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Stetson 06-06-2007 07:10 AM

I have just been told I have this disorder, to tell you the truth I'm afraid.I have 2 young kids and a wonderful wife that I'm afraid of putting a burden on them. What can I do?:confused:

Chemar 06-06-2007 12:09 PM

I just wanted to welcome you tho so sorry for what you are going through

this forum is still growing so I hope that some of the members who post here will be along soon to answer specific questions on your illness

let me know if you need any help finding your way around the rest of the community


C. Hooper 10-18-2007 05:11 PM

I had an operation for chiari in May of 2004, and there is no way I could've gotten through the whole ordeal without my family's support. Be honest... you'll need the help. This type of thing takes an entire family to make decisions over.

braingonebad 01-22-2008 11:35 PM

Hi Stetson!

I was dx'd with SM 1/04 (no ACM). I was being tested for MS (still am) and about the same time, was told I had a serious neck injury.

I have 2 kids - then teenagers. I had been sick for years, chronic migraines, lost my job, horrible fatigue.

When I was dx'd, I felt like I was falling, like I'd been thrown out of an airplane. Took years before I felt like there was solid ground under my feet, and that ground still feels shakey.

I told my neuro two months before my dx I couldn't feel hot/cold in my hands, and that didn't sound right even for ms. I had felt for over 15 yrs like there was some kind of pressure between my shoulder blades in my back, like it needed to crack. Didn't hurt, just pressure.

Like if you have something in your pocket, you just know it's there.

But I was scared when I found out what it was, when I saw it on the MRI film. Creepy.

The worst of it now is, still can't feel hot/cold in my hands - have to be careful I don't burn myself - and I can't lift much or my hands/forearms get tingly (pushing, pulling, straining are out too).

None of my docs understand this condition. Mine, I know, is mild. There's pain, yes, but it could be worse. And I avoid those activities that might make it worse, that's all I can do. If you're allergic to bees, you try not to get stung, and I try not to egg my SM on.

I'm sorry about your dx and hope you find comppasionate, understanding docs to help you out. As far as your family goes, I get that. You are not letting them down or burdening them - you did not choose to have this. Stuff happens, okay? don't be hard on yourself.

This is your chance to show your kids how to deal with the tough times.

All I could think of when it started to hurt was Thank God it's me and not one of the kids.

Good luck.


AzSyringoChiari 06-18-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Stetson (Post 109595)
I have just been told I have this disorder, to tell you the truth I'm afraid.I have 2 young kids and a wonderful wife that I'm afraid of putting a burden on them. What can I do?:confused:

I also have syringomyelia and understand your feelings! The best advice I can pass to you from my personal experience is first, Please educate yourself on this diease! Go to and other great informational sites. Remember you know your body and how you feel. Do not tolerate any Doctor that treats you without respect & understanding.

Take a deep will never be a burden to the ones who love you! I would be happy to talk with you further if you would like. Send me a email.

choudsal 08-02-2008 07:52 AM

cyst in spinal cord

I have just joined this forum and recently after 2 MRI scan's and months of severe pain down my right side, pins and needles, burning pain and severe one sided head aches i was told that i had a cyst in my spinal cord which may or may not be causing my symptoms. This has come as a bit of a shock to me as a i am in a full time job with two young very demanding children and at the same time i am the main breadwinner. I have had a lot of time off work because i simply can't tolerate the pain. I can't have any anti- inflammatories because i had an asthma attck from them last year, and my GP won't go beyong CO-Codamol because she inssits that i would not be able to function aftertaking them- i need to drive to work and drive for the school run apparently anything strnger than co-codamol would effect driving. Can anyone tell me if this condition is permenant and whether or not and is it classed as a disability? I have been referred to the pain clinic they have suggested injections into my neck- which does not sound to welcoming- but has anyone been through this and did it help them? Please could some one affer me some tips to deal with this condition!

razzle51 08-05-2008 09:09 AM

if the condition you are talking about Syringomyelia without Chiari , you need to get an expert on the subject , to check and make sure your spinal flow is good . If not you may have to have a shunt put in. If your flow is good then you need to be treated with medication. A syrinx can grow , can shrink and can stay the same. If you done have Chiari then injections in the neck for what??? Pain . Usually people that get those injections it helps a little but thats about it. also check and make sure you dont have chiari . if you do have chiari no injections period

choudsal 08-25-2008 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by razzle51 (Post 339531)
if the condition you are talking about Syringomyelia without Chiari , you need to get an expert on the subject , to check and make sure your spinal flow is good . If not you may have to have a shunt put in. If your flow is good then you need to be treated with medication. A syrinx can grow , can shrink and can stay the same. If you done have Chiari then injections in the neck for what??? Pain . Usually people that get those injections it helps a little but thats about it. also check and make sure you dont have chiari . if you do have chiari no injections period

