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72daywmn 01-10-2011 08:12 PM

Best sciatica meds/treatment
Ok, so I'm here to find info about the best possible options for pain relief for sciatica/neuropathy/possibly fibromyaliga

To make a long story shorter (somewhat) , work injury left me with moderate to excruciating pain in low back down right leg, with reduced sensation in right foot.

The pain is like a very hard constant ache in my lower right back, buttock and right leg to the ankle. It seems sometimes if I stretch just right, I can take some pressure off my low back, but then the leg is worse and my foot/lower leg go numb or pins & needles. On the other hand, if I stretch out the leg, to try to relieve that pain, the back is worse; can't win.

We've tried PT for my calf with no success, I used to take Neurontin for unrelated trigeminal neuralgia and headaches before this happened, and it worked for a while then had to be doubled, then doubled again, until it made me fall asleep if I stayed still for more than 30 seconds, so I quit taking it.
For this back and leg pain, I take hydrocodone 7.5/500 3-4x daily, ultram 100mg 3-4x daily (I was taking the ultram for trigeminal neuralgia before this happened) and have tried Lyrica which made me suicidal and looking for a fight with my partner and kids, so it's been added to my 'allergy' list.

I've been interested in a TENS unit and/or ultrasound therapy, but without knowing anything about them or really how to use them, I'm scared; plus I don't know what brands, etc are the best if they do work?

I sit on heating pads 12-18 hrs a day, and have burns on my back and buttocks (and skin changes from them) because the heat is about the only thing that offers minor relief.

I'm getting nowhere with doctors and lawyers and insurance reps and physician assistants and I hoped someone here could offer the wisdom of their experiences. Please?

im4dexter 01-11-2011 05:45 AM

Well, I can share experience only. I'm still trying to find relief myself. If you check my profile you'll see my long list of "issues", none the least of which is failed back surgery that left scar tissue around my sciatic nerve (not much that can be done for that). Not being a dr. I can only tell you what it sounds like to me. It does sound like you have more going on than just the couple of things you describe. Have they given you an EMG yet? You may have nerve damage that's more difficult to treat. Something that has helped me to a degree is Cymbalta. That may or may not work for you. But it's at least worth talking to your dr. about. You may want to ask for an EMG as well if you haven't had one. And most importantly ICE. The best relief I get is when I lay on an ice pack. Granted this doesn't last long, but it sure does work well. Wish I had more words of wisdom, but don't give up. We're bound to find some releif eventually. Best of luck to all of us!:hug:


Originally Posted by 72daywmn (Post 733605)
Ok, so I'm here to find info about the best possible options for pain relief for sciatica/neuropathy/possibly fibromyaliga

To make a long story shorter (somewhat) , work injury left me with moderate to excruciating pain in low back down right leg, with reduced sensation in right foot.

The pain is like a very hard constant ache in my lower right back, buttock and right leg to the ankle. It seems sometimes if I stretch just right, I can take some pressure off my low back, but then the leg is worse and my foot/lower leg go numb or pins & needles. On the other hand, if I stretch out the leg, to try to relieve that pain, the back is worse; can't win.

We've tried PT for my calf with no success, I used to take Neurontin for unrelated trigeminal neuralgia and headaches before this happened, and it worked for a while then had to be doubled, then doubled again, until it made me fall asleep if I stayed still for more than 30 seconds, so I quit taking it.
For this back and leg pain, I take hydrocodone 7.5/500 3-4x daily, ultram 100mg 3-4x daily (I was taking the ultram for trigeminal neuralgia before this happened) and have tried Lyrica which made me suicidal and looking for a fight with my partner and kids, so it's been added to my 'allergy' list.

I've been interested in a TENS unit and/or ultrasound therapy, but without knowing anything about them or really how to use them, I'm scared; plus I don't know what brands, etc are the best if they do work?

I sit on heating pads 12-18 hrs a day, and have burns on my back and buttocks (and skin changes from them) because the heat is about the only thing that offers minor relief.

I'm getting nowhere with doctors and lawyers and insurance reps and physician assistants and I hoped someone here could offer the wisdom of their experiences. Please?

mrsD 01-11-2011 10:23 AM

I agree with Im4dexter about the ice treatments.

My chiropractor was adamant about heat. No more than 20 minutes if you must. The heat aggravates nerves and makes it worse over time. When nerves get jazzed up they fire constantly.

I would try ice, for 20 minutes 3 times a day with a thin cloth between the ice pack and the skin. That may help and may take a few days.

Another thing that works for nerve pain for me is Lidoderm patches. Place the patch over the spine at the level where the sciatic nerve goes to the spine. (not at an endpoint in the leg anywhere). This drug penetrates in a couple of days use and is a sodium channel blocker and blocks the pain signal from going to the brain. If you are lucky like I was with my MP pain, in 2 weeks of every day use the nerve may settle down.

Even now with my MP pain in remission, heat can still activate it. It doesn't take much heat...say 10minutes in a steam room, to get it to fire painfully.

Lidoderms are expensive, but well worth it if they work for you.
Some insurances require a previous diagnosis of shingles, but others do not. So you need to check on that.

Jomar 01-11-2011 08:02 PM

What about chiropractic or body worker therapy?
I'm thinking address the whole body, since you have a few things going on.

Most quality PT places should have a TENS, ultrasound etc..

