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livinlife 10-14-2019 11:57 PM

Face tingling arm tingling and leg? Neuro said nothing?
started with a physical therapist 6 months told me to stregthen core and gave me a simple program to follow not crazy lifts but lately I been getting BOTH LEFT ARM AND LEG tingling numbness with NO PAIN then few days later my cheecks and jaw line are tingling even tounge and scalp it varys and lessens and worssens throughout the day.... what could have happen I don't lift heavy and have been working on stregething program. went to hosptial and got cleared from ct scan and blood work for being NOT IN STROKE situation. but what could this be and is it fixable without surgrey

i also relize its been 12 weeks now any type of lifting makes me tingle all over.
neuro got me to do brain mri ..... got results written report says unremarkable.... guessing thats good?
now what? he said it isnt neck related? is this possible? or is he miscordinating ..... he said im MS FREE and it cant be neck related.... i do relize thou i wake up in morning sometimes with it.... and if i lift heavy bags with my arms i feel some type of shock through arm...... could this be related? any ideas?

livinlife 10-16-2019 10:44 PM

Im so lost in this situation?
Both neurogolist said not neurogoly.....

asd14 10-21-2019 04:52 AM

Wow I experienced similar symptoms last 2 months.
Again MRI on the head (MRI plus MR Angiography and Venography)showed nothing....

But... MRI on the neck was different... disc herniations on almost every level. In addition, straightened cervical lordosis (aka as military neck).

I also made duplex Doppler sonography where there was minimal difference in left and right para-vertebral arteries. Doctors say this is not a problem, but I am worried a lot!

livinlife 10-21-2019 10:44 PM


I was eating tuna daily and he said to stop asap and i drank alot of coffee he said go stop that also... mri of cervical neck was ok it had littlr herination.... but nothing at all crazy... no matter if i lift or i dont it makes my face,chest pec, arm and leg tingle pins and needles and noone has any idea wtf it could be and why.... im going nuts

asd14 10-22-2019 06:39 AM

Tuna has a lot of Mercury (hg) in it, maybe this is the reason your doc told you stop eating tuna... Mercury is very bad for nervous system but I doubt it is the case for your symptoms. I would make blood test for heavy metals just to be sure this is not the case.

livinlife 10-22-2019 09:14 PM

I was eating tuna.... one pound can a day for few months but i am lost...... seen 2 neuro and they cant find anything wrong.... im losing my mind

Mari 10-23-2019 01:05 AM

It you are still lifting, stop for now.

Do walking or swimming perhaps instead -- check with MD.

Are you on any medications with this as a side effect?
I get tingling due to a side effect of one of my medications.
Does your MD call the tingling Paresthesia like mine does?

Medline Plus has a list of possibilities including tick bites, lack of vitamin 12, seafood toxins, . . . .

Get a blood test for lack of vitamin 12
Get tested for mercury poisoning.


Snoopy 10-23-2019 09:39 AM

Hi livinlife.

I would suggest you see your Primary Care Physician(PCP) and discuss your symptoms and when they happen. Your PCP can do testing as well as refer you to the appropriate specialist if needed.

My first thought was disc herniation(s) and or bulging discs. Your cervical MRI has already shown a herniation and it's possible that you have other disc problems in the Thoracic and /or Lumbar area. These types of problems can cause Neurological symptoms. A spine surgeon/Neuro-surgeon would be the specialist you would need to see for spine problems, not a Neurologist.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) does not present as you are describing. Movement does not affect symptoms of MS. What is experienced with MS happens regardless if the person is sitting, standing, walking, or laying down.

caroline2 10-23-2019 08:51 PM

Eat high quality tuna if you need to eat tuna...SkipJack is said to have the Lowest Mercury content in's from Wild Planet.

Consider working with Inositol for the tingling issue. I've been using Inositol for years. Another product for the tingling nerve issue is: Sphingolin. I used it some yrs ago with Inositol and now only use Inositol. I had a lot of nerve damage from hip replacement....

