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Ellie 09-25-2006 06:41 PM

The Headache That Never Ends
Have any of you had a headache that has lasted 4 days? I mean, no breaks in between. This bad boy is wicked, let me tell ya'. I have tried Butalbital and Relpax, nothing is working. I also take 2,000 mg's of Keppra per day for seizures.

Any tips that do not require I put anything cold on my body? Ice and I do not get along very well. I have tried heat, but I need to clean and the heating pad plug isn't long enough for me to wear it as a hat! :D

lissbean 09-25-2006 08:36 PM

Does heat help?

Have you considered trying those portable heat packs? I've only ever used the ones for menstrual cramps but they are very effective and stay warm for hours. And they make them in different sizes/shapes for different parts of the body (e.g. neck, shoulder, lower back, etc).

In regards to cool, I always just use a wet washcloth. When it gets warm I wave it around and cool it off. Or I make my husband run it under water again. ;)

Hope your head gets to feeling better soon!

Ellie 09-26-2006 01:48 PM

Thanks for the reply!

Heat helps more in a way of comfort than it does removing the actual pain. The headache finally left on it's own. Here's to hoping it leaves me alone long enough to get my house cleaned. :D

Curious 09-26-2006 05:34 PM


i'm glad your headache is better. don't over do it.:)

Ellie 09-26-2006 06:24 PM

Oh, I'm not. Now I'm paying for my days of confusion. I had to call all of my doctors back to find out who I see, where and when. Looks like I made an 'oopsie' and put two on one day (I try not to). :(

I need a huge calendar for my wall, something massive, like 5 foot by 5 foot!

I always know PT on Mon, Wed & Fri. but the times always change. I try to make my Immunologist or random people on Tuesday and Neurologist on Friday. Somehow, I got that all mixed up this week! :eek:

Chemar 09-27-2006 12:25 PM


so sorry the headache monster hasnt gone away yet :(

all the tips I have are for supplements mainly and I dont think you can mix them with your meds

I dont know if it works for your type of headache, but I use a drop of pure peppermint oil on each temple when I get a headache. seems to help me (caution tho...dont get peppermint in or near your eyes!!!)
It is an old tip that my grandma gave us

Curious 09-27-2006 12:38 PM

that does work great chemar. clears your sinuses and helps keep your tummy settle without having to eat a peppermint.

i can't take any rx's for headaches or migraines. pm with any herb help you have. :D

lexiathedragongirl 09-29-2006 05:09 PM

if I need portable heat I find one of those microwaveable wheat packs really good, you can get them at lots of places, even market stalls as people make them themselves.

My H/aches usually last for a minimum 3 days often 5, and aspirin and brewed coffee are about the only management plan I have ;), and believe it or not, the doc agreed!

(((hugs))) and hope you are feeling better, I can empathise with the whole gamut of feelings they and szs bring with them.

Ellie 09-29-2006 06:21 PM

I got one of those green tea herbal bean bag heat packs. My boyfriend wouldn't sleep by me because he said my head smelled like a big teabag. :(

CoolAngel26 09-29-2006 06:22 PM


ella138 10-08-2006 04:21 PM

Last month I had a headache for 7 days straight, no break. So I finally thought I better go to the doctor. She asked me to describe the type of headache I was having. It seemed to move around. Sometimes my ear hurt with it too, like an earache. But a constant throb. I was living on Advil and Tylenol. The doc gave me a persciption for message therapy. I made some inquiries and found someone who came highly recommended. She assessed me and gave me a 45 minute message. Shee worked on my upper back, shoulders, upper chest, neck and head. My head still hurt when I left there that morning. By the evening it was gone. Coincidence?.... I think not! It stayed away for a couple of weeks. Now I go every 2 weeks for a message. I can tell you that I don't enjoy them. They are not relaxing. They actually hurt, but they do the job in the headache department without drugs.

Ellie 10-09-2006 09:47 AM

Yah, I go to PT three times a week because I guess the seizures, headaches and being paranoid of having seizures has did a number on my neck. My PT kept trying and trying, but as soon as a new seizure comes her work is gone. :(

Now they want to do trigger point injections. Eww!

Had my former doctor addressed this a year ago, it probably wouldn't be -as- bad.

And yes, her massages are nice in some spots and others, I have to try not jumping up and hitting her. I HATE my spine and center of my neck touched. It triggers this awful liquid-like bubbling, grinding sound that creeps me out.

:eek: :eek:

Doody 10-10-2006 05:49 PM

Hi, it's me, doody. Decided to finally wander over to headache and see what's up.

Knock on wood, my migraines are fewer and farther between now. I think it's because I got old and went mentalpausal. :p

I've been on every med you can think of for headache/migraine.

My best med for migraines has been Imitrex nasal spray, NOT the pills. For when that doesn't work, it's because it's turned into an emergency room migraine which used to happen way too often.

Anyway, have you tried Topamax? God I feel for you, those LONG headaches! I even did the go in the hospital routine for a week and have an IV drip of I can't remember what drug. And it didn't work. So the doc said let's try Topamax. Darned if it didn't stop that headache round.

I also go to a masseuse, a wonderful woman (retired nurse) and she is good. But I see her primarily for the fibro and chronic myofacia pain.

My neck is a mess from multiple car accidents so she works on that a lot as well.

OH, for stuff that helps topically for me. Tiger Balm. Whenever I have a headache, I put that on my forehead and it really helps. If nothing else, it detracts from the pain. Also really good on sore muscles. I am never without a big tin of Tiger Balm on my nightstand.

Hugs. Headaches and migraines suck.

And watch out for those rebound headaches from taking aspirin, tylenol, whatever. That gets you into a vicious cycle.

My head hurts just thinking about your pain ((Ellie)).

