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jensuz 03-12-2008 02:50 PM

Hi to All Neurotalk Forum Members
:confused:Hi, I've just joined the forum. I'm 45 years of age and have had disabling back pain since 1995 following a road traffic accident. I don't feel that sufficient tests have been carried out by doctors and feel the need to share my experience and hear others' experiences and knowledge whilst going through the process of trawling through trying to get a clearer position of what is going on and asking for more investigations to be carried out. Will speak more soon. Take care. Jenny.

DM 03-12-2008 04:11 PM

Hi Jenny and Welcome to NeuroTalk. I am going through some really rough back pain right now, so I can commiserate w/you.

I had back Xrays and MRI's to identify my problem. Then, I took ALL of my results to a Spine Spec. He examined me, looked at all the reports, etc, took some more films and DX'd me.

Have you had any MRI's???? I hope you can get some relief Jenny, as back pain is miserable... Glad to have you w/us and please make yourself at home.

Alffe 03-12-2008 04:11 PM

Hi Jenny and welcome to NeuroTalk. Here is the link to our Spinal Disorders Forum....

I'm glad you've joined our group. :hug:

Darlene 03-13-2008 01:23 AM


Hello and welcome to NeuroTalk. Great to see you have come to be with us. You will find a great number of caring, supporting members here willing to help each other as they can.

Again welcome, looking forward to seeing you around.


AfterMyNap 03-13-2008 10:20 AM

Hi, Jenny! :Wave-Hello: Welcome to NeuroTalk!

I hope you can find some answers soon!

Abbie 03-15-2008 08:38 AM

Hi Jenny and

I see Alffe has given you the link to spinal disorders forum:

Please feel free to roam around and join in anywhere....

Hope to see you around the boards!!!

ali12 03-15-2008 08:51 AM

Hello and welcome to Neurotalk - you will find many great people here!

If you need anything just ask - I will try and help you if I can.

Thanks and i'm looking forward to seeing you around the forum soon.


wandajane 12-09-2012 02:16 PM

Hello all,

I have just joined and not sure if i am doing this right so please bear with me.
The reason i have come here is I have a 23 year old daughter that was diagnosed with bipolar at age 16. Sinse then we have had many different meds and Dr.s, The meds help with her mood swings yet she still had impulsive and irregular behaviors. Recently she was duel diagnosed with bipoalr along with a borderline personality disorder. She lives with me as well as her 2 children, I am tired and wore out and fear she will never be self sufficient :( so i ask you, am I in the right place?:confused:

tshazel82 12-09-2012 03:49 PM

i am sorry for what you have to deal with one thing is for sure your daughter is lucky to have a mom like you ill keep you in my prayers

Rrae 12-09-2012 04:11 PM

Hello wandajane!
Welcome to NT! :hug:

INDEED you are in the right place!

You've come to a wonderful place of support and understanding! Make yourself right at home here in this friendly, down-to-earth atmosphere

The Bipolar forum is full of caring people who are very easy to talk to. They will embrace your daughter's situation and give you some much needed support.

Might I suggest that you start a new thread of your very own, rather than this post, which is tagged on to another thread. This way, it'll be easier for people to see your introduction. To start a new thread, simply exit out of this dialogue so that you are back at the original 'New Members' forum. You should see a button at the top left which says "New Thread". Click on that and you'll have started your own thread. :)

Just holler if you have any questions or need help finding your way around!


wandajane 12-09-2012 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 938153)
Welcome to NT! :hug:

INDEED you are in the right place!

You've come to a wonderful place of support and understanding! Make yourself right at home here in this friendly, down-to-earth atmosphere

The Bipolar forum is full of caring people who are very easy to talk to. They will embrace your daughter's situation and give you some much needed support.

Might I suggest that you start a new thread of your very own, rather than this post, which is tagged on to another thread. This way, it'll be easier for people to see your introduction. To start a new thread, simply exit out of this dialogue so that you are back at the original 'New Members' forum. You should see a button at the top left which says "New Thread". Click on that and you'll have started your own thread. :)

Just holler if you have any questions or need help finding your way around!


thank you I had no idea how to do that

Rose2012 12-09-2012 10:44 PM

"HI", I'm new to this forum and am very interested in getting advice and support from members.

Rrae 12-12-2012 05:14 PM

Hello Rose!
Welcome to NT! :hug:

You've found a wonderful place for support and understanding!
Make yourself right at home! Look through the forums and post anywhere you feel inclined. People here are easy to talk to in this down-to-earth atmosphere.

Just holler if you have any questions or need help in finding your way around. You'll find a friend around every corner!

It's great to have you!


