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darkside35 04-08-2010 09:52 AM

:( voices they are always there they wont stop. i am on new meds and they have quieted down a little but even with meds will they always be there will i ever be free i dont know very frustrating:mad:

tusu 09-24-2010 05:57 PM

It takes some some time for new medications to work, some people say their symptoms just continue to improve for a year or more. You can find ways to work with the medications, too. Focusing on positive things, talking back to voices, many things can help. Too having the voices quiet down is good, that's a good sign.

lip26 12-28-2011 10:06 PM

what do the voices say? do you have really weird dreams?
be careful...i've dealt with being administered nearly every anti-psychotic drug while i was in the hospital and ****, i've been thru a lot; bottom line anti-psychotics cause psychosis!!


Originally Posted by darkside35 (Post 642001)
:( voices they are always there they wont stop. i am on new meds and they have quieted down a little but even with meds will they always be there will i ever be free i dont know very frustrating:mad:

Mark56 02-19-2012 11:35 PM

Yearning for this Forum to become more active
One of our sons, our eldest, deals with Schizoaffective Disorder, called by others as Schizophrenia, among other psychoses. We have ached for him now six years after first DX, although, had we known of his true issues we may have seen his situation for what it was much earlieer.

Brilliant beyond measure, he is phenomenal with IT matters, but cannot remain there long, because "an episode" may be brought on and his fears overwhelm. The meds he now has by RX are helping, and horrific fear episodes have lessened significantly, although we wonder as we age what will become of our dear young one.

This, perhaps, is why we pray for the means ultimately to build a home facility for folks such as he who, in common, may feel safety of circumstances while having care, and freedom to express themselves as they may. This son is a wondrous artist, lyricist, musician, and on a computer, seemingly filled with God's intuitive gifts of understanding, solutions, structure, and code..... but then the psychosis interrupts.

I know all of the posts on these threads are ancient so far as time demonstrates, and yet, reaching out seems necessary. Thus, I write.

Years ago, although he claims not to have heard voices per se, he felt as though he was compelled to meet with a variety of High Profile individuals who would approach him incognito to receive a message he had to deliver to them. This we first discovered when he drove an hour away for a "meeting" and "she" did not show up in disguise. Thereafter, we pursued DX aggressively wanting to know what had become of our child.

Parents caught in situations such as these are ill prepared even via support groups once DX is confirmed. There seems to be nothing societally. Thus, I post.

Reaching out,

Alffe 02-20-2012 06:06 PM

How like you Mark, to reach out and share this. Like you, I wish this forum were more active...:grouphug:

Mark56 02-21-2012 12:16 AM

Oh, Thank You, Alffe
Even just knowing you to be there is comforting. This evening our twins, the eldest of our children, identical boys...... actually young men returned home early. Our eldest was deep in the middle of a psychogenic seizure, eyes rolling, swinging his head from side to side, something he has not had to endure for months, but all too familiar to us not to realize its certainty.

He has been observed at the university med center, where the DX was certain not epileptic, but ever so real in manifestation as the culmination of so many psychoses coincide to torment him into stupefying seizure. Wailing, crying, mumbling he does not want to live over and over as he endures the seizure.

Such a beautiful young man [ok handsome ] and brought from brilliance to.... this. We worry for him, pray for him, have him in front of either psychologist or psychiatrist every week. Meds do help, but the holding of our son as he goes through one of these is enough to rip any parent's heart strings away and leave tatters where we would like to experience joy and know he may as well.

Never alone, we keep keen eyes on him, our goals including the re-establishment of our financial resources so as to fully provide for him into the future once we are gone.

These moments are so ......hard...... and we pray,
Even now,

Alffe 02-21-2012 06:19 AM

(((Mark))) When there are no words....:hug: Prayers going up.

Lara 02-21-2012 07:40 AM

love going out
Dear Mark,
I'm thinking of you and your son. I also am consumed with worry as to my own son's future as I age although the circumstances are different. He is also brilliant.

I honestly feel your pain. My heart strings have been broken in the past, but I'm thankful that my son is alive and that he hasn't experienced episodes such as your son has done. I hope this episode is very short lived.

It is very hard. I'll be thinking of your son and you and your family.


Lara 03-12-2012 06:31 AM

I should have mentioned this in the last post I made to you Mark.

You probably already know, but there there is a sub-forum here at PsychCentral if you ever need it.

Mark56 03-13-2012 08:52 AM

Humility in Deepest Gratitude
Oh the BLESSING Lara you shared with me by posting the link to the sub-forum....... the sub-forum of which I knew not. God is so good to deliver you as a messenger to illuminate the path. I do not have time just now to go establish the required new user account to access that reference on the base PsychCentral page, since my NT login does not function there; however, you will see me emerge through the portal maybe later tonight, for I have SO MUCH to write!!! So much.

Our son has made great wondrous strides on controlling helpful meds which give him new freedom of mind to be productinve, for he so wants to be, and he is helping to run our business. Thank you God.

Voices have actually been gone ever since he settled into medication management under doc's care.

His twin, identical twin, monochorionic identical twin, is frightened to death of the possibility of descending into the hell his brother knows so intimately, and yet he who fears graduated from university summa cum laude in business, and he too, helps in our family business. Thanks be to God, but he suffers OCD as does his twin who ALSO has the devil os Schizoaffective Disorder otherwise known as Schizophrenia with which to deal.

