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DDayMBB 12-10-2006 10:54 PM

RSD Photos and Pictures Thread
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Have been DX with TOS and somewhere along the line CRPS, the cold make my hands burn so, that even during mid summer have to wear gloves in the frozen food section. The other day was out for a walk in the woods, when I got done with my walk, I removed gloves (they were not insulated,but fairly warm any way) and as usual my fingers were one fire, thoough I was left with bue/purple blanching almost like a bruise. Was wondering if anybody elses' fingers look like this, fro the cold???

LisaM 01-25-2007 08:42 AM

RSD Photos and Pictures Thread
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I do see a photo of what my lesions look like. the one on the left CLOSELY resembles them, but they aren't so close together that they look like a rash, as this picture does. They are quite far apart. If you can picture, for example, the seam of your jeans, that's about how my lesions run. Perhaps that's part of why they are there (though I do not wear tight jeans), as well as on my rear end (pretty attractive, eh?). The picture on the right resembles what they look like after they finally heal. The scars arent raised, but they turn into a discoloration....a greyed, brownish spot, almost like an "age spot" I suppose.

RSD_Angel 02-19-2007 01:48 PM

RSD Photos and Pictures Thread
HI there,

I have been going nuts with this and its only getting worse... I have this "rash" but it doesnt look or feel like a rash, and it looks like bad dry skin but its not dry at all. very soft.. but this hurts like H3^* and wondering if any of you other RSDers have this.. dont knw if its like a nerve rash or?? this Rash is every where that ihave RSD.. and thats it.. it goes up my leg in the same pattern and in to the other thigh. it avoids where i dont have RSD.... any ideas?

I am gonna post pics soo be I have tried to put evrything on it , from lubriderm fragrence free and alcholol free and just plain aloe, but everthign makes it worse and it burns like somthing fierce!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m Thanks guys !! :wink:

WickedGood 03-08-2007 10:24 PM

RSD Photos and Pictures Thread
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Well It has now been four days since my visit to my Doc about my severe all over pain (especially in my knees along with the swelling). She too thinks that after going off the Narcotics that I was on for so long all the pain in my body reared its ugly little head all at once. Now for leg pain - ready for this -
Yuppers. Big time!. What a pain. I am not surprised though. I haven't had that yet! Go figure. The knees are ugly and my feet won't win any beauty contest soon either I can assure you! :D So My sister will be here tomorrow and is taking me back to Maine for a week or two for some well needed family bonding. I have not seem my family since my Mom passed over three years ago now. I miss them so and I need a break from sitting in this house alone all the time. My Doc also prescribed me a new walker on Monday to help me get around better (It's Real Fancy :D :D ) but it is just to dang cold to go anywhere. But it does have a seat so I can give all of you a ride and a removeable basket so we can go shopping!!!!!! :grouphug: I have attached a pic. You have to help me give it a really cool name. It is blue.

I think that while I am home I might get another opinion about a few things. It couldn't hurt could it. Plus my Doc now has me on Morphine and I am scared of what will happen to me when that no longer works. What else is there at that point but to take me out behind the shed? Right?

Well I feel so depressed and blah right now that I hope this little visit will change things but I am not one to expect to much these days. I would rather spend a week with some of you and maybe someday that might happen you never know. Anyway, I will close for now. As always, I luv ya all. Thanks as always for comfort and support. Will be talking soon. Keep ya chins up the best ya can!!! Love Mark :) :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

artist 03-23-2007 09:12 PM

Our RSD Photos and Pictures Thread
I wondered if we could get a picture sticky going, it would be very helpful indeed I think, for showing rashes, swelling, cyanosis, skin conditions...?

all the best :)

buckwheat 03-24-2007 01:10 PM

I had my husband take pictures of my RSD limb. Could someone please ABC it on how I go about posting it on the forum. Hugs, Roz

Curious 03-24-2007 11:41 PM

hi roz, you can either upload it dirctly from you computer. it will show as a small
thumbnail" or you can post it if you use a free hosting site, like photobucket.

here is a link to a step by step thread i made:

it might show as page 2..i have my preferances set to show the very last post on top..less scrolling. :o

InHisHands 03-25-2007 08:41 AM

RSD affected feet
RSD in both feet/ legs- worse in left

Swelling/color changes in left, slight color changes in right.

allentgamer 03-25-2007 11:52 AM

Very interesting stuff
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Ok I read everything and now am puzzled lol. So whats new about that? hahahaha!

Anyways, this pitting only occurs in the right leg. Weird huh? It doesnt even happen to the left leg, so maybe it is from the damage caused from hypoxia? Since edema can happen from blood flow problems, made me think that might be the culprit. Then again RSD is some pretty weird stuff in its own right lol.