If your injury was a hit or fall of some sort- something could be out of alignment.
If so a good chiropractor, or possibly an Osteopathic dr, or physiatrist might be of more help.
ask questions and interview them before selecting, so you aren't wasting time with uniformed care.

A TENS might be helpful - your PT should be able to set up a test or trial to see if it would and then your Dr could Rx one for you.

Ultrasound will feel good most likely if muscle pain is an issue.

My dad uses his TENs quite often now for his DDD.
TENS helps to block the pain signals.

I have a EMS {electric muscle stimulator} and my chiro uses a IF stim at his office, as well as a Low level laser {aka cold laser,soft laser}
- these all work for me for my muscle pain.

nothing to be afraid of at all - unless someone turns the stim up too high :eek:- but you can control that. usually they (PT) slowly increase the stim and ask you to let them know when to stop at that setting.

some videos links -

this link has quite a variety if alternative care info links - although it is from our TOS forum -the therapy info covers many ailments -

If you do feel better with heat look into far infrared heating pads - penetrate deeper and no chance of burns. better for cell healing also.

Dr. Smith 01-12-2011 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by 72daywmn (Post 733605)
Ok, so I'm here to find info about the best possible options for pain relief for sciatica/neuropathy/possibly fibromyaliga


I used to take Neurontin for unrelated trigeminal neuralgia and headaches before this happened, and it worked for a while then had to be doubled, then doubled again, until it made me fall asleep if I stayed still for more than 30 seconds, so I quit taking it.


I've been interested in a TENS unit and/or ultrasound therapy, but without knowing anything about them or really how to use them, I'm scared; plus I don't know what brands, etc are the best if they do work?


I hoped someone here could offer the wisdom of their experiences. Please?

Hi 72daywmn,

My wife suffers from Fibro & nerve impingement. She had been on gabapentin (Neurontin) a while back and had a similar experience to yours, but our orthopedist recommended (prescribed) she try it again on an 'as-needed' basis for flare-ups, and it's working very well for her that way. He said that since she'd been on it before without incident, the risk of any adverse effects would be minimal (and he uses it this way himself). The best(?) part is that the dose she requires is usually only 1/3 of what was initially prescribed, so it was reduced, and she's not plagued by drowsiness, etc. but she can titrate up a bit if necessary (very seldom). This is not something to try on your own; this is something to discuss with your prescribing doctor.

There's nothing to be scared about with a TENS unit - many/most run on a 9 volt transistor battery. They do, AFAIK, require a prescription, and a little orientation from a PT might be advisable/helpful. We have an Empi unit, and it's been just great.


Leesa 01-13-2011 01:52 PM

I can reiterate, that ice is the chosen treatment for sciatica. I was told by my neurosurgeon to use it for 20 minutes every 2 hours, and it DOES help.

I've had severe sciatica for 26 years due to a couple of botched surgeries. My doctor put me on the Fentanyl patch along with Methadone, and that has WORKED to ease the pain of sciatica. It's been a miracle for me. Nothing before this has worked at ALL -- and believe me, I've tried it all thru the years!
This is supposed to be the treatment for "hard to treat patients." :rolleyes:

Perhaps if you asked your doc to try it, he would. I can only hope. I've tried the Tens Unit, I've had the Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted, and nothing worked. So like I said, this has been a miracle.

I wish you the very best. God bless. Hugs, Lee

72daywmn 01-14-2011 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Leesa (Post 734621)
I can reiterate, that ice is the chosen treatment for sciatica. I was told by my neurosurgeon to use it for 20 minutes every 2 hours, and it DOES help.

I've had severe sciatica for 26 years due to a couple of botched surgeries. My doctor put me on the Fentanyl patch along with Methadone, and that has WORKED to ease the pain of sciatica. It's been a miracle for me. Nothing before this has worked at ALL -- and believe me, I've tried it all thru the years!
This is supposed to be the treatment for "hard to treat patients." :rolleyes:

Perhaps if you asked your doc to try it, he would. I can only hope. I've tried the Tens Unit, I've had the Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted, and nothing worked. So like I said, this has been a miracle.

I wish you the very best. God bless. Hugs, Lee

Thanks Lee and everyone for the input...

I've been told that this is sciatica, and I can tell that it is related to a nerve because of the type of pain it is -shooting, burning, 'zapping' kinda pains on top of hard ache, with numbness and tingling in my foot, and reduced skin sensation below the knee. Sometimes I'll be able to deal with the ache, with relaxation techniques, etc, and then it will hit me like I'm being poked in the butt cheek, or anywhere on my leg with a cattle prod- a hot poking jolt of lightning kind of pain that well, (pardon me if you haven't heard the saying) but it makes me feel like I'm going to down my leg!
And on rare occasions, I have lost some degree of bladder control.

Again, with this being related to work comp, its difficult to get through red tape to do anything. This has been going on for more than 2 years now. My lawyer sends me to a dr, who says one thing, then the ins co. sends me 3-6 months later to their dr who says the opposite. So then we go to court in another 3-6 months, and the court tells the ins co that they have to pay for x, y or z, and then it takes another 3 months to get somewhere to get x, y or z.

I don't know what to do, but I thought I could get some input here because I am tired of waiting on them to figure it out, and tired of being an invalid.

