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BlueMajo 07-09-2009 04:41 PM

I wonder if... I know how to wonder !!! Wonder thread 190 !!!!
- Hum, I wonder if it is ok that I had started this thread....

- I wonder why is BMW sad.... :( :hug:

- I wonder if I can leave hugs to everybody :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:............... ..:hug:

tamiloo 07-09-2009 05:27 PM

I wonder myself if my wonderer is broke?

I do wonder all the time however, I’m not able to put them to words.

Blue my dear you can start wondering anytime you want!!

I wonder why I’m feeling so anxious all the time. I am so….down…

I wonder why I have stayed away…NT has always made me feel good…feel needed…

I wonder if Blue knows how much I love her hugs. You’re the best!!

I wonder why I have cabin fever but am too anxious to leave my safe place…home…

I wonder if I am calendaring with my PTSD…

I also want to leave a hug for all my NT family…love you all!

Alffe 07-09-2009 05:42 PM

I wonder how tickled I am that Blue started this thread...

I wonder how ticked off I was to be kept waiting so long today in that drs. office..:mad: no man is worth waiting that long I didn't!

I wonder if Barbo minds my stealing her line...:D

I wonder at the huge mess of trimming bushes, lower branches Mr.Alffe made...

I wonder if our tree guy will get here before dark to clean it up....

I wonder that he was 50 ft. up in the air when we called him...

I wonder why he'd answer his cell up there....:rolleyes:

I wonder how sweet it was to hear from Nikki today...:hug:

I wonder why I forgot to tell Addy that my little caulif. wasn't any good..

I wonder if the other one will be...I covered him with his leaves..:o

I wonder if Abbie will remember that we are going along in her heart...:grouphug:

BlueMajo 07-09-2009 08:37 PM

I wonder if Tami knows how much a appreciate our frienship and how much Ive missed her :hug: :hug: :hug:

I wonder why Alffe needed to go to the doc office..... :rolleyes:

Brokenfriend 07-09-2009 10:25 PM

Hey Blue
I wanted to say Hi. I hope that you are doing OK. I've been on the quiet side recently.:hug::hug::hug:

BlueMajo 07-09-2009 11:34 PM

Oh, I wonder if BF realize how much a love him :hug:

I wonder why has BF been lurking.... :hug:

mistiis 07-10-2009 03:38 AM

I wonder how nice it is to finally be off the road...

I wonder at how hot it is here, too hot for the hot tub...

I wonder that I have to wait for 8 more days for my stuff to arrive.

I wonder how long this body can handle my air mattress

I wonder why I'm not sleeping

I wonder at how pretty the moon is shining through the oaks

I wonder when I will have Internet service

I wonder how it is going to be to start all over again

I wonder about our dear Moi

I wonder if Abbie will know she is in my prayers

I wonder if Tammi could use a hug ((hugs))

I wonder if Alffe's tree guy came

I wonder if Scrabble got her camera fixed

I wonder if Addy got her mowing done

I wonder if GmaSue got her sorting done

I wonder how Manda and Jen are doing

I wonder if I will go to the lake Saturday

I wonder about BMW ((hugs)) and BJ ((hugs)) and David ((hugs))

I wonder if I can leave Nikki a hug

I wonder how pono is ((hugs)) and Wren ((hugs)) and Ducky ((Hugs)) and Goofy ((hugs)) and Doody ((hugs))

I wonder how out of the loop I feel

BIG HUGS and PRAYERS for our room

~scrabble 07-10-2009 07:26 AM

I wonder how nice it is to see that mistiis has arrived at her destination? :hug:

I wonder what I will think of my new digital SLR Cannon camera? :)

I wonder if the lady at the floating art gallery will want me to work there part-time?

I wonder if my photo cards will sell? (She took 40 of them on consignment.)

I wonder if Alffe will have to go back to that doctor and wait for him again?

I wonder if today will be a better day for Tamiloo? :hug:

I wonder how Blue's work in the lab is going?

I wonder how Moi is feeling?

I wonder who would like some hugs? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Alffe 07-10-2009 08:17 AM

I wonder what a spongeman is.....:confused:

I wonder if I'll be sorry I asked...

I wonder how nice it is to have that mess all cleaned up before company comes tomorrow...

I wonder if Steve knows that he's been missed! Are you busy these days?

