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OhKay 07-06-2016 08:03 AM

July 2016 Diet Thread
I'll be doing the South Beach Diet on July 12th. Here is a list of foods that are allowed, followed by a list of no, no's for phases 1 & 2:

Summary: Phase 1 is pretty restrictive. You are not supposed to skip meals, and are encouraged to have 2 snacks a day. They say the cravings for bad carbs are supposed to lessen after the first couple of days (lol). A lot of people lose several pounds in the first phase alone, which should only last about 2 weeks. More foods, like fruit, are added back in phase 2, which should last as long as you want to continue to lose weight. Phase 3 adds more foods (mostly your choice) back, but is supposed to be a lifestyle change with an emphasis on good carbs and moderation.

I feel like the food list is really the road map because the diet isn't really structured, but I can post other information if you have questions, or if I run across more details I feel may be helpful.

I just hope I don't blow up like a balloon before I start the diet because I'm eating all the crap I can now while I still can lol.

Kitty 07-06-2016 08:19 AM

I usually don't post in this forum but I wanted to thank you for this information.

I'm going to give it a try since everything else I've tried just doesn't work for me.

I want to lose 20 pounds.....30 would be great but I won't push it.

The only thing I can see that will be difficult for me is the no fruit. I love my fruit but I can do without it as long as I know I can have it again eventually.

Good luck to you while you while you're on this program! LOL to your last sentence!!

bizi 07-06-2016 09:58 AM

Yes kay that is what I did last night.
I ate a piece of cake, left over bread pudding, a pint of chocolate ice cream, and 5 beers.:eek:
No wonder I did not sleep well.
Woke up this morning and weighed myself...
weighed the most I have weighed in a very long time.
Time to get serious.
No more beer, no more cake.....
I did not even use half and half in my coffee like usual, just stevia.
I can get used to this.

bizi 07-06-2016 12:31 PM

159.5 this morning....time to get serious!
Off to work I go!
Hubby insisted that we still go to Pensecola in august. so We will go august 12-13th. so I will not drink any alcohol until then. So that is 5 weeks away, I might be able to drop 5 pounds by then maybe more.

Kitty 07-06-2016 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1216234)
159.5 this morning....time to get serious!

159 is not bad, Bizi......unless you're 4 feet tall! ;)

bizi 07-06-2016 06:48 PM

thanks kitty.
I bought my new scrubs at the thinner weight and now they are just plain too tight.

kiwi33 07-06-2016 07:05 PM

OhKay, in general I like the look of that eating plan with its emphasis on a wide range of foods with minimal intake of highly-processed ("junk") foods. I hope that it works out well for you.

As a general comment about weight loss, standard advice is to aim to lose no more than 2 lb/1 kg per week - more than that is not likely to be sustainable.

bizi 07-06-2016 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 1216265)
159 is not bad, Bizi......unless you're 4 feet tall! ;)

I was 137 in November!

OhKay 07-07-2016 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by kiwi33 (Post 1216269)

As a general comment about weight loss, standard advice is to aim to lose no more than 2 lb/1 kg per week - more than that is not likely to be sustainable.

You are 100% right. In the book (which really isn't very helpful with particulars) they say that's exactly why they don't recommend people stay in stage 1 for more than two weeks.

OhKay 07-07-2016 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 1216197)
I usually don't post in this forum but I wanted to thank you for this information.

I'm going to give it a try since everything else I've tried just doesn't work for me.

I want to lose 20 pounds.....30 would be great but I won't push it.

The only thing I can see that will be difficult for me is the no fruit. I love my fruit but I can do without it as long as I know I can have it again eventually.

Good luck to you while you while you're on this program! LOL to your last sentence!!

I'm so glad you stopped by!

I hope you check in to let us know how you are doing and to get some support because dieting is hard!

OhKay 07-07-2016 06:01 AM

This will be my first diet- ever. I hope to ultimately lose at least 20 pounds, but really any substantial weight loss would be an improvement. I'm not obese. I just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin.

kiwi33 07-07-2016 06:26 AM

OhKay, that is a great goal.

You might find the information in this reputable source helpful on your journey.

