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IH8PN 02-12-2014 06:05 PM

My Story
Hello all, new here and wanted to share my story. I'm a 33 year old male and I've been lurking around here few days and have already amassed a wealth of information and inspiration. I don't post much on message boards, but I feel it's time to add to the collective information here. If I can help just one person by sharing what I've learned, then to me it's worth the time.

It all started in late November 2013 when I awoke to a sharp, electrical stabbing pain in my left foot which lasted about 15 seconds. After rubbing my foot to see what was going on I also noticed a pea sized bump close to the area of the pain. Curiosity got the best of me as usual and I began researching on the internet and found out it was a fibroma as confirmed by my Doctor and a Podiatrist.

Over the next month I noticed vague pain and discomfort over the sole of my left foot. It felt lumpy, swollen, sore, and sometimes numb from heel to ball of the foot, although besides the single fibroma I couldn't notice any visual difference. The sensations were always changing and moving around and it was driving me crazy. I was convinced the pain was from the fibroma growing. The podiatrist diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis, but my symptoms were so atypical I argued that I didn't believe that was what was the underlying cause of the pain.

I didn't know what else to do so I followed the plantar fasciitis regimen of icing, stretching, massage and rest. I had a difficult time finding shoes that were comfortable and went through 4 different shoe insoles 7 different slippers, shoes, and work boots just to get through the day. The pain eased up a little over the next month and I was able to tolerate it somewhat. Then it happened...

My right foot soon became bothersome. The first time I noticed it was at work. After a few hours of wearing some new boots. I began getting numbness, tingling, and burning in both feet. The right was actually more painful than the left. When standing I felt like I had no cushioning under the heel or like I was walking on bone. I wore those boots for another 2 weeks until I was able to go shopping for a new pair. They didn't feel tight when I put them on. but after wearing them for a few minutes my feet started killing me.

Over that time my right foot experienced all kinds of weird symptoms. Heel pain, burning/cramping/rawness in the arch, raw/burning/numbness in the big toe, burning over the top of the foot. Shoes became torture devices and it was actually better walking barefoot on my wood floors at home for whatever reason. Depression soon followed my two bad feet, a seriously declining quality of life, and fear of the future.

I originally convinced myself that I had two separate problems to tackle (ie the lump in my left foot and nerve damage caused by tight shoes) I did have one episode where I woke up to tingling in my left arm that last for 2 hours, but I chalked that up to anxiety. So I was off to see my doctor again. We talked about both my feet as well as getting treatment for depression. Since the burning and tingling in my right foot was more pronounced I didn't really mention the left foot or left arm sensations that I experienced it. He said it was an unknown nerve/nueropathy issue and started me on Nortriptyline at my request for pain relief.

Next I saw a new Podiatrist with whom I shared the same story. He said it's a common symptom from tight shoes and to give it a couple months to go away. I agreed at the time and didn't think too much of it.

Well the past week has been absolutely hell for me. Both my feet have been burning and tingling with occasional twitching and lighting type pains. The right leg goes half way up my shin. I have also had several nights in a row where I had pretty intense burning in both my hands and arms. I wish I was more aware of the symptoms last time I saw the doctors so I could press the issue a little more.

The increased symptoms brought me here after searching the internet and things are becoming more clear. The things I have been feeling have been echoed by so many people diagnosed with neuropathy. I'm attempting to get a referral from my doctor to see a neurologist but he wants to wait 2 more weeks and see how things play out. I can't really blame him. I have been very much a hypochondriac the past few months because I could never put my finger on what was wrong with me to get accurately diagnosed and treated. I really think I have found the answer and now would like to find the possible cause and treat it.

To Be Continued...

IH8PN 02-12-2014 07:59 PM

I realize that was a lot to read but I'd like to summarize and accept opinions and criticism.

-Left foot PN symptoms x 10 weeks
-Right foot symptoms x 5 weeks
-Arm burning tingling x 10 days (worse the past 3 nights)

-Vitamin D level = 26
-Vitamin B12 level >1000
-Blood Glucose levels= Normal (No reason to believe diabeties)
-Heavy alcohol use on and off x 12 years (Most likely cause of PN symptoms)
-3 days sober as of today

-I started taking ALA, B12, D3, Benfotiamine, B Right Complex, ALC, Fish Oil
(as of today)
-Taking Nortriptyline x 1 week
-Seeking referral to nuerologist for consultation
-Have appt with a psychiatrist to deal with anxiety/depression
-Cutting down sugar/carbs & upping fruit, vegetables, and nut intake

-Most importantly I'm thinking about my daughter and wishing I didn't wait so long to get my health in order. It breaks my heart every time I think of what I'll miss out on due to my selfishness and poor decisions the past decade. Thanks for listening

Susanne C. 02-13-2014 09:29 AM

You will get better advice on dealing with alcoholic neuropathy, often at least some damage is reversible provided you stop drinking.

I just wanted to comment on your point that the doctor thinks you are a hypochondriac because the symptoms are all over the place- we all have that problem. Neuropathy is notoriously difficult to describe. As I type this my right hand is numb and buzzing, both legs are numb to the hip with a deep soreness, my forearms are weak, and my ankles feel like an ace bandage is wrapped too tightly around them, even though I can't tell without looking whether I am wearing socks. It is a crazy assortment of weird sensations which only make sense once a diagnosis of neuropathy is made. I carried my test results around for a couple of years because I had trouble believing I was "entitled" to my level of disability without them. Many people are in as bad or worse shape without "hard" evidence and I think I would go crazy in their circumstances.

