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Jolene520 07-19-2007 09:02 PM

Vicks Vapor Rub and Neuropathy
I recently read an article that Dr. Gott claims to state that vicks vapor rub rubbed all over the feet rids the pain of neuropathy?? My husband who is suffering terribly from this due to chemotherapy tried it...and well so far nothing..anyone heard of this or have tried it?

ConsiderThis 07-19-2007 09:21 PM

Wow, this is something to remember!

Thank you!!!!!!

Dakota 07-19-2007 09:24 PM

Dr. Gott obviously never had severe neuropathy pain. That's like trying to kill an elephant with a flyswatter. I am so sorry your husband is suffering. There are drugs that many of us find helpful in several categories. It sounds like your husband needs a doctor who is willing to work with finding the best drugs to help him. I use fentanly patches. Fentanyl is a synthetic morhpine. And I also take Lyrica, which is an anti-seizure drug that is used for pain control. I hope he can get relief soon.

Jolene520 07-19-2007 09:29 PM

My husband has been on every med that we know of...from Lyrica to 2700 daily of neurotin...from codine, to methadone to percacets...nothing touches this pain...any ideas...and how about more info on this does that work..and does the doc precribe it?
Thank you

Dakota 07-19-2007 09:35 PM

The fentanyl patch is prescribed by a physician. It is a synthetic morphine, and the patch method of delivery keeps it in your system constantly. It comes in a variety of strengths. People use anywhere from 25 micrograms to 400 micrograms, and change the patch every 2 or 3 days. If your husband did not get relief from methadone, he probably wasn't given a high enough dose. Some doctors are uninformed about prescribing pain meds. You may need to go to a pain specialist.

ConsiderThis 07-19-2007 10:02 PM

I'm so sorry your husband is in such pain. I really am.


Years ago, when my feet were first numb, I used to wear these flip flops that had little protrusions all over their soles (the bed where your foot sits, is what I mean) ... my plan was to stimulate my feet back to feeling.

It's so dangerous when you don't have feeling in your feet... for some reason I never had as much pain in my feet as I did in my right thigh. And I never did understand how when my thigh felt wooden and numb, it also hurt so much.

Tonight I can move my toes -- always cause for excitement for me -- but today I had two B12 shots.

I mention that because I think the reason that B12 got rid of the PN in my thigh was that I had sOOOOO much of it.

(I take Milk Thistle to cleanse my liver of the cyano ... )

The shots are such a drag... but I am so grateful for them...

If you could get a major prescription for B12 injections that you or your husband give to him... of that I would be really hopeful.


(I'm going to get the vicks because one of the problems I have now is that my feet don't seem to adjust to temperature very well... so I don't realize they are cold, and then they start hurting... but as I say, not so significantly as your husband's pain with his feet.)

For me, I think it's the stress... Happily, though, I'm making a bit of headway with the appeal stuff.

george75 07-19-2007 10:51 PM

pain relief from 15 to 3 in 44 treatments
Jolene 520
My pain in 2000 was 15 and a friend told me to find a chiroprator with a machine that put out at least 400 volts. I did and the first 4 could not feel a thing. Slowly each time i had to decrease the voltage. After 44 treatments my pain was 3.I have been using a TENS unit for the last 7 years and 30 mg of morphine a day. My PN was caused by taking Zocor.

I hope this helps your husband. George

ConsiderThis 07-19-2007 10:58 PM

I am so shocked, George, that your PN was caused by Zocor... I didn't know it could do that.

flsun01 07-20-2007 04:32 AM

I think you will find this info is a anecdotal incident reported by a number of sources over and over . I may be mistaken ,but I cannot find any incident were this was confirmed by Dr. Gott, but merely reported as information from an individual who may or may not have neuropathy. It's about five o'clock in the am where I am at, and I would be using a gallon of Vicks right now ,if I thought Vicks was the miracle fix. Dakota has an excellent point and I think a pain specialist would be in order. There are others in this forum much wiser than myself, perhaps they can shed light on this phenomena. At any rate I hope your husband finds relief soon.

