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Twinkletoes 10-05-2008 07:13 PM

Help me re-gift a feminine hygiene product
My DD#2 just came for a visit and brought me a nicely wrapped gift for my (belated) birthday. I'm not sure what message she is trying to send me, but she bought me a Dooney & Bourke wristlet purse. Inside the same box was another "gift".

It began more than 10 years ago when she (my youngest daughter) was still living at home.

A free sample of "Always" maxipads arrived in our mailbox, so I tossed it on DD's bed. Later it was on the hall floor, so I put it back on her bed.

Days later I noticed it again and returned it to its "rightful" owner.

It kept turning up in my bedroom after that. It took awhile before DD and I finally had a face-to-face conversation about the free sample.

She was indignant and said that SHE didn't want it! Well, I didn't want it either!

Fast forward a couple of years.

I had nearly forgotten all about it when, mysteriously, the package turned up again. So I wrapped it up and mailed it to her at college. Next time she visited, it reappeared once she left.

It just so happened that DD#1 was visiting when our family all drove "up north" in separate cars to Salt Lake City. We finished our shopping and agreed to meet at Krispy Kreme Donuts.

Oldest DD and I had been to Sam's Club earlier and bought an INDUSTRIAL SIZE blue box of "things." (Our own private euphemism for feminine products).

DD#2 and her DH were already inside having a donut.

So DD#1 and I decided to put the BIG BLUE BOX inside the car. But it was locked. So we placed it on her windshield and went inside.

I'm not good at keeping a straight face, but somehow managed to be nonchalant while we ate the warm, luscious donuts.

I should mention that earlier that day we'd already had a showdown in another parking lot as we all exited a restaurant. We tried to put a sticky pad "thing" on her wheelcovers, but her DH drove away too fast. They'd easily spotted the one we placed on the antenna and removed it. (In retrospect, we should have put it on the license plate). *sigh

So when it came time to leave Krispy Kreme, DD#1 and I grabbed our purses, ran out ahead, jumped in our car and locked the windows. Then we laughed our heads off when she and DH discovered the surprise on her car and tried to return it, but couldn't. :D

Today I didn't even bother trying to hide it in her car b/c I knew she would check. So I kept the darned thing. The cellophane has been repaired more than once, and its beginning to look a bit ratty after 12 years, lol.

I'm hoping that my clever friends here at NT will come up with a way to return the "Always" thingie in spectacular fashion. Her DH proposed to her on the Jumbotron at a Denver Broncos game, so not sure I can top that. (Yep, she kept wanting to go to the concessions during half-time, but he wouldn't let her. When it finally showed up -- G**** WILL YOU MARRY ME? -- he dropped to one knee right there beside the bench (nosebleed seats), brought out the rock and proposed. All together now: Awwwwww.

So whaddya think? She lives 180 miles away. I'll be traveling there for a court clerk's conference later this month. She works at a doctor's office. It's hard to surprise her anymore, cause she has come to expect it.

When she first got hired at the doctor's office, I showed up unannounced and said I was there for a shot. "What kind of a shot?" they wanted to know. I said there was a girl from this office who told me to come in and she'd give me a Copaxone shot. It was a heart doc, so the receptionists had NO idea what I was talking about.

I was insistent and they began to quiz everyone in the office. One by one nurses came to the front. Each took a look and denied knowing me, including my DD, who couldn't help but smile. We all had a good laugh.

Her DD works for the Nat'l Guard, but I doubt that he could get permission to deliver a box of "things" in a Howitzer. Actually, he repairs diesel equipment now, so that's out.

C'mon, let's put our collective heads together and do some brainstorming.

tovaxin_lab_rat 10-05-2008 07:24 PM

Take it with you to the conference. Go to the local florist, have the package wrapped and have the florist deliver some flowers to her with the package attached to the bouquet.

We do stuff like that all the time! Surprise Surprise!!!

For the cost of a small flower arrangement and delivery, she gets her package back!

Twinkletoes 10-05-2008 07:30 PM

Easy to tell you've got flowers on the brain, Cheryl, lol. Good idea -- I could have it delivered after it was all over and I was on my way home.

Maybe have them delivered while she's working at the hospital or something. Or while she's in one of her classes at the University. Hmmmm....

dmplaura 10-05-2008 08:05 PM

I have nothing to contribute, except extreme laughter imagining these 'thingies' being loved for 12 years now LOL!!!!!

