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Diamond Tiger<3 09-14-2020 07:19 PM

Do You Believe In Angels?
I'm a Christian woman. I'm not deeply religious as going to church every Sunday. However, I do have a deep faith and believe in God. As deep as my fairh is, I never could have imagine, nor ever think a miracle would happen to me one early afternoon. I walked out to my garage to light a cigarette and sat in my chair. As I had just put my cigarette out to stand up and walk inside, I suddenly saw a figure standing before me. In complete shock and surprise, I thought I was looking at a ghost. I know I felt like I turned pale as I'm stunned by this man standing in front of me. We caught eyes and he stared so deep into my eyes like he was looking into my soul. Crazy? Yea I thought so at first too. I was still in shock and disbelief. I suddenly had looked all around taking every inch of him into my mind. Still a ghost I thought if you believe in ghost.
Suddenly, as I looked him up and down, I noticed something on his back sticking out.
Wings, yes they were wings. Now, I am realizing what he is. Still stunned, I looked at him again to take another look. He is so beautiful and bright with a bright aura around him and dressed how many believe angels are dressed. Once my mind settled down and I looked back to his face to get another look, his wings opened up. Like lightning, his wings went up and wrapped around me like I'm being hugged by him.
Every beautiful thing imagineable you can ever think God's love and heaven feels like I felt. There aren't enough words to describe what it felt like, nor any emotion that I have ever felt can ever come close to the feeling I felt in that moment. It was holy, love, happiness, peace, serenity, warm, and etc... It felt like heaven, it felt like home.
A minute later he disappeared and the feeling was gone just like he was.
Surreal it was and still is to me. I remember thinking and asking myself if I really saw what I think I saw? Yes
Am I crazy? No.
I thought to myself again if I really saw this beautiful angel, yes I did see him. Not only did I see him, I felt him too! It was overwhelmingly powerful and good!
Why did this happen to me? What makes me so special? I don't have the answers. But, I did go to my church to talk to one of my pastors and ended up talking to several of them there. I honestly thought when I told them what had happened, they all were going to say I'm crazy, but none of them did. Instead, to my surprise they all believed me. So much so they opened up a Bible and showed me a chapter that talks about the gifts God gives to all of us. Not all have the same gifts, but each of us are given a gift from God.
Do I believe in angels? Yes, I believed in angels before this blessing. If I ever had any doubts before, I don't have any doubts now. :hug:

Snoopy 09-15-2020 11:26 AM

Diamond Tiger<3 :hug::circlelove:

caroline2 09-15-2020 01:29 PM

Diamond Tiger: I don't believe in beings with wings like you mention.

I believe in our own Angel Energy surrounding us by being kind and positive and trust all is good for us....We are our own angels. I WAS born religious and took a lot of years to find my TRUTHS.

Happy you found your angels...

kiwi33 09-15-2020 10:12 PM

This is an interesting thread.

One important thing for me is my whanau (my kinship group or big family). Your whanau is not just your parents and any siblings you may have. It includes uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandparents and so on.

I am a 6th generation member of both (mother and father) sides of my whanau. It is now 8th generation thanks to some of my nieces and nephews and their partners.

The importance of your whanau can be explained by some ideas from evolutionary biology like kin selection and reciprocal altruism.

Atticus 09-16-2020 12:11 AM

Belief and the brain's 'God spot' | The Independent

This an interesting newspaper article that touches on a scientific explanation of religious experience.

Brokenfriend 09-16-2020 01:29 AM

I believe you Diamond Tiger<3. Yes. I believe in angels. Angels are talked about through the Bible in the old and new testament, and I certainly believe what the Bible says. There are a great many of them in heaven and on Earth doing many different things. They are in the invisible eternal realm and God may open some people's eyes to see them from time to time. I've never seen one, but I believe that they are around us, and protect the heirs of salvation. BF:hug::grouphug::hug:

tnthomas 09-17-2020 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Diamond Tiger<3 (Post 1289057)
Do You Believe In Angels?

I believe there are numerous types of "other world" beings that engage humans.

"Spirits" I guess would be the general category. I have seen one visually, have encountered two other beings. It is my belief that all three were former living humans that had died, and were, well, ghosts.

caroline2 09-17-2020 07:15 PM

ummm, long life here but never saw any of these visions. Keep looking but nope. Talk to mom sometimes but she does not answer.

