirty old man" and about Renny, KOLA says "she's craaazy!". KOLA is wondering about Angie though. Libra (who is always VERY intense when talking about the game) is wondering (paraphrased) "Well, if it's true that if Jessie did his nominations as payback to Brian supporters, what about Angie? Why wasn't SHE nominated since she campaigned for Brian the hardest?" No conclusion there but they feel uneasy about Angie. And they should. I am telling you, that Libra is annoying but she is no dummy!

The other alliance is...MJAM!! Memphis, Jessie, Angie and (drumroll, please...) Michelle! Why the drumroll? Because KOLA thinks they are KOLAM!!! Michelle has some nice double agent stuff going on right now but I think she really is with the MJAM group. I also don't think that KOLA really knows about the other alliance at this point, at least not all of them. Angie appears to be a loner but as we now know, not the case. MJAM knows they need to get rid of Libra but decided to let someone else do the dirty work -- ideally, Jerry. Jessie initially wanted to use the veto and vote Libra out but Memphis (I think it was him) pointed out that would REALLY draw the battle lines. They want to appear to have a more neutral stance with Libra, who does seem to be the leader of KOLA. MJAM's big quandry is how to design it so that neither Memphis or Angie are on the block at the same time since those two do seem to be KOLA's biggest threats. Memphis, because he's regarded as being a good game and Angie because, well, they can't figure her out and don't particularly like her.

Right now I'm down with the MJAM camp. I'm truly sorry to say I'm not really liking Jerry but I wouldn't be unhappy if Renny throws the wrench in anyone's works. So that's the update as it now stands but there is certainly drama to come and again, as we all know, things can change quickly!

**end of spoiler**

Bearygood 07-19-2008 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by hurtsobad73 (Post 325624)
Yesternight's episode was so great (for the exception of HH competetion). Yes we used to see them go in live, so I don't know what is up with that. I hope, if there is a 14th person, it is Josh from season one. He is my all time favorite.

So far, and I don't have much to go on, my favorite is Memphis. Maybe b/c I am a huge Elvis fan and we all know where Graceland


Missy, I'm with you on Memphis. Right now he's in my top 2. Well, I might have a top 3, LOL. Not sure yet.

Re: that 14th person speculation, I know what they were talking about now. It has to be that frame with the Big Brother logo. But, was that not in other seasons too? :confused: I don't remember. I think that for now, the only speculation that remains is that and the rumor about the secret room -- but they could both just be rumors. That said, I think there's gotta be a twist somewhere down the line!

Becky21 07-21-2008 07:03 PM

I don't have a favorite. I just feel like Renny Jerry do not fit it.

I do not like Jessie at all!!!:mad::mad: I think he looks like freak with those muscles and all of his body hair shaved off. Not to manly to me. UGH What jerk!!:mad:

At least I don't hate the entire cast like I have the last 2 seasons. LOL Maybe I can find someone to root for.:)

nana1 07-21-2008 07:32 PM

:)For some reason i wish Renny would get voted out... I saw sundays night now i can`t wait to tuesday. wish i new how to get live feed.

Bearygood 07-21-2008 09:25 PM

Well, nana, if you're hooked and want the names of spoiler sites I'd be happy to supply. Trust me, there are plenty of people who subscribe to the feeds and make it their business to post the play-by-plays!

Okay, so the previous spoiler still stands since it's ahead of what we've seen on TV. But since the food comp was shown last night, I will tell you that some of the aftermath has not been pleasant. It basically deals with Keesha's comment about how April and Libra were complaining about "old people" on their team (which they were -- well, at least Libra). Here's a link from YouTube if anyone wants to see it but be forewarned that it contains offensive language: (If you want to see more, there's a link to "part 2" on the right of this one.)

Okay, here's a small intriguing mini-spoiler.

Possible defection! Possible defection! Looks like Keesha is really getting sick of April and Libra thinking they're running the house and acting like brats. She and Renny might have a little something brewing in the way of an alliance in the making! Personally, I would like that!

**end of spoiler**

nana1 07-22-2008 10:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
As long as you keep placing your messages Bearygood ill be fine, that help if i miss a show ( i love the show)


Attachment 3558

Attachment 3559

Bobbi 07-23-2008 11:41 PM

So far, I haven't read "spoilers" here; please don't post those. Some of us are on PST and get the feeds much later or on delayed dates.

So, thank you for keeping us West Coasters in mind :).

