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Blessings2You 04-12-2012 06:58 PM

Not naive, but not paranoid yet
I'm probably too tired to write this, but it's on my mind.

We have a relative that is a self-proclaimed "victim" of the medical "industry" (as she refers to it).

According to her, all doctors, insurance companies, receptionists, pharmaceutical companies, the CDC, the FDA, the government, you name 'em, they're all in cahoots in a conspiracy to suck up all of our money and let us die. :eek:

If I try to tactfully mention a peer-reviewed study that proves something to be so, she'll say, "Well, yeah, that's what they TELL us. That's what they WANT us to think."

Now I've had some less than happy experiences with the medical professions (and auto repair, and apparel catalogs, and so on). I don't accept as gospel every PR blurb from the drug companies. But mostly I have NOT had bad exepriences.

I just can't live like she does, thinking that they're all lying crooks! Really? I have friends and relatives who are doctors, nurses, insurance agents...I have a cousin that works for the CDC. My cousin isn't a lying crook.

She's our relative and I love her, but she will have no middle ground. I have another friend, a close friend, who thinks the government, the CDC, the medical world, and others are involved in a big cover up that keeps her from getting the care she "needs". *sigh

I don't consider myself naive, far from it. But God help me if I become that paranoid.

ANNagain 04-12-2012 08:06 PM

I'm OK

You're OK


SallyC 04-12-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by ANNagain (Post 869296)
I'm OK

You're OK


I agree, Blessings..:)

mrsD 04-13-2012 02:24 AM

Well the fact of the matter is that Big Pharma is something everyone should understand. Drugs today are not like they were 30 yrs ago. They cause considerable damage, and often this is not revealed to doctors, who blindly accept the lies Big Pharma provides. One has only to learn about price fixing, and deceptive practices easily found on the net. Google "Pfizer fines"
"Lilly fines" and just recently J & J.
1.1 billion.... just chump change for what they got away with!

Parke Davis and Pfizer experimented on patients with doctor permissions in violation of FDA drug approval processes.

Merck and Vioxx? 60 minutes aired memos from Merck showing how reps could avoid questions and the truth when asked by doctors!

These are conspiracies, real ones against consumers. They are enough to strike concern in many people's hearts.

Medical devices? Also a big problem.

Being careful is not being paranoid. But letting this consume you? That can get out of hand.

Blessings2You 04-13-2012 05:56 AM

I agree, Mrs D. There are problems, BIG problems. Greed can obscure the public good, and it has (in my opinion) in not just big pharma, but the auto industry, tobacco, the list goes on. How many times have we heard "they've known that for ten years but they covered it up"?

I also agree that we need accountability, "watch dogs", and that we need to be our own health care advocates. Amen! Education is our friend.

Most of the time, I think I know where the line is between careful and paranoid. I don't want to be all la-la-la, I'll just do what they tell me to, they know what's best for me, I'll ask no questions. I'm just seeing the pendulum swing from where, as a society, we trusted everybody to one where we don't trust ANYbody.

Maybe it's just me having a mood. :rolleyes:

mrsD 04-13-2012 07:05 AM

I think it is just appalling about medicine today. 30 yrs ago I was given overdoses of a blood pressure drug, while in the hospital for pregnancy high blood pressure. I could have become a statistic that night. I had to fight with two doctors, and finally my doctor on the phone, put an end to the problem!

It is no accident that 4th leading cause of death has been medical errors in hospitals, and missuse of drugs in treatments.

When I refused treatment having my massive drug reaction, the resident was not happy. But I stuck to my guns and he left.
I was so sick...I had a migraine from "you know where" because the blood vessels in my head were so dilated, my face was purple! Good thing I didn't burst one. And you know, 2 nights later when my BP was down to 140/90 a nurse brought the dreaded injection in to me at 2am, I could hear it clank in the tray, and it woke me up, and I said.. "What's THAT?" She said your nightly injection, and it turned out to be the horrible massive dose that almost killed me 2 nights before!. That had been discontinued on my chart supposedly and there it was, she was going to give it to me AGAIN! Events like this do not inspire confidence!

My baby son and I almost died that night. But only my vigilance saved us!

Since I was pregnant I could have no pain meds for my killer headache, so a nice nurse brought in some ice and sat with me to calm me down. She winked at me and said..."you did a great job with Dr. X.... none of us women nurses like HIM at ALL!" I imagine nurses see many such a stupid doctor ordering MORE of a drug that is causing a visible alarming reaction in someone! I had to tell him I know more about hydralazine that he did...and I REFUSE more of it!
And to have it brought back 2 nights later.... I felt like I was on a Dateline show or something!

One has to be very very careful when doctors are concerned!

Dejibo 04-13-2012 07:56 AM

Did you know that most of the corn grown today in the USA cannot be eaten till its processed by the Monsanto corp into things like high fructose corn syrup and pet foods?

I was a nurse. A prison nurse no less, so YES we allowed prisoners to get meds that were ..."study group" meds. I have seen folks that needed medical care passed over. I have seen folks who had more than their share of medical care given more and more and more.