Atticus 09-18-2020 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1289138)
ummm, long life here but never saw any of these visions. Keep looking but nope. Talk to mom sometimes but she does not answer.

Talk to mom sometimes but she does not answer.

I found that line very moving. I recently looked at Creative Corner and there is more poetry in that single line than one guy's entire output.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-21-2020 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1289070)
Diamond Tiger: I don't believe in beings with wings like you mention.

I believe in our own Angel Energy surrounding us by being kind and positive and trust all is good for us....We are our own angels. I WAS born religious and took a lot of years to find my TRUTHS.

Happy you found your angels...

I respect your beliefs. Your thoughts about it and personal belief in each individuals own angel energy is unique. I can't say I have ever heard that before. Thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts.

Best wishes!

caroline2 09-21-2020 02:24 PM

You are welcome, and as I've gotten older I've become more of a deep critical thinker...for years of my life I bought what was tossed to, I question EVERYTHING. For me, I was given a lot of negative stuff from the religious world and worked for years to find my Truths.

Chemar 09-21-2020 04:28 PM

Just a quick reminder here to be sure this discussion stays on topic and within guidelines.
This is what is posted at the entrance to the Sanctuary Forum

This "Sanctuary" is a place for people of all spiritual beliefs and faiths to offer support and compassion to each other in the form of prayers, meditation, and expressions of spirituality. This forum is for support, not religious debate
So where a discussion about angels is fine, it just should not turn into a debate about religion.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-25-2020 05:20 AM

I think most people do believe in angels whether it is tied to a religion or not. I think we all hope there is another place that is beyond our human body whether some may call it heaven ot something else. If such a place exist, (I believe it does,) where you are on cloud nine for lack of a better word and there is no pain or suffering I want to go to that place. If this experience I had with this angel is a indicator, I have no doubts this place exists.

In a world of so much pain and chaos there are so many people who feel like they are all alone. If anything, I can only hope that sharing my experience is a reminder to all those who believe that you are never alone when you may think otherwise. I know for sure I'm not alone.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-25-2020 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by kiwi33 (Post 1289079)
This is an interesting thread.

One important thing for me is my whanau (my kinship group or big family). Your whanau is not just your parents and any siblings you may have. It includes uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandparents and so on.

I am a 6th generation member of both (mother and father) sides of my whanau. It is now 8th generation thanks to some of my nieces and nephews and their partners.

The importance of your whanau can be explained by some ideas from evolutionary biology like kin selection and reciprocal altruism.

That is interesting. I'm not sure that I understand it. I may have to do some research on it. Thank you for sharing! 😃

caroline2 09-25-2020 01:52 PM

Again I believe if we think good will prevail vs walking thru life in gloom/doom mindset, that these are the thinking from enough years of positive mind work.

caroline2 09-25-2020 01:54 PM

I meant to add to my posting, look at your glass as half full vs half empty.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-25-2020 03:40 PM

That is great you have a positive mindset. We all need that in our life to look to the positive. I do understand the conceot of a glass half empty and half full and believe in it also.

I also wanted to say to you about your mom how deeply sorry I am for your loss. It doesn't matter how old you are, always need mom.
From my experience with the loss of my mom, I only begun to dream about her last year and she has been gone since 2000. I believe our family and friends are angels and they are granted a chance to come to us in out dreams. Just maybe you have dreamed of her and may not remember? Just a thought.
I read a article which I will have to find a few years ago that depending on where you are in your grief process may decide how and when you hear from loved ones who have passed on. I believe she is a angel watching over you hun.
Please stay positive and happy. We need more of that in this world. I am not judgemental overall. I accept everyone the way they are. By sharing my experience with my angel encounter, I had hoped it would bring that to people, positivity, love, and hope.
I did have a second encounter with another angel earlier this year. I just have not gotten around to posting about it yet. I will do it soon.

