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fionab 05-07-2012 06:56 PM

Does barometric pressure affect your pain?
Was not doing too bad this morning, packing for vacation tomorrow, and them wham, pain the in the back of my neck like the dickens (almost broke down and took a dilaudid it hurt that bad) but decided to go lay down instead as dilaudid gives me insomnia and want to be able to get at least a few hours sleep tonight before our early flight.

Now that the storm has rolled through, I went to take the dilaudid 'cuz was still in pain and figured I'd be up all night with the pain or up all night 'cuz of the dilaudid but at least not in so much pain. But I hesitated and didn't take it cause I felt the pain was less.

So now, the neck pain is lessening up. The pulsing, whooshing sound I had in my ears is less, too. So, got me wondering if the weather plays a part in my pain complaints. I know I've always heard the tale of someone's grandpa being able to tell when weather was moving in due to his bum knee hurting, or some such story, but I'm honestly interested in this subject.

When I looked at my local weather, it showed high pressure this morning when my neck wasn't hurting...then when my neck really began to be painful the weather report showed a massive drop in barometric pressure. I'm beginning to wonder if the true culprit of my neck pain isn't that the SCS's aren't working right, but that maybe it's weather related.

Any ideas/thoughts?

I'll read your responses when I return from vacation. Thanks.

Spiney95 05-07-2012 08:00 PM

Of course
I have mulitple problems that are aggravated by changing barometrics. Like many, I find seasonal changes, particulary spring and fall problematic. I have been complaing (too much) about the barometrics. When my younger daughter was in elementary school, she came home one day and told me she now understood why I said the barometrics "hurt me". She then showed me an experiment they did in science class that day. The teacher took a pop can with a teaspoon of water in it and heated the can until the water had all but evaporated, then dropped the can into a bowel of ice. The can popped, buckled and caved in on itself. My child then said "Look Mom, that's barometrics!!!!!!" While a bit simplified, I couldn''t disagree with her. My spine, which seems to pop and buckle durring wild barometric changes, certainly didn't.

Take long hot soaks with your favorite scented candles and invest in Netflix or some other downstream so you can keep yourself distracted with whatever kind of movie floats your boat. Some nights can become long and painful and I love the ability to keep hitting the remote for a little serial movie entertainment. On the other hand, if the pain is moderate and just bad enough to keep you from initiating sleep, downstream something that bores your socks off. Best wishes.

Mark56 05-07-2012 08:24 PM

Not Me
I have not experienced this, but my doc relates a good many have been there, known that. You must be one of "them" Fiona.
Mark56:hug:[Prayin for good vacation and no barometric variances]:)

Rrae 05-07-2012 08:55 PM

Good illustration Spine95!

Arthritis especially! I would venture to say 'anything' bone-related, like Spine indicates, could potentially be noticed by weather changes. (to alot of folks anyway)
Regarding burning/nerve-related, I don't notice a change, like Mark.
But oh Lord, my 'bad' spots where Mr "Arthur Ritis" dwells, I definately notice a change when the barometric pressure changes and when bad weather (rainy and damp) rolls in.

Heyyyy, i wonder if we used Spine's illustration BACKWARD, would it lead to a cure?? We could freeze our 'bad spots' and THEN light em on fire! This sounds simple enuf to me! :cool:

Rock on I say


Dr. Smith 05-07-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by fionab (Post 877218)
When I looked at my local weather, it showed high pressure this morning when my neck wasn't hurting...then when my neck really began to be painful the weather report showed a massive drop in barometric pressure.

I definitely notice increased pain with both barometric pressure and humidity.

Several of the web-based weather services now have Arthritis Indices or Aches & Pain Forecasts.
However, checking them is usually an afterthought (Why do I hurt so cussin' bad today? :Ponder:)
I have a couple of weather gadgets on my desktop, but I haven't found one for an arthritis/pain forecast/index yet. :Dunno:


Spiney95 05-07-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 877262)
I definitely notice increased pain with both barometric pressure and humidity.

