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Shady 09-06-2014 06:31 PM

After first week of school..feeling the worst I ever felt
Started 10th grade on the 2nd and just went downhill... Worst headaches that I have felt since concussion,Loss of appetite again, I think the aniexty is there again and Everytime something else is wrong like I have a bad taste and watery mouth.

However today on Saturday I didn't have the headaches as bad but just didn't feel right..

I noticed today that after 1 month into my concussion, I didn't take the whole thing of resting well...I am and was always on my phone all month and I know that it hurt me...I messed up.

I don't want to miss school but I will do it to make sure I'm better..

Lara 09-06-2014 06:39 PM

I'm not in your country, but I would imagine there would be the possibility of accommodations called a 504 Plan for students post concussion.

That might make it easier for you to slide back into the full daily classes and homework etc. as you recover more.

Mark in Idaho 09-06-2014 06:42 PM

Rest means no cell phone, not even texting. You need to let your mind rest.

Shady 09-06-2014 07:27 PM

Yeah Mark I know but I didn't do that....if I had to rate how much tv and phone I used probley would be 8 or 9....I know I messed myself up

Lara 09-06-2014 07:28 PM

On page 4 of this document it explains a little
Dept. of Heath and Human Services.
Fact sheet - Concussion

Gist of it is - reduced time for certain activities (computer, reading), rest breaks, more time for tests etc..

It depends on how you're doing and how much the teachers or school personnel understand. Sometimes, teachers can be more "with it" and put these accommodations in place without a Plan, but sometimes the parents or doctor or whomever need to get involved and sort out the legally binding 504 Plan with the school to make sure the accommodations are actually being made.

I had a few others, but they were extremely long and didn't want you having to read it all to get the info.. So basically this is just an example. I'm surprised the teacher/s haven't already put accommodations in place prior to semester starting for you.

BTW, it's only just over a month since this 2nd concussion, so you still need to take it easy as you can.
you will get better. You just need to ease into things slowly and not when you have symptoms.

anon1028 09-06-2014 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Shady (Post 1094626)
Yeah Mark I know but I didn't do that....if I had to rate how much tv and phone I used probley would be 8 or 9....I know I messed myself up

Don't worry about how much you messed up. I think you are worrying too much about it and that does no good. Just do the right thing now,

Shady 09-06-2014 07:35 PM

My school (both of them, I go to technical high school in the afternoon)do not know about my concussion...I still have to let them know

Shady 09-06-2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1094628)
Don't worry about how much you messed up. I think you are worrying too much about it and that does no good. Just do the right thing now,


So does that mean resting a lot now,

anon1028 09-06-2014 08:01 PM

I'll be honest with you. I'd rather let those with much more knowledge answer that, and they will. I just don't want you worrying. You'll heal better if you don't.

Lara 09-06-2014 08:26 PM

School needs to be told if you're still unwell and the stress and strain is making you feel worse.

These accommodations I was talking about would only be temporary until you're able to concentrate better and need less rest. Your parents would organize all that with the school. You'd need a doctor's letter outlining the situation. Schools/teachers would be or should be aware of the limitations of a recent concussion. The fact that you're having problems with it doesn't mean it'll last forever, it just means that you have a teenage brain ;) and that you haven't fully recovered, yet you're wanting to keep up in school.

Schools/teachers would know the drill for students in this situation.

Part of the way you're feeling again now may be because you've gone back to school and the stimuli of busy classrooms and hallways can be very overwhelming let alone having to keep up with work and homework etc..

You're still very anxious by the sound of it. I know it is frustrating for you, but you'll get better. :)

Shady 09-06-2014 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1094635)
I'll be honest with you. I'd rather let those with much more knowledge answer that, and they will. I just don't want you worrying. You'll heal better if you don't.

Alright thanks for everything,sometimes I feel bad when I'm worrying at one month about my concussion when other people on here are like 1+ years and they still feel as they just had there concussion

Mark in Idaho 09-06-2014 08:31 PM

Many people who have slow recoveries took months to be convinced to slow down and rest. Only a small percentage take longer than 6 weeks if they rest during those first weeks. Delaying the start of your rest just extends that 6 week period. It does not cause long term damage.

anon1028 09-06-2014 08:34 PM

Don't EVER feel bad. Everyone just wants you to get better.

Shady 09-06-2014 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1094643)
Don't EVER feel bad. Everyone just wants you to get better.

Thanks!!! You guys helping me out so much, some doctors might of never had a concussion so it's hard to get advice from them..

Shady 09-06-2014 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1094642)
Many people who have slow recoveries took months to be convinced to slow down and rest. Only a small percentage take longer than 6 weeks if they rest during those first weeks. Delaying the start of your rest just extends that 6 week period. It does not cause long term damage.