Ellie 10-10-2006 05:53 PM

They have been 'ok' recently, I've had worse. I do my best to control them without medications because to top off what I take for seizures, I try to stay away from everything else for the sake of my poor liver.

I think I just need a way to manage stress levels because those headaches are the worst to try and get rid of. Hopefully, once I get more answers regarding my other medical issues I will be able to keep a load off of my head and perhaps cut back on headaches.

Xena 11-03-2006 03:55 AM

Oh I get terrible headaces too, it can get so awlful at times that I pass out from the pain. but sometimes what works for me is crushing up an excederin and then swallowing it with a coke or pepsi ,,,

Sometimes nothing works,,

: (

hope your doing better


vodpop 11-04-2006 04:53 AM

The Never Ending Headache
Oh Ellie, I can relate. I've had the never ending headache that not only went on for days but literally months non-stop. I went the route of PT, it did help (along with muscle relaxers and pain killers) although always only temporarily until this last September when I finally (this has been going on for over two years) let the Neuro talk me into trying Topamax (for that and for about the last 6-9 months recurring seizures). I have never been so glad to have gone on medication for anything in my life. I orginially avoided it because I have taken AED's for seizures before and know what they can do to my body and don't want to risk the side effects or long term damage, but finally decided after a bottle of Advil/Excedrin/Tylenol (insert OTC pain killer of choice) a week and no relief for two years I was doing more damage to myself and the pain was unbearable I might as well try it.
Well, that and the fact that the seizures came back. Have you thought that the two may actually be connected? You may be having a change in your seizure frequency or intensity that is causing or presenting itself as headaches. Something you may want to ask your doctor about...
Also, for portable heating pads, most outdoor supply (camping/hunting supply) stores carry small individual heat packs that hunters and campers use that are quite effective some are reusable some are not but that may be another alternative to try also. I loved playing with them when I was a kid, they get really warm.
I hope you get some relief soon.

gambles 11-29-2006 03:22 PM

I assume you are feeling better by now, but
yes, over the past 25 years I have had a handful of full four day migraines where I never left the bed except for the bathroom. ONce I couldn't lift my head to use the bathroom without continual vomitting so I ended up squatting over a trashcan next to the bed with my head still horizontal on the edge of the bed. That is definitely one of my favorite memories:rolleyes:

But yes, there are others of us out here with long term migraines. I haven't had one in three years as my doc finally found a combo that helps me.

Good luck,

Ellie 11-30-2006 01:30 AM

You need to share the information on that combo! :D

Thanks everyone for the kind words. It's been going better but I still have my days. If my Trigeminal Neuralgia would get under control I think my headaches would follow suit (short of seizure headaches). I think it hurts so much I stress out and end up with an unholy headache.

My boyfriends mom got me a bunch of Relpax samples and I love her a lot!!! Those are soooo expensive but work well and fast.

gambles 12-04-2006 06:48 PM

My combo..
Ellie, You asked, so here is what I take:
-2 Fiorinal w/ Codeine
-either 50 mg or 100 mg of Imitrex depending on how bad the pain or aura is
and sometimes
-I also take 1 mg of Xanax since the really bad headaches often throw me into a panic attack.

Most doctors recommend those things alone. Mine suggested I try them together, and I was shocked that it worked. I'm also on MS Contin for spinal pain which doesn't make me drowsy. For some reason Imitrex or any of the triptans tends to make me drowsy so with the caffeine in the Fiorinal and xanax, as well as the deep breathing (quasi-biofeedback) I am usually doing while lying in a VERY dark room with ice bags on my neck and cold packs on my forehead, I often fall asleep. I have much better results if I fall asleep. I wake up about an hour and a half later with the headache gone!!

Don't get me wrong. It doesn't always make it go away. It does ALWAYS lessen the pain though which is more than I had for years!!!!

I don't take Fioricet because the acetaminophen triggers headaches for me. Aspirin doesn't. My body reacts very abnormally to almost all meds. My doc accepts this and works around it. Sleeping medicine wakes me up. Caffeine makes me drowsy.

I have tried triptans with otcs like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. That combo is definitely better than the triptans alone for me at least.

Obviously anyone should talk to their doctor who knows their medical history and body, but I pray my doc never retires as it took years to find him and more years to find anything that helps. I am homebound disabled from my spine so I can afford to sleep off the meds. I know that is a huge problem for most people. When I was teaching, my migraines would either hit at 5 am giving me a very short period to try to get it at least down to tolerable before I called in sick, or they would hit me at 4 PM in which case I would just go home and collapse in the dark and hope it was gone by the next day!

Hope that info helps someone. I used to post in on whenever it was appropriate. I don't know if anyone ever tried it!

Good luck,

Dmom3005 12-05-2006 02:45 PM

I too take topamax. Twice a day at 100 mg a time. Then I take
indomethacin cap 50 mg for pain and headaches instead of tylenol
or ibprofen now because they don't work anymore. I had two
dislocated elbows that I need something that if necessary I could
take something around the clock if necessary and the other htings
can create rebound headaches. So this has found to be very good.

I don't need near as much.

So now I need very little, plus with the concussion in August the
physical therapy and exercise is helping too.


heyjude5050 12-11-2006 06:43 AM

I have what was diagnosed as cluster migraines. I have been fortunate to have only 2 bouts in the past few years. They are not full-blown but the first one lasted 6 weeks.
I thought I was going to lose it. Nothing I took helped because I was already into it a week or so before they ran test and narrowed it down. I just took pain meds to keep it to a low roar and then I guess it ran its course and as quick as it came, it left.
I only had one more episode that didn't last as long, I get frequent headaches but nothing I can't handle.
Hope this is helpful in some way. There is nothing more irritating than a constant headache.............well I guess there is but it is up there in the list of chronic pain.
Good luck to you,

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