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tkrik 05-19-2008 12:45 PM

Advertisers Gone Too Far
I don't watch much TV but we were watching something - don't remember what but a commercial for K-Y came on. (The one with a man and woman sitting on a bed talking about their lifestyle.) I didn't really pay much attention to it but DDs did.

DD18 asked me what that was. OMG! :eek: I've always been as honest as I can about sex without going in to details and such. But to have to sit there and think how the heck do I explain this to DD18 and DD16 stumped me. They know the basics but to have to explain additives. So, I told them the truth, it was a sex kind of thing/lubricant.

DD18 freaked out. She was horrified that they would advertise on TV and don't they know that kids watch TV, and it's prime time TV. . .on and on she went in a small rant. At the end of her horrified rant she said, "Mom, I thought it was a technical thing. You know, like a new kind of PDA or cellphone." LOL. The good news is that neither of DDs knew what it was.

What is up with these kinds of commercials?

Girlie Girl 05-19-2008 12:49 PM

I know exactly which one you are talking about! You know I never thought of it like that. My DS is only 11 and doesn't ask any questions so I never thought of the commercial having that effect! How uncomfortable to be put on the spot like that! It is one thing when you plan the sex talk but when a commercial forces you to talk about it that is another story.

I think they are pushing too far!

tkrik 05-19-2008 12:57 PM

Girlie - I never thought anything about it either until that night. The very good news for me was that they didn't know what it was. Phew! LOL.

DD18 also mentioned that teens may see that, know what it is and want to try it thereby, prompting/encouraging teens to have sex. Even worse, without condoms as the commercial did not make any kind of disclosure about STD's as some commercials do.

It did give me a chance to talk to DDs about it as opposed to them hearing about it from someone else.

Girlie Girl 05-19-2008 01:02 PM

That is a good thing they didn't know what it was! But I guess you are right it does promote conversation with our kids. But what if they don't even know what sex is yet?!?! UGH! Or like your DD said, what if the kids don't ask and just use it?!?! I really think that advertisers and TV are pushing the limits on things.

Kitty 05-19-2008 01:24 PM

I agree - it's getting to the point where you just never know what kind of commercial is going to pop up. Used to be the tampon commercials would embarrass us to we have to contend with E.D., menopause, sex "additives", etc. And they all come on during prime time shows!! The Game Show Network is the absolute worst. Glad I normally watch that station alone! :o

suzyqz_2007 05-19-2008 01:25 PM

I can't stand the commercials for Viagra....especially the one where they are all sitting around singing that stupid song to the tune of "Viva Las Vegas" First time I saw it we were eating dinner and I almost spit food across the table! LOL (I will admit at first it was funny, but now it's just plain annoying!)

tkrik 05-19-2008 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by herekitty1960 (Post 282645)
I agree - it's getting to the point where you just never know what kind of commercial is going to pop up. Used to be the tampon commercials would embarrass us to we have to contend with E.D., menopause, sex "additives", etc. And they all come on during prime time shows!! The Game Show Network is the absolute worst. Glad I normally watch that station alone! :o


Originally Posted by suzyqz_2007 (Post 282647)
I can't stand the commercials for Viagra....especially the one where they are all sitting around singing that stupid song to the tune of "Viva Las Vegas" First time I saw it we were eating dinner and I almost spit food across the table! LOL (I will admit at first it was funny, but now it's just plain annoying!)

OMG! You both are right. I never paid much attention to those commercials but now that you mention them, they are on all the time too!

I haven't had to explain any of these to DDs. Thank goodness. And as Girlie mentioned, what if the kids don't know about sex yet and start asking what the commercials are for. There is a line of how much they need to know and these commercials aren't helping any.

Remember when they banned cigarette commercials as well as some alcohol commercials. Those seem so innocent now.

tamiloo 05-19-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by suzyqz_2007 (Post 282647)
I can't stand the commercials for Viagra....especially the one where they are all sitting around singing that stupid song to the tune of "Viva Las Vegas" First time I saw it we were eating dinner and I almost spit food across the table! LOL (I will admit at first it was funny, but now it's just plain annoying!)

