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buttercup1975 08-03-2010 10:59 PM

please please help me....
Hello everyone, Im a newbie here! So please bear with me. I need help like no other. I will start with my story and take it from there. Back in June I got real sick and thought I may have the flu? Weird I know as its June! But I was fatigue and sick my body ached, I had a bad cough that wouldnt go away. I went to the doctor she said I had a bug of some sort. I started to feel a little okay so went back to work for a few days, by the end of the week I was ready to fall over.
I couldnt breathe, I couldnt talk becuase my throat had got so irritated from coughing I assume? They did blood test of every sort. The news came in that my ANA was positive at 1:160 and it was of a nuecloar pattern?
Doctor ran more test and now its comming back Neg for Lupus and scalderma, Please disregard the mispellings, Im moving pretty fast with typing just to try to get an I recently developed a rash that was small little white heads all over my upper half of body, and my left arm has gotten very heavy feeling with numb finger tips. I told my doctor and she now thinks I may have post nasal drip and an axiexty problem?! I cant believe this, I know the way i feel is not me, I am so confused because she said one thing one week and another the next, I cant get in to rumy till Sept 10th! And Im going crazy, this cant be in my head ... I know what Im feeling and I feel like my doctor thinks its a joke.... PLEASE HELP!! :confused:

rbwalton 08-04-2010 02:13 PM


Hi- I just wondered how your shoulders feel overall compared to before this happened to you. Your left arm feels heavy to you. Can you lift it over your head? Does it get worse when you do?


Originally Posted by buttercup1975 (Post 681719)
Hello everyone, Im a newbie here! So please bear with me. I need help like no other. I will start with my story and take it from there. Back in June I got real sick and thought I may have the flu? Weird I know as its June! But I was fatigue and sick my body ached, I had a bad cough that wouldnt go away. I went to the doctor she said I had a bug of some sort. I started to feel a little okay so went back to work for a few days, by the end of the week I was ready to fall over.
I couldnt breathe, I couldnt talk becuase my throat had got so irritated from coughing I assume? They did blood test of every sort. The news came in that my ANA was positive at 1:160 and it was of a nuecloar pattern?
Doctor ran more test and now its comming back Neg for Lupus and scalderma, Please disregard the mispellings, Im moving pretty fast with typing just to try to get an I recently developed a rash that was small little white heads all over my upper half of body, and my left arm has gotten very heavy feeling with numb finger tips. I told my doctor and she now thinks I may have post nasal drip and an axiexty problem?! I cant believe this, I know the way i feel is not me, I am so confused because she said one thing one week and another the next, I cant get in to rumy till Sept 10th! And Im going crazy, this cant be in my head ... I know what Im feeling and I feel like my doctor thinks its a joke.... PLEASE HELP!! :confused:

SecretAgentMan 08-05-2010 12:09 PM

Might be worth looking into:

I had some crazy neurological symptoms that took me forever to trace back to a gluten sensitivity caused by Candida. Good luck.

dahlek 08-06-2010 07:23 PM

Buttercup? Has more happened?
Please let us know? I truly hope you aren't stuck in a hospital etc...w/all THAT entails!
Let us know, Hugs and hope! - j

buttercup1975 08-06-2010 10:00 PM

I haven't had any new developments other than the rash coming back after my meds for it ran out... this has also got me thinking that there is also something my body is trying to tell me - right? My left arm is still heavy and the tips are still numb, Im still coughing, still clearing the throat - of what idk... and my fatigue is still there. I have the drive just no energy to do anything. Its really weird, I could sleep for 12 hours and have no problems going back to bed for another 4 or 5. ive been test for Lupus, scalderma, lyme, rumitoid along with other idk blood test all came out NEG except ANA positive at 1:160 and she also told me I had a unique pattern of nucleolar - not sure if thats how it is spelled. . . Im grabbing at straws now. :eek:

anon20160311 08-07-2010 11:33 AM

Autoimmune conditions and diseases have one cause and one cause only, the combination of fructose and a sensitivity-inducing agricultural protein like wheat gluten.

