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Sparky10 06-26-2012 10:14 AM

Anyone interested in keeping track of our exercise and/or weight?
Just got back from a half mile jog. My dog behaved well, which helped! She's about 8 y/o (a Humane Society refugee!) and needs basic obedience reinforcement. I didn't spend much energy training her when we got her as a puppy in '04. My Multiple Sclerosis saw to that.

Thanks to some healthy living (and a few good meds!), I'm able to jog and exercise now and want to spread the enthusiasm. I lost access to my old exercise group and weight-loss group (of over 8 years:() and I really miss them! I need the accountability.

So ~ if there's enough interest here we can start setting goals for ourselves and keeping track. In the meantime just tell us what you do, or have done, to exercise and/or lose or maintain your weight.

I slowly jogged a half mile today! That's up from my usual 4/10ths because of the cool temp and it just felt good. I need to get back into an indoor exercise routine that involves this big purple ball that has sat blocking my view of the bird feeders for a month.

What did you do? Do you have plans to keep doing it?

Sparky10 06-26-2012 12:22 PM

I seriously need to lose some flab around my middle, and it isn't going to go away simply because I want it gone. I have to do something. I went for another walk today, a hike really, to look for mulberries. It was rough going (for me) and I'm happy to say that I didn't fall down! And found a few berries.

I like to eat fresh food when I can, and there are a few edibles growing around me, wild! Blackberries (I prefer the mulberries) and Morel mushrooms are what I hunt. I grow asparagus and rhubarb.

Because I was weak and hot when I got back from the hike, I needed something to cool me off. I have in front of me a bottle of cold water and a plate of: half an orange, 2 raw asparagus sticks, 5 cubes of cojack cheese, and a small handful of Veggie Straws (made by Sensible Portions). A nice, cool snack! And not too fattening (the cheese is the worst thing on the plate).

And I feel refreshed already!

Sparky10 07-14-2012 05:11 PM

Guess I'll just entertain all the readers! Anyone is welcome to jump :trampoline:in here with me.

On July 10th I weighed 132 pounds. That surprised me! Haven't been exercising, just the (almost) daily walking. I've started seeing a Chiropractor; 7 visits so far. AND IT'S HELPING. I don't get the fatigue after activity I used to so maybe I can do more!

Sparky10 08-18-2012 10:47 AM

I've GOT to get serious about this! Just as I suspected would happen when I lost my online weight-loss group, I'm gaining.

Today I weigh 135. Not bad but more than I've weighed in a very long time. I'm 5' 5", and I bet if I calculated in my measurements my Body Fat Index (BFI) would scare me. If I wasn't so old (52) people would ask if I'm pregnant. Haven't been asked that question in many years.

I just moved my computer chair aside and replaced it with that big purple exercise ball. Now it's not blocking my view of the outdoors, and instead of sitting very still for the hours I'm here I'll be moving some part of my body.

Yesterday I walked/jogged a half mile - I'm off to do that again!

karousel 08-18-2012 07:38 PM

Sparky I too need to get serious. I spent the last two days walking, walking, walking with my family while camping. Tomorrow we'll be doing the same. I have so many problems (not MS related) from my fall two years ago :Slip: and gained quite a bit of weight because of my lack of activity because of my injuries. But enough is enough and I need to find a way to work around my pain and stay active while watching what I'm eating. I've been wearing a pedometer so I can see how active I've been and will be tracking my food and calorie intake. I won't tell you my weight. :eek: I know I'd like to loose at least 15 pounds but more importantly find better habits and tone up. I've been fighting my weight since I was a teenager and don't want to live like this any more.

I love you sitting on an exercise ball! What a great way to keep or make your core muscles stronger.

Sparky10 08-18-2012 10:03 PM

We can do this, karousel! Sitting on this ball is great! I've been doing a hula-hoop motion most of the time. Sometimes just wiggling side to side but MOVING!

bizi 08-19-2012 09:05 PM

hi there!
great moving! that is what we need to do is move more and eat less.
that is what I need to do. I have gained so much weight in the last year....sigh.
went out tonight with a girlfriend and had margaritas. they were so good!
But not on my diet.

bizi 08-20-2012 07:38 PM

move more eat less!
this should be my new motto.
going to go for a walk shortly. It has been too hot to go and humid.
I need a shower so who cares if I get hot and sweaty.
good luck all!

karousel 08-20-2012 08:03 PM

I spent two hours cleaning and rearranging my garage today. This evening I went shopping and made sure to walk the entire store aisle by aisle just to get that extra movement. I've been wearing my pedometer and love to see how many steps I've been racking up!

Sparky10 08-20-2012 11:12 PM

Way to go, karousel! I used to have a pedometer; it was a cheapie and registered steps every time I moved. Turned me off of the whole idea but when they work I bet it's helpful to get a visual of your accomplishment.

I'm getting a kick out of rolling my butt around on this ball as I compute!

bizi 08-20-2012 11:22 PM

It was probably a 2 mile now drinking gin and diet cranberry cocktails.....low carb drinks....
keep moving!

karousel 08-23-2012 11:03 AM

My pedometer works great, has different pace settings that can be changed to the kind of walk you're doing. It even keeps track of the past 7 days worth of steps. Wonderful when you can't remember things!