RAT6MAN6 09-05-2013 02:24 AM

HELLO from W.By george Tennessee !!!
I have been dealing with many varying symptoms for over a decade. Always to be told , old age (currently 47) & stenosis. :(
For years the trend of the sytem was to just medicate & ignore but never actually treat the problem. Now in the last 2 yrs. , I feel like the trend is "Pain Management", which for a year was a joke & a huge flop when Doc. dropped me as a patient for no legitimate reason & left me high & dry ( no treatment,no meds(cold turkey) no compassion).
My goal here is to seek info & knowledge !!!
Learn more about reading & understanding my current MRI's !!!
Possibly even help others from my experiences in todays career patienting. :(
No pun intended , but after some time of being a bump on a log , ya have to find something you'r good at !!! VISITING DOCTORS :(
THANX & I will try to remain civil as long as I am treated civil !!!

Jesscosmo92 09-20-2013 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by jensuz (Post 235363)
:confused:Hi, I've just joined the forum. I'm 45 years of age and have had disabling back pain since 1995 following a road traffic accident. I don't feel that sufficient tests have been carried out by doctors and feel the need to share my experience and hear others' experiences and knowledge whilst going through the process of trawling through trying to get a clearer position of what is going on and asking for more investigations to be carried out. Will speak more soon. Take care. Jenny.

I am very sorry but I dont know how to make a new thread, how did you post this?? I have a lot of questions I need to ask, but I dont know how to work the site

Jomar 09-21-2013 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jesscosmo92 (Post 1016221)
I am very sorry but I dont know how to make a new thread, how did you post this?? I have a lot of questions I need to ask, but I dont know how to work the site

I made a new thread for you and copied your post to it-
you can find it here-

Maryellen N 10-13-2014 07:35 PM

Me too! Got here recently,

Originally Posted by wandajane (Post 938103)
Hello all,

I have just joined and not sure if i am doing this right so please bear with me.
The reason i have come here is I have a 23 year old daughter that was diagnosed with bipolar at age 16. Sinse then we have had many different meds and Dr.s, The meds help with her mood swings yet she still had impulsive and irregular behaviors. Recently she was duel diagnosed with bipoalr along with a borderline personality disorder. She lives with me as well as her 2 children, I am tired and wore out and fear she will never be self sufficient :( so i ask you, am I in the right place?:confused:

This intends to be a Quick Reply- hope I am doing it right, I am having trouble so far.... What brings me here is to exchange experiences on this strange sensation I have on the left side of my face, no pain, no sinus problems though.
Hope I will get some replies. I am so thankful to Lara, the moderator who kindly gave me an orientation on how to work on this website. Thank you.

Lara 10-13-2014 09:04 PM

You're welcome Maryellen.

Have you been diagnosed with Temporal Arteritis or is that what you're thinking is the problem?

Do you have any autoimmune disorders?

Do you have any other problems apart from the strange feeling in your face? e.g. headaches, jaw problems/dental problems etc.?

If we know a little more then we can guide you in the right direction.

I was just checking the
Forum search feature for temporal arteritis to see if I could find further information for you. There are lots of posts throughout many forums that mention the words "temporal arteritis" but they're not all in one forum and some are quite old.

There are some in the
Trigeminal Neuralgia Forum where you posted yesterday. I also wondered if you'd seen the
Useful website thread - TN Forum to see if that sounds familiar to what you are experiencing.

At some point it might be helpful for you to start a new thread and that way you might get more feedback.

Maryellen N 10-13-2014 09:47 PM

Many thanks, Lara
I was diagnosed of Temporal Arteritis in Jan2013. Under treatment immediately before the biopsy. The first specialist I saw told me I could be suddenly totally blind. The strange sensation going around/over the left eye is today stronger than never. Never had sinus. MRI ok.
Neither the specialists, neither eye doctors know anything about it! Some NT members in old posts described it exactly as I have though- this brought me here. I intend to open a new thread.
Your reply meant a lot to me besides being quite clear and helpful. My heart says Thank You, Lara.

greggreyes 10-14-2014 12:28 AM

Dealing with neuropathy
Hello, my name is Gregg. I am 66 years old, retired, and have peripheral neuropathy and diabetes 2. I experience shooting pains in my fingers and from my buttocks down to my feet. I've had this pain and numbness since June. What I've done is to constantly massage my thighs, calves, and feet through out the day. Because I am constantly using my hands, I've slowly progressed from not being able to write, to being able to do so clearly and with more and more control. I try all kinds of activities to increase my hands sensitivity: picking up minute objects (like seeds), shuffling a deck of cards, chopping up vegetables or fruit, squeezing terra-putty. I believe that the constant use and rubbing and massaging activates the veins and the damaged nerves. I've graduated from being unable to walk and had to use a wheel chair, graduating to arm crutches and now use a cane. Although I still feel pain and numbness, I've noticed that my feet are beginning to look normal and have lost their puffy, swollen look.
I've also been eating healthy and exercising. All this plus the conviction that I will get better helps.