Several of the web-based weather services now have Arthritis Indices or Aches & Pain Forecasts.
However, checking them is usually an afterthought (Why do I hurt so cussin' bad today? :Ponder:)
I have a couple of weather gadgets on my desktop, but I haven't found one for an arthritis/pain forecast/index yet. :Dunno:


Doc, it sounds like your body IS a weather gadget and more accurate than the professionals use. I am thrilled for those like Mark who do not have spineometers. I was thrilled to see that my daughter was enjoying such science experiments in the third grade. Those hands on, highly visual lessons last a lifetime.

Dr. Smith 05-07-2012 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by spine95 (Post 877272)
I was thrilled to see that my daughter was enjoying such science experiments in the third grade. Those hands on, highly visual lessons last a lifetime.

Living proof of that right here! (Junior Science Geek :Clever:) My 3rd (or 4th?) grade class had a hurricane machine in the classroom (built by some parent/science teacher, I presume; I've never seen another like it). It was a glassed-in cabinet ~2' x 2' x 4'h, with a lightbulb in the top and a pizza pan at the bottom. The idea was to fill the pizza pan with salt water (representing the ocean) and by heating it up via the lightbulb (representing the Sun), a small vortex (Coriolis Effect and EVERYTHING!) was created inside the cabinet. It was barely perceptable, so they introduced a small amount of smoke (lit cigarette - it was the '60s - Don't smoke, kids - this is SCIENCE!) to make it more visible. They could really get that little thing crankin'. Of course as soon as anyone opened the door to the cabinet, it disturbed the delicate balance and the small-scale hurricane went POOF!


Dr. Smith 05-08-2012 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 877252)
We could freeze our 'bad spots' and THEN light em on fire!

It's raining here today (lower pressure system) and my arthritis is already on fire! This phenomenon is supposed to occur during pressure changes - not afterward when they've already risen/fallen! :eek:


eva5667faliure 05-08-2012 01:45 PM

like this

being i am most comfortable
on my left i have trouble
remembering the next day
i have netflix
someone who cares

eva5667faliure 05-08-2012 02:24 PM


thank you for making me laugh

back at ya

someone who cares

eva5667faliure 05-08-2012 02:26 PM

another laugh

thanks doc

eva5667faliure 05-08-2012 02:28 PM

and another one



eva5667faliure 05-08-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 877279)
Living proof of that right here! (Junior Science Geek :Clever:) My 3rd (or 4th?) grade class had a hurricane machine in the classroom (built by some parent/science teacher, I presume; I've never seen another like it). It was a glassed-in cabinet ~2' x 2' x 4'h, with a lightbulb in the top and a pizza pan at the bottom. The idea was to fill the pizza pan with salt water (representing the ocean) and by heating it up via the lightbulb (representing the Sun), a small vortex (Coriolis Effect and EVERYTHING!) was created inside the cabinet. It was barely perceptable, so they introduced a small amount of smoke (lit cigarette - it was the '60s - Don't smoke, kids - this is SCIENCE!) to make it more visible. They could really get that little thing crankin'. Of course as soon as anyone opened the door to the cabinet, it disturbed the delicate balance and the small-scale hurricane went POOF!


i love it!

Dr. Smith 05-08-2012 02:58 PM

I should Clarify...
... this...


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 877262)
I have a couple of weather gadgets on my desktop, but I haven't found one for an arthritis/pain forecast/index yet. :Dunno:

I was talking about Google Gadgets on my Google Desktop on the righthand side of my Windows Desktop (computer screen)

(Remember when you turned on your computer and all there was, was the word, "READY" and a blinking cursor? :Sigh:)


eva5667faliure 05-08-2012 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 877485)
... this...