If I lay on my back and lift my leg, it hurts clear down my leg before I get my foot 4 inches from the floor, and I can feel it painfully 'pop' or 'snap' in my back on the up and down motion. Sometimes I feel like if I could just stretch my back out enough then it would 'pop' back as it should be, but of course that doesn't happen. The other day I had a friend pull on my leg until my back popped, and it felt great on my back but then my whole leg went numb. So I'm terrified to try too much.
It just seems like there's got to be SOMETHING that I can do other than sit and hurt!

What I've tried, and the results:

Neurontin -started at 300mg 3x/day up-ed to 1200mg 3x/day- PMS type mood swings varying from moderate to severe, dependent upon dosage, severe lethargy/sleepiness, also related to dosage.

Lyrica- 100mg 2x day - Severe mood swings and suicidal thoughts, partner says I wasn't myself at all, as if I'd been on a 3 day bender (and I don't drink) but I remember nothing I said or did for the 5 days I took the Lyrica.

I will never take Lyrica again, and am reluctant to do Neurontin again after the sever Lyrica reaction since they are similar in nature and I did have some bad effects with it before.

Similarly, some have mentioned Cymbalta, but I don't want to take anything that affects brain chemistry in those ways - I had bad reactions to tricyclic antidepressants many years ago.

Advil, Aleve, prescription strength Naproxen, Celebrex, Mobic - no relief at all and a lot of stomach problems

Hydrocodone/APAP - started at 5/500 3-4x/day, now at 7.5/500 3-4x/day
it works to bring pain to tolerable level but does not get rid of it enough for me to do much moving around.

Ultram - 100mg 3-4x/day (I'm *supposed* to take no more than 6 50mg tabs a day, but find myself trying to take it instead of the Hydrocodone so I don't run out of hydrocodone before the doc will refill.)

The P.A. who has been prescribing/refilling my hydrocodone did offer oxycodone at one point, but I am terrified of becoming addicted. Isn't that a common addiction? I've never been addicted to anything before, unless you count cigarettes ( I quit smoking 18 months ago) but I can fully understand how one can so enjoy the relief from pain that they become addicted to the source of relief! I may be 'addicted' to my heating pads! (see below)

ICE- doesn't work for me at all, in fact, cold, as it is here in KS, makes it worse.

I have been b#tched at for sitting on my heating pads because it does eventually burn my skin, but the heat is literally the best help there is-
If I go to the store, even medicated, for an hour, I ache so bad I am in tears by the time I get home, and cannot wait to get back on the heat to relieve some of the pain.

That's why I wondered if ultrasound therapy might help. A friend gave me an Amazon gift certificate for Christmas, and I've seen some relatively inexpensive TENS units and Ultrasound therapy machines there, but I just don't know if they'd work or specifically how to use them.

If anyone knows how to use these things, please let me know, and if anyone knows any specific stretches or exercises or anything at all that can help, I'm all ears!

fabdou 01-14-2011 12:29 PM

What kind of workup have you had for your injury?? MRI?? Nerve conduction studies?? Sounds like you have been tried on the proper medications for neuropathic pain/sciatica. Lots of times meds are done on a trial and error basis to see what works best for you.

Addiction is a psychological condition and must be differentiated from tolerance to narcotic medications. Most everyone will develop a tolerance to narcotics, meaning you need higher and higher doses to achieve the same effect.

72daywmn 01-14-2011 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by fabdou (Post 734923)
What kind of workup have you had for your injury?? MRI?? Nerve conduction studies?? Sounds like you have been tried on the proper medications for neuropathic pain/sciatica. Lots of times meds are done on a trial and error basis to see what works best for you.

Addiction is a psychological condition and must be differentiated from tolerance to narcotic medications. Most everyone will develop a tolerance to narcotics, meaning you need higher and higher doses to achieve the same effect.

Studies done so far-

The injury occurred on 9/12/08, and we did an MRI on my right calf in Oct 08 -at the time, the calf was the painful area, not my back. The calf MRI was normal, but an orthopedic specialist said it could have been a partial tear of the gastroc muscle that had already healed by the time they got around to doing an MRI.

About a month later (Nov. 08) my back began to hurt, and the original thought was that it was simply from my altered gait (limping and dragging my leg) from the calf injury.

Then in March 09, a lumbar MRI was done, showing "slight disc bulge at l5-s1" and degeneration in the facet joints at l4-l5-s1(?). The radiologist indicated that while this could cause some discomfort associated with aging (at the time I was 36) but should not cause my intense symptoms.

In April 09, I was examined by a spine specialist, who did only x-rays and said my discs at l4-l5 and l5-s1 looked "like flat tires". but that I was not a candidate for surgery. He asked if I was open to steroid shots, which I agreed I would be, but then they were never done, mainly because with WC, there's not a "regular" provider to provide ongoing treatment, and when we went back to court, the judge sent me somewhere else entirely.

So Nov. 2009 I have an EMG with a Doc hired by the ins co., she says it's 'normal' and shows nothing, but the official report received by my lawyer says that there is some nerve damage or issues on the left leg. (The right leg is the problem :confused: )

Nothing else getting done....until, Spring 2010, we go back to court, and I protest to my lawyer that there has to be SOMETHING that can be done, so my lawyer sends me to a physiatrist/pain management dr for evaluation. (In WC eval. means he can't treat me, just tell the court what I need, and then we hope the court makes the ins. co pay to get me that treatment somewhere else.) This physiatrist says I have a "severely bad disc", recommends ongoing chronic pain management and consideration of a SCS implant, a discograph, and possible spinal fusion surgery dependent on results of discograph.