Mark in Idaho,

So I should rest now then....I will have to tell my school about the concussion then and figure something out

vox_celeste 09-07-2014 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Shady (Post 1094657)
Thanks!!! You guys helping me out so much, some doctors might of never had a concussion so it's hard to get advice from them..

I think its likely that they know of concussion but I'm guessing they might be quick to dismiss the existence PCS (at least as a neurological entity).

I feel for you, man. I start school very soon and I'm dreading it.

Shady 09-09-2014 10:13 PM


Haven't went to school Monday and Tuesday and went to my Sports medicine doctor on Tuesday because I felt really bad.

He said that I was doing better with my concussion other than me having headaches still but I just don't feel right...he said that I probley should go back on Ritalin for my lack of concetration..

Like I said just don't feel like I did even 2 weeks ago. My mouth has like this metalic taste and if I eat or drink anything then that taste lingers, my mouth is really watery and stuff, loss of legs sometimes feel weak, feet are cold and sometimes tingly, and just low energy

I tried to tell him all this and I understand that he can't diagnose me with anxitey but I just need to be told that it's normal and all.

I have this feeling that this anxiety won't go away and that all the time I will think about it all the time.

anon1028 09-09-2014 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Shady (Post 1095363)

Haven't went to school Monday and Tuesday and went to my Sports medicine doctor on Tuesday because I felt really bad.

He said that I was doing better with my concussion other than me having headaches still but I just don't feel right...he said that I probley should go back on Ritalin for my lack of concetration..

Like I said just don't feel like I did even 2 weeks ago. My mouth has like this metalic taste and if I eat or drink anything then that taste lingers, my mouth is really watery and stuff, loss of legs sometimes feel weak, feet are cold and sometimes tingly, and just low energy

I tried to tell him all this and I understand that he can't diagnose me with anxitey but I just need to be told that it's normal and all.

I have this feeling that this anxiety won't go away and that all the time I will think about it all the time.

The anxiety will get better as you heal more and more. Why suffer in the meantime...get a reference to a psychiatrist from your primary.

Shady 09-09-2014 11:31 PM

Yeah I hope he helps with something, going for a check up on the 16th and usually I'm scared to go to the docs for check ups (i hate needles ) but kinda just need to be reassured and calmed down...

Mark in Idaho 09-09-2014 11:44 PM

Shady, How often have the docs stuck you with a needle ? I've seen plenty of docs. Not had a needle for decades except when I needed sutures for a bad cut.

Shady 09-10-2014 12:29 AM

I still get them for like shots...

Mark in Idaho 09-10-2014 03:17 AM

What do you mean ?

Shady 09-10-2014 08:52 AM

I'm 15 so I still get them, I haven't got one in a couple years and they said I will have to get another in a couple years

Shady 09-11-2014 05:46 PM

I was reading the vitamins sticky at the top and saw B12 and so I searched it and I realized that I have a lot of symptoms of B12 deficiency, so I don't know if I have it or not, so should I go and get the pills of B12 or talk to my doctor about it?

thorx89 09-11-2014 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Shady (Post 1095766)
I was reading the vitamins sticky at the top and saw B12 and so I searched it and I realized that I have a lot of symptoms of B12 deficiency, so I don't know if I have it or not, so should I go and get the pills of B12 or talk to my doctor about it?

You can hardly overdose on B12. B12 is a water soluble vitamin, which is one factor that makes it harder for you to overdose on it, so there should be no harm in supplementing B12. I take a multivitamin that's got B12 in too, and plenty of other stuff. It's the least I can do to support my healing.

Mark in Idaho 09-11-2014 06:55 PM

Get some B-12 vitamins. A 2500 mcgs B-12 dose daily would be a good start. Get the sub-lingual type. You can let them dissolve in your mouth or swallow them.

Sounds like they are giving you the hep B and other STD shots. I'm not a strong supporter of vaccines. The side-effects and other risks vs the risk of getting the disease don't balance out for me. According to a Forbes article, there are reports that 60,000 have died from MMR vaccines over the years.

God designed my immune system to be tested and strengthened by normal exposures. The 'hybrid' exposures do not excite me.

Shady 09-11-2014 07:09 PM

Thanks for the info on the b12

And I have no idea what shots they are giving me because like I said that I haven't had one in a couple of years and usually dread going, I don't know why but when ever someone talks about needles I feel like I'm going to be sick, but that has gotten better over the last couple of years

Mark in Idaho 09-11-2014 08:58 PM

I don't like needles either. I cringe when they show flu shots being given on TV. But, I know that they are needed like last week when I had two moles removed. I appreciate the fine needle with anesthetic compared to the thought of a scalpel cutting a mole from my skin. I just don't look the direction of the person handling the needle.

