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CoolAngel26 12-03-2007 10:20 PM

60th Banana bread thread..oops Wonder thread.
Can you tell my brain had a Monday,guys?:cool:

I wonder if anyone likes chocolate-covered pretzels...

I wonder if anyone knows that you can have a Christmas carol as a ringtone on a cell's very :cool:.

I wonder if everyone could use a {{{hug}}} :hug::grouphug::hug::grouphug:

I wonder what my kid brother's little girlies want for Christmas..

Addy 12-04-2007 12:10 AM

I wonder how old those girlies are CoolAngel? I wonder if you'll have fun picking out their gifts... I think I would!

I wonder if CLOUDZ will read this - I want to tell him its so good to see him! I hope he knows that Lara is on a vacation and isn't near a computer.

I wonder how cool it is that ~scrabble~ has been knitting socks and leg warmers! Lucky kids! I hope that you have them done in time!

I wonder if I should go and post in the "cheer" thread... cuz I did something cheerful tonight... I think it would be healthy to share...

I wonder if you can believe that our temperature jumped 10 degrees and all the snow melted - now there are wind/rainfall and flood warnings all over the place! :rain:

I wonder if CoolAngel makes good banana bread? I do :D

I wonder if things are kinda "hairy" for dear Vicky right now... how's the kiddos? and how's your spirit hanging in there dear goofy?

I wonder at how cool it was to see photos of the Snowman in monkey's car !!! What a brilliant Idea!

I wonder if David is ok?

I wonder how the Moi family is?

(I don't really like choccy covered pretzels)

Alffe 12-04-2007 08:10 AM

I wonder if Addy's banana bread is as good as mine...:D

I wonder if we should post our recipes..........

I wonder if I can get the out of town stuff mailed today....

I wonder if Cooper would like to ride along with me to the post office...

I wonder if Doody is ever gonna post that picture of her smooching w/Cooper.

I wonder how the vicks worked for lil monkey....:D

I wonder how happy I am that you all made BJ smile..........

I wonder if Abbie will feel some better today after breathing in and out...*grin

I wonder if there's a better way to breathe......;) (((Abbie)))

I wonder if Goofy knows that my heart is with her and Aunt Jo.......

I wonder how Mr.&Mrs. Moi are......:grouphug:

I wonder if Scrabble is done or if her fingers are still flying.........

I wonder if Bamboo is reading here.....

I wonder if Sunnysidedown will be posting her poems.....

I wonder if I can leave Tena a :hug:

I wonder when Chemar is gonna wonder....:rolleyes:

I wonder if Doc John ever wonders.......:wink:

FeelinGoofy 12-04-2007 08:44 AM

I wonder about the old saying when it rains it pours.... We found out last night Ricks (and mine) favorite uncle fell and has a subdural hemotoma. Hes in ICU in Arkansas and the drs think it may have cause a stroke... I guess they're going to do surgery today or maybe have already done it and drain the blood off his brain... sigh....

I wonder about jingles.... Scott has to identify 20 jingles and theres one i cant remember... "making it right" does anybody have any idea who used that jingle?

I wonder if curious knows her snowman photo made me smile too.

I wonder how SSD is doing today?

I wonder if BJ knows the photo of her kitty under the tree certainly made me smile....:)

I wonder If Addy knows my kiddos are doing pretty good and excited about Christmas... :hug: thank you for asking...

I wonder if Coolangel knows my daughter LOVES those white bark covered pretzels, but i dont think we've ever tried the chocolate ones...

I wonder if i can leave a hug for the room.... {{{{{HUG}}}}

Addy 12-04-2007 03:04 PM

I wonder why I can sing that jingle "making it right" but I've got no idea what it was an advertisement for.
So, I went to google... and lol... if I put in "making it right" jingle, the second topic is this one! Hmmmmph some help Google is today!

I wonder what I'll accomplish today?

And wonder why I always think I have to have accomplishments?


Curious 12-04-2007 04:02 PM

i wonder if addy can think of any other word that go with it? ( i tried slogan too)

Curious 12-04-2007 04:28 PM

bridgestone/firestone...about the tire recall. that is alli can find. the link shows a banner with the slogan.

sunnysidedown 12-04-2007 11:55 PM

I wonder if this post will work... the one last night disappeared..

I wonder...

if I could disappear for just a little while ????

if I could post those poems without getting scared, angry at myself, or feeling judged.

if my brain could hold onto thoughts for more than 5 seconds....

if everyone knows I appreciate the things you say - it is just hard for things to sink in right now.......

if I can say I really like reading the poetry thread ......

if Alffe and Addy would post their banana bread receipes.....

if Vicky is doing okay... and David... and everyone else....

Wren 12-05-2007 08:31 AM

:p I wonder if I can tell sunnyside that Monday the neuropsych doc phoned me with the results of my testing ~sigh~ to tell me what I already knew ... my brain can't hold onto thoughts for longer than a few seconds - lol lol lol - serious memory problems AND serious word finding problems.

