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Wittesea 08-28-2006 09:12 AM

Roll Call - come on everyone join in!!
With the original BT being down for so long, one thing I missed a lot was the daily roll call thread. I didn't often post in roll call, but I always read it as a way to keep up with how everyone was doing.

So, how is everyone doing? Who is here?

I have looked at the Members list here and seen many familiar chronic pain names, but haven't seen posts from lots of the familiar names - so please pop in and at least let us know that you are here.

Ok, so when I start Roll Call I usually post a "question of the day" just for fun - so my question today is for everyone to share a non-pain related story so that we can all catch up on the non-pain parts of each others lives we missed by having no contact for so long.

So, anyone want a very cute, very smart, but very annoying Maine Coon cat? LOL I would never give away my new cat, but he is so very smart and that causes him to get bored easily, and then he either gets in trouble tearing up the house or drives me crazy for attention. I could pet and play with him for hours, and still he wants more because he is such a people friendly cat and so smart.

My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I have started teaching the cat commands/tricks that are usually for dogs, but he is learning them and it is helping him to use his intelligence in a good way :)


LindaM 08-28-2006 10:28 AM

Good Morning Liz and to all that follow,
It feels so good to post ta a RC once again, as the saying goes, you never know what you've got til you lose it", I sure didn't know I'd miss BT as much as I have.

It's so nice seeing the familar names again and reading the post to catch up on everyone.

As for myself not much changes, though I have been in a flare up for some time with the pain and the lupus, hopefully it will settle down soon.

As for a non-pain related topic, huh, can't come up with one right now so I'll comment on you and your coon cat, sounds like you have got yourself a real friend there. I feel much the same way about my lab/aussie shepherd Suede, huh now you know how I came up with my last username!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day and I'm looking foward to hearing how all are doing.


~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 08-31-2006 06:03 PM

few daze
Well tis the story of my life..I am just a bit late sometimes..So here goes..
I kinda hopped around on the boards.I visited the spinal boards and the chronic pain and fibro boards.I also posted under the name{alwaysrunnin}
But this looked like fun-Also i just love animals..heehee
I have 2 cats now.I have had my indoor cat for 7 years.He is always by my side day and night.Even when i'm online.He will try to get up in my chair w/me.Of course with all my pillows i use for comfort-theres just no room.So he will get back down and just lay beside me on the floor.
Yet he will always try..LOL
Now about the other cat in my life.She has to stay outside.;0(..Since i dont have the money to get her shots and such to make it safe for her to be in the house with my other witty!
I found her out in the backyard back on june 29th.
She was severely underfed and crying!!
I normally dont feed the cats that come in our backyard,but she just kinda stole my heart!So this past summer she has been my outdoor precious baby..Thats what i call her...She kept me company when i wandered out there to just get outta this house!!
She has her own lil box and pillow bed right outside the
My indoor wittie does'nt like her much..He always gives me a glare when i come in ..LOL
I always make sure i wash my hands-then give him plenty of lovin and convo too ..but he just dont like the whole idea !!!
I just love my cats..Whether inside or outside-When im in pain and just think this whole world sux.They are there to give me unconditional love-always!!!

I have'nt been able to work since early june.So my life is pretty boring these days.I just started driving again 2 weeks ago as well..So its been a rough summer for me..
I basically just checked BT everyday...LOL
My mom came and picked me up once a week so i could get outta here.Bless my lilmomma.I just dunno what i would do w/out her!!!

Linda i hope your flare up of pain ease very soon 4 you!!!!
Wittessa thank you for all you do around here to keep these boards alive and kickin each day!!!I see all of your posts woman!!LOL
I hope i see more posts here too.I missed everyone so much!!!
Take care~

shotspine 08-31-2006 06:47 PM

I just wanted to pop in and say HI to those that are here and even those that haven't found their way yet. I have my own "right now" stuff to deal with so will be back asap.

Can't wait to be back to my 'family' again.

Love, Hugs and All Good Wishes to you all !!!


moose53 08-31-2006 07:18 PM

Hi, Liz!! Long-time, no-read :GRIN:

I've been doing pretty good. Had to close my eBay store 'cause they wouldn't stop making the stores 'invisible'. You'll definitely be reading about them in the newspaper AND you can find them by looking for all the RED on the stock market feed :GRIN:

My pain level is up, 'cause one of more new doctors altered one of my scripts -- increased it. I hate it when they do that. Everything was working fine for so long.