I was talking about Google Gadgets on my Google Desktop on the righthand side of my Windows Desktop (computer screen)

(Remember when you turned on your computer and all there was, was the word, "READY" and a blinking cursor? :Sigh:)


wow i don't

all new teaching myself
i won't go there
bad space

Spiney95 05-08-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 877390)
It's raining here today (lower pressure system) and my arthritis is already on fire! This phenomenon is supposed to occur during pressure changes - notill afterward when they've already risen/fallen! :eek:


I guess that's why half the super seniors in my building are hobbling around today saying "thars a storma comin'". :eek: Gee, I love it down South. My spineometer says we will have rain late tonight. The spine quiets down by the time the storm arrives. You know you need to get a better life when you and your friends sit around on the veranda and take bets on what time the storm will hit and who has the most accurate spineometer. :rolleyes:

yellow 05-08-2012 03:55 PM

A big YES! And I do have RSD, but I think it is related to the inflammation. We have been having constantly changing weather here in Chicago the last few weeks, with rain every other or every couple days, and this means the pressure has been changing left and right. And boy are my legs and wrist irritated. The pain from the barometric changes, I've found, is slightly different so I can tell that's what it is right away. It's more achy. I can predict the weather better than the forecasts can!

The best thing I've found to help it is moist heat. And of course turning my SCS up higher for the legs. But you should be better at least while you're in Mexico, because in warmer climates like that the pressure is more constant.

Rrae 05-09-2012 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 877485)
... this...

I was talking about Google Gadgets on my Google Desktop on the righthand side of my Windows Desktop (computer screen)

(Remember when you turned on your computer and all there was, was the word, "READY" and a blinking cursor? :Sigh:)


Ahh shucks.....I was picturing a weather baloon
and one of these things --->> sitting on your desk

Yes, i do remember those days with our 6" screens and the back of the computer reached 3 feet back to the wall. Where did simplicity go??

Mark56 05-09-2012 09:36 AM

Simplicity was called
Pen and Paper.
Hardy har har,

Dr. Smith 05-11-2012 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by spine95 (Post 877506)
You know you need to get a better life when you and your friends sit around on the veranda and take bets on what time the storm will hit and who has the most accurate spineometer.

We used to say we knew when we'd arrived at middle age because conversations began to center around medical conditions and the numbers and kinds of supplements we were taking.

...And someone would wonder why the kids were all in the other room playing video games... :rolleyes:


Mark56 05-11-2012 11:29 AM

The adults out of a demonstration of utter maturity and a desire for restoration of youth took up..........

RUGBY!.... followed by yet another healthy discussion of aches and pains.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Har Har dee Har Har Har,
Not pen and Paper,
Quill, ink, and paper,
no, clay tablet and stylus [can you imagine, neither Apple, nor any competitor invented the stylus]
C'est moi,
Dzien Dobry,

Dr. Smith 05-11-2012 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 877657)
Where did simplicity go??


"Ahh, a keyboard. How quaint." ~ Scotty, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Or, from the movie, Eagle Eye:


Agent Shaw: Listen, my eyes aren't getting any better... and these screens are getting smaller. Could you please find me something I can read?

Agent Grant: I can make the text bigger on your screen.

Agent Shaw: No, no, no. I'm talking about paper. Remember, like in the olden times?

Mark56 05-11-2012 11:42 AM

Yet another Laugh
Captures my mind in an experience of credible and purposed frivolity!
Har dee Har dee Har, Har, Har, Har Har!
Tickled to my toes,
Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, nerve injury robbed me of feeling in my toes....
Tickled to my knees!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

eva5667faliure 05-11-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by dr. Smith (Post 878462)
we used to say we knew when we'd arrived at middle age because conversations began to center around medical conditions and the numbers and kinds of supplements we were taking.