Thanks for your reply. I asked the Neurologist what i had and he just said it's called a cyrinx- i'm not sure if i've spelt it right- he's given me Gabapentin to take 3x a day and co-dydramol 2 four x a day and the pain clinic see me next month for pain releif- injections into my neck. I have good days and bad days, on a good day i can manage but am quite slow and have to pace my self, on a bad day i need to put myself to sleep and with 2 young children this is very difficult. i am finding easy tasks at work difficult to carry out and my work load is just building up because i cannot complete tasks due to the pain i'm in and also because of the side effects of the medication. Luckily my line manager is good and he has authorised leave for the next month and so i will be working part time for the next month- during this time i want to see if i can make a claim on my insurance policy, i'm have a feeling this condition comes under permanent disability, if it does then i should be able to claim and i would get some financial releif and be able to reduce my work load on a long term basis- does anyone know of anybody with my condition that have had to make a claim on there insurance policy and can share some information about it with me. Also does anyone know of any society's in the south east region of the UK that offer support for poeple with my condition?
Thank you for all your information and help.

csinfo 09-28-2008 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by choudsal (Post 354175)
Thanks for your reply. I asked the Neurologist what i had and he just said it's called a cyrinx- i'm not sure if i've spelt it right- he's given me Gabapentin to take 3x a day and co-dydramol 2 four x a day and the pain clinic see me next month for pain releif- injections into my neck. I have good days and bad days, on a good day i can manage but am quite slow and have to pace my self, on a bad day i need to put myself to sleep and with 2 young children this is very difficult. i am finding easy tasks at work difficult to carry out and my work load is just building up because i cannot complete tasks due to the pain i'm in and also because of the side effects of the medication. Luckily my line manager is good and he has authorised leave for the next month and so i will be working part time for the next month- during this time i want to see if i can make a claim on my insurance policy, i'm have a feeling this condition comes under permanent disability, if it does then i should be able to claim and i would get some financial releif and be able to reduce my work load on a long term basis- does anyone know of anybody with my condition that have had to make a claim on there insurance policy and can share some information about it with me. Also does anyone know of any society's in the south east region of the UK that offer support for poeple with my condition?
Thank you for all your information and help.

Yes the syrinx is the "fluid filled cyst" in the spinal cord, syringomyelia is the disorder, I hav acm1 and NO syrinx, but I am on gabapentin-neurontin and it helps my pain a little, and I do phys therapy-core, tens, masage, ultrasound, all helps a little, I adjust my life a lot to my symptoms, I have days when nothing gets done, and other days when it is a triump to just get out of bed and make it down my house stairs and pack a quick lunch for my 2 kids,and dont be afraid to ask for help, when you need it! It is just impossible to get by without help- ask loved ones, friends, co workers, listen to your body, and rest when you need to, be "good" to yourself. And realize that things you could do before quickly, now may take a lot longgggger to get finished-give yourself time/slow down, and dont feel guilty about it! If you need a handicap/car sign- ask your doctor/dmv. I am not sure about the uk , but it is in the social security book for disability'syringomyelia" in the us

ryguy 06-13-2009 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Stetson (Post 109595)
I have just been told I have this disorder, to tell you the truth I'm afraid.I have 2 young kids and a wonderful wife that I'm afraid of putting a burden on them. What can I do?:confused:

I too have just discovered this. I also have 2 young children and a wonderful wife. I am about to buy these chinese herbs called mignitin and/or omeglatex. Look them up if you like, its worth a try i guess. im tired of living on pain meds. please be in touch if youre willing.

wild-at-heart 07-14-2009 12:01 AM

I too have Syringomyelia and a Chiari Malformation. It is kinda scary too. Mine is very large (from the basically the base of my skull to the bottom of my shoulder blades). I have been having symptoms since I was 12 and they figured out my malformation when I was 19. I had surgery for my Chiari Malformation a year ago last month.

