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Erin524 08-23-2010 04:04 AM

Is numbness supposed to do this?
The right side of my body has been numb for several weeks now...and has been getting more numb. (and my left foot is going numb again now...crap!)

I noticed tonight that the inside of my mouth is numb on the right side...and now it seems like I'm thirsty all the time. Anyone else ever had numbness like that and the sensation that they're constantly thirsty? I dont think I have an infection...for one of the first times in a long time, I dont feel like I do.

The numbness is also involving the right side of my head, and my ear. I'm wobbly when I walk, but I dont feel like I have vertigo. Does anyone know if the numbness can go inside the body along with being just surface numbness and affect the inner ear?

I'm having problems walking. Right leg feels like I can barely lift it when I'm trying to put on pants, and it feels like I'm listing to starboard (to the right) when I walk.

Right side of my neck hurts too..

I'm calling my neuro (again!) in the morning. I just feel like something is very very wrong.

How do you know when you have to insist on steroids, rather than just suffer thru the symptoms?? The involvement of my face and mouth and the weirdness with the leg are scaring me. I really feel like the MS is getting worse.

Dejibo 08-23-2010 07:51 AM

please call your neuro. :hug:

dmplaura 08-23-2010 08:31 AM

What Dej said, but listen to your neuro, tell them what you've had symptom-wise, and then listen to their recommendation for treatment.

IF they say "Solu-Medrol" or a course of oral steroids, go with the neuro's suggestion at this point if you feel this is the best for you.

If you're unhappy with your neuro's advice for your treatment, you need to let them know.

Jules A 08-23-2010 11:06 AM

That is scary. Please keep us posted and I hope you feel better soon. :hug:

mrkmyword 08-23-2010 11:34 AM

I agree with everyone. I had that same problem my first year of DX. My right side was getting more and more numb especially my mouth I was drooling without noticing food stuck to my face and not feeling it. It was not a pretty site.

I took Solu Iv then pills for a week started feeling better.

Let us know and feel better Erin:hug:

SallyC 08-23-2010 01:39 PM

It sounds like MS is doing what it usually does. It's short cercuiting your wires/nerves.:mad: Definately advise your Neuro to see what he/she suggests that you do.

Take a deep breath...don't panic.:hug:

EddieF 08-23-2010 04:07 PM

Tell Neuro asap. IVSM? I've only had one round for 3 days last yr. Helped eye sight a bit, not numbness.

MooseasaurusRex 08-23-2010 04:36 PM


I hate it, beautiful. What you're experiencing sounds like my my 1st full blown attack/ exacerbation. Yes, it even got into my mouth as well and made me sound as if I had been drinking/ slurred speech.

Has what you're dealing with now happened before? Anything different in your routine? ***diet, meds, sleep patterns, etc.?

Other than that, quiz your doc and I hope this passes quickly.

Erin524 08-23-2010 06:00 PM

called, no one has called back, and it's past the time the neuro usually would call back. ~sigh~

I havent been hungry. But, if I eat something I have no problem eating it...kind of like my stomach doesnt realize that it's hungry until food hits it.

The not being hungry part is a bit disturbing, but if I dont eat, I dont think I'll start starving for at least 50 or 60 pounds. (I'm in the 250, 260 range for weight, so I'm really not bothered about not being hungry if it means that some weight will get lost, hopefully the flare will go away and I'll be able to go back to normal tho and actually work out some to keep the weight down)

I havent been sleeping well lately. I'm uncomfortable with the numbness and the spasticity is just annoying enough to keep me from sleeping. I didnt sleep till about 6am this morning, and got up around 130pm. The spasticity isnt painful (yet) but it's uncomfortable enough to keep me from being able to relax to sleep. I havent found the magic combination of baclofen and valium to calm the spasticity down yet. (I never did find the magic combination back in May either...I just threw baclofen at it until I could sleep)

I dont like the stoned feeling I get from the baclofen and valium. I dont know why people take valium for the fun of it. Makes me feel icky.

It's 70 degrees in my room. I'm cold but still feel hot (no fever tho, thermometer claims I'm "normal")

I noticed eating earlier that some of the numbness in my face feels like it's going over to the other side where it wasnt before.

It's just really disturbing to feel like crap, have funky sensations and weird stuff going on. I just want to feel normal again for awhile. (by "awhile", I mean for 3 or 4 decades)

I feel kind of weak, but that might be from not feeling hungry. The weakness is bugging me because when I go to take a shower I feel shaky. My bathroom is supposed to get remodeled soon, but they're not moving as quickly as I want them to. (taking out the fiberglass insert, putting in tiles and a ton of grab least 3 in the shower and two just outside of the shower...I want something to hold onto that wont snap off the wall or the shower door if gravity suddenly sucks me to the floor) I'm kind of scared to take a shower because it's a cramped shower space with that stupid fiberglass seat taking up all the space in the corner. Not having a grab bar or three to hold onto while I'm washing my hair makes me a little nervous to take a shower. I went about 5 days this week without taking a shower because of that.