After you have stopped ingesting both substances for about three weeks, if your symptoms aren't substantially eliminated, then get back to me.

buttercup1975 08-07-2010 02:19 PM

SO you are telling me that Fruits, wheat and milk are bad for me? I'm not lactose intolerant for the milk and whole grain wheat and fruits I thought were supposed to be healthy for you. I eat a well balanced diet and I very very rarely ever eat processed foods, take out or soda. I don't think what I have is a trigger from eating healthy? or could it be...? Anyone open for input?

anon20160311 08-07-2010 06:12 PM

Autoimmune disease represents blood borne antibodies attacking antigens, and attacking the tissues affected by the antigens. Such antigens are invariably partially digested food proteins. Antigens commonly enter the bloodstream because the intestines become porous. The intestines become porous because the gut's immune system releases zonulin in response to ingesting wheat gluten. The gut releases zonulin because it thinks ingested gluten is candida albicans fungus. Candida albicans thrives on fructose.

I did not mention lactose. Lactose is a sugar, and has pertinence, but not here.

Autoimmune "conditions" happen in people who have the same zonulin-caused gut permeability as autoimmune "disease" sufferers. Blood borne antigens attack tissue, but the immune system fails to respond. In both autoimmune conditions and autoimmune diseases, the gut floods zonulin into the bloodstream. In the bloodstream zonulin causes antibodies to spill the cytokine TNF alpha. TNF alpha cause other antibodies to release a cascade of Cox and interluken cytokines. These cytokines seek the antigen-affected tissue. They cause inflammation and attract autoimmune reactions. So the inflammatory response is secondary in autoimmune diseases, but primary in autoimmune conditions.

There are exceptions to the "condition" pathway. They involve insulin resistance and the formation of adipose tissue. But this pathway starts with the same cause, gluten and fructose ingestion.

Regardless of what the Department of Agriculture says, eating fruit and grassy grains is unhealthy. It causes autoimmune disease and metabolic syndrome. Eating foods like cheese, eggs, meat, fat, corn, rice and vegetables? ......that's healthy.

SecretAgentMan 08-08-2010 05:09 PM

I agree with some of what veggienft said in their post. I have first hand experience with this. At the age of 30 I developed an auto-immune induced neurological problem that the doctors were baffled with. They ruled out ALS, MS and Parkinsons but did not know what to diagnose me with. I finally saw a homeopathic doctor in a desperate search for answers. The homeopathic doctor told me to avoid wheat/gluten and dairy as they were the most common developed food sensitivities. I was reluctant to believe that what I had was diet related, but I eventually tried it and was astounded when within a week my symptoms began to improve.

The condition that allows undigested food protiens to be absorbed into your blood stream is actually called 'Leaky Gut Syndrome.' As veggienft said, this is how your immune system becomes confused and starts to attack the wrong parts of your body. Things that should not be in your blood stream are absorbed through a weakened intestinal wall.

The root cause of the weakened intestinal walls is Candida, a fungus that gets out of hand when the helpful bacteria that live in your digestive system can't fight it off. The helpful digestive bacteria are weakened every time we take antibiotics and even when we eat meat that was from animals that were fed antibiotics. Taking probiotics when you have run away Candida won't help either because the Candida won't let it take hold. You have to eliminate the Candida and then replenish your helpful digestive bacteria with probiotics before your intestine walls can heal.

Where I disagree with veggienft is the fruit part. Candida feeds off of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and yes fructose from fruits. However, the fructose from fruits is much less concentrated than the sugars, sweeteners and syrups that are so heavily used in our foods today. It is possible to kill off Candida while responsibly enjoying fruit. I am on a plan now that allows fruit in my diet and I am still able to eliminate the Candida.

In order to adopt a diet that starves the Candida, you need to avoid all sugars, sweeteners, syrups (like high fructose corn syrup). You should avoid fermented foods like cheeses. Avoid all dairy, alcohol, vinegar as well. I adopted what I call a 'caveman diet.' I only eat meat, fish, eggs, rice, fruit and vegetables. Olive oil, coconut oil and canola oil are all good at killing off Candida too so keep those in your diet.