Everything that you describe is consistent with neuropathy. Sorry that you are dealing with this but welcome to the forum. It does get easier to cope after a while.

IH8PN 02-13-2014 12:53 PM

Thanks Susanne, for the reply. I'm going to email my doctor today and let him know whats going on. I can't let being bothersome interfere with getting help. If he thinks I'm crazy, so be it. I know something is wrong with me and its not just anxiety or paranoia.

I went to bed feeling pretty good. Very little burning or pain. Woke up to burning in both arms and legs. Not looking forward to the rest of the day.

hopeful 02-13-2014 03:03 PM

There are many people here with a lot of great advice. As far as doctors go be polite but firm. Don't let them treat you like you r imagining this. If your doctor does treat you that way find a new one. I have been fortune that most doctors I've seen believed everything I said.
Early treatment is important so keep pushing. If you do not need referrals go on line and check reviews for neurologist in your area. Chose your own and make an appt.
Good Luck and keep us posted!

IH8PN 02-15-2014 02:43 PM

I've decided to use this thread to keep track of my progress/decline sort of like a personal diary, and also allow other people to follow. I've gathered great information and inspiration following the progress of others and would like to add to our collective knowledge and experience. I'll try and update at least once a week as long as I can.

So as of today it has been...
-82 days since first symptoms in left foot
-35 days since first symptoms in right foot
-10 days since starting Nortriptyline
-7 days since last alcohol
-4 days since starting supplements

I realize that things will probably get worse before I can expect improvement, but it would be nice to find some signs of hope. It's been all down hill the past 3 months, and today I've even noticed increased pain in mt right foot. An added "bunched sock" feeling behind my middle toe. The arch of my right foot cramps and feels raw. Theres a sharp pain in the ball behind my left big toe like I'm walking on a rock. Mild feelings of swelling on my foot soles that come and go. Burning in both feet to just above the ankle. Mild burning in hands and arms at night.

I spoke with my mother a few days ago as I was feeling down. I told her how I was feeling and she mentioned that she has dealt with burning in her feet for almost 20 years, although she was never officially diagnosed with PN. She said my grandmother went through the same thing. My pain feels more severe than what she described, but now I'm thinking it could be a hereditary thing worsened by my prolonged alcohol use. (Just my best guess for now)

So here I am trying to take it one day at a time keeping my diet in check and trying not to fall into the depths of pain and depression. Wish me luck!!!

Icehouse 02-15-2014 08:54 PM


I don't spend much time in this thread, but this one caught my attention. Take a quick minute or two and have a roll through the pages of the link posted below.

I have PN from 22 years of drinking and I am still getting over it 928 sober days later. It is reversible in some cases and I am living testimony that it does.

Good luck and keep up with the sobriety!!!

IH8PN 02-15-2014 10:07 PM

Thanks for the link Icehouse, but I've read through that thread twice already :p

Actually you are one of the people here who has inspired me to get on the right track. (You & Wide-O are inspirations when it comes to turning around your life from the grips of alcohol) I'm not 100% sure my PN is alcohol related, but of all the tests run as of now it is the most likely cause in my opinion. When I meet with the neurologist I may be able to explore some other possibilities, but as of now I'm treating it as alcohol related PN in how I treat my recovery. Even if it's caused by something else, I need to stop drinking before the rest of my body begins failing.

I know I have a long road ahead of me. Some days have been brutal so far, and I'm sure I have many more to come. All I can do now is give my body the environment it needs to recover and hope for the best.

IH8PN 02-20-2014 11:00 PM

Not the end of the week, but I feel the need to post an update. Partly because it's been a bad day pain wise, and partly because I need something to take my mind off the desire to drink. My pain went up enough to cause my feelings of despair and stress which is ultimately putting my sobriety in jeopardy.

How can I expect to get better or seek the advice of others if I can't hold up my end of the bargain?

First my stats regarding the PN.

-87 days since left foot symptoms
-40 days since right foot symptoms
-15 days on Nortriptyline (up to 30mg a day for the past 2 days)
-12 days sober
-9 days on supplements (and working to improve my diet)

I can't believe these symptoms and pain have progressed so rapidly up to this point.

I know it would be ridiculous to think that after such a short time frame for "healing" I'd really have significant results already. But the past few days leading up to today gave me signs of hope. The burning in my feet and legs has been noticeably less and not very noticeable in my arms or upper body. Since I'm on the shotgun approach to recovery I cant say whether its the Nortriptyline or supplements that helped. Maybe it's a combination. I'm just happy that there is some relief and I'll worry about figuring out the reason later. That's the good news!!

The bad news is that today I've had increased pain in the soles of my feet. The feeling of walking on "bunched up sock" increased in the ball of my right foot. And the ball of my left foot is still walking on "rocks" which seemed sharper today. For some reason walking around barefoot feels better. Maybe the pressure is distributed just right to make it more tolerable. Walking around in shoes (pretty much any shoe, I've tried every pair I've owned) makes it worse. Anything with arch support is the worst. Makes it hard to leave the house or go to work!!

That brings me to the worst of my pain right now. My right foot has a dull ache which was brutal today. It's hard to pinpoint where it's originating, but the "arch supports" in shoes make it worse, so I'm thinking its originating around that area of my foot. Anyway it's impossible to stand in one spot for more than a minute or two without having to move or sit down. Sometimes its worst in the heel area and sometimes it seems to radiate up to my ankle. As soon as I sit down it quickly subsides as it is very much pressure/position dependent. At the same time I can't replicate the pain by pressing on the sole of my foot. Feels very much like I'm walking on the bare bones. One thing I have noticed is that I get a vague cramping feeling in the same area when I'm relaxing in bed. I'm not sure I'd associate the dull pain with PN, but the burning and dull ache began on the same day 40 days ago. It came on so suddenly and expectantly, I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

Anyway the pain made it very hard to concentrate on anything other than getting off my feet today and as we all know, stress only makes the nerves more agitated. I needed to put my feelings down to take my mind off of alcohol and continue to track my journey.