Losing Weight

| Healthy Weight | CDC

All the best.

Dmom3005 07-07-2016 12:09 PM

I am watching this thread. Just to see if I can figure it out too.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 07-08-2016 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by kiwi33 (Post 1216306)
OhKay, that is a great goal.

You might find the information in this reputable source helpful on your journey.

Losing Weight

| Healthy Weight | CDC

All the best.

For the first two weeks, I'll definitely be reducing my caloric intake substantially just by eliminating the garbage I'm eating now- not even considering the restrictions. The first stage is geared towards reducing the body's cravings for "bad carbs," and when more "good carbs" are reintroduced after those two weeks, the diet becomes more conventional. The ultimate goal of the diet once you reach your weight loss goal is a change of lifestyle.

Exercise is difficult for me because I'm disabled. There is no way I can burn the calories recommended by any guidelines. I do get on a recumbent exercise bike for 30 minutes at least 5 x week, but it's slow going. Honestly, I've been lax this week since my husband's been on vacation.

I do have concerns about how the reduction in calories and carb intake may influence how my meds effect me. My main concern is sedation. I'm going to have to pay close attention to this issue, and may have to modify phase 1, or skip it altogether if necessary.

kiwi33 07-08-2016 06:31 PM

OhKay, that all looks very good to me.

You might find the idea of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) helpful. Essentially your BMR is the bare minimum daily calorie intake that your body needs - metabolic "fuel" for your liver, heart, brain, lungs, etc - it takes no account of physical activity and varies with age, sex and body mass.

There are lots of BMR calculators on the Web - they are probably accurate to +/- 10% or so but might give you some idea of how to balance your calorie intake against your lifestyle.

bizi 07-08-2016 10:16 PM

I calculated my BMI and I am just at the level of normal and overweight.
So I know that I need to be serious about this. I have alot of belly fat.

Ate lunch today at sandras with Jeff, my friends stood me up. Oh well.
Had grilled salmon and veggie lasagna(gluten free), Both were very good.

tonight ate at whole foods.
( they weigh your food and it weighed a pound and a half!) I over ate.
I had a big salad withroasted califlower, edemame, mushrooms, red peppers, butternut squash, roasted sweet potatoes, spinach and balsamic vinegrette and some beef casserole and chunks of turkey and 3 oz of cheese sticks.....I ate on it a long time. I am still full hours later!
But I only drank water!
Better is better! _________________

kiwi33 07-08-2016 10:38 PM

Bizi, that all sounds really excellent to me :).

Mari 07-09-2016 02:40 AM

Wishing you guys well.


OhKay 07-10-2016 08:39 AM

That food sounds healthy to me Bizi. The only worry was portion size I guess? I'm glad you are drinking lots of water. You did very well this weekend staying AF :)

Thank you for the idea about the BMR, Kiwi. I will have to look into it, but I'm trying to avoid counting calories, period. That, and weighing, is why I opted out of the Atkins diet. I can have plenty of protein, so I think that will help in the calorie department.

I got my NuStevia in the mail yesterday, but I haven't tried it in my coffee yet. I had to run out to buy a few things at the supermarket yesterday and bought some fat free half and half so I will have it on hand for the start of my diet Tuesday morning. I will be able to start out on the diet as soon as I wake up.

I think I'll be having a lot of turkey bacon, at least during the day, week one. I plan on cooking up a pound of it and keeping it in the fridge to make things easier on myself. I will also be eating a lot of salads, which is fine by me because I love them. The way I cook my meats for dinner is already acceptable, as long as I avoid marinades, so I'm happy I don't have to make any alterations there. I will be adding a lot more veggies to my diet, eating breakfast which is rare, snacking more, and cutting out a ton of garbage. I am really going to miss the sugar in my coffee though :(

Tuesday is approaching fast…
I will be all set for breakfast in the morning and will do my food shopping before lunch. This is going to be hard, but all I need to do when I get cravings is look at my hips and *** in the mirror and that should provide some motivation.