Hi, Linda!! :BIG WAVE:

Hi, Kell. Hope you get your answers soon. I remember your username from the other forum. You sound like me :QUOTE: maybe if I feed him, he'll go away :END-QUOTE: :LOL: . My son still haunts me with that one sentence that came out of my mouth a decade and a half ago :GRIN: There were four or five kittens in my backyard together with the deceased Mom one winter a long time go (more than 15 years). One of them was actually throwing his body against my window trying to break it (I found out years and years later that my son had been letting him come in and eat and sleep while I was at work). I didn't want the window broken plus I couldn't sleep because of the screaming and thumping so I opened my mouth and spewed stupidity. Well, the one trying to break the window was a white cat with blue eyes (deaf, American short-hair). I had him for 15 years after that. No one wanted a deaf cat; I couldn't find anyone to take him (I already had four). And, I just COULD NOT get him put down. So he lived with us for over 15 years :GRIN:

Hi, Shotspine. Hugs and love back at'cha'!!

Oh, Liz, I love Maine coon cats. I had one for over 18 years. His name was 'Vanilla' because of the white tummy. But, HE thought his name was 'Baby' 'cause that's what I called him every time he hugged and snuggled me (which was a lot). He knew who buttered his bread :GRIN:

Oh, this'll really crack up all up!! My son and I believe in destiny. And we both believe that if you have a REAL connection with someone or something that it doesn't really end with death. The energy that was your loved one will find a way to come back to you.

WELL, I believe that my orange 'Pumpkin' cat is my ex-husband (my son's Father) come back to drive me insane!! When I was married, my hubby left the closet doors open ALL THE TIME. That is the only fight that our son remembers "Darn, man never closes the closet doors!!". Well, Pumpkin knows how to open doors (everything except the refrigerator). Every morning when I get up, every single door in the apartment is open: closet doors, kitchen cabinet doors. When I'm having a bad day, Pumpkin is always nearby -- that was something that my hubby promised: "I'll always be there for you." Am I weird, or what?? Have to be -- right, I think I'm a talking moose, after all :GRIN:

BIG HUGS for all of you.


~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-01-2006 09:15 AM

Morning All
You had me laughing this morning.Ihad'nt been doing much of that lately!!
Just toooo funny about your son letting the kitty in at night...:p
I have a friend who has a cat that just loves to open every door it can as well.
I will have to tell her your thoughts and that..
It will def make her stop and think ..
I hope everyones pain levels will go down very soon....
Shotspine~It is good to "see" you too!!
Take care and get well wishes are bein sent your way...

JoJo6 09-11-2006 05:40 PM

roll call
hey, where did roll call go? I am still trying to find my way around here. Out of practice and high pain levels does nothing for the poor soul that is trying to deal with it.

Liz, I too have missed Roll Call. So many people were so very ill when the boards were down and I have wanted so to know how all the people were getting along.

I hope Roll Call will become part of a daily thing here in chronic pain. If others don't want it just say so, ok?

My best to you all and I have missed you. Hope all will start feeling better.

Stardazed 09-12-2006 07:40 AM

Hello Hello!! I don't know how I found this but I'm sure glad that I did! I think I googled it......

Does anyone know what the problem "still" is? There is a rumor that John Lester doesn't work at the same hospital he started this forum.

Anyway, mostly a lurker, but glad to have this little bit back.........Penny

JoJo6 09-12-2006 10:28 AM

hello everybody, good to see you all. I also see a few name changes but that will work out in time. I Have missed BT, but had backed off a good bit because of my health so it could have been worse.

I can't say I didn't see it coming though. The writing was on the wall. Many stopped coming because things were so slow it took forever to load a page. After all the mass bannings I hardly knew anybody as it was.

Oh well, new beginnings and hopefully better health for all. I am not well, don't have a clue which "disease" is causing what. All of them are pain sensitive though. One Dr. changed my pain med. actually increased one of them. I had to bargin to get it as I thought it would work best. I know I don't know everything but some things about our bodies we just KNOW! Another Dr. discovered my potassium was very low, more meds. ACK!!

I don't know when I have ever grumbled so much. Sorry about that. Its good to see those that have found their way here. Thanks Liz for getting things going and also helping out on all the other rooms. You have been a big help here as well as all over the board.

I can't think of anything fun or funny at the moment. Is my life THAT dull? yes of course it is. Looking forward to getting settled and back to business. I'm thankful for DocJohn and all he has done to help us out.:) take care all, JJ

JoJo6 09-12-2006 10:37 AM

Hi Penny, sorry didn't see your question as to Johns move. To my knowledge, he no longer works at MGH, but not real sure where he works . Liz could probably tell you much more:) Come on down and post more often if you feel up to it. It's good to have you. Take care, JoJo6

Wittesea 09-12-2006 11:01 AM

Yes, John no longer works at MGH, he now works for a company called Linden Labs.