Your comment and is very interesting. Not sure I understand it. As I had said before, I will have to do some research on it. You can always explain more what it is too. It would be greatly appreciated.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-25-2020 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 1289082)
I believe you Diamond Tiger<3. Yes. I believe in angels. Angels are talked about through the Bible in the old and new testament, and I certainly believe what the Bible says. There are a great many of them in heaven and on Earth doing many different things. They are in the invisible eternal realm and God may open some people's eyes to see them from time to time. I've never seen one, but I believe that they are around us, and protect the heirs of salvation. BF:hug::grouphug::hug:

It is wonderful to hear people do believe me and my experience. I do believe in the Bible and all it says about angels. I must admit, I was hesitant at first sharing my experience with my church. I truly was not sure how they would react to it. I was so relieved and thankful the church did believe me and help guided me to a somewhat answer as to why I had this experience and another since my first encounter. What my church had said is, I have the gift of discernment. Forgive me, I don't recall what chapter and verse it is. The church also had me take a test right after I had shared my experience that would say for sure what gift I do have from God. Two things came up clear.
1. Gift of discernment
2. Gift of wisdom and knowledge.
As I had said before, I never could have ever dreames, nor imagine this would happen to me.
Once my church had explained to me what all it means it made more sense then. I thank God every single day since this miraculous experience happened to me. To feel God's love and grace in that moment was heavenly in redible. So powerful and good! :)

I also spoke to a friend who is also a therapist to get her thoughts on it. She also is a Christian. I thought to myself, who better to ask. To my surprise, she also believed me too and confirmed I'm not crazy. Furthermore, she had shared with me a conversation of a child had also expressed having a similar experience as my own and was dressed much the same as I had described to her. Thank you so much for commenting! :)

Diamond Tiger<3 09-26-2020 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Diamond Tiger<3 (Post 1289345)
It is wonderful to hear people do believe me and my experience. I do believe in the Bible and all it says about angels. I must admit, I was hesitant at first sharing my experience with my church. I truly was not sure how they would react to it. I was so relieved and thankful the church did believe me and help guided me to a somewhat answer as to why I had this experience and another since my first encounter. What my church had said is, I have the gift of discernment. Forgive me, I don't recall what chapter and verse it is. The church also had me take a test right after I had shared my experience that would say for sure what gift I do have from God. Two things came up clear.
1. Gift of discernment
2. Gift of wisdom and knowledge.
As I had said before, I never could have ever dreames, nor imagine this would happen to me.
Once my church had explained to me what all it means it made more sense then. I thank God every single day since this miraculous experience happened to me. To feel God's love and grace in that moment was heavenly in redible. So powerful and good! :)

I also spoke to a friend who is also a therapist to get her thoughts on it. She also is a Christian. I thought to myself, who better to ask. To my surprise, she also believed me too and confirmed I'm not crazy. Furthermore, she had shared with me a conversation of a child had also expressed having a similar experience as my own and was dressed much the same as I had described to her. Thank you so much for commenting! :)

I meant to add this to my last post. Yes, I absolutely believe there are all around us, whether we are blessed to see them, or not.
Protecting us this I do believe too. You actually made my mind up on whether to continue and share my second angel encounter with you and everyone else. After I share my next experience, I have no more experiences to share. Unless, for some unknown reason God wants me to see one again.

To be continued......

Diamond Tiger<3 09-26-2020 03:02 AM

Do You Believe In Angels? Pt 2
First, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who commebted and liked my post. It means a bunch to me, thank you again! 😃
Its ok to not believe in angels too or feel there is a scientific exolanation for it. I respect everyone's thoughts and feelings on the topic. Even if I may disagree, I still want to hear from you and your persoective on why you may not believe just as much as I want to hear from everyone who do believe.
I mentioned in the first post I made on this topic that I also had a second angel encounter earlier this year. Here it goes....

I was home on this day and made the decision to lay down to take a nap. As I had just entered my bedroom and layed down in my bed to close my eyes, I suddenly was forced to open my eyes back up from a noise I heard that sounded like a swooshing noise. As I looked around I saw this angel dropping down from my ceiling into my bedroom. Stunned a bit by what I'm seeing again for the second time now, only not so stunned I couldn't move or grasp what I'm experiencing again.

Here I am looking at this gorgeous being standing atvthe foot of my bed with his wings still wide open for me to see. He was not the same angel that I had saw prior. His fearures were different just by the color of his hair. Also more mascular built than the other angel.
Before I could even open my mouth to ask him a question of who he is and why was he here, he turned around facing away from me and he reached down into his waistband and pulled out a sword. Ok, now I'm a little more taken back by it and the reason for it. I tilted my head to look at what he was looking at and why he had a sword. Before I could get a look, his wings opened up even wider and shielded me and my view.
He was there protecting me from something. What exactly, I'm not sure, I don't know I can only speculate.
At this point, all I could do is say ok I'm safe and will be ok. I'm in good hands. I layed back down and closed my eyes.

