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MJC1977 03-22-2010 12:03 AM

ACDF Surgery
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

Rrae 03-22-2010 01:21 AM

Hello MJC1977 !
I'm sorry you are having to go through this struggle!

This is a wonderful forum full of caring folks!
I see you've found the Spinal forum here at NT....

Although I am not familiar with your particular condition, I'm sure you'll get responses soon.......

In the meantime, try doing a 'search' at the top of this forum and maybe it'll lead you to posts people have discussed in the past regarding your struggle......
I wish you the best!

proxyii 03-22-2010 03:17 PM

I didn't put off the surgery simply because I had every symptom of spinal stenosis except for 1 (incontinence). I didn't want to wait until that symptom decided to show up.

Sheri_TOS 03-22-2010 11:17 PM

Hi! I was diagnosed with bilateral cervical stenosis at C5/C6 4 years ago. I had pain down one arm and numbness. I do not have a herniated disc so your situation sounds worse. Initially, I put off the surgery because I had a two month old, my husband was unemployed and I was self-employed (i.e. we were dependent on my income). I couldn't take more time off without income so I put off the surgery and tried conservative treatment to deal with the symptoms.

There were several times when the pain and spasms were so bad that I almost threw in the towel and went for surgery. I even talked with the surgery scheduler one time. Since then (until now), I've been able to manage the symptoms with acupuncture, pain meds and muscle relaxers. I'm currently trying PT, massage and acupuncture to calm the neck down but the symptoms are worsening and I know the surgery is in my near future.

Each person must make the decision for themselves based on their symptoms and their doctor(s) input. I'd recommend getting a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion before tackling surgery. A friend of mine sought 4 opinions before settling on who was doing her C5-C7 fusion. She wasn't comfortable with the answers the surgeons were providing so she got another opinion. She finally found a surgeon who took the time to answer all her questions and proceeded with the fusion. She's doing great, still recovering but doing far better than pre-surgery.

So, you can postpone making the decision but you do risk causing permanent damage. And one of the other posts mentioned the possibility of incontinence. You need to weigh both the pros and cons and decide when it's best for you given your symptoms, impact on your family, impact on your relationships with friends and co-workers.

TimRo 03-24-2010 05:49 AM

MJC1977. I would listen to what your doc suggests and always get a second opinion before surgery. Surgery should be the last thing you do, unless there is a chance for permanent nerve damage. I had my first surgery for a single level in 2000. I just had my last surgery on Monday. I now have 4 levels fused in my neck. I wish you the best, I say listen to your body, and trust your doc if you have a good one. If not, find one. Most people here will be glad to give you thier opinions. Do you have any more info. Such as MRI results or symptoms that your having? Has your doc already suggested surgery? Again, I wish you the best. Be patient, sometimes replies come slow here, but people will show up and share.

frenchfri1003 01-07-2011 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by TimRo (Post 636195)
MJC1977. I would listen to what your doc suggests and always get a second opinion before surgery. Surgery should be the last thing you do, unless there is a chance for permanent nerve damage. I had my first surgery for a single level in 2000. I just had my last surgery on Monday. I now have 4 levels fused in my neck. I wish you the best, I say listen to your body, and trust your doc if you have a good one. If not, find one. Most people here will be glad to give you thier opinions. Do you have any more info. Such as MRI results or symptoms that your having? Has your doc already suggested surgery? Again, I wish you the best. Be patient, sometimes replies come slow here, but people will show up and share.

I just had a ACDF C5-6 C6-7. I realize that everyone is different, but can you share your recovery as far as lifting, driving, rotation of your neck and going back to work. I am a teacher and 4 weeks out of surgery. Had excessive swelling in my neck and was on a 5 day pack of steroids, using cervical stim for 4 hours a day. Thanks for your insight.

tinkabell 01-08-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by frenchfri1003 (Post 732489)
I just had a ACDF C5-6 C6-7. I realize that everyone is different, but can you share your recovery as far as lifting, driving, rotation of your neck and going back to work. I am a teacher and 4 weeks out of surgery. Had excessive swelling in my neck and was on a 5 day pack of steroids, using cervical stim for 4 hours a day. Thanks for your insight.

HI, Had the same surgery on Dec 21st, my neck, shoulder (right) and upper arm are still killing me!!! My voice has not fully come back, but thats ok. Doctor said the way they have you on the table during the surgery, is they rise up your shoulders so your head will actually just hang there, mine was 5 hours long, so he said your neck and shoulders are going to hurt for a few months just from that!! Did not have swelling and only used pain and muscle meds. As for doing things around the house, just a little at a time, I can feel it a few hours later!! Just started driving again last Thursday still kind of nervous, afraid to turn my head fast!! Well Good Luck to You!!

frenchfri1003 01-09-2011 08:36 PM

Wow, your surgery was long. How many vertebra were fused? Did you have an ACDF? I had a 2 level and my surgery was only 2 1/2 hours. I am now feeling some tingling on my left arm and getting nervous. I will put a call into the surgeon on Monday to see if I can speak with him or move up my 6 week appt. I only feel comfortable driving a mile or 2 within my town. Since we have had snow, I won;t drive at all. Still trying to increase my strength and stamina. Only wear the soft collar when I am in a car or sleeping unless my neck hurts. Hope all is well with you.