Before John stopped working at MGH, the braintalk forum became a seperate entity, that was no longer connected to the hospital in any way. John still worked at MGH, but braintalk was no longer a part of MGH in any way.

Remember when the forum moved from the neuro-mancer server to the hastypastry server? That happened at the same time as we got the new forum software that looked different (that looks just like this software).That was when Braintalk became it's own entity, out of the MGH building and no longer controled/owned by MGH.

BT is now a non-profit (became a non-profit shortly after it left MGH), and John Lester is the only driver at the wheel.

As for why braintalk has been broken for so long, and what the problem is, and when it will be fixed.... no one knows the answers to those questions.

Which is why DocJohn (the man who set up this forum and owns another forum called psychcentral) has agreed to keep this forum online and open for as long as we the members want to be here. A lot of people don't want to go back to the original braintalk even if it gets fixed because of it being unreliable.

Hope that helps to answer the questions taht were raised.... if I missed a question, or if anyone has more questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best :)


nancy-h 09-12-2006 07:25 PM


I would also like to say "thanks" for being so active. It really is appreciated.

As for today, if anyone ready my thread from yesterday, you already know I'm having a much better day!!!


snoozie 09-13-2006 12:43 AM

Hi Nancy, glad to hear your feeling better today. Hey we made it through another summer YIPPEE ;) ...Sue

Curious 09-13-2006 01:14 PM

whaaaaaa...i don't want to post here today! :mad: i over did it yesterday. my back is giving me fits. my left leg feels like lead and i have these creepy crawly feelings in my ankle.

but on the good hint of headache or migraine. the extremem heat has left texas today. it's not even 80 yet! the sun is shining. there is nice sweet breeze. ok...not so sweet over the mulch i just put down...but you catch my drift. ;)

me thinks spreading 23 bags of mulch was not a good idea. hmmm whatcha think?

hubby has been wearing those chock type of tennis shoes. says they are awesome. i think i'll get some. not as cute i'm sure as my white and pink reeboks, but the hard floors at the club and home....not so good on my back.

gentle hugs and choccy to the room. :D

JoJo6 09-13-2006 02:09 PM

every way I turn I run up on you, missy! Yes mz monkey. You look grand today without the migraine, but ya did have to throw it this way.:p

Nancy, I am so glad you are having a much better day today. Girl, I was getting worried about you!! Hope it continues:)

Liz, Kell, snoozie, Moose53 Barb and stardazed I hope things are good for all you today. Gosh, it feels good to be back around all you sweet friends and the place even looks like home. I had a rough time when we were just floundering about. It's good to have a home again;)

Take care and feel better, Jo JoJo6 Julia, y'all just cal me Jo if you want to.

Curious 09-13-2006 02:11 PM

well jo...if you hadn't been standing outside my window waiting for your mug of hazelnut coffee...i wouldn't have hit you with it when i threw it out!:eek: ;)

{{{{ jo}}}}} get some rest if you can sweety.

slogo 09-13-2006 02:28 PM

This is day 3 of an aching neck and shoulders. I was having a good time with hardly any pain level when out of the blue...SMACK here comes more pain. UGH! So I am wanting to hit my head into a wall! :( Really should not complain too much though, things for me are still much improved from what it was a while back. Maybe I better just be thankful for what I have an leave the pain alone for now. I'll just go ice and see what that does. don't have anything at all for pain. Gaye

Curious 09-13-2006 02:35 PM

how about a nice cup of tea gaye? relaxing music. close your eyes for a few minutes. deep steady breathing.

warming regular hand lotion up can be very soothing to gently rub on painful areas. the nice scent can be soothing. if warmth doesn't help, then keep some in the fridge. i do that with the lotions to help with bug bites.

Idealist 09-13-2006 10:30 PM

That's smart, Curious. I never thought of that.

Not so smart with the mulching, though. Twenty-three bags?!? You starting a coffee plantation or what? Hope you feel better tomorrow!

I hope everyone feels good tomorrow!!! :) :) :)

Curious 09-13-2006 10:49 PM

sshhhhhh....i'm planting cocoa plants....;)
big front and back yard flower beds. makes me miss my townhouse. :o

it didn't dawn on until this evening that i might have caused the pain from helping grandmonkey learn to ride his bike without his training wheels. :rolleyes: the hour i spent out there with him tonight didn't help.

tomorrow will be better. :)

hope everyone has a restfull sleep.

JoJo6 09-14-2006 10:54 AM

roll call
I suppose this is Roll Call for today, 9/14/06? Liz, you have been a busy little bee and I guess we all need to get on the stick and take up some slack and help you out.