darlindeb25 07-20-2007 05:37 AM

I have never heard of Vicks for neuropathy, yet my mom does swear by Vicks for headache pain. She rubs it on her forehead and around her eyes--she just told me the other night to try it for my headache. I had a wonderful peppermint lotion from the World Market in Michigan that was the best thing I ever found. It had the best cooling effect ever and it never failed me for anything I used it for, problem is, I could never find another bottle of it. I went to the store, their website, everything I could---they made it the one time, and that was it. I had 1 quart of it and I cut that bottle open and used every last drop of it--I have never found anything to equal it.:(

glenntaj 07-20-2007 06:45 AM

I can believe the anecdotal reports about Vicks--
--helping some forms of neuropathic pain, simply because the active ingredient in Vicks, the menthol, would produce a cooling sensation where applied that could interfere with the "burning" pain sensations for some people, at least for at time. Don't think it would be a good long-term pain control strategy for most, though.

And, yes, one of the more recently discussed side-effects of Zocor and other statin drugs is neuropathy. Myopathy (muscle damage) occurs to. It's even found it's way into the "fine print" or, on television/radio, the "fast talk" parts of the advertisements for these drugs.

nide44 07-20-2007 09:56 AM

Just an addendum note:
The regular Vicks in a jar is not the item that
is used for foot burning- it is the creme in the tube
that was talked about in previous articles.
I read one, where someone claimed to be
'cured' of PN by using it.
This has been a topic for at least a year or two.
Some say it helps- also Biofreeze...and my personal fave-
'Icy Hot' (but the generic-'Cool Heat', from "Rite-Aid" drugstores.)

ConsiderThis 07-20-2007 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by glenntaj (Post 126146)
--helping some forms of neuropathic pain, simply because the active ingredient in Vicks, the menthol, would produce a cooling sensation where applied that could interfere with the "burning" pain sensations for some people, at least for at time. Don't think it would be a good long-term pain control strategy for most, though.

And, yes, one of the more recently discussed side-effects of Zocor and other statin drugs is neuropathy. Myopathy (muscle damage) occurs to. It's even found it's way into the "fine print" or, on television/radio, the "fast talk" parts of the advertisements for these drugs.

I think it's hard to understand what these side affects are (darn it... I am never sure whether it's effects, or affects) until one experiences them. Burning feet doesn't sound all that bad... it maybe brings a nice hot chili to mind... but the real thing, once we have the peripheral neuropathy burning is not something I would choose....

They advertise statins on telly SO much.

I can't remember what the nutritional steps toward the same end are... but I sure wish they were advertised equally with the drugs.


MelodyL 07-20-2007 12:22 PM

I can help you remember the effects or the affects.

It's side effects. (things you get from something).

Affects (means you affect something else( like you did something that impacted someone or something).

so if you give someone a pill that has SIDE EFFECTS, that means you AFFECTED THAT PERSON!!!

Clear enough, or did I completely confuse you more.???


rfinney 07-20-2007 03:30 PM

Lot so folks have made good points here. I also have a severe small-fiber neuropathy. I can't allow anything at all to touch the top of my feet. And of course it is nonsense that Vick's or anything like it can "cure" neuropathy. However, there are many shades in between "cure" and no relief whatsoever. As Glenn indicates, Vick's has menthol in it. And I find that menthol does provide a small measure of relief - many times it won't last very long - but it can help just to break up unremitting pain for even a little bit.

I have searched extensively to find as many little things like that. I have assembled a bag of tricks, as I call it, that I use as needed to help manage my overall situation. Does it eliminate the need for medications? - unfortunately not. But in addition to whatever actual relief I get, I also get a feeling, even if it's just an illusion, of increased control over my life. And I do mean life, not control over the pain. I don't want to fight that battle - can't win . . . it does feel like I am least not losing when it comes to life and usually much better than that.


ConsiderThis 07-20-2007 04:27 PM

Boy, I sure need to have some feeling of control over my life... I am so upset with what happened with my condo, and I'm appealing.

But the denials of due process were so overt and big... I can't even think of serious words to use, that ...

I'm so upset.

I have no control because the state court in New Mexico completely COMPLETELY denied my Constitutional rights...

this makes the pain come back, the literal peripheral neuropathy pain in my thigh (sorry not my feet right now) come back because of the stress. I must go and have a b12 shot...

Thanks for mentioning control in ones life...

It is so important. That's why I got solar.