Days like this are really going to test my resolve to fight this condition. I'm still so young and have a lot of responsibility with a toddler and I don't have time to take a day off and feel sorry for myself. Thank goodness I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist next week. I really need to get my mental health in check to properly attack my physical problems.

aggie 02-20-2014 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1052422)
Not the end of the week, but I feel the need to post an update. Partly because it's been a bad day pain wise, and partly because I need something to take my mind off the desire to drink. My pain went up enough to cause my feelings of despair and stress which is ultimately putting my sobriety in jeopardy.

How can I expect to get better or seek the advice of others if I can't hold up my end of the bargain?

First my stats regarding the PN.

-87 days since left foot symptoms
-40 days since right foot symptoms
-15 days on Nortriptyline (up to 30mg a day for the past 2 days)
-12 days sober
-9 days on supplements (and working to improve my diet)

I can't believe these symptoms and pain have progressed so rapidly up to this point.

I know it would be ridiculous to think that after such a short time frame for "healing" I'd really have significant results already. But the past few days leading up to today gave me signs of hope. The burning in my feet and legs has been noticeably less and not very noticeable in my arms or upper body. Since I'm on the shotgun approach to recovery I cant say whether its the Nortriptyline or supplements that helped. Maybe it's a combination. I'm just happy that there is some relief and I'll worry about figuring out the reason later. That's the good news!!

The bad news is that today I've had increased pain in the soles of my feet. The feeling of walking on "bunched up sock" increased in the ball of my right foot. And the ball of my left foot is still walking on "rocks" which seemed sharper today. For some reason walking around barefoot feels better. Maybe the pressure is distributed just right to make it more tolerable. Walking around in shoes (pretty much any shoe, I've tried every pair I've owned) makes it worse. Anything with arch support is the worst. Makes it hard to leave the house or go to work!!

That brings me to the worst of my pain right now. My right foot has a dull ache which was brutal today. It's hard to pinpoint where it's originating, but the "arch supports" in shoes make it worse, so I'm thinking its originating around that area of my foot. Anyway it's impossible to stand in one spot for more than a minute or two without having to move or sit down. Sometimes its worst in the heel area and sometimes it seems to radiate up to my ankle. As soon as I sit down it quickly subsides as it is very much pressure/position dependent. At the same time I can't replicate the pain by pressing on the sole of my foot. Feels very much like I'm walking on the bare bones. One thing I have noticed is that I get a vague cramping feeling in the same area when I'm relaxing in bed. I'm not sure I'd associate the dull pain with PN, but the burning and dull ache began on the same day 40 days ago. It came on so suddenly and expectantly, I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

Anyway the pain made it very hard to concentrate on anything other than getting off my feet today and as we all know, stress only makes the nerves more agitated. I needed to put my feelings down to take my mind off of alcohol and continue to track my journey.

Days like this are really going to test my resolve to fight this condition. I'm still so young and have a lot of responsibility with a toddler and I don't have time to take a day off and feel sorry for myself. Thank goodness I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist next week. I really need to get my mental health in check to properly attack my physical problems.

Howdy! I am impressed with your thorough record taking! How did you go getting a neurologist appointment. Personally, I don't think it is the role of the GP to stop you from seeing one. Ask for the referral because a neurologist can do tests that a GP cannot do.
I have had all the symptoms you describe since I had chemo. I also have no thyroid and this may have influenced my situation.
I saw my endocrinologist and she upped my thyroid meds. Since then my feet are not as swollen ontop or underneath.
I saw my neurologist and she does nerve velocity tests - these show how fast the messages are travelling from one point to another. I would recommend you get tested for your feet to make sure there is no nerve damage further up your legs. Nerves need sodium and potassium - negative and positive charges to work properly so a neurologist can order a special blood test checking these levels; various proteins and also to make sure you have no dormant viruses which may be affecting your nervous system.
Let us know how you get on with an appointment and remain positive. If you feel like a pick-up there try some mocktails or smoothies. With your record taking and determination I reckon you could compile a healthy recipe book for us all! Best wishes! Aggie

IH8PN 02-20-2014 11:48 PM

The way my health insurance is set up (Kaiser) I need a referral from my GP to see a neurologist. It wasn't until about 2 1/2 weeks ago I even considered serious nerve damage/neuropathy as the cause of my foot pain. My GP requested I try the Nortriptyline for 3 weeks before we try a neurologist.

I don't blame my GP. I've seen him twice and 2 podiatrists in the past 3 months trying to figure out what was going on. The symptoms kept morphing and progressing. Really screwing with my head, which led me to a little hysteria on my part. I'm sure they all think I'm a hypochondriac and I don't blame them.

It wasn't until the burning started that things started clicking. Once google searches led me to people with identical symptoms as me, I was convinced. I'll probably start pushing my GP for a referral within the next week or two. In the meantime I'm starting a treatment protocol based on the most likely causes I could come up with (alcohol tops my list)

Dr. Smith 02-21-2014 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1052429)
The symptoms kept morphing and progressing. Really screwing with my head, which led me to a little hysteria on my part. I'm sure they all think I'm a hypochondriac and I don't blame them.