bizi 07-10-2016 09:31 AM

The mirrors are telling. I hate the way I look, last night at art walk I noticed how I look going by a window....hate it. I had these wild leggings on,( think slotches of purple, maroon blue and white.) the ones that I wore in paris where the parisians just stared at them...I was so out of fashion, jeff noticed I did not, he told me about it later. sigh
oh well.
I ook in the mirror and look pregnant, not a good look. I also measured my self around the waist. any thing above 35 inches is really bad on your heart, mine was 38.
So I have work to do.

bizi 07-11-2016 07:57 AM

Slept soundly last night, got up at 7:15 a solid 8 hours of sleep.
Weighed my self. Down 5 pounds in 5 days of not drinking and dieting. I know it is water weight from bloating after drinking so heavily for so long.
Still it is encouraging to see the numbers go down.
Have a great day all.

OhKay 07-11-2016 08:10 AM

I have noticed the way I look approaching glass doors… not flattering at all.

I carry most of weight in my hips, thighs, and ***. But for the first time I actually have a little belly fat. My BMI is literally right on the cusp of normal and overweight right now. I'm surprised it's not higher.

I tried the NuStevia in a cup of coffee this morning. It totally blows the Stevia in the Raw away. It tastes much better, and it's not as bitter. It does have a little bit of an aftertaste, but it's not as bad, and it doesn't linger. It's also better than the Truvia.
I haven't tasted the fat free half and half at all yet. I'm sure I'm not going to be thrilled by the combination, but I'll manage. I'm going to savor my coffee with cream and sugar today while I still can.

I guess I timed the purchase of the ice cream cake perfectly. We have two pieces left that we will finish tonight, so they will be gone before I start my diet tomorrow. Having that around would have been a great temptation.

OhKay 07-11-2016 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1216698)
Slept soundly last night, got up at 7:15 a solid 8 hours of sleep.
Weighed my self. Down 5 pounds in 5 days of not drinking and dieting. I know it is water weight from bloating after drinking so heavily for so long.
Still it is encouraging to see the numbers go down.
Have a great day all.

That's awesome Bizi!

You should be proud of yourself for your AF days, and as far as weight loss, as long as it's done in a healthy way, it doesn't matter how you get there, as long as you do :)

bizi 07-11-2016 08:25 AM

look at your fat free creamer ingredients list. You may not like what you see. How many carbs compared to full fat one that has none.
let us know what you think.
enjoy your ice cream cake tonight!
my client gave me fresh figs and I bought fresh cherries which are delicious this morning. Have to watch my fruit intake!

OhKay 07-11-2016 08:41 AM

That's probably why I'm supposed to limit the fat free half and half to 2 teaspoons a day, which is not a lot. I have a feeling I'll be switching to skim milk in my coffee. They also recommend limiting caffeinated beverages to 2-3 cups a day.

I probably won't be adhering to the caffeine limit. I will be compliant regarding what I put in it, but it's like a med to me, and I have to drink enough to stay alert.

Kitty 07-11-2016 09:34 AM

I have to admit that I haven't done as well as you girls have. :(

I hurt my foot (my "good" foot :mad:) and my mobility is terrible. I'm eating whatever is easiest but trying not to make terrible decisions.

My son bought me a NuWave Oven back at Christmas time and that thing is a life saver. will cook anything. I have been cooking boneless chicken breast and it is SO good. 7 or 8 minutes a side, depending on thickness, and you have an incredibly juicy piece of chicken. Salmon is great cooked in it, too. I have roasted asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli florets, potatoes, green beans (my favorite!) in it. Here's a link to show you what it is. This is an appliance that I truly could not live without.

I plan to get back on track this week....

bizi 07-11-2016 09:40 AM

I love slow cookers!
I actually have a hot plate the pan can be used on the stove first then put on the p[late and used as a slow cooker with ented lid or not. Love it! I have to find a pork is so good in there!
glad that yours is working out for you!
sorry about your foot.