Roll Call can be started by anybody, anytime after 12:01 a.m. Is that right? Well if not somebody just tell me ok?

Anyway, if Liz wants to thats fine too. I had missed roll call because it sorta kept us all up to date in a way with what was happening with us. If we just wanta say hi, say Hi:D

OK, Mz Curious, behave yourself and take care of your body cause we aren't as young as we used to be. I hope the pain has gone POOF.

I am running late for an appointment and if I start calling names I will surely miss someone. I'll wish all of you a good day and hope pain levels are lower today for everybody.

I still have a pretty bad headache, but I got off on the wrong foot yesterday with my meds. and by morning I realized I had left some of the important ones off all together. Trying to make amends without over medicating:eek:

I am also concerned about MIL. She is in a NH, has Alzheimer's and isn't doing too good lately. There is such a fine line concerning her medications, getting the ones that help her with the aggressive behavour and treat her psyical problems all at the same time. So so sad for all concerned.

Well I didn't mean to write and book and I need to run to get myself together for this meeting. Here's hoping all have a good day. my love, Jo

Curious 09-14-2006 11:25 AM

yes mam mz jo...i'm taking care of me today. ok, grandmonkey and the laundry....running lil'monkey to voice lessons...and grocery shopping...but that's it. gotta rest up to sit still for csi tonight!

how are you today slogo? no hitting heads on walls. too much work fixing the wall and really messes up a good hair day. :p

check out jingles recipe for walnut choccy chunk cookies on sos. i used both toasted wlanuts and almonds since i needed the walnuts i had for banana bread today. these are D-lish cookies! they are true painkillers!

i hope it is a good day for all today.

slogo 09-14-2006 01:25 PM

Hi Curious, I am ready to pull out my hair today! I just started to cry and need to waste good tears. LOL I don't have anything for pain so I am going to call my GP and go see her. I hate pain and lately I seem to be a woose!
Tomorrow has GOT to be a BETTER DAY! I will smile and be happy. Pain is not me...just a part of me. Now, if I can make myself believe that I will be fine! :)

Fancylady_2006 09-14-2006 08:11 PM

Wanted to say Hi
I just wanted to come in and say hi to everyone. I am no stranger to pain, so I guess I belong here too. i have had resent back surgery and still not out of the woods yet. My surgeon wants me to see another surgeon. That is bad news. They think I have a groin hernia, I really don't know, it's nothing you can see though. Does anyone know anything about this? I would appreciate hearing from you.

Idealist 09-14-2006 11:49 PM

Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well today.

Slogo - I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. Hope the GP is able to help you out there. Good luck!

Curious - It's good to hear that you're taking better care of yourself today.

Fancy - Hi! I don't know much about groin hernias, but my dad had one a while back, and it made him pretty miserable until they got it straightened out. I hope they get yours fixed too, if that's what it turns out to be.

Jo - I hope your headache is better. Sorry to hear about your MIL. My best friend's mother has advanced Alzheimers, and it's a sad situation. She's such a sweet lady.

Best wishes to you all...:) :) :)

Curious 09-15-2006 12:01 AM

i gotta think of something easy to call you. aw was easy...asking this typo happy monkey to spell out idealist all the time... mri? nah..sounds..well is a test...I? i? george? ;)

evie 09-15-2006 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Wittesea (Post 5175)
BT is now a non-profit (became a non-profit shortly after it left MGH), and John Lester is the only driver at the wheel.

Actually, David Hosobuchi has put his name to it as well wherever he went in the last year or so so I'd think that JL has at least 1 co-driver.


Jane 09-15-2006 07:34 AM

The board of directors is at the wheel, as required if one obtains a not for profit status. For all practical purposes, Lester gave up control of BT when it became a not for profit and established a board.

He is now one board member with one vote. He may still "own" the site but is controlled, along with the site, by the board. It might be wise if we all chewed on that little fact for a while. Regards to one and all.


Wittesea 09-15-2006 08:55 AM

When I said JL was the only driver at the wheel - I meant in terms of he is the only person who is able to physically get to the server, and he is the only person to fix hardware and software problems.

Yes, there is a BOD (board of directors) but as far as I have seen, they are not involved in day to day things - like fixing whatever the problems is that has caused BT to break.

Yes, there is David H, but again, he has no ability to get to the server and do any physical hardware or software fixes.