Lara 10-14-2014 12:36 AM

Hello Gregg,

Welcome to the NeuroTalk Support Groups.

It sounds as if you're feeling a lot better than you were months ago.
Well done.

Peripheral Neuropathy Forum

There is also the PN subforum
PN Tips, Resources, Supplements & Other Treatments Forum

Diabetes / Insulin Resistance / Metabolic Syndrome Forum

If you just click on those links, you will go straight to those forums.

Take care.

Kitt 10-14-2014 08:50 AM

Welcome greggreyes. :Wave-Hello:

seablue 08-02-2015 10:35 PM

new memeber
Hi all I'm new to this site I hope I got the right posting area had quite a time finding some where to post I'm 53 and counting I believe DejaVu got some info on me Lets see I had 42 surgerys and one coming this week a double discectomy with two huge hernia's, I never had my back or at least spine done I did yrs ago in the army had to have a spinal tap never again quite scared now I used be a medical tech and yrs ago contracted hep c from a patient and now I have diabetes ,cancer, had half my left foot amputed,cirrhosis of the liver the list goes on, so I'm asking if anyone has gone through any o these and what options you had or are going through right now any help would be appreciated Thanks seablue

Diandra 08-04-2015 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by seablue (Post 1159605)
Hi all I'm new to this site I hope I got the right posting area had quite a time finding some where to post I'm 53 and counting I believe DejaVu got some info on me Lets see I had 42 surgerys and one coming this week a double discectomy with two huge hernia's, I never had my back or at least spine done I did yrs ago in the army had to have a spinal tap never again quite scared now I used be a medical tech and yrs ago contracted hep c from a patient and now I have diabetes ,cancer, had half my left foot amputed,cirrhosis of the liver the list goes on, so I'm asking if anyone has gone through any o these and what options you had or are going through right now any help would be appreciated Thanks seablue

Hi Seablue,
Welcome to the forums.
You did a good job making it to the new members forum and introducing yourself.

My goodness, 42 surgeries and 53 yrs have endured so much.

My brother was also in the service and had the beginning of cirrhosis of the liver. His was from drinking and his doc told him to stop or he'd kill himself. I got him taking milk thistle( also called SILYMARIN) and he cleared his liver in 6 months.
I take it daily to cleanse my liver because I take alot of meds for pain every day.

I have never had spinal surgeries but many here have and you can find them at
the forums on Spinal Disorders. I would suggest you start a new thread for yourself on that forum and ask specific questions you may have today about your upcoming surgery, could be something as simple as what to expect or what is recovery like.

Glad you made if here. Best of luck on upcoming surgeries.

May I ask, Where does Seablue come from?
Are you a lover of the ocean, as I am....grew up in Boston and spent my childhood going to cape cod and Martha's Vineyard.

My best, Diandra

Your intro was tacked onto the end of someone else's, I am going to ask the moderators if they can move it to a new thread that is just for you so more people will see it.

Chemar 08-04-2015 12:20 PM

the Intro by seablue is already pasted on to her other thread here:

Sumay 08-23-2019 10:29 AM

New here with CIPN
Hello to all! I am a 71 year old woman with serious CIPN which developed in January of 2017. I had breast cancer and took the AC combination followed by Taxol. I had to stop the Taxol 2 weeks early as my hands and feet were very sore, numb, burning, and felt like they were coated with sand. I was prescribed gabapentin, but it had no effect. I was then prescribed a low dose of Lyrica, but it did not help. In the meantime, my CIPN spread up my legs to my abdomen, on my arms up to the shoulders, back, and skull. I was referred to a neurologist.

My neurologist restarted the Lyrica and paired it with venlafaxine, a mood stabilizer. Mentally I felt so much better! Gradually the Lyrica has been increased and I have some relief, though on the 1-10 pain scale I am a 4-6 when up and active and a 2-3 when sedentary. I have found wearing heavy gloves helps avoid the pain and calms my nerves when I hurt badly.

Unfortunately, my neurologist is leaving a large national group and she signed a no compete clause and can't practice in my area for a year. I am so bummed! Our appointments were relaxed and she carefully listened to me! I will miss her so much!

I am glad to have found you all and hope to learn from you and share when I can..

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