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Alffe 10-06-2006 06:05 AM

Wonder Thread #7
I wonder if my oldest daughter and I will find each other today in Michigan City.......

I wonder why Indiana has different time zones in the same state....

I wonder if her sense of direction is any better than mine.............

I wonder if Kell knows that I love kittens but my dog Cooper doesn't...

I wonder if she knows that we did have a good time on our trip..........

I wonder if Kell has any interest in getting her GED............

I wonder if the robins could have any more fun than they are in the muds pools.....looks like a "spa party" .....and the hummers are coming to the feeders because the flowers are no more...........:(

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-07-2006 12:40 PM

I wonder if alfie knows im not ignoring her im just in a really bad mood right now and will answer this post later when i calm down...
{{{{{hugs to the room}}}}}}}

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-07-2006 07:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I wonder if alfie knows how grateful i am that she is here sending me/us needed {{{{{hugs}}}}}} just in time!!!
I wonder if alfie knows how happy i am for her and hubby that they had a good time!!
Iwonder if i have any brain left to study for my GED test.I really cant remember half the time where i put my notes of things i'm not suppose to forget:rolleyes: I need a one on one teacher at this point.
I have interest-just no money....

I wonder how i can say this? Topamax has taken away my ability to concentrate/comprehend anything beyond basic conversation.Sometimes i have a real hard time even doing that..:mad:

I wonder if the room knows i am not here just because the topics are kool.
I wonder if the room knows that i am a survivor of attempted suicide...

I wonder if the room knows just how much these posts help me from day to day...:0)

I wonder if alfie knows that i love dogs too:) -just cant have one with my kitties..
Here is a pic from 9-26{11days old} of my 2 youngest kitties.
I had to take 9 pics b4 i could get this one of them both lookin at me...
noops is the blk one-lucky is the white/tabby colored one.

Alffe 10-08-2006 06:49 AM

I wonder if Kell knows that I understand about the side effects of our medications........"necessary evils", :confused:

I wonder if Kell knows that I'm glad she failed in her suicide attempt and am sorry she was so unhappy that she wanted "out".....(((Kell)))

I wonder if I should admit that her pictures made me want to go out and get a kitten..........:D

I wonder how this electronic test organ will sound in church this morning...
Our Pastor said she picked the grandest songs to test it, like Glory, Glory, Glory.

I wonder what it will cost our small congregation if we decide to purchase it..

I wonder how Bizi's chicken turned out............:D

Doody 10-08-2006 05:17 PM

I wonder if I can give Kell hugs as well.

I wonder if Kell would want to know I suffer from a lot of the same physical ailments as she does! Rotater cuff surgery last year (Shoulder was a mess as the rotator cuff tore badly. UGH, the recovery!), horrible tailbone pain, herniations and bulges in the same parts of the spine, fibro and arthritis. Add to that a few others; ulcerative colitis, chronic myofascia pain (and I mean chronic, daily). And on and on, lol.

I wonder that I sat here and went "AWWWWWWWWWWW" at that picture! Those kittens!!!!! I LOVE KITTENS! I love animals!

I wonder if Kell would like to see a few photos of my cats... (Chewie is a polydactyl! He has 6 toes on each front paw and 7 on each back paw...and each paw has 2 pads on them!) some of my photos

I wonder at how much fun Granddoody was last night and today. Grandmas babysat while mommy and daddy had a belated anniversary night at a nice hotel with dinner and stuff...

I wonder at how excited I am at the fast approaching vacation...1 more week of work and gone for 2 weeks...

I wonder that a few of us will probably not be posting much during that time!... :eek:

FeelinGoofy 10-09-2006 07:59 AM

i wonder if i can tell those who are going on the trip that i will most definately be there in spirit.... funds, and circumstances beyond my control will not allow me to go :(

i wonder what the the ENT will say about my MILs problems today.

i wonder if my brother-in-law will help take her to her dr appts when he is here next week?

i wonder why the oncologist didn't give her any meds or even talk to the family before she was released from the hosptial??? We are basically in the dark about her leukemia.

i wonder why i cant get excited about my BIL coming like everybody else is.

i wonder, no i worry about this dark feeling that i cant seem to shake.

Alffe 10-09-2006 08:39 AM

I wonder if I can leave a hug for Goofy....who has Waaaaaaaaaay too much on her plate and not much choice in the matter.......(((Goofy)))

I wonder why the "burden" always falls on the women in the family....

