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mamafigure 09-17-2006 02:00 AM

Weekly Check-in - Sept 17th
Hi friends,
I was just writing on another forum and realized that the weekly check-in is what is holding that group together. We have some amazing people here, but no one is saying anything. I'll start this one.

Here in the holler it has gotten cooler. Fog drifts through every morning and evening, making it difficult to avoid the possums and deer that test our driving skills. A few leaves have even started to turn, although the foliage display is nothing compared to what the north is experiencing.

Last week my daughter had oral surgery - and for the first time she was treated very well.

I am still pretty sick. I have been trying to avoid the ER. I have a promising dr visit on Monday, but it is an hour away and I don't know how to get there. The idea of driving an hour is scary. I am afraid that he will put me in the hospital...and that really freaks me out.

I hope that you are all enjoying the impending change of season. Some of my favorite times were spent with my dad or grandfather on our biannual walks in the woods. They would tell me about their childhood, tell me how to identify trees, flowers, and it just seemed like a special time, even then.

Take care and do tell what's happening in your life,

Love - Mama

blmave86 09-17-2006 06:52 AM

Good idea, Kathy.

Our leaves are changing and it has been cold and dreary for this time of year. Thanksgiving is Oct. 9th this year and that is usually the end for the leaves here.

I am still trying the tegretol, but having some side effects like muscle cramping and itching. I hope they are the type of side effects that go away. At school my class is a challenge this year!

Good luck with your appt.


mamafigure 09-17-2006 07:32 AM

Why do they always have side effects? I sure hope that they go away and give you some peace.

I love it when the maple trees turn. In Utah the color of fall was yellow with some dark red from the scrub oak...not real pretty, but all right. Here everything turns, but it seems to rot first. Definitely not so pretty. Living in the north spoils you for any other location when it comes to fall.

I will email you.

KTM5665 09-17-2006 09:59 AM

Still hot and steamy down here in florida:rolleyes: , I sure miss being up north this time of year. My big chance will come in October with a trip to Cleveland with my oldest two. Im looking forward to our biannual trip to the Cleveland zoo!

Im very tired this week. My ankles are hurting, my balence is off....and it looks like January for my next MDA visit in Miami. My seizures are still same. Kids are ok~ it could be a whole lot worse I know.

Took a trip to Sea World last weekend, and I truly think that's what did me in this week.

I also had my second meeting for UMDF foundation. I began, along with another great lady...a support group here in town for mito patients. It was really alot of fun!

stumps 09-17-2006 10:46 AM

Still here and trying to plod on with life.
The weather has gone weird even for England, its warmer now than it was in the summer.

Wittesea 09-17-2006 10:49 AM

Here in New England the weather keeps going back and forth between beautiful sunny days in the low 80's and wet rainy days where the temps drop to the low 60's or high 50's. That's normal for this time of year here, but the constant changes certainly don't help my pain.

Other than the weather, things here are pretty much the same. Hubby is still cancer free, my symptoms/pain are not flaring too badly at the moment and the meds seem to be working (although I'm still on the diagnosis roller coaster), and life in general is pretty good.

mama, I'm so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I do hope that you are able to get to your doctors appointment, and that the doctor is able to help you feel better without having to go to the hospital. I will send many positive thoughts and good wishes in your direction for you.

shirley, I hope that the tegratol side effects go away as your body gets more used to the medication. I think I have seen others say that they had initial side effects from tegratol that did go away with time, so I'm hoping that is the case for you.

ktm - I hope your trip to Cleveland goes well. I have never been to the zoo there, but I hear it's wonderful. I'm sorry to hear about the ankle pain and balance troubles you are having, and I hope that it is just a temporary flare that subsides soon.

take care,

mamafigure 09-17-2006 05:12 PM

So sorry that you are having troubles. I hope that the zoo brightens your day. I love the zoo except for the monkey/ape cages. They are so sad, and you can feel it.

mamafigure 09-17-2006 05:13 PM

Stumps, You sound so sad. Please write some more. We barely know you.

mamafigure 09-17-2006 05:14 PM

Sounds like things are looking up for you...and I am so pleased. You and your hubby deserve the very best.

KTM5665 09-18-2006 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by mamafigure (Post 7477)
So sorry that you are having troubles. I hope that the zoo brightens your day. I love the zoo except for the monkey/ape cages. They are so sad, and you can feel it.

I LOVE the apes/Gorillas...I love to look them in the eye. It's so peaceful to me to wonder what they think~ Although, I must admit...Id much rather see them in the wild. that Zoo is such a treat for the eyes!

Im so glad to be back here. I sure missed everyone.

GaBelle1 09-22-2006 06:38 PM

I'm a little late checking in, but I'm here! Life has been a little too busy the last few weeks so haven't even had time to look for this place. I've missed y'all so much!!! School is going my new position in Computer and Journalism! I'm not as physcially tired as before when teaching, but I am mentally worn out!!! :eek: I did my annual trip with the women at church to Destin, Florida this last week. It was a nice getaway. My breathing is a little screwy, but having IVIG every 6 weeks for a day seems to be helping. I am, unfortunately, still on prednisone but I'm praying to come off of that soon.
My husband is doing well, Teresa has started college and is still in love (her year "anniversary" is tomorrow.) She's been named Missions Director at our church, so her life is staying very busy! Fortunately, for me, she's decided to stay in town for college right now so still living at home. I wasn't at all ready for her to leave!
It's just started cooling down here though it wouldn't be at all strange for us to still have 90 degree days. Right now running in high 70s and low 80s. That could change tomorrow. Leaves are no where near ready to change...we didn't have much rain this summer.
It's good to "see" all of you!!! Hopefully we'll be fully back up and running soon!

Sandy Lynn 09-22-2006 06:49 PM

Hi Cheryl.... Welcome! I see we both found this site about the same time. It sure will be nice to catch up with everyone. You call 70's and 80's a cool down??? We are sure to get frost here soon and our leaves are beginning to change.

lexiathedragongirl 09-22-2006 07:15 PM

Hi guys! It has been sooooo long since I've posted, although Cheryl has been keeping me up to date on things, thanks Cheryl! I've tried logging in with no luck whatsoever, and I've relied so long on my computer remembering who I am I've had to reregister :o

Well, this is the biggest down time yet. Mama, good luck with your surgery, like Alicia, I'm way out of the loop too. (((hugs))) and hope it all goes well. Alicia my dear, I've missed you for so long, even before I stopped posting I was worried. I'm so glad life is going well, but 16! Wow! It'll be a great party :) Sandy, and everyone, it's good to see "old" faces :).

I've been trundling along well. I guess as an update I reckon I've recovered about 80-90% of the encephalitis damage, still get the odd sz but they seem to be pretty much in hand. Migraines come and go, and still think I have something lurking in my system but only time will tell what it is. It manifests every few months as hot sweats, fevers, tingling skin, breakouts, achy joints and weird stuff. My current issue is lower right side pain, had an U/S yesterday and waiting on results. Normally the pain comes and goes - this time it didn't go ;)

Life is good, kids are good, hot and windy and total fire ban. I'm halfway through becoming a basic rural fire fighter! Took the first step and sent a submission off to a literary agent, will wait and see what comes of that *sigh*

Ok, windbagged enough!


Sandy Lynn 09-23-2006 06:44 PM

Hi Kylie, It is so great to 'see' you too. I am glad everything is going well for you. Before I even read the poster name to another thread I knew you were back. Your posts are always so intelligent!
Take care....Sandy

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