That may sound crazy that I just closed my eyes and went to sleep like I didn't just have a angel drop out of the sky through my ceiling. Lol This vary thought and question as why I reacted the way I had, I also pondered about. My only answer is I have already experienced a angel prior, at this point the shock is out of my system enough now. I even told myself if I were to ever encounter another angel I would be more relaxed in the hopes of asking questions. At this moment when it happened, I felt I had my answer. He was there to protect me. I still would have wanted to ask questions but he was no longer facing me for me to talk to him directly face to face as the last angel had done. Still crazy thinking that? I suppose it is. What would be the right reaction? I'm not sure. Its not everyday you encounter a angel. I'm thankful and blessed I got to have this second encounter with aother angel and he is on the God's side from my personal view and beliefs.

After having this second angel encounter, I have zero doubts about my first experience and that angels are real. Not to say I doubted it before. The more you experience something I feel your faith and belief grows. 🧚*♀️🌈❤

What are your thoughts, do you believe?

Snoopy 09-26-2020 05:00 PM

Diamond Tiger, simply say “hello” and/or “thank you.” A simple acknowledgement. Not everything we experience which others would not understand or believe makes one crazy. I believe in gratitude and saying thank you on a regular basis.

There are numerous experiences I have had, yet different than yours. I came to understand not all of what one may see or experience is of a positive and harmless entity/energy. Yet, some are there to protect, show you are loved, and you are on the right path. Due to what I have experienced I not only believe in the Holy Trinity (The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit), but I also do smudging and enjoy Crystals throughout my home which are intermixed with framed bird feathers that, for the most part, have been found on my deck.

Peace, Blessings, Love and Light.

I do not promote any one religion and I myself, have found my Spirituality from different sources, those which have brought understanding, peace, calm, healing, gratitude, and Love.

Brokenfriend 09-26-2020 08:12 PM

The angel holding a sword may have something to do with the word of God.

It's amazing that you have seen two angels. He may be a guardian or a messenger. BF:grouphug:

Diamond Tiger<3 09-27-2020 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Snoopy (Post 1289368)
Diamond Tiger, simply say “hello” and/or “thank you.” A simple acknowledgement. Not everything we experience which others would not understand or believe makes one crazy. I believe in gratitude and saying thank you on a regular basis.

There are numerous experiences I have had, yet different than yours. I came to understand not all of what one may see or experience is of a positive and harmless entity/energy. Yet, some are there to protect, show you are loved, and you are on the right path. Due to what I have experienced I not only believe in the Holy Trinity (The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit), but I also do smudging and enjoy Crystals throughout my home which are intermixed with framed bird feathers that, for the most part, have been found on my deck.

Peace, Blessings, Love and Light.

I do not promote any one religion and I myself, have found my Spirituality from different sources, those which have brought understanding, peace, calm, healing, gratitude, and Love.

I very much said thank you to him and God. I do agree with showing my gratitude and saying thanks. This, I too can understand where you are coming from that not everything we see is good. I think it is a concern of mine sense I poke with my church about the first experience. After I had told them about it and their responsexwas all positive and explaining the gift of discernment to me, in which explains why I am able to see angels. Went on to also say that with seeing God's angels you have the ability to also see the not inncocent and goid kind too. I hope I never see that. If I were to, I at least know where I can go for help.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-27-2020 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 1289370)
The angel holding a sword may have something to do with the word of God.

It's amazing that you have seen two angels. He may be a guardian or a messenger. BF:grouphug:

Its it so amazing to have seen one. And, now two different angels on two seperate occassions seperated by a few years from each other of when both encounters had happened. I never would have guessed, nor ever thought it would hapoen a second time. I am so incredibly thankful and blessed for the one time before this. I was told its rare for anyone to encounter a angel. For it to happen to me twice is heavenly and beyond amazing! I tell Hod that every day and say thanks for this. I only wish I got both of the angels' names. My loved ones do believe me too. Between my loved ones and the church had asked me those questions, like did I ask his name and why he was here. I explained my reasons from the first time. I told them if it were to happen again I would make sure to ask these questions. I will say the first time I felt as the visit was to not just let me know that angels and God is real. Also, for me to share my experience with people to help restore peoples faith and belief who may have lost it. For the ones who may not believe up until now, just maybe they will begin to believe after hearing about my encounter. I feel if it is true what my intution is telling me, God will work to assure me I'm correct.