I have till next Wednesday to finish my brief... I hate that there will be all this stress all that time!

suthernsnail 07-20-2007 05:28 PM

i love your quote about drs listening to patients. i just made a comment about 3 nights ago i feel like my body is in self destruct mode and i'm fearful of what's next to go wrong. gail:confused:

ConsiderThis 07-20-2007 11:13 PM


I'm fading a bit... so this will be short...

Do read some of the material on vitamin B12.

And, if you have symptoms associated with low B12, get Methylcobalamin lozenges and dissolve them under your tongue, and keep notes for three weeks.

I would bet that you will find a significant improvement.

(But get the 5mg ones, because one of them a day for a month is about equal to a B12 shot a week.)


Silverlady 07-21-2007 01:26 PM

Not quite the situation
Karen Kline's statement that "burning feet doesn't sound all that bad". Burning feet hurt like the blue blazes for lack of a more cryptic statement!!!! ( Moderator will get me. :) )

I can't stand sheets on my feet, I only wear certain types of shoes and always make sure I can pull my feet out of them under my chair, etc. Winter time my feet freeze and burn because I'm not wearing socks which will make them burn more. All in all burning feet are extremely painful. Along with burning legs, burning bum, etc. Most of you know what I mean. I just wanted to make the point that burning feet hurt!


ConsiderThis 07-21-2007 01:55 PM

Hi Silverlady...

Yes, I said it doesn't "sound" that bad... but I've felt it and once I felt it, it was horrible.

But really the pain in my thigh was vastly worse, I couldn't stand the pressure of the lightest slip...

well, it was awful.

I'm sorry if you thought I hadn't actually felt it and therefore didn't understand.



dahlek 07-21-2007 08:21 PM

We all do/try what EVER
we can stand to try and make 'things' better.

About Zocor - down the page mid-way, about the nervous system. But, be sure to read THE WHOLE THING! Every time a person takes a medication, or adds one, a whole lot of unusual actions/reactions can and do occur! Docs don't report them to the state medical orgs, nor to the FDA! They mite report reactions to the sales rep tho.....we KNOW where that report will be filed!
About Zocor:
So, any abnormal or extreme effects that occur, first call your doc...then call the FDA and the DRUG Company directly [they have to report THESE calls BTW].
So, learn AS much as you can handle about ALL your meds, add meds and new supplements carefully, one by one..and give each addition a good 2-3 weeks for good and bad effects to crop up. You have only one life to give? Not to mention the possible hospital bills....Safe and cautious is a heck of a lot better than sorry.
As for Vicks, Just go to the top blue bar and see how often this issue has popped up- I believe it's about once every 3 or four months? I tried it, Biofreeze or an equivalant ONCE...Wanted to use steel wool to get it off/out of my skin...BOY did I have new nerve or old nerve endings RESPOND! Never again, thanks!
I do remember using Vicks a very long time ago on one very big bruise, the menthol helped there, I don't know if the current formula is the same enough to be effective tho....It was well over 30 years ago? Mind you, I'm no LONGER COUNTING! - j

shiney sue 07-22-2007 12:35 AM

My Mom
And my Grandmom use to put that on our chests, and heat it in water
to help us breath when we had a cold. But no don't think i would
want it anywhere there's PN Ouchhh. :( Sue

Jolene520 07-22-2007 08:34 AM

Vicks does nothing
Well I rubbed it and rubbed it on my husbands gives you hope for like 5 minutes as the cooling sensation sets in...then...nothing...and BioFreeze...we tried that several months ago..that just lit his feet on fire...I am calling doc tomorrow and asking him about medical marijuana and B12 shots..something has to give here...anyone trying medical marijuana?

rose 07-22-2007 11:16 AM

I just posted a link to an excellent resource for information on cannabis/marijuana.

Regarding the B12, you would almost surely get better (and quicker :( ) response from at least 1000 mcg per day methylcobalamin B12 orally.


laurieppa1965 04-29-2009 03:02 PM

Dr. GOTT and Vicks

Originally Posted by flsun01 (Post 126124)
I think you will find this info is a anecdotal incident reported by a number of sources over and over . I may be mistaken ,but I cannot find any incident were this was confirmed by Dr. Gott, but merely reported as information from an individual who may or may not have neuropathy. It's about five o'clock in the am where I am at, and I would be using a gallon of Vicks right now ,if I thought Vicks was the miracle fix. Dakota has an excellent point and I think a pain specialist would be in order. There are others in this forum much wiser than myself, perhaps they can shed light on this phenomena. At any rate I hope your husband finds relief soon.