I was just put on a medicine for migraines. From day one. I said "i feel buzzy. I feel like I am going to pass out. I feel like my heart is fluttering" MD said "thats rare, havent heard of such effects, keep taking it." so, he wants me to see a cardio guy. as a nurse I decide to take my own BP. its 82/54! no wonder! I go to the Cardio and he looks up the drug and says NO! you run low on BP normally this is NOT the drug for you! it could result in bad heart rates, and inability to stay conscious. BLAMO! out I went, then I received a day full of bad treatment at the hands of my equals in the ER. I was ashamed to ID myself as a nurse if this is what passes for one today.

I still have a migraine. MD said he wont give me the drug I asked for because my insurance company wont let him till I fail off of another drug first. Same thing for DMDs for MS. if you walk up and want Ty first, you cant. You have to fail off ABCR first, then you can try TY. Want provigil? good luck! Even with amazing insurance I cant get it paid for.

Pink slime in the hamburger. Chickens being housed in conditions that encourage salmonella to develop IN the egg itself! Pesticides, food being brought in from countries that dont regulate their water, or sanitation and we have out breaks of weird diseases. More people die of medical mistakes per year than you can imagine.

its a scary world that we actually live in. There is something to be said for the paranoia, but we can mitigate our damages by being proactive. Keep an eye on what we buy. Research what we take. Really talk to our MD. Read the labels in the grocery store. Make your food, dont count on someone else to salt it with MSG for you. Im not even talking about it being the year 2012 and snookies baby being due on December 21....RUN! :eek:

Kitty 04-13-2012 08:49 AM

I don't feel I'm paranoid. Untrusting? Yes! Absolutely! I think we all have a responsibility to be informed and know what we're putting into our bodies. The problem today is.....being informed with the correct info. Nothing Big Pharma says is going to convince me to take their "potion". New drugs scare me. And to be honest....I trust the info I get here over the info I get anywhere else.

SallyC 04-13-2012 11:12 AM

Just because I'm Paranoid, doesn't mean that They don't have it in for me.:eek: :D

Lynn 04-15-2012 08:20 AM

Aaawww gosh

I am so comfortably naive! My dad was a rabid conspiracy theorist who ranted and raved until the day he died. Me? In denial yes, but I read a lot, stick up for what I believe in (like humane treatment of animals) and really do believe that the MAJORITY of people are good.

I couldn't imagine trying to live any other way. It would be so depressing.


marion06095 04-15-2012 06:12 PM

I do honestly believe that the people at the top of pharmaceutical companies will do what they need to do to maximize their (the companies’) income without regard to the morality of their actions. I believe that is simply the nature of the beast.

ginnie 04-15-2012 06:43 PM

Some doctors
Greed, that is what I see. It isn't everyone you are right. but there is alot of greed, and Mrs. D is right. I was not treated right by a doctor, just recently. he left me in pain for 7 years, and did not diaganos me correctly. You have to be your own advocate with the medical industry. I don't think everyone is out to get your relative, but there is a degree of education we must have for our own protection. So a little bit of caution in all choices we make with medicine, drugs and doctors is indeed important. If it were not for myself being my own advocate, I never would have found a solution for the medical problem I have. It sure wasn't from the doctor who treated me for those years. I would say a degree of caution for all of us, and to be our own best advocate helps alot. ginnie

ewizabeth 04-15-2012 07:42 PM

There were also huge problems 30 years ago but they didn't make the news because we didn't have the internet and things didn't get around, they were just swept under the rug and mistakes were buried. :eek: I try to be educated but I don't think the medical industry is out to get me. But then I know what I'm doing and I do a lot of research too. After all, I have this place and all of you. Not everybody has the same resources. :grouphug:

Dejibo 04-16-2012 07:06 AM

I agree! we had A LOT of problems 30 years ago, but then we revered MDs as Gods! Even the nurses had to stand up and forfeit their chairs if an MD came on the floor. Didnt matter how busy she was. We didnt think of questioning the man about why or fighting back when it made us feel worse. You never heard about folks dying unless you fought your way thru the legal, medical talk in the journals that they used to review each others work. Now with the internet, 4G cell phones, and instant alerts, even while you are driving, we know instantly when something happens. We are encouraged to protect ourselves from authority, whether its the cops, or the MDs or the bankers.

You would think child abductions are on the rise, no? well, there are much less child abductions now than in many decades, but because of the slant on the media we think that at any minute someone is going to jump out of a dark van, swipe our child and we never see them again. With the Amber alerts, streaming videos, and security cameras on every corner we know who a bank robber is before he can hide the money.

You MUST be your own advocate. You MUST research what you are given. what you are dxd with. When you are medicated, or incapacitated you must have an advocate with you. That can repeat what you were told or verify the bad treatment you received.

I sometimes want to buy a compound way high in the woods, surround myself with folks who run it, and we can make our own meds, grow our own food, care for each others needs, and not be taken advantage of by bankers, doctors, lawyers, pervs, and fast talkers. Anyone want to join camp MS? What state should we place it in? not too hot please!

gpridgen46 04-16-2012 07:34 AM

We all must remember that medicine is a money making endeavor. The drug companies need to make money to stay in business, the doctors and hospitals also. The other thing is that most doctors and hospitals today are worried about being sued so many times they ask for unnecessary tests to be done just to CTA.