OhKay 07-12-2016 08:44 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your foot, Kitty. I'm disabled and walk with a cane as well. My "good leg" isn't really that great, and I would be SOL if something happened to it, so I can understand your predicament. I hope it heals fast :hug:

It sounds like you are eating healthy to me :)

Diet Day 1:

height: 5'9"
weight: 167lb
BMI: 24.7 (normal= 18.5-24.9, overweight= 25-29.9)

I have hypothyroidism due to long-term lithium use. I take 75mcg of synthroid a day. I'm going to have my thyroid levels checked today to make sure they are within the normal range and not contributing to my weight gain at this time.

I'm actually supposed to limit the fat free half and half to 2 tbsp a day. There's a lot of sodium in it and it has 3g of carbs (probably "bad carbs") in it per 2 tbsp. I need that per cup of coffee. I'm letting myself off the hook today, but will be switching to skim milk (which I don't currently have in the house) tomorrow. I'm using 1 little packet of NuStevia per cup, which is about the equivalent of 2 tsp of sugar. It's tolerable. The second cup went down easier. I will get used to it.

I'm having 2 1/2 slices of canadian bacon and sliced tomatoes for breakfast. Lunch and dinner are up in the air until when/if I go food shopping, but I see a lot of salads and turkey bacon in my future.

Dmom3005 07-12-2016 10:29 AM

Good luck Kay.

Kitty, I also sometimes use a cane. I really am lucky that I got the
motion and function back in my right leg after its compound break.
I know how hard it is to not move. I couldn't step down on it for 12 weeks.

Really glad its behind me by a couple of years now.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-12-2016 05:44 PM

yes good luck kay!
keep us posted.
We have almost exactly the same BMI!
So we are in this together.

OhKay 07-13-2016 08:30 AM

I'm supposed to have 2 snacks and a dessert after dinner in addition to my 3 regular meals on this diet. I ate a late breakfast because I was on the phone with the bank yesterday, and skipped my 1st snack.

Lunch: 3 strips of thin and crispy turkey bacon and a basic salad with 1tbsp italian dressing

Snack: 20 peanuts

Dinner: small 93% lean hamburger patty, plain, no bun and 2.5 cups steamed broccoli with 1/2tbsp margarine, salt and pepper

Dessert: orange sugar free popsicle (actually not bad)

I wasn't hungry, but I really missed my nighttime devil dog. I had wanted fudgesicles, but they didn't have any sugar-free ones at the store. When I got home I realized I should have been looking for "no sugar added." They did have those. I will go back to the store at some point to pick a box up and that should take care of my chocolate cravings.

I can't tolerate my coffee with skim milk as planned. I'm adding 1tsp of the fat free half and half to it as well. It tastes better, and it keeps me within the guidelines of the diet.

I didn't get my blood drawn yesterday. I'll get that over with today after I see my pdoc.

bizi 07-13-2016 08:33 AM

Good luck with your pdoc today.

Kitty 07-13-2016 11:21 AM

Well, today was the day I decided to go at this diet stuff hard and fast.

Has anyone ever taken the supplement Forskolin? I'm researching it as a diet supplement.

Pure Forskolin Extract Review - Real Weight Loss Miracle Supplement?

I had a grilled boneless skinless chicken breast and about 1 cup of green beans for lunch. I really wasn't hungry but knew I needed to eat.

Praying I can keep up the good work the rest of the day. Early evening is my "misbehaving" time!! :o

Mari 07-14-2016 12:46 AM

Is that food roughly between 1000 and 1200 calories (sorry because I know you are doing low carb)

I remember that it is hard the first three or four days and gets better. Good luck.

OhKay 07-14-2016 08:57 AM

It sounds like you had a good lunch :) How did you make out for the rest of the day?
I have never heard of forskolin (it sounds like foreskin lol). There are a lot of supplements out there that make appealing cases about weight loss benefits. I'm a little leery of trying any of them. Is that one something you are interested in trying?
I hope everything goes well. Keep us posted :)

The diet isn't really low-carb. I honestly have absolutely no idea how many calories I'm taking in because I'm not counting them, and the guidelines don't suggested it, with a few exceptions such as for "sweet treats," where the limit is less than 75 calories a day. There are suggestions for portion sizes, and some limits such as 1 serving of nuts a day, in my case 20 small peanuts for a snack. I'm just following the basic guidelines. There's a link to the diet plan I'm following at the beginning of this thread.

