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BlueMajo 05-23-2010 11:14 PM

Hey, how's everybody ?

Im back ! Wanted to write before, but first, I had typed a very long post, hit the wrong botton and lost it :mad: second try, and, I simply didnt know what to say :o

But this sunday night, decided to come here and say just hi ! :D

It's the end of the semester at school so, I have been busy with the cells and writing reports I hate... :mad: I thought I was going to fail my class but thank God I passed ! :D

Weather in Mexico is terribly hot... I hate the heat... I sweat like a pig due to my thyroid problems and it is so uncomfortable and embarrassing... oh well...

So, how are you dear friends ??

Im so lost !!! but hope I will find out things are going well with everybody here !!!


thelonely1 05-23-2010 11:37 PM

Hi Blue!!! You're back!!! :hug:

I was just getting online specifically to start a thread to ask where you were. I was starting to worry about you.

My life hasn't changed in the slightest since you left. That's how I am; always the same while everyone else changes themselves and leaves me behind. :rolleyes:

How was your trip? I'm gald to hear you passed your class. School's out! Life is a little easier for a while!

It's good to hear from you, post more soon, okay?

Love and :hug:'s

FeelinGoofy 05-24-2010 08:24 AM

Hello Blue and welcome home :) I also was wondering how your trip went.
Let us know when you get a chance and so glad school is out for you at least for now :hug:

DejaVu 05-24-2010 06:30 PM

So Blue without you!
Hey blue, where ya been all of this time? :D
Okay, so now ya know your Quantum Physics? :eek:
I gave ya plenty of study time, dear! :winky:
I've been wondering how you are doing? :hug:
Ya, I am messing with ya! :hug:
Gotcha Surrounded :circlelove:
~ DejaVu

BlueMajo 05-25-2010 01:30 PM

Hey, hey hey !

Thank you for all this beautiful and full of love posts !!! I feel so loved ! Thank you guys. I love you too.

So now:

THE LONELY: My life hasnt changed either... he he he ! I missed you lots and was thinking about you constantly... aw ! and one more thing, I will never leave you behind ! :hug: :winky:

GOOFY: :hug: Oh my Gosh, I seriously thought I was going to fail that class... oops... God definetely helped me in this one... :o I still have my big semester exam next June 3rd... ouch, but, it is about my project so, at least, it is more fun... :rolleyes:

DEJA VU: OH-MY-GOSH.... are you serious ?? are you for real !? WHERE THE H... HAVE YOU BEEN !? LOL Missed you lots !!!

Uff... Trip was pretty nice BUT, seriously, something is wrong with the fans of this finnish band... That was what I typed while I was at the airport and by mistake deleted... :mad:
They are so rude. Maybe you remember these girls I told ya about from when I was in london... well, I met more pathetic people this time...

The drummer gave me one of his drumsticks and this girl I met in line, hit me like crazy to take it !!! :eek: Security needed to come to remove her away from me !! Still cant belive that... and, the worst thing is, she told everybody it was me who hit her !!! :eek: She even showed pics of her "brushes" on facebook... She was completely crazy... and, I mean, those things, even when I know it wasnt my fault, make me feel so bad... I was feeling pretty bad and sad during the flight from New York To Seattle... urgh...

What a difference when I arrived to Seattle to see another band... they are from the US and... wow. totally different.. I even meet the band !! and the fans were pretty nice and normal... no fights... etc... wow... :D I Was so happy... THAT band now is my fav :)

I loved ORlando... ha, was there when I was 8... Im 27 now, so... it bring me lots of memories back.. when I was a child, when I had my grand pa, when my problems were "i want that mickey"... it was sweet... I started to cry when I entered a disney shop full of disney characters... LOL :o
I even had the chance to swin at the hotel... wish I could had stay more days, but oh well.... I need to win the lottery.

Atlanta was ok... easy to get around, but nothing special... I didnt have time to visit it much though.

Aw, Im so glad to be back here !! missed you dear family !!! :hug:

Doody 05-25-2010 06:24 PM

Welcome back ((Blue)). :hug:

DejaVu 05-25-2010 09:24 PM

Glad you are happy!
((((((( Blue Majo)))))))))

Now those pics on FB just were not fair! :eek:
So glad to see you are having a good time! :hug:
I hope to be around some.
Take great care! :winky:
~ DejaVu

BlueMajo 05-26-2010 11:19 AM

Thank you Doddy !! :hug: How have you been ??

Deja !!!!!!!!! Wait a minute.... which facebook pics ? LOL Dont tell me I have you on facebook and I dont even know !? :eek: :eek: :eek: We NEED to talk there more often then !!! Wha... ??