Shady 09-11-2014 09:30 PM

Yeah but I have no idea, but I always get pale and lightheaded after needles... I hate health class because of this, almost passes out twice in school and one time I was in English class and we were talking about a book that had something to do with a needle and I almost passed out

Jap4iP 09-12-2014 10:22 AM

Hey man I feel for you. I have had a concussion since my junior year. I am now graduated, but I still feel the effects of PCS. I know how you feel. Senior year sucked for me. I didn't have a normal senior year. Being in the classroom setting definitely made me feel crummy. However, I am getting better. Even though it has felt like a long time, I know that I will be healed. I am not saying that your concussion will last as long as mine. I am just saying that I support you because I know how bad it must feel to be in school. I hope things will get better for you soon. :)

Shady 09-12-2014 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jap4iP (Post 1095894)
Hey man I feel for you. I have had a concussion since my junior year. I am now graduated, but I still feel the effects of PCS. I know how you feel. Senior year sucked for me. I didn't have a normal senior year. Being in the classroom setting definitely made me feel crummy. However, I am getting better. Even though it has felt like a long time, I know that I will be healed. I am not saying that your concussion will last as long as mine. I am just saying that I support you because I know how bad it must feel to be in school. I hope things will get better for you soon. :)

Yeah it sucks, I just feel that I will never get back to my old self and just not worrying so much. I go back to school on Monday and I'm just praying that I don't get really bad headaches because if I don't I maybe able to focus as school as much as I can, also I have ADHD so my lack of concetration has went threw the roof, and my mind is ALWAYS on the concussion and stuff like that

Mark in Idaho 09-12-2014 06:49 PM

If your mind is always on your concussion, I struggle to believe your ADHD is that serious. If you can stay focused on your concussion, you can use the same effort to stay focused on class work. Just a thought for you to consider.

Shady 09-12-2014 06:56 PM


I mean it was always hard to concentrate on school before the concussion, my mind would just wander,

Also I got b-12 vitamins, I got 1500 mcg and it says fast dissolve (mixed berry flavor) is that good enough to start?

anon1028 09-12-2014 08:41 PM

I have given advice not to obsess. Mark is right. If we can focus on our injury we can focus on something else too.

I've driven myself crazy taking online memory tests then go nuts if I don't do well enough.

I analyze every symptom and it gets you nowhere.

I'm sick of it and am going to take online courses even if I never work again.

Ive obsessed on the whos, hows, and whys of my injury and it has accomplished nothing. Don't let my mistakes be wasted. Learn from them.

I don't know what i'll be like a year or ten years from now but staying on the couch terrified hasn't helped any...just saying

I know a lot of you guys are early in your injuries so it is tough not to obsess, just whatever you can do that is healthy and gets your mind off the injury, do it.

Shady 09-12-2014 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by markneil1212 (Post 1096038)
I have given advice not to obsess. Mark is right. If we can focus on our injury we can focus on something else too.

I've driven myself crazy taking online memory tests then go nuts if I don't do well enough.

I analyze every symptom and it gets you nowhere.

I'm sick of it and am going to take online courses even if I never work again.

Ive obsessed on the whos, hows, and whys of my injury and it has accomplished nothing. Don't let my mistakes be wasted. Learn from them.

I don't know what i'll be like a year or ten years from now but staying on the couch terrified hasn't helped any...just saying

I know a lot of you guys are early in your injuries so it is tough not to obsess, just whatever you can do that is healthy and gets your mind off the injury, do it.

I know how u feel, I also anaylize every symptom and drives me crazy and I guess it's because I was always worried about everything that feels wrong in my body and I did that before my concussion,

Like right now my feet have been cold and like a weird feeling and I have been fatigued so I though of course that something was majorly wrong but it might just be B12 deficiency.

I got to stop looking up everything, I saw this pic on Facebook that is perfect for me it says like "looked up my symptoms on WebMd and I'm dying"

I got to stop and just realize that I'm somewhat fine because I noticed that I don't eat well

anon1028 09-12-2014 11:03 PM

It's not easy. It's our bodies and minds and we want it to feel as close to perfect as possible.

We have to be stronger than the average person because of the symptoms we have.

You can still have hope that they will get better over time. Temper that by dealing as well as you can with them right now.

We're not unusual or odd. I remember a Sopranos episode where Tony was mad because his friend was paying attention to his cancer symptoms instead of listening to Tony.

Every time I forget something I have a heart attack that I'm on the way to gets tiring and counter productive to healing.

Let's be informed about our injury and what we can do to feel better, but also make sure we get distracted as much as we can during the day.

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