I wonder if Blue knows it's just my lower back..arthritis..nothing like our moi is going through but thanks for wondering...:hug:

I wonder if it will be hard to get used to a new camera....and Scrabble, I bet your photo cards will sell...:hug:

I wonder if I can have one of those hugs and leave some too. :hug: :hug:

I wonder if I have lost, yet again, Mistiis's new address.....:o

Addy 07-10-2009 01:15 PM

Ohhhh... I wonder why this screen turned kind-of-a-grey colour when I began to type then I remember, oh ya... I'm using Mozilla Firefox instead of Explorer and lotsa things are different... lol

I wonder if you picked the cauliflower too soon, Alffe?!! I can't imagine a cauli that didn't taste good... :D

:Dancing-Chilli: Scrabble... you are going to LOVE your digital.... and if I could warn you of one thing... do NOT keep all your photos on your camera... and make sure you keep them organized in some sort of a filing system on your computer or you are going to be sooooooo sorry! And don't forget to save them on CDs or flash drives (my personal pref)

OOOoopssss... the above wasn't a wondering.. ok, back to wondering...

I wonder if I'll speak my mind and how I'll chose to do it when I attend the union/library board meeting tonight (imagine calling a meeting on a Friday evening?!!!)... I only work at the public library once a month... but that said, they are going to be laying off people who have been there over 20 years.... and only opening the library 3 freaking days a week... DUH DUH DUH....

I wonder at how stupid some board members have become in this time of economic downfall....

I wonder if I'm going to do some shake/rattle/and rolling at this meeting or if I'm going to sit back and remember that the only thing I can change is myself....

I wonder at how nice it was to see you all here today :)

GmaSue 07-10-2009 05:33 PM

I vote for the shake rattle and rolling-because, fortunately, sometimes that does make a difference...

BlueMajo 07-10-2009 08:18 PM

I wonder if scrabble's cam is the same I have.... :rolleyes:

I wonder if scrabble have and like some lenses.... I have a 500 mm lens and... LOVE IT !!! :D

I wonder how Sue is doing and if she still listen to Travis... :)

I wonder if I put a confusing thread name and that's why people is still wondering in the 189 thread.... :o

Burntmarshmallow 07-10-2009 10:19 PM

Wonder bump

Burntmarshmallow 07-10-2009 10:47 PM

I wonder that I am so glad Abbie found a thread I had going but I forgot all about it.

Wonder that she is the one who inspired the thread .

Wonder that I so needed to see the mentioned thread right now
tonight almost midnight....

Wonder why it is that I always feel closer to God at night under the stars .

Wonder that each of you are strolling threw my wonders at this moment like a parade some single file and some in twos and 3's.


Brokenfriend 07-11-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Burntmarshmallow (Post 535728)
I wonder that I am so glad Abbie found a thread I had going but I forgot all about it.

Wonder that she is the one who inspired the thread .

Wonder that I so needed to see the mentioned thread right now
tonight almost midnight....

Wonder why it is that I always feel closer to God at night under the stars .

Wonder that each of you are strolling threw my wonders at this moment like a parade some single file and some in twos and 3's.


There is nothing else,like looking at a star filled night Tina. You are looking directly at the awesome power of God,and looking at what our minds cannot grasp. Your looking up to where there is no end.

I love looking at the stars. The closer I am to God,the more beautiful the stars are. BF:hug::hug::hug:

CoolAngel26 07-11-2009 11:10 AM

Saturday-morning wonder thread #190..
I wonder how whoever turned out the lights,on the last thread failed to start a new one...;) (it's okay,I did..)

I wonder how everyone is doing on this summery Saturday...Hot here-upper 90's for the next week.

I wonder if I can thank you guys for all of your support...

Will wonder more later...:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Kristin

Alffe 07-11-2009 11:38 AM

I wonder how fun it will be to have two 190 wonder threads...:D

I wonder if Cool Angel will be able to stand it... :D

I wonder what time our company will get here and how nice it will be see them...

I wonder why I let my potatos rot in the field...:rolleyes:

I wonder if we all will send positive thoughts to BJ on her test today..:grouphug:

Burntmarshmallow 07-11-2009 02:11 PM

I wonder that I KNOW I am sending positive vibs to BJ

I wonder that we do already have a wonder 190 thread...

I wonder that I will bump this one and that one next to one another

Wonder which one you will pick to wonder on???????????????
wonder bump.... move on up...

