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Dmom3005 12-18-2022 03:57 PM

Out of hospital, and back at Derrick's its getting cold here in Indiana.
I've been MIA for 10 days because I was in the hospital. I am not going
to say a lot because there isn't a lot but things of illness to say.

But I had severe diarreah and really low instead of high blood pressure.
Which is really odd. Anyway, I ended up having to get Steroids to get
the mess to stop, and then I had a colonoscopy on Thursday after having
the prep that I was trying to avoid on Wednesday night. But it went
better than expected, I got the prep down in 50 minutes which I was so
proud of.

The results are colitis. And exactly ischemic colitis and celiac artery atherosclerosis. Now I will let you look it up if you want to know more
about either one. I can't exactly explain it right now.

I had ulceratitus colitis about 20 years ago, and its in remission. THey
thought in the beginning that it had returned.

The other thing that really was odd, was that I came up at about 7pm
on that Tuesday night I believe the 7th of December, all the sudden
with the problem of Diarreah and then fainting.

It seems by almost 11:30pm I had fainted 3 times. The second time
Derrick couldn't get me up by himself, so he had called Dale to
come help. And he came not realizing that I was fainting on Derrick
he tried just getting me up thinking it would then be me going to my
bed. But I went right back down. Then I guess I took him down with
me. A few minutes later, I do remember asking him how I got back down
there. Anyway I had a mess all over, and he got me cleaned up and
then we made a plan to get me up and to the bed, by using a chair.

It worked. I went to the hospital the next morning, other than starting
IV and other things there wasn't anything they could do that night.
And its been a big mess in the ER's during the night usually a 4 to 5
hour wait so I didn't want to wait there.

So off we went the next day. I came home yesterday afternoon.

So I'll be back when I can.

ITs nice to be home.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 12-18-2022 04:47 PM

what a horrible ordeal. Am i ever sorry,
love you,

bizi 12-18-2022 05:59 PM

donna thanks for letting us know.
How long were you in the hospital for? did you receive good care?
they address the fainting. and low blood pressure?
I will look that up later.
going to get a bite to eat.
love bizi

Lara 12-18-2022 09:29 PM

wow, not good to hear Donna. Get strong fast.


mymorgy 12-19-2022 07:54 AM

hi dollface,
how are you doing to do?

Dmom3005 12-19-2022 06:30 PM

Yes, they addressed everything. I'm getting stronger every day.

I'm a little irritated right now. The home health care that I was to
have called this afternoon, stating was I completely Homebound.
Told her yes, other than if someone came and took me to doctor's
appt. Or like to get things I needed. She said, well then I couldn't
have the services.

Well not sure how you can go to your appointments and get things
you need if you can't do these things. But its life I'm not fighting with

And just to become eligible I wont cancel the doctor's appointment
I was told to make.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 12-19-2022 08:29 PM

there are so many life threatenjng morons in the world. why can'i they be locked up\

bizi 12-19-2022 11:35 PM

I used to work for home health.

they let you go to your doctors

appointments but not shop some

one has to do that for you.

It is all about home bound status.
Call another home care company

they are a dime a dozen.

Dmom3005 12-20-2022 02:44 PM

Right, Bizi.

The problem was that the main thing I needed to pick up at the
store was.

1. A blood sugar monitor kit, with strips, and lancets.
2. themometer, and things like that.
3. Depends, my husband refused to get these because of cost
and fact they are different sizes. He was afraid he would get wrong

The blood sugar monitor kit, I have been trying to either replace mine
or get the supplies for. For months because no one has had the supplies.
The doctor's office tried twice to order me one. The pharmacy said,
they just wanted me to pick one up out in the aisles. Which one time
I did. Then I picked up supplies a few times. But the last 6 months or
so I haven't been able to find all of them. I had the cvs monitor kit
and things. I even looked for my old avia chek kit. No one has had

But yesterday I finally after finding the kits, found the right things.
THen just about couldn't get the thing to work at home. But this morning
it worked.

I am going to start a new thread with a new problem.
But I'm doing pretty good.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 12-20-2022 02:52 PM

Ok, I was expecting some problems with diarreah sorry if to much information.
But had some not much on Sunday evening. Not much to worry. but
kept eye on. Did lots better with more solid but still fast stools and way to
runny type for me on Monday. This morning I got up, ate a little breakfast,
and had diarreah bad real fast. Started a diet again of water, lemon lime drink, hot tea, and crackers, and will try to eat toast with probably peanut butter today.
My stomach at 3:00pm is still sore and hurting. So I know it is still in background
and might be coming back. But I'm doing okay.

I called my primary because its scaring me, and I don't want back in hospital or
to go have a liquid IV. Especially since they had to stick IV's 5 times and I only
have one arm to do them in.