People who develop food sensitivities should also rotate their foods. With a leaky gut, your body will learn to attack anything that it sees often enough. This is part of the reason gluten and dairy are number one in food sensitivities because they are in EVERYTHING. If you eat something, you should avoid it for 96 hours before eating it again. When your body develops antibodies against a food protien, the antibodies only stick around for about 72 hours. If they never see a repeat food, then your body never learns to attack new foods.

Before I knew about my sensitivities, leaky gut, and the rotational diet, I had already become sensitive to gluten, dairy, soy, strawberries, tomatoes and caffiene. Once you clear your body of the foods you are sensitive to, you will know when you eat something that you are sensitive to. Right now you probably have so much of what you are sensitve to in your system, that your body can't catch a break. Its overloaded.

If you take out the number one hitters such as gluten and dairy, and also avoid sugars, alcohol and vinegars, you should notice a difference in a few weeks. Just a warning that Candida die off symptoms are cold or flu-like. The Candida elimination plan I am on recommends that you sweat in a sauna or hot bath 6 days a week while detoxing. The skin is your bodies largest detox organ. If you don't give your body a path to get rid of the excess dead Candida, your kidneys and liver get overloaded and you start to feel sick, like a cold or the flu.

I hope you find this post helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. Like I said, I'm going through the recovery right now. It will take time, but you will feel better if you stick with it.

dahlek 08-10-2010 07:34 PM

Let's back up a few steps?
You said you had flu-like issues, how long did they last and how long before you started the 'new' stuff?
I ask, because I'd had a pneumonia [started early Dec] that I didn't 'shake until late March, and in April I'd started getting numb . By Mid May I was in the ER, first diagnosed with PN, later, because it kept 'progressing', [by a year] with autoimmune neuropathy. Of course, it's onset/cause is called 'ideopathic'! Since then, I've been diagnosed with at least 2 and possibly an additional 2 more autoimmune issues.
By your 'doctor'? Am I correct in assuming it's your GP? Get thee to make an appointment with a neurologist, w/copies of your other doc's tests in your hands! ASAP! [which means early October if you're lucky and can't get in for a cancellation?] . Mite not hurt to also set up an appt to see a rheumatologist as well, Can't hurt? Best to absolutely zero out many things medical off the 'list of possibles' and go from there-The more of the 'possibles You can get off 'the LIST?' Hey, the better! There are several neuro and rheumatology problems that cross-over so to speak. And neuro problems are soo many and varied? [As are Rheumy ones] that it can scare you silly.
Just keep- at it? While you can! Best to keep trying and get treatments asap rather than end up in the ER in Intensive!
Further? It could be anything some have suggested? Or not at all! Read and learn this site? It's chock full of med terms? But it mite help you zero in on the neuro aspects:
Try this for starters? They are diagnostic 'summaries' of v arious neuropathies, then go to the index for other possibles and see if that all helps you zero in on YOUR problem [IF your brain isn't mush after reading it all? :D] Then once YOU zero in, there have got to be folks to help you here! Don't be afraid to ask questions-there are many, that we can answer, as we've been 'there'.
Good luck hugs :hug::hug::hug:'s & HOPE! - j