...and someone would wonder why the kids were all in the other room playing video games... :rolleyes:


thank you for allowing me a laugh
yellow you said something about senior
citizens walking the halls
you kill me
please more laughter

fionab 05-16-2012 12:12 AM

Just back from vacation
Had a great time....much needed respite from living in this world of pain that we can get so caught up in! Beautiful waves rolling in, warm days with balmy breezes...but I did notice something interesting. When I started this thread on barometric pressure, I didn't stop to also consider how the heat/cold affects my pain. While there I often had to go in the A/C to cool off, or jump in the cold pool and I noticed almost an auto. drop in all-over pain. I did notice that my cervical pain increased with the higher temps. and also my fingers/wrists felt rather sore and swollen. So no moving there permanently:(

I didn't have any problems with my eye pressure while there, even though my dr. gave me meds. to take in case the pressure in the plane cabin got to me, but never had to touch the stuff.:D

I'm awful sleepy now as I was just so excited to be living "normal" for a week that didn't get much, off to bed...and tomorrow the unpacking begins :eek::eek:.

Why is is that no matter what you take, even it if's never worn, it smells of "beach"???

One terrific blessing on the way there and back...we got upgraded to first class for free! Was the beginning and end of a great vacation! :D:D

Mark56 05-16-2012 12:30 AM

Bee You Tea Full
THAT is how I characterize your wondrous vacation Fiona!

Yup, the only thing to do with vacation clothes is donate them and return with empty luggage. Less to carry. Charity is able to help others. Go to TJ Min and purchase more clothing for minimal cost and live life without the unpacking!:eek:

Barometric pressure, weather, such do not affect the situation I live. Hurt happens. Gout is interesting, and I am so glad my lower legs are numb as Doc said, lest I really feel its pinch. I pray your eye will be well.

Glad you experienced first class. Cool :cool:, movie STARS. Yup, we will see you on the silver screen before you know it.
Uh Huh,
Before you know it,

eva5667faliure 05-16-2012 07:14 AM

so glad you found joy and fun while
recognizing the weather and what it
does to your body
i so look forward to
the town pool we are
members of
my experience is noted
2 years ago
the weightlessness
i can slowly do movements
walk around the pool
and will have to lay on my
happy too see ya

eva5667faliure 05-16-2012 07:17 AM

thank you for the laugh

Rrae 05-17-2012 07:18 PM

First-Class Indeed!
Well you CERTAINLY deserve first class my friend!
I'm so happy for you to have been able to get away. Sounds like it went off without a hitch.
You're tired of course, but it's the 'good' kind of tired.

Take it easy and rest up
:hug: Rae :hug:

anon21816 05-18-2012 02:26 AM

Welcome back
Sounds like you had a fantastic holiday Fiona. Bet you feel refreshed if somewhat tired.

Good luck with the unpacking and laundry :D

Jackie :hug:


Originally Posted by fionab (Post 879744)
Had a great time....much needed respite from living in this world of pain that we can get so caught up in! Beautiful waves rolling in, warm days with balmy breezes...but I did notice something interesting. When I started this thread on barometric pressure, I didn't stop to also consider how the heat/cold affects my pain. While there I often had to go in the A/C to cool off, or jump in the cold pool and I noticed almost an auto. drop in all-over pain. I did notice that my cervical pain increased with the higher temps. and also my fingers/wrists felt rather sore and swollen. So no moving there permanently:(

I didn't have any problems with my eye pressure while there, even though my dr. gave me meds. to take in case the pressure in the plane cabin got to me, but never had to touch the stuff.:D

I'm awful sleepy now as I was just so excited to be living "normal" for a week that didn't get much, off to bed...and tomorrow the unpacking begins :eek::eek:.

Why is is that no matter what you take, even it if's never worn, it smells of "beach"???

One terrific blessing on the way there and back...we got upgraded to first class for free! Was the beginning and end of a great vacation! :D:D

fionab 05-18-2012 05:54 PM

travelling with chronic pain or illness
I did a short trip report on my blog because I want others to have hope that they can find small ways to enjoy their life, even if for a short time, while dealing with their health issues.

If you'd like to read it, it's at:http://fionab-lessonslearnedfromlife...c-illness.html. Just scroll down to today's date, May 18.

Warning: you may need a tissue as you read it! God is so good:D:D

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