But the primaries nurse, gave me the gasto's number because since all
I had was the vascular's surgeon's number. And they tried this morning
to call and make an appt. When I go to that appt. Dale will be going.
Seems I may be looking at more surgery. The nurse explained better
than the hospital ever did. That they seem to have found something
when doing the Colonoscopy so that is why the appt. So I'm so glad
I called.

Anyway, waiting on Gastro office to call back to see. If they have
a clue how to work with the diarrhea, I don't want to end up back
at the hospital. This is getting to be a bad week before xmas.

But I have to say, Dale has stepped up really nicely. He retired at the
exact right time. He has been lots of help. And will be in town at a moments
notice if Derrick or I say we need him. He has helped with Derrick's medicaid,
and work. And he has been my guardian angel so much.

Thanks for listening.


bizi 12-20-2022 08:30 PM

donna just say that you went to the doctors appointment and the pharmacy. no need to explain.
glad that you found what you were needing.
drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated you could pass out again from dehydration.
love you lots

Dmom3005 12-21-2022 08:17 AM


Right, I really didn't explain. I just had changed my address and
I think that made it were they questioned why I was here instead
of at home. Well at the hospital they knew I stayed here part of the

Anyway I will make it work. I'm so glad Dale is coming to take
me to the doctor tomorrow. I wasn't looking forward to taking
myself. He is also going with me to one of the new doctors
on the 3rd of January. I am really curious what I will find out with
this vascular surgeon.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

Dmom3005 12-23-2022 11:11 AM

Ok, went to my primary doctor yesterday. Learned some interesting
things. Well not really wanting to, but needing to know that I needed
an mri and csan anyway they are scheduled for Jan. 19th.

THey are for some nodules on the adrenal gland that have been there for
10 years, which I believe is close to when I had my gallbladder removed and
two cyst off my ovaries. One went from 20mm to 24mm and the other
one went from 14mm to 28mm I believe. And a new to seeing nodule for
my lung 1.1cm and its being checked on too. I honestly can't remember which one's are being seen on mri and scan. But I think the lung one is scan.

I am in good spirits because they are all still considered small. And can be about anything. So I'm going to see what they are and then how we treat them. I'm fine with waiting till the 19th because that is when both test can be done same day. And my specialty doctor wouldn't look at one and see me without the other.

So it doesn't really matter. It also gives me time to find out what to do with the other things from the other doctor.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Lara 12-23-2022 02:20 PM

:hug: You have a lot going on all of a sudden. Thinking of you.

Dmom3005 12-23-2022 05:26 PM

Thanks Lara.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

Dmom3005 12-26-2022 12:32 PM

We had a great christmas. Sure hope everyone else did. Dan, Derrick, Dale and I had it at Derrick's house. Dale did the cooking. He made Ham, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and we had some great desserts.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 12-26-2022 06:56 PM

Anyone that might be around. I really have no clue why I still am so
tired and can't seem to get over the feeling of not feeling good.

I just don't seem to be able to get over the side hurting, and some of
the other things. I will continue to try but sure wish I knew how to

donna :hug::grouphug:

Lara 12-26-2022 08:30 PM

HI Donna, I'm so sorry about how you're feeling. I know how it feels even though it's for different reasons. I will check in here more often to see if you've posted.

Firstly, I would imagine that the ischemic colitis alone would cause fatigue due to it being inflammatory. Inflammatory conditions do that. You won't really know more about a few problems that have shown up because you haven't had the MRI and CT until 19th January I think it was. The problem on your lung could be just a cyst and whatever it is is pretty small at 1.1cm. They're more common than people realize as we age. Sometimes they show up on kidneys too as well as in the lung.

Do remember though that you not long ago saw your Oncologist who basically gave you excellent results. Apart from your colitis which is a serious issue of its own, I think that if there was something else really serious it would perhaps have shown up as anomalies in your blood tests as well as in medical imaging if you had any before your last breast cancer appointment. Plus the docs wouldn't leave you too long. I wonder when you last had a PET/CT?

Inflammation causes fatigue. You need to keep warm if you can and rest as much as possible. If the pain gets too bad please do call your doctor or go see your doctor if possible. If you have more bowel issues or fainting episodes you really should go to hospital. I don't know if they're doing TeleHealth in your country but gosh it's been a wonderful thing at times for me.

I'm around a lot but just don't check here, but I don't like you feeling like this, it's not like you to feel so bad and I worry about you.



p.s. stay away from the spicy or fatty foods for now and ask the Doc about diet to help while you heal.

Lara 12-26-2022 09:06 PM

Do you have your own blood pressure machine at home. If your bp has gone too low again that could be causing you to feel really off (too high or too low can). Fatigue and not feeling right might be bp connected. I bought my own and it has been really helpful.

Are the roads open there??