I wonder why it is assumed that we can just do it!.....~sigh

I wonder if I can find the Hope thing...we all need to be reminded.

Julie 10-09-2006 11:40 AM

I wonder why it is so easy to register to vote.

I wonder why they didn't even want to see my old voter registration card.

I wonder if they know how nervous it makes me to know that anybody could register under any name, address, etc.

I wonder how my sixth grader can be so in love.

I wonder if you know he has not one, not two, but three girls coming over today to play cards.

I wonder if when I was in sixth grade if all the boys hormones were raging like this.

I wonder if it's okay to say I want my baby back.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-10-2006 10:03 AM

I wonder if Julie knows that i wonder how her son aquired such mojo -being that he is only in the 6th grade..
I wonder if she knows that i also long for my babies back.My baby boy is getting married soon:(, i say it's ok to want em back!!
I wonder how i can word alotta these wonder things..LOL
I wonder how i can tell doody that i had no idea she had similar ailments.
I wonder if i could ask her a few questions sometime!!
I wonder if i could tell her how very sorry i am that she has even more to deal with than i do!!I could'nt even imagine having more to deal with than i already do..{{{hugs}}}
I wonder if she actually has all those witties in her house with her..
Iwonder if doody knows that i said :ooohhhh how cute they all are when i looked at her pics!!!!
I wonder how the test organ sounded at alfies church.
Iwonder if alfie knows that i am glad she understands about the med side affects.Some people dont and think i am just making excuses..I want the old me back more than anything!!!!
I wonder if goofy knows thaT i have that dark feeling that i cant shake sometimes..and that i understand -and really hope she finds a way to get outta there real soon!!!
I wonder if everyone knows that i have to take my momma cat to the apl today.I have called and called the other places and they have no room:( .
She was getting very aggresive with the babies/with us- and i had to seperate them night before last.I am afraid she would do the same thing to my other adult cat should i try and keep her...I have been soooo upset..I am feeding the babies with a dropper and wiping their lil bottoms.
Iwonder if everyone knows how much it means to me that they left me hugs??
I wonder if i can leave a hug for everyone...

Alffe 10-10-2006 11:21 AM

I wonder if I can tell Kell that the organ sounded glorious and we all voted about whether or not we wanted to buy it.....

I wonder what the outcome will be.............

I wonder if naming this place will take as long..........;)

I wonder if I should post about our dear friend who is grieving the loss of his job.....he's in as much pain as anyone who loses something they love.....

I wonder and wonder about learning to read in Kindergarten....Mr.Alffe is part of a reading program in our elementary schools and he is helping a little boy with his READING!!!!! Our kids only needed to know the alphabet in Kindergarten....and they learned to read in the 1st grade....

I wonder how long that's been going on.................

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room...especially our Curious. (((Curious)))

Doody 10-10-2006 11:33 AM

I wonder TOO how long it will take to get a name... :rolleyes:

I wonder about the momma cat and what else can be done...

I wonder if I can tell Alffe I FINALLY figured out the lily! It's a Blackberry Lily!!!!

Blackberry Lily

The Blackberry Lily's cute seed pods.

Oops. I wonder how interesting this is that I just found. I've never dug them up. No wonder the parent plants didn't come back, only the seedlings. Oops. Well I hate digging up bulbs, geesh!

Alffe 10-10-2006 03:13 PM

The flowers are just lovely Ms.Doody but like you, I don't dig up in the fall. This is the last year I'm planting Canna's for that very reason...too much work. If they can't winter over then they have short lives in my yard. ;)

Oops, wonder why I forgot to wonder.

I wonder if you know that they are finished and gone away and I am moving bricks...trying to outline the flower beds.

I wonder if anyone else has snow flurries in their forecast for Wed.nite and Thurs...........

I wonder if my grandaughters will bring warm clothes...............