I dont want to use my parents shower because it wasnt built to code (getting irritated at people/contractors who seem to like to screw my dad out of money) His shower is getting redone at the same time mine is done and I'm the one who found the contractors this time. (I got references and a decorator and I'm asking to see the permits and I'll be watching them build it so I know what's being put in. I have a basic working knowledge of how things are supposed to be done now)

I'm just really tired, frustrated and really uncomfortable from all the MS crap that's going on. At least, so far, it's not as painful as it was in May when this flare started and I had the giant, invisible python around my waist. (knock on wood that the giant, invisible python doesnt come back for a visit)

I just want this stupid flare to quit and go away so that I can hopefully go back to what passed for normal before. Plus I want to be able to watch the contractors do our remodels. (taking in-progress pictures if I'm able to so that I can how things are done, and if in the future we have to fix anything I can look at the pictures and see what was used in the remodel)

hopefully the neuro will call me back in the morning and either reassure me that the MS isnt about to beat me up or he'll offer me a $5 bottle of oral steroids to throw at the flare. (probably wont. I had IVSM last summer, oral 'roids last october, and IVSM AND oral 'roids in May of this year...think that's the limit of what he'll give me in a years time)

The MS is just really peeving me off.

EddieF 08-23-2010 06:11 PM

1st off please be careful in bathroom. Playground type rubber mats would be a good thing and wish my friend would've thought of it last year. rip.

I went to the hospital last year because my neuro wouldnt work with me. They gave me shot of medrol in my arm and sent me on my way after 4 hrs so I wont suggest that. I did learn however if I ever need to go there again im calling ambulance to avoid the waiting room and get promt attention.

Not eating may not be a good thing. Eat something small at least, healthy.
Please get this taken care of tomorrow the latest.

Dejibo 08-24-2010 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by EddieF (Post 687994)
I went to the hospital last year because my neuro wouldnt work with me. They gave me shot of medrol in my arm and sent me on my way after 4 hrs so I wont suggest that. I did learn however if I ever need to go there again im calling ambulance to avoid the waiting room and get promt attention.

As an ex paramedic I can tell you that arriving in an ambulance does NOT garuntee you a spot in the back right away. i have seen many evaluated, and then plopped in a wheel chair, and wheeled to the waiting area. Most screaming "but I came by amubulance!" while the nurse cried "that doesnt mean you are going first." I thought the triage nurse was a nasty peice of work at that ER, but she got the job done. then you are stuck with no ride home. PLEASE call an ambulance if you need one, but dont be surprised if nurse nasty pulls you off the stretcher and sends you to the waiting area with the unwashed masses. A couple of simple words will get you to the head of the line. "Chest pain" or if you are vomiting all over the waiting area, making the rest of the crowd uncomfortable. They will beg her to take you next.

I hope you feel better Erin. This stinks! :hug:

EddieF 08-24-2010 09:33 AM

Boy i'm batting 1000 lately. You're right Dej. Good luck today Erin.

Desinie 08-24-2010 03:16 PM

Hope you feel better, Erin.:hug::hug: I understand what you're going through. I've had a really rough summer too. I hope you heard from your neuro today.
I know the stress of the shower remodeling isn't helping you any. I really wish for you it was completed properly already. I went through all that when I had my addition put on 2 years ago and the contractors said they were up on installing ADA compatiable bathrooms and had done it before yet wanted to put my showerhead on the side wall instead of the normal place you install them. I guess they wanted to do it that way because it would be easier to connect to the plumbing. It was such a long, stressful time. Five months of it.

Erin524 08-24-2010 03:37 PM

My parents "handicap" shower is anything but a handicap shower.

It has a step-up to get in and out of the shower! about 3 inches high!

Handicap showers arent supposed to have a step-up.

The drain is in the wrong spot. (there used to be a bathtub there, they didnt move the drain to the center like they were supposed it's not to code)

The walls of their shower are made of marlite. (supposed to look like marble, but is like plastic walls or something) When they put the marlite up, they were supposed to have durock (concrete board) behind the marlite. Concrete board isnt supposed to grow mold or mildew. They didnt put any durock behind the marlite. It's open to the studs behind the marlite.

Oh, and the marlite isnt even attached to the walls with any adhesive. The contractors who built that shower 5yrs ago just attached the marlite to the studs using the grab bars they put in my mom's shower. I dont think they used any water proofing underneath the tiled floor since the dark moldy stuff seems to be coming thru the floor. So far it's just under the tile and not on top of the tile. It's discoloring the floor of the shower.