So then the ins co sends me to another dr hired by them to say the opposite of what my lawyer's dr says...this guy, formerly with NASA, says I may have "post polio syndrome" (:confused: I have NEVER had polio) or something else that would not be related to work injury. Thats what it all comes down to for them, not whether I'm hurt, but whether they can say it wasn't their problem. (which, I was FINE before 9/12/08, worked as a custodian 10 hrs/day 6 days a week, lifting tables over my head! and on my feet all day every day!)

So then, back to court we go! A few months ago we went back to court, and the judge ordered that my local PA, who wasn't the 'authorized treating provider' for WC, but who had been refilling my scripts for 2 yrs, is now 'authorized to continue pain management'. So now they'll actually pay him for what he's done for 2 years, but, as far as I know, no discograph or further investigative tests or whatever. I think we're at a stand still.

Which is again, why I'm here. If the PA is finally authorized to provide pain management, I'm pretty sure he'll do whatever I ask him to try, so I just wanted some ideas to throw at him for things that may help and eventually get me back to normal, or at least off meds?

Leesa 01-16-2011 05:49 AM

Dearheart, you will NOT become addicted if you take your medications ONLY as prescribed!! You will become physically dependent, which is a WHOLE LOT different than addiction!!! With addiction, you crave the meds, you will do anything to get them, you think of nothing else. With physical dependence, your body is just used to having the meds and you go thru withdrawal when you stop taking them. That's all. That's why you have to WEAN off them when you stop taking them. There is NO craving, etc.

So you should have no problem taking Oxycodone, or any of the other long acting medications. Most of chronic pain patients take them and we can't ALL be addicts! LOL

I wish you the very best of luck. I hope you can get a handle on your pain. God bless. Hugs, Lee

72daywmn 01-17-2011 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Leesa (Post 735291)
Dearheart, you will NOT become addicted if you take your medications ONLY as prescribed!! You will become physically dependent, which is a WHOLE LOT different than addiction!!! With addiction, you crave the meds, you will do anything to get them, you think of nothing else. With physical dependence, your body is just used to having the meds and you go thru withdrawal when you stop taking them. That's all. That's why you have to WEAN off them when you stop taking them. There is NO craving, etc.

So you should have no problem taking Oxycodone, or any of the other long acting medications. Most of chronic pain patients take them and we can't ALL be addicts! LOL

I wish you the very best of luck. I hope you can get a handle on your pain. God bless. Hugs, Lee

Thanks Lee for explaining it that way- that puts my mind at ease a bit. Ya know, I know there are people out there who do abuse the system to get narcotics, but because of them, its so hard to even get painkillers when you need them sometimes, and the fact that I have to ration my own each month and suffer some days because I know I can't get a refill before a certain date just really makes me feel like an addict already. I know I need them for the pain, but they sure do make people feel guilty for taking the needed meds, let alone asking for something different or stronger. There have been times that I've hurt so bad I've gone ahead and taken more than I'm "supposed to" in order to last the whole month, and I think, 'Screw it, i'll deal with it then" but its always a trade off of hurt now or hurt later.

I appreciate the compassion I've found here- it means a lot if only to have folks to talk to about the whole bit.

Leesa 01-19-2011 06:52 AM

I think we ALL have taken an extra pill at one time or another when we were in excruciating pain. We ARE, afterall, only human! And the medical community UNDER medicates us so terribly that they MAKE us feel guilty for trying to find some shred of comfort. Like I said, I've had this nasty pain for 26 years, and I do not remember what it feels like to NOT have pain. I think I would feel like I'd died and gone to heaven if I did NOT have any pain. LOL

Try to be open and honest with your doctor. You'll get further with him if you are. As for the burning type pain, the zapping/etc., I have better luck with Topamax. The Neurontin made me feel like a space cadet. With Topamax, I don't have ANY side effects - and I even lost weight on it. LOL You might ask your doc about it - it took ALL the burning, zapping, stinging away completely. I love that drug. No highs, no nausea, etc.

Good luck ~ keep us posted on how you're doing. Hugs, Lee

Dr. Smith 01-20-2011 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Leesa (Post 736376)
I think I would feel like I'd died and gone to heaven if I did NOT have any pain. LOL

An older couple is lying in bed one morning, having just awakened from a good night's sleep.

The husband takes his dear wife's hand and she responds, "Don't touch me!"

"Why not?" he asks.

She answers back, "Because I'm dead."

The husband says, "What are you talking about? We're both lying here in bed together talking to one another."

She says, "No, I'm definitely dead."

He insists, "You're not dead. What in the world makes you think you're dead?"


Doc "I Don't Write 'Em" Smith

Jomar 01-20-2011 03:14 PM

Workers comp throws a whole new problem into the mix - that's for sure.

Nothing like delayed or denying care to make everything get worse:(

With my RSI wc claim - I finally sought some care on a cash pay basis (outside the wc system) with a very nice knowledgeable chiropractor that also used the PT therapeutic modalities that I needed.
I also found an advanced PT and paid cash for a comprehensive evaluation from him. He also gave me some very good advice & tips on things to help me long term.

