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zygopetalum 02-26-2015 12:48 AM

Microsoft store
I was reading some of the material in Feck's link and am wondering about can actually buy a computer that isn't full of junkware?' Is it actually better?


kiwi33 02-26-2015 02:15 AM

As Feck's link points out, it is hard to buy a new Windows machine which does not come with bloatware.

If you search for "bloatware remover" you will find a number of resources which will help to get rid of it.

Also, Windows comes with a number of legit services which are often not needed - they chew up RAM unnecessarily.

A search for "unnecessary windows services" will give you a number of sites which can walk you through how to disable those services.

Jomar 02-26-2015 10:18 PM

PC clean up & info -
( I used hijack this )

Stop unneeded services running on your PC -

kiwi33 02-26-2015 11:58 PM

Adding a bit to what Jo*mar wrote:

The free version of CCleaner ( is worth considering.

It does a good job of uninstalling unwanted programs (eg, bloatware).

Also, it is effective in deleting the cache (all of the temporary files from your browser and other applications) - I run once every few weeks - usually it gets rid of several GB of stuff that I don't need any more.

Note that CCleaner will delete any passwords which have been stored in the cache so make sure that you know all of your passwords before you run it.

zygopetalum 02-27-2015 12:54 AM

Thanks, I have managed not to uninstall anything I need but this computer has a lot of junk on it. Including I think, some kind of Malware that Avast and Malwarebytes are not finding. I think it is in my flashplayer? I block stuff but it comes back. I would like to not take it in as I also broke my vacuum and may have to buy a new one. :D

I bought this computer used at a shop and put CCleaner on it and it started crashing all the time. I took it in and they said it was messing up my computer to make me think there was a problem that needed fixing or something and they removed it and it stopped. I had it on my old computer and it worked fine so I don't know what happened. I think I can clean my registry but I always forget how. :rolleyes:

Thanks again, I shall carry on

kiwi33 02-27-2015 01:28 AM

Hi judi

Flashplayer has a poor reputation as far as malware is concerned - a search "flash player malware" gives many examples and ways to deal with them.

I am surprised that putting CCleaner onto your used computer gave you issues - the free version of it does not do anything unless you run it.

CCleaner can fix registry issues: CCleaner--->Registry--->Registry Cleaner--->Scan for Issues.

It will report back on issues which need fixing which you can tell it to do.

But, important, it gives you an option of saving those registry changes in your Documents folder - do that - if needed you can restore the registry from that file.

zygopetalum 02-27-2015 11:10 AM

I search flashplayer/malware and I don't think I have the fake version unless I messed up when I updated, I did have the right one. I get stuff on Facebook, I can get Norton free through my IP instead of Avast which would probably help but just haven't done it, I thought maybe the size of it would stress the old computer more.

I was wrong, I don't clean my registry. :eek::eek: I don't know why I had problems with CCleaner either, I had it for a long time with my old computer. This computer seems to be crash prone, FB crashes it now but only in the morning. I have no clue.

I really wish I knew more about computers but it just isn't my skill. I can make memes in paint tho, just learned that. :Viking: except I can't make the thought bubble thing work right. :rolleyes:


Jomar 02-27-2015 01:00 PM

you might try Glary Utilities - I liked it better than CCleaner.. just make sure to always click for the free version - I think some accidentally click for the paid version..

Norton traditionally was heavy on the resources, I don't know if they changed anything.
I tried it when it came on a new pc. but it was not easy to figure out , the weirdest program I ever came across.. plus hard to remove if you don't like it..

EnglishDave 02-27-2015 01:52 PM

Ok, so Windows has it's faults, and the Windows 8.1 I have on my laptop makes me glad I can't use it often due to my eyes, head and sheer size of machine!
But I learned computers on Dos 3.1 os, THAT was a nightmare :eek:


Jomar 02-27-2015 02:48 PM

LOL I bought my kids a Commodore 64 back in 1987 or so, :eek:
Not much later we learned about garage sales and used computer parts..
So they progressed to pc 's and windows as Commodores& then Amiga faded out..

zygopetalum 02-27-2015 09:57 PM

I should take my old computer apart.......:yikes:

Lara 02-27-2015 10:18 PM

I used to love taking my tower apart and getting all the dust and cat hair :rolleyes: out of it. One time I even replaced a fan. Can't do that with these laptops that's for sure.

Jomar 02-27-2015 11:47 PM

We've changed the fan , memory & hard drives in a couple of our laptops.. of course only after the warranty expires, but our used/refurbished ones only have 90 day warranty anyway..