My symptoms are better. I haven't been in to see my neurologist since I was cleared to go back to work and such, because we currently have no insurance. However, I had a spinal scan done tonight, actually, and it shows that my spine has curved from my neck to the bottom of my shoulder blades, which syringomyelia might cause.

I'm the queen of head injuries, so that has probably not helped. There are a lot of things I think I really need to, heading soccer balls and playing softball (major triggers of my symptoms before).

It's hard. A big life adjustment. Maybe I don't know enough about it to be scared of it yet, but it's not the end of the world. Could be worse, could be better...but this is how it is. The sooner I accepted it, the sooner I pretty much forgot about it.

Constantly, I am in pain...but I keep really busy, so I don't have time to think about it. My family is totally understanding and helpful. For the guy who started this post, tell your family. Let them love you through this. Let them help you. You aren't a burden. They will count it an honor, a joy, to walk this road with you. If you don't let them, it's just gonna hurt them more.

I do wanna say this...and if I'm breaking forum rules, sorry...this is my first time. But I serve a good God. He has given me trials that are huge for someone who is only 21. But He's still a good God. He does not stand back and watch idly as I wander blindly through life, hitting all of these walls and hardships. He is walking with me, His hand in mine. And I know FULLY that if God wanted to heal my syringomyelia right now, He could. For some reason, He doesn't want to, but that doesn't mean He isn't in control. It doesn't mean He isn't with me. And it doesn't mean He doesn't care. He just has other, far greater plans.

Ya'll, this is some tough stuff. Not gonna lie. I'm one of those "I need facts" kind of people. If it's wrong with me, I wanna know more than the doctor does about it. I got attacked by a dog at 18 and he ripped open my face pretty bad and the first thing i wanted was to see it. Sometimes the "facts" scare me. Until I remember that God is bigger than the boogie man...and He's bigger than anything I go through.

This may sound crazy weird but if anyone needs to talk or vent or what-not, shoot me an email. I don't give churchy answers. And I actually GET IT...because I'm there too.

juls024 09-17-2009 01:50 PM

Chinese Herbs

Originally Posted by ryguy (Post 523036)
I too have just discovered this. I also have 2 young children and a wonderful wife. I am about to buy these chinese herbs called mignitin and/or omeglatex. Look them up if you like, its worth a try i guess. im tired of living on pain meds. please be in touch if youre willing.

I am wondering how the Herbs worked for you? Thank you, Julie

mrsD 09-18-2009 05:13 AM

I'd caution against those products, based on some net evidence of the company making them.

They are very high in price, contain little substance, and
have appeared on complaint boards, for poor service or not sending the product.

Here is one opinion of Botanical Sources on a blog:
(be aware there is some strong language on this blog)

I found this when searching for a similar product mentioned on our PN forum here.

Buyer beware.

juls024 09-21-2009 03:54 PM

Thank you!! I appreciate you letting me know and giving me advice. My friend was born and raised in China. She moved her after college. I asked her to look up some information about the herbs, considering it all says CHINESE HERBS work and I can't read Mandarin. After not only reading about it, she called one of the Neurologist there and he pretty much said, they have Medicines that do help make a huge difference but NOT HERBS!! I think it is sad, how people/companies try to take advantage of people. People who found out they are sick and looking for help! Really, what is this world coming to? Soo sooo sad!

brainiac 10-04-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Stetson (Post 109595)
I have just been told I have this disorder, to tell you the truth I'm afraid.I have 2 young kids and a wonderful wife that I'm afraid of putting a burden on them. What can I do?:confused:

I was diagnosed with the same thing, the doctor said and I quote "this is the biggest Syrinx I've ever seen I don't understand how you are not paralyzed?" After 4 surgeries and a shunt hopefully things will get better, but as for you be careful with hot and cold items, please do your research you will find that some or all of problems that you are having could be related to your syrinx due to the pressure being placed on your spinal cord. I also have 2 young children, my oldest 11 saw me have a seizure right in front of him,it is very difficult for them, dont forget that you are Supermom to them and nothing should be able to hurt you, so I hope the best for you, any way that I can help please feel free to ask.

happybear111 11-14-2009 09:48 PM

I also have a syrinx in my lumbar spine, i understand what you are going through. mine was found by mistake, i had an avm and they found the syrinx doing an mri scan. if you have any question please feel free to asks!