Joce1982 01-19-2011 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by frenchfri1003 (Post 732489)
I just had a ACDF C5-6 C6-7. I realize that everyone is different, but can you share your recovery as far as lifting, driving, rotation of your neck and going back to work. I am a teacher and 4 weeks out of surgery. Had excessive swelling in my neck and was on a 5 day pack of steroids, using cervical stim for 4 hours a day. Thanks for your insight.

Hi I'm Joce from Australia, I've just turned 28.
I got my ACDF surgery 2 and a half months ago on C5/ C6. I immediately noticed that the pain I've had in beween my shoulder blades since I was in a car accident 7 years ago was GONE, it was wonderful, I was so grateful to my surgeon. But I've had a lot of neck and shoulder muscle pain ever since. I was careful not to lift pretty much anything for about the first 6 weeks, and as I've gotten more involved with life (ie- shopping, washing the dogs, cooking, housework) the pain in my neck muscles seems as bad as it ever was after my car accident :( Turning over during the night is particularly painful, and I'm always rubbing very stiff tender muscles in the back of my neck that weren't really a huge problem before the surgery, but are very bothersome every day now, despite taking 2 voltarin 25mg tablets with every meal and in between taking 20mg of codeine, also I might add, the painkillers don't actually seem to help that much- I'm very much in the habit of taking them after 7 years of agony with an undiagnosed herniated disc. I FINALLY saw a physio yesterday for the first time since the surgery (for $28,000 the hospital costs did not include one) and she has me doing some excercises that will apparently strengthen the "little" muscles between the vertebrea, as I'm relying on the "big" muscles to do my lifting in my neck. So we'll see how that goes...

cath1 01-19-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

Hi there,

I'm scheduled for an ACDF next month, and I put it off for quite a while. Went through all the alternatives first, accupunture, PT, massage, etc. I progessively got worse over the last 8 months and now I can no longer even drive. I'm a very active 40 year old, love to scuba dive, kayak, hiking, running, so it's very disheartening to be unable to do these activities. i'm a graphic designer and can not do my job anymore either. I'm having a 2 -3 level fusion done (my neurosurgeon will decide whether to do the 3rd level after the results of last night's MRI come in). I was giving some very positive outcomes after surgery, although it is very very scary. I have herniated discs from C4 through C7, osteophytes pushing on the nerves that are running down both my hands, worse on the right, and spinal stenosis.

In my opinion, dealing with pain and inability to do things is far worse than going through the risks of surgery. I just want my life back, so I'm going for it.

The surgery will take approx. 2-3 hours I'm told, and a hard collar is to be worn for 6 weeks post op. Voice changes and problems swallowing after surgery are all expected, but they usually go away in time.

I hope this help you make a decision, good luck to you, it's not fun dealing with this sort of pain. I wish you all the best!

frenchfri1003 01-19-2011 09:54 PM

[Good luck with the surgery. I felt the same way and was in almost the same situation. I'm a little older 49, but the pre surgery was similar. I am now 6 weeks post surgery. I only wore a hard collar for a few days and then a soft collar. Good luck with the wait. I was glad that once I made the decision I only waited 2 weeks, but that was my choice. Look at the site for what you would have prior to surgery and what to expect with recovery. They are very helpful.

6pack 03-07-2011 07:54 PM

Scheduled for ACDF surgery on the 16th
After trying and exhausting all of the non surgical options I have opted for surgery. My pain has primarily been controlled by Gabapentin and light dosages of Oxycodine as required.

The pain down my left arm has intensified over time and I'm now experiencing numbness in my right leg and foot at times. Although spinal traction and manipulations do help; I can't continue this way as I'm far too young to continue medication for the rest of my life
My neck is always in pain increasing as the day progresses. I live in Alberta Canada and the Surgeon is very well respected. He seems very optimistic as I am. He will be completing a multi level C5-6 / C6-7 procedure. They will be acquiring the Bone from iliac crest for the fusion. I have heard mixed comments on this procedure regarding recovery and pain. Comments? The count down is on and I'm very nervous

bunz50 03-08-2011 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by 6pack (Post 750981)
After trying and exhausting all of the non surgical options I have opted for surgery. My pain has primarily been controlled by Gabapentin and light dosages of Oxycodine as required.

The pain down my left arm has intensified over time and I'm now experiencing numbness in my right leg and foot at times. Although spinal traction and manipulations do help; I can't continue this way as I'm far too young to continue medication for the rest of my life
My neck is always in pain increasing as the day progresses. I live in Alberta Canada and the Surgeon is very well respected. He seems very optimistic as I am. He will be completing a multi level C5-6 / C6-7 procedure. They will be acquiring the Bone from iliac crest for the fusion. I have heard mixed comments on this procedure regarding recovery and pain. Comments? The count down is on and I'm very nervous

Hello 6pack, I am from Ontario and had a 3 level ACDF(C4-C7) in 2009, my neurosurgeon offered to use donor bone instead of my own(hip) bone, as he stated it is a longer recovery period and painful, with the donor bone being so safe to use why deal with more pain then necessary, one way or another it is all bone and will eventually fuse, just my opinion, good luck! Bunz

6pack 03-09-2011 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by frenchfri1003 (Post 736639)
[Good luck with the surgery. I felt the same way and was in almost the same situation. I'm a little older 49, but the pre surgery was similar. I am now 6 weeks post surgery. I only wore a hard collar for a few days and then a soft collar. Good luck with the wait. I was glad that once I made the decision I only waited 2 weeks, but that was my choice. Look at the site for what you would have prior to surgery and what to expect with recovery. They are very helpful.