Burntmarshmallow 07-11-2009 02:16 PM

Wonder if I may Thank BF???
Wonder bump move on up.
for those who did not see this one...
Now we have 2 190s to wonder on, wonder that it makes for a fun saturday.:)
hugs, positive vibs ,and

P.S. wonder if after I "cool down" or calm down I may be on the ticked off thread... or just letting it go... I wonder
wonder if I can give a short upset kind of UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :mad: !!!!!!!

Brokenfriend 07-11-2009 06:41 PM

Sure. As they use to say,"Let it all hang out". That's what this thread is for. Friends listen to what their friends are saying.

If you are ticked off about something,send me a PM. We can try to sort things out,and hopefully you will feel better. BF:hug::hug::hug:

DejaVu 07-11-2009 08:17 PM

I wonder that it feel so good to always land back home!:D

Each time I must be away for several days, I wonder how I am going to "catch up?":eek:

I wonder how much fun is generated by paddling dragon boats?
I wonder how great it must feel to be in a dragon boat, out on the peaceful water?:)

I wonder why I am not retaining enough info tonight to formulate pertinent wonders?

I wonder why it's so easy to retain water and so difficult to retain knowledge/information at times?

I wonder that anyone could abuse a dog... or any animal?
I wonder how these people sleep?

I wonder if my (((sweet dog))) knows how deeply I love her and how much gratitude I have for all of her company, her humor, her love... absolutely everything about her?:hug:

I wonder that (((my aunt))) knows just how much I love her and how sorry I am that she is having a difficult time just now? I wonder if she knows I'd love to be able to hug her in person? I have told her, yet does she *know*?

I wonder if the rain is going to stop anytime soon? We have had so much rain, I wonder if the trails will ever dry enough for hikers and bikers?

I wonder if (((Doody))) has been forced out by the raccoons yet?
I wonder about her car AC..working?

I wonder if (((Alffe's))) fundraiser is something she willl tell us all about?

I wonder how many camera buffs are in the family?
I wonder if I will get my new camera this year?
I wonder why I postpone picking it out?

I wonder if (((Mistiis))) will have a comfy bed soon?
I am sorry she feel disconnected. (((Mistiis)))

I wonder if (((Abbie))) knows how much I admire her strength for asking for support, and how often I offer supportive energies, good wishes and prayers in her name?

I wonder if (((Blue Mojo))) is feeling much better?

I wonder if you'll forgive me for being too tired tonight.. to list (((each of you)))?

I wonder if you know I love reading each entry and I keep (((you))) each close to my heart every day?

I wonder if there's room to leave even more love here, as the room is already overflowing?

I wonder if I will sleep well tonight, with all of this nerve pain screaming?

I leave an abundance of healing hugs...for (((anyone))) wanting.

I wonder that (((all))) will have sweet dreams?

BlueMajo 07-11-2009 08:51 PM

I wonder if DejaVu realizes how much her messages help me and cheer me up :hug:

I wonder how incredible stars in the sky are.... I have always looked to them and talked to them... When I was 4 years old, my mom told me my grandma was "that" star... and since then, I now every star in the sky is a special person.... :hug:

BlueMajo 07-13-2009 07:28 PM

I wonder why people hasnt been wondering much lately.... :(

DejaVu 07-13-2009 09:03 PM

I'm wondering how the day went for (((BlueMajo)))?:hug:

I'm wondering how life is at the lab?
I'm wondering if (((Blue Majo))) will understand I'm just a wee bit jealous she works in a lab?:winky:

I wondering if (((Blue Majo))) might laugh when I tell her I had hoped to grow up to be a scientist when I was in the first grade?

I'm wondering what (((Blue Majo))) might think when I tell her my best friend (in the 1st grade) was going to be my "scientist research partner" when we grew up... and I wonder how we had managed to actually be lab partners all through grade 12?? :winky:
I wonder where my lab partner is these days?:hug:

I wonder what types of pics (((Blue Majo))) takes with the biggest camera lense?

