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*KJ* 04-06-2010 07:29 AM

Braintalk members
I've been trying to 'follow' the news on twitter...I can't even get on to it!

I'm just wondering what the news does it look?

Plus how is everyone?

lor 04-06-2010 09:28 AM

I don't even want to go to twitter. I wonder why 'it' wants to change?

mrsD 04-06-2010 09:49 AM

there have been no further updates in a week at Twitter.

And the stats there show only 138 viewers to the original tweet.

If someone at BT is following those stats, they may never resume the boards. That is a pretty low response, and 5 of them are mine.

There is no other Google hit using Braintalk, either.

So you all over there at autism board are welcome to post here in the meantime.

*KJ* 04-06-2010 10:21 AM

I wonder if the low hit # has anything to do with the difficulty accessing it.

I might be a complete idiot...but I just couldn't find my way there...oh well!

I wonder where everyone else is going these days...

mrsD 04-06-2010 11:22 AM

all you do is copy/paste the link in the message on BTs platform.

Put it in your address bar, and you'll get there.

*KJ* 04-06-2010 11:52 AM

I tried that and it told me to save a file...not really wanting to do that I just held off for a couple days...then I went for got me no where...I deleted the file and came here.:confused:

Are people able to chat over there or is it just an update from BT?

Where is everyone?

Ponygirl 04-06-2010 08:06 PM

Don't, even, get me started, about, Twitter!!!
:DThank goodness for NeuroTalk!!!:D


Callie 04-06-2010 10:04 PM

By any chance are you talking about John Lester's braintalk from the Massachusetts General Hospital? I used to read that a very long time ago. Out of curiosity I tried to find it again maybe 5-6 years ago, but it was offline. I met John Lester. He is a very nice and interesting man.

Ponygirl 04-06-2010 10:41 PM

Yes, Callie, that's what we're talking about!
:rolleyes:John may be a very nice guy, but, having the forums down stinks!!!


roadracer 04-07-2010 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 641051)
And the stats there show only 138 viewers to the original tweet.

If someone at BT is following those stats, they may never resume the boards. That is a pretty low response, and 5 of them are mine.

the "138" are the people who are following it, that is not a view count. :)


John may be a very nice guy, but, having the forums down stinks!!!

It seems that John is out of the picture now?, and like was said, "Dan Hoch" is moving the servers to a new location and getting the place fixed up again, inorder to stop all the slowness and problems we were experiencing. This was needed for a long time, so should be a good thing :icon_mrgreen:

We always have this place also, and we all know about neurotalk, and I am sure everyone will be around here

Ponygirl 04-07-2010 12:55 AM

Road-racer, you stalking me?!!!...LOL...j/k, j/k, j/k!!!
:eek:It's awesome to see you *here*, too!:D:D:D


mrsD 04-07-2010 08:14 AM

Using Wayback archive.... All of the server is gone. All the vBulletin format defaults now to MGH neurology.

I find that interesting. (using the neuromancer addy from the past)-- it used to bring up the forum! as a search brings up no archived posts and the index stops at july 14 08. We may never be able to recover history or older posts now.

Looks like it is getting a new "name" too perhaps. Whatever comes back if anything will be different, I suspect.

mrsD 04-07-2010 10:03 AM

Here is DocJohn's message to BrainTalk members during this down time:

*KJ* 04-07-2010 10:31 AM

Yes, thankfully we do have neurotalk...I don't get all the anger can't be easy managing a place like this never mind one that has so much history! I am thankful to all that make it possible!

I don't think we've been abandoned, and we weren't last time either...members got e-mail & PM updates as that feature was still working along with the chat rooms. It did stink to not have the place we were used to, but such is life I guess.

I am also sad that whatever the heck the basis is for ill feelings, that it has driven away some friends...I don't get that at all...but do hope to 'see' them again, I don't care or in the 'new' place...

I just want to be able to connect and the rest of it doesn't matter to me, I suspect most people feel that way too... ya know

Hi Todd!

And now a couple comments from Audrey (who btw, was conceived during the last crash, LOL!)...

mnbvc bjuSFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :winky::D:grouphug:aAacrdtbvvjgjy

Chemar 04-07-2010 10:47 AM

Hi *KJ* :)

I sure am not aware of anger and ill feelings:confused: and we sure wouldnt want any to exist here. All are always welcome here, and many of our members are also still BT members so we sure dont have anger or ill feelings and hope no one does toward us:o

if you are talking of members angry at BT or at each other, then I sure hope they will put aside those negative feelings and just get along and feel safe and comfortable to gather here for as long as needed and hopefully BT will soon be back up

welcome to all newbies. Let us know if we can be of any assistance

roadracer 04-07-2010 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 641479)
Using Wayback archive.... All of the server is gone. All the vBulletin format defaults now to MGH neurology.

I find that interesting. (using the neuromancer addy from the past)-- it used to bring up the forum! as a search brings up no archived posts and the index stops at july 14 08. We may never be able to recover history or older posts now.

