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ibdvine 02-26-2012 04:53 PM

Strange facial sensation on left side
I have had a (constant) strange sensation in the left side of my face for a little over a year now. I am a 28 year old(f) and i did have a cavity of the left lower jaw that was drilled also over a year ago. The dentist that i had at the time was pretty ruff and i think he may have drilled into and damaged a nerve? not sure. This feeling feels like tightness and pressure and slight muscle weakness although i have full use of my face. I can feel it in my cheek, around my eye, forehead, chin and left side of neck( all on the left side). I feel my face has become slightly less symmetrical but no one else seems to see a change.

I have had an MRI which was normal and i have seen 4 neuros. 2 of the neuros think i have a form of trigeminal neuralgia that is uncomfortable rather than severely painful. I do not think i have tri- gem but i of course cant say for sure. This feeling is CONSTANT- the only time i do not notice it is when im asleep.

I have tried acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy w/ electro stim( this felt good but the feeling never went away completely) and now i have been seeing a chiropractor. I have also seen other dentists and now wear a nightgaurd every night to protect against occasional grinding/tmj.- I can open my mouth fully, no cracking etc- but apparently i do clench my jaw when sleeping.

I did try to ignore this feeling for 4 months before i tried to find treatment- I was convinced i was just sleeping on the left side of my face all night and thats why it felt like my face was always pressing against a table. Trying all these different treatments is just very expensive and nothing seems to be really resolving it. I can feel in that side of my face so there is no loss of sensation/ total numbness. I know it could be worse and i could be in constant pain but this is still feeling is still quite uncomfortable.

Whats most frustrating is that i don't know whats causing it and every time i go to an MD they talk about things like MS, brain tumors, perry romberge and other terrible conditions while i think there is a good chance this may not even be neurological( i.e nerve damage?).

Anyway im considering trying thermographic imaging( for tmj, and the face?). I want to try what i can instead of ignoring this feeling. The fact that it may be permanent is very upsetting to me.

Thanks for letting me share! I hope me posting here isn't at all disrespectful to those who have severely painful conditions. I am just trying to seek knowledge and information outside the MDs office!

Hope everyone feels better soon( in a perfect world we all would!:)

jjlsongbird 02-27-2012 08:09 PM

Sorry to read about the problem you are having. I don't have any words of help - other than to encourage you to continue looking for answers. You are welcome to post here whether you are in severe pain or not. Maybe someone else here has had a similar experience. I wish you well!

1968creative 03-09-2012 01:39 PM

Discomfort on one side of face
I have been experiencing a very similar sensation for the last 6 weeks.

I am controlling the severity with a drug called Pregabalin (in the UK), also known as Lycra (I think).

I have an MRI the other day to see if they can pick up on anything else.

I'll keep you posted.

This is more a feeling of fullness and discomfort in my face rather than searing pain.

Wish you well


nanoo 11-13-2012 01:55 PM

Strange facial sensation on left side
How's it going ibdvine and ADAM? Any updates? :hug:

I'm 23(m) and I have, what seems to be the identical problem as you have ibdvine.

In my case the feeling is mainly around my left cheek, and it feels like its kinda drooping or weakening (but physically it's not!).

what you describe as strange feeling of tightness, pressure (like the cheek is pressed against a table, is spot on.) Also, slight muscle weakness is familiar, although it's very subtle (maybe imaginary).

My feeling is as if I've rested my hand on my face's cheek for a while or gently holding two fingers on specific areas, like under the eye. Sometimes it feels like someone has slapped my cheek the day before, when the strange feeling is more apparent (which is often). flickcabin(.)com/public/view/150641 if you look at this picture, most of the sensation is where the lightning bolt symbol is and maybe lower.

I'm always brushing off imagined hairs and cobweb from my face and checking the sensation every minute. It's so weird and it's driving me crazy because it's constant, (at least when I'm thinking about it, and that's too often.)

I think one year or more has passed since I got this "thing". And either is the sensation worsening physically or my mental health is.

Any ideas?:confused:

Tebori 04-04-2013 09:39 AM

Any updates ibdvine? I've found many of these people with similar symptoms and they never follow up on things. I've been having this same things for 7 months and its constant. I've seen many doctors and one neurologist. No one knows what's goin on. Some say irritated trigeminal nerve. I'd really love to hear what has happened since your post. Hope all is well!

MozVolta 04-12-2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by nanoo (Post 931136)
How's it going ibdvine and ADAM? Any updates? :hug:

I'm 23(m) and I have, what seems to be the identical problem as you have ibdvine.