But paying cash and not using private ins was the thing - so not to mess up or complicate the work comp claim with other bills or paperwork showing on your medical records.....but sometimes ya gotta just help yourself to feel better...
Just my thoughts on that.

72daywmn 02-14-2011 04:45 AM

Well, so now I've got new complaints about w/c to throw in the mix-
My PA who has been providing my care and advise and pain med refills for 2 + yrs has now been told by the docs at the clinic (which he relays to me) that he is supposed to be for 'back up care' in case the docs are unavailable and should not be providing primary care- therefore he can no longer treat me or refill my meds. Of course, this comes just after w/c judge finally orders HIM to provide pain management. (I posted all of this on the w/c forum thread...)
So, Idk if they'll pay for another dr at the same clinic to treat, and Idk if another dr will continue my medications. Just one big hassle after another, or just when I think one thing has been resolved, here comes another problem...ugh.

So anyway, now a couple of other questions...given that I may not be able to continue receiving the pain meds, I'm more desperate than ever to find alternatives...

Does anyone have experience with ultrasound therapy? For example, they sell these ultrasound therapy wands and machines, etc, with the transducer gel, online, and I wonder if they work for deep pain?

Does anyone know anything about making a homemade topical cream/ointment with crushed medication? I read on some other boards some recipes for cream with emu oil, capsaicin, etc, but those kinds of creams haven't worked for me before. And then I have seen others discuss maybe crushing the vicodin in a cream base of some sort to apply topically. Anyone know anything about this?

Finally, and if this is a 'taboo' subject, I apologize, but medical marijuana. Anyone know if it works for pain? I honestly haven't smoked pot since high school 20 yrs ago, but if I knew it would help...I've also heard that this can be made into a topical product, but I have no idea how or with what, etc. If anyone has any info or thoughts about this at all, PLEASE let me know- and if you'd rather not post in the forum for all to see, don't hesitate to PM me instead. Let me make clear, I am NOT a narc, or cop, or whatever, and I don't care who uses or doesn't, not interested in getting anyone in any trouble. I am just asking *hypothetically* for information. :o

And just in general, if anyone has any ideas of something I can try, suggest or mention to a new dr, or thoughts of how to approach the pain management strategies with a completely new doc, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

I have a family and friends, all of whom I feel like I am burdening with my pain and limitations, so this is my outlet and resource. I am so thankful to have found this board, if only for the emotional support, so THANKS TO ALL:winky:

72daywmn 02-16-2011 08:36 PM

Well, so now I've got new complaints about w/c to throw in the mix-
My PA who has been providing my care and advise and pain med refills for 2 + yrs has now been told by the docs at the clinic (which he relays to me) that he is supposed to be for 'back up care' in case the docs are unavailable and should not be providing primary care- therefore he can no longer treat me or refill my meds. Of course, this comes just after w/c judge finally orders HIM to provide pain management. (I posted all of this on the w/c forum thread...)
So, Idk if they'll pay for another dr at the same clinic to treat, and Idk if another dr will continue my medications. Just one big hassle after another, or just when I think one thing has been resolved, here comes another problem...ugh.

So anyway, now a couple of other questions...given that I may not be able to continue receiving the pain meds, I'm more desperate than ever to find alternatives...

Does anyone have experience with ultrasound therapy? For example, they sell these ultrasound therapy wands and machines, etc, with the transducer gel, online, and I wonder if they work for deep pain?

Does anyone know anything about making a homemade topical cream/ointment with crushed medication? I read on some other boards some recipes for cream with emu oil, capsaicin, etc, but those kinds of creams haven't worked for me before. And then I have seen others discuss maybe crushing the vicodin in a cream base of some sort to apply topically. Anyone know anything about this?

Finally, and if this is a 'taboo' subject, I apologize, but medical marijuana. Anyone know if it works for pain? I honestly haven't smoked pot since high school 20 yrs ago, but if I knew it would help...I've also heard that this can be made into a topical product, but I have no idea how or with what, etc. If anyone has any info or thoughts about this at all, PLEASE let me know- and if you'd rather not post in the forum for all to see, don't hesitate to PM me instead. Let me make clear, I am NOT a narc, or cop, or whatever, and I don't care who uses or doesn't, not interested in getting anyone in any trouble. I am just asking *hypothetically* for information.

And just in general, if anyone has any ideas of something I can try, suggest or mention to a new dr, or thoughts of how to approach the pain management strategies with a completely new doc, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!

I have a family and friends, all of whom I feel like I am burdening with my pain and limitations, so this is my outlet and resource. I am so thankful to have found this board, if only for the emotional support, so THANKS TO ALL

DVORA 08-24-2011 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by 72daywmn (Post 744268)
well, so now i've got new complaints about w/c to throw in the mix-
my pa who has been providing my care and advise and pain med refills for 2 + yrs has now been told by the docs at the clinic (which he relays to me) that he is supposed to be for 'back up care' in case the docs are unavailable and should not be providing primary care- therefore he can no longer treat me or refill my meds. Of course, this comes just after w/c judge finally orders him to provide pain management. (i posted all of this on the w/c forum thread...)
so, idk if they'll pay for another dr at the same clinic to treat, and idk if another dr will continue my medications. Just one big hassle after another, or just when i think one thing has been resolved, here comes another problem...ugh.