buttercup1975 08-16-2010 08:58 PM

yes, I started out with what I thought may have been the flu, but thought it was weird in June to have a flu, Doctor - meaning my GP - that I recently told to get lost... another story, anyways she automatically gave me antibiotics and told me it would take a couple of days to get over the flu, it didnt go away so I went back, she then because my cough wouldn't go away said I have bronchitis. gave me inhalers and more drugs nothing worked, I tried to go back to work and did so for 3days and was extremely winded, outta breath and so very tired, along with the same cough and clearing the throat of every 5-10 minutes. I could sleep for 12 hours and go back to bed for 8 more hours.. I told her of these symptoms and she then did blood work and said that I had a ANA positive with 1;160 nucleolar pattern, then said she thought I had Scaladerma, then after a week of waiting told me It was neg. I then went back in for more blood test and she said they all tested negative..... I say okay then what do I have? She then set me up for a Rummy and I see one that I am on an urgent waiting list to get in early but apt isn't till Sept 10! I then started getting a new rash, it was more like a hive that itches something fierce and its ALL over my body EVERY morning. Unlike the rash I got before that was non- itchy and it was pimply like this on has a mind all on its own, this isnt a figment of my imagination its a rash, its something you can see, touch, examine. I know I'm rambling now, but just trying to get out my I told my GP that my left arm has gotten really weak, and the finger tips have went numb, she looked at me like I was crazy, I sometimes think I am going crazy because of all of this, and she said, well we tested you for lupus it was NEG. you don't have it we tested you for about 5 other autoimmune and everything is normal...... Get ready ...:eek: you have post nasal drip (because of my lung issues) and anxiety (due to my rashes and other stuff) I told her she was the crazy one, and what I have isn't coming from my nose or head at all but my lungs and the only thing I have anxiety about is a doctor who wont listen to me on how I am feeling. I have a new doctor that I am scheduled to see the 30th and I met with her last week she seems pretty good, although she admitted she didn't know much about Autoimmune stuff - She didn't look at me like I was making this all up in my head, but seemed sincere. I have tried my best to keep accurate journal on everything going wrong with me, and have even had my husband take pictures of the rashes I get, but the more I research the more confused I get, I just cant believe a doctor could just brush your emotions, health and well being to the side like mine did and then basically tell me its in my head? If my blood test show a Positive ANA of 1;160 and its nucleolar ( i know ANA's can change from POS to NEG) doesn't that even suggest something wrong?? I know how I am feeling and its not me. I can not wait till my Rhummy apt, and I pray they will at least find something, so they can start treating me so not only can I 'look' normal again, I can be healthy again. Sorry such a long rambling story but it just so frustrating when NO ONE can tell you whats wrong and they give up on you like your a person who wants to be lazy, or don't want to work, or wants sympathy. So very hard to deal with this, and if I have any anxiety now, it because I don't know what I have.

SecretAgentMan 08-16-2010 11:29 PM

I know the feelings that you are having, the frustration, anxiety, confusion and the panic in wondering what you have and how serious it can become. I know because I felt them too. My symptoms were involuntary muscular twitches, frequent muscle spasms, cramps (usally in my calves), anxiety, constant fatigue, episodes of foggy brain/poor memory, frequent panic attacks among a few others. My GP and neurologist both did rounds of testing, ruled out Parkinsons, MS, and ALS, and then told me that it was just stress related. They felt better in telling me this diagnosis, but I was getting worse.

So believe me when I say I know what you are going through. Some random muscle in my body would contract briefly every few seconds every day 24/7. It wouldn't stop. Somebody watching me wouldn't be able to tell, but I felt it and every time it happened it was a constant reminder that something was wrong. It started last December for no apparent reason. I was 30 years old and in good shape. I excersised, ate healthy, never smoked a day in my life, and only casually enjoyed acoholic beverages.

It was not until I had seen multiple doctors who all said my twitching was 'benign' and wrote me off that I began to pursue answers in other areas. My mother was always big into homeopathy and I always thought she was crazy for doing so. I always believed that mainstream medical doctors knew best. I found myself in a unique situation though where I had nothing to lose. I found a homeopathic doctor in my area and made an appointment.

I was still reserved and very skeptic when I saw them, but I tried to keep an open mind. When they first told me that my symptoms could be related to my digestive health, I thought they were jumping to a pretty extreme conclusion. I kept my open mind though and aksed tons of questions. I'm a mechanical engineer by trade and I like to know how things work. To my amazement, all of their answers and explanations actually made sense. It was enough to allow me to humor the idea and pursue it further with my own research. To my further amazement, I have found a lot of information that backs up the very strong link between your digestive health and your overall health. Unaddressed digestive health problems can lead to neurological and neuroimmune disorders. There are links on this very forum under the sticky tabs that further back up this strong connection. Check out the 'Gluten File' under the 'Gluten allergy' forum section to see what I mean.