>>>Edited later to add...
Tuesday night here now. I'll check back tmro when I wake up to see how you're doing Donna. I'm hoping you're feeling a little better. Don't forget to keep those fluids up like bizi said earlier. Talk later. Goodnight

Dmom3005 12-27-2022 02:05 PM


Thanks, I've been watching the blood sugar, which is finally getting close to normal for me. Still a little high. But my blood pressure machine is out at my house so I'll have to go get it. Or just buy a new one. Its not as easy to tell the husband were it is and him find it. I go to the surgeon on Tuesday next week for the things they found at the hospital so that is when I'll get some answers from that. I will work on the blood pressure checking machine. I might have one that my mom had here somewhere just need to locate it.

Thanks for the thought Lara and help. I'm eating as best I can, and keeping fluides down for sure water, juices and lime lime soda. Yes, its not the best but better than caffenine now to get a answer for the migraines instead of caffeeine drinks would be great. Oh I drink lots of Hot Chocolate and hot tea too.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 12-28-2022 12:48 PM

Hi Lara and everyone,

I had a bad night. I made mistake I guess and ate too much lasagna at
Fasoli's but it was really good. I'm not sorry I ate it. Just wish I'd ate about
half of it and brought the rest home.

I really wanted Turkey for Christmas, but Dale couldn't find the right kind.
So, I got a package of turkey, I'll probably go see if Denny's still has there
dinner later this week and get some.

I would really just like to get the turkey so I may see if I can.

I am figuring out that I am having good mornings. And pretty much
bad afternoons and evenings.

So, I'm hoping by Friday I will have a better afternoon and evening.


Jomar 12-28-2022 01:19 PM

When my tummy/gut is having problems , I do well with poached eggs and toast.
Then add in the BRAT diet foods.. Bananas, apples/sauce, rice, toast.. and see if those help or not..
Eggs are well rounded nutrition wise..
The sodas & hot chocolate may be part of the high blood sugar readings..low nutrition value.. but if that's all that works for you right now, do what works and try to add in more nutritious foods as you are able to.

I hope you get some relief & answers soon..

Dmom3005 12-29-2022 11:21 AM

Thanks Jomar,

I've been eating lots of toast, and drinking low amounts of Hot Chocolate.
More Hot tea than chocolate. I'm drinking only one can of diet lemon lime
a day if even that. And I only like grape juice so that is the only 100 % juice
I drink so not much of it either. I'm limiting mainly to water during the
day. I eat either mashed potatoes or mac and cheese if they taste good.

I tried banana's but they have to be very ripe and if they get to ripe I can't
eat them. So its a very small window.

I have had good luck with my yogurt and things too.

I just try a few new things once in a while.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 12-30-2022 10:31 AM

Well its raining here. And I've been up since 5:30am. I can't seem to sleep
right now more than about 5 hours. So we will see if my body finally lets
me soon. But Derrick and I went and got breakfast at Hardee's this morning.

I've been wanting biscuits and gravy so bad. So I got it and some hashbrowns.
Last night I had mac and cheese at O'Charley's and it went well so lets hope
today does too.

I need to get more bagels I ate my last one this morning. So I will if the rain
stops tomorrow. Ugh.

But its a good day. We will see what happens. Derrick works tonight, till
9:30 and has a ride home with a co-worker thankfully.


Lara 12-30-2022 02:32 PM

Ah yes, the elusive sleep. Know it well.

Hoping you have a good day Donna. take care.

Dmom3005 12-31-2022 06:04 PM

Well got more sleep last night

Took Derrick to work early. So its been me by myself all day. But that is okay.

He has a co-worker bringing him home tonight. So it should be good. Was worried to depend on Uber because of New Years eve. He gets off at 9:00pm.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-16-2023 04:02 PM

Returning here to keep my data on the information for my MRI and ct scan
on Thursday.

They are for my adrenal glands which I have a nodule on each adrenal gland
which has gotten bigger on one, and doubled in size on the other.

And a nodule on my lung which just showed up on the ct scan I had
in the hospital. So, they are going to see if they can figure out what it is.

They will send the results to my occologist .

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-16-2023 04:49 PM

just send love,

bizi 01-16-2023 10:51 PM

oh donna,
I send blessings for you.
How are you feeling?


Dmom3005 01-17-2023 04:40 PM

Other than not having the breathing energy I'd like. Meaning I still like
always get tired and need to sit down when I'm out. And can't go
out much in a time. But I did go to Dale's eye appointment, just sat
down when I needed to, we picked up Derrick, went to get him a
New phone. And some other things done. We also went to lunch,
but sitting down was a big thing.

So I had a good time, and didn't have to get to tired.

Next time out will be Thursday.


mymorgy 01-18-2023 10:34 AM

do i wish you the very best. how is your sleeping?
love you,

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