vicky429 01-30-2010 11:24 PM

how do you know?
I was diagnosed with a syrinx cyst.It is located at my c/6 to t/2 and is 8mm in width.I am just wondering does this mean i have syringomyelia???? My regular physician is clueless but i am going to see a neurosurgeon in February.I do have several symptoms all in right side.My right hand goes numb and right leg.My right shoulder is sore and i get like tingling and burning in it.Also a newer symptom is the feeling of very cold water is being poured into spinal cord and also goes down into leg and foot..Any responses would be greatly appreciated.Thank you.

vicky429 01-30-2010 11:36 PM

how do you know?
I was diagnosed with a syrinx cyst.It is located at my c/6 to t/2 and is 8mm in width.I am just wondering does this mean i have syringomyelia???? My regular physician is clueless but i am going to see a neurosurgeon in February.I do have several symptoms all in right side.My right hand goes numb and right leg.My right shoulder is sore and i get like tingling and burning in it.Also a newer symptom is the feeling of very cold water is being poured into spinal cord and also goes down into leg and foot..Any responses would be greatly appreciated.Thank you.

WyndyHopes 02-02-2010 10:45 AM

no easy answers

Originally Posted by wild-at-heart (Post 537195)
I too have Syringomyelia and a Chiari Malformation. It is kinda scary too. Mine is very large (from the basically the base of my skull to the bottom of my shoulder blades). I have been having symptoms since I was 12 and they figured out my malformation when I was 19. I had surgery for my Chiari Malformation a year ago last month.

My symptoms are better. I haven't been in to see my neurologist since I was cleared to go back to work and such, because we currently have no insurance. However, I had a spinal scan done tonight, actually, and it shows that my spine has curved from my neck to the bottom of my shoulder blades, which syringomyelia might cause.

I'm the queen of head injuries, so that has probably not helped. There are a lot of things I think I really need to, heading soccer balls and playing softball (major triggers of my symptoms before).

It's hard. A big life adjustment. Maybe I don't know enough about it to be scared of it yet, but it's not the end of the world. Could be worse, could be better...but this is how it is. The sooner I accepted it, the sooner I pretty much forgot about it.

Constantly, I am in pain...but I keep really busy, so I don't have time to think about it. My family is totally understanding and helpful. For the guy who started this post, tell your family. Let them love you through this. Let them help you. You aren't a burden. They will count it an honor, a joy, to walk this road with you. If you don't let them, it's just gonna hurt them more.

I do wanna say this...and if I'm breaking forum rules, sorry...this is my first time. But I serve a good God. He has given me trials that are huge for someone who is only 21. But He's still a good God. He does not stand back and watch idly as I wander blindly through life, hitting all of these walls and hardships. He is walking with me, His hand in mine. And I know FULLY that if God wanted to heal my syringomyelia right now, He could. For some reason, He doesn't want to, but that doesn't mean He isn't in control. It doesn't mean He isn't with me. And it doesn't mean He doesn't care. He just has other, far greater plans.

Ya'll, this is some tough stuff. Not gonna lie. I'm one of those "I need facts" kind of people. If it's wrong with me, I wanna know more than the doctor does about it. I got attacked by a dog at 18 and he ripped open my face pretty bad and the first thing i wanted was to see it. Sometimes the "facts" scare me. Until I remember that God is bigger than the boogie man...and He's bigger than anything I go through.

This may sound crazy weird but if anyone needs to talk or vent or what-not, shoot me an email. I don't give churchy answers. And I actually GET IT...because I'm there too.

I get it - too. and struggle every day. There are no churchy answers for pain that we cannot understand, and a healing that does not seem to come. But, OMG what I have learned that i could not have learned any other way. Still learning, lots today just being on this site. Hang in there sometimes is just the phrase of the day. just hang in there. and see what comes into your hand. ~WyndyHopes~ and Believes

vicky429 02-04-2010 10:00 AM

Help i am confused
I was diagnosed as having a syrinx in spinal cord but was having symptoms way before they found it.i was not told that i had syringomyelia or cm. My cyst is from c/6 to t/2 and is 8mm wide.the right side has been mainly affected with numbness tingling and a feeling of cold water running through left arm started to hurt so severly the other night i was bawling and could not even hold baby to feed him,so i decided to go to the er and they treated me like i was a crazy person.they said they looked at my mri and the cyst could not be causing my symptoms it is not impinging anything.and furthermore they said they spoke to my neurosurgeons partner,whom i have not even seen yet until feb23 said they will not do any operations on me.i am just wondering do i keep appt with neuro???what do i do now?? If not the cyst causing symptoms what else could it be??? Someone please help me!!!!!i am on neurontin and selexa for depression and am now using a cane to help me walk..does anyone have any insight to this please help me i feel like i am losing my mind....:(