How are you feeling after 6 weeks post surgery? Did you have a bone graft? If so, how long did it take to feel better :)

7 days and counting


diane54 03-20-2011 08:04 AM

ACDF surgery - donor bone versus grafted bone

Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

I'm so glad to find this discussion. I have cervical disc disease at 2 levels - not severe but moderate, but the pain is bothering me so bad I have decided to go ahead with surgery on April 21st. I've seen 4 docs, 2 suggested foraminotomy but when I went back to the last NS, he told me that the foraminotomy will most likely not help my neck pain. I was hoping for the easier foraminotomy procedure.

A doc friend of mine has told me absolutely go with my own bone if I go the route of the fusion. I hate the idea of hip surgery on top of neck surgery. Also 10 days before my neck surgery I am having wrist surgery (want to have this all done during the same work absence).

Can anyone tell me what the hip pain is like if you give your own bone?

Also, my doc friend is sending me to see one more NS next week just to get one more opinion if we go ahead with the foraminotomy or ACDF. My doc friend says I could always start with the foraminotomy and then move forward with the ACDF later. I hate the idea of another surgery down the road tho...

I have moderate weakness in my arm on the left side. Doc says no nerve damage yet and is not pushing me into surgery. I just can't stand the pain anymore and I've done all the conservative stuff including epidurals, one in particular really helped me for almost a month, so they feel the found the pain generator at C5-6.

Can't wait to be pain free, but I'm getting scared reading some of these posts... sounds like its a gamble with the surgery!


swimwithmanta 03-20-2011 12:22 PM

my experience
HI, while you are waiting to make up your mind on what to do, I would recommend a very good book. "treat your own neck" by robin mc kensies. I have neck pain with numbness down my arm and have improved it greatly with this book, doing all the prescribed exercises slowly. over the last months. the book is not a general exercises book, but specifically for neck pain. I am also doing isometrics neck exercises to strenghten my neck and back. it seems to me that all the people who get neck surgery don't get such good result, and then you loose a lot of motion. anyway everybody has different opinion, I guess If I was contemplating surgery I would go for the newer minimally invasive surgery, and no fusion anywhere.
cheers virginie

Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

Laur Bye 03-22-2011 06:53 PM

New to the site and had some questions as does everyone so it seems.
I had my C5 and 6 done on the 28th of December. Prior to surgery I had noooo pain. On the 14th of December my legs stopped working, I could not get around and about 4 days later my hands went. I was admitted to the hospital on Christmas Eve and misdiagnosed with several different problems from MS to Cancer.
Finally my husband took me to a different hospital and I was looked at by my Neurosurgeon. I had the surgery the next day.
I now can walk and my hands are working but I am in terrible pain all the time. My shoulder on the right side and both my lower arms and hands feel as if there are pins being stuck in them all the time.
I am taking Gabupenten, Extra Strength Tylenol and once in a while 5mg of Oxy if I just cant stand it any more.
How long will this pain last? Im getting very irritated (just ask my poor husband) and just hope this pain is going to go away. Any advice would be great

ginnie 03-23-2011 10:42 AM

I don't blame you for being nervous. I was too and found this site and received alot of information. I am Post 7 months. C3-7 was done, my first at C-6-7 failed, so the whole if it was done to fix all of it six years later. It was a difficult proceedure as I reversed the whole of my cervical spine until they were almost lying folded over on each other. For me the pain wasn't good after the surgery. I was in bed for two weeks and only really started feeling human after the second week. I came back to this site briefly at two weeks to say hello and that I survived it. Now 7 months later all is much much better. My pain meds are almost down to nothing, I have been weening off ms contin for all of the 7 months. Good luck to you. I hope the outcome is successful and that your pain is reduced. I was scared too, litterally shaking when I first got on line here, frantic. There were alot of people who coached me through all the highs and lows. Be good to yourself too, while you go through it. Insist on good pain management for after the operationtoo. ginnie

6pack 03-23-2011 12:17 PM

One Week Post Op - Feeling GREAT
I am 1 week post op from ACDF surgery where I had C5-6 / C6-7 completed. Initially, my neurosurgeon convinced me to go with Iliac Crest bone graft as this provides best success rate for fusion. I was so glad when I awoke from my 5.5 hour operation to find my hip bone fully intact! Until they open you up they have no way of knowing if a bone graft will be necessary.

