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Cjm028 05-09-2012 12:08 AM

Can anyone give me help and advice on my PCSD thank you
Read u on a forum how's your concuasion syndrome now ? Tell u my story*

January 17 2012 I slipped on some ice in Canada and hit my body hard landed on my back my neck and head violently shock but I got up fast and walked away but felt dizzy for couple hours then that night I felt full blown concussion symptoms. Went to the doctors a week later after symtomps got worst and ct MRI Caime clear doc said take months off. So I layed in a dark room for a week then week in bed felt little better started school February 27th in security officer training for a hospital and then when I ran a pare test obstical course ( full heart rate run and jumps for 4 min) the symptoms Caime back but I still stayed in school. I had dizzy felt cloudy thoughts hard to concentrate, tiredness hard to sleep and sore neck and my right side of the brain paulsated with pain . Well it was a roller coster of symptoms till April 20th I did a PPCT police pressure point tactics of 3 days days of take downs and pressure points to the neck as head etc I passed the course and the test got the job pays 45,000$ a year starting but week after the training I got full concussion symtomps again. This Tim short term memory loss for a 1-2 hours and mahout headache and now anxiety and confussion and pain in my right side of my brain doctor said take 2-3 months off rest no caffeine drugs or Alcohal no heavy excersise or weights and stress. Last Saturday may 6 I was rushed to hospital major headache painful and mem loss for 1 hour and major anxiety . The gave me morphine for the pain and Ibprohine and lazrazopam for anxiety. It's been 5 months now and I get dizzy driving and watching tv and video games ( which I don't do anymore drive or tv) and sun and noise bug me and hanging with my kids too :(. This is my 6 th concuasion in my life I had 3 from boxing ( I have 18 amateur fights as a teen) and 1 when I was 25 from a Mixed Martial Arts fights. I don't do that anymore I'm 29 years old I quit that when i was 26. But how long will this post concussion symtomps last? I have a great job ready for me and what do u suggested helps the recovery ? I made a appointment for a nurologist next month on June 2012. Thank you*

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Mark in Idaho 05-09-2012 01:11 AM


Welcome to NeuroTalk. Sorry to hear of your fall and struggles.

I have good news and bad news for you.

First the good news. You have found a great place for find good support and information about concussions. You also have a good opportunity to be supported in the changes you have already made and some you will need to make so you can maximize your recovery.

The bad news is due to your history of concussions and fighting. You may think you have a history of only 6 concussions but you likely have had many more. Add to that the fact that you have suffered an untold number of subconcussive impacts. This leaves your brain in a severely compromised state. This means you will need to be extra cautious about any further impacts, jars, or other even minor insults to your brain.

If you job requires continual or routine combat training, it could be a big risk for your future.

Something to help you recover is nutritional therapy. Your brain needs to detoxify before it can start healing. B-12 (500 to 1000 mcgs daily) a B-50 complex, Omega's, magnesium, calcium, are a good start.

Forget any timelines the doctors have suggested. With your concussion history, you will need to adopt some lifestyle changes that will be valuable for the rest of your life. As time goes on, you will find your triggers and threshold for activities. You will learn how to pace your life so that you can live it full.

As you continue to struggle, tell us you worst struggles and someone will have suggestions to help you manage those symptoms/struggles.

As you move forward, you will learn some new things about yourself that will be improvements upon your past self. Many of us have had to reinvent ourselves. That new self will open up new doors in your life.

My best to you

Cjm028 05-09-2012 10:31 AM

So I guess a career in secuirty won't be good I wonder what kind of career I should choose im 29 years old father of 6. Driving gives me headaches so does computer screens. I wonder if I should go back to construction I worked 5 years in that trade and never got hurt or had anything hit my head in secuirty people try fighting me daily bases and I don't want to drive truck prolong driving give me nasuea and headaches so does television watching and video games and computers and stress also I wonder what jobs I can find i can tolerate with this condition and do to support a family. Thank you.

Mark in Idaho 05-09-2012 10:51 AM

I think you may be a bit early in determining what kind of jobs you can do. You need to understand your symptoms so you can work at identifying the environments that you tolerate well.

Download and print out the TBI Survival Guide at so you can begin to understand your symptoms. Get your nutrition going.

List your symptoms here and we can help you understand the possible triggers.

Wow, 6 kids. I guess you need to stay warm in the Saskatchewan winters.

My best to you.

Cjm028 05-09-2012 02:00 PM

Thank you, it's summer and every summer I jog at the river and do long walks and lift weights I guess with my condition I have to rest and heal :(

Cjm028 06-10-2012 03:05 PM

It's been almost 2 months since my second concussion since jan 2012 and around my 6-7th in my life. I' still have symtomps and learned to manage them the depression phase was the worst to survive. I notice I have hand tremors an my hand eye coordination is off and my short term Memory is not all there. And I get neck jolts and tremors daily.

I hope I don't have CTE like hockey players and football players and pro boxers have. I'm only 29 but bogart boggy man hocky player had it and died from OxyContin overdose at 28 and the wrestler named test from WWE died age 32 and had chronic CTE. I'm affraird I'll get Alzheimer's or Parkinson's in 10-20 years :( my grandma had Alzheimer's.

My hands do have tremors and I still feel all the symtomps of post concuasion syndrome. All of them expect blurred vison and hearing loss I don't have. I mad a appointment with a nureologist for August and a therapist for en of this month for depression. Those nfl and hockey players with CTE most of them
Commided sucide and had mental health problems using want that for my future.

From my history and symtomps what do you think I have and what my future will be like I'm a married father of 5 and I'm on disability.