Gazelle 10-05-2008 08:10 PM

For her anniversary, send a singing telegram to her work. And then have the singer hand her her anniversary present, wrapped of course, and have her open it in front of everyone at the office.

Make bunnies or snowmen & women out of maxi & mini pads (and or "things") and include the "package" with an Easter basket / Christmas package delivered to her work.

How about enlisting a co-worker of hers and telling her that she's won the "Employee of the Year" award. Get the package professionally wrapped and have the co-worker give it to her at an office get together.

Dunno..... maybe once my warped brain has slept on it I'll come up with something.

CayoKay 10-05-2008 08:13 PM

lil Kay got in mucho trouble for this one so I'll REFRAIN from posting pix, lest I re-offend...

but... here's some nifty ideas:


Rambo Style:

Thanksgiving Turkey!

Flower Bouquet:

happy gifting, dear Twink.......


Gazelle 10-05-2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by CayoKay (Post 383181)
lil Kay got in mucho trouble for this one so I'll REFRAIN from posting pix, lest I re-offend...

but... here's some nifty ideas:


Rambo Style:

Thanksgiving Turkey!

Flower Bouquet:

happy gifting, dear Twink.......



OMG, I'm laughing so hard that there are tears coming down my face. I LOVE THESE!


tovaxin_lab_rat 10-05-2008 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Twinkletoes (Post 383155)
Easy to tell you've got flowers on the brain, Cheryl, lol. Good idea -- I could have it delivered after it was all over and I was on my way home.

Maybe have them delivered while she's working at the hospital or something. Or while she's in one of her classes at the University. Hmmmm....

Gotta keep us florists in business!


Twinkletoes 10-05-2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by dmplaura (Post 383174)
I have nothing to contribute, except extreme laughter imagining these 'thingies' being loved for 12 years now LOL!!!!!

Laura, not so sure the thingies have been loved, but we have loved exchanging them! :p

Gazelle, I hadn't thought of doing it for a special occasion. Her b-day is coming up in Dec. Employee of the Year? Hmmm, doubt it -- so much drama in her little office.

hahaha Kay! I remember the Christmas slippers, but the other crafts are new to me. Love the Rambo ammo and gun! I wonder if I could get her DH to show up at work wearing THAT? :D

So Cheryl, do you florists know how to make flowers like the ones Kay showed? :rolleyes:

CayoKay 10-05-2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gazelle (Post 383185)

OMG, I'm laughing so hard that there are tears coming down my face. I LOVE THESE!


gracias, Stotty !!

I just remembered, it was the *other* place where someone got perturbed over the pix...

so I guess I coulda... heh heh heh...

I was sooooo sad when I saw that you had a similar idea and posted it a couple of minutes before me...


Originally Posted by Gazzy
]Make bunnies or snowmen & women out of maxi & mini pads (and or "things")

gotta be FAST to keep up with a Gazelle...


CayoKay 10-05-2008 09:10 PM

lol, I *also* got a spanking for posting photos of the designer condom dresses and the toilet paper wedding gowns.


ewizabeth 10-05-2008 09:44 PM

That is hilarious Twink. :D I remember when somebody gave me a training bra for my 12th birthday. I was mortified! :eek: I can just imagine opening your "gift" at a business meeting or the like... :D

tovaxin_lab_rat 10-05-2008 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Twinkletoes (Post 383191)
Laura, not so sure the thingies have been loved, but we have loved exchanging them! :p

Gazelle, I hadn't thought of doing it for a special occasion. Her b-day is coming up in Dec. Employee of the Year? Hmmm, doubt it -- so much drama in her little office.

hahaha Kay! I remember the Christmas slippers, but the other crafts are new to me. Love the Rambo ammo and gun! I wonder if I could get her DH to show up at work wearing THAT? :D

So Cheryl, do you florists know how to make flowers like the ones Kay showed? :rolleyes:

I think it depends on how "creative" the florist is -- or is willing to be! I have seen some pretty creative ones...ones who know how to think out side the box, so to speak! I know the one I work with has done some pretty creative gift boxes!

Riverwild 10-06-2008 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 383206)
That is hilarious Twink. :D I remember when somebody gave me a training bra for my 12th birthday. I was mortified! :eek: ... :D

ROTFLMAO! I never got one of those...I wonder why?:p

Twink, this is hilarious! I thought my family were the only whackos who do things like this!