I wonder what voting absentee ballot will be like........:o :o

FeelinGoofy 10-10-2006 07:11 PM

I wonder if anybody else has a hard time finding clothes to fit their kiddos

I wonder if you guys know my son is 16 and is 6'5 and weighs about 250 :eek:

I wonder if you know jeans are difficult, and i'm getting ready to find out about hoodies....The one he had last year is way short in the arms....and it wont zip:rolleyes:

i wonder if Alffe knows we're not suppose to get snow flurries, but they say the lows will be in the 30s and the highs in the 50s.... This is why my son needs a hoodie :rolleyes:

i wonder if i should change the shirt i'm wearing before i go out into public. Its one i got from Christmas from a friend in Texas. It says "Its a Texas thing" on the front. Considering Texas beat OU in football this past weekend, i'm thinking i should probally change. :rolleyes:

Alffe 10-12-2006 04:53 AM

I wonder if Goofy has a Big & Tall store in her area.............

I wonder if her son plays football............

I wonder if it's too late to plant grass seed.......

I wonder how I'll get it raked if the ground freezes........

I wonder if I should get the furnace inspected this early.....

I wonder if that white stuff is............snow......

jingle 10-12-2006 07:01 AM

I wonder in which zone are Doody and her blackberry lilies. I'm in zone 5 - very close to 6 - and I also hate digging up bulbs so I never ever do. My blackberry lilies and everything else spend the winters right where they are (suck it up, plant!!) and do just fine.
I wonder if anyone else is so lazy the refuse to plant ANYTHING that HAS to be dug up in the autumn.
I wonder if I can say --"Hi goofy - so good to see you :D "

Then tah dah --- I wonder if anyone will have a better treat today than a photo of my cat Jingle

FeelinGoofy 10-12-2006 07:57 AM

i wonder if that kitties green eyes could be any more beautiful!

i wonder how my son is going to handle this cold frigid wind at the bus stop this morning as he has already LOST the jacket i bought him. :mad:

i wonder if i can tell alffe that no my son does not play football nor any other sport. hes so involved in music and choir that he has no interest. which is fine with me ;)

i wonder if my brother-in-law will have a good flight in to OKC today from Oregon :) it will be good to see him again.

i wonder how my MILs oncologist appt will go tomorrow, and if we'll find out anything about this leukemia she has :confused:

i wonder if i can leave a {{{{HUG}}}} for those who need it today.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-12-2006 08:07 AM

I wonder if jingle knows that your jingle made me jump,because he/she looks like my felix..LOL
I wonder now if my krazy cannas will live<sigh>My mom says her brother had some that he left in the ground and they came back up this year...This is my first year having them.It is freeeezzzzziinnnggg ccold here this morning.I am afraid i might be too late to dig em up anywayz!!!
I wonder just how many bulbs are down there now<another l-o-n-g sigh>
I wonder which zone i am in.I used to know but forgot:confused: :D
I wonder if jingles could be so kind as to tell me.I am in northern Ohio.
I wonder about my poor stray momma cat this morning and hope she is doing ok.........I miss her so much!!!!!!!!
I wonder when my older cat will adjust to having these babies in the house so i can get them outta my daughters room and outta the box .So i can stop doing ssoooooooo much laundry every day.
I wonder if i can leave the room a hug.

jingle 10-12-2006 12:39 PM

:) I wonder if I can be faster ...........
Kell here's a good zone map: so I think you're probably in 5 -- just like me

Alffe 10-12-2006 01:29 PM

I wonder if your cat is the "universal cat" Jingle because we had a cat named Oscar who looked just like him!

In fact, Oscar died of heart failure at the CatNap Inn the second day he was there. The owner said he was just strolling over to his food and keeled over. Mr.Alffe has always had a soft spot in his heart for Oscar because he had the decency to die on the second day and we didn't have a 2 week boarding bill. :o

jingle 10-12-2006 02:10 PM

I wonder if I can ask Alffe how her mammogram went --ah, such FUN :rolleyes:

I wonder if I can emphasize just how unusual Jingle is. She is not a common cat !! She and her sister Belle were born under the bed of an Air Force wing commander on Nov. 14, 1987. On Dec. 26, 1987, the commander and his wife carried Jingle and Belle to us in a lovely little basket decked with Christmas decorations. I have no idea why they said, "HERE" and ran.

We lost beautiful Belle this spring - between my brain and breast surgeries. Here's Belle

Doody 10-12-2006 02:46 PM

I wonder if you know how my heart just melts at the site of a beautiful animal.

I miss Sweetie Pie, a lot. :(

I'm in zone 5a, and don't give a rat's patoot about digging up bulbs.