So anyway, now a couple of other questions...given that i may not be able to continue receiving the pain meds, i'm more desperate than ever to find alternatives...

Does anyone have experience with ultrasound therapy? For example, they sell these ultrasound therapy wands and machines, etc, with the transducer gel, online, and i wonder if they work for deep pain?

Does anyone know anything about making a homemade topical cream/ointment with crushed medication? I read on some other boards some recipes for cream with emu oil, capsaicin, etc, but those kinds of creams haven't worked for me before. And then i have seen others discuss maybe crushing the vicodin in a cream base of some sort to apply topically. Anyone know anything about this?

Finally, and if this is a 'taboo' subject, i apologize, but medical marijuana. Anyone know if it works for pain? I honestly haven't smoked pot since high school 20 yrs ago, but if i knew it would help...i've also heard that this can be made into a topical product, but i have no idea how or with what, etc. If anyone has any info or thoughts about this at all, please let me know- and if you'd rather not post in the forum for all to see, don't hesitate to pm me instead. Let me make clear, i am not a narc, or cop, or whatever, and i don't care who uses or doesn't, not interested in getting anyone in any trouble. I am just asking *hypothetically* for information. :o

and just in general, if anyone has any ideas of something i can try, suggest or mention to a new dr, or thoughts of how to approach the pain management strategies with a completely new doc, please let me know!

I have a family and friends, all of whom i feel like i am burdening with my pain and limitations, so this is my outlet and resource. I am so thankful to have found this board, if only for the emotional support, so thanks to all:winky:

ok - before you dismiss my suggestion -- please give it a try --
i have had multiple sclerosis over 40yrs now -- so many muscle spasms and falls and broken bones --
now i have herniated disks and the pain from my back - down my tush all the way past my ankle and top of my foot --
i have tried everything you have plus some -
the one topical pain cream that really has worke is the generic pain cream from -- target --
it really works - to the point where i wish i could take a bath in it --
if you need to use heat or cold -- do it -before - you apply the cream -
a warm shower first helps it work quicker --
i wish it will bring you the relief it does me --
if you must check with a dr before using otc meds do so --
i wish you less stress and pain -
- dvora -

Dr. Smith 08-24-2011 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by 72daywmn (Post 745152)
And just in general, if anyone has any ideas of something I can try, suggest or mention to a new dr,

In Dr. Tennant's article, Hormone Treatments in Chronic and Intractable Pain
I found mention that:


....pregnenolone appears to have nerve construction properties, and it has shown ability to help heal spinal cord and sciatic nerve injuries in animals.
It says animals - not humans (because the human studies haven't been done yet) I'm not saying to jump in and take it; hormones are serious stuff not to be messed with w/o a knowledgable doctor's guidance. I'm just mentioning it as something to look into and, if it makes sense to you, discuss it with your docs.


BlueCarGal 08-24-2011 08:39 AM

Has anyone mentioned acupuncture?
I had a bout with sciatica a couple of years ago while I was in hospital. They started me on PT, which they said would continue 3x/wk for 3 months.

When I was released from hospital, the pain was worse that ever. It took over my life, ironically hurting the most when I lay down. I couldnt imagine putting up with this any longer, & really couldn't fit the time-consuming PT into my schedule if it was going to continue to prove useless.

I haven't seen acupuncture mentioned in the thread. I opted for acupuncture, which I used first for pain management when I had shingles.

This time I had three treatments a week for two weeks, then once a week for two weeks, then monthly for two months. The last 2 were my idea, combined with a general energizing treatment. By the fifth treatment, all pain was gone.

15 months later I felt some twinges in the affected butt-to-ankle area & I had a week of 3 sessions. It didn't come back.

Any question...ask away.

Dr. Smith 08-24-2011 10:00 AM

I think that's fantastic!

Originally Posted by BlueCarGal (Post 798685)
Any question...ask away.

Any idea what happened physically that it worked so well for so long?

GaryA 08-24-2011 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by BlueCarGal (Post 798685)
I had a bout with sciatica a couple of years ago while I was in hospital. They started me on PT, which they said would continue 3x/wk for 3 months.

When I was released from hospital, the pain was worse that ever. It took over my life, ironically hurting the most when I lay down. I couldnt imagine putting up with this any longer, & really couldn't fit the time-consuming PT into my schedule if it was going to continue to prove useless.

I haven't seen acupuncture mentioned in the thread. I opted for acupuncture, which I used first for pain management when I had shingles.

This time I had three treatments a week for two weeks, then once a week for two weeks, then monthly for two months. The last 2 were my idea, combined with a general energizing treatment. By the fifth treatment, all pain was gone.

15 months later I felt some twinges in the affected butt-to-ankle area & I had a week of 3 sessions. It didn't come back.

Any question...ask away.

In 25% of the population the sciatic nerve routes THROUGH the piriformis muscle deep in the posterior hip; in the rest of us, this little 3" muscle can impinge the nerve and cause excruciating pain and/or numbness down the leg on the affected side and into the foot even.

Many if not a majority of people who suffer from sciatica don't have a spinal problem-- correction: most of us do have some mild compression in one or more vertebra of the spine, but this seldom develops into a problem. Most sciatica is caused by neuromuscular trigger points in the piriformis or one of its cousins in the Deep Six lateral rotator group of the hip. Trigger points in the gluteus medius can also contribute. But the piriformis muscle is usually the sole cause.