Not if they know anything about PN. I hope you've learned/realized by now that changing/progressing symptoms are par for this condition, especially during early phases.

The head trips are pretty standard too—fear, confusion, frustration, desperation, etc. PN is, for most, a life-altering event, and fits the Kübler-Ross model as applied to chronic illness.


IH8PN 02-21-2014 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 1052446)

The head trips are pretty standard too—fear, confusion, frustration, desperation, etc. PN is, for most, a life-altering event, and fits the Kübler-Ross model as applied to chronic illness.


I think I skipped over denial and anger and went straight for bargaining and depression. I'm still bouncing back and forth between bargaining and depression right now. Part of me doesn't even care about all the debit I'm racking up on doctor visits and tests because money is useless if I have no quality of life. Then there is the depression associated with being sick, scared, and in pain.

Dr. Smith 02-22-2014 01:33 AM

There's no standard progression through the Kübler-Ross stages; they can occur in any order, skip stages, repeat stages, etc.


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1052560)
Then there is the depression associated with being sick, scared, and in pain.

That's another model known as the vicious cycle.

I think it helps to understand these things we go through. If we're aware of them and can recognize them for what they are, it can take away some of the fear and help us cope. You're not alone in these feelings.


beatle 02-26-2014 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1052560)
I think I skipped over denial and anger and went straight for bargaining and depression. I'm still bouncing back and forth between bargaining and depression right now. Part of me doesn't even care about all the debit I'm racking up on doctor visits and tests because money is useless if I have no quality of life. Then there is the depression associated with being sick, scared, and in pain.

We are in the same boat although I may be a bit ahead of you in terms of progression. I hope yours changes course for the better.

IH8PN 03-01-2014 03:25 PM

Weekly update:

I blew it yesterday. After 19 without alcohol I broke yesterday and had 2 beers. I guess it could have been worse, but the sobriety count now stands back at 1 day.

Other than a lack of will power on my part I blame it on a really painful day. Went out to run some errands and I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I put my shoes on. Burning feet, painful raw soles, agony with every step. The pain and anxiety got to me and i needed a couple beers to take the edge off and get relief for and hour or two.

Let's throw in some positive news. The burning has continued to be down from where it was 3 weeks ago. The Tinel sign on the top of my left foot is less sensitive. Not sure what it means but I assume its good. Little to no numbness in either feet.

Now for the bad. Right foot still aches bad when standing. Developed a new pain behind the middle toe in my right foot that comes and goes. Pain is even reaching up into my ankle and calf, maybe from bad walking mechanics as I compensate for the pain when I walk. Pain in the ball of left foot is still bad. Skin felt very raw yesterday on both feet.

Feet have felt really cold on occasion. I thought maybe a circulation problem as my feet seemed really pale at times. Checked pulses on both feet and seem to be ok. Hair on my feet seemed patchier than I recall from the past. I did a few extra epsom salts in hot water to get circulation going. I think I might have overdone it which is what I'm hoping caused the skin rawness, so I'm going to back off soaks for a week and see if my skin doesn't improve.

Saw a psychologist the other day who prescribed me Prozac. I'm going to give it a try because I'm really down mentally right now, and I'm willing to try anything that'll help. I'm hoping to get my feet under control and get off the meds down the road. I'm normally a fairly healthy happy person until all this started.

Finally I'm starting to question whether my PN symptoms are alcohol related. Mrs D mentioned a slow progression with alcohol neuropathy, where mine came on rather quickly. Did I miss early warning signs? Toxicity perhaps? Injury I ignored? Hereditary? The investigation continues. Either way giving up alcohol is for the best regardless and my body needs to heel, so I'm sticking with the plan until I come up with a better idea.

-96 days since left foot symptoms
-49 days since right foot symptoms
-24 days on Nortriptyline
-1 days sober
-18 days on supplements

Kitt 03-01-2014 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1054325)
Weekly update:

I blew it yesterday. After 19 without alcohol I broke yesterday and had 2 beers. I guess it could have been worse, but the sobriety count now stands back at 1 day.

Other than a lack of will power on my part I blame it on a really painful day. Went out to run some errands and I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I put my shoes on. Burning feet, painful raw soles, agony with every step. The pain and anxiety got to me and i needed a couple beers to take the edge off and get relief for and hour or two.

Let's throw in some positive news. The burning has continued to be down from where it was 3 weeks ago. The Tinel sign on the top of my left foot is less sensitive. Not sure what it means but I assume its good. Little to no numbness in either feet.

Now for the bad. Right foot still aches bad when standing. Developed a new pain behind the middle toe in my right foot that comes and goes. Pain is even reaching up into my ankle and calf, maybe from bad walking mechanics as I compensate for the pain when I walk. Pain in the ball of left foot is still bad. Skin felt very raw yesterday on both feet.

Feet have felt really cold on occasion. I thought maybe a circulation problem as my feet seemed really pale at times. Checked pulses on both feet and seem to be ok. Hair on my feet seemed patchier than I recall from the past. I did a few extra epsom salts in hot water to get circulation going. I think I might have overdone it which is what I'm hoping caused the skin rawness, so I'm going to back off soaks for a week and see if my skin doesn't improve.

Saw a psychologist the other day who prescribed me Prozac. I'm going to give it a try because I'm really down mentally right now, and I'm willing to try anything that'll help. I'm hoping to get my feet under control and get off the meds down the road. I'm normally a fairly healthy happy person until all this started.