Just back from my 1 week check up with my family Dr. and he's very happy. Incision is almost healed. I did get some sleeping pills from him to help me get a better sleep. I'm feeling very well and the arm pain and finger numbness is gone. Most of my pain is in my upper back which is caused from muscle spasms. My throat is really quite good; just a little hard to swallow liquids. Eating is no problem. I've read so many negative posts I wanted to ensure everyone knows there are successes!! Most people who have a positive outcome don't bother posting! If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer as best as I can. :grouphug:

Calgary, Alberta

diane54 03-24-2011 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by 6pack (Post 755621)
I am 1 week post op from ACDF surgery where I had C5-6 / C6-7 completed. Initially, my neurosurgeon convinced me to go with Iliac Crest bone graft as this provides best success rate for fusion. I was so glad when I awoke from my 5.5 hour operation to find my hip bone fully intact! Until they open you up they have no way of knowing if a bone graft will be necessary.

Just back from my 1 week check up with my family Dr. and he's very happy. Incision is almost healed. I did get some sleeping pills from him to help me get a better sleep. I'm feeling very well and the arm pain and finger numbness is gone. Most of my pain is in my upper back which is caused from muscle spasms. My throat is really quite good; just a little hard to swallow liquids. Eating is no problem. I've read so many negative posts I wanted to ensure everyone knows there are successes!! Most people who have a positive outcome don't bother posting! If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer as best as I can. :grouphug:

Calgary, Alberta

Hi Dave
I am so glad you are doing so well! The positive responses really, really help me right now as I wait another 30 days for my surgery. (My choice - I have to have thumb reconstruction surgery on April 11 - and then waiting 11 days until round 2 with the neck surgery - doing this to combine both operations into one absence from work). I am seeing a new NS on April 4th for a third and tie-breaking opinion on which procedure to do - an ACDF or a posterior foraminotomy. I am leaning toward the smaller procedure - the foraminotomy. Wow 5.5 hours is a long surgery time! They told me 1 hour.

I think the recovery time and outcome is based on some factors. The first and most important thing - a positive attitude, a great surgeon and a lot of support and a healthy body to start with! I'm taking a jump on things and walking 3 miles a day on the treadmill now (can't run anymore as the jarring hurts me worse), eating right and keeping busy.

Again, THANK YOU for your positive post. I needed to hear some positive things as I was ready to cancel my surgery based on some of the things I was reading on this and other forums.

Hugs to you too! I hope you have a painless day of recovery today!

6pack 04-05-2011 09:46 AM

After stopping Gabapentin numbness to legs occurred
My neuro told me to wean myself off gabapentin over a two week period. He did indicate that I may have to go back on them for a few months if nerve pain resurfaced (which it did) while the nerves healed. Interested in hearing from others on this. I was surprised (actually not very happy) when numbness to both of my lower legs appeared. :(


ginnie 04-05-2011 01:53 PM

[I too am grateful for the site. I had fussion twice, the last C3-7. If I could make a suggestion as others have, if you can opt. for donar bone, or other material. Coming from your hip is more pain. The surgery for me was difficult, but now I am glad I did it. 8 months post op. Be good to yourselves. ginnie

crushed 04-07-2011 06:48 PM

I had similar news regarding my neck,,I had to put off surgery until specialist said it was ok to operate(due to swelling around spinal cord) This was 5 yrs after having original accident,SCARED TO DEATH is how i felt. I weighed up the options and read lots of forums on life after acdf surgery. I had it done finally. My life now is alot better than before surgery although it is not without complication. I have constant neck shoulder and arm pian with pins and needles. I have odd breathing irregularities,,and do not work anymore (i tried but could not work full time anymore) If i had my time over,,I would STILL have the surgery .GOOD luck with whatever you choose to do simon.

Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

Laurie64 04-17-2011 11:52 AM

Waiting adds problems to the list!

Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

Hey - I'm nearly 5 mos post-op from multi-level acdf surgery (c4-c6). The surgery itself, with major complications, is a breeze. I felt great the day after surgery and returned to my full-time job in 4 weeks. So, I would not recommend putting off the surgery if that's what your doctor recommends. I went years with the three herniated disks and other issues in my neck and back. Pre-surgery, my pain was concentrated on my left side (neck, back, arm, hand). Now that I'm in physical therapy, my pain is primarily on the right because unknowingly I had been compensating for the left side with my right. The bottom line is that you are continuing to damage your back in places that you think would not be impacted, and undoing all of that when you finally do have surgery is extremely difficulty and doubly painful. :winky:

mikelsranger 04-19-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

I put of having a 3 level ACD&F (c4-c7) for 7 yrs. Kept working my same job. My job consisted of working on a machine that involved a lot of quick head movement, and good control of my hands, arms and upper body. Needless to say, I finally went in for surgery on Dec. 01, 2010. After 3 months in a neck brace, and now 5 PT sessions, I am suffering more pain then before. Intense headaches starting on the left side of my neck and running up to my left eye. Can't sleep, cause I can't get into a position that doesn't strain my neck. Total numbness in my right hand and fingers. Shooting pain in left shoulder (never had that before surgery). Legs get tired after about 100 yards of walking.
I suppose what I am saying is, if you intend to have the surgery, don't put it off. Obviously my putting it off for so long caused more damage then could be fixed. Wish I would have listened to the NS now.
Also found out this morning that my company no longer has a position for me. They let me go. So, now I am out of insurance, a job, and who knows what.
Whatever you decide I hope things work out the best for you.