Looks like it is getting a new "name" too perhaps. Whatever comes back if anything will be different, I suspect.


Like was said, they unhooked the servers to move them to a new location.
What your saying only points to what we know, and that is that the server is unhooked. There is no reason at all to think any archived posts or information was somehow lost. You know as much as we all do, and that is that the server is unhooked, and what they told us over there

mrsD 04-07-2010 02:01 PM

Many people here still use Wayback Archive. I am only posting the truth...that the posts are not there, today.*/

The posts from the 2000 format still show ...the ones that were archived that is. JL said many years ago he disconnected that server to that format, yet they are still on Wayback.

Braintalk goes back to the mid 90's. Some of the updates to that venue over the 15+ yrs...have resulted in a loss of historical posts and data. (the crash of 06 was not the first.)

peglem 04-07-2010 02:01 PM

There was a message on twitter (was it yesterday?) that they hope to have BT installed in its new home by this weekend.

Hi, everybody! Been missing sharing updates on Allie, but don't have time right now!

mrsD 04-07-2010 02:07 PM

here is where to find updates:

*KJ* 04-07-2010 02:17 PM

Hey Pegs! So glad to see you!!!! And can't wait to hear an update!


roadracer 04-07-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 641620)
Many people here still use Wayback Archive. I am only posting the truth...that the posts are not there, today.*/

The posts from the 2000 format still show ...the ones that were archived that is. JL said many years ago he disconnected that server to that format, yet they are still on Wayback.

Braintalk goes back to the mid 90's. Some of the updates to that venue over the 15+ yrs...have resulted in a loss of historical posts and data. (the crash of 06 was not the first.)

those are issues with "wayback archive", that has nothing to do with BT or any website that it archives information from. Wayback is sketchy at best, and that is with all websites they collect info from.
If a person knows how to work with servers, then I think it is safe to say that they know to backup everything before they go unhooking stuff. To me it is obvious that everything would be backed up right now. (but then, I really dont know that, I just hope :crazy:)

*KJ* 04-07-2010 02:38 PM

Todd, there may be some lingering 'fear' from past crashes...those were not 'planned' downtimes...and info was lost...I think the crash from 2006was the worst, but I don't know that for sure...MrsD likely would...last year when the site went down for a bit, nothing was lost.

But this time it was planned, so I am sure you are right with your assumption.

Anyway, time will let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming...

How the heck is everyone? And more importantly where is the rest of the crew?

Lauren (Aspigander) 04-11-2010 06:30 PM

Not sure why I didn't come to this forum sooner. Hi everybody. :)

BT is back online...but I can't log in. I tried logging in as Aspigander and it seems like it's logging in but it doesn't. Registered as Aspigander 2.0 but didn't do any better with that, so finally I mosey my tail on over here. lol

Hopefully whatever's going on will even out.

Ponygirl 04-11-2010 06:34 PM

Lauren, bless you!:):):)
Thank you for letting me know, I'm not the only one!:):):)


Beachgirl 04-11-2010 07:22 PM

Hi Lauren, I'm from the aneurysm forum - but I'm having the exact same problem as you trying to log in over on BT!!!

roadracer 04-11-2010 10:18 PM

:hissyfit: we can look, but cant log in :Hum: a few glitches to be ironed out I guess

Lauren (Aspigander) 04-11-2010 10:24 PM

Somebody posted on BT a workaround, at least for one version of Firefox, where you disable cookies and use the exceptions dialog to allow cookies for I just tried it, and it didn't work. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Ponygirl 04-11-2010 10:26 PM

Todd, your little "hissy-fit" guy is cracking me up!!!...LOL
:DThank you!!! I *needed* that laugh!!!:D
:DActually, the little "scratching my head," guy is too cute, too!!!!!!:D


Lauren (Aspigander) 04-11-2010 10:33 PM

I think a hissy fit is quite appropriate.

The phrase: "So close and yet so far away" comes to mind when thinking about BT's current situation.

Milivica 04-12-2010 12:02 AM

Hey everyone!

Long time...long update...

Been a super week, kids were on spring break. We had a blast visiting family, friends, bonfires, too much pizza and junk food, and my fav kicking back and relaxing. BTW...motel 6 not only takes dogs for free, but wow what an improvement! Loved it.

Highlight of family visit...a three year old cousin ate so many Easter eggs he got sick. Seriously, I've never seen so much vomit come out of a kid in my life. Vince was totally grossed out, he said "I'm going to get a German Shepard first, then think about kids, maybe" hee hee.

Can't remember if I mentioned it already, but I have a pt job now, love it loooooooove it. Basically, helping a high schooler with autism get ready/to school. Works perfectly, cause of my kids different school start time.