Finally I'm starting to question whether my PN symptoms are alcohol related. Mrs D mentioned a slow progression with alcohol neuropathy, where mine came on rather quickly. Did I miss early warning signs? Toxicity perhaps? Injury I ignored? Hereditary? The investigation continues. Either way giving up alcohol is for the best regardless and my body needs to heel, so I'm sticking with the plan until I come up with a better idea.

-96 days since left foot symptoms
-49 days since right foot symptoms
-24 days on Nortriptyline
-1 days sober
-18 days on supplements

Anyone in your family have similar problems? Thanks.

IH8PN 03-01-2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kitt (Post 1054337)
Anyone in your family have similar problems? Thanks.

My mom mentioned that she had feelings of burning feet throughout her life although has never been diagnosed with PN. She seemed puzzled when I mentioned some of my other symptoms and how bad it had become.

Could be something to it. My pain and symptoms sounded way worse than what she described. It was more of a annoyance rather than a pain in her eyes. I tried explaining that at times I struggle to stand/walk through the pain. Maybe it's hereditary and I got it worse? I wouldn't rule it out, it just seems like there is more to it in my case so I'm not just going to lean back on hereditary PN as the diagnosis right now until I do more investigating.

mrsD 03-02-2014 09:29 AM

Raw feet? Epsom salts shouldn't cause that, but they will sting, if used on raw skin.

I wonder... do your feet normally sweat when you wear socks?
If you normally sweat and there is a residue in the socks of soap and/or fabric softener, this will dissolve in the sweat and burn and irritate the skin on your feet.

If so, I am going to suggest that you give your clothes an extra rinse when washing them. Lots of soap will come out during that second rinse...if you watch it you'll see. Then DO NOT use a fabric softener. The chemicals in fabric softeners can cause all sorts of skin grief.

Also if you have athlete's foot, you will have red/raw skin on the bottoms of the feet. Sometimes people think their fungus is gone, but it is still living in the deeper areas of the dermis, and can cause burning by stimulating the nerve endings there. If you had athlete's foot in the past, I'd suggest using Lamisil for a week and see if things improve. Lamisil is the strongest one out there and there is less resistance by the fungus to it.

Kitt 03-02-2014 11:29 AM

And -
most people use way too much laundry detergent in their wash. I've read that and also experienced it in seeing how much soap comes out. So less is more. Use what you need and not what they say. You can experiment. After all, they are selling their product.

IH8PN 03-02-2014 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 1054402)
Raw feet? Epsom salts shouldn't cause that, but they will sting, if used on raw skin.

I wonder... do your feet normally sweat when you wear socks?
If you normally sweat and there is a residue in the socks of soap and/or fabric softener, this will dissolve in the sweat and burn and irritate the skin on your feet.

If so, I am going to suggest that you give your clothes an extra rinse when washing them. Lots of soap will come out during that second rinse...if you watch it you'll see. Then DO NOT use a fabric softener. The chemicals in fabric softeners can cause all sorts of skin grief.

Also if you have athlete's foot, you will have red/raw skin on the bottoms of the feet. Sometimes people think their fungus is gone, but it is still living in the deeper areas of the dermis, and can cause burning by stimulating the nerve endings there. If you had athlete's foot in the past, I'd suggest using Lamisil for a week and see if things improve. Lamisil is the strongest one out there and there is less resistance by the fungus to it.

I don't think it's athletes foot. I don't have the best looking feet but even in my suspicious paranoid state I can't make a case for any signs of fungus. I could be wrong so I'll continue to monitor them.

My best guess is the sensitivity on the foot soles is related to the frequency and temperature of the water in regards to my foot soaks. Hot water felt so good at the time but it might have caused adverse effects including sensitivity. No obvious skin burning, but they almost feel "sunburned"

I'll try the double rinse with laundry as well and see if that helps, as it is something I never even considered. Thanks. I'll report back any changes.

Kitt 03-02-2014 04:39 PM

A word about hot water - lukewarm water, not hot water, is the best for me. Otherwise, my feet can tingle and almost have a burning feeling. I have to be very careful.

IH8PN 03-14-2014 11:29 PM

It's been 2 weeks since my last update and I have a lot to share so bear with me.

I had my appointment with a Neurologist for the first time today. The physical exam and questioning was largely unremarkable other than mild temperature deficits in the tip of my big toes. I was slightly worried that since I have no significant motor or sensory deficits, the neurologist would dismiss me as a hypochondriac which has been a reoccurring theme with previous doctors. I explained as many details as I could including the alloydnia, pain, and progressive symptoms. He took my word for it, started some more blood tests, and we are in the process of setting up a nerve conduction study. I don't have my lab results but will post results when I get them. (HIV, LYME, HEP, Autoimmune) So at least I have the ball rolling on finding a cause and ruling more things out.

I asked if we could try another medication in conjuction with the nortiptyline that I'm on. He wanted to up my nortiptyline to 50 mg a week for the next 2 weeks before we move on. It's early in my PN so that's a fair enough request.

The bad news is that the pain was at an all time high today. Maybe the strain from walking around the hospital and the anxiety of meeting with the neurologist caused some extra stress. burning in the soles of my feet is at an all time high. Walking on the carpet at home feels like walking on hot pavement. No good. The burning going up into my shins was pretty intense as well, but has subsided a bit as I write this. The foot ache is still prominent in my right foot and I still can't localize it no matter how much i investigate.

I had a feeling of skin rawness on the soles of my foot that i was trying to figure out as well. I've come to the conclusion that it's just another symptom of the PN. Socks have become very uncomfortable as a result. Kind of like walking on sandpaper and no fun. So overall not good as far as symptoms go in the past 2 weeks.