I'm with you on this one. We were watching TV together with children and their partners and one of these adds came on and my son tittered...he said I would give anything to have and erection last that long. The Viva Viagra has to be the worst one yet. My Mom who lives with us and is 84 does not know what to think. Crazy...why do we need to watch ads on TV to tell us what kind of drugs to take for whatever ails us?

Desinie 05-19-2008 04:03 PM

Yep, I was shocked the first time I saw this commercial too. While I'm by no means a prude, it just seems so inappropriate for a commercial on regular TV on all hours of the day.

Erin524 05-19-2008 04:20 PM

What I hate is a local commercial for a...strip bar...that's across the river in Iowa plays on our tv a lot...and on a few channels that might be inappropriate. The commercial always starts having a few girls of what I call a "questionable age" dancing around a pole wearing just bikini's, and this really horrible music playing in the background.

and it starts airing at 6pm CST when a lot of families are probably sitting down to eat or when a lot of families are probably watching some tv.

I saw it on the Fox News channel earlier, and it was only about 3pm CST.

I saw the K-Y commercial last night. Was a bit creeped out by it, I'm not a prude, I'm quite proud of my dirty mind, but that commercial just seemed to me to not be appropriate for broadcast television. But then, I dont care much for the tampon commercials either.

AfterMyNap 05-19-2008 05:12 PM

The disclaimers at the ends of those commercials would make a fanstastic SNL sketch! I laugh every time I hear "...and contact your doctor if..."

tkrik 05-19-2008 05:24 PM

Erin - You may be right on what is so bothersome about that commercial. It is kind of creepy. Maybe that's why they asked me what it was.

While I am not a prude either, I don't think these ads should force me to tell my kids about sex "additives" and, as in the commercial you talked about, strip bars. Never in my parenting life did I ever think I would be telling my kids about K-Y. LOL.

AMN - When you listen to those disclaimers it's enough to scare you off from even asking a dr about trying the med. Who in their right mind would run out and ask for a drug that causes headache, nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, vision trouble, increase of appetite, weight gain, runny nose, increased risk of blood clots, high blood pressure, and respiratory illnesses, . . . .blah, blah, blah. He!! no! I wouldn't run and ask my dr for any of that carp. LOL.

weegot5kiz 05-19-2008 05:41 PM

i agree TK and their comercials prior to this current one, where not done in good taste. and as to my youngsters seeing it, I would pop a cork at the channel airing the commercial and the company who produces KY

a number of advertisments have gone too far

DM 05-19-2008 08:30 PM

Nothing is sacred anymore. I can remember being embarrassed by the Playtex Bra commercials and the model had a flesh colored shirt underneath it. :eek:

sabimax 05-19-2008 09:14 PM

hubby used to always add to that commercial...if you have a ::::::: lasting four hours..... he would add...heck dont see a doctor...go visit all the lonely housewives in the neighborhood...hehehehehe :)

Well most adds dont bother me, I talk very often to the kids openly about stuff...with what I hear kids talking about in school hours....I would be surprised if most kids dont hear about extras when it comes to sex..and all...

I usually joke when a wierd ad comes on, about stuff with the kids...hugss,sarah

doydie 05-19-2008 11:46 PM

I always thought my daughters didn't know anything! I think the day they came home from their first day in 6th grade they were already experts.

BTW, I can imagine what is in the females version of the KY thingy but what do they put in the mens version?

Erin524 05-20-2008 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by sabimax (Post 282971)
hubby used to always add to that commercial...if you have a ::::::: lasting four hours..... he would add...heck dont see a doctor...go visit all the lonely housewives in the neighborhood...hehehehehe :)

Well most adds dont bother me, I talk very often to the kids openly about stuff...with what I hear kids talking about in school hours....I would be surprised if most kids dont hear about extras when it comes to sex..and all...

I usually joke when a wierd ad comes on, about stuff with the kids...hugss,sarah

I dont think your husband would enjoy having priapism...from what I've heard it's extremely painful and can damage the "equipment". (as in, they may need to REMOVE that particular piece of equipment if it becomes gangrene)

It's considered a medical emergency. (they aspirate/remove blood from an area with a big needle as a least for the initial treatment if it's gotten to early enough)

So, any males here...if this particular problem happens to you, leave the females alone and get to the doctor as soon as you can.