Snoopy 09-27-2020 04:43 PM

Diamond Tiger<3,

There is so much that is "visible" for us to see if we only pay attention and be present. I have been shown I am loved, that I needed to stop, listen and pay attention, I was being shown the truth.

So many different experiences that have helped me to believe in a "Higher Power." My belief has always been there but was tested for a long time. Then came the "signs." What finally caught my attention was a Feather I found on my deck at 4:30 one morning. This wasn't just "a" feather but the size of a wing of feathers. It was much like being hit on the head by a brick (of understanding) but obviously much softer ;)

Feathers have a biblical meaning and a spiritual meaning.

Some of the things I have seen have had a profound impact on me and have left me feeling quite blessed.

When I started having cold air come by me (sitting still) when there was no cause for it, certain smells in certain areas of my home and including the garage, as well as my dog going to a corner of the house growling with her hackles up and doing the same thing days later in the garage in the same area where she did it in the house is when I became interested in smudging.

Take care.

Diamond Tiger<3 09-30-2020 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Snoopy (Post 1289387)
Diamond Tiger<3,

There is so much that is "visible" for us to see if we only pay attention and be present. I have been shown I am loved, that I needed to stop, listen and pay attention, I was being shown the truth.

So many different experiences that have helped me to believe in a "Higher Power." My belief has always been there but was tested for a long time. Then came the "signs." What finally caught my attention was a Feather I found on my deck at 4:30 one morning. This wasn't just "a" feather but the size of a wing of feathers. It was much like being hit on the head by a brick (of understanding) but obviously much softer ;)

Feathers have a biblical meaning and a spiritual meaning.

Some of the things I have seen have had a profound impact on me and have left me feeling quite blessed.

When I started having cold air come by me (sitting still) when there was no cause for it, certain smells in certain areas of my home and including the garage, as well as my dog going to a corner of the house growling with her hackles up and doing the same thing days later in the garage in the same area where she did it in the house is when I became interested in smudging.

Take care.


I absolutely agree with you. There are many experiences like yours where either my dogs barked and howled and smells where there was no cause for either to be happening.
I have had the cold chills and have also felt something touch my neck. A few months ago I was outside working in my garden. I sat down to take a break on the stones that border the flower beds. I felt something hit my leg. I looked around and there was nothing. Not a person or animal in sight.

Probably one of the most profound experiences I have had with the exception to seeing my angels was one of the times my mom was in the hospital before she died.

Mom was terminal with emphysema. She had her bouts with bronchitis and pneumonia that would require her to have to go to the hospital and be put in icu on a ventilator. This time I'm referring to, she had been on the ventilator 6 days. She had pneumonia really bad. By this day she was able to breath enough on her own enough the doctors felt comfortable to take her off the ventilator.

I waited patiently outside her room looking through the window watching for her to wake up from the sedation. When she finally woke up, she sat up on the edge of the bed leaning over coughing and trying to catch her breath which was a normal thing for her to do after she wakes up anytime.

This time was very different after she woke up than all the other times. She struggled to breath on her own severely that the doctor was going to put her back on the ventilator and she refused. I had to stand there and watch her gasp for every breath she was fighting to take. I thought I was going to lose her right then to the point I told my grandma it was ok for her to give up and let go. It was a hard realization to come to. I was 18 at the time and my mom was 40. But, I knew I couldn't watch her suffer anymore after watching it for 5 years by this point.
Right after I had said those words, I suddenly felt a presence. Of what? I felt like it was God or his angel there to help my mom. I knew then my mom was going to be ok. She began calming down and was able to breath more on her own. It was a miracle to witness knowing she was on the brink of death. I felt something very similar to what I felt with my first angel encounter but not as strong. I didn't see anything in the room with my mom but I felt it.

I know someone else had mentioned believeing in ghost after having experiences. I too believe in ghost and so many things that can't be seen with the human eyes. I have had many different kinds of experiences over the years.