Do your research

livinlife 10-23-2019 09:57 PM

Did mri for brain and neck....
Did all blood for b-12 and all clear
Seen 2 neuros..... both cant find anything

Also been stopped for 13 weeks lifting just walking 1-1.5 hour outside a day..... but i wake up with this and neuro said no way face can tingle from neck its not possible legs yes but not face

Havent been tested for mecury..... but will do it but why would it be like this over mecury and its been almost 3 weeks off all fish

Jomar 10-23-2019 11:03 PM

Have you web searched ?
mercury poisoning symptoms and treatments - Google Search

and if the symptoms fit-
mercury poisoning detox diet - Google Search

May or may not fit for you, but might rule it in or out..

May need to try alternative care like naturopath, acupuncture etc..

Snoopy 10-24-2019 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by livinlife (Post 1280665)
neuro said no way face can tingle from neck its not possible legs yes but not face

In the case of Neurology, specifically MS, this is true. You seem to be focused on your symptoms being due to Neurological Disease but it may not as the Neurologist's you have seen have stated.

You have (multiple?) herniated discs at the cervical spine (neck). This can cause Neurological symptoms but is not within the specialty of Neurology. You would need to see a Orthopedic Spine Specialist, not a Neurologist.

caroline2 10-24-2019 12:31 PM

Mercury is in a lot of "stuff" we ingest and use. Mercury is in vaccines for starters and that is why I avoid them, unless emergency, but for a strong immune system I do my work to keep mine strong.

Mercury is in our mouths from amalagms and I know people do remove them but I have never and just live what has bee done.

And there could be traces of mercury in tap waters so I buy all my water and best quality I can afford.

I had a mineral panel done many yrs ago and mercury came in the highest in the toxic area.

livinlife 10-24-2019 12:51 PM

Wow this is big time man.... appericiate it... do u think it is a mercury reaction from the 5 months of estinf 1lb cans or is it more a spine issue.... so i should see a orthepediac issue more? I pray it isnt a needed surgrey or something im 28 and dont really want to do surgrey... is there alternative routes other than surgrey?

caroline2 10-24-2019 01:12 PM

Oh there are many Alternatives to any surgery, surgery needs to be Very Very Last Resort. And the body has a way of doing it's own healing too, in time, issues can come and go. I've lived with advancing arthritis for over 60 and NEVER a surgery for back issues etc.

A hip replacement really messed me up more when I did one in 2010 at age 72.

You are young OP and keep up with alternative remedies etc.

caroline2 10-24-2019 01:24 PM

I need to also mention here, a friend who was challenged with neuropathy for decades and did all the pharma drugs, etc. and when I finally convinced her to take Grape Seed Extract her issues were so reduced, she's off almost all pharma drugs as she trusted the docs and their drugs. I'm taking Grape Seed Ex for going on 25 yrs and you might really be happily surprised what it COULD do for you OP.

Jomar 10-24-2019 01:32 PM

We can only give you suggestions to explore..
The links I posted have more info on symptoms & various treatments..
If the mercury symptoms do fit..

If they don't fit then ortho/ spine or possible expert chiropractic might be explored..

Many have mild issues in spine , or soft tissue factors...and surgery is not needed, but expert PT or expert chiro can help..

Do you have the written MRI report? The wording in it may give more clues other than just what the Dr tells you..

livinlife 10-25-2019 04:25 PM

I do have a 10 year old lumar issue like in my l4-l5 L5-s1 area herinated but always worked around that also.....

Here is my cervical mri from 2 weeks ago written...

Bilateral upper extremity and facial paresthesias
TECHNIQUE: Sagittal T1, fast spin-echo T2 and STIR imaging was performed. Axial T2 and gradient echo T2 weighted images were performed.

FINDINGS: There is a normal cervical lordosis. The craniocervical junction and C1-C2 articulations are within normal limits. No bone marrow, ligamentous or paravertebral muscle edema is currently identified. The cervical spinal cord has a normal appearance.