I also hit the month mark on supplementation and I can honestly say my pain is worse now than when I started the supplements. A little discouraging, but I have to be patient and stick with the program. I know it may get worse before it gets better. I know it may never get better. Either way I have to give my body a chance.

-110 days since left foot symptoms
-63 days since right foot symptoms
-38 days on Nortriptyline
-15 days sober
-32 days on supplements

Taking it one day at a time. I get very overwhelmed when I think ahead in terms of weeks or months. Just hoping tomorrow is better than today.

Dr. Smith 03-15-2014 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1057067)
Just hoping tomorrow is better than today.

Beware today (the Ides of March) :rolleyes:


I also hit the month mark on supplementation and I can honestly say my pain is worse now than when I started the supplements. A little discouraging, but I have to be patient and stick with the program. I know it may get worse before it gets better. I know it may never get better. Either way I have to give my body a chance.
Hang in there. If/when the supplements do kick in, it may be gradual/difficult to notice at first.


hopeful 03-15-2014 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1057067)
It's been 2 weeks since my last update and I have a lot to share so bear with me.

I had my appointment with a Neurologist for the first time today. The physical exam and questioning was largely unremarkable other than mild temperature deficits in the tip of my big toes. I was slightly worried that since I have no significant motor or sensory deficits, the neurologist would dismiss me as a hypochondriac which has been a reoccurring theme with previous doctors. I explained as many details as I could including the alloydnia, pain, and progressive symptoms. He took my word for it, started some more blood tests, and we are in the process of setting up a nerve conduction study. I don't have my lab results but will post results when I get them. (HIV, LYME, HEP, Autoimmune) So at least I have the ball rolling on finding a cause and ruling more things out.

I asked if we could try another medication in conjuction with the nortiptyline that I'm on. He wanted to up my nortiptyline to 50 mg a week for the next 2 weeks before we move on. It's early in my PN so that's a fair enough request.

The bad news is that the pain was at an all time high today. Maybe the strain from walking around the hospital and the anxiety of meeting with the neurologist caused some extra stress. burning in the soles of my feet is at an all time high. Walking on the carpet at home feels like walking on hot pavement. No good. The burning going up into my shins was pretty intense as well, but has subsided a bit as I write this. The foot ache is still prominent in my right foot and I still can't localize it no matter how much i investigate.

I had a feeling of skin rawness on the soles of my foot that i was trying to figure out as well. I've come to the conclusion that it's just another symptom of the PN. Socks have become very uncomfortable as a result. Kind of like walking on sandpaper and no fun. So overall not good as far as symptoms go in the past 2 weeks.

I also hit the month mark on supplementation and I can honestly say my pain is worse now than when I started the supplements. A little discouraging, but I have to be patient and stick with the program. I know it may get worse before it gets better. I know it may never get better. Either way I have to give my body a chance.

-110 days since left foot symptoms
-63 days since right foot symptoms
-38 days on Nortriptyline
-15 days sober
-32 days on supplements

Taking it one day at a time. I get very overwhelmed when I think ahead in terms of weeks or months. Just hoping tomorrow is better than today.

I'm happy for you that you finally found a doctor who will listen to you. It also sounds like you r willing to try what he suggest for now. You must have some initial trust in him.

It is not unusual for socks or shoes to be annoying. I love summer, flip flop are a good friend of mine.

As Dr. Smith pointed out, the supplements may take a while to help. Try to hang in there.

This disease process, for me, can change day to day. Originally, I couldn't go without wearing slipper sock.

Congratulations on your 15 day sobriety. It can't be easy but is necessary.

Hopeful :)

mrsD 03-15-2014 06:05 PM

I would say at this point, if you are WORSE since starting supplements, I'd discontinue them for now.

Keep the B's and stop any others temporarily. One has to have
good kidney functions to take supplements. Do you know your kidney status?

The B's are used in alcohol rehab clinics for just about everyone.

IH8PN 03-15-2014 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 1057254)
I would say at this point, if you are WORSE since starting supplements, I'd discontinue them for now.

Keep the B's and stop any others temporarily. One has to have
good kidney functions to take supplements. Do you know your kidney status?

The B's are used in alcohol rehab clinics for just about everyone.

I respect your opinion mrs D. Yesterday was a really bad day, and maybe not the best for evaluation of my condition. Today has been better. Just the ups and downs of this condition it seems like. Some days I feel better and some worse. Makes it hard to know if you are getting healing or deteriorating.

I'm going to continue the supplement regimen until I run out and reevaluate. Burning sensation has been down today. Maybe it was stress yesterday. I guess I need to figure out what causes my flare ups. It is more likely my condition is about the same as a month ago with a bad flare up yesterday.

I'm starting to doubt alcohol as the culprit with acute symptoms progressing over about a 2 month period and somewhat stabilizing the past month. Either way I think it's safe to say an alcohol free environment is ideal so I'd still like to give it up as I attempt to recover.

Dr. Smith 03-16-2014 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1057315)
Some days I feel better and some worse. Makes it hard to know if you are getting healing or deteriorating.

Keeping a diary/journal/log can help a LOT. Recording pain levels, stress levels, other symptoms, what you ate, activities, etc. can help deduce triggers & alleviants and chart general/overall progress over time.

You can find templates online for ideas and/or come up with your own.


beatle 03-19-2014 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1057315)
I'm going to continue the supplement regimen until I run out and reevaluate. Burning sensation has been down today. Maybe it was stress yesterday. I guess I need to figure out what causes my flare ups. It is more likely my condition is about the same as a month ago with a bad flare up yesterday.