dlaba63 01-29-2012 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Joce1982 (Post 736369)
Hi I'm Joce from Australia, I've just turned 28.
I got my ACDF surgery 2 and a half months ago on C5/ C6. I immediately noticed that the pain I've had in beween my shoulder blades since I was in a car accident 7 years ago was GONE, it was wonderful, I was so grateful to my surgeon. But I've had a lot of neck and shoulder muscle pain ever since. I was careful not to lift pretty much anything for about the first 6 weeks, and as I've gotten more involved with life (ie- shopping, washing the dogs, cooking, housework) the pain in my neck muscles seems as bad as it ever was after my car accident :( Turning over during the night is particularly painful, and I'm always rubbing very stiff tender muscles in the back of my neck that weren't really a huge problem before the surgery, but are very bothersome every day now, despite taking 2 voltarin 25mg tablets with every meal and in between taking 20mg of codeine, also I might add, the painkillers don't actually seem to help that much- I'm very much in the habit of taking them after 7 years of agony with an undiagnosed herniated disc. I FINALLY saw a physio yesterday for the first time since the surgery (for $28,000 the hospital costs did not include one) and she has me doing some excercises that will apparently strengthen the "little" muscles between the vertebrea, as I'm relying on the "big" muscles to do my lifting in my neck. So we'll see how that goes...

Hi Joce,
I can very much relate to your muscle pain that you’re experiencing after your ACDF surgery. I live in Marietta, Georgia and I had two severely herniated discs in my neck, with almost two years of trying everything to relieve pain – I had 5 steroid injections done and had a ton of physical therapy and chiropractor work done, which nothing helped to reduce the constant pain I was in, that shot down my left arm and into my left fingers, from nerves being pinched in my neck. I was really miserable from this pain too, for almost two full years. So I finally had to have a two-level ACDF surgery done on August 22, 2011 (discs C-5/6 and C-6/7 were removed and the vertebrae fused, using material from a combination of my own bone shavings and bone donated from a bone bank). When I woke up after about 2 1/2 hours in surgery, that constant pain, shooting down my left arm and left fingers was GONE! I was so relieved; however my shoulders, shoulder blades and neck were killing me! It was as if my muscles in my neck, shoulders and in-between my shoulder blades were pulling and were stretched so much. I stayed overnight in the hospital and then had 6 to 8 weeks to recover at home, with my surgeon and his assistant saying to me to give it time for my muscles to “get used to” the new spacing between my vertebrae, because before the surgery, my two discs that were removed had been much narrower, when compared to the other discs, so the new spacers inserted between the vertebrae during surgery, were taller than the original discs. I was also instructed by my surgeon's assistant to wear a hard plastic neck brace (which I purchased myself for $175.00) for the entire recovery time (6-8 weeks, which I wore this brace for 8 full weeks to be on the safest side and to follow doctor's orders). I was also told to not drive at all, no lifting and primarily to do nothing that could aggravate the bone fusion, allowing the bone transplants to grow between the vertebrae in my neck. So I was more than cautious for the entire 8 weeks recovery that I went through. I was also taking Oxycodone four times daily to relieve the severe muscle pain in my shoulders and neck. I slowly came off the pain meds around the 6th week. I also had to go on a muscle relaxer medication called “Cyclobenzaprine” – 10mg. This helped a bit, but the medication made me really groggy the next day (I would take this at night before bed). I returned to work 8 weeks after surgery (returning part-time for 2 weeks). I also had an ergonomic assessment done at work, a few weeks following my return, which the assessment recommended to replace my office chair, install a keyboard tray and install a monitor arm, to help better support my neck and relieve my shoulder muscles. This happened about four weeks following the assessment and I'm now getting some relief as a result of the new office equipment. However, I'm still having quite a lot of muscle pain in my shoulders, in-between my shoulder blades and in my neck, which I never experienced before having the surgery done in August. So I can totally relate to your muscle pain that you're felling, because I'm having the same pain as a result of the ACDF surgery. I'm also now in physical therapy and have been getting deep muscle electric pulse massages, twice a week. Also, based on my physical therapist’s advice, I’ve started muscle needle therapy, where my physical therapist injects needles into several trigger points I have in my neck and shoulders, trying to "break up" and dissolve these trigger points. It's a painful therapy, and so far I'm not really feeling significant improvements as a result, but I'm told to give this time, so I’ll keep at it. So, that's where I'm at after five months since the two-level ACDF surgery. I’ve definitely had significant relief from that constant pinched nerve pain, shooting down my left arm and into my left finders, however, since this surgery, I continue to deal with constant muscle pain in my shoulders, neck and between my shoulder blades, which I'm hoping PT will give me relief. I wish you the very best and really hope your muscle pain will subside through continued PT and other exercises, like I hope it will for me. God bless you.