I wonder if I tell you how relieved I am that I don't have to go to PT today :p wheeeeeeeeee

I wonder how vicky's knee is doing. Maybe she needs PT - lol lol lol

I want a big stuffed snowman like Curious has too .... wouldn't that be fun in my little pick-up? I wonder WHERE she bought that.

Something we haven't heard about for some time and I wonder about is Alffe's nose......................................

I wonder how David is doing. I wish he would write.

I wonder what the book is beside BJ's beautiful kitty ...... I collect Christmas books too.

I wish Christmas would go away.

Oh well ..................

FeelinGoofy 12-05-2007 08:45 AM

I wonder how Aunt Jo is doing they should be doing the surgery at this moment. :Good-Luck:

I wonder where that nephew of mine is hiding out.... :(

I wonder if Wren knows my knee is so much better than it was. Those supartz shots really worked... i did hurt it at work last week and am now having to wear a knee brace again, but thats ok... its still doing great and for the most part no pain :Excited:

I wonder if i can join Wren in saying i'll be glad when this Christmas holiday is over as well... I'm having such a hard time getting into it this year... :sigh:

I wonder at how much joy our dog has given us since we got him last week.
so much better than a bunny.... dont get me wrong... i still love my bunny. Butterscotch and Caspian do not get along very well LOL Caspian is scared of the bunny... its quite funny... Butterscotch doesn't like him and starts thumping everytime he sees him.. Caspian tucks tail and heads straight for his crate... :rolleyes:

I wonder if i can leave a {{{HUG}}} for our room today...
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Curious 12-05-2007 09:46 AM

i wonder if i can tell y'all how excited i was to find my santa mug collection? i thought i had sold all them before we moved. some are real old.

i wonder if not putting up a tree this year is keeping in the bah humbug mood? we just don't have room for our tree. :( i did get out lil'monkeys collection of stuffed chrostmas bears. she didn't get one last year. :( first year without a dated bear.

oh sheesh....need to wonder about happy things.

i wonder why eating 1 lb of fudge will put 5 lbs on? :p

i wonder if vicky figured out the jingle?

i wonder if wren knows we bought that snowman for grandmonkeys first walmart? he was soooooo scared of it. but if you have a goodwill near you...they have tons of huge stuffed christmas animals,

i wonder about alffe's nose and if her milk mustache went away? i wonder if she knows i end up with a chocolate milk one...i have melasma? :o

sunnysidedown 12-05-2007 09:55 AM

I wonder if anyone else is having problems posting.... keeps telling me I'm not logged in - so I keep logging in...

I wonder if FG knows that I am keeping her, her aunt, uncle, and nephew in my thoughts!

I wonder if Wren knows that my anxiety level seems to have the same effect with hanging on to thoughts and finding words... not so obvious with the writing....

I wonder if I can join in by saying that I don't want to just skip the holidays - I want to jump to Spring!!!!

I wonder if those with 5th's disease are getting better????

I wonder if I should pick up Allfe's pastor so my car will get cleaned out....

I wonder if TC knows how much I appreciate the info on the drugs....

I wonder if I could made it through an entire hr. with no tears....

I wonder if I could just choose 3 things to accomplish today and feel good about that....

I wonder why I have already thought 0f 11 things I need to do....

~scrabble 12-05-2007 10:20 AM

I wonder if Curious remembered that game show title .... 'The Weakest Link'? :D

Curious 12-05-2007 10:26 AM


i wonder if scrabble know i watched a re-run of it yesterday befor ei saw her post? light bulb moment. LOL. i miss that show.

Alffe 12-06-2007 06:56 AM

I wonder if Curious would post a picture of her mug collection....

I wonder what melasma is............

I wonder where the bowling Christmas elves are this year....

I wonder why Pastor Karen makes me laugh so hard I forget to eat my lunch..

I wonder why I'm such a news junkie and so many people don't read the papers or watch the news..........

I wonder if I can say that my nose is a new an improved one after the reconstruction surgery...and I finally got to take off the white mustache..

I wonder if I can also say that I adore childrens' reaction to a bandaid...
What happened to your face lady :D

I wonder if Goofy knows that she and Aunt Jo are in my heart...:hug:

I wonder if Scrabble gets much time off for the Holiday....

I wonder if I can say that I woke up to a lovely pm this morning from an old friend...and it warmed my heart....:hug:

FeelinGoofy 12-06-2007 10:06 AM

I wonder if i'm right when i say Melasma is a discoloration of the skin. I think caused by hormones but not for sure on that... My mom has these round dark brown spots and the dr told her it was melasma...