Unfortunately so many of our underlying digestive health problems are caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics don't discriminate which bacteria they kill and our helpful digestive bacteria that live in our intestines are on the front lines each and every time we do take them. Sometimes we get a dose of antibiotics without even knowing it when we consume meat from animals that were fed antibiotics. Beef is a good example where this is far too common.

When our helpful bacteria in our digestive systems is weakened, a natural yeast that lives in our digestive systems called Candida can take over. Normally Candida is kept in check by the good bacteria, but if unchecked it will grow, spread and mutate into a fungus. This fungus weakens our intestinal linings and allows the walls to become more porous. Eventually undigested food proteins, waste and Candida itself seep into our blood stream.

I have also learned that our immune systems are primarily based in our gut and this is why our immune systems are so sensitive to our digestive health. Our bodys become overloaded when things enter our blood stream that are not supposed to be there. Our bodies make antibodies to combat the Candida, food proteins and other toxins that are allowed to enter our blood stream. These antibodies begin reacting to the foods we eat and even begin to target our own tissues. This is how food sensitivities, allergies and autoimmune disorders are created.

Furthermore the Candida itself spreads to all parts of our bodies and wreaks havoc causing all kinds of other symptoms and problems. Candida itself can cause fatigue, skin conditions, joint pain, poor memory, anxiety, depression, neurological symptoms, and much much more. The food sensitivities also can cause a lot of these symptoms as the antibodies created by your body to fight the proteins can have adverse affects on your health.

The condition of having a more porous intestine wall is called 'Leaky Gut Syndrome.' If I were you, I would try to keep an open mind and find a homeopathic doctor who specializes in digestive health. You don't have much to lose by giving it a shot and you have so much to gain. I am so thankful that I was able to keep an open mind because it completely changed my perspective. Don't get me wrong, I still believe modern medicine has its strengths, but I am no longer a one sided person when it comes to medicine. I now have a deep appreciation for what homeopathy brings to the table as well. Thank you for reading this post and I wish you the best of luck.

ginnie 08-17-2010 07:45 AM

Hello, I am new too, just one week. I cannot answer you question:confused:, but I rarely think our symptoms are in our heads. Thay can be the doctors answer when he can't find out what is wrong. Do not give up. It may take another doctor in a different field. People on this list may have more suggestions for you.Good luck and I feel blessed that I found this list

ginnie 08-17-2010 07:57 AM

auto immune disease
Hello, and I am sorry you are going though alot. I was so amazed at the information brought to your thread here this a.m. One of my conditions is alopecia universalis. In my case an auto immune deficiency according to mayo clinic in l980. I know it is one specific antigen causing it. I do know from research these conditions are and can be complicated. I wound up in endocranology and derm people for that. I entered an experimental program with DNCB. All the immune diseases take alot of in depth studies. I really wish you the very best and I hope they find out what is wrong with you. Symptoms for the most part are not in our heads. ginnie:grouphug:

buttercup1975 08-17-2010 11:39 AM

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support!
I will keep everyone posted with any new outcomes or surprises... You all have been very kind! :hug: :) :D :grouphug: :winky:

dahlek 08-17-2010 10:00 PM

Thru all this 'congestion'? ....
Has your doc done any lung x-rays? DUH? What about basic CMP[Complete metabolic panel] or CBC [Complete Blood Panel]? Plus urine tests? Any doc should could start there and do follow-ups for any basic protocols!
I'd had both blood tests and the urine tests during and long after my pneumonia. I was on antibiotics for over 2 months! Then got the neuropathies. The CBC should have been done BEFORE prescribing anti-biotics? Ask to get copies of your medical tests only for the last few [as needed] months If they aren't there? Think about changing docs if you can.
To back things up further? See if you can get to a dermatologist [skin doc] and I"ll bet they do the tests needed? PLUS get you salves and potions you need to help you with your rash until you get diagnosed! Call first thing tomorrow, as they're as hard to latch onto than neurologists? But, if you ask for and get in on a cancellation? Once you're IN? You are IN! Good luck, and geesh! I'm feeling sort of itchy myself now! Hugs!!!:hug::hug::hug:'s - j