You may be able to release the trigger points yourself. Lie on the floor on a tennis ball, roll your buttock of the affected leg on it till you find a painful spot (about the size of a quarter or even a dime), then press your weight into the ball; breathe deeply...after 3 or so breaths you should feel a "melting" and a lessening of the pain. Roll around some more, searching for other painful spots. A better, more certain solution, however, will be a session of therapeutic massage with a therapist qualified in neuromuscular therapy (NMT), which concentrates specifically on finding and releasing trigger points.

BlueCarGal 08-24-2011 10:38 AM

The theory?

Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 798707)
Any idea what happened physically that it worked so well for so long?

I'm no expert, but from the receiving end i believe that acupuncture breaks up energy blockage at the chi sites in the body (chi means energy). Chi is believed to be a primary element, like fire or water. Once any blockages are removed, the healthy flow of energy can resume in the body, and health in general is restored.

I've used acupuncture for years to stop the swelling of osteoarthritis & most of the pain associated with it, and to control headaches that only Vycodin +prednisone could knock out.

My acupuncture doctor uses needles of widely varying diameters & lengths. He also prescribes various herbs, teas, extractions, & other plant-base concoctions. I have as much fait in him, after 20 yrs, as in my AMA doc & for the same sorts of reasons. They work together now.

Frances R.Kluter 01-22-2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by 72daywmn (Post 733605)
Ok, so I'm here to find info about the best possible options for pain relief for sciatica/neuropathy/possibly fibromyaliga

To make a long story shorter (somewhat) , work injury left me with moderate to excruciating pain in low back down right leg, with reduced sensation in right foot.

The pain is like a very hard constant ache in my lower right back, buttock and right leg to the ankle. It seems sometimes if I stretch just right, I can take some pressure off my low back, but then the leg is worse and my foot/lower leg go numb or pins & needles. On the other hand, if I stretch out the leg, to try to relieve that pain, the back is worse; can't win.

We've tried PT for my calf with no success, I used to take Neurontin for unrelated trigeminal neuralgia and headaches before this happened, and it worked for a while then had to be doubled, then doubled again, until it made me fall asleep if I stayed still for more than 30 seconds, so I quit taking it.
For this back and leg pain, I take hydrocodone 7.5/500 3-4x daily, ultram 100mg 3-4x daily (I was taking the ultram for trigeminal neuralgia before this happened) and have tried Lyrica which made me suicidal and looking for a fight with my partner and kids, so it's been added to my 'allergy' list.

I've been interested in a TENS unit and/or ultrasound therapy, but without knowing anything about them or really how to use them, I'm scared; plus I don't know what brands, etc are the best if they do work?

I sit on heating pads 12-18 hrs a day, and have burns on my back and buttocks (and skin changes from them) because the heat is about the only thing that offers minor relief.

I'm getting nowhere with doctors and lawyers and insurance reps and physician assistants and I hoped someone here could offer the wisdom of their experiences. Please?

Am sorry to read this. I was diagnosed with acute sciatica from spinal stenosis 6 years ago. I found an aqua therapiast who taught me to water jog in the pool and to just hang on the side of the pool which decompresses my spine. It takes the pain away in the water. It has waxed and waned all of this time and now I have an acute flare up which is sending me over the edge with the pain.I am on neurontin and a muscle relaxant and now Vicodin, not helping, and PTwho is teaching me stabilization,not doing much and so I am going to try Reiki and am seeing a LISW Mind over back pain. However I drag myself to the pool daily for one hour and that really helps. I am slated for 2 epidurals in Feb. I am fighting back surgery. Seen too many bad outcomes. I use a tens machine that works a bit and a brace sometimes.
I am so depressed with this latest attack the pain is all consuming and pushing my BP up. I have gone to a chiro but it seemed to make it worse.
Better days have to be ahead for both of us. Have not tried ice too much.
Other than drugs what else have you considered?

thinkitdoit7 02-14-2012 09:18 AM

TENS Unit experience
I've been interested in a TENS unit and/or ultrasound therapy, but without knowing anything about them or really how to use them, I'm scared; plus I don't know what brands, etc are the best if they do work?

I have had 20 major spinal surgeries since I was 12 and I am now 48 - I have severe sciatic nerve pain and have tried all the remedies you listed plus about 1000 more.

The TENS units are wonderful. If you are disciplined and use it correctly - make sure the person you obtain the unit from tells you how to use it - for example - if you use it at a constant rate for long periods you brain gets used to it and it doesn't work as effectively - TENS has several options for pain interruption signals - play with them and change it up often and it has worked wonders for me.

Also, there are stretches for sciatic nerve pain - that truly help - go online and research this and try the various stretches - and do them religiously!

I also began meditation - I didn't believe in it and tried it many times before since I was 12 years old - and now I spend at least 30 min (two 15 min sessions each day) during which I practice meditation.

Meditation is many different things - and once you learn the correct breathing - and apply it - your entire life changes....however all these practices require extreme discipline - don't give up after one week or even two weeks of practice -

Whether it is exercise, TENS or meditation - you can make your life what you want it to be - if you knew my history - you wouldn't believe that I am even saying this kind of stuff - I learned the hard way -

I hope you research ultrasound and everything else you can before you take any drugs or have surgery - I have been on the pain pump for 10 years and now it is removed....I have been on narcotic therapy since 1998 - and every other kind of drug in the book......