I wonder if ((((Blue Majo))) feels the love her whole NT family offers to her 24/7?:grouphug:

I wonder if (((Blue Majo))) will be okay with this entire post wondering about her? (I hope so.):hug:

I wonder if I might squeeze in a few hugs for all?:grouphug:

DejaVu 07-13-2009 09:07 PM

I wonder if (((Brokenfriend))) know he's far from "broken?":winky:
I wonder if (((Brokenfriend))) knows he is missed when he's quiet?
I wonder if he knows we all understand the desire for "quiet" at times?:hug:
Be well and happy, (((Brokenfriend))).:grouphug:

DejaVu 07-13-2009 09:13 PM

I wonder if (((GmaSue)) has many dogs?:Dunno:
I wonder if (((Gma Sue))) know that dog on her avatar has stolen my heart?
I wonder if (((GmaSue))) is having a good evening?:)
I wonder if (((GmaSue))) knows how much love flows freely from her?:heartthrob:
Does she know how much is directed back toward her? :eek: Wow! Lots! :grouphug:

DejaVu 07-13-2009 09:21 PM

I wonder where (((Barbo))) has been lately?:confused:
I wonder if (((Barbo))) knows how much we appreciate ((Barbo))?:grouphug:
I wonder if (((Barbo))) wonders a lot?:winky:
I wonder if I may leave a hug for (((Barbo)))?:hug:

I wonder if I might leave hugs and well wishes for all -- both "seen" and "unseen" participants? If you are reading, you are participating!:winky:
We love all our whole family -- "seen" and "unseen.":hug::grouphug:

barbo 07-14-2009 05:46 AM

I'm here
Just hang'n out!

BlueMajo 07-14-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 537146)
I'm wondering how the day went for (((BlueMajo)))?:hug:

Oh, it was boring... we are supposed to be on vacation, so, Im just going like 1 day a week to take care of my cells... :o Thanks for asking !


I'm wondering how life is at the lab?
I'm wondering if (((Blue Majo))) will understand I'm just a wee bit jealous she works in a lab?

I wondering if (((Blue Majo))) might laugh when I tell her I had hoped to grow up to be a scientist when I was in the first grade?

I'm wondering what (((Blue Majo))) might think when I tell her my best friend (in the 1st grade) was going to be my "scientist research partner" when we grew up... and I wonder how we had managed to actually be lab partners all through grade 12?? :winky:
I wonder where my lab partner is these days?:hug:
Oh really !? and then.... ? what happened ??? why arent you my lab partner in science ??? :rolleyes:
Life in the lab... is.... intersting.... Shame my lab-mates are... Weird... immature... and... lazy ! Yiuk. But my boss is great... and my project... hum ! Im so in love with it ! :hug: Cell cultures are fun except when they get yeast infections... ! :mad: And, mice... well... they are.... "ok"... hehe


I wonder what types of pics (((Blue Majo))) takes with the biggest camera lense?
Haha, tennis players !!! :D :o and, zoo animals :)


I wonder if ((((Blue Majo))) feels the love her whole NT family offers to her 24/7?:grouphug:

I wonder if (((Blue Majo))) will be okay with this entire post wondering about her? (I hope so.):hug:
I loved the post wondering about me ! :hug: and yeah, I definetely feel the love and the prayers of all of you here sweet people ! :hug: :grouphug:

mistiis 07-14-2009 02:21 PM

Hmmmm, I wonder if I remember how to wonder...:rolleyes:

I wonder when this heat will let up, over 100 for weeks now with no relief in sight....:eek:

I wonder how I miss the mountains already...:o

I wonder that it will take me a little time to feel 'connected' again, and will have my computer by Friday...:)

I wonder how wonderful DejaVu is and how much love, light, and peace she spreads around...:hug:

I wonder if she got some sleep with all that pain...:( :hug:

I wonder if Scrabble is using her new camera yet...((hugs))

I wonder what Blue will do for vacation...:D ((hugs))

I wonder what kind of tennis pics she takes...:D

I wonder when I will get a new camera for my much wild-life in this area....

I wonder how nice it is to be away from DH finally....:)

I wonder how Doody's mother is doing....and Moi....and Abbie...and Jen...and Manda....and all of my friends here who are struggling....:grouphug:

I wonder that I need to wander on over and take care of more of the details involved with divorce and living in a new city, and new state....:grouphug:

I wonder if my car will need new tires after all that journeying....I know it needs a good washing.....geezzz, so grateful for air-conditioning here...

I wonder how gardengirl is and Doxiemama....gosh, so many here who have 'disappeared' for a bit, I hope, only a bit....miss you all.....:grouphug: Nikkie, Pono, BMW, ducky, goofy, Alffe, can't pull more out of this hot and tired brain...those who have written me I promise to write soon...

Burntmarshmallow 07-14-2009 02:31 PM

I wonder if Blue majo knows I am wondering about her?
I wonder that I think it is very neat she is doing lab stuff,
I wonder that my daughter number one is a "science -holic"
Wonder that she can not wait to get to use the labs at college.