That is so amazing to hear about your experiences with finding feathers!!:) Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me!!;)

Best wishes,

Diamond Tiger

Diamond Tiger<3 09-30-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Diamond Tiger<3 (Post 1289448)

I absolutely agree with you. There are many experiences like yours where either my dogs barked and howled and smells where there was no cause for either to be happening.
I have had the cold chills and have also felt something touch my neck. A few months ago I was outside working in my garden. I sat down to take a break on the stones that border the flower beds. I felt something hit my leg. I looked around and there was nothing. Not a person or animal in sight.

Probably one of the most profound experiences I have had with the exception to seeing my angels was one of the times my mom was in the hospital before she died.

Mom was terminal with emphysema. She had her bouts with bronchitis and pneumonia that would require her to have to go to the hospital and be put in icu on a ventilator. This time I'm referring to, she had been on the ventilator 6 days. She had pneumonia really bad. By this day she was able to breath enough on her own enough the doctors felt comfortable to take her off the ventilator.

I waited patiently outside her room looking through the window watching for her to wake up from the sedation. When she finally woke up, she sat up on the edge of the bed leaning over coughing and trying to catch her breath which was a normal thing for her to do after she wakes up anytime.

This time was very different after she woke up than all the other times. She struggled to breath on her own severely that the doctor was going to put her back on the ventilator and she refused. I had to stand there and watch her gasp for every breath she was fighting to take. I thought I was going to lose her right then to the point I told my grandma it was ok for her to give up and let go. It was a hard realization to come to. I was 18 at the time and my mom was 40. But, I knew I couldn't watch her suffer anymore after watching it for 5 years by this point.
Right after I had said those words, I suddenly felt a presence. Of what? I felt like it was God or his angel there to help my mom. I knew then my mom was going to be ok. She began calming down and was able to breath more on her own. It was a miracle to witness knowing she was on the brink of death. I felt something very similar to what I felt with my first angel encounter but not as strong. I didn't see anything in the room with my mom but I felt it.

I know someone else had mentioned believeing in ghost after having experiences. I too believe in ghost and so many things that can't be seen with the human eyes. I have had many different kinds of experiences over the years.

That is so amazing to hear about your experiences with finding feathers!!:) Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me!!;)

Best wishes,

Diamond Tiger

I meant to add this to my last post.
One of the smells I have experienced on a couple of different occasions is cinnamon. It was so strong it almost seemed like someone had stuck cinnamon right underneath my nose for me to smell. Another is roses.

Brokenfriend 10-01-2020 12:23 AM

I've smelled a strong smell of roses where there were no roses. BF:grouphug:

Diamond Tiger<3 10-05-2020 06:43 AM

I just had a wild experience this morning and thought I would share. I was laying in bed on my phone playing a game with my tv on but it was muted and my stereo playing. All of a sudden my tv sound turned on like as if someone had hit the button on the remote. I was alone in my bed and the remote was laying 2 feet away from me. I looked at the remote to see if it had moved and it was still laying where I left it. I didn't move either to have hit it by accident. It was wild! Maybe it was my angel stopping by to say hello to me?

Diamond Tiger<3 05-26-2021 12:39 AM

Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted anything new because I haven't had any new experiences until today. I'm not sure how to describe it. The best physical description I can give about it. Have you seen the movie "Ghost" with Demi Moore and Payrivk Swayze? If you have and remember at the end of the movie when Patrick Swayze was getting ready to go up to heaven. At the moment Demi Moore could finally see his ghost with the angels all flying down around him. Keep that mental picture and now allow me to explain what happened.

I had walked out to my garage to gather up my garbage and roll it to the street. As I was walking through my garage before I made it to my driveway, I noticed something flying around me. I actually thought it was a lightning bug at first. But then I stopped myself and realized its daylight. You can't see those bugs lite up until its dark. I stopped and looked st where it went to. Then I noticed there was several more of them flying around me and through me. They look like gold balls flying around just like that scene in the movie Ghost. They all looked exactly like that. It lasted about 15-20 seconds and all disappeared.

Best wishes,

Diamond Tiger<3

Diamond Tiger<3 06-02-2021 09:02 PM

Hello Neurotalk,

I'm lost for words again. I just saw a gold outline of a angel in my bedroom. The best way I can describe it is, it looked like a baby cherub just flying in the air. I even saw its wings moving! It was so beautiful!!

Tell me what yall think about this please?

Best wishes,

Diamond Tiger<3

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