carleen332 02-03-2012 12:02 PM

acdf surgery
I too have a herniated disk, but it is c5 and c6. I have been in severe pain since a car accident in October of 2009. I have been on Lyrica - 50 mg and the nerve pain has helped a little but I am normally 120lbs and have gone up to 132lbs. I have not wanted surgery because the disk was bulging at first and the second MRI showed herniated. The pain in my arm after two surgeries has not gone away and my neck pain is getting pretty severe after two and a half years of agony. I will be having a ACFD in the coming weeks because my doctor told me that it has been much too long to have pain like this and it must be pinching the nerves in my neck. I was beginning to feel like a hypochondriac. Too many symptoms from this herniated disc. He told me that bone spurs form and start pinching the nerves and all of the symptoms of pain that go along with it. I have chosen to have the surgery, it is exactly like the one that Peton Manning of Indy had. Sometimes it needs to be done twice, it if does not fuse properly. I am very scared but have chosen surgery as my last alternative to alleviate the pain. I was an extremely healthy person until my accident. I am sick of taking pills, but the lyrica has helped me to sleep at night, with less headaches. I guess this is better than what I had before. If you have too much pain after a year of before, I would reccomend seeing two surgeons, and see if both agree to your surgery. There is live video for this procedure on line, I have watched it and am scared but I hope that all will go well. I will post after my surgery for all to see, the after effects and if it has alleviated my pain.
So maybe you need to wait, if your pain is not extreme. I also had three sets of cortisone shots, with the third destroying my neck with pain. Still don't have a clue why. I hope this helps you. Carleen

Originally Posted by MJC1977 (Post 635297)
Alrighty...I''m here because I went to the doctors about two months ago for a stiff neck. Two days later I had severe weakness in my right arm. Back to the doctor, several tests later turns out I have a herniated disc C4-5 could be more so the doc says. What I want to know is if anyone has received a similar diagnosis and put off the surgery for any extended period for any reason. Any input would help greatly.

ABBB 02-18-2012 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 755573)
I don't blame you for being nervous. I was too and found this site and received alot of information. I am Post 7 months. C3-7 was done, my first at C-6-7 failed, so the whole if it was done to fix all of it six years later. It was a difficult proceedure as I reversed the whole of my cervical spine until they were almost lying folded over on each other. For me the pain wasn't good after the surgery. I was in bed for two weeks and only really started feeling human after the second week. I came back to this site briefly at two weeks to say hello and that I survived it. Now 7 months later all is much much better. My pain meds are almost down to nothing, I have been weening off ms contin for all of the 7 months. Good luck to you. I hope the outcome is successful and that your pain is reduced. I was scared too, litterally shaking when I first got on line here, frantic. There were alot of people who coached me through all the highs and lows. Be good to yourself too, while you go through it. Insist on good pain management for after the operationtoo. ginnie

Hi, I will be having ACDF at C4-5, C5-6 and C6-7 this coming Tuesday. I am terrified. I have no family and will be using this site as a support system, hopefully. The neurosurgeon said that he is going to use 'caging'...I have tried to research that but do not understand what it is. Does anyone know what this is? And can anyone tell me what items I should take to the hospital to make things a little easier?

ginnie 02-18-2012 01:54 PM

I have indeed been thinking about you. I know you face this surgery this coming week. I have been praying for you. This cage is to secure the graft with your disks. I had a little differnent things done. I have rods, and screws placed, different side of the same coin. do you understand? This is just another way of going about stabilizing you spine. There are just two methods they use to get you to fuse, and make your spine strong again without the herniated disks and all the bone spurs getting in the way of you having a better life. while they work on you, all the things that are wrong will be addressed. Look up this cage item on Google. My only concern is that the vivid photos may frighten you. I did not look at my actual surgery until I finished with the proceedure. I knew what they were doing to me, but I didn't want to view the actually surgery until I was again on my feel. I didn't need to be freaked out any more than I already was. My opinion is that you are already really anxious as I was. Wait till you are well, and know that this cage will stabilize and correct your spine and allow you to heal.
The other part I am concerned about is your lack of help at home. I wish to heavens I was your neighbor. You really should have someone with you at least the first few days for meals, bathe, and comfort of not being alone. I even had my housemate bring my meds to me, as I didn't want to get up. I was up in the bath that had my water drawn for me. that first bath was heaven, and helped me feel better. I wore my collar most of the time except for sleep and in bed. Please get a neighbor, call your church, or get the community to respond to your needs. I would call the church if you are really alone and ask for this service on compassionate grounds. I don't think a church, any church would refuse a help request. Let me know how it stands with you on this issue. I am here for you to talk to. Please PM me if you want. Be at peace, and put your faith now into your doctors, that they can restore you to a better place in life. I am praying for you right this minute. ginnie

Dr. Smith 02-18-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by ABBB (Post 853003)
Hi, I will be having ACDF at C4-5, C5-6 and C6-7 this coming Tuesday. I am terrified. I have no family and will be using this site as a support system, hopefully. The neurosurgeon said that he is going to use 'caging'...I have tried to research that but do not understand what it is. Does anyone know what this is? And can anyone tell me what items I should take to the hospital to make things a little easier?


I answered your question about the cage a couple of days ago.
You can find more by googling: acdf with fusion cage

Using this site for support is ok; that's what it's here for, but you may not be in any condition to use your computer during the first few days following the surgery. I encourage you to start building a more comprehensive support team/network for the future. I posted a schematic of what one might look like here.
Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger view.