We have a menstrual cup :eek: that has been re-gifted between the girls for YEARS!

No one will take it and actually USE it! The stupid thing keeps going around and around and the wrapper is getting dogeared enough so that now it is encased in a ziploc bag! It's called "Instead" and every time one of us says the word, the others all scream and check their purses and packages and any other place it could be hidden!

( the last time I got it, I taped it to the back of my stepsister's turkey platter in her china cabinet. She hasn't found it yet! :D )

Jules A 10-06-2008 10:13 AM

That is hilarious, what a great "family tradition". You and DD sound like great fun.

Twinkletoes 10-06-2008 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Riverwild (Post 383344)
ROTFLMAO! I never got one of those...I wonder why?:p

Twink, this is hilarious! I thought my family were the only whackos who do things like this!

We have a menstrual cup :eek: that has been re-gifted between the girls for YEARS!

No one will take it and actually USE it! The stupid thing keeps going around and around and the wrapper is getting dogeared enough so that now it is encased in a ziploc bag! It's called "Instead" and every time one of us says the word, the others all scream and check their purses and packages and any other place it could be hidden!

( the last time I got it, I taped it to the back of my stepsister's turkey platter in her china cabinet. She hasn't found it yet! :D )

I can't wait for Thanksgiving! You've GOT to let us know what she says/does when she discovers it!!! How funny! :D

ania 10-06-2008 11:11 AM

Hi ya twink!

Why do I get the feeling that you'll be receiving alot of these special "products" in the mail? :D

Jappy 10-06-2008 05:59 PM

I remember many years ago we put on a Christmas Party for
the Children, Grandchildren of our veterans at the American Veterans

This one year Bill who played Santa every year because he was
just the right size. We could not find his santa beard to go with his
outfit. Was going crazy trying to figure out what are we going to do.

Me and my big ideas, we had the Kotex box in the ladies bathroom
incase someone needed it. I got about 8 of the pads and tore them apart
and scothtaped them together to make a beard.

Needless to say Bill wasn't very happy about it but, he being such a
great sport agreed to where it. He didn't want to let the kids down.

I don't know what happened to the pictures that we took of him and
his picasso beard. That was one of the best christmas parties we had.

Jappy :D:D

Momma's Kids 10-06-2008 06:35 PM

Twink...after reading this I might have a couple ideas

...I worked in an office with nothing but men. We had one bathroom, the men were very tidy and considerate. One day one of the guys comes outta the bathroom and his face was all red and he was extremely flustered.

I didn't think too much about it until later...I went in and someone had placed a box on the back of the toliet. I went back out sat down...turned around in my chair and said...guys...I'm not sure which one of you had a sex change...but could you at least put those things in the cabinet. I've had that play pen removed for over five years.

They didn't have a clue...found out later one of the guys was trying to embarrass me...

Yeah...send her a box with a in men's

AfterMyNap 10-07-2008 12:07 PM

Time to shift gears in the game. My mom and I had a game involving a swan that went on for 25 years. She beat me from the grave, but that's another story.

It may be time to acquire a large, poorly-made girl doll who will soon be transformed into Molly Menstrual. Molly will need all the gear, meds and attitudes. Molly will suffer from severe PMS bouts and erratic mood swings. Molly Menstrual will be every girl's friendly gateway in the use of sanitary napkins, their application, proper disposal, etc. Molly Menstrual comes complete with...

Additional Molly Menstrual accessories such as tampons, Pamprin, and other hygiene products sold separately.

Twinkletoes 10-07-2008 12:23 PM

Cindy, as I posted this thread I remembered the swan story, but couldn't think who posted it! Glad you solved that little mystery of life for me. ;)(Great story, BTW!)

Molly Menstrual might be just the ticket to breathing new life into our little exchange game.

I'll bet I could find her at Salvation Army/Deseret Industries. Maybe give her some new stuffing for that familiar bloated feeling. :rolleyes:

Twinkletoes 10-07-2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 383206)
That is hilarious Twink. :D I remember when somebody gave me a training bra for my 12th birthday. I was mortified! :eek: I can just imagine opening your "gift" at a business meeting or the like... :D

Wiz, I remember attending my girlfriend's 8th b-day party. My Mom had wrapped up a pair of ruffley panties (I'm sure she had originally purchased for me).

I was SO embarrassed to have my friend open this gift of UNDERWEAR! I hid it until very last.

Surprisingly, she LOVED them!

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