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Roxie2007 01-23-2008 06:12 PM

HI I have some test results.......
I had what seemed like a gallon of blood drawn at the Endocrinologist last week and got the results today in the mail. My problem is I can't make heads or tails from them.......are they bad......really bad???

Vit. D 25 OH L21 range 30-60

Thyroglobulin AB 27.7 <40

Thyroid Peroxidase AB H 38 < 35

Calcitronin <2.0 0-4.6

SGPT (ALT) H 57 7-56

I think the B12 was ok 682 250-1100

Can anyone tell me what their take on these stats mean?? I see this dr. on the 30th for the thyroid test and diabetes 3 hr test. Thanks!

mrsD 01-24-2008 06:32 AM

at first glance..
your D is low.

The liver function is not significantly high. (some drugs may elevate it)
It bears watching. It may be a test error.
Some drugs will affect liver functions... for example, Claritin raised my functions
a couple of points. Tylenol also may do this.

Roxie2007 01-24-2008 07:26 AM

HI Mrs. D,
I do take Claritin on a reg. basis so maybe that's why the increase in liver function. I take 2 multiple vitamins that both have daily recommended amounts of D plus I take a D capsule each day.......and I'm still low on D. I love being out in the sun so I would think I wouldn't be low on D. Guess I need to talk to the dr. about additional supplements :( Thank you for your input!

BEGLET 01-24-2008 09:01 AM

LIver Function
Hi Roxie - IVIG can affect your liver function as it puts a stress on it during an infusion - does your neuro see these? (he or she should be testing you every couple months anyway with the IVIG):confused:

watsonsh 01-24-2008 10:19 AM

HI Roxie,

Got some of my test results yesterday too and my Vitamin D was one point higher than yours. Doc told me to supplement above what I normally get in my regular Calcium vitamins. He said upwards of 5000 something a day. But I think I will up it and try to get some sunlight which helps.

Your thryoid antibodies look slightly elevated but not too bad. Your calcitonin is fine which is a indicator of thryoid cancer so you are A ok there.

Dont know about the liver and Rose might jump in to help with the B12.


Roxie2007 01-24-2008 10:22 AM

Yes my dr. tests my blood every month for IVIG maybe it's just gone up.....who knows!! I'll talk with him about it on the 29th when I see him.

That's good to know about the thyroid antibodies......I don't need any more problems!!

MelodyL 01-24-2008 11:20 AM

Hi Roxie.

Go bundle up, slather on some sun screen, go out on a sunny day and sit on a chair and take a 20 minute nap in the good old sunshine.

I once read that all we need is 20 minutes a day of sun.


Hope you're up to snuff.

Take care


P.S. I don't know if Vitamin D is stored in the body but if it is, I should have my fair share. Growing up, my father always owned boats. He even built a hydroplane all by himself. Of course I was too fat to ever go on it, but I got to go on the cabin cruiser with the Evinrude Motor (god, I remember this like it was yesterday, and I must have been 7 or 8)

I used to sit on the tip of the boat (never wore a life jacket) because I could swim like a fish. He would rev up that engine and we would hit the waves and I used to love it when the boat would hit the waves from another boat. It would toss me back and forth. He also taught me how to drive the thing.

Then, when we got back to the marina, I would help hose down the boat and put the tarp on it until we went back the next day. I sat in the sun every weekend because we took the boat to the beach.

All I actually did was get really bad sunburns and had to put noxema on my back.

Oh for the good old days!!!

Roxie2007 01-24-2008 12:01 PM

I think Noxema was the ONLY thing for sunburns back then......cause that's all we ever bought for sunburns. Then the stuff would dry and cake on your skin.....LOL YUK!

daniella 01-24-2008 12:44 PM

This is random but why do docs just mail the results like this? My doc did this too but then wrote no concern on some abnormal.This was a past one. The last one just the nurse said everything was ok but I asked for a record. I mean how many people know what the results mean? I know Mrs D does but the majority I would think don't. Thank goodness for this board. Some should charge a fee here I get more info from them then the 400 dollar doc.My mom is on a prescription for her d level

MelodyL 01-24-2008 01:03 PM


that's a good point. I know that whenever I get a blood test result for anything and it turns out abnormal, then I usually come here and ask questions.