buttercup1975 08-30-2010 08:45 AM

Hey yall! I have a New GP apt, as I told you guys before I fired my old GP because she just wouldn't listen, and the final straw was when she sent back my FMLA paper work BLANK!!! So I called the HR for the Hospital and and got my needed paper work filled out and I hope got some reprimanding for her, any who, I see the new doctor today, and I got moved up 10 days earlier to get in to see my Rheumy! All great news, and hopefully I can start digging more into what it is that I got.... once again thank you so much for all your support, I never knew I had this fiestyness in me!!

dahlek 08-30-2010 06:29 PM

Great and greater!
Yes, you must keep that 'feistiness' or nothing will happen.
You complained about your EX-doc in the best way one can, bad-mouthing some docs to other docs isn't productive [after all? They mite be golfing pals].
My line for changing is usually 'We didn't communicate that well.' and leave it at that...unless suggested to go to that doc again. About one, when I'd gotten that suggestion? I quietly replied: 'Only over my dead body'. Dislike was conveyed and duly noted.
After learning a heap of good information from folks here and a lot of reading, I've learned that some docs simply don't even try those extra steps or tests to eliminate the hundreds of neuro possibilities for such miseries. I was lucky on my second try, and it's saved my life.
With specialists? Once you go thru that first waiting period? And evaluations? YOU ARE IN!!!
Don't talk about your fears and emotions as such at first tho? Just think really hard and write out in a time-line, what all has happened to you, then when it happened, who you saw, and try and remember what tests you have had-and which docs ordered them. [This last part is the worst! I'd found I could back track via my checkbook and medical plan Explanation of Benefits {what the insurance had paid}] Once YOU write this down? You will be surprised at how much info you really have gathered together about YOU over your times with these problems starting to now.
The scariest part is the fear of IT [whatever it is?] getting worse then even more so! The hope you must keep is that there ARE good docs out there who DO listen and try to help.
I'm crossing my fingers that this Rheumy and you will be able to talk and get tests done. Be prepared for a possible BUNCH of tests to be done soon, fast and furiously. GET THEM DONE! Sooner the better-starting out on a new medical roller-coaster ride for sure. I've been on four 'rides' in the 6+ years since I started my neuropathy? And the more I learn, the more I find I need to learn more!
Let us know what's happening, and don't EVER give up! :hug::hug::hug:'s - j

lefthanded 09-08-2010 02:25 PM

Be sure to have your new doctor check for sarcoidosis:

buttercup1975 09-08-2010 05:53 PM

:confused: okay so now I am about as confused as confused can get, since the last time I have chatted on here I was really excited that I was able to get into the Rhummy 10 days earlier.... Well I was hoping FINALLY we are going to find out what the heck is going on with me..... I didn't..... and to make things more complicated I was told the new test that were done, a chest xray, thyroid test, urinalysis and another lupus check were all NEGATIVE and the stumper is, they did another ANA test and it came out NEGATIVE!!! I have also been sent to a dermatoligist about all of these rashes.... I do not know the results of these yet, they did a biopsy on some of my rashes and this was not a pleasent procedure it left me with a chunk of tissue missing and 3 stitches...:Bawling:.... I went today for Pulmonary lung test, and the lady that was doing the test said they are a little on the low side of things.... but still has to send these test she gathered to the Rhummy for anaylising ... I think I am just going to give up, Im so tierd of this whole health thing going on and being told my blood is SQUEAKY clean - and this wouldn't be a bad thing if I was feeling normal or myself in fact it would be GREAT news! I was almost hoping they would find something ... but now Im starting to think its in my head.... Im so very depressed now....