Ginny and others have commented that you may need help during that recovery period. Since you have no family, and may not have a church, contact your local Visiting Nurse Service and/or Friends In Service Here (FISH) or call the hospital and ask about services/organizations that may be able to help you.

You can also call the hospital to find out what items to bring.
Google: questions to ask before surgery
Google: questions to ask before neck surgery


ginnie 02-18-2012 05:34 PM

Re: agree with Dr. Smith
I totally agree with Dr.Smith. If you can call and arrange some kind of help those first few days at home, it will make your life much better. being alone those first few days is not a good idea. Call the hospital as Dr. Smith suggested and get a caregiver of some kind in. As far as what to bring? Bring easy in and out of cloths for when you go home. At home have an in and out of easy nightie, or PJ's, For me I needed a pillow that is inclined on an angle and that was better for me while in bed. It is called a wedge, bath bed and beyond stores carry them, and so do local medical supply places. There are also moist toweletts at walgreens for personal care so you don't have to take a bath or shower for a day or so. Just wipe cloths that are very nice. There is also a none soap shampoo you just put on your hair and towell dry if you want you hair washed. This is the kind of thing you will need help for. Also your meals are a concern. You will not feel at all like cooking and not maybe even eating. Have some comfort food in the fridge. I had tapiocia pudding, and steal cut oatmeal ready for me. soft foods in particular. Apple sauce,etc.
I also had greek yogurt. You may not have much of an appetite, but nutrition will be important and so will fluids bedside at home. Prepare as much as you can. Soup was also good when I was not hungry. Let me know how you are doing with these ideas. ginnie

namcamyo 07-16-2012 08:33 AM

did you lose your voice

Originally Posted by TimRo (Post 636195)
MJC1977. I would listen to what your doc suggests and always get a second opinion before surgery. Surgery should be the last thing you do, unless there is a chance for permanent nerve damage. I had my first surgery for a single level in 2000. I just had my last surgery on Monday. I now have 4 levels fused in my neck. I wish you the best, I say listen to your body, and trust your doc if you have a good one. If not, find one. Most people here will be glad to give you thier opinions. Do you have any more info. Such as MRI results or symptoms that your having? Has your doc already suggested surgery? Again, I wish you the best. Be patient, sometimes replies come slow here, but people will show up and share.

I keep putting off my surgery because my surgeon tells me that I could have vocal damage for good or become horse for good. I am afraid of that because I am a Minister of Music and a Music Ed major in college and my voice is my instrument. He said because this surgery would be my second one. I had this done bout 5 years ago.

Dr. Smith 07-16-2012 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by namcamyo (Post 897917)
I keep putting off my surgery because my surgeon tells me that I could have vocal damage for good or become horse for good. I am afraid of that because I am a Minister of Music and a Music Ed major in college and my voice is my instrument. He said because this surgery would be my second one. I had this done bout 5 years ago.

Have you gotten multiple opinions? Some surgeons specialize in one particular procedure; others don't. Depending on your individual case, there may be alternative procedures that would not put your vocal chords at as much risk.


MECHRMOM 08-26-2012 05:25 PM

Acdf c5-7 surgery
I just had ACDF surgery on C5-7. Before the surgery my pain was in my right forearm starting just below the elbow and winding around my thumb. I could not even pick up a pen or hold anything without major pain. I have degenerative discs disease that runs in my family. My surgery was 6 days ago and I'm still having the exact pain I had before the surgery. My thumb and side of my wrist is killing me. Am I wanting results too fast? I did have numbness and tingling when I moved my neck a certain way before and that is better, but my neck and shoulder never hurt like it does now. It seems like my symptoms are worse. I am taking Lortab and Tizanidine, but it seems like the last couple of days it's not working as well. I have been taking Lortab since March, so maybe it's not working anymore??? Please help......

Beachbaby72 09-03-2012 11:41 PM

ACDF Surgery C5 - C7
I had been having neck pain on and off for 14 yrs (tests done,but nothing found till later)and right shoulder pain and numbness that ran all the way down to hand and first 3 fingers for over a yr. After many tests, they found deg.disc disease, herniation,spinal stenosis, my nerve roots between c5, c6, & c7 were being completely crushed.I have been on a medical since Jan 2012 and have gone through every non- surgical option. (Physical therapy, chiropractic, traction, nerve block shots, trigger point shots, etc.) I was not thrilled at the aspect of surgery but knew that it was my only option before permanent nerve damage.

Anyways, I had surgery 5 days ago. Went well and I was discharged after 24 hrs. My surgeon gave me a soft collar to wear and told me it was not necessary to wear it if I didn't want to, that with all the hardware in my neck nothing was going to go anywhere, and that most people just wore it to feel more stable. I have gone both ways, in car and sleeping I'm keeping brace on, but if just watching Tv I will take it off for a bit. Since my surgery, my right arm feels great, still a lil tingling, but no more " please rip my arm off" pain. However the pain in my neck has been pretty bad. It's tender to the touch, which I expect, but we're talking just a light touch hurts. I feel like Im having spasms across the top of both my shoulder blades and when they flare up they break thru my pain meds and I'm on both a pain patch and pain pills( both are pretty strong ones) Ice helps but only some. The other issue I'm having is, that last inch or two drop to the pillow and then again lifting off a pillow. I know Im supposed to roll in and out of bed, and I do, but even doing that, if your pillow is not in exact spot you need or if hair or clothes get caught up and feels funny, then you still end up having to lift your head up a bit and it is here that I feel like my neck is gonna just give out on me. Like my head is just too heavy. Have been using hand to support. Maybe this is all normal....I don't know as this is my first and hopefully my last cervical surgery. I keep trying to tell myself that I had a lot of work done. and that its going to take time, but at same time I was so nervous about the surgery in the first place, that all of this new pain is scaring me even more so.
Anyone have any advise or calming words of wisdom? lol