In my case the feeling is mainly around my left cheek, and it feels like its kinda drooping or weakening (but physically it's not!).

what you describe as strange feeling of tightness, pressure (like the cheek is pressed against a table, is spot on.) Also, slight muscle weakness is familiar, although it's very subtle (maybe imaginary).

My feeling is as if I've rested my hand on my face's cheek for a while or gently holding two fingers on specific areas, like under the eye. Sometimes it feels like someone has slapped my cheek the day before, when the strange feeling is more apparent (which is often). flickcabin(.)com/public/view/150641 if you look at this picture, most of the sensation is where the lightning bolt symbol is and maybe lower.

I'm always brushing off imagined hairs and cobweb from my face and checking the sensation every minute. It's so weird and it's driving me crazy because it's constant, (at least when I'm thinking about it, and that's too often.)

I think one year or more has passed since I got this "thing". And either is the sensation worsening physically or my mental health is.

Any ideas?:confused:

Hey Nanoo,

I'm experiencing something very, very similar to you. It's pretty spot on when you described it as: "feels like its kinda drooping or weakening (but physically it's not!)." The way I would describe it is that it feels like something is ever so lightly touching my cheek below my left eye and about a quarter inch or so from my left nostril. It's not nec what I would consider pain. It's just a feeling on barely noticeable pressure being applied to that area. And like you said, it almost feels like it's drooping a little (also around the lower left eye lid). It's constant as well. I've actually had this feeling before (a year or two ago), lasted a few days, and didn't experience it again til now recently. The area of the picture you referred to with the lightning bolt is pretty spot on.

Did you ever get it diagnosed?? Do you still feel it?

nanoo 08-15-2013 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by MozVolta (Post 974543)
Hey Nanoo,

I'm experiencing something very, very similar to you. It's pretty spot on when you described it as: "feels like its kinda drooping or weakening (but physically it's not!)." The way I would describe it is that it feels like something is ever so lightly touching my cheek below my left eye and about a quarter inch or so from my left nostril. It's not nec what I would consider pain. It's just a feeling on barely noticeable pressure being applied to that area. And like you said, it almost feels like it's drooping a little (also around the lower left eye lid). It's constant as well. I've actually had this feeling before (a year or two ago), lasted a few days, and didn't experience it again til now recently. The area of the picture you referred to with the lightning bolt is pretty spot on. Did you ever get it diagnosed?? Do you still feel it?

Glad to hear from someone!
Now, I can give you more background about how this developed. It's always hard to describe these sensations with the right words, and It seems to be changing and moving on my face, and I find myself describing it differently.
Well, it begun with a kind of heavy redness felling low around the side if the neck and over the cheek. This was before it moved closer to my nose and under the eye. Now it's more intense sensations and specific to under the eye and the nasalobial fold (which has physically gotten deeper than on the other side sadly.) . But the redness and slapped feeling is still there, constantly. Sometimes it feels like tiny tiny twitches or like a scratch. I mean... my healthy side, on right side of the nose, just feels more robust and normal. it's crazy. It's very uncomfortable but still so subtle. So annoying and I can't stop thinking about it. It has become a part of life, but it feels like a handicap, holding me back.
I talked to a curator once about this, quite a while back now. She said it was imaginary! I also talked to a neurologist I think it was, he basically did some very simple tests and asked about my hobbies, and that was that. I feel like I have to meet a good doctor and really explain my problem asap, now that I know it's still here and I'm going to ask to Do more tests.

Some speculations: what about stress? What about some sinus problem? I'm always shuffled on one nostril. I dunno.

Hope to hear from you!

justjane37 10-13-2013 10:19 AM

My pain sounds similar to yours. I have been diagnosed with Atypical TN. I was very confused at first because my pain didn't come in short, shooting bursts of electrical type pain that people with TN describe.

Mine starts out in my molars on the top and bottom left side and by the middle of the day my left jaw, cheek and ear are so sore. It is a constant, digging and pulling, achy pain like I got punched in the face. There are some days it isn't there and some days are worse than others.

As soon as I starting reading about Atypical TN, or Type II TN, it fit my pain very well.

My journey started out in the dental office, too, as I was convinced it was my teeth. Next to a TMJ specialist who said I have TMD and bruxism and gave me a night guard. When the pain was continuing to increase I had an MRI, which was fine, and was finally diagnosed with TN.

Good luck to you on this terrible journey!

Vowel Lady 10-13-2013 05:34 PM

I doubt it is TMJ Disorder.
A Tricyclic medicatiOn or Lyrica might do the trick. These are meds to ask the doctor about.

perlo 10-14-2013 10:53 PM

Hi ibdvine,

I've been through a similar situation, in fact exactly like JustJane.
And after everything, one thing I can say is that if something like a valium or another anxiolytic makes the pain go away, it's probably a nerve disorder.