The kids are doing GREAT. This neighborhood kid that has loathed Vince for the longest finally spoke and hung out with him. It was awesome, Vince was across the street playing with his cars, four girls approached him, they talked some, and Vince did not get too wild or impulsive or pushy. He spoke to them, then got on with playing with his cars instead of being so happy to have potential playmates he gets drunken frat boy obnoxious and drives them away. He gave them proper distance, didn't crowd, I'd have never known he was autistic from the distance. The boy who had loathed him for years eventually entered the scene. They all did some chasing and tag....again, Vince was great, when Vince tagged he didn't knock anyone into tomorrow using his Shrek strength. He was actually gentle. It was all so 'typical' which for me translates into 'miracle'.

When Vince came home (unaware I watch) he said, "That one boy finally wants to be my friend...but I think he was just trying to get a piece of my action with the chicks." Baawawaaa!!!! Talk about reading another persons perspective! It was awesome...and he was probably right too. That was THE FIRST time I can ever recall such long interaction and with so many kids where I didn't have to bolt across the street and intervene, apologize profusely, deal with angry parents, cops, etc.... Could the demon depakote actually be the right thing to have done? Time will tell.

Carmen is in a play and choir, continues loving school, loving learning, loving reading, despite her dyslexia impacting it all so much. He case manager is just the best, makes my life lovely cause she makes Carmen's life lovely. She's still not boy crazy, thank God. But today confessed she feels like some kind of wierdo, everyone at school has friends to go places and do things with, but she goes everywhere with me. I mean, she's right. She has a few friends, but, basically I am her best friend - makes her feel like a loser. I don't blame her. She's nt all the way, but raised by a mom with aspergers and a brother with autism, hardly an environment to nurture social skills. Not down on myself, I'm just stating fact, I gave her such bad examples of what to think and feel and do socially. She's very all or nothing, her way or their way, not much collaborative ability. She can't or won't play 'the game', if she like you she shows it, if she doesn't like you she doesn't care what your 'social rank' she lets you know you're an ****. Her best friends are mostly the adults in her life, including her wonderful case manager.

I'm just glad she has a mom and dad to come to, to talk about her feelings. Plenty of kids (me and dh included) never had even that. She'll be fine, but it sure hurts to see her hurting. Hurts me to know I didn't pass on by example how to handle social situations, again just stating fact, not putting myself down, I was the best mom I knew how to be. She's not as incapacitated as say LaToya Jackson (nothing personal, only name I could think of). Maybe with Vince doing so well finally, I can give her more least I know what she needs, RDI spells it out weather nt or asd. Whew. Finally a guide on how to raise kids...shoulda had it from the beginning!

I'm doing super cause dh has been such a darn great guy for quite a long time now (no jeckle/hyde thing). He's doing super cause I'm not mad at him.

I've had the birds back for 4 days (the vet and I arranged for them to live there). For some reason they didn't flourish there, I can see the difference in how their thriving here at home. Funny how 10 birds can seem so natural in our home, like they never left. Vince and I will have to build a sturdy outdoor aviary for the summer up on our deck, by the window under the eave. It'll be fun!

The turtles are in their outdoor pen (a 25 sq. foot area under the wooden swing set). We'll plant the usual greens for them to graze on all summer.

Visited our 5 goldfish in the zoo pond today...had trouble figuring out which were ours. The pond is huge (150 feet across?) has lots of fish.

Rat is fine.

Dogs are got his teeth cleaned finally...holy cow that was expensive! He's a teeny guy, his teeth were a mess, poor fella. All better now.

I'm pooped, it's way too late! The left side of my chest has been achy/tight for a good week now. No weird heart palpitations or anything, so not my prolapsed heart valve (which I take meds for anyhow so hasn't been a problem for over a decade). I wouldn't call it pain. Anyhow, just posting cause in my superstitious mind it'll turn out to be nothing if I post, then I can feel dumb for saying anything, but be fine.

Lauren (Aspigander) 04-12-2010 02:43 AM

Mili, life isn't boring for you, is it? lol

Well, the workaround someone posted at BrainTalk to let you log in isn't working for my version of firefox, or IE, so I downgraded to the version the person tried and succeeded on, which was firefox 3.5.3. For details, check out the thread in BrainTalk's forum feedback section that has something log in somewhere in the title (currently the top thread).

Anyway, I downgraded to that version because, darn it, I wanna log in, followed the instructions, and I still can't log into BT to save my own life. :hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit: :hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit: :hissyfit::hissyfit:

Hopefully things get figured out soon. The day BT went down, I came on ready to vent and it was down...and I still want to post my vent (doctor related)!

Ponygirl 04-12-2010 02:46 AM

Lauren, I love you!!!!!!
:DYou crack me up!!!!!!:D...LMAO!!!!!!:D


*KJ* 04-12-2010 08:14 AM

Ok, I must have missed it or something...I can't see anything different than what we've been looking at...any updates on twitter?

Mili, I can't read your novel in it's entirety now...glad things are going well though!!! I'll be back later, hopefully! :)

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