I wonder if Alffe knows i appreciate her thoughts and prayers for Aunt Jo.. I talked to my cousin this morning and shes in alot of pain and still in ICU

I wonder if i can cut my wonders short today as i have to take Scott to the dr.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}} for our room

Curious 12-06-2007 10:12 AM

yup. you are right vicky. have to use heavy sunsceen and bleaching creams. yuk.

i wonder if lil'monkey found out if she got a solo yet? was supposed to be posted at school this morning.

i wonder why i'm not in the mood to bake? maybe cuz i dont want to clean up the mess i will make? :p

i wonder how many loaves of banana bread i can make with all the banana's in my freezer?

i wonder is vicky knows i am sending prayers for aunt jo?

sunnysidedown 12-06-2007 11:35 AM

I wonder if I can say when I had my skin cancer (face) one of my students asked me what I would do if I got it all over my face - I said I hoped people would look at what was in side - but I wondered...

I wonder if the poetry (if you call it that) that I am writing is to depressing.... I don't have to put it there...

I wonder if anyone knew I was crashing yesterday - ran away from home - thought about the od but didn't..

I wonder if I knew it was happening.......

I wonder if I need to just get out and get a job -- get outside of myself some...

I wonder if I will be scared to death- s--t I know I will but I need the money and the sanity...

I wonder if my wondering is to self centered...

I wonder if anyone has heard from David...

I wonder if I should sleep since I was up all night...

Alffe 12-06-2007 02:13 PM

I wonder if I can ask where the poem about the playpen went..I loved it!!

I wonder if Sunnysidedown knows that my poetry writing days disappeared when the depression lifted...understand, it just lifted, didn't go completely away....

I wonder if she sees it as an a way of getting those thoughts out of her mind...I did but boy, it was black, dark and scarey stuff!

I pray that Aunt Jo will find relief from the pain and begin to heal...:hug:

I wonder if Ssd will remember that the "antidote to depression is to surround yourself with people that care"........

I wonder if getting a job might not be a good idea....:hug:

sunnysidedown 12-06-2007 02:26 PM

I wonder why I can't sleep...

I wonder if Alffe knows how much I appreciate her wonderings...

I wonder if I can remember to stay around people instead of isolate...

I wonder if everyone understands it helps to get it out but I don't want to depress anyone...

I wonder if it lifts - ever - if I can write like TC then....:)

I wonder if last night scared me because I did apply for a part time job...

I wonder if anyone else gets scared writing on an open form about this kind of stuff...

Curious 12-06-2007 02:26 PM

i wonder how having only 2 kids at home..well...3 if you count hubby...can generate so much laundry?

i wonder how i keep washing the same clothes, but can't remember seeing them being worn this week? :rolleyes:

i wonder how getting those thoughts out of your head and in writing can help so much? helps clear the air between my ears i guess.

i wonder how if scrabble knows how much i miss our night owls thread? but i'm actually sleeping better, so i may have to start chirping. :D

Addy 12-06-2007 02:55 PM

I wonder if anyone else can relate to sunnysidedown's words... I know I sure can.

I wonder if I can tell you that the other day, I again read the most amazing essays AND poetry written by me over 30 years ago. It was such a confusing time - I was about 17 or 18 years old, in an unhealthy relationship, child of an alcoholic parent, child of divorce.... blah blah blah...

I wonder at how difficult it is for me to put my head around all my writings... and how much I am still the same today as I was then....

I wonder at how insightful I was back then .... and even though I know so much more now.... I knew it then but didn't know it!

Sunnysidedown - I'm absolutely petrified to get back out into the working world - I realte so much to what you are talking about. Fortunately for me, my medication is working, but its tough. I bought a pass to swim as much as I can at the indoor pool - I have hardly used it. I don't always answer the phone. Oh, I could go on and on. But there is a good side... I am also changing a lot of things in my its not all doom and gloom for me. I just hope you get out of this doom and gloom soon... and wanted you to know that you are not alone. We are all so different but we walk similiar paths.

sorry that wasn't a wonder.
I love our forum so much... I learn more every day.

and I think its soon time for someone to start a new wonder thread... :)


Wren 12-06-2007 04:34 PM

I wonder if I can say that it's SNOWING ..... it's snowing HARD.
I wonder if I can ask for good wishes because I have to drive myself into town tomorrow morning for PT. I'm sort of out of practice driving - lol
Oh well .........

Alffe 12-06-2007 05:03 PM

I wonder if Wren will check her pockets...we're going along! :grouphug:

Curious 12-06-2007 05:13 PM

CoolAngel26 12-06-2007 06:50 PM

I wonder if the title of this thread made Curious hungry??!?

I wonder if this blasted migraine will go away...

I wonder why Mother Nature likes messing with people's heads....:rolleyes:

{{{hugs}} for the room!!! :hug::grouphug::hug::grouphug:

BJ 12-06-2007 07:35 PM

I wonder if Wren would mind taking these pocket of purrs with her tomorrow :hug:

I wonder if I can send Vicky and her Aunt Jo some :hug:

I wonder if I should just take my Nyquil and :Zzzz:

I wonder why Nyquil makes me feel like this

I wonder if I can wonder more later

I wonder if I can leave :grouphug: for the room

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