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zackf613 05-10-2017 03:47 PM

CBD/Medical Marijuana

I recently explained what I've been going through, basically pcs with many common symptoms for the past 3 months.

Around the 1 month mark I decided, along with going to a chiro/pt, to be proactive and i stumbled across cbd as a potential healing solution for brain injuries. I decided to go to my local food store and bought cbd hemp oil softgels. I also am attempting to get a medical marijuana prescription since I live in Ontario, Canada (Process seems to be slow). In the meantime I went online and ordered a high cbd, low thc strain(18-1 cbd-thc ratio) from an online BC dispensary.

For 2 weeks I smoked the cbd strain out of a vape and consumed the softgels. After the 2 weeks I noticed fairly little to no change and stopped.

Wondering what people's thoughts and maybe experiences with cbd and its effect on pcs/brain injuries? My knowledge on it is that it is an anti-inflammatory, with potential neuroprotective properties.

Mark in Idaho 05-10-2017 06:42 PM

CBD has value for certain neurological issues. One report says it takes months of CBD use to see a difference for most issues. Only seizures tend to respond quickly. CBD gels are not much use nor are most CBD edibles. Very little of the CBD gets absorbed by the gut. Vaping or sublingual absorption is considered by many to be the best way to get the CBD into your system.

The last time I checked, it takes $30 to $40 a day of CBD oil at current prices to get a benefit for most of those who do get a benefit. A normal size man would need about 100mgs of CBD per day as a starting dose. Most oils are only 30 to 40% CBD so that would require 250 to 300 mgs of oil concentrate per day.

That is a lot of vaping or sublingual absorption.

davOD 05-11-2017 08:10 AM

I started MM just over 2 years ago, so that makes me in a total of over 10 years since my accident...
Like you I use I high CBD for seizures and headaches....
In the morning a tincture that I have made, and early evening I vape.
After lots of trial and error I have added a strain of high THC into the mix with the CBD....Not measured but about a 70-30% mix....
The reason being as I found a strain that just about melts away my headache in just minutes.....It is strong thats why I dilute it and only use 30%.

I put this off and ignored a few of my medical professionals for 4 years....I would not say this is for all people, but works very good for me....
There is lots of pros and cons, and everyone should read up on it first....

(check out a 3 part series from CNN called Weed....real eye opener for me)

zackf613 05-11-2017 05:44 PM

I've watched the CNN documentary and it definitely helped reinforce me views on cbd as a potential solution.

As of right now I haven't vaped or taken any softgels in a few weeks now to find out if they were the causing my recovery to stall, which doesn't seem to be the case.

I'm trying to get a prescription for MM but I live in Ontario and it seems since I'm 19, they're pretty adamant about not prescribing people under 22 years of age. I'm a little sketched out at trying the high cbd strain weed I bought online for obvious reasons but I might give it another go.

Was it easy for you to get a prescription?

Mark in Idaho 05-11-2017 06:06 PM


Forget about CBD as the solution. It may help but will never be a broad solution. There are too many aspects to a concussion.

There is NEVER going to be a magic pill for concussions. The research shows that the key time period for any effective treatment is the first 24 to 48 hours, sometimes 72 hours. If proper protocols are not followed during this time to stop the cascade of damage, that damage can go many different directions.

The treatments discovered in research are too expensive to be used by every concussion sufferer in hopes that they will help the 15% who do not recover spontaneously or without treatment. That means you would have to treat 100 people to benefit 15 people. The problem is that most people do not seek professional help after a concussion.

I've had 14 concussions. I've only seen a doctor for 3 or 4 of them and only one right away because I was knocked out and bleeding profusely from my face and hands.

Even if CBD did have a broad application, the therapeutic dosage is high. Maybe there could be a day after concussion protocol that uses high doses of CBD for a week.

DavOD, What is your daily total dose of CBD ?

davOD 05-11-2017 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by zackf613 (Post 1242769)
I've watched the CNN documentary and it definitely helped reinforce me views on cbd as a potential solution.

As of right now I haven't vaped or taken any softgels in a few weeks now to find out if they were the causing my recovery to stall, which doesn't seem to be the case.

I'm trying to get a prescription for MM but I live in Ontario and it seems since I'm 19, they're pretty adamant about not prescribing people under 22 years of age. I'm a little sketched out at trying the high cbd strain weed I bought online for obvious reasons but I might give it another go.

Was it easy for you to get a prescription?

I can understand at your age and the sensitivity to the whole situation from your local authority.....Hey Im older and started years after my accident...

The amount I tincture or vape is more on how my day starts......All in all I will guess which should be close to 75mg daily.... I do understand you are anti MM or should I say dont see medicinal reasons for using it...Thats cool I have no problem....Your studys and dosing are way off and everyone is different...
I was a complete skeptic if 2 professionals hadent talked to me about it I would still be on pharmaceutical anti seizure which also helped my headaches .....Thats a long story on that.....

I dont believe MM is for all, but I am a true believer that it is a medicine and but very T'ed off at my government (USA) has treated it as a schedule one drug....We need massive studys, which there are...But for the Drs and the dispensary putting everything on the line to just help me....Thats very sad.