My story in a nutshell.
Started with pain on right side of my face, treated for sinus infections and referred to a dentist and ENT. (months and months on and off antibiotics and even sinus surgery suggested.)
Started with dental work a year ago and a domino effect followed.
-Top 2nd molar pulled because of major pain, the pain didn't stop in the area.
-Removed bone graft 6 months later, no infection present. OUCH!!
-Then extracted the bottom 2nd molar.
-Then ended up root canaling both 1st molars...
---The pain in the area did not stop. In fact got worse because of the abuse of the area by dentists.
-TMJ diagnosis and mouth guard which has helped a bit because I do clench.

After multiple ct-scans and mri's "everything looks great"!!
And the root-canals seem perfectly done.

But the cheek and jaw pain didn't cease, and it would always start with the molars on the right side feeling swollen with a dull pain that would sometimes turn sharp to the point that i'd want to pass out.
Often turning into an intense migraine lasting a couple days on end.
This would include ear and neck pain all the way through the cheek and lower jaw, always only on the right side.

Finally I stumbled across something when I took a Valium and amazingly all of the pain/pressure in my teeth was gone.

So after many incompetent doctors and specialists that are always convinced that you have what they specialize in, I finally came across a doctor that has listened and explained to me how this is probably trigeminal neuralgia and atypical migraine.

justjane37 10-19-2013 01:54 PM

Your pain does sound so similar to mine. I'm so sorry that you have had so much dental work done unnecessarily. And are in so much pain. I am still convinced sometimes that it must be my teeth. There are times I wish I could pull them out myself!!
This has been such a frightening experience. Even when I am not in pain I am always waiting for it to come back. It's exhausting and really has a negative effect on my overall mental state. I am terribly distracted by the pain most of the time and it is easy to fall into depression and anxiety.
I have never tried to take Valium? What side effects does that give you? What other meds are you trying? Are you still in pain?
I thankfully don't get migraines with my pain but I know that a lot of people do. I hope you are finding some relief :)

joyceelena 11-20-2013 07:51 PM

pain replaced with sensations
Anybody experience crawling, scale-like, toothpick, sensations inside mouth following gamma knife procedure. No pain now, but sensations are driving me crazy!

Vowel Lady 12-01-2013 02:29 PM

I'm so sorry. Horrible!
Our stories are somewhat similar.
I have many losses, including a pulled tooth...all for no reason.
I also have what looks like permanent pain.
My dx is Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia.
Can you take the Valium long term?
Check out a book called " Striking Back!"
Also check out my previous posts.
Wishing you well..... I know this is very hard.

Maryellen N 10-11-2014 11:36 AM

Hey ibdvine, I am lost here trying to Post!!! Your post describing your strange sensation on the left side of face, etcetera was helpful because I have exactly the same thing!!!
I registered this early morning after finding your post on Google search. I am not used to this website, find it confusing to write a Reply. Anyway thank you, you helped me a lot!!!
Hope you send me a reply someday!

Lara 10-11-2014 01:56 PM

Hi Maryellen.

I just sent you a message in the New Members Forum. I see you've found that now.

ibdevine hasn't posted since 2012, so you may not get a reply.

As I said in the other forum, you could check out the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions to get help with how to post a reply or to create new threads.

Try the search feature for any words that you are looking for information about. That'll bring up information but some of it will be dated.

You could start your own thread and then you may be able to get support and information from current members. Just put words in the title that you think are important about your specific condition - e.g. strange sensation - face or something like that.

At the top of this forum too, there are what we call "Sticky Threads" . They contain all the useful websites and other helpful information regarding Trigeminal Neuralgia. Lots of good info. in those.


Maryellen N 10-13-2014 10:33 PM

Hope this NT member is still active

Originally Posted by Tebori (Post 971901)
Any updates ibdvine? I've found many of these people with similar symptoms and they never follow up on things. I've been having this same things for 7 months and its constant. I've seen many doctors and one neurologist. No one knows what's goin on. Some say irritated trigeminal nerve. I'd really love to hear what has happened since your post. Hope all is well!

hi Tebori, if you are still an active member I will ask you about your symptom of a strange sensation on the face. Hope you got better.Thank you. Maryellen

