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MelodyL 02-18-2008 01:20 PM

For all the Ladies with jewelry

I could never arrange my jewery and find what I wanted to find. I bought jewerly boxes, I bought the roly kit from QVC. My jewerly still got tanged. My bracelets would get tangled with my necklaces.

And forget about pairing up all my earrings. I'd lose one or the other.

Well, I saw something similar to this on the internet and it was $40.00

So I just went and made my own. Bought a piece of lace for .75cents

I already had the hangar and the glue gun.

Get a load of this!!! SOMEBODY BETTER LIKE THIS, or I don't know you ladies!!

Kitty 02-18-2008 02:57 PM

I looked at your yourtube presentation and thought it looked real nice. That was a good idea you had - and it could be hung in the closet so it would be out of the way. :)

ewizabeth 02-18-2008 03:10 PM

That is a good idea, especially for people without a place for a jewelry box. I have my Mom's old jewelry armoire, and it takes up a lot of space. She had tons of jewelry (more than this can hold!) Mine fits in one drawer plus a few hooks on the side.

I filled the rest of it with miscellaneous stuff.

Something like that would be especially good for traveling!

I also have the rolling thing for traveling and the jewelry pieces still knock around each other in the compartments.

MelodyL 02-18-2008 03:15 PM

Thanks for the nice words.

I actually made this some time ago, and today I rearranged the stuff I had on it. I wanted better order. Hanging earrings on one side, Earrings with posts on another place on the lace.

You should have seen what a similar thing looked like on ebay and somebody wanted $40. I said to myself "I could make one for under $2.00 and be twice the size. And I took a walk to the fabric store near where I live.

I picked out a pretty piece of lace. I should make it shorter. But the stuff you can put on this thing is amazing. I put more hooks on either side and I have my gold jewelry (necklaces I mean) hanging on one side and the silver stuff on the othr side.

You saw how (on the right side), all my earrings are nicely put. I can't lose any more earrings. That, in itself is a bonus. on the little hook things (on top of the hanger), well I put my rings. I mean, where can you get one BIG thing that you can put ALL your stuff on, keep it in plain sight, etc.

I have it on a hook on the wall. And especially during the warm months when I can just put on a pretty skirt and blouse, and then I look at this thing on the wall and just lift off what I want to wear.

I had two jewerly boxes, each had 3 drawers. I still couldn't keep everything straight, and all my necklaces got tangled. Drove me nuts.

I would patent this if I could but honestly it cost me seventy five cents to whip up.

I think this could be a fun family project on a rainy day. Get the grandkids invovled. Get them to bring in their FUN jewelry. It could teach them to keep their stuff nice and neat and when they grow up, they can make a new one.

I woudn't give this up for all the tea in china. I brought it around the corner and showed my friends and some strangers stopped me in the street once and said "where did you buy that, where can I buy one?" I laughed out loud and said "go and buy some lace and glue it to one of your hangers".

Who says I'm get old and feeble???? lol

lor 02-18-2008 03:17 PM

Thats a good idea MelodyL. I had some quite expensive necklaces that my DH gave me & they got tangled. Then I didn't know what to do. :( :rolleyes:

MelodyL 02-18-2008 04:17 PM

So get crackin!!!!! Get a hanger, get a piece of lace (it's better because lace has all the tiny holes that you can put the earrings on.

Get out ALL your jewelry. Then get out a glue gun. Fold the lace over the hanger and glue gun it. Then take your hanging jewelry and position it as you prefer. Then get out your earrings and you can put the hoops together on one portion, you can even make a silver portion, a gold portion, a hangy earring portion, a stud portion.

And YOU CREATED IT!! It really takes up no space, and you will have ALL YOUR JEWELRY IN ONE PLACE. Nothing beats this.

Oh, I really hope one of you make your own and take a snapshot and post it on this thread. Wouldn't that be cool. I'm telling you, it took me 10 seconds flat to make this thing.

Curious 02-18-2008 04:34 PM

what a great kids craft project too melody. girl scouts...a craft for a girls birthday party. i'm going to show lil'monkey..who is 13..this when she gets home. i bet her and her friends would love to make one.

right now she uses a 3 hook thing that hangs over her door for necklaces and a piece of metal grid from those snap together shelves to her earings.


braingonebad 02-18-2008 04:37 PM

I love it! I just love it!


I'd put a pocket at the bottom though, for the bracelettes, so I didn't have to unhang it to get them off.

Think of the things you could do with this, if you really wanted to go nuts - you could make it look like a dress, or a teddy, lol. For little girls, you could make it look like a kitten or puppy.

That is too cool.

Thanks for sharing!