Surprisingly, I'm still not feeling deprived. It's probably because I'm actually eating more because I'm eating more often. I seldom ate breakfast, and would usually have only a granola bar or something similar for lunch. Then I would have a big dinner and eat crap like devil dogs later.

I bought 2 huge chicken breasts when I went to the supermarket and made 3 filets out of each last night- 1 medium size and 2 small. I made 3 garlic basil chicken breasts so I will now have some protein other than turkey bacon for breakfast and lunch. The other 3 filets are in the freezer.

I don't eat eggs or cheese. To me it doesn't matter if I eat traditional breakfast foods or not, as long as I sam eating, and following the plan.

The one teaspoon of fat free half and half with skim milk and stevia is working out well in my coffee. If I reach that 2 tbsp limit on half and half (because I drink a lot of coffee), I only putting the milk in even though it is far less appealing.

I bought the no sugar added fudge pops (40 calories) yesterday and tried one last night. I think it tasted great, and it took care of my chocolate craving :)

Kitty 07-14-2016 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1217097)
It sounds like you had a good lunch :) How did you make out for the rest of the day?
I have never heard of forskolin (it sounds like foreskin lol). There are a lot of supplements out there that make appealing cases about weight loss benefits. I'm a little leery of trying any of them. Is that one something you are interested in trying?
I hope everything goes well. Keep us posted :)

Well, I actually did well yesterday. Nothing to eat after 5 PM except water.

I took one of the Forskolin capsules (I had ordered them and they arrived yesterday) in the AM and maybe it was just coincidence but I wasn't hungry the rest of the day. :eek:

I had two eggs scrambled and about 16 oz. of water this morning. Plus the Forskolin capsule. Kay, you're right.....that
was the first thing I thought when I saw the name, too!! :o I wasn't hungry but knew I had to eat.

Sounds like everyone is doing well and sticking to their programs. It's hot as heck here so maybe that's helping keep my appetite low. Whatever it is I'll take it!!

bizi 07-14-2016 12:01 PM

LOL, so did I!!!!

OhKay 07-15-2016 06:55 AM

Tuesday morning when I started this diet I weighed 167 lbs. I noticed my shorts and belt were getting looser, but I was shocked when I got on the scale this morning and it read 162.8!!! I have not used the BR yet either (and may not due to chronic constipation).

I know that a lot of people lose a lot of weight fast on this diet, and that certainly IS quite a bit of weight FAST. I feel like I'm getting plenty of food and I feel fine though. I tried to check my blood pressure, but the batteries were dead and I didn't have enough to replace them. I took my pulse though and it was 72, which is fine.

I should be eating my breakfast earlier since I get up so early (between 6-7:30am). That way I'm spacing out my meals and snacks better. I just get sucked in online and lose the time.

I've been putting a packet of stevia in each cup of coffee, which is supposed to be the equivalent of two teaspoons of table sugar, and initially it seemed like it was. It tastes too sweet now, so I'm cutting it in half now. I'm drinking my coffee darker now, too. Just ditching the cream and sugar in the 6-7 cups of coffee I drink everyday could have helped me shed some of those pounds. I haven't increased my water intake. I'm still drinking 5-6 pints a day.

It's time to cook up another batch of turkey bacon! I'm not sick of it yet, but I'm having it twice a day, most days, and it's time to expand my horizons. I'm going to the grocery store to buy some lean roast beef from the deli (it's allowed). It will also be handy for making my husband sandwiches over the weekend.

bizi 07-15-2016 07:01 AM

congratulations kay!!!!!

155 pounds this morning.
BMI= 24.3 which is barely in the area of normal weight almost overweight.
so that is down 4.5 pounds in 11 days. I think some of that is water weight. But hey I will take it.
Have a great day today!

I just figured out the BMI ranges for my height.
118-159 are "within" normal weight for my height.
abdominal measurement should be less than 35 inches.
mine is: 38.5 inches
Which is over weight!

OhKay 07-15-2016 07:09 AM

Yay Bizi! Great job! :)

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