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mymorgy 05-22-2017 06:03 AM

i am going to see if i can control myself and look
but not buy anything except for two more interactive cat toys. i bought the toys

OhKay 05-22-2017 08:00 AM

I hope that this works out for you Bobby :hug:

I think you can do it! :)

mymorgy 05-22-2017 09:05 AM

i do hope you are right. I have to stay away from ebay

Mari 05-24-2017 04:06 AM

Good luck with that, Bobby.


Dmom3005 05-31-2017 07:58 PM

Good luck Bobby.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 06-01-2017 08:58 PM

not working so far

Mari 06-02-2017 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1243968)
not working so far

Each day is a new day.

I hope that things get better for you.


mymorgy 06-02-2017 03:51 AM

yesterday it was light bulbs for my new lamp and distilled water for my new coffee maker.,.

OhKay 06-02-2017 06:17 AM

You do not need distilled water for your Keurig. Some people will use filtered water from a Brita, etc. but you really don't even need to do that. I use tap water. I don't remember what the set up for the small sized machines are, but if yours has a tank, it comes with a replaceable filter and instructions on how to "descale" the machine periodically (I use vinegar instead of their expensive solution). That should be enough.

Do you like your new lamp?

mymorgy 06-02-2017 06:21 AM - Prices Drop As You Shop I hope this works. yes I really like my lamp. yesterday i found the lightbulbs at walmart much cheaper than at amazon. thanks for the information. I will use it. You really are on top of things.

OhKay 06-02-2017 06:36 AM

Bobby, I LOVE my Keurig! I have a serious coffee addiction…

I'm sorry, but the link didn't work. I'm imagining you bought the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story." lol

mymorgy 06-02-2017 07:30 AM - Prices Drop As You Shop

Mari 06-02-2017 08:06 AM

Cool lamp!



OhKay 06-05-2017 09:37 AM

Wow, that is a cool lamp! I've never seen anything like it! :)

mymorgy 06-12-2017 11:49 AM

still out of control

OhKay 06-13-2017 08:18 AM

You're not alone Bobby…

When I did laundry yesterday I found 7 pairs of new underwear I forgot about because I threw them in the hamper to wash before wearing. I spent about $65 on underwear in about 2 weeks. I keep buying little things too, but they add up. I'm trying really hard not to buy anything else, but it's hard.

I hope you can reign in your spending soon :hug:

mymorgy 06-13-2017 09:07 AM

it is sort of scary isn't it. right now I am saying that I will only buy used books.
that is all I have been doing reading. Now I wonder if I have been thinking of Myra so much who by the way was born on July 11 because it is making me unconsciously deal with my own death and fear of death.
You should have seen abby yesterday interacting with marcia. She gave her love bites. she never did that to me and marcia got a bump as a result. Abby loves her so very much. she follows her around all over the place. she sort of sulks when she knows it is time for Marcia to leave.
I have so many pairs of pants now. It is obscene. I have enough underwear to last three or four weeks so when we the laundry room was being renovated I had enough.Thank God they didn't raise the prices of the new machines. I was worried about that. I have been trying to make myself cry but to no avail. I am isolating myself. I am trying to find comfort in God. This morning I didn't feel right and I thought for a few minutes I might die. Then the feelings went away. I still don't want to go to the senior center
what a mess
I lost so much money trading the stock market. I am tempted again but I won't touch it. I still follow stocks daily. My annuity is in stocks.

OhKay 06-14-2017 06:52 AM

I'm sorry you are feeling so badly Bobby :hug::hug::hug:

Is Marcia the one with a lot of animals? The scent of them may be drawing Abby to her. Also sometimes soaps, lotions, etc can help that along. Rocky likes to nip at my husband only when he gets out of the shower- we think it's the Irish Spring soap.

I'm glad that you are buying used books now vs. playing with stocks! You are reading a lot, so they are useful things anyway :hug:

My birthday is also July 11th.

mymorgy 06-14-2017 07:22 AM

I saw your birthday was July 11. I won;t forget it! You don't seem at all like my sister was. She was a very good mother and taught the boys to cook, to love the theatre, to travel etc. I won't speak badly of the dead.
Marci is allergic to animals. She almost didn't work for me. she isn't allergic to abby. she holds out her hand and abby comes to her. she plays with the laser with her. she definitely is in love with her.