dahlek 09-09-2010 06:33 PM

Well? You are getting some answers....
Tho, not necessarily the ones that you want NOW[!!!] Do keep in mind, that unfortunately some immune issues don't show up in current blood tests for 6-12 months AFTER you've been 'attacked' w/something auto-immune...should it be that. I only make that qualification, because, I'm not a doc...just someone who has been thru the whole medical 'processes' for several different issues over the last few years and feel, you should know..? I'm no doc, just a patient, like you who goes thru a LOT!
You have to stick to your guns!
GO! Get any and all tests done that you can!!!! Why? You've got to eliminate as much as possible of ever so many neuro issues! Some are nasty? Others are nastier, even some can be life threatening. Therefore--that 'red alert' bell or whatever that is telling you to PANIC! Just mite be rite. Tho it's easier to succumb to the panic and just give up. Go get testing, go up and down the diagnostic avenues and get revenge by getting diagnosed...then? Ideally some treatments or relief.
Since I got my 'neuropathy'? I've been diagnosed with certainty with at least 3-4 other neuro or other issues that can affect the neuro systems. It happens? I'm not 'lucky' or 'special', per-se, just did not beat those rare #'s odds. My approach is to 'get that revenge' by knowing as much as what is going on with me, how it mite happen [there's LOTS they have no clue about] and what can and can't be done about IT all.
Every nite, I go to sleep and 'wish' that I'll wake up with 'IT' gone. It's not. So, I make do as best I can, with what I have, and try to learn more and hope that better treatments AND diagnosis procedures can and will be inplace in my lifetime!
GO GET THOSE TESTS! Please! Why? If you don't? Who knows what mite happen? As Long as you've got your BRAIN? You can be a truly functional person! Better to have the brain than not. No? [Meds aside, of course] :hug::hug:'s - j

buttercup1975 09-13-2010 06:50 PM

Well I have a truly amazing GP who listens and is not going to give up till we find out whats going on with me. This I thank her for! My dermatoligist put me on a baterial medication for this ugly rash, it seems as though they are drying out and disapearing, I just hope they stay away for good when the meds run out. My last 3 Dr. and specialist visits yeilded a high heart rate, so dr ordered an EKG, to verify and yes its high so now i go for a ultra sound thingy so they can look at how my heart is beating to see why my rate has been spiking, I also have an order to see a pulumary lung specialist to exam my lungs further. I have been put through the specialist wringer but this is okay i guess, some test are showing that its not all in my head, and although I am sure I am a long way away from knowing what my problem is, I am closer??? I have also gained 12 pounds in 1 month, but we know its not my thyroid as we tested that.... and it was fine, so they say... Iam not eating anymore, Im actually eating less ....? All of you have been great! And thank you so much for the time you have shared with me! I will update you as I go....:);):p:hug::grouphug:

dahlek 09-15-2010 09:29 PM

Hooray! Keep at it, please!
That you've gotten a doc behind you? That is not only amazing, but GREAT!!!!
Be sure to say 'THANK YOU THANK YOU' often and with feeling. Good docs run on such fuel and it is well deserved. Yes testing can be and mostly is...a long drawn out process - mainly trying to zero in on WHAT your problems are, but also eliminating hundreds plus of other possible neuro issues.
Take a look at this web site to help you get a handle on all docs look for! Knowing what they do to you and why helps make the whole process easier. The why doesn't hurt either.
I've had similar lung tests to yours [I think] and the only discomfort is some soreness from the tube down the throat. Usually? They knock you out, give you post test instructions afterwards and tell you you're likely to live and wait for the 'results' - usually a week to 10+/- days after the test. WAITING is usually the worst part. Patience is best employed here. IF after 2 weeks? You don't get any WORD? Call, and keep calling!
Specialists? I've got so many I can't keep track of them any more! But I've got a LIST of them! The ones that I see 'every 3 months' are my key docs? I'm long overdue to see my GP! Am I worried? No.
Buttercup? After my pneumonia bout? I didn't have much appetite either! So? I ate what I liked, what I could tolerate, and what I knew I needed. There are times when Jello and puddings can be good food! They go down easy and have 'some' nutritional value. Anything that can be tolerated? Even Ice Cream! Go for it! Of course? Cholesterol mite be an issue? But what's that compared to starving? If it goes down easy, and