(gosh, I hope the forum moderators dont go after me for posting info on that problem and the treatment...if they do, I'm sorry!!!! I tried not to use any "bad" words. I was going to link to the Wiki page, but didnt think the picture was was a wall painting from Pompeii)

Koala77 05-20-2008 01:43 AM

I remember the days when the model wearing the bra on TV was not allowed to move a muscle, or she would violate the Decency Act and be outed from television!

I agree it was the tampons and other "female" health product ones that had me so very embarrassed, but we haven't had any of those other ones you've all mentioned on TV here in Oz yet!

No KY jelly. No ED, and most definitely no Viagra advertisements.

I get plenty of them via SPAM in my emails..... but I've not seen them on TV.

I'm not quite sure if the reason is because our censorship moguls have cut them out of our TV veiwing, or whether that sort of stuff just hasn't reached here yet!

I'd like to think the former.

hurtsobad73 05-20-2008 07:32 AM

I agree with the whole lot of you. The K-Y commercial also comes on here in NC at a very early time. My son, 15, of course asked what it is used for. And like most of you, we try to be honest with our son about sex and give the details appropriate to age. So OMG, what to say. We tried to explain it in the best terms that we could and he replied "oh like 'motion lotion'". :thud: my heart went down to my knee's. His first year in high school and he says that.

So of course DH and I had to ask what exactly he knows about ML and who told him about it. We have always had an open line of communication in our house when he has questions about sex. So he promptly said that he just heard kids talking about it and then seeing the commercial made him put two and two together. Of course further discussion went on. He is a very smart and bright young man and (maybe I am bias) but as a Christian family he knows what the bible says about marriage and sex.

I was watching something on t.v. the other night and I heard it put this way - "First the ring, THEN the thing". I thought that was cute in it's own way. Makes the point that is for sure.


hurtsobad73 05-20-2008 07:37 AM

and I forgot...
the Viva Viagra commercial, if I ever find the people who created that I will totally lose my mind. YOU DO NOT play on and ELVIS tune like that. Disrespectful...


All of the above is how I feel when I see that commercial.

I guess I take my ELVIS a little too


sugarboo 05-20-2008 09:43 AM

I concur with all of you!

The one I hate the most and must change the channel for is the one where the parent is smoking and the baby is crying, screaming really. I can NOT stand it....We get the message!

Kitty 05-20-2008 10:58 AM

I suppose I watch a little more TV than I used to since I'm home all day now. I'm not sure if the rest of the country gets these commercials, too, but all day long it's like one continuous injury attorney advertisement. I know they're going for the audience of injured people who are at home and probably watching TV, but do they think that people don't have enough sense to hire an attorney if they are injured through no fault of their own?? :rolleyes:

tkrik 05-20-2008 11:03 AM

You all reminded me of another commercial that is quite bothersome. I haven't seen it in awhile but it was a Victoria's Secret commercial. It has the same model as the current ad except she looked A LOT younger and the commercial was more suggestive. It was almost perverse as this girl looked to be 15. She says some sort of poem about an angel with wings. It was just really . . .wrong.

When I did the MS walk in October DDs and I were telling my brother about it. He knew which commercial it was and he too was bothered by it. He said he felt like a pervert watching that commercial. It made him uncomfortable.

Now who the heck was this commercial targeted at? Perverts? Teens? Couldn't they have picked a model who looked over the age of 18 instead of their youngest looking model?

Or how about that sicko kind of one with the guy is "spanking" the cow and the song is saying "shake that thing." That one is kind of wrong too when you think about it.

It is amazing how much our behaviors and such are influenced by not only TV but commercials as well. It distorts reality.