I am currently trying to retrain my brain to learn to function on low doses or no meds at all - and I have severely impinged nerves, arachnoiditis, failed back syndrome, stenosis, radiculopathy, disc degeneration and every disc in my spine is ruptured, torn, herniated and/or bulging etc....

If I can do this with the negative thinking I have - anyone can do it - retrain your brain to do whatever and live however you want......Thinkit - DOit!


jemjeff10 03-16-2012 12:28 AM

pain sciatic nerve compressed

Originally Posted by 72daywmn (Post 733605)
Ok, so I'm here to find info about the best possible options for pain relief for sciatica/neuropathy/possibly fibromyaliga

To make a long story shorter (somewhat) , work injury left me with moderate to excruciating pain in low back down right leg, with reduced sensation in right foot.

The pain is like a very hard constant ache in my lower right back, buttock and right leg to the ankle. It seems sometimes if I stretch just right, I can take some pressure off my low back, but then the leg is worse and my foot/lower leg go numb or pins & needles. On the other hand, if I stretch out the leg, to try to relieve that pain, the back is worse; can't win.

We've tried PT for my calf with no success, I used to take Neurontin for unrelated trigeminal neuralgia and headaches before this happened, and it worked for a while then had to be doubled, then doubled again, until it made me fall asleep if I stayed still for more than 30 seconds, so I quit taking it.
For this back and leg pain, I take hydrocodone 7.5/500 3-4x daily, ultram 100mg 3-4x daily (I was taking the ultram for trigeminal neuralgia before this happened) and have tried Lyrica which made me suicidal and looking for a fight with my partner and kids, so it's been added to my 'allergy' list.

I've been interested in a TENS unit and/or ultrasound therapy, but without knowing anything about them or really how to use them, I'm scared; plus I don't know what brands, etc are the best if they do work?

I sit on heating pads 12-18 hrs a day, and have burns on my back and buttocks (and skin changes from them) because the heat is about the only thing that offers minor relief.

I'm getting nowhere with doctors and lawyers and insurance reps and physician assistants and I hoped someone here could offer the wisdom of their experiences. Please?

hello I have a little advise for you I have simular pain I can tell you that I had the same problems and also I had to many conditions that rattled my doctors I have a pinced nerve in my groin area told it was a condition called meralgia paraesthetica man excersie stretch raise your arms crawl your fingers up the wall and do the knee touching the wall to a crouch bend it works stretching the arms all the way over your head lay flat on the floor try it also bend the knee and pull in to chest with right hand and do the same to the left another excersice that helps is lie aon ya back pull the right knee up and sway it to the left touch the floor with the knee while its bent and while your hand is pulling it toward chest do the same to other knees I am constantly in pain and i still do this excercise often or else i think i would be in a wheel chair now i take pain meds and try to keep moving good luck jeff

thinkitdoit7 03-17-2012 07:20 AM

Get a TENS unit!
I highly recommend the TENS units - If used correctly and consistently they can change the way your brain processes pain signals - and truly for the time I am using the TENS it is many times like the pain is gone.

The pain does return once you are done with the TENS session but if you continue to use it everyday once or twice even three times a day - even if you aren't in terrible pain - you change the neurons in your brain and you perceive the pain differently - and for many the pain is reduced significantly.

It takes a long time to achieve long term results using TENS and great discipline - most people only use it when they are in pain or in response to a pain jag etc...most people do not use it daily for 15-30 min sessions twice a day or even three shorter sessions....

Do not get discouraged - just stick with it. It doesn't matter which settings you use - use which ever settings work for your pain at whatever intensity. Remember - more is not better. Do not use for more than one hour per session.

The big key to success is consistency and long term discipline - consider it as important as say eating or even breathing....

I would also recommend learning meditation and/or deep breathing exercises to do while using the TENS unit. I know you are rolling your eyes right now and think meditation is for the birds....and "those kinds of people" - I used to think the same thing....

I learned how to meditate without even realizing what I was doing - I started praying the Rosary which I never believed in - and found that after a while I would fall into this extremely relaxed state within seconds of starting the Rosary(the Rosary is a bunch of beads that you can use and you say a prayer for each bead - look up prayer beads on Google it is very interesting)

After about two years of doing these prayer beads I started going to the library and renting CDs on meditation or went on the internet and wanted to know how to do it.....I realized that I had taught myself meditation through using the prayer beads....

The meditation, however you do it, changed my life - It impacts every daily life situation you encountered and you become more at peace and able to process situations including pain much differently....

The big kep to pain management is perseverance - it is most likely going to be wtih you every day for the rest of your life - so you try to learn coping skills that you can use for many TENS and meditation etc.

I have had 12 majory spinal surgeries and 100s of surgical procedures beginning at age 12 - I am currently 48. I have had spinal pain pumps, stimulators and been on ever drug available for pain....the best results I have gotten have been from exercise, stretching, TENS and meditation plus pain meds (I do not recommend narcotic pain meds unless absolutely necessary and remember you will always needs more and more as time goes on to get pain management - it is a viscious cycle if you are not very careful.)

I pray that you will find some information in the email helpful with your journey. (I would also advise that your family learn about chronic pain and what you are going through - most people have great misconceptions about pain and if your family has a better understanding they can support you better.)

K in WIS

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