vicky429 02-04-2010 10:15 AM

I have a syrinx in spinal cord and was having symptoms long before they found it.i have tingling numbness in right arm and leg,and a feeling of cold water running through spine and into leg.the left arm was hurting so bad the other night i was bawling like a baby and could not even pick up or feed my six month old.i am now using a cane to help me walk.i went to er for the severe pain in left arm and they treated me as if i was crazy.they said the cyst could not be causing my symptoms and it is not impinging any thing.furthermore they said they spoke to my neurosurgeons partner whom i have never even seen yet until feb 23 and he said they said they will not even operate on me.was just wondering where to go from here?? Do i keep my appt with neuro or what?? What else could be causing symptoms??? If not the cyst what else could it be?? Also my cyst is from c/6 to t/2 and is 8mm wide.could it be ms????help i am losing my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!

crystal moss 02-11-2010 12:31 AM

syrinx help
there is hope! i have had a syrinx for 2 yrs. iwas ready to hav surgery until i was put on lyrica and carbamazepin.... walkn, talkn, thinkn again. thank God! still considrn surgry cz im 29 with no kids but ive come so far not sure if i shld risk it. yes stress does seem 2 ncrease symptoms. God bless!

Sheri_TOS 02-14-2010 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by vicky429 (Post 617851)
I have a syrinx in spinal cord and was having symptoms long before they found it.i have tingling numbness in right arm and leg,and a feeling of cold water running through spine and into leg.the left arm was hurting so bad the other night i was bawling like a baby and could not even pick up or feed my six month old.i am now using a cane to help me walk.i went to er for the severe pain in left arm and they treated me as if i was crazy.they said the cyst could not be causing my symptoms and it is not impinging any thing.furthermore they said they spoke to my neurosurgeons partner whom i have never even seen yet until feb 23 and he said they said they will not even operate on me.was just wondering where to go from here?? Do i keep my appt with neuro or what?? What else could be causing symptoms??? If not the cyst what else could it be?? Also my cyst is from c/6 to t/2 and is 8mm wide.could it be ms????help i am losing my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!

You need to find someone knowledgable on SM. Check out:

When the problem is very rare, not every doctor in the discipline has experience to treat that problem. SM and ACM is very rare and you need to see someone who has treated SM and ACM patients. Otherwise, they don't understand.

chiarichic 03-03-2010 12:35 AM


I want to encourage you to keep fighting for the care that you deserve.
One trick up my sleeve is to get an idea, through research and chatting with others who have been through this, of what tests and possible imaging I might need before I even go to dr. or ER. And I usually carry a complete copy of the hospital and dr office reports and images from my Decompression and Laminectomy. I also make sure I have a close friend or loved one with me who is supportive and can back up my account of my symptoms. I find that a doc is much more likely to probe a little further in trying to diagnose when I have asked for certain tests and they know they should run them, because if they don't and I get worse....they could be liable. I don't like to work the system that way, but I have 3 beautiful daughters and a husband who I adore and I need to stay as healthy as possible. And then of course, if nothing else is working, sometimes I just play the b**** card. What r they gonna do, spit in my food or give me a shot with a super long needle. HA.

JNINE 03-26-2010 11:09 AM

Herbal treatment

Originally Posted by ryguy (Post 523036)
I too have just discovered this. I also have 2 young children and a wonderful wife. I am about to buy these chinese herbs called mignitin and/or omeglatex. Look them up if you like, its worth a try i guess. im tired of living on pain meds. please be in touch if youre willing.

My husband was diagnosed w/ SM in 07. His pain doc prescribes methadone and xaxax together - horrible and dangerous combo, in my opinion. I stumbled across the chinese herbal treatment website the day before I read your post. I am curious to know if you tried it. Please reply, thanks

mammadukes 03-26-2010 03:45 PM

chiari mom
You will be just fine, easier said then done my 18 year old has it and my 14 year old as well and myself and im a mom of 4 you can do it hun

witherspoon10 08-21-2011 10:47 PM

right side pain related to thoracic spnal cyst

Originally Posted by choudsal (Post 337441)