I wonder at how very angry I am at my health insurance and changes they've made. I watch my parents struggle with their health and insurance and wonder what it will be like for me someday. AAARGH!

Alffe 10-12-2006 03:59 PM

Oh Jingle...I didn't mean to imply that she's common! :confused: Two of us have already said that we have/had cats that looked like her. :o Please forgive me if I have offended you. :( And no, Oscar didn't have a spot under his nose.

jingle 10-12-2006 04:16 PM

Oh NO !! Dear (((Alffe))) -- I was trying to be funny-proud of my "American Domestic Short Hair" (she's NEVER called a common alley cat).
You didn't offend a bit. Not even a teeny bit.

She thinks she's Queen of the World so we let it go at that. Please don't offend HER. :eek:

Alffe 10-12-2006 04:29 PM

What a relief! By the way....that raccoon is painted him..right?

Alffe 10-12-2006 04:31 PM

Doody I hear you about seniors being "strapped" sister gets frantic about the "great new drug plan"....she is going broke on it.

Julie 10-12-2006 04:59 PM

I wonder if all my bulbs at our house in Houston came up and if the new owners enjoyed them.

I wonder at how much I miss my flowers and trees.

I wonder if any ten year old has cried as hard as my sweet Mikey did today at his EEG when they removed the electrodes from his head and hair. Breaks a mommy's heart.

I wonder what type of procedure the baby that was crying was having...pitiful.

I wonder seeing the young parents with bewildered looks on their faces with babies at the neurologist...oh it makes me weep to see them go through what we went through. Biggest of hugs to them

I wonder at how sweet he looks sleeping behind me in my bed.

I wonder at how when we have insurance now, we are spending more on healthcare.

I wonder who needs hugs.

jingle 10-12-2006 06:05 PM

I've wondered all day how Julie and the baby were doing. I can only imagine how it must feel to have that EEG over. When will you get the results?

I wonder if I have the strength to NOT post - lol - a larger photo of my raccoon avatar. Yes, that is an old painting of mine. I painted before I put down brushes and picked up knives. I wonder if I could ever get back into painting since I seem to have lost the carving ability.

I wonder what the hard frost will do to us tonight. It's Good Bye tomatoes:(

Idealist 10-12-2006 07:13 PM

I wonder if Kell know I've been looking for her...

Alffe 10-13-2006 05:38 AM

I wonder at Julie's sweet Mikey.......poor little guy.

I wonder what his test results will show....

I wonder if Idealist thinks that Kell is hiding from him...:D

I wonder where Bobbi is and why she's left us........:(

I wonder how Imus in the morning can get away with all the things he says..

I wonder what's on everyones' plate today.........

I'm having lunch with a bunch of my neices..........

simby 10-13-2006 06:54 AM

i wonder why i have never posted on this forum
i wonder if its a good idea to post here

i wonder if i really belong anywhere

Alffe 10-13-2006 07:52 AM

I wonder if Simby will just pull up a chair and get comfy....We don't bite, we don't even fight! :D

I wonder if my grandaughter will have trouble finding a place to write "Dust Me" on this short visit of theirs............:o

I wonder if I can admit that I have been cleaning, dusting and sweeping all morning and am looking forward to going out to lunch!....

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-15-2006 09:00 PM

I wonder if alffe's house is still sparkling clean.:D
I wonder if she is gonna tell us about her visit with her grandaughter and whoever else came to visit.
I wonder if julies son mikey is doing ok now.
I wonder about our healthcare we are paying for too Julie,My husband pays out 43% of his earnings-then we have hospital bills to boot!!It used to be 100% coverage then it just recently changed before i had my last surgery...
I wonder if he will quit talking about finding a new carrier and do it already!!
I wonder why idealist is looking for me here,when he knows he can pm me..
I wonder if jingle knows how much i like the racoon painting.
I wonder if i could tell everyone that i had an absolutely terrific weekend for the first time in a VERY VERY long time!!!!
I wonder if i could leave the room a hug.

Alffe 10-16-2006 11:32 AM

I wonder if Kell knows how very happy I am to read that she had a teriffic weekend!

I wonder if she read, in the other thread, ;) that my grandaughters dragged me all over the campus of N.D. taking pictures.....

I wonder if I can say that Mr.Alffe went to church without me while the girls and I went shopping....:o

I wonder who WILL please start a new wonder thread...this one is too long! *grin

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