CrystalSword 02-18-2008 05:03 PM

jewelry hanger
This was a great idea, Melody, a friend of mine also came up with a good idea but I have no idea how to post a picture of it.:)

Vonn07 02-18-2008 05:07 PM

Melody .. that was great .. thanks for expanding our minds!!


shiney sue 02-18-2008 05:21 PM

My mom
Gave me 1 of those big jewery boxes it's beautiful. But with this you can
put it in the closet and people won't know where it is.ha Very smart
got my lace,I had it and Bob can help me do it. Thanks again.hugs Sue

MelodyL 02-18-2008 05:27 PM

Well, the pocket idea was PURE GENIUS.

I just did it. I'm making a video, I'll upload it to youtube.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I can just see the kids making HANNA MONTANA JEWELRY HOLDERS, with stickers of HANNA MONTANA. This can be a great gift for someone who has arthritis and who can't do it for themselves.

Be right back.!!!

Okay, just uploaded the video (NOW WITH POCKET). lol I can't thank you enough!!!

Here's the link:

MelodyL 02-18-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by shiney sue (Post 218418)
Gave me 1 of those big jewery boxes it's beautiful. But with this you can
put it in the closet and people won't know where it is.ha Very smart
got my lace,I had it and Bob can help me do it. Thanks again.hugs Sue

Sue: You are quite welcome. Let me know how it turns out!!

ewizabeth 02-18-2008 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 218424)
Well, the pocket idea was PURE GENIUS.

I just did it. I'm making a video, I'll upload it to youtube.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I can just see the kids making HANNA MONTANA JEWELRY HOLDERS, with stickers of HANNA MONTANA. This can be a great gift for someone who has arthritis and who can't do it for themselves.

Be right back.!!!

Okay, just uploaded the video (NOW WITH POCKET). lol I can't thank you enough!!!

Here's the link:

That is way cool! I might just have to put on my crafty hat this weekend! :)

shiney sue 02-18-2008 11:08 PM

Mel you should see Bob helping me with this,it's so cute..Told Dr.Amy
about it. She checked out utube and told me to make some for her,
one for her birthday,and gifts for some of the people she works with.
And she liked the idea for the younger ones..Cute gifts for her young
patients...I really like the pocket idea..Keep it up ,you will be on QBC.
Hugs Sue

MelodyL 02-19-2008 07:46 AM

Well I made some pictures of this item.

Here they are (so you and kids and others, who might not have access to youtube), well you can see it right here.

Here we go!!
My webcam (when I use it t take pictures, can't take the full picture, so I broke it up. The bottom two show the pocket. You can use a glue gun, or do what I did (I couldn't find my glue gun, but I did have those things that you use a hot iron and a wet towel and it binds two pieces of material together in 10 seconds or so. It worked just find.


braingonebad 02-19-2008 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 218424)
Well, the pocket idea was PURE GENIUS.

I just did it. I'm making a video, I'll upload it to youtube.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I can just see the kids making HANNA MONTANA JEWELRY HOLDERS, with stickers of HANNA MONTANA. This can be a great gift for someone who has arthritis and who can't do it for themselves.

Be right back.!!!

Okay, just uploaded the video (NOW WITH POCKET). lol I can't thank you enough!!!

Here's the link:

Way Cool!

OMG - some crafty soul could make Hanah Montana Jewelry holders and sell em at craft shows... that would be a HUGE hit!


MelodyL 02-19-2008 10:18 AM

That's the first thing I thought of. I said to myself "imagine some 11 year old Miley Cyrus fan who loves Hannah Montana, and this little kid has all this fun jewelry. She gets together with her little friends and the whole thing would cost their mothers a buck for a piece of lace (they already have hangers in house), you can get a glue gun in the ninety nine cents store around my neighborhood and those little glue sticks.

Then you can let your imagination go wild. You can thread ribbons through the hanger. You can even use fancy shmancy hanger (you know the ones that are used for delicate items. They are like fabric hangers.

You can design this thing to suit anybody's preference. So I'm picturing Hanna Montana, Lindsay Lohan, Dakota Fanning, you know, YOUNG fans, who can craft this jewelry holder and make it as fancy (with ribbony decorations) to their hearts content. This is a great after school project, or a rainy day project.

To bad it's only suited for girls. I can' imagine boys having anything to do with lace and jewelry.

It's about time us gals had something just for us. And if you know anyone with carpal tunnel or arthritis and they have jewelry all over the house, in all the drawers, and they just want a place to have their stuff in one place, this thing is PERFECT.

I can still use my hands but there are some days that I can't put in the delicate stud earrings. Thats the day that I put on the earrings with the (I have no idea what you call these things), but you just slip the earring into the hole in the ear and the long wire is hanging on the back of your ear. Your fingers don't have to find posts or anything like that.