Mark in Idaho 05-11-2017 06:33 PM

I'm not against MM. I am against unregulated use of recreational M. I have seen and read about the damage it can cause. I have a severely TBI'd friend due to THC and driving. I have read enough to know what value it has. THC has value in very low doses except for cancer patients. CBD needs high doses and only helps with some symptoms and may take a long time except in a few limited conditions (Crohn's Disease, epilepsy and the like are the most understood.)

I walked into a MM dispensary next to a major cutting edge medical center in Calif last year and tried to get information about the therapeutic uses. They had knowledge about the different highs but almost no knowledge about different therapeutic uses. They did not even carry a high CBD strain because there was so little market for it. The prescriptions/MM cards were easy to get by going to the right doctor.

davOD 05-11-2017 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1242777)
I walked into a MM dispensary next to a major cutting edge medical center in Calif last year and tried to get information about the therapeutic uses. They had knowledge about the different highs but almost no knowledge about different therapeutic uses. They did not even carry a high CBD strain because there was so little market for it. The prescriptions/MM cards were easy to get by going to the right doctor.

I totally agree...There name are "Bud Tenders"....But when you buy your car do you talk to the mechanic first?.....Or if we go to a Dr. and says try this for 2 week and tell me how you feel????..Yea, I know more than they do....I research any strain before I buy(leafly).....I even track all my strains, all the way down to tenpins that are in it.....I take this as a responsibility and now have helped 3 other MM friends with calming down there symptoms....

Its truly not for everyone, but last weekend I spent my Saturday and Sunday learning more.....And there is a small group of X NFL players trying to get the league to wake up to CBD as a nuro-protectant. I cant see how in the world it can hurt with such violence between whistles!

Anyone who self medicates are the best for the poster or anyone who thinks its a cure or other wild hope....We all respond different to ALL drugs we put in our body's.....until we can have massive research my country needs to wake up from a long nape of ignorance.

zackf613 05-11-2017 08:54 PM

Hey Mark, what can I do regarding my eyes? I started doing vestibular therapy last week, I am going to a spine and brain clinic that employs the treatment Sidney Crosby used to get healthy, and I have been driving once or twice a day, going for walks, and watching basketball games at night along with youtube video or two throughout the day. Since starting the therapy my eyes have been burning/strained, sometimes bloodshot.

I'm wondering why this is occuring and if its effecting my headaches, fatigue, nausea and sensitivity to sound and what I can do to prevent my eyes from feeling like this because it definitely feels counter productive. Thanks,


Mark in Idaho 05-11-2017 10:44 PM


You can check Health Care Locator Custom for a behavioral optometrist. Did the Carrick functional neurologist / chiro neuro suggest the visual stimulation ? It sounds like you may not want to be pushing your visual stimulation. The Carrick protocol does not work for every one. In fact, based on experience on NT, it has only helped about 25% and cost up to $10,000.

There can be a vast difference between different Carrick trained chiros.
Be careful and watch your wallet.

btw, Crosby is not healthy. He has his ups and downs.

DavOD, I asked the bud tenders to let me speak to the manager and he did not know anything more. But, they knew about the different highs.

I would like to see CBD studied and made available to more people.

There is another cannabis resin being studied, danadadiol or something like that. It sounds interesting.

The NFL players would like to have CBD available after games with hard hits. Worth a consideration.

The problem is the feds. They need to separate THC from the non-hallucinogenic compounds. Keep federal oversight of THC and let the others be studied more freely.

There are other protocols that have shown value in the first day or so after a hit. They are expensive and still being studied but the NFL players could afford the treatment costs and be a good study cohort.

Hains 05-16-2017 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1242780)

btw, Crosby is not healthy. He has his ups and downs.

I think about Crosby's concussion trials quite a bit. For context, all of my concussion's came from hockey and I received most of my help in recovery from a facility that Crosby uses, although it is not in the media like the Carrick Institute.

His best-in-the-world performance is largely to do with his brain processing speed which allows him to see the game, a very fast-paced game, better than anyone else in the world. Yet, he struggles with the ever increasing sensitive brain that has become prone to concussion. How does he do it???

We all know that concussions affect our brain processing speed, our balance, our sensitivity to stimulation, etc. You can see it in Crosby's face that he is affected by all the concussions. He covers his eyes with a hat during interviews, he has 1 eye partially closed while on the bench after a shift which I perceive to be a sign of reducing stimuli. Yet, he came back last year from a significant concussion to win the Stanley Cup, and he's at it again this year continuously proving that the concussions are not preventing him from being the best hockey player in the world. How does he do it???

What is he doing that we don't know about. It can't all be from Carrick's 'space chair'. I feel like professional sports are secretive about their concussion recovery procedures and only reveal parts of the story (ie. Dr Carrick's program). I suspect that Crosby is heavily invested in neurotransmitter treatment, especially acetylcholine which represents brain processing speed. What else though, aside from Carrick's space chair that treats the balance/vestibular system.

Any thoughts?


Mark in Idaho 05-16-2017 01:20 PM

Crosby has a HUGE library of over learned skills to pull from. He does not have to cognitively react to many situations. He does it with memorized or over learned skills. But, when he needs to try to do new tasks, like an interview that is impromptu, he has to rely on real time responses so he has to minimize stimuli and be more attentive to his functions. He also has developed many coping or work around mechanisms.

His use of coping mechanisms should be an example to many on NT who just want their life back. It often takes developing coping mechanisms and work-arounds to get our life back.

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