God is amazingly gracious in helping us. We are humbled. As well by the grace with which you shared the link.

I will come.
My newest and now deep friend,
I have to get ready to go to work now,
Being a lawyer with a client who depends of me to avert war,
The opening salvo I authored was transmitted yesterday,
and I await the astonishment of those who squabble on the other end,
when the read my certain, and I pray effective, plan to settle all things,
to restore peace, being now fully aware I harbor a fully developed plan
to protect my client in all things,
Gotta go,
In Deepest Appreciation, praying God's blessings on you today,

ladydeedee 03-30-2012 11:42 PM

Wow! As I read...I am brought to tears. The reason being is that I too was recently diagnosed and also said to be very intelligent but always wondered...why me? why do I have these episodes? What do I do to stop them? I am on new medication that seems to help some however due to peoples ignorance concerning this particular disorder...I am mistreated. I always wonder...why???? why me? will I ever have a "normal" life???? thanks for your posts.....

Mark56 03-31-2012 08:47 AM

Good Morning Lady
Best of all worlds is whether you, being medicated, are able to maintain life among others in the world, for we who live with children thus affected have learned the heart ache of our child still fearful, although the episodes are managed better on medication.

Perhaps your place of the continuum of one so affected is toward the side which is less affected. Our son is beyond the middle point in the other direction. No longer "hearing" compulsions to meet incognito celebrities at out of the way locations to provide words of guidance to them [the manifestation of voices for him] he is regaining personality and is more in the normative he had known as himself before diagnosis, with two big remaining issues, fears still overwhelm and prevent his more normative reintroduction into society as a whole, while ocassional bouts with non-epileptic psychogenic seizures do occur although with more rarity.

I will pray you are able to find resumption of your life without voices and be fulfilled,

Brokenfriend 12-27-2012 04:49 AM

I hear whispering sounds at times. Mostly when I'm around people if my anxiety is up. I can't tell what the whispering sounds are saying,but it seems like it's coming from the people around me. I've been on seroquel,and a couple of other meds.

The whispering sounds sound like numerous people whispering about me. I don't talk about this very often. BF:grouphug:

Bob Dawson 04-01-2013 03:56 PM

Hearing voices need not mean you’re crazy, says activist

A Toronto man has learned to live with the voices in his head and argues they have been a positive part of his life…. (Toronto Star March 31, 2013

At the end of the article it says:

If you’re hearing voices and it’s not causing any problems, and if you’re able to function and pose no danger to yourself or others, then “carry on with your life,” he says.

Who has heard voices?

Many famous people have reported they’ve heard voices and history has recorded some of them, like Joan of Arc, who believed she was getting messages from God. St. Theresa of Avila also reported having visions and hearing voices.

Singer Jennifer Hudson reported hearing the voice of her brother and her mother in her head, after they were murdered in 2008. Their voices were calming and encouraging, she says, telling her she should sing again.

Actor Anthony Hopkins admitted in a media interview that he sometimes hears a critical, mocking voice in his head, and links it to an insecure childhood.

Beach Boys singer Brian Wilson has also spoken about hearing voices in his head.

Winston Churchill suffered from bouts of depression and there are reports that he sometimes heard voices.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote about hearing a voice, from time to time, which guided him and which he believed was the voice of God.


Intervoice (International Network for Training, Education and Research into Hearing Voices)

Chaliponga 04-05-2013 08:36 AM

The voices give you a direct line to your subconscious. When you hear them commenting on your thoughts, thats your own brain doing the commenting. If they say negative things, thats a manifestation of your fears and negative beliefs. I recommend learning about NLP, it can allow you to gain full control over these seemingly automatic processes going on in your brain.

Bob Dawson 04-15-2013 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chaliponga (Post 972191)
../.I recommend learning about NLP, it can allow you to gain full control over these seemingly automatic processes going on in your brain.

NLP? What does it stand for?

momwhocares1 06-11-2013 07:16 PM

How do you talk to the voices?

Originally Posted by tusu (Post 698416)
It takes some some time for new medications to work, some people say their symptoms just continue to improve for a year or more. You can find ways to work with the medications, too. Focusing on positive things, talking back to voices, many things can help. Too having the voices quiet down is good, that's a good sign.

We're on our second meds for the voices, the 1st on resperdal my son was having tremors and really spaced out. His eye's were getting dry from not blinking. The doc just suggest another one called haloperidol. I hope it'll help we'll get that one tommorrow but the do you tell them to stop? he's only 18 and I really feel awful about it, he thinks we put a chip in his head?! Poor Ben.

Roberta7659 12-30-2015 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by darkside35 (Post 642001)
:( voices they are always there they wont stop. i am on new meds and they have quieted down a little but even with meds will they always be there will i ever be free i dont know very frustrating:mad:

Dear Darkside35;

Prayer to God frequently through the day helps keep my voices at bay. I pray Angelus at 6 a.m., noon and 6 p.m., morning offering, Devine Mercy at 3 p.m. and rosaries at 8 p.m.

Also, mindfulness, which is a way of concentrating on the present here and now.

The voices are very distracting. It's like having noise on all the time.

Love, Roberta7659:)

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