I know the damage was done this coming April 7 years ago, but damage is damage right?

The photo is the actual angio, you can see the top of the femur bone in the background. I circled the clot, and this is the right leg view. Hard to believe a little thing about the size of a pencil eraser could cause sooo much trouble.

I guess it is the ER for me this week to check out this edema stuff. :(

buckwheat 03-25-2007 02:47 PM

My husband said it is to big of a document. How do I make the photo smaller, in other words down size? Hugs, Roz

Jomar 03-25-2007 03:30 PM

Roz you can open them with your MS Paint program- it comes with Windows.

the easy way it to right click on the photo and one of the options should be "open with" and Paint should be on the list.

then go to Image
and pick stretch/skew
then you can resize it but it's more or less of a guess- I'd try setting both at 25 and see how it looked for size.

then save a copy. should do it much easier and it's free- it will resize most pics for you.

I was thinking we could post the pictures here on this thread and just use the link {in the sticky} to find them quickly.
I moved your pictures to this thread.

Sandel 03-25-2007 11:51 PM

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ok here goes..

Sandel 03-25-2007 11:56 PM

can I do more than one pic per post?
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ok try for two.. these are all taken summer 2005

Jomar 03-26-2007 02:28 PM

Oh if you need a free photo editing program - If they are too light, too dark, not clear, need to be cropped etc.
Picasa is very easy to use.
[Picasa is a free software download from Google that helps you:

* Locate and organize all the photos on your computer.
* Edit and add effects to your photos with a few simple clicks.
* Share your photos with others through email, prints, and on the web: it’s fast, easy and free.

I redid all of the photos for a wedding & reception {on a CD -many by a professional photographer??}- they were all very dark/blurry- and I made a whole new CD with cropped/sharpened and brighter pictures. it was pretty easy.

Jomar 04-24-2007 11:40 AM

- her post with rsd pictures

allentgamer 04-26-2007 11:47 AM

Some Pics from me
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No matter how much lotion everything stays so dry, and the nails dont grow very fast at all and are very brittle.

allentgamer 04-26-2007 11:53 AM

more pics
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A couple more :(

mollymcn 05-19-2007 09:08 AM

3 Types of RSD Spread - Diagram
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Here is the diagram from the Patterns of Spread article

Fig. 1. Schematic drawings showing the three types of spread found in patients with complex regional pain syndrome, type I (reflex sympathetic dystrophy). Arrows indicate the direction of spread.

artist 06-09-2007 11:26 AM

online free PT videos for RSD
Oooh, here's an interesting free online video site I found. 15 short PT exercises specifically for RSD sufferers:

And lots (and lots) of alternative medicine topics, from Chinese herbal medicine to Reiki, Tai Chi, you name it.

Haven't had a proper look myself yet, it's quite a big site...
all the best :)

InHisHands 07-01-2007 09:45 AM

Photos were deleted off of the photobucket site so they will not show here either.

InHisHands 07-02-2007 07:28 PM

Photos were deleted off of the photobucket site so they will not show here either.

frogga 07-15-2007 05:14 PM

Hey, well...

Hope this works!!

Frogga xxxxx

frogga 07-15-2007 05:18 PM

Ok... picture number 2.

This is a rubbish photo but sort of shows up the shine! My mum is RUBBISH With taking I apoplogise for the rubbish shots! but gives a vague idea!!


Frogga xxxxx

frogga 07-15-2007 05:19 PM

Hey.. last one!


GalenaFaolan 08-14-2007 12:20 AM

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Finally got around to snapping some pics of my limbs. :D So, without further ado, here they are. The pics looking down at feet are taken at 5 minutes sitting up, then about 10 minutes and the last at about 15-20 of sitting up.

GalenaFaolan 08-14-2007 12:22 AM

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A few more. Hope you can see the red spots or "lesions" on my skin.

GalenaFaolan 08-14-2007 12:23 AM

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And last but not least, my hands! :D Or, I should say hand. Didn't see it as necessary to take a pic of the other one too when it looks just like this one. LOL

Marse 09-25-2007 09:35 PM

Looking for some answers

Originally Posted by GalenaFaolan (Post 136371)
And last but not least, my hands! :D Or, I should say hand. Didn't see it as necessary to take a pic of the other one too when it looks just like this one. LOL

Hello GalenaFaolan,

My name is Marse, short for Marcella.
My veins pop out too. If I may ask, what type do you have.
I am beginning to see red spots on my left ankle/foot but have
the RSD in my two upper limbs. Do you know if the dots itch?
I also have cysts in my left wrist and left foot/ankle about the size
of a marble. Do you know if this is related to RSD? I would really appreciate
your knowledge on these as I do not know where to turn. I am sorry to see
that you are not doing so well. I hope things get alittle easier to deal with
as I cannot imagine what you must be going thru. My guess would be you are
in the final stage?. Take care of yourself

GalenaFaolan 09-26-2007 10:39 PM

I have type 1, no nerve injury.