Im in too much pain now guys... soul and body... Having terrible problems AGAIN at the lab... :(

DejaVu 05-26-2010 12:59 PM

Blue Majo... sending you soothing mojo!
((((((( Blue Majo )))))))))

Sorrry you are in so much pain. :hug:
Surrounding you in soothing mojo... :circlelove:

About FB, just playing with ya! :Trapeze 2:
I am not on FB. If I was, I'd look you up! :D

We will catch up!
Tend to the lab and know many love you! :grouphug:
Hope you are much more comfortable -- on all levels -- pronto!:Heart:
~ DejaVu

BlueMajo 05-26-2010 02:37 PM

Haha, bad girl !!!!

I want to go home like NOW and still need to do my experiment.... ;(

DejaVu 05-26-2010 03:38 PM

Ahhhh... so you cannot come out to play? :Sob:


We'll bust ya out, just give us the word! :D


~ DejaVu

BlueMajo 05-26-2010 09:12 PM

LOL Deja, I love you because you always make me smile, even laugh ! :hug:

Love the smileys !!! :hug:

thelonely1 05-26-2010 10:08 PM

Hey Blue, it sounds to me like people are jealous of you because the bands always like you more. You shouldn't feel bad, you should feel proud because you attract the attention of famous people. You must just be more special then everyone else. :)

Sorry you feel bad. :hug:

Glad you had a good time!

DejaVu 05-27-2010 09:48 PM

Take Care of Our Blue!
Hey Blue,
Stopped in to give you another hug! :hug:
I am a little late today, but I did make it! :winky:
I am glad you smile....'cause I smile when I think if you!:D
Hope things are looking up for you! :cool:
(((((((( Blue Majo ))))))))))
With Love to you!
~ DejaVu

BlueMajo 05-30-2010 03:39 PM

Aw (((thelonely))) ! your post is just too cute !!! :hug: Thanks for your words... :hug: You made me feel special !

(((Deja))) Hugs feel so good !!! Thanks a lot !!!! and, one for you ! :hug:

DejaVu 05-30-2010 10:35 PM

Hey Blue! So glad to see you are feeling "fine" today!!!:hug:
I hope you are getting some "time off" this weekend?
If so, enjoy! If not, still enjoy! :wink: to tell you... I find Quantum Physics a bore, too! :D
Hope you have been having a good weekend!
:highfive: :trampoline: :Trapeze 2:


thelonely1 05-31-2010 12:04 AM

Aww, Blue your post made my day. You are special, and it's good to see that you're feeling a little better today.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

PS: I think one of the laws of quantum physics is that it has to be boring; if it gets too exciting the world might explode. :p
Don't worry though, I'm sure there's no danger of that ever happening. :rolleyes:

BlueMajo 05-31-2010 02:14 PM

:You-Rock: :Funny-Post: :bump: OMG, you 2 want me to look like a completely crazy person at the lab, laughing extremely alone, in front of my lap....

Aw boy...

You 2 sweet friends of mine....

It is not boring !!!!! :rolleyes: oh well... LOL

How are you today ?

Im preparing for my oral presentation this thursday... ugh... And I found some of my cells contaminated... :mad:

thelonely1 06-02-2010 11:32 AM

If you're alone in the lab then no one will notice and you can act like a crazy person all you want to. :p

Good luckwith your presentation; you're gonna do great!


BlueMajo 06-06-2010 11:08 AM

Not feeling good (again) today.... :( :( :(

Wish there was a button to turn off my life.

thelonely1 06-06-2010 11:31 AM

Why so sad today?

Have you listened to our song? :)

You're out of class now aren't you? You should be relaxing and enjoying the sweet short time until class starts again.

I'm sorry you're feeling bad again. :hug:

Thinking of you

BlueMajo 06-08-2010 07:54 PM

Hey sweetie !

Thanks for posting ! :hug:

Dont know... I think I was just cycling... plus, sundays definetely dont help me... :mad:

Today Im starting to feel better, BUT, I found a huge (and beautiful) fungi in my cells !!! :mad: Need to start over again ! bbboooo :mad: :(

So, Im having up and downs during a single day... :rolleyes:

How are you darling ??

thelonely1 06-08-2010 11:20 PM

Oh, those darn cells and their problems. It's always something with them isn't it? :rolleyes:

I'm glad that you're starting to feel better at least. :)

And I'm hanging in there too, thank you for asking. :hug:

I'm about to start a new, temporary job (that I badly need), and I might be getting surgery to correct air flow in my nose. Then I might be able to breathe right for the first time since I was a small child. :Excited:

It's always good to here from you!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

tamiloo 06-09-2010 01:02 PM

Hugs to both of you!! My Olhipie would say "Just keep on keep-in on"...:wink:

BlueMajo 06-09-2010 09:54 PM

Thanks Tammy :hug: :hug: Your Olhipie says something too wise... And, sometimes that's what I do... but... aw, is difficult... :(