P.S.: I live in an area, that depsite National Network timing on the original broadcasts of episodes, the affiliate station delays and airs when it "wants" or something. Just as everyone else, I wanna see as it unfolds :). If a spoiler is accidentally posted, not a prob. I won't get unglued, but by stating some of us have messed up airings, maybe delay in relating vital info. Okay? :)

Bearygood 07-24-2008 09:10 AM

Hi, Bobbi. Glad to see another BB fan found this thread. It was actually started as a request from a few fans of the show who like to see the spoilers. BUT, they are posted in white font so they don't appear unless you scroll your cursor over the text. So if you can just resist looking at the board for the time difference on the night of the show, hopefully there won't be anything here to ruin it for you! That's certainly not my (or other people's) intention. (That's so weird about your affiliate station being able to air it at whatever time they feel like it! Wow!)

Bobbi's post is a good reminder though that if anyone does want to post OR respond to something we haven't seen on the show yet, to also "hide" that text. It's very easy-- just write the post and then change the text you want to be "invisible" to white. Just highlight the text and then go to the big letter "A" up on top (next to where it says "Sizes"), click on the color white and it should work. (Just preview before you click "post" to make sure). :) (And don't forget to indicate that there's something there!)

As far as last night's show, I think it's going to be a very interesting week with Keesha as HOH. I'm not sure it wouldn't have been smarter for her to throw it though! I think we'll see some battle lines becoming more clear this week.

I have to say, I have done a complete 180 on Renny! I really like her! I hope she gets to stay for a while. :)

Becky21 07-24-2008 11:56 AM


I am liking Renny more and more too.:D I can't hardly bear watching Jessie because he is so obnoxious to me!:rolleyes:

Jessie's parents are nuts if they think their young son's behavior towards Renny is ok. He should be grounded for a month when he gets home. LOL He's a little spoiled brat! I bet Renny's son would like a piece of Mr. Muscles for being so disrespectful to his Mother. LOL

I got a long phone call las night and I missed the last half of the show. Just now read Keesha won HOH. That heavens for your thread. I think I missed Project Runway too. I did see Sheer Genius but all I think about is that Jaclyn Smith needs her hair cut. LOL:p

sugarboo 07-24-2008 12:02 PM

BB fan here too...since the first one!! I'll try to join in here. Renny has grown on me as well. The punk definately needs his timeout. He is so obsessed with himself. He has short man syndrom :p

EDIT: For the die hard fans...this is the most popular site for minute by minute updates:

sugarboo 07-24-2008 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by nana1 (Post 328264)
:)For some reason i wish Renny would get voted out... I saw sundays night now i can`t wait to tuesday. wish i new how to get live feed.

Here you go:

Bearygood 07-24-2008 09:25 PM

I visit Jokers and Morty's to get a quick fix but when I have some time to read I visit Hamster Time. That one's really my favorite -- some of the recappers are really funny with their commentaries! :D I actually just looked -- so you know what that means! Don't look if you don't want to know! But if you do, highlight the text below.

When I first checked in earlier today it seemed that April was finally getting a clue that she needs to distance herself from Libra. She also said that she doesn't like the feeling of America seeing her as the "weak link" or see her hooking up with Ollie. (Yes folks, let's just say that they've "covered all bases" on national television.) Several of them wanted Steven to stay in the house instead of Dan but this really seems to be the season of "doing what the HOH wants so you don't **** them off". Looked like Renny and Keesha were really getting close which actually elevated Keesha in my esteem -- I was liking this brewing of a potental alliance and a defection from the Siamsese twins known as LibrApril. Angie is very disliked by Keesha, April and Libra but personally, I think they're scared of her because she's smart and they don't know where she really stands -- although they do know it's not with them.

At that time it looked like the potential nominees for Keesha this week were Angie, Jerrry and Dan. But upon checking in again, I see that THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!! Keesha is now back on board with the LibrApril twins!!! Libra has gotten her claws back into Keesha BIG TIME! I think there may even be a final 3 promise between LibArpil and Keesha!! (I'd bet money on this not happening though!) Anyway, the nominees for eviction are...JESSIE and ANGIE! Stay tuned!

Remember, if you want to talk "spoilage," please put a warning and change the text to white.

**end of spoiler**

Bearygood 07-24-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Becky21 (Post 330466)
I can't hardly bear watching Jessie because he is so obnoxious to me!:rolleyes:

Jessie's parents are nuts if they think their young son's behavior towards Renny is ok. He should be grounded for a month when he gets home. LOL He's a little spoiled brat! I bet Renny's son would like a piece of Mr. Muscles for being so disrespectful to his Mother. LOL.

Becky, I couldn't agree more!!! :D

If you or anyone else misses a show and wants to see it, it appears on the CBS website the next morning.