Our new contractors are much better. I got references and I've seen some of their previous work in other houses. The designer/decorator I hired is the same woman who decorated our house when it was built. (we bought the house as a spec was already built and decorated when we first saw it, just needs some serious updating now after 8yrs and 5 of those years we had a rather large black dog that did a number on the paint job and the carpeting in the house.

Neuro still hasnt called me (calling back in a few minutes) but I feel a teeny bit better than I did when I started the thread. I've still got all the problems I was having, and now I feel like I'm limping on the right side. (hip is really numb, and standing is painful now) but I dont feel quite as physically sick as I felt a couple of days ago.

Still have a ton of fatigue tho. Had to move stuff around in the family room last night (putting stuff away in the storeroom that needs to be off the floor for all the remodeling) and it took me forever to do that because I had to push or drag it along, and had to keep sitting down to rest. I need to go grocery shopping, but I think I'm just giving my dad a list and sending him to do it for me because I dont think I could make it thru the store.

I froze my gym membership for 6 months today. Havent used it since March or April. Need to save the money since I'm not using it right now.

I just want this flare to end so that I can go back to what was normal. Starting to think I'll be stuck with these crappy symptoms and with the walking funny stuff.

EddieF 08-24-2010 04:06 PM

The morning I woke 4 yrs ago with numbness (before I knew I had MS) I drove myself to Dr's office and bothered every front desk girl till I was in his exam room. Waiting for appt. wasn't in the least for me. Thankgod i did what i did. Go see your dr uninvited Erin.

Desinie 08-24-2010 04:28 PM

I agree , become a huge pest! Remember you're paying them both, your contractor and your neuro! The contractor I had would try to avoid asking me questions about how we wanted our addition to be and would ask my DH who figured they knew best and would be too agreeable to almost anything. The B in me came out during that time. Hated to do it, but someone had to and we were paying huge amounts of money for it. Also, I had to have it that it would be safest and best for me since I'm the one with the MS and that the reason we needed a full bathroom and laundry room on the first floor.

Erin524 08-24-2010 08:08 PM

I do have an appointment on September 1st, so at least I have that to look forward to.

That neuro's office is usually pretty busy, not sure why, I guess Omaha has a lot of people who are neurologically compromised in some way or something. I get the feeling that the message got lost or something, because he usually calls me within a few hours of me leaving him a message.

I dont think that what's going on will respond to any steroids, I had them in May and they only worked for a few weeks and then crap started happening again, and I think whatever has been going on lately is being caused by the same flare that started back in April,so I'm probably not even going to bother with the 'roids this time. Might ask him about them tho, just to see what he says about them. (already guessing that he'll say I've had too much over the past year and that he's not comfortable giving me any for awhile)

With the remodels we're doing in the house. I'm excited about mine, because they're going to lower the step into that shower. I still have to step up, but it wont be as high as it was.

My parents shower is a big deal. I was never happy or very impressed with the remodel that had been done 5 years ago. I thought it was a crappy job then, and the guys didnt show much skill in building the shower, but my parents were desperate to get a shower for my mom that she could use. At the time she was having knee surgeries (she had them both replaced) and the old shower was just like the fiberglass one I have now. She couldnt climb into it, and the stupid built in seat didnt give her a lot of room and she'd slide off of it no matter what we did to make it not slippery.

Her old shower is still in the space...we'd had it disabled and the water shut off to it and the drain plugged. They keep dirty laundry in it now. The contractors will be tearing it out and building some cabinetry in it's place for my parents to use as storage, and they'll still be able to use the area for dirty laundry. Their bathroom is getting totally remodeled. Only thing they're not changing is the toilet and the sink. The floor in their bathroom is 3 kinds of flooring. Carpeting in front of the sink (ewww) that was put there when the house was built. The crappy shower that we're tearing out and re-doing has an ugly tile floor, and the area where the toilet is has vinyl floor. It's all going to be replaced with 12x12 tile...same tile for the shower.

I picked out the tile for my bathroom and when my dad found out his bathroom was not to code, he decided to just go with the tile I picked for mine so that the bathrooms will match.

I just wish things were happening faster on the remodeling. I really want my new shower! I'm just making sure they have permits and that everything gets inspected and is to code. Hopefully the 3rd bathroom (remodeled with a walk-in bathtub a couple of years ago) will pass the inspection too, because we really dont want to have to do a third bathroom (again)

Mariel 08-26-2010 05:49 PM

Eddie is right, bathroom is dangerous unless floor is made non-slip. I put those strips in
my shower which make it impossible or nearly impossible to slip. I know what happens when one slips, as I fell down the stairs in May and broke my kneecap, and I'm still rehabing for that. I have numb feet and ankles. If anything else is numb is isn't constant.
Occasionally an arm. I can't take steroids cause I have Porphyria.

missj 08-26-2010 11:43 PM

what about Cushings? did he test for that

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