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KimS 09-30-2006 09:15 AM

Everything Free (egg free, dairy free, soy free, nut free, etc.)
Seeing as how this has turned into more of a discussion thread, I've made a new thread for actual recipes:

Acronyms for this thread:

cnf: corn free
df: dairy free
ef: egg free
gnf: grain free
nf: nut free
rsf: refined sugar free
scd: complex sugar free (specific carbohydrate diet)
sf: soy free
v: vegetarian (allows milk, egg and fish)
w: vegan
v: vegetarian (allows dairy, fish and eggs)
w: vegan

Please let me know if you think an acronym needs to be replaced or added... so that we can all be 'speaking the same language'.

mistofviolets 09-30-2006 11:28 AM

Hey...we need a corn free!
(And I think the SCD description should read "appropriate for the SCD diet, but thats just my opinion)

diamondheart 09-30-2006 02:08 PM

Coconut sauce for stir frys: everything free, SCD opt.
1 can premium coconut milk
1 Tbsp arrowroot
2 tsp lime juice
2 tsp fish sauce

Combine ingredients together and mix with a whisk. Add below as directed.

This sauce could be combined with various meats, seafood, tofu, and veggies as one desires. You can also add fresh ginger and garlic to the stir fry. My usual order is to cook and brown the meat or tofu first. Seafood is the exception and added last. Remove from pan, then heat your oil of choice (recommend coconut oil) and put in the garlic and ginger (optional). Cook slightly, but not too brown, then add your vegetables that take longer to cook first (broccoli, green beans, snap peas, bok choy etc.) and the shorter cooking vegetables second (leafy greans). Add your meat, seafood, or tofu and the coconut sauce. Reduce heat and cook until thickened. If you are using seafood, cook 5 minutes. Keep in mind that your vegetables and meat will be cooking during this time, so if you really like your vegetables crisp, don't cook them a lot ahead of time.

Can be made SCD by eliminating the arrowroot and making your own coconut milk.

Ideas for combos:

Shrimp & asparagus
Mahi mahi, bok choy, & snap peas
Chicken & green beans


rachelb 09-30-2006 03:00 PM

I think most people use CF for dairy free. It might be confusing if we change that.


RathyKay 09-30-2006 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by rachelb (Post 16769)
I think most people use CF for dairy free. It might be confusing if we change that.

To be honest, I've always wondered if CF was necessarily dairy free, as opposed to "casein free." Sometimes, recipes will call for ghee, and I'm just not brave enough to try it.

At my previous jobs, I've maintained my own lists of acronyms. Lots of times, there will be multiple results for one acronym. If we're going to sticky this thread, or link it to a sticky thread, can you add "Specific Carbohydrate Diet" as part of the "scd" definition? (I have no problem with you leaving your definition, along with it.) If it were my list, I'd probably also have a reference to Elaine Gottschall's book, too.

As far as the refined sugar free (rsf)... I've always gotten a little confused on that one. Is it just table sugar you buy by the bagfull? Is it honey? Or stevia? Or high fructose corn syrup? Molasses? Maple syrup? So, I guess I'm asking for more than just spelling out the acronym; I want some description to go along with it. I keep thinking if *I* have these questions, there are probably one or two others who might stumble on this site and wonder too.

Oh, and I guess I've been living in California too long. At first glance, "sf" is San Francisco, but I'll figure it out.

(I saw the thread title and was tempted to write a recipe for water... combine two hydrogen molecules with one oxygen molecule. Can be boiled, frozen, or enjoyed at room temperature.)

mistofviolets 09-30-2006 10:41 PM

Rainbow Not-Jello cake
Rainbow Not-Jello Cake DF/GRF/SCD/rsf/ef/corn free (may contain sulfites)

Start 1 cup Youngberry juice to boil.
Pour 1 cup *cold* water into a bowl.
Sprinkle 1 envelope Knox gelatin into cold water and let sit.

When the juice boils (don't let it boil off too much) pour it over the gelatin/water mixture. Whisk with a fork or whisk, if you've replaced your old gluten-y one; for 2 minutes (or less, just get it well mixed) Pour into serving bowl, or a bunch of custard cups. Let sit for 1.5-2 hours.
Repeat using apricot juice, but pour the finished mixture on top of the set youngberry mixture. You can use as many layers as you like. This is more jello like than the knox blox recipe, though its not super sweet. You can replace some water with juice, or add sugar (honey for SCD) if you prefer it sweeter. You can also use any juice (except lemonade or OJ, and possibly pineapple) Serve with fruit or whipped topping...but I think the whipped topping spoils the rainbow effect. (Not to mention is steeped with dairy and other junk :P)

rachelb 09-30-2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by RathyKay (Post 16788)
To be honest, I've always wondered if CF was necessarily dairy free, as opposed to "casein free." Sometimes, recipes will call for ghee, and I'm just not brave enough to try it.