Milly007 12-27-2014 11:57 AM

I was recently prescribed Micardis for elevated blood pressure. One of it's obscure side effects was jaw and face pain in women with osteoporosis. The symptoms resolved when I discontinued the medication

hantzec 10-18-2015 12:25 AM

Hello guys, sorry to bring up an old thread but I can totally relate to op's symptoms. I always have strange facial tightness/numbness or stiffness on one side of my face for about two months already. However, I still have total control of my face and facial sensation like normal(I look normal too). The area of the symptoms are from my eyelid down to cheek and upper teeth of that side. The symptoms are changing(can switch side like a mirror image), but mainly between the said areas. The upper teeth on the affected side feel kinda swollen and wanting to clench but my teeth are fine. I did a dental x-ray to confirm it. One way for me to check the strange feeling is to make facial expression like moving my cheek or blinking my eyes. If it's there, I will feel like I am moving a 'stiff' cheek. I also suffer from one-sided neck pain too. I also find that wearing glasses will kinda exacerbate the conditions. I have seen eye doctor, ENT, dentist and chiropractor but to no avail. I am currently seeing a chinese neurologist and am under her medication. Can anyone tell me what am I facing? I am only 18 years old and it is not fun to have strange feeling on your face 24/7. :( Please help me

Rab_1379 03-05-2016 12:36 AM

Strange facial sensations
For the past few months I have been experiencing a strange feeling on the left side of my face. To describe it, all I can say is that it feels like someone is squeezing that side of my face, but at the same time kind of feels numb with some tingling. I feel this more particularly in the corner of my left eye. Can anyone please help my in figuring out what this is?

Jj72 06-04-2016 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Rab_1379 (Post 1202724)
For the past few months I have been experiencing a strange feeling on the left side of my face. To describe it, all I can say is that it feels like someone is squeezing that side of my face, but at the same time kind of feels numb with some tingling. I feel this more particularly in the corner of my left eye. Can anyone please help my in figuring out what this is?

I am new to this forum and really wanted to post as I have another similar story.
But I will say all these stories Sound to me like a nerve problems. Any numbness and tingling and other odd feelings tightness seem to be nervy.

I have been experiencing similar sensations on and off for nearly two years.
Mine started during a time I had a chronic systemic infection. While I was sick I started noticing feelings of pins and needles in the left side of my face which seemed to come and go for three months then after that I felt more of a sunburnt feeling from my left ear to my left eye with tightness feelings also like someone had injected concrete in parts of my face.
I now get odd feelings around left side of nose eyebrow area and chin and near left eye all on left side. It's like someone has pressed me in those areas at times. Then I have had a grazed feeling like my face has been rubbed with sandpaper. slapped feelings I get . burning acid feelings then odd aches. I have had the odd jab almost like an icepick. They all come and go in waves.
I have seen a neurologist and had MRIs. Mri was fine.
The latest she said about my case is that my symptoms are probably caused by the illness but I have a neuropathic pain in my trigeminal nerve. Like my nerve has been irritated. She mentioned it could be linked to my migraines also. I don't fit the classic TN symptoms with electric shock sensations. My pain is bearable mostly but not nice. There is still so many question marks on my diagnosis.
I've tried nortyptiline and topomax. Nortriptyline helped me but Could not handle topomax. I am currently off medication and am seeing an upper cervical chiropractor and am on a special diet, fish oil etc. it has not gotten worse but I have good days and then bad. So I can only wait and see and take one day at a time. If anyone has any other thoughts I would also appreciate it.

Jean Rodriguez 12-05-2019 06:39 PM


My name is Jean and what brings me here is because I am experiencing the same problem that you are, and when I googled the symptoms, your post popped up. I have permanent severe nerve damage due to a car accident I was involved in 2 years ago. Since the accident I've had to under go 3 surgeries 1) Cervical Spinal Fusion level 5 1) Had to have the cervical bones in the back of my neck shaved and 1) Carpal Tunnel surgery on my hand due to the nerves being crushed. Recently I would say within the last 4-5 months I've been experiencing sensations in my face that feel almost as if I was slapped. Sometimes it is only on the left, solely on the right or sometimes it is in both sides. How is your blood pressure? The reason why I am asking is because I've noticed there is a correlation with my blood pressure spiking when this sensation in my face comes. I am always in severe pain due to the nerve damage and am taking 150 mgs of Lyrica well the generic version of it anyway, to help ease the pain because nothing takes it away. I notice when the pain is progressing throughout the day, it makes my blood pressure spike to high levels. The higher the level the more intense the sensation in my face comes. I've been to the hospital several times and was treated for stroke like symptoms however, it was not a stroke. What ever seems to be going on with my nerves is mimicking stroke like symptoms. The ER doctors are saying it is something called Paresthesia but I am not sure if that is exactly what I have. It affects my vision at times and my speech. Maybe this is something you should look into. From my understanding Paresthesia is caused by trauma to the nerves. Hope this helps you and I hope you feel better.

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