I can just imagine the core work you're doing. No longer sitting in front of the computer. Now it's exercising in front of the computer.

Bizi good that you're walking and then drinking low carb drinks!

Sparky10 08-29-2012 11:17 PM

Finally remembered to weigh before breakfast. Holding steady at 135. Tonight was the first time in over a week I've eaten after 10pm. And it was out of pure boredom. :mad:

I'm still using the ball as a computer chair, and walking/jogging as much as half a mile almost every day.

karousel 08-31-2012 07:07 PM

Holding steady is good!

I've been so busy with rearranging furniture in the house and cleaning rooms and moving things I haven't had time to "exercise". ;) But I have lost 4 pounds. I just hope they don't find me again.

Eating out of boredom is one of my huge problems. I'm looking forward to the cooler weather so I can have hot tea at night instead of food!

Sparky10 09-07-2012 07:53 PM

Cool weather's coming, Karousel! We're expecting 450 tonight in east central Iowa.

Yes, boredom eating is a problem with me also. All afternoon:(. I wonder if a cup of hot tea with fiber powder in it might help? I have the fiber powder; now to develop a taste for the tea!

karousel 09-08-2012 10:43 AM

Hot tea with lemon works wonderfully. So I'll be enjoying my tea while DH is eating ice cream. :( I've loved tea since I was young. People either love it or hate it. Or what if you try flavored teas?

School started so this week I've been doing to the gym. The two days I went I had so many problems and didn't last very long. It wasn't until the second day that I realized the gym had shut off it's A/C and had the door open letting all the humidity in. :eek: This did this in Spring as well.

This week I'll try going in the afternoon because usually by then the A/C is back on. I won't have as much energy as I do in the mornings but I'll figure something out!

Sparky10 09-09-2012 01:41 PM

My walking companion, Rosie, tore a ligament in her rear leg (the vet believes). I haven't been walking for a week! We're expecting she'll need surgery but has an appointment Wednesday with a vet able to do it if need be. $$:eek:

karousel 09-09-2012 07:36 PM

How sad that Rosie is hurt. I hope she heals quickly so you can get back to walking! It's so hard when our babies get hurt. :(

Tomorrow I'm going on a hike with my hiking group and I'm excited. The leader was away for a few months so we haven't done any hiking. Plus it was summer vacation for my DD so I wouldn't have been able to go anyway. I'm looking forward to getting out tomorrow. The temp will be in the 60's most of the day. Perfect weather for hiking! :D

Sparky10 09-14-2012 06:57 PM

Yep, Rosie won't be walking with me anytime soon. Surgery in a couple weeks, at least 8 weeks rehab. I need to get back to walking but those sad brown eyes...hard to disappoint the old girl.

And either my exercise ball has developed a small leak or has stretched out irreparably. Guess they aren't meant for constant use.

karousel 09-15-2012 08:26 PM

Uh oh, your exercise ball has a leak. Not good.

Today I went garage saling with some friends. We ended up at a town garage sale and walked quite a bit. I kept track of my steps and racked up over 14,500!

bizi 10-02-2012 12:08 PM

sorry about your poor doggie and your ball.
I weighed 158 yesterday want to get to 135.
I was going to go to the gym last night but fell asleep instead, must have needed a nap. will try to go tonight.

raj_malholtra 10-02-2012 12:54 PM

Check out the book 4 hour body. It has more than 1500 reviews on Amazon. It really helps you lose weight. Anyway it works for me. 1 hour of exercise a week adds to 4 hours in a MONTH. He is quite specific on what exercises you do. You make up for it by modifying your diet. Its basically a low glycemic diet. Good luck.

bizi 10-04-2012 09:16 AM

I weighed myself this morning and think that I am dehydrated so don't believe the scales. 153.5.

Sparky10 10-06-2012 07:20 PM

Have completely gotten out of the daily walk/jog habit. :( Maybe I can slip out the back door and not have to face Rosie. She doesn't understand why she can't come along.

Scared to step on a scale. I know it's bad when my fatty hiphugger jeans stay on without need of a belt.

bizi 10-06-2012 09:21 PM

I had to buy new jeans the other day...none of my casual pants fit....sigh

karousel 10-07-2012 05:34 PM

Today I actually managed to get outside and do about an hour of gardening after I mowed the lawn (riding mower so it doesn't count :p). I've been very lax on my exercising and need to get back into the swing of it!

bizi 10-09-2012 09:00 AM

good for you for doing some gardening. that counts. my motto is move more eat less. so far I have not been very good ate either of these goals.

bizi 04-24-2013 10:37 PM

146 this am...pinch me my dieting is working! and going to the gym to use the tred mill 3xweek. I burn over 300 calories and feel great when I amdone!

karousel 04-25-2013 06:27 AM

Wahoo bizi!!! :Excited: I excited when I hear about someone making progress because I know how much work you put into it to get there! Keep it up.