Dr. Gott definetly recommends Vicks for neuropathy.I just read it in his column in my local paper.I was interested because my father -in-law suffers from neuripathy. Doesn't sound like it works very well according to responses in this forum.

Grizabella 04-29-2009 07:29 PM

If you want to know what the burning of neuropathy feels like, pour some gasoline on your feet and light a match. That's kind of close. ;)

mrsD 04-29-2009 07:29 PM

there is another thread about menthol and nerve pain relief here....

nide44 05-01-2009 08:56 AM

This has been a topic for at least a year or two.
Some say it helps- also Biofreeze...and my personal fave-
'Icy Hot' (but the generic-'Cool Heat', from "Rite-Aid" drugstores.)

prairiemary 05-01-2009 03:04 PM

I study and work with essential oils, and this is how you can easily make your own peppermint lotion.Take about 2 ounces of sunflower or grapeseed oil, both you can get from grocery store, or organic at healthfood store, put it is a clean glass bottle. To the oil, add 4-6 drops of Peppermint essential oil,and about 4-6 drops of Lavender essential oil, shake until well blended. Dab a couple of drops on your forehead, massage it into the skin, or a drop on each temple, and massage it in. You can also massage it into the back of your neck, and on each wrist,when you feel a head ache coming on. I have been using Lavender for headaches,and to help me get to sleep, for many years now, I swear by it for headaches! After you make your first batch, you may want to increase or decrease either the Lavender or the Peppermint that you add to the oil, just NEVER apply essential oils to bare skin, you must put it in a carrier oil, like sunflower, etc., except for the Lavender, it may be applied to bare skin, and will not burn it. Get the essential oils from a good healthfood store, making sure it is the best quality.Good luck!

Hope15 05-04-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by ConsiderThis (Post 126030)
I'm so sorry your husband is in such pain. I really am.


Years ago, when my feet were first numb, I used to wear these flip flops that had little protrusions all over their soles (the bed where your foot sits, is what I mean) ... my plan was to stimulate my feet back to feeling.

It's so dangerous when you don't have feeling in your feet... for some reason I never had as much pain in my feet as I did in my right thigh. And I never did understand how when my thigh felt wooden and numb, it also hurt so much.

Tonight I can move my toes -- always cause for excitement for me -- but today I had two B12 shots.

I mention that because I think the reason that B12 got rid of the PN in my thigh was that I had sOOOOO much of it.

(I take Milk Thistle to cleanse my liver of the cyano ... )

The shots are such a drag... but I am so grateful for them...

If you could get a major prescription for B12 injections that you or your husband give to him... of that I would be really hopeful.


(I'm going to get the vicks because one of the problems I have now is that my feet don't seem to adjust to temperature very well... so I don't realize they are cold, and then they start hurting... but as I say, not so significantly as your husband's pain with his feet.)

For me, I think it's the stress... Happily, though, I'm making a bit of headway with the appeal stuff.

Don't mean to sound ignorant, but can you tell me what "cyano" is?

glenntaj 05-05-2009 06:01 AM

--refers to the cynadie chemical radical that is attached to the cobalamin portion of the B12 molecule in most commercial B12 preparations.

This is the cheapest way to supplement cobalamin (which, by the way, is so named because it has a cobalt atom in its chemical structure), and while cyanocobalamin supplementation does work for many people with B12 deficiency, there are some who have trouble chemicaly removing the cyanide radical and then methylating the cobalamin portion in order to make it usable by the body. Such people should always take methylcobalamin or other activated B12 form.

And, since methylcobalamin is now readily available and not really expensive, there's no reason those of us who need supplementation, or merely want it, to not get it--who wants a cyanide radical running around the body anyway? :D

MelodyL 05-05-2009 09:05 AM


thank you SO much for explaining the cyano thing. I read her post and when she said she used Milk Thistle (I know what that is), to get the cyano out of her liver, I said to myself "There's cyano in my liver, but I take Methyl B-12".

So is it safe to assume that because I take straight Methyl B, that I don't get cyano in my liver and I don't have to take milk thistle?

Thanks much Glenn.


mrsD 05-05-2009 09:29 AM

I have a long explanation on cyano and other forms of
B12 on the new B12 thread in the stickies above.

Most of the general info on this subject is there now.