OhKay 06-15-2017 07:46 AM

I'm glad that Marcia and Abby enjoy each other. I would be jealous tho. If Marcia isn't allergic to Abby, she's not allergic to cats... lol

It seems to me like a lot of people have some traits of their astrological signs, but even if astrology was scientific, there's so much more to people than what's in those profiles.

mymorgy 06-15-2017 08:26 AM

I am jealous but I know that abby is a very active cat and marcia moves around a lot and stands up when she plays with the laser. I am trying to play with abby more. I am always fatigued. I used to study astrology. My sister loved to travel and boy did she travel and she loved the theatre.She got free trips and free tickets for shows from writing articles about them.
I believe Marcia when she says she is allergic to cats. she doesn't pet abby.
I just bought nutpods. I have never heard of them. They are a substitute for half and half. They are healthy. I drink so much half and half it is disgusting but I think it calms me down. I will never lose weight if I continue. I think Marcia loves abby too. nutpods original unsweetened (12-pack)
bobby who has so many gemini traits-I have a lot of planets in gemini

Mari 06-16-2017 04:06 AM

The nut pods look delicious.


mymorgy 06-16-2017 04:47 AM

vitacpst has the cheapest but they are out of stock of two of the flavors right now. haze;mut which i ordered is on sale

OhKay 06-16-2017 08:10 AM

When I went on the South Beach diet the first time, I switched over to 1% then skim milk in my coffee. I only missed my 1/2 & 1/2 for a little while. Now that I'm not dieting, I use 1%. I drink so much coffee I could dry up a cow in a day tho... I hope you enjoy the nutpods! They sound yummy!

I thought Marcia was touching Abby. That's why I didn't believe she was allergic to cats. It must be hard for her not to pat her. When I see cats and dogs I want to pat them badly. I usually kiss the tops of my kitties' heads when I pat them... supposedly I'm allergic to cats. That's probably why I blow my nose 100X a day. It drives my husband nuts.

mymorgy 06-16-2017 10:28 AM

I think she is really gratified having abby love her.abby really does sulk when she is about to leave and turns her back on marcia. It is sort of sad.
I just love half and half or cream or heavy cream.
I am so fatigued all the time. I think it is the stroke. Alicia says at least I wasn;t paralyzed. all i want to do is sleep. It is an effort even to take my medicine. I didn't know you were allergic to kitty cats. wow

mymorgy 06-17-2017 04:53 AM

I gained more weight and back to the high. I have been drinking half and half. today I might go out and try to buy nutpods. I don't feel like leaving the apartment and I have i think the pdoc appointment on thursday and the regular doctor on friday. My sleeping is awful. I am so tired

Mari 06-17-2017 05:13 AM


The sleep is normal and good.

Getting out -- if you can do it -- is good for you.


mymorgy 06-17-2017 07:22 AM

I am usually only now getting two or three hours of sleep now

OhKay 06-17-2017 07:28 AM

I agree with Mari... stepping out is a good thing. I am sorry that you may have back to back appointments tho. That can be tiring :hug:

I can understand how awful it is to be chronically fatigued, but obviously for a different reason. You need to allow yourself to sleep when you have to, if and when you can :hug::hug::hug:

Mari 06-18-2017 02:18 AM


'Hoping that you have good days this week.


mymorgy 06-18-2017 04:44 AM

I think i am going to cancel one of the doctor's appts this week. I am dreading having two back to back. last time he set me off about blindness and diabetes. I hate when somebody tells me something I already know and don;t have the symptoms for. I am in a grouchy mood

Mari 06-18-2017 06:04 AM

Good idea!

I can handle only one appt a week. Even the good helpful docs
are annoying and stress inducing.

Good luck with your day.

mymorgy 06-18-2017 07:05 AM

I like the original flavor the best. thank you for the reinforcement. already i feel less pressured

mymorgy 06-18-2017 09:34 AM

when i see the pdoc this week I will tell him how depressed i have been and see if he can recommend another antidepressant. I still can't cry but that is all i feel like doing. I can't even feel that close to my cats right now. I am so alienated

mymorgy 06-18-2017 09:59 AM

Tiredness and fatigue | Stroke Association

OhKay 06-19-2017 05:28 AM

That was a good article Bobby. Did you find it helpful?

I'm glad that you cancelled the second appointment. Two back to back is a lot. I won't do that to myself. Sometimes I have had no choice but to stick myself with two in a week and that's bad enough.

I'm glad that you chose to keep the pdoc appointment and are going to ask him about a different antidepressant. I hope that he is responsive :hug:

I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time. You will be in my thoughts today :hug::hug::hug:

Much love,

mymorgy 06-19-2017 06:34 AM

I found it very helpful. It is like I have been fighting a losing battle. It also showed me that down the road there is hope. this fatigue might not last forever. the depression and the fatigue and then the excessive buying (I have been buying Chinese incense burners and I bought three little gorgeous teapots) to try to give me a high are too much to deal with., besides not wanting to go out of the apartment and isolating myself. At least I am through buying half and half. I wish I could cry. today I started brushing Pudgie again after her lion cut, she was happy. Abby was happy chasing a big bug. After I saw what it was I took it away. I was scared she would eat it. I can't sleep much but I just lay in bed and usually read.

mymorgy 06-19-2017 08:37 AM

I rescheduled the appt for july 12at 11 am the day after your birthday

OhKay 06-20-2017 05:28 AM

I can't cry either Bobby... I guess it would take a perfect storm to make me do it. I wish you could have that release :hug::hug::hug:

I'm glad that you are brushing Pudge again because that's a good bonding activity. I love watching my cats chase things. I let them eat bugs if they catch them, but they usually play with them too long, so I kill the bug before they can get away.

Mari 06-20-2017 07:51 AM


That is cool that Pudge gets a lion cut.:D


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