That's a great point. Ghee is casein free (and we use it without a problem and I know a lot of other people who do, too), but you're right that it's not dairy free. Tough one.


Originally Posted by RathyKay (Post 16788)
(I saw the thread title and was tempted to write a recipe for water... combine two hydrogen molecules with one oxygen molecule. Can be boiled, frozen, or enjoyed at room temperature.)

LOL!!! Good one!! It does seem like once you leave out all those things that's all you're left with!


JudyLV 10-02-2006 09:35 AM

I just went away for the weekend with some friends. It is much easier to eat gluten, dairy, egg, soy, legume, and citrus free at home than when planning meals with others. They were very understanding and pretty careful though. It would be so nice if we could just forget about food allergies for a while. They were amazed at how careful I am and decided it might be easiest to just eat dirt :eek: .


JudyLV 10-02-2006 09:47 AM

I know there are a lot of casein free recipes out there but I also need to make sure they are Dairy free. I guess we will have to decide on one set of acronyms so corn free and casien free are not confused in the headings.


valeriemates 10-02-2006 08:58 PM

Would it work to just spell out the words? That way nobody needs to guess at what the author intended. Plus it might be easier to do a search to find things if they are labeled with the written-out words.

Just a thought; I'm not at all sure it's the right answer.


KimS 10-03-2006 07:22 AM

Mist and Claire:

Because this has turned into a discussion thread, I've made another recipe thread:

Would you mind copying your recipes over there so that we can continue using this place for discussion but not at the loss of your recipes? ;)

I've re-done some of the acronyms. Can everyone check them out?

I'm not comfortable using cf for corn free because it's already understood by the world as meaning casein free.

mistofviolets 10-03-2006 12:22 PM

I recopied mine...but wanted to mention that copying/pasting the list of acronyms didn't seem to make much sense, since that would include the definitions as well. If we're doing the definitions written out, we don't need acronyms.

Sorry! Don't mean to be TOO picky!

ETA: what was the final decision on using altered pre-published recipes? The scd banana pancakes are great...but my recipe is still very similar to the one in BTVC.

KimS 10-03-2006 12:26 PM

Good point.

I will block off the acronyms only.

jamietwo 10-03-2006 01:27 PM

I'm sorry for cluttering up the other thread! Moving my discussion from there to here, but Kim has already taken care of it! Thanks!

"Kim, the recognized symbol for vegan is V in a circle. I wonder if mf: meat free would be more appropriate for vegetarian? BTW, vegetarians don't eat fish - nothing with a face! ;)

Technically I shouldn't say I eat a vegan diet because I do consume honey. Honey is an animal product, and therefore isn't vegan. So a recipe with honey should not be labeled vegan (I just went back and changed one of mine to reflect this - you'd think I'd know better!:p ).

As for me, I don't know all the rules of SCD, so I will just leave that designation off any recipes I post!"

diamondheart 10-03-2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by JudyLV (Post 17978)
I know there are a lot of casein free recipes out there but I also need to make sure they are Dairy free. I guess we will have to decide on one set of acronyms so corn free and casien free are not confused in the headings.


Since this is now a discussion thread...

The only food I can think of that is casein free but not dairy free is ghee. Are there any others?


mistofviolets 10-03-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by JudyLV (Post 17978)
I know there are a lot of casein free recipes out there but I also need to make sure they are Dairy free. I guess we will have to decide on one set of acronyms so corn free and casien free are not confused in the headings.


Maybe we should add an "EA" for "Easily Adaptable"? Obviously, cheesecake does not adapt well to dairy free...but if the only dairy ingredient is a TBS of ghee or buttering the griddle, it would adapt well to df substitutions.

I'm reminded of my biggest cookbook pet peeve...allergy free recipes that call for "simple" substitutions. Like soy cream cheese, soy sour cream and soy milk...(Even better when they're coupled with "your favorite gf flour mix" and "egg replacer") I can understand using soy milk. But, when the whole recipe is "fake" ingredients, its not a "real" recipe. I prefer to make my own subs :)

RathyKay 10-03-2006 11:42 PM

I feel like I kind of derailed this thread, but it didn't have "Recipe" in the title, and it seemed like it could be a discussion thread. Anyway, I'm glad it's officially discussion and I don't feel as guilty.

Originally Posted by diamondheart (Post 19108)
The only food I can think of that is casein free but not dairy free is ghee. Are there any others?

When you read labels on prepackaged food, I've seen whey and lactose, but I have no idea if you can buy those separately to cook with. (Obviously, I'm not looking either.) So, I think "technically" there is more than ghee that is casein-free but not dairy-free. But "practically," as far as baking goes, probably not.