Tell me if there is something else I should add.

Stephen Comency 03-05-2015 12:52 PM

Vaporub & Neuropathy in Feet
Hi everyone,
I've dealt with severe peripheral neuropathy pain for 10 years. Lyrica works somewhat but its side-effects are annoying. In 5 years on Lyrica I have gained 40 lbs. Anyway, at night I would usually resort to Icy-Hot, Ben-Gay or some other ointment to try and alleviate my pain. For the most part the didn't work and I experienced countless sleepless nights of severe foot pain/twitching. Last week I ran out of ointment and tried Vicks Vaporub on my feet for the first time. I slathered both feet and put on loose socks and had the most restful night of sleep in years. Every day since I apply Vicks after my morning shower and before bed, I've been virtually pain free and sleeping like a baby since. I know there are several different kinds of neuropathy and this may not work for all but it worked for me. Try it, but don't be stingy, lay it on thick and wear loose socks. I hope you have as much luck with it as I did. All the best, Stephen

MelodyL 03-05-2015 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen Comency (Post 1127653)
Hi everyone,
I've dealt with severe peripheral neuropathy pain for 10 years. Lyrica works somewhat but its side-effects are annoying. In 5 years on Lyrica I have gained 40 lbs. Anyway, at night I would usually resort to Icy-Hot, Ben-Gay or some other ointment to try and alleviate my pain. For the most part the didn't work and I experienced countless sleepless nights of severe foot pain/twitching. Last week I ran out of ointment and tried Vicks Vaporub on my feet for the first time. I slathered both feet and put on loose socks and had the most restful night of sleep in years. Every day since I apply Vicks after my morning shower and before bed, I've been virtually pain free and sleeping like a baby since. I know there are several different kinds of neuropathy and this may not work for all but it worked for me. Try it, but don't be stingy, lay it on thick and wear loose socks. I hope you have as much luck with it as I did. All the best, Stephen


I just read your post and showed it to my husband who announed "Son of a B", I'm trying that tonight.

Will update. lol

And thanks much


Enna70 03-05-2015 01:23 PM

My two cents
I had to stop using noxema YEARS ago, guessing it was the menthol. It was horrible both for my skin (having to give it up), but worse on my I had to do it....

Kitt 03-05-2015 01:51 PM

Welcome Stephen Comency. :Wave-Hello:

MelodyL 03-05-2015 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kitt (Post 1127669)
Welcome Stephen Comency. :Wave-Hello:

Isn't it amazing how all these lotions, potions and meds affect people SO differently!!!!


zkrp01 03-06-2015 12:44 PM

Mortons Epsom Salts Lotion

Originally Posted by rfinney (Post 126372)
Lot so folks have made good points here. I also have a severe small-fiber neuropathy. I can't allow anything at all to touch the top of my feet. And of course it is nonsense that Vick's or anything like it can "cure" neuropathy. However, there are many shades in between "cure" and no relief whatsoever. As Glenn indicates, Vick's has menthol in it. And I find that menthol does provide a small measure of relief - many times it won't last very long - but it can help just to break up unremitting pain for even a little bit.

I have searched extensively to find as many little things like that. I have assembled a bag of tricks, as I call it, that I use as needed to help manage my overall situation. Does it eliminate the need for medications? - unfortunately not. But in addition to whatever actual relief I get, I also get a feeling, even if it's just an illusion, of increased control over my life. And I do mean life, not control over the pain. I don't want to fight that battle - can't win . . . it does feel like I am least not losing when it comes to life and usually much better than that.


is perhaps the only thing I have found that is not illusionary for the tops of my feet that scream at bedtime. Good Luck, Ken in Texas.

caroline2 08-25-2015 06:38 PM

I just posted about Vicks that I use for my Osteoarthritis feet and then thought about the neuropathy and looked and found this NT thread. Guess some have tried it and then I read about the statin drugs and thought of one of my non-computer friends, she has been taking statins for 30 yrs and deals with horrific "ideopathic" neuropathy. I just called her and said "you know what has caused your neuropathy, the statins" it's not unknown as your doctors have told you. She says that about 4-5 yrs ago her daughter printed out info on statins and neuropathy and she took it to her doctor and he denied the statins are the cause!!!! Soooo many people just don't question their doctors or the drugs, etc. Well, off my soapbox..had to vent a bit.

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