These types of earrings are on the right side of my jewelry holder. I'll take a photo close up, so you can see what I'm talking about.

MelodyL 02-19-2008 10:32 AM

This is the item I saw selling on the Internet. You can only hang earrings on this one. This was what made me think: “I CAN MAKE A BETTER ONE’. And I did!! My souped up version, well you can hang all the necklaces and with the pocket, you can put the bracelets. This really is a multi-functional jewelry holder, don't you think? I am so grateful for the idea about the pocket. Makes it all one big jewelry holder. And the bigger the hanger, the more hooks you can add so you can put ALL of your necklaces on it. No more tangling.

This picture is the one that gave me the idea!!

From that to this:

Now here is what the wire backs look like after they are attached to my jewelry holder.

This holder is great for people who have trouble with their hands and can’t go rummaging around in their jewelry boxes looking for delicate earrings because they have difficulty picking up and holding the little post thingees. I drop these things all the time. I wonder if you guys think I should post these on some arthritis message board.

Do you think others might like to see this??

braingonebad 02-19-2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 218905)
This is the item I saw selling on the Internet. You can only hang earrings on this one. This was what made me think: “I CAN MAKE A BETTER ONE’. And I did!! My souped up version, well you can hang all the necklaces and with the pocket, you can put the bracelets. This really is a multi-functional jewelry holder, don't you think? I am so grateful for the idea about the pocket. Makes it all one big jewelry holder. And the bigger the hanger, the more hooks you can add so you can put ALL of your necklaces on it. No more tangling.

This picture is the one that gave me the idea!!

From that to this:

Now here is what the wire backs look like after they are attached to my jewelry holder.

This holder is great for people who have trouble with their hands and can’t go rummaging around in their jewelry boxes looking for delicate earrings because they have difficulty picking up and holding the little post thingees. I drop these things all the time. I wonder if you guys think I should post these on some arthritis message board.

Do you think others might like to see this??

I'm sure it's easier on the hands. I'm thinking it's easier on the eyes. I play heck trying to find a pair of earrings in a drawer, you know?

I know you two are in there, now come on out!


I can see all your pairs from the pics. SO much easier - plus, you know what you have, and how it'll look together before you even start digging for it. I bet you match stuff now that you never thought of before.

Hey, for boys, how about one for Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars - they still play with those, don't they?

Just make it all pockets, not lacy. Maybe stick some cool pins on it, there ya go.

MelodyL 02-19-2008 08:08 PM

OH yeah, I put all the silver on one side, the gold on the other. The hoops are in one category, the studs in another.

And everything is right there on the hangar.

And ALL the bracelets are in that brand new pocket. Took me 10 seconds to do the pocket. I cannot believe how much fun others can have doing this.

Anybody else make one for themselves yet??

Tootsie 02-20-2008 06:22 PM

I think it's pretty. I wouldn't have the patience to put them on or off the lace though or the dexterity.:o

I use a box I bought at a craft store; you can arrange the inserts to different sizes so I put my odds and end jewelry in that! Not as pretty as yours but works for me as I can see in to it, it opens easily and holds a lot of stuff.

I put it in my dresser.

I have a closet with bulitins and I put stick on hooks on the side of one wall which i hang my necklaces on. My watches go on hooks.

If I can I'll put a picture on here someday.


Curious 02-20-2008 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by braingonebad (Post 219109)
I'm sure it's easier on the hands. I'm thinking it's easier on the eyes. I play heck trying to find a pair of earrings in a drawer, you know?

I know you two are in there, now come on out!


I can see all your pairs from the pics. SO much easier - plus, you know what you have, and how it'll look together before you even start digging for it. I bet you match stuff now that you never thought of before.

Hey, for boys, how about one for Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars - they still play with those, don't they?

Just make it all pockets, not lacy. Maybe stick some cool pins on it, there ya go.

i have used the over the door plastic pocket type of shoe holders for both cars and my daughters barbies. inexpesive and decorative. i found them at the dollar store and really look cute. just make sure the barbies get put back with clothes on. :wink:

i have used the ones that hang inside the closet..more of a boxey shape to put daily sets of clothes ( including socks and undies) when they were little.

i'm am organization freak. anything to save time. :o

MelodyL 02-20-2008 06:35 PM

You know, they have these people who come in and organize your closets. I saw a makeover once and said "that's for me, I can do that'.

Haven't done it yet. You buy all kinds of rods, and bins and everything is in it's place. Alan has his operation tomorrow.

I told him, "After tomorrow, when you are lying all helpless on the couch with your cast on your foot and you can't do anything to stop me, I'm going to redo the computer room and put everything in its place.

His response: OH MY GOD!!!


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