I'm starting to doubt alcohol as the culprit with acute symptoms progressing over about a 2 month period and somewhat stabilizing the past month. Either way I think it's safe to say an alcohol free environment is ideal so I'd still like to give it up as I attempt to recover.

I have been on all the PN supplements for two years and I don't think they have helped at all. Then again, maybe my symptoms would be worse without them so I take them anyway.

I too doubt that alcohol is the culprit for my PN but with nerve damage, it is always best to steer clear of alcohol and sugar as much as possible.

IH8PN 03-22-2014 06:36 PM

Had to sit down for a minute and document my day. I woke up feeling my normal PN pains. Sensitive foot sole, general achiness in my feet and legs, mild foot burning etc.

After walking around a little I noticed my pain was decreased a little today so I figured I'd try to help out with a few simple chores around the house. My wife has had to take on extra responsibility due to my PN pains and decreased mobility and I wanted to help out with whatever I could. I started by cleaning up the kitchen, washed the dishes, sanitized the counters, put stuff away. I was still feeling ok so I moved on to vacuuming, then dusting, and generally straightening things. I did a few loads of laundry. Well I still felt comfortable on my feet so I got adventurous and mowed the lawn. Then I pulled some weeds, and threw some stuff out from the garage that I've been meaning to get to.

I couldn't believe how much I got done. I was still in discomfort and was constantly aware of my feet the whole time, but it wasn't complete agony like it's been for me in the past few months. I haven't left the house in over a month accept to go to work because walking has just been to difficult. I'm feeling good enough at the moment to go out to dinner with the family tonight! I'll take any relief and reason to smile that I can get at this point.

I'm not sure what I would attribute feeling better to, but it felt good to be mobile. I hope I don't pay for it tomorrow. By no means do I walk or stand without discomfort, but I feel I'm finally moving in the right direction even if its only for a day.

Dr. Smith 03-23-2014 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1058808)
I hope I don't pay for it tomorrow.

IME, it just goes that way—good days & bad days—often unpredictable and/or with no rhyme/reason. What ever happens, stay frosty, take the day (week/month...) as it comes, do what you can/gotta do, and illegitimi non carborundum! ;)


IH8PN 03-23-2014 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 1058900)
IME, it just goes that way—good days & bad days—often unpredictable and/or with no rhyme/reason. What ever happens, stay frosty, take the day (week/month...) as it comes, do what you can/gotta do, and illegitimi non carborundum! ;)


Today has definitely been worse than yesterday. Oh well, I knew yesterday was too good to be true. I'll just keep sticking to the plan and hope for gradual recovery, improvement, and more good days!

beatle 03-23-2014 05:45 PM

Congrats on a good day. I too have an occasional good day and if I do a lot (a lot for having PN that is), the next day is always more challenging.

Stay mobile.

IH8PN 03-24-2014 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by beatle (Post 1058936)
Congrats on a good day. I too have an occasional good day and if I do a lot (a lot for having PN that is), the next day is always more challenging.

Stay mobile.

Thanks beatle, I'm not sure if I over did it On Saturday but I'm not feeling too great the past 2 days. It's definitely difficult to deal with a bad day after a good one, but having a good day was a boost to my mental health at least.

beatle 03-24-2014 06:13 PM

I know what you mean. Just when I think my PN will stay the same, or even stabilize, it changes, sometimes better, sometimes worse.

Let's have more good days.

IH8PN 03-28-2014 01:37 AM

Update time: I'll start with a little good news. The first symptom that really took my breath away early on in the PN progression was a deep ache in my foot. It has been noticeabley down lately allowing me to stand on my feet for longer periods at home.

The bad news is I really can not stand shoes and socks. The counters of any pretty much any shoe bother me and make my feet feel "lumpy" That symptom has really been getting worse lately and its frustrating. Same goes for socks. Just can't wear them. Too tight and feel like sand paper not matter the material. Have to wear thin dress socks and a combination of shoe insoles just to make it through the day at work. I worry I may never be able to walk normally in shoes ever again. very depressing.

Burning comes any goes but hasn't been too bad. More of a symptom exacerbated by shoes and socks. I'm mostly fine when barefoot, although sometimes my feet will feel really cold out of nowhere for no reason it seems. Extremity parenthesis hasn't been much of an issue recently, but is not gone. Maybe medication or vitamin suppressed for now.

I was really stuck on the idea that my PN was only small fiber, but as time goes on I feel like deeper nerves in my foot are affected. Something about the deep ache and positional sense my feet feel in different environment. I don't have any science based reasons for this hunch, just a gut feeling for now that I plan on investigating further.

Started gabapentin last week 300mgx3. Can't say I've noticed much relief, although maybe it's helped with burning which really hasn't been my top complaint anyway. Still on Nortriptyline 30mg, but I'm still thinking of tapering off that because symptoms have progressed since I started taking it and I want to see how I feel without it.

I'm awaiting my NCS in 3 weeks and until then won't have any further testing. So for now I continue the supplements, stay off the booze, and keep my fingers crossed that everyday is better than the one before.

mrsD 03-28-2014 05:24 AM

There are softer socks available... WalMart carries them...diabetic socks.

Also on the RSD forum, some of them with severe foot pain, use
bamboo socks. I haven't tried that, yet.

The number of suppliers has recently exploded on Google.
Avoid tight socks around the ankle... compression there can
affect the nerves going down the leg into your feet.

There are even "relaxed fit" socks now. My son had to buy them.