And now, having written that, I keep thinking I read that some soy yogurt and whatnot contain dairy. I've never bothered looking into "fake" cheeses and yogurts, so I don't know. What kind of dairy do they use, if they use dairy? Is it casein? Or whey? Or ??? In that case, I can see a recipe calling for a yogurt substitute and meeting casein-free, but not dairy-free. But, as I said, I don't know.

rachelb 10-04-2006 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by diamondheart (Post 19108)
The only food I can think of that is casein free but not dairy free is ghee. Are there any others?

I can't think of any. And I think ghee is probably very easy to sub as you can use most margarines in place of it.

Editing to add that I have heard that there is vegetable ghee, too, so there is dairy free ghee out there.


JudyLV 10-04-2006 01:07 PM

I tested off the chart high for reactions to both casein and whey on the York delayed food allergy test. I assumed that they could be found separately in different foods. Otherwise why would they test for both? I have seen a bread recipe that calls for the addition of sweet dairy whey. I don't know if that would be whey in a pure form (if there is such a thing) or if casein would also be present. At any rate I am not adding it in my bread.

rachelb 10-20-2006 10:27 AM

I have a question--can one post recipes that are not *everything* free to the other thread or just one's that are. I have one that is grain free, GF/CF, SCD friendly, corn free (if you make your own powdered sugar or buy the right kind), and I can't even think what else but is *not* nut free or egg free.


KimS 10-20-2006 01:11 PM

Hi Rachel,

It does apply because it's 'multiple things free'.

It's helpful to copy the key, in the first post, to the top of our recipes and then deleting the ones that do not apply to our particular recipe.

As people's eyes get used to processing the 'key', they will easily be able to identify their 'frees' very easily. This means that they will eventually be able to skim through those recipes very quickly for the ones that apply to them.

This will only work if everyone copies the key using a copy/paste mechanism so that it looks exactly the same in every recipe.

rachelb 10-20-2006 03:03 PM

Thanks, Kim. I posted it. However, I was wrong that it is was SCD. It is not but could probably be made SCD by subbing an SCD sweetener for the sugar.


diamondheart 10-22-2006 09:17 AM

Putting the title in your recipe
Don't forget to fill out the title box of your recipe when you post it. It makes it easier to read. To add it in after you edit it, click on the "Edit" button on the lower right of your post, then click on the "Go Advanced" to get the title box to show up. Add it in and save!

The other way you can make the title of your recipe stand out in your post is to give it a different font, color, or bold it, or all of the above!

Thanks, Claire

Beth 1 12-12-2006 05:07 PM

Alternative Sugar
our son has been put on a no "anything" diet, no yeast,rye, wheat,diary,poultry,certain nuts,cane sugar,etc..I found this alternative sugar I am sure you all might know of it, but if not, is 100% birch sugar, another name for xilytol (sp) anyway, it is a natural source not lab made, it is used for diabetics and very restrictive diets, it tastes just like sugar, 1 tsp =4 gms=9.6 calories, I get it from "ultimate meal" does anyone have any flat bread recipes-and or bread for "no anything" diets? Thanks. Beth:Sigh:

diamondheart 12-12-2006 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Beth 1 (Post 48971)
our son has been put on a no "anything" diet, no yeast,rye, wheat,diary,poultry,certain nuts,cane sugar,etc..I found this alternative sugar I am sure you all might know of it, but if not, is 100% birch sugar, another name for xilytol (sp) anyway, it is a natural source not lab made, it is used for diabetics and very restrictive diets, it tastes just like sugar, 1 tsp =4 gms=9.6 calories, I get it from "ultimate meal" does anyone have any flat bread recipes-and or bread for "no anything" diets? Thanks. Beth:Sigh:

Hi Beth,

Welcome to our forum! Check out my post on alternative sugars:

I also really like the Ultimate Meal 100% birch sugar, but our local store has been out of it for 3 months :eek: and they don't know when the manufacturer will be sending them more. I've been forced to use other alternative sugars without it, and using Sucanat, which is better than refined sugar, even though it's still sugar :Bang-Head: .


clarklindh 12-03-2007 08:52 PM

Ghee tested to be casein and lactose free FYI
Howard Feldenkreis of Purity Farms, Inc wrote back to me:

Dear Susan
Thank You for writing to us! Yes, every batch of our Ghee is tested
in an FDA certified lab to insure that it is lactose and casein
free....Therefore we can put on our label that our Ghee is,indeed, lactose and casein free-it is fine for people with even the most severe dairy allergies.
Happy Cooking! Kathy-Purity Farms, Inc.

Clark-Lindh wrote:

> Hello,Please tell me how you make the claim for lactose-free and
> casein-free Ghee.Do you have a third party test like the ELISA
> standard test for gluten-free?I am very interested in your Ghee, but
> need to ensure it has been batch tested in some way.Thank you so much
> for your attention to my query.Susan
> --

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