My dots do itch sometimes but mostly they're just really annoying and turn into sores. I hate it with raised ones that get caught by the razor when I'm shaving my legs, open up and, you guessed it, turn into sores. LOL

I don't know about cysts. I've only had one in my entire life, way before rsd. Don't let them go, have a doc check them out. Usually they need to be removed. My husband is prone to them, and has had to have one removed, the others usually,ick,burst. With RSD you can't take the chance it'll get infected going that route.

I don't believe in stages and docs are getting away from it as well. I just know where it hurts and that's enough. LOL I keep a good sense of humor and don't let it get me down. I rule it, it doesn't rule me!




Originally Posted by Marse (Post 151900)
Hello GalenaFaolan,

My name is Marse, short for Marcella.
My veins pop out too. If I may ask, what type do you have.
I am beginning to see red spots on my left ankle/foot but have
the RSD in my two upper limbs. Do you know if the dots itch?
I also have cysts in my left wrist and left foot/ankle about the size
of a marble. Do you know if this is related to RSD? I would really appreciate
your knowledge on these as I do not know where to turn. I am sorry to see
that you are not doing so well. I hope things get alittle easier to deal with
as I cannot imagine what you must be going thru. My guess would be you are
in the final stage?. Take care of yourself

wildberry2277 12-30-2007 03:51 AM

please help

I need some help from my fellow RSD friends... I have no idea what this is andi keep getting it and it hurts like hell:eek::eek::eek:... The burning and pain is so intense in my armpit area.. and this is where i keep getting this stupid sore... Also get hair folicole infections... and have to go on course of antibotics for it... have any of you ever had this... the anitbotics... do not really clear it up?


Much love and hugs to all :hug:

tayla4me 12-30-2007 06:56 AM

Hello Jacquelina,

That looks really sore. It doesn't seem to be in your armpit and so unlikely to be a hair follicle infection but because of it's shape it looks like a really nasty allergic reaction to the fabric in the edge of your bra or some other clothing.
I had a similar thing from a certain very stiff lacy bra--it looked like it was pinched and burnt.
I would use Aloa Vera to start with and cover it with some soft gauze to stop it rubbing and then if it doesn't work perhaps your doctor may need to prescribe a steroid cream or something.

I do hope that it gets better soon as the extra pain from that is just not right!
Take care

wildberry2277 12-31-2007 01:48 AM

It for sure isnt from my bra... i did an experiment.. I wore a sports bra for 2 weeks and still got the same open sore... that calms down with antibotics and then flares right back up... i really dont know what is going on and it hurts so bad... About the Hair folicile thing... I get that too at the same time this gapping sore starts... UGH it hurts :(:(:(:(:(

Jomar 12-31-2007 02:03 AM

I wonder if it's like shingles??

how often does it happen and and how long does it last ?
It almost looks like a burn or a rubbing friction causes it...

wildberry2277 01-02-2008 02:51 PM

Hey all
I have been tested for shingles ever time and its not it... The doctor thinks i might beging skin break down in that area... because that is where the RSD is the worse.... I dont know it hurts liike HELL... I dont always want a gapping hole in my arm.... it lasts until i get anitboitics... and 2 days after they are gone... RIGHT BACK TO GAPPING HOLE... It smells disgustin... Sorry for sharing all this just have no idea what the heck this is... Thanks for all your help....

nopainever 01-02-2008 05:00 PM

My Pics
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Here are some of my pics!

nopainever 01-02-2008 05:02 PM

SCS Trial
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More Pics!

vanityfaire 01-03-2008 07:12 AM

YIKES..Does that hurt..Love the tats. Curious on how you are doing with this. Please let us know.

nopainever 01-03-2008 09:57 AM

SCS made my RSD spread Full-Body
I had RSD bilateral in my laegs and feet and thats why I tried the SCS...After the trial was removed the RSD spread upwards through my trunk and into my arms and hands.

A Truely awful experience!

Thanks for the Compliment on the Tatoos!:D


nopainever 01-23-2008 12:15 AM

NEW PICS (should be in this thread)
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Attachment 2162


nopainever 01-23-2008 12:17 AM

A few more...
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Attachment 2164



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