Mark in Idaho 06-10-2012 03:28 PM

There is no way to predict how your brain will handle your history of head impacts in the long term. When you consider NHL and NFL, those who suffer CTE in their 40 or so are a small percentage of the total players who have played a long hard career or those who played short but even more violent career.

None of us want our brains to give out early but I think some people, especially athletes who are used to living extremely active lives take minor losses in functions and make them into huge issues leading to depression.

I am dealing with permanent losses of cognitive and memory functions. I can understand their pain but not their decision to end it.

My father suffered from a deteriorating brain but it took 20 years from the time he had to retire do to his memory and cognitive struggles before he died. He lived an active life, snow skiing until the last year and going to the gym daily until 3 months before he passed away at 78. He retired at 58 due to his brain problems. His struggles started when he was about 40 and slowly declined from there.

He learned new ways to live life. He had a good life until the last year when he realized he needed help. He had to give up driving about 3 years before he died. He told the same stories over and over for the last decade but we did not see it as a problem. He probably would have lasted longer but cancer surgery with general anesthesia took a toll on his brain.

So, don't worry about CTE. It is a slow progression that effects a small percentage of athletes who suffered concussions.

I have been stable for about 10 years. My problems stabilized once I realized some of my other health issues that were making things worse (sleep apnea)

Enjoy your family. Try to find some simpler ways to live your life. And, give your brain plenty of time to work things out.

My best to you.

Cjm028 06-10-2012 06:29 PM

You think brain rehab faculty will help me recover instead of laying around all day ?

Mark in Idaho 06-10-2012 06:48 PM

They can help if they do rehab therapy AND teach you techniques for accommodating and working around your struggles.

There is no need for you to sit at home if you can learn some skills for living with those symptoms that do not recover.

I know plenty of people with far worse symptoms than we have who still live their lives. It may be a different life but it is a life worth living.

Cjm028 06-10-2012 10:10 PM

It's been almost 2 months since my last accident I can still ride a bus but I can't go out more then 2-3 hours a day then I pay for it. Soon as my insurance kicks in I'll do rehab massages acupuncture and fitness and other brain rehab the offer.

Cjm028 03-17-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 887828)
They can help if they do rehab therapy AND teach you techniques for accommodating and working around your struggles.

There is no need for you to sit at home if you can learn some skills for living with those symptoms that do not recover.

I know plenty of people with far worse symptoms than we have who still live their lives. It may be a different life but it is a life worth living.

wow I caime along way since my fall how life changed, this year was one of my worst years of my life almost 2010 was the worst thats when I lost my son. This year was health wize awful.

well im about 85% now I get a day of couple hours to a hour of foggyness but no headaches since sept 2012. My memory is little off sometimes but I feel overall great my neurologist said in November that I will heal and be ok and that my 15 or so boxing fights and 3 mma wont give me a deadly brain damage I thought id have but I do take care of myself. I want to lose some weight i gained from the meds

I gained like 30-35 pounds on the meds, all you have to do is tuff it out and take care of yourself take omeg fish oild vitamins b10 and 12 etc etc rest rest rest no excersise no stress.

this you tube video i fell asleep too all year it helped me relax, I want to medatatt and do yoga soon. I know I will have memory problems and some foggyness but im happy im alive.

I work out and excerise but i avoid high impact running i jus do light 5-10 min jogs.

man last year I was severly depressed with my PCS i couldnt walk talk I couldnt do anthing but lie in bed I lost my income I lost my job my future plans. I sold my car my tvs my steroes everything of value to servive n pay bills. I lost everything and my wife n family at that time. I though about ending it I was severly depressed with PCS and post tramadic stress from the death of my son in 2010.

well I rode out the storm worked it out with my wife, got my family back, going back to tech school at age 30 to be a auto mechanic and dealing with my left over PCS symtomps which I manage to live with.'

My advice is just tough it out, least your alive and not have a terminal illness that you cant survive. Learn more and read more learn how to help yourself get family n friends to learn about your condition, you may seem fine outside but inside your all messed up I know how that feels people doubt you cause you seem ok but your not.

Thanks for hearing my story, I still have Post tramadic stress disorder and seeking help, I suggest you try Aqua Healing look it up i taken it for 6 months man it felt good

Brain patch 03-19-2013 07:38 AM

Thanks man. I am so proud of you. You have come a long way. Good for you. Your a great example to all of us trying to figure out how to live in this condition. So nice to hear of such wonderful progress. So sorry about your son. What a great attitude, you have managed to pull through against great adversity. Nice job.
Brain :hug:

Cjm028 03-23-2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Brain patch (Post 967311)
Thanks man. I am so proud of you. You have come a long way. Good for you. Your a great example to all of us trying to figure out how to live in this condition. So nice to hear of such wonderful progress. So sorry about your son. What a great attitude, you have managed to pull through against great adversity. Nice job.
Brain :hug:

Thanks Brian, Man it was horrible trying to overcome PCS, but I learned to live with my problems of memory n foggyness etc, once you harness the symtomps and learn to adjust your lifestyle. Haveing a TBI or PCS is a life changer takes awhile to adjust to it lets face it our lives will never be the same.

Nor will our way of living it from now one, somebody said to me that the life you knew before is gone and its time to adjust to your new life. for those of you who are in the same boat and recovering please take time to recover dont rsh it your body needs time, ( i rushed it and got worse and worse) dont do anything rational just rest take your vitmins and ask for advice on this site I thank you all for all your advice and help, the storm clouds and rain always go away it never lats :):grouphug::winky::D

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