I have just joined this forum and recently after 2 MRI scan's and months of severe pain down my right side, pins and needles, burning pain and severe one sided head aches i was told that i had a cyst in my spinal cord which may or may not be causing my symptoms. This has come as a bit of a shock to me as a i am in a full time job with two young very demanding children and at the same time i am the main breadwinner. I have had a lot of time off work because i simply can't tolerate the pain. I can't have any anti- inflammatories because i had an asthma attck from them last year, and my GP won't go beyong CO-Codamol because she inssits that i would not be able to function aftertaking them- i need to drive to work and drive for the school run apparently anything strnger than co-codamol would effect driving. Can anyone tell me if this condition is permenant and whether or not and is it classed as a disability? I have been referred to the pain clinic they have suggested injections into my neck- which does not sound to welcoming- but has anyone been through this and did it help them? Please could some one affer me some tips to deal with this condition!

What is going on have right side pain radiating to chest wall feel like heart attack if i did not know my heart is on the left i would swear i was having an MI. my back is tight now back is burning with a feeling of fluid goind down spine. had 3 epidural blocks helped for a minute but not significantly is this cm or syrinx no headaces really but have spasm feels like pleurisy. sister has cm with syrinx. neurologist said no compression I dont belive because of the pain, Neck is crunching dont know just dont know

brendatis 09-01-2011 08:24 PM

Was diagnosed with borderline Chiari and have syrinx in cervical area. Have had pain and problems in the "cape" area between shoulders. Almost positive this resulted from a fall in 2009. I see the neurosurgeon on Sept. 26. Do NOT want to have decompression surgery. The doctor (bone and joint specialist at that) who discovered this said NS will probably want to do full spine MRI and then go from there.

Has anyone out there chosen to forego decompression and perhaps opt for shunt only? Did this help? I've researched this topic until I'm more confused now than I was in the beginning!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

TeachMA 10-25-2011 01:21 PM

Same Symptoms Thoracic Syringomyelia

Originally Posted by witherspoon10 (Post 797934)
What is going on have right side pain radiating to chest wall feel like heart attack if i did not know my heart is on the left i would swear i was having an MI. my back is tight now back is burning with a feeling of fluid goind down spine. had 3 epidural blocks helped for a minute but not significantly is this cm or syrinx no headaces really but have spasm feels like pleurisy. sister has cm with syrinx. neurologist said no compression I dont belive because of the pain, Neck is crunching dont know just dont know

I often get feelings like this and knowing what it comes from helps, after the pain subsides. I've had numbness, tingling, burning, squeesing... Doctors often think your crazy when you say the pain moves or doesn't stay in opne area. I feel like my alternator is tripping out. Any new research or success for you?

cins 10-26-2011 05:28 PM

30mm herniation (CM1 w/o syrinx) 2 yrs post-op symptoms as bad as pre-op
Hi, posting from Cape Town, South Africa

My post op relief was a dream but 2 years on my symptoms have creeped up on me with a vengeance. Sharp stabbing pain in back, tightness in neck, sensitivity to light, trouble focussing on text when reading, constant need to use the loo, good ole "Chiari" headache is back! Cannot hold my blowdry brush (imagine how long it takes me to do my hair!), vertigo. Painkillers have helped some but I think I've overdone it over the years - tum burns now if I consume even one pill - doc says I may have developed an ulcer!

My apologies for my rant - just:wink: had to get it out...

pratt4 10-31-2011 07:29 PM

I also am new to this thread and posted in another one earlier, I have been dealing with health problems for the last 10 years and was diagnosed with fybromyalgia but recently was diagnosed with chiari 1 and in reading the symptom's on the mayo clinic website can not believe no one caught this before now!! I have literately gotten to the point that I am home bound, fighting for disability, and it didn't have to be this way. I am only 36 with 2 children and thought my life was over, I never fully accepted the fibro diagnosis and also do not want to have to be on pain meds to just live a some what normal life. I am lucky to have a husband, who has literally had to carry me to help me with daily life, and also had to come to terms with my limitation's and my children having to grow up watching me like this. I do what I can and try not to stress about what I can't!! I am hoping when I get to a neurologist or neurosurgeon that surgery will be an option so that I can get back to somewhat of a normal life. Any info on doc's around SC or information on chiari would be greatly appreciated

razzle51 11-02-2011 06:44 AM

Just Dr. Rosner in NC he is a expert

pratt4 11-02-2011 08:42 AM

Thanks...I also found that MUSC in Charleston, SC has info on this too.

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