Mainly takes very small screwdrivers, I think they do that on purpose, use very tiny screws...and they will strip out easy too...
most of the internal pieces just pop in/out..
each part has it own little cover on most of ours.. so less likey to put something in the wrong place..

and make sure no static or magnetic screwdrivers are around.. although I have used magnetic ones by accident and nothing happened.. but I don't go touching anything important like the motherboard or the soldered connections on it.

Lara 02-28-2015 12:25 AM

uh oh. :eek:
That's probably what happened to my last one, the compaq.
I used a magnetic screw driver with much delight. It was on its last legs though. I can't believe I did that.

I remember years ago having to degauss a monitor after having vacuumed too close to it. Ah the things we do.

Sorry for going so off topic judi! ;)

Icehouse 03-01-2015 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by zygopetalum (Post 1126472)
I should take my old computer apart.......:yikes:

One of my favourite past times :p

Go for it!

zygopetalum 03-01-2015 04:05 PM

Ugh, bad day in computer land at my house.

FF crashed on FB again this AM so I switched to Opera as sometimes it seems a little better when it isn't running right. I was off FB and it froze up when I looked at a page of images and would not unfreeze. I tried Task Manager several times to no avail and finally tried to turn it off. :eek: It seemed like it only turned part way off or something, I had a black screen and nothing would happen if I tried to turn it off again or bring it back up. I let it set awhile and it finally came back on but loaded slooooowly and gimpy. Now it seems ok.

My question is I was going to get some of the stuff Jo recommended, Housecall, etc and then get Glary but I am kind of afraid to download something and over tax it? Can you have a virus or malware that is only active part of the time?


zygopetalum 03-01-2015 04:34 PM

Smart people please read
Well I managed to find the event log and this is what it said happened this AM.


User per...

Error Security

It said,
"The platform Firmware has corrupted memory across the previous system power transmission. Check for updated firmware for your system."

That means I could have fried stuff in the computer, my modem needs rebooting or I might have a virus?

Any clues here to which possibility?

Lara 03-01-2015 04:39 PM

Did it say ... Bonjou or Bonjour?

zygopetalum 03-01-2015 05:37 PM

It says " bonjou....." with the dots.

I think bonjour is Apple stuff? I get update notifications for something related to Apple but I think I looked it up and thought it was for something I don't have or don't use or something so I ignore them.

I should find a geek husband but at 67 years old I can't find any 23 year old guys who want to marry me. :D


Icehouse 03-01-2015 05:59 PM

1) Its not the modem.
2) It could be a virus
3) Doubtful you "fried" your pooter.

Can you hold the power button down till it does a hard restart?
Does it come back on?
Did you get off of dialup?
What version of Windoze is this?

zygopetalum 03-01-2015 07:39 PM

Hi Icehouse, still doing well I see. ;)

I tried holding the power button down a couple of times this morning and it didn't work. I left it alone for an hour and when I came back I was able to restart it. I don't know exactly what I did but tried to shut it all the way down and then restart. It still had lights flashing on the bottom (where the battery light is) with a dark screen so I don't think it shut down all the way when it died?

Its Windows 7 and no, I don't have dreaded Dial Up anymore. I have Centurylink with my phone, I don't know if that is nation wide and sometimes I think they slow it down during busy times.

I think I might have a virus or some kind of malware too but Avast and Malwarebytes don't find it. It was running fine until I accidentally hit the free trial of paid Avast instead of the update. I started having problems after it reverted back to free version and I wonder if they did that on purpose.

I don't know if its related but I have to block and in Flash player all the time, I know the former is FB stuff. At first I just had those but they have been bringing their friends lately and I get a bunch of junk.

judi an icon for helping me with computer stuff :Thats-Funneh:

Icehouse 03-01-2015 09:25 PM

If it were me I would be un-installing ALL the virus software on that thing and then install one of them properly and just be careful of future button pushing. :)

zygopetalum 03-01-2015 10:22 PM

I could manage the Flash Player but not the whole mess. I can however let the

little computer guys have a go at it.

I shall attempt to refrain from indiscriminate button pushing in the future.