How nice it would be if the on the side of the test results, it could say "okay everybody, what this reading means is: blah blah blah.

Don't think that will ever heppen though.


glenntaj 01-24-2008 04:54 PM

Yes, Vitamin D can be stored--
--in some amounts in body fat.

Since Vitamin D is made in skin through sunlight activation, it can be classified as a hormone, but for convention's sake we still generally talk about it as a vitamin.

What is really stored in large amounts is the Vitamin D precursor--calciferol-- that is activated by sunlight. There is a complicated feedback mechansim that shuts off the D-production process from calciferol after about 20-30 minutes of direct sunlight--just about the time most people of mid-range complexions start to pink (this reddening is a direct indicator the body has absorbed enough ultraviolet light for the manufacturing of D--exposure BEYOND that gets more dangerous as regards skin cancers). In fact, many experts are now saying that people should absolutely be getting more sun exposure than they've been, as direct sun exposure is hard to come by except for people in low latitudes during noontime (people who have evolved in such places have darker skin to keep this balance--in fact, pale skin is considered a benevolent mutation to allow people at higher latitudes to make more Vitamin D), especially during winter months.

It does seem as if our tendency to stay indoors, slather on sunscreen, and not update the minimum daily requirements for dietary ingestion of Vitamin D in such circumstances is contributing to a very large number of D-deficienct people in the developed world.

Ted Hutchinson over at Braintalk has ammassed an enormous database of material--studies, monogarphs, clinical reports--to this effect, analagous to what Cara (jccglutenfree) has done with gluten:

(I've got to see if I can get him to post over here--there was a bit of controversy when he tried some time ago--perhaps a talk with the Mods . . .)

One of the most important things it reveals is that our supplements should be the much more efficient bodily-produced D3 (cholecalciferol) form rather than the synthetic D2 (ergocalciferol) available at most stores. This situation is reminiscent of the cyanocobalamin/methylcobalamin contrast with B12. (D3 is now becoming increasingly available.)

shiney sue 01-24-2008 05:38 PM

But Glen i'm so fair I always got burned,even with sunscreen so forth,
I wear gaue like clothes which helped. But with the high doses of
meds. I really burn..

Mel I can still smell noxzema,can;t you???We would go boating often because
we lived in Mi. with Lake St. Clair right behind us..I was the only TomBoy
on the boat forced to wear a head scarf..But my mom still had to
put noxzema in my hair,or on my head it would be burned..I did talk
her into wearning my brothers ballcap,he was dark...But mom kept yelling
cheerleaders don't wear ballcaps,I did a sunburned head I
miss those days to,,I sure felt better ha,wonder why they thought that
smell and name would be a big seller...Guess it was cheap and the only
thing my mom would buy...

That Ted was interesting he came on and was gone,he sure could write fast.
I hope I can go home tommorow every 2 days same food and same tests.

Roxie just make sure you keep a eye on the Vit D but if it worries you
call the nurse if she doesnt know request the Dr. call..Then be prepareed
to sit by the phone until he calls. Well shoot,:) Hugs to all Sue

mrsD 01-24-2008 05:41 PM

Vit D is made in the skin
from a cholesterol precursor. I wouldn't expect that to work properly if you take
statins to lower cholesterol.
It is thought that as we age the skin synthesis may fail, like many other things do. (ie. retire).

The 50,000IU RX the doctor gives (the green football cap) is D2 and not as effective.
Doctors don't seem to understand the difference yet (if ever)

Cheryl 01-25-2008 11:25 AM

A little off the thread - Noxzema
Hi - I know this is unrelated to the thread but I too remember using Noxzema when I was a teenager!

I have been purchasing a product sold on Ebay for the burning in my feet from PN and it smells a little like that. It has lots of wonderful ingredients, all kinds of butters and peppermint and blue emu oil. I pay quite a lot for not a lot of cream. So - I bought some Noxzema (yes, it's still out there). I thought it might help the burning in my feet - but it didn't. I guess I'll stick to the pricey stuff.

Bye, Cheryl:wink:

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