Thelonely ! New "nose" sounds exciting !!! and new job as well !!! I really wish you will be comfortable in it !! :hug: :Excited: :Excited: :Excited:

Today I defintely couldnt go tot he lab... just stayed home... aw... Im a quitter.... :(

thelonely1 06-10-2010 08:59 PM

I don't think you're a quitter just because you don't want to go to work. In fact I always thought that no one ever wanted to go to work. ;)

Hope today was better then yesterday for you. :hug:

DejaVu 06-18-2010 05:22 PM

Now Blue, I might find it an incentive to go to the lab for you when you start talking about finding a beautiful fun guy there! :D
Just checking in on ya! Hope you have the weekend off? One can hope, can't one? :hug:

tamiloo 06-18-2010 05:50 PM

Just hangin in as good as I can....:o

BlueMajo 06-18-2010 09:50 PM

Im not fine guys... :( I just feel like dying...

My cells died... dont know what Im gonna do... dont have anymore of that cell line... :(

I have problems with a co-worker... cant stand her... she copy my work, my scripts, my power point presentations... :mad: my project... she is lazy, lies, is... horrible ! :(

I feel sad, mad, worried... a nasty combo... :(

thelonely1 06-18-2010 11:12 PM


*Sigh* That's the problem with being a nice person; people will try to take advantage of you.

Maybe that's a way that God determines a truly good person. If you can tolerate lazy and selfish people without stooping to their level, it just proves how much of a better person you are.

The good news is, you can still stand up for yourself! Tell her to do her own work, tell her to go away. It will make your life easier and force her to stop being a parasite. It's good for both of you, it's just tougher on her.

I don't know what to say to make you feel better, so I better just leave lotsa hugs. :D

:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: :hug::hug::hug::hug:

thelonely1 06-18-2010 11:14 PM

And some ice cream :icecream:

BlueMajo 06-19-2010 12:16 PM

I dont think I have said this to you before, so, Im going to tell you right now.

YOU ROCK THIS FREAKING WORLD !!!! That's whay I love you so much. You are wise, cute and sweet.

Thanks for the advice, the hugs and the ice cream ! :hug:

DejaVu 06-19-2010 12:51 PM

Hi Blue... I see your "worried" status. Still worried, even after the great ice cream treat with lonely1?
Lonely1 has been hoping to help you find peace.:D
So sorry.. I hope you can find peace! :hug:
Maye have a "peace pop" next time for ice cream?:winky:
Be good to you! :D

BlueMajo 06-19-2010 11:09 PM

Peace... THAT's precisly what I need dear Deja.... not sure it is possible in this life :( IS it ?? How ??

DejaVu 06-20-2010 05:38 PM

Hey Blue,

The route to inner peace may vary with each individual.
Do you exercise? Do yoga? Tai Chi? Meditate?
Do you have some spiritual beliefs/path?
What helps you to feel "peace?"

Please don't feel you must answer these questions here.
These are just a few of the ways people work toward finding peace.:)
This is truly an individual path. Yet, all can find their inner peace! :hug:

Let's see if others can add ideas about ways to find peace?

Hugs to you, Blue!:hug:

BlueMajo 06-21-2010 10:34 PM

Exam tomorrow.... bbbooooo :(

One more thing to add to my plate...

I need to pass this english test if I want to go to Memphis next year... :eek: :rolleyes: :(

If you have some time tomorrow, please say a prayer for me... I dont want to feel dizzy or tired during the test... :(

aw... Im scared.

thelonely1 06-21-2010 10:52 PM

I would be praying for you whether you asked me to or not. :D

You'll do great on your test, you're smart and dedicated, and God knows you deserve it.

You're gonna be fine okay?

:hug: :hug: :hug:

DejaVu 06-21-2010 10:55 PM

Hey Blue! :D
I'll say a prayer for you tonight and tomorrow!
I pray for you daily, Blue! :hug:
You will do fine on your test!
Get Good rest tonight!
Sweet Dreams!

BlueMajo 06-22-2010 11:33 AM

Thank you friends !!!

4 and a half hours to go before my exam... :(

Im feeling nervous.... the worst part will be the listening part... I hate those ! :(

DejaVu 06-22-2010 02:08 PM

You will ACE this exam, Blue!
Hey Blue!
I am sure we all have you covered! :D

Practice breathing... deep breaths in and out...release the tension!

If you start releasing the tension now... in a way that works for you, it will not be as high when you start your exam!

Remember to breathe throughout the exam. People tend to get tense and then hold their breath.:eek:
This slows down oxygenating the brain and the whole body.

Oxygenate your brain! :D

Be sure you have enough brain energy (healthy food), you don't want your brain to have to have a sugar crash in the middle of the exam!

Are you well hydrated?
Don't forget the things that help you to relax and focus.

Know you are supported and loved by MANY! :grouphug:

*A hug to the champ of the exam!* :hug:


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