AZjanie 07-25-2008 12:08 PM

Tee hee hee!!!
Thanks so much for the "spoilers"! DH and I always make a 25 cent bet on what will happen next and for some reason I keep winning!! :cool:

Should I confess or just keep him guessing?? :rolleyes:

Bearygood 07-25-2008 12:46 PM


AZjanie, I think you should up the ante!!! :D

Bearygood 07-25-2008 07:50 PM

Hey everybody. Update hidden below.

Looks like it's going to be a loooong weekend. Okay, I am seriously bummed. IF someone else had won and was taken off the block, Michelle was probably going to be the replacement nominee. But -- Keesha won POV! The players besides the HOH and noms were Oillie, Libra and Memphis. Jessie and Michelle are very close so there's no way she's not voting for him to stay. Not sure how the rest of the MJAM alliance will vote but unless there's some serious campaigning, fight or new form of alliance, it looks like Angie is in real trouble. Awww, I don't WANT Angie to go home!

**end of spoiler**

Bearygood 07-27-2008 04:23 PM

I totally forgot that the show airs tonight! :eek: I was thinking that the noms aired tomorrow -- I still haven't gotten this new schedule straight! So, we'll see the nomination ceremony tonight -- and AZjanie will be 25 cents richer (at least)! :wink:

So does anyone have a favorite they're rooting for yet?

(Spoiler is below so only highlight if you want to know!)

Members of the MJAM alliance were trying to pound into Keesha's head that ultimately Libra and April will turn on her. For a minute it looked like Keesha was swaying but she stuck to the original plan. She didn't use the POV so either Jessie or Angie is going home and unless something really drastic happens, it's going to be Angie. Jessie's being annoying -- campaigning AND complaining really hard. Angie's been mellow but the gals really want her gone.

There was a banner over the house yesterday and although it wasn't entirely visible, the words "Libra" and "liar" were definitely on it. There are guesses about the missing words and although it's not certain, the assessment is that it was a message to Keesha telling her that Libra is a liar. Of course, unfortunately, NO ONE from the KOLA group saw it -- the only one I know who saw it is Memphis.

There was something last night where Jerry went to Ollie and they made a super-secret alliance to stick together. Smart move on his part -- it doesn't take a genius to know the girls will eventually oust Ollie. But, there's no guarantee that Jerry will last that long! He's not well liked and this alliance of last night could be history by tomorrow anyway.

In other news, people are uneasy about Dan -- they don't know where he reallly stands. He and Renny seem to be hitting it off and in general, Renny is getting to be VERY well liked! (Except of course by Jessie.)

**end of spoiler**

Bobbi 07-28-2008 07:19 AM

I've not, yet, picked a fav. I know the one I want "out," though. :eek:

Bearygood 07-28-2008 08:07 PM

LOL. And who is that, Bobbi? My GUESS would be Libra or Mr. Muscles but I can't be sure! :D

Bearygood 07-31-2008 01:51 PM

Haven't had time to really keep up so I'm not on top of who people think is going home tonight. At any rate, someone sent me this clip and I thought I'd share. It has to do with Angie being nominated. Seems I'm far from alone thinking that the girls' dislike of her is based on jealousy -- and I also think it's because they can't quite figure her out since she's "different" from them.

Here's a clip someone put together making fun of the brat pack gals talking about how evil they think Angie is after her nomination:

Bearygood 08-03-2008 09:54 AM

Well, since I wouldn't want AZjanie to lose tonight's bet, here's a succinct update.

Spoiler below:

April won HOH and put Memphis and Jessie on the block. Jerry won POV and it was one of those comps where you can win other thing. I know that Michelle got the punishment of wearing the red unitard made famous by Jen. Other prizes included a slop pass and I think $10,000 and a letter. Not sure who got what yet.

April's target is definitely Memphis but I'm getting the feeling that this might be the beginning of weeks where things might start changing. Dissension is definitely growing within the house. April is very disliked and she's even been fighting with Ollie. She's been really mean to him!

The players keep wondering what this season's twist will be and have somehow grasped on to the idea that it might be another America's Player season. And Renny got it right!!!! She caught Dan talking to himself in the mirror and is now absolutely firmly convinced that he is our AP!

**end of spoiler**

AZjanie 08-03-2008 02:32 PM

Thanks so much!! Love those spoilers! :D

Ready to wager fifty cent bet tonite with DH! He thinks I am psychic! (I am really psycho! :p)

I should play my winning bets at the slots next trip over there and split the winnings with Bearygood! :cool:

Hugs and giggles,

Bearygood 08-03-2008 09:04 PM

Crazy Auntie Renny
I LOVE RENNY!! :D Or as my favorite spoiler site refers to her, "Crazy Auntie". Right now she's definitely my #1!

On the other side of the coin, if I could kick someone out myself I'd have a go at Libra or April! Ideally, it would be a double eviction week! :D

Janie, did you up the ante tonight? ;)

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