As far as kids and this stuff, the internet is FULL, FULL, FULL of this stuff too. Not only can they find anything on there, if they accidently type in the wrong web address they could stumble on quite a bit of information. That happened to me once at work. I was trying to go to a government site to find out some medical ethics laws and ended up on some porn thing. The difference was typing .org instead of .gov.

beautytransforming 05-20-2008 11:05 AM

OMG!!!! I am more amazed that you have been able to keep you DD18 and DD16 from falling into the *kids must have sex by the time they are 12* mind frame!! Kudos to you... what ever you are doing, is doing GREAT!

tkrik 05-20-2008 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by beautytransforming (Post 283294)
OMG!!!! I am more amazed that you have been able to keep you DD18 and DD16 from falling into the *kids must have sex by the time they are 12* mind frame!! Kudos to you... what ever you are doing, is doing GREAT!

Thank you. That is a very sweet compliment. Although morals and values only go so far. As much as we try to instill those values on our kids there is free will. I remind DDs that it is the most private, intimate part of their selves and that once they give it away they can never get it back.

DD18's friend is going through the emotional effects of that. She is seeing what her friend is going through. The guy convinced her to have sex and then dumped her a week later. They had been dating for quite a while. The poor girl is devastated and beside herself right now. Several weeks ago she was over at our house and we all talked about it. Funny how much my DDs friends tell me things and confide in me. DD16 was here at the time and she too saw what this girl is going through.

lady_express_44 05-20-2008 11:22 AM

These commercials don't bother me, and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable talking to my kids about any of them (aged 12 & 16). It may bother me if they started talking about S&M, cross-dressing fetishes, or menage-a-trois :D . . . but 'normal' sexual issues are ok by me.

What I really hate is VIOLENCE. I loathe "Cops", "The First 48", and other shows that desensitize kids to violence.


Kitty 05-23-2008 03:58 PM

I just saw the funniest commercial for Gas-X dissolving strips.

A man is sitting in an interview and he apparently has gas and is very uncomfortable. The lady interviewing him is going over his resume and he hears her say "I see you're flatulence in several languages and graduated top of your gas". At that point a co-worker of hers walks up and the interviewee hears him say "Excuse me ma'am, your son rip is on line toot." At this point the man takes the opportunity to slip one of the Gas-X dissolving strips into his mouth so he can concentrate on his interview and not on the fact that he has gas.

It's really funny - you sort of have to see it to appreciate it - so be on the lookout for it. It made me laugh!! :D

SallyC 05-24-2008 11:35 AM

Talking about going to far.....Did you see the new
lightswitch, drug reps are handing out to Doctors
for their offices??

PolarExpress 05-24-2008 11:41 AM

OK Sally..This is making my head hurt..Can I be disgusted and ROTFL at the same time? :p

Erin524 05-24-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 285967)
Talking about going to far.....Did you see the new
lightswitch, drug reps are handing out to Doctors
for their offices??

I think my aunt (a nurse practitioner) has some of those. Not in her house anywhere (she has paddle switches instead) She gets all sorts of stuff from all the drug reps.

A few years ago she had remote controlled Viagra race cars. Gave them to my cousins' husbands for christmas. (creeeeeeepy!) I think one of my cousins mom and dad were really bothered by my aunt doing that. Even tho my cousin and her husband are of age, I still think my aunt and uncle probably tried to convince my cousin to throw out the RC car.

SallyC 05-24-2008 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Erin524 (Post 286089)
A few years ago she had remote controlled Viagra race cars. Gave them to my cousins' husbands for christmas. (creeeeeeepy!) I think one of my cousins mom and dad were really bothered by my aunt doing that. Even tho my cousin and her husband are of age, I still think my aunt and uncle probably tried to convince my cousin to throw out the RC car.

Too Funny!!!!:D

sabimax 05-24-2008 05:36 PM

My hubby was totally teasing about the commercial...about the 4 hour thing,,,, I know what the medical issues would be on that....although dont know anyone as of yet that takes viagra....

anyhow....the internet too, can type in like My little Pony..which was a kid toy...and get some racy choices...about woman with nicnames of that...or well use imagination....either way..I believe I cant totally senser the being open and honest about most is the best method...

hugsss all, sarah (that light switch...I cant imagine finding that at a drs office....hehe)

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