I joined a new weight loss support group through my husband's employer and it's my second week. The group goes for 22 weeks and at the end we get paid $ for doing it. :D So far I'm down 3 pounds so time will tell if this will work for me. I still kept off the 17 I lost through Weight Watchers so maybe I can loose and keep off a little more going to these group meetings.

I really like this program because my calorie intake and my exercise program has been altered because of my MS. I love that! Since she altered it, whenever I do more exercise than I'm required to I feel so good. I'm supposed to walk 30 minutes three times a week but have been doing more especially on days when I go hiking with my hiking group.

Let's keep moving!!

bizi 04-25-2013 09:28 AM

that is wonderful karousel!!!
that is great that you are in a hiking club! great to get outdoors.
good luck in this process. Being paid to lose weight is awsome! congrats on losing the 17 pounds and keeping it off. I tend to lose weight then gain it back then lose it. I yo yo.

Sparky10 01-29-2014 05:21 PM

Lost touch with this thread!

Bad news is Rosie tore her other ACL. As the vet said said, at least she's run out of ligaments to tear. :rolleyes: She's back to full exercise now; went for her first solo run through the snow-covered pasture. I walked a little over half a mile. She went considerably further.

The good news is I've kept my weight below 130 all year so far. Scale said 126, most recently. Lowest I've weighed in years! It's mostly from moderation - less alcohol, less food. Better food. Certainly having been walking much this winter. Iowa is on the southern fringe of the polar vortex thingie and the temps have been brutal. Even Rosie's feet start hurting when it's in the minus teens.

bizi 01-29-2014 06:08 PM

congratulations on your maintenance of your weight! awesome!

Sparky10 12-16-2015 09:43 AM

It's been almost 2 years since I last posted on this thread. Am happy to report that I have kept my weight below 130 for this whole time! Was as far down as 121, but now I'm hovering around 123. I've replaced all my pants!

For various reasons I'm not walking for exercise anymore. Now it's mostly done on an old, free-off-Craigslist, stationary exercise bike. I have done as much as 33 minutes while reading book, and later the same day did 23 minutes while working my arms with 3 1/2 lb weights.

We've fenced in about 3/4 of an acre as our backyard, so Rosie doesn't need those walks anymore. The old gal is 11 now and still chases squirrels. She's got a doggie door and doesn't even have to ask to go out anymore.

Hope everyone else is still plugging right along!

karousel 12-16-2015 08:02 PM

That is so great!! I'm happy to hear that. I'm still plugging away. I was having difficulty lifting one of my legs so for the past year I've been working with a personal trainer at a gym I joined. It's been slow and steady and along the way I've taught each trainer I've worked with a little about MS and our challenges. I've finished my contract and didn't renew it but have learned so many new exercises and how they will help me keep myself stronger. :D

bizi 12-16-2015 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky10 (Post 1188677)
It's been almost 2 years since I last posted on this thread. Am happy to report that I have kept my weight below 130 for this whole time! Was as far down as 121, but now I'm hovering around 123. I've replaced all my pants!

congratulations, you are doing great!
thanks for posting.

bizi 12-16-2015 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by karousel (Post 1188792)
That is so great!! I'm happy to hear that. I'm still plugging away. I was having difficulty lifting one of my legs so for the past year I've been working with a personal trainer at a gym I joined. It's been slow and steady and along the way I've taught each trainer I've worked with a little about MS and our challenges. I've finished my contract and didn't renew it but have learned so many new exercises and how they will help me keep myself stronger. :D

Hoping that you are well for the holidays.

Sparky10 12-07-2017 09:34 PM

Here I am again. Went looking for this thread to see when I made that vow to keep my weight below 130. Has it really been 5 1/2 years? Wow. Happy to say I'm still on track. Down to 112 this morning. So much flab gone. I don't hold my stomach in anymore. Wearing Junior size 2 jeans.

Bizi, karousel, you folks still around?

karousel 12-08-2017 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky10 (Post 1255756)
Here I am again. Went looking for this thread to see when I made that vow to keep my weight below 130. Has it really been 5 1/2 years? Wow. Happy to say I'm still on track. Down to 112 this morning. So much flab gone. I don't hold my stomach in anymore. Wearing Junior size 2 jeans.

Bizi, karousel, you folks still around?

I am sooo happy for you!! I'm the opposite - no matter what I do to try to loose weight I just can't. Very frustrating for me. That's why I'm so happy for you to accomplish your goal and stay at a healthy weight. :)

Sparky10 07-17-2020 05:53 PM

Wow, I haven't visited here in years! Last time I looked, over a year ago, I didn't see the weightloss forum.

I am still below 130. Probably too far below. Hovering around 104-107. I didn't intend to go this low. I think I'm just old (60 now) and shrinking! And can you believe there is still flab? I can pinch an inch, or more in some spots.

karousel 07-17-2020 06:10 PM

Congratulations for maintaining the weight loss! I finally went to a nutritionist and she helped me tweak the way I eat. The changes I made are for life and do feel a lot better. I've lost weight and so far have kept it off. I'm still a work in progress though!

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