Now many drug companies come up with new drugs, the side effects sometimes are worse than what is wrong with you. It is up to us as consumers in this “market” to do research and be our best own advocate. Just because a doctor says to take something, does not mean we need to take it. Before filling the prescription, get on line and see all the side effects, reviews, etc. Then make a decision on if you will take it. If not then call the doctor and let them know that you will not. There normally is something else that has less side effects.

Always do your own research, always check things out. Always be looking for the best treatment for yourself. It may save your life.


ginnie 04-16-2012 09:24 AM

Hi dejibo
If only we could indeed, surround ourselves with only the good guys, and live where we knew we won't not get hurt or burnt by bad medicine. I am having a terrible problem with my emotions this morning, because I was misdiagnosed for 7 years, and left to be in pain. It was through my own determination, that I found what was really wrong. I did the research and found the right doctor. It doesn take away however the 7 years of pain, or pacifing me with shoes and orthodics that never worked. Dej. I don't think I have ever been quite so angry. I also had gotten a second opinion during that 7 years. All she did was look at the xrays and concur with origional diaganosis,didn't question anything at all. So I stayed with that specialist until the pain became so bad I was looking at a wheelchair as part of my life. That is why I sought out my own help. I have major surgery on May 2nd. I need to let go my anger so I can get well from that. I am not doing so good with that today. If I were an engine, steam would be blowing out all the parts! ginnie

SallyC 04-16-2012 02:20 PM

Use that anger for good to heal yourself, Ginnie.. I will pray that your operation will go well and all will be resolved, when you are healed.

Actually, except for the 7 years from hell, you should send a letter of thanks to the doctor for forcing you, through his negligence, to research and find a Doc who knows what he's doing...(with a copy to the AMA & Insurance boards.


ginnie 04-16-2012 02:53 PM

Hi Sally
Hello Sally, and thank you. I will try hard to use the anger for the good. I could not comply with being at the surgical place at 5 a.m. because of transportation issues, so I have the surgery on June 19th instead. My house mate because of her job, cannot get up at 3:30 or 4a.m to get me there and back. So first headache of rescheduling I got straightened out. Also I found out that Medicare will cover the issue of a walker for me. Money for rental is out. I don't know why he would think these devices are something I could afford. so I am waiting to hear if I can get a script for the walker.
The other issues is that of pain control. My surgeon wants to hand me off to my pain specialist. Thats fine and dandy, if he will respond to me. I had trouble with the spinal fusion, as NOBODY was watching out for my pain medications after the surgery. The only to recognize that there even was a problem was the night nurse. Up until that point I was shaking and shivering in pain. I wasn't getting enough medication, Only what I got before the surgery. So it was awful. I want to avoid that situation from happening again.
I don't want to be in that kind of agony again. The rebuilding of this foot is going to be extensive, with three surgical incisions, and re-positioning of my heel. I want my bases covered before things go ahead.
What I didn't like already, is that the timing was already dicussed when I was there, and I told her that I wanted an afternoon appt. She said fine, that she would sent the paper work to me, as she was too busy right then. When I got the Paper work, the time scheduled was NOT what I wanted nor requested. she changed it without asking me. There is another person involved in my care that I have to recognize, and consider what is good for her as well. Can't figure out why this scheduling assistant did that to begin with. I guess I am venting, sorry Sally, it has just been a pain in the butt from the beginning.
When this is over, I will indeed contact an attorney. I already have my records for the 7 years. Because he may do this to someone else, he will be reported for his lack of morals. He made me spend thousands on orthodics, that did no good whatsoever, as his diagnosis was wrong. I had ankle braces too, that were not covered by medicare, didn't have medicare at the time. So I do have some bones to pick and I will be level headed when I do it. I have a little more time now to prepare. sometimes I need that time anyway to get my emotions in order. Thanks for caring about me. It will be better from now on. I won't let them run me over. ginnie:hug::hug:

Debbie D 04-17-2012 11:11 AM

Interesting thread. I am always questioning the docs when I go in for appointments. I have a feeling that they don't like me because of that...

I LOVED Vioxx, and was so angry when it got yanked. I would have signed a waiver if they'd let me. I have never had an arthritis drug work as effectively as Vioxx...

I do feel that greed is the motivator in most of our culture today, and it stretches across the medical profession as well. Added to that managed care, and the pittance some docs are paid (through their contract, I admit), and the 15 minute limit they are contracted with each patient, and it's easy to see that the care we remember from our youth is no longer offered.

I am not one who believes that the medical community is conspiring against patients...but...they have profit as the number one reason for being in business, especially the pharma industry. Otherwise, they would be pouring research dollars into possible treatments for many diseases that wouldn't be profitable for them.
Added to that the over-ordering of tests by docs, and over-prescribing drugs, and it's no wonder that patients feel vicitimized by the medical community...

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