6pack 09-04-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Beachbaby72 (Post 911563)
I had been having neck pain on and off for 14 yrs (tests done,but nothing found till later)and right shoulder pain and numbness that ran all the way down to hand and first 3 fingers for over a yr. After many tests, they found deg.disc disease, herniation,spinal stenosis, my nerve roots between c5, c6, & c7 were being completely crushed.I have been on a medical since Jan 2012 and have gone through every non- surgical option. (Physical therapy, chiropractic, traction, nerve block shots, trigger point shots, etc.) I was not thrilled at the aspect of surgery but knew that it was my only option before permanent nerve damage.

Anyways, I had surgery 5 days ago. Went well and I was discharged after 24 hrs. My surgeon gave me a soft collar to wear and told me it was not necessary to wear it if I didn't want to, that with all the hardware in my neck nothing was going to go anywhere, and that most people just wore it to feel more stable. I have gone both ways, in car and sleeping I'm keeping brace on, but if just watching Tv I will take it off for a bit. Since my surgery, my right arm feels great, still a lil tingling, but no more " please rip my arm off" pain. However the pain in my neck has been pretty bad. It's tender to the touch, which I expect, but we're talking just a light touch hurts. I feel like Im having spasms across the top of both my shoulder blades and when they flare up they break thru my pain meds and I'm on both a pain patch and pain pills( both are pretty strong ones) Ice helps but only some. The other issue I'm having is, that last inch or two drop to the pillow and then again lifting off a pillow. I know Im supposed to roll in and out of bed, and I do, but even doing that, if your pillow is not in exact spot you need or if hair or clothes get caught up and feels funny, then you still end up having to lift your head up a bit and it is here that I feel like my neck is gonna just give out on me. Like my head is just too heavy. Have been using hand to support. Maybe this is all normal....I don't know as this is my first and hopefully my last cervical surgery. I keep trying to tell myself that I had a lot of work done. and that its going to take time, but at same time I was so nervous about the surgery in the first place, that all of this new pain is scaring me even more so.
Anyone have any advise or calming words of wisdom? lol

Had the same surgery March 2011. I still experience pain in my neck although arm pain is significantly less. My Neuro Surgeon was very clear about collar; wear it every day 7x24 for 3 months with the exception of a break during showering. Mine was a hard collar (Aspen). I took his advise and wore it every day.

Spiney95 09-04-2012 07:59 AM

Of course you are a bit of a mess five days out from surgery. You were dealing with pain for 14 years before you broke down and had the repair. Heaven knows how long he was rooting around in there. I think most of these guys take a course on how to say, "what do you mean, that you still hurt. I fixed you!!!" The first time I had a cervie repair (two levels), I saw the surgeon at 10 days post op and was told all I needed was tylenol xtra strength. After considerable begging, I got a muscle relaxer with no refill. I went straight from there to my primary doc who had referred me and he gave me a script for a decent pain pill and said he would call the surgeon and discuss the matter.

Your recovery will be a little slow but steady. Once in a while you will have a day or two where you seem to go backwards. That is normal and don't be surprised. I have had three cervical surgeries and pretty much lived on jello, yogart and Ensure for the first two weeks before I felt like eating real food. Besides, I was alone with no help. No lifting. The housework will wait if you don't have help. Hang in there.

mrsalkire 09-04-2012 12:38 PM

I am also 5 days out of surgery
Wowzers this has been quite a roller coaster these last few days! It hurts ALL THE TIME!!! very few things relieve it the pain in left arm is pretty much gone however pins and needles nerve is not only left side but right as well. Arms and handsfirst 2 fingers and thumbs cant eat or drink qwithout choking ugh

ginnie 09-04-2012 07:13 PM

Dear Beachbaby, and new surgery folks
Yes being super sore after that surgery is normal. This goes on for some time, but should lessen day by day. Get an elevated pillow in foam, going from flat to about 5 inches. Won't hurt to lay down. I also slept in my colar the first few nights. Spasms do happen, across shoulder blades too. Ask you doctor for Soma compound in addition to your pain medication and that should help. Sleep as much as you all can. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I had C6-7 then 6 years later C3-7. I am two years post and doing pretty good. I hope you all get this good kind of result. ginnie:hug:

ginnie 09-04-2012 07:16 PM

Hi Namcamyo
See if you are or could be a candadate for orthoscopic correction. Your vocal cords won't be in danger. Get a few more opinions. I wouldn't want you to loose your voice. I never sang well, but after C3-7 I am a frog. ginnie:o:hug:

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