JL is "the only driver" in terms of getting this current problem fixed.... and the "only driver" in terms of day to day operations.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-15-2006 10:03 AM

Good Morning

My stray wittie had babies last night.
They are the most precious lil things!!!
My girl and myself have been taking care of the momma and gawking at the lil babies since we found them in lilones box last night.
I wish i could have been w/her when she delivered them-but i was there not very long after!!!
I have no idea what we are gonna do now!!!!!
As we did'nt have the means to take care of she has 2 lil babies.
I know i should have found her a home b4 this happened....
Yet it is too late now.....I am gonna call the clinic and ask them if what the best to do would be...
I would love to be able to keep the momma.I have been taking care of her all summer..
So thats the big news here for the day!!
I dont do much else.cept for taking care of cats..LOL
It has been raining here for DAYS..........
Take care everyone~

JD 09-22-2006 11:07 PM

Good day! 9-23-06
Wanted to say hellooooo to one and all! I'm enmeshed in a pain flare and apologize for my recent absence ;) I hope you all find something good in today!;)

dadsgirl 09-23-2006 05:09 PM

Hello Everyone

Hi All!

I just found this site today and am I ever happy! I have missed the "old braintalk" so much ~ mostly the friends I have there.

I was so glad to see this. And to see Roll Call again ~ well, lets just say I'm happy! LOL

Most of you probably won't even remember me, I was suelynn at the old braintalk ~ but before that I was dadsgirl ~ I had to re-register after that last crash and it wouldn't take my old "dadsgirl" again. So, it's good to be me again too!


JoJo6 09-23-2006 06:19 PM

Hi Sue, I remember you, but I doubt you remember me. lol Sound like a good line to start wrting a song:p

I was Issy once upon a time, but back from the dinasour day Classic Chats I was Jo6. So I've been Jo more than Issy.

I'll have to go back and kinda see how roll call is being done. No mind, It's good to see folk here.

One thing I have noticed and I really do like. I see many people all over the board, even if its nothing more than encouragement to others, we are visiting around to more forums.

Something that always bothered me was people would say MY forum or this is NOT YOUR forum. I take it that they all are for everybody. There are several places I go on regular, but others I go to less but still go. It seems we are more of a large family and I like that. :p

I hope all are doing well, as well as possible. It's good to see so many joining and everybody seem to be involved instead of sitting back and watching others do and then can grumble.

My best to you all and hope to meet up with all of you here and there.

regards, JoJo

slogo 09-23-2006 08:30 PM

Hello Issy, I remember you from the old forum. Can't remember which one you were on, but do rememer that name. Glad you found this place. I was Milliesmom2 and then I lost my spot after the other crash too and became slogo. Gaye :)

dadsgirl 09-25-2006 09:23 AM

Hi Jo ~

I do remember you ~ and I remember slogo too! It feels so good to be back in touch with people! I had pretty much stopped posting at the old braintalk because of so many things ~ but I read there every day and tried to post to people who really needed support ~

I'm so happy I found this place ~ it is so laid back and friendly ~ I hope to be here for a long time ~


~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-25-2006 03:45 PM

Hi everyone
Just checkin in.
I sense the all around friendlieness here too.
Like the old saying:You dont know what ya got,till it's gone!!
I too have kind drifted around at the old BT and here.
I have too many things going on to just stay in one forum.
I got an email today saying.The old BT should be up and running again shortly.
I actually felt sorta melancholy when i think of leaving here......
I hope everyone has a good day!

Idealist 09-26-2006 02:12 AM

Hi, Everyone!

Hi, Sue! Glad you made it! :) I also remember you from OBT. I was Autowizard there.

Jo, I think you're right-on. I like it too that I now feel I can go to just about any forum and drop in to say hello, even if I don't really belong there. Sometimes it's the only forum currently active, and it's nice just to hear a voice!

slogo 09-26-2006 11:10 AM

I visit this forum and keep up with everyone, yet I don't post much except in the word game. I honestly feel a little shy and don't want to complain too much....yall have so much more than I to deal with.
Do have a painful neck and aching shoulder, left leg real mad at me (had a nice visit to the park) from walking yesterday, and a headache trying to attack me today. Seem to be in a flare from yesterday and it will get worse, always does! Usually it gets worse daily for at least 3 days, don't understand why, except it may be from CMP, fibromyalgia, or both? Going to rheumy to ck it out in November. Gaye

dadsgirl 09-26-2006 05:16 PM

Hi There!

Please don't feel shy about posting here! I know, that's easier said than done!

It took me a long time to start posting at braintalk1 ~ but once I started it was easy. And this is such a friendly, laid-back kind of place.


Idealist 09-26-2006 09:04 PM

Dadsgirl is right, Slogo. I think everyone feels uncomfortable at first. And I'm still sometimes afraid that I just complain too much, since I know things could certainly be worse. It IS worse for a lot of people here. Still, my problems are my own, and so are my complaints. They're the only ones I have! :)

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