C2-C3: The disc is normal. The canal and foramina are patent. C3-C4: The disc is normal. The canal and foramina are patent.

C4-C5: There is a disc osteophyte complex predominating centrally to paracentrally on the right with slight central stenosis. There is uncovertebral and facet arthrosis with slight right foraminal stenosis.

C5-C6: There is a shallow disc osteophyte complex and slight central stenosis. There is uncovertebral and facet arthrosis with slight right foraminal stenosis.

C6-C7: The disc is normal. The canal and foramina are patent. C7-T1: The disc is normal. The canal and foramina are patent.

No acute abnormality. Normal cervical spinal cord. Disc osteophyte complexes and slight central stenosis C4-C6 predominating centrally to paracentrally on the right C4-C5. Slight right foraminal stenosis C4-C6.

This is it..... but i dont get why my formarms are feeling pines and neddles and pulling feeling and my face cheecks all day and scalp pins and needles also my legs... so freakin confused and yes stopped working out

Jomar 10-25-2019 05:32 PM

Do you have forward head & shoulders posture ?
Repetitive /desk/computer/ gaming/phone or any sport?

livinlife 10-25-2019 07:39 PM

As in am i on the phone alot..... yes all day 95% of day

All i know was i was working out BOTH LEFT ARM AND LEG tingling numbness with NO PAIN then few days later my cheecks and jaw line are tingling even tounge and scalp.... i still feel electric shock when carrying a box or bags thats nild in weigh in forarms area like nerve shock... very strange ... also pulling and pins feeling like something is yanking my nerves in arm.... worst feeling every all day man

Jomar 10-26-2019 02:35 PM

The lifting weights might have pushed you over the edge..
if arm symptoms are a main issue for you - Look at & explore our Thoracic outlet syndrome forum.. the sticky threads see if it might fit and if posture work & soft tissue therapies might help you.. also the face symptoms could be from trigger points in the muscles so check that out too.

Or an advance PT can assess/evaluate you, usually more in depth & hands on than any DR will do..

livinlife 10-30-2019 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 1280755)
The lifting weights might have pushed you over the edge..
if arm symptoms are a main issue for you - Look at & explore our Thoracic outlet syndrome forum.. the sticky threads see if it might fit and if posture work & soft tissue therapies might help you.. also the face symptoms could be from trigger points in the muscles so check that out too.

Or an advance PT can assess/evaluate you, usually more in depth & hands on than any DR will do..

So where do i go now... neck surgeon? Ortho? Another neuro? Im so so confused. I doubt its a mecury issue... although it could be right?

Jomar 10-30-2019 09:46 PM

My suggestion is --
If you haven't been to any PT yet, ask dr for a PT referral if you need referrals, or seek out a PT evaluation on your own..
They will do pressure & various positional testing to narrow down possible areas of concern, this applies for bones as well as soft tissue..

If they think EMG or NCV might be needed they will suggest that as a next step.

Look thru the sticky threads on any forum here that might fit for you..
The site search can help find topics of concern also..

Good luck

livinlife 10-31-2019 11:32 AM

But why would the leg be affected from TOS and the face... like neuro said isnt the face not connected?

I also relized latley in my arms/forearm area also that the nerve is tingling if i put pressure like pressing down on veins i can feel the nerve electric/tingle when pressing down and scraping up and down arm to wrist like pressing on arm and going up to down to wtist like a massage kinda i then feel it... very ockward Like the same sensation i felt the first night the issue happened when i was doing bicep curls.... some type of nerve pinge / sensation specially when pressing down.... leg also has been tingling alot on left side also.... no idea

livinlife 11-02-2019 11:48 PM

Whats % it could be cervical ?

livinlife 11-05-2019 03:44 PM

The arms have been alot of nerve reactions specially when i grab them hard or carry something like a gallon water

livinlife 12-01-2019 06:30 PM

Anyone else

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