St George 2013 03-28-2014 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1058808)
Had to sit down for a minute and document my day. I woke up feeling my normal PN pains. Sensitive foot sole, general achiness in my feet and legs, mild foot burning etc.

After walking around a little I noticed my pain was decreased a little today so I figured I'd try to help out with a few simple chores around the house. My wife has had to take on extra responsibility due to my PN pains and decreased mobility and I wanted to help out with whatever I could. I started by cleaning up the kitchen, washed the dishes, sanitized the counters, put stuff away. I was still feeling ok so I moved on to vacuuming, then dusting, and generally straightening things. I did a few loads of laundry. Well I still felt comfortable on my feet so I got adventurous and mowed the lawn. Then I pulled some weeds, and threw some stuff out from the garage that I've been meaning to get to.

I couldn't believe how much I got done. I was still in discomfort and was constantly aware of my feet the whole time, but it wasn't complete agony like it's been for me in the past few months. I haven't left the house in over a month accept to go to work because walking has just been to difficult. I'm feeling good enough at the moment to go out to dinner with the family tonight! I'll take any relief and reason to smile that I can get at this point.

I'm not sure what I would attribute feeling better to, but it felt good to be mobile. I hope I don't pay for it tomorrow. By no means do I walk or stand without discomfort, but I feel I'm finally moving in the right direction even if its only for a day.


I had 'one' of those days this past Tuesday. It was the first time I've driven myself anywhere for about 2 months. Did a lot of cleaning around the house and drove my dog to the vet ! By that evening I knew.....I knew as always if I have a good day and do anything I'm going to pay for it......and I have since Tues night. I'm still hurting.......but I've come to feel that it's worth it to feel almost normal for a day....Like you....I can still feel the symptoms in my feet, hands, etc...I know it's there but I'm able to move around and my head is clear.

My daughter is going to have surgery on April 28 and I have to be there......I was given a wheelchair which I have used on occasion but never for as long as I'm going to have to use it in the hospital. I am not looking forward to it. I know I'll be able to walk a little.....probably in pre-op and her room. Just crossing my fingers that it will be a 'good' day.

Being barefoot is the best for me in the house. The only thing I wear on my feet is the slip on's with the Velcro strap across the toes.....when I take them off the little lines on the shoe bottom have made indented lines on the soles of both feet :) Thank goodness I'm in GA.....I have no idea what I would do if I lived in a cold climate. If I have to use socks I use the very thin foot socks.....of course mine are crazy colors and patterns so I get lots of comments on them from dr's and nurses. I'm business on on the bottom (dress clothes and crazy socks !)

Thanks for listening.

Debi from Georgia

IH8PN 03-28-2014 03:27 PM

So, feet started going numb today. It probably started before today, but was very obvious today. Especially the right big toe and ball of foot. The left toe too at a lesser degree.

The weird part to is that it's causing more pain. It's like some of the nerves are already dead and the ones that are still around are malfunctioning as a result and everything I walk on feels like rough sandpaper.

This steady progression is very hard to deal with. I'm trying to remain positive but I keep telling my family that I have a bad feeling that I'm not going to be able to walk by the end of the year. Just based on progression to date and mapping out a timeline that is where I'm headed. It's not dramatic, it's the truth.

Unless something happens to halt progression or turn this around. Although let's face it. I can't stand for more than 5-10 minutes at a time anyway so I'm not all that far from being disabled as I type this. The only problem is that it's not measurable at this point, so I can't even prove my handicap. I feel all alone today. Not one of my better days.

IH8PN 04-04-2014 07:10 PM

Update Time:

Its been 3 weeks so I wanted to make sure I posted something so I can continue to track my progress, especially with rapid changes occurring in regards to my symptoms.

First thing is first. After pleading with my Neurologist to try Gabapentin since the Nortriptyline wasn't giving me relief, he agreed and I started at 300mg x3 per day. Ten days later I contacted my doctor and told him I was going downhill fast with pain he told me to up my dose to 600mg x3 per day which is where I have been the past 3 days.

As far as symptoms go, things are changing, waxing, and waning. Off the top of my head i recalled this all started with deep aches in my heels and arches with burning on the top of my. The arch pain is mostly gone, the heel pain has subsided a little, and the burning has turned to more of a freezing sensation. My feet feel really cold at times stimulated by things such as socks of all things. The things is my feet aren't cold to the touch. The skin on my foot soles has become increasingly hypersensitive at times as if they have been rug burned. Shoes and socks have become unbearable as a result, and being barefoot feels best. The toes on my right foot have become sore and feels like I'm walking on shards of glass at times. Thats fun. Also the rubbing of pressure points of my shoes are real bothersome to my right foot.

I have a Nerve Conduction Study in 2 weeks. Depending on how that goes all request further blood testing since my neurologist seems to think we've hit all the important ones. (wrong) I guess at this point I'm still leaning towards a toxic or autoimmune cause although based on my symptoms and progression there are no specific causes that jump out. I still won't rule out alcohol even with the abnormal progression, but it's the only other thing that I can attribute the neuropathy to.

I bought an exercise bike to get the blood flowing since walking more than a few minutes at a times is out of the question. I deeply hope that the change in symptoms is a good sign, because it's extremely scary and overwhelming when a new symptom pops up. I'm doing what I can to turn this around, I can only hope for the best at this point.

-Left foot symptoms 131 days
-Right foot symptoms 84 days
-Days on Nortryptiline 59 days (30mg)
-Days on Supplements 53 days
-Days on Gapapentin 13 days (600x3)
-Days sober 36

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