I wonder how Dejavu is doing and feeling today? wonder that I so hope her answer is pain free and great. :hug:

I wonder that it was sad to hear about CoolAngels grandmom passing away in the sancutary forum this moring :( but I Wonder that Grandmom is no longer in "earthly skins" feeling the pain and suffering with things everyday and that I hope, is a comfort to CoolAngel along with our prayers and healing thoughts for her and her family. :hug: :hug:

I wonder how it was nice to hear from :hug: Nikki :hug:
I wonder if our family here if everyone can include her and Lynn in their prayers and send strength and positive vibs for them. I wonder that update from Nikki about Lynn wasnt such a good one and I know the thougths and prayers would be so apprecited. THANK YOU EVERYBODY AND GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU!

I wonder that for those who visit the face place know...for some reason I cant get to my wall or profile page. with that said...

I DO Not WONDER how great this neuro talk place is !I wonder tho if all the admids and mods know I really appreciate their time and attention , caring , and the "jobs"
each of them do,perform, each and everyday. They do it all the time without anything in return (such as money ).
I wonder that THANK YOU seems like such a tiny thing to offer but it IS one thing I can offer.

I wonder if BF can use a hug :hug:

I wonder that Abbie was in my prayers and wonders last night . I wonder if she knows I loved the vw bug car story and wonder if she knows I want a lady bug tat on top of my left foot?

I wonder if anyone has a tattoo? and of what?

I wonder how Goofy sis is? and Doody or should I say loud mouth Bertha is ?

I wonder that Mistis was also heavy in my mind last night as was BJ. Wonder that I am sending both postive thoguhts and prayers for good. :hug: :hug:

I wonder how Jaded is and our MOI ? Prayers going out and up.

I wonder how Addy and Koala are doing and if it is still cold? Wonder how nice it would be for all of us boiling hot Like Florida and Tex. Okl. everywhere... wonder that it would be great to switch weather with you guys. :cool: for a day or 2 .

I wonder on Lara, Barbo,DMAC, Curious Monkey, Twink, Manda,
Meg, oh so many to list that I will stop trying
Wonder if I can just tell all of you INCLUDING the ones reading and not seen by posting.... that you are all in my thoughts and prayers and I know the rest of family here are doing,thinking, the same.
:grouphug: :grouphug:

wonder that I need to edit and say oppps sorry it is not Addy who is in Australia with cold buns...but Lara warm hugs to (((you))) and ((((Koala)))) umm wonder that I think it is warm in Canada right now but I am not sure compared to Florida it is cold to me .lol (((Addy )))

p.s. I do have the confused mood showing so ya all are wanred. :)

Burntmarshmallow 07-14-2009 02:51 PM

:eek: wonder that I am on page 4 :rolleyes:

wonder that it is time to turn out the lights on this wonder thread and begin a new wonder #191...

so the next one to wonder please wonder on the new wonder thread ...


No one better be sneeking back here wondering .. get yourself a hug move along .
Blessings and PEACE

~scrabble 07-14-2009 11:43 PM

*tiptoe ....

(I wonder if it is OK to sneak in and say 'thanks' to BMW for the warm hugs?)


*outta here .....

Burntmarshmallow 07-15-2009 06:57 AM

I wonder if I can ask Addy and Scrabble if they know who RUSH
is since they are the rock-n roll ambassadors of Canada and you both live in Canada?? I have seen them 6 times and I love the poetic words ,phrases heck .... Neil is the best drummer to ever live. :cool:
humm I think I will youtube a song or 2 and include a link in one of my posts.
- - -- --
do I hear something ? I think I better make a patrol round and encourage anyone I catch to get on over to wonder 191.
copy that 10-4.

billie 07-19-2009 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by BlueMajo (Post 535090)
- Hum, I wonder if it is ok that I had started this thread....

- I wonder why is BMW sad.... :( :hug:

- I wonder if I can leave hugs to everybody :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:............... ..:hug:

BLUE, I SEE YOUR SIGNS. I know you need a change of situation and possibly a friend. I will be your friend. I am from Big Spring, TX and am 59/F. I have only an 85 y/o father and a brother that I didn't love enough when he was growing up, so that now he is returning the favor. Both are in Oklahome. I.e. I have no one. I see your signs. What troubles you? What might be changed? Do you have a friend or family member? Death is an unknown, and according to many preachers, not necessarily a pleasant one. Not that I am preaching. I am REACHING - for you! :hug: billie bluecat

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