Thanks Icehouse, and Lara and Jo too.

judi: :mf_swordfight: (computer battles)

Jomar 03-01-2015 10:55 PM

For the error and firmware this might be helpful-

EnglishDave 03-02-2015 09:08 AM

Physical problems, mental issues, health tips, recipes and even tech advice! Is this the best Community anywhere?


zygopetalum 03-02-2015 11:38 AM

OOOOO..the Black Screen Of Death. :D You know I like that one. I looked at a lot of the posts and several seemed to be Windows 7. I wish I could do what they suggest to check each component but it is too complicated for me at this stage. I think I may have caused it myself by trying to turn it off however my keyboard has been freezing up once in awhile and that was mentioned too. I did some kind of a Windows/Microsoft scan not long ago and it said it was all working but not sure what it scanned, I think drivers were mentioned.

I am having transportation and mobility problems and its hard for me to get it in right now but guess I will have to bite the bullet and do it at some point.

Thanks again, even if I can't fix it by posting I always learn something to better define it and it helps.


Lara 03-02-2015 03:14 PM

judi, do you have the black screen now?

I'd probably re install. Can you get to safe mode or just nothing now?

zygopetalum 03-02-2015 06:05 PM

No, its fine now. It slowly came back to life yesterday. Its running pretty well now, for some reason it is better in the afternoon.

Do you mean reinstall Windows, etc? I would have to buy a dvd and they would probably work on it cheaper. They said they gave a repair discount on the used ones they sold, I doubt they would reinstall everything cheaply though and I don't know how well they could remover the cooties.

If their prices are the same I could almost get another laptop for the price of a Windows dvd but they may have gone up.


Jomar 03-02-2015 09:58 PM

If the code is on the computer -laptop might have it on a sticker underneath??
my refurbished/used ones all had the code sticker on the bottom..

If it has that code , all you need is a windows cd from a friend to reinstall then enter the code on your sticker. Perhaps the place you bought it from will give you a don't need to buy a new windows cd/DVD.

but often there is a restore section on the hard drive, and you are supposed to burn a disk of that before the system has a problem..
I don't know if yours has that option or not..

When you buy a used or refurbished pc the seller usually has a generic copy of windows that they put on all machines, then enter the separate code for each machine to activate it...

Or if you have a large library or magazine book store that has computer books/magazines - some might have Linux Live cd inside to try......
all you do is put in the cd and reboot it will load and run from the dvd drive so you can test it to see if you like it..
rarely need anti virus software - the disk will find all your hardware and set it up.. rarely need to install any drivers like windows..
The only issue might be if using wireless , sometime the wifi card/chip is an oddball one so may not connect to wifi easily, but wired will work fine.

My Dell laptop had a problematic wifi chip/card so changed it out for an intel wifi chip and all works great..

My fav Linux is Mint Mate 17.1 newest version - long term support (LTS)

Top Ten Distributions of Linux- info pages-

zygopetalum 03-03-2015 01:03 AM

There is a sticker that says Windows XP Professional and Dell under it with some numbers, I think that is the original sticker? I can't think of anyone with a disc, most of my friends are old and computer challenged too.

My sister has Ubuntu and she said she would set it up for me when she comes over next but I'm not sure when that will be. I do have Wifi so I might need a chip. Your Mint Mate looks better.

I must have some kind of malware, my searches aren't right, I am trying to research my wretched medication and Medscape, PubMed, etc aren't coming up like they should, its almost all popular sites.

I will look for a disc at the library.


kiwi33 03-03-2015 04:56 AM

One of my laptops runs under Ubuntu.

It is good though it takes a bit of getting used to - the bonuses are that it is robust (I have never had a BSOD with it) and is essentially malware-free.

Both Chrome and Firefox are available in Linux dialects, as is Thunderbird (my e-mail client).

OpenOffice (word-processing, etc) is also available for Linux dialects.

I am not sure about Facebook - you might have to check this out.

Jomar 03-03-2015 12:38 PM

Your computer will be faster with Linux also.

That's great your sister knows about Ubuntu , she might like Mint Mate even more. :D
If she knows how to download and burn a ISO disk she can make a live cd for you.

You can use Synaptic or Software Manager to get additional programs from the Linux repositories.
browsers - Firefox, Opera, Chromium/chrome, Qupzilla
Email - Thunderbird and others
Games - so many to choose from
anything Windows has you can find very similar for free...

Facebook is a website so any browser will access it.

I think Mint worked with my old wifi chip, and Ubuntu also.
Perhaps my chip broke, as it worked for awhile with Ubuntu & Mint then started having problems , that was when I ended up getting another chip.. when I could get no connection with any Linux system..

So yours may be fine, you'll know if it can connect easily or not.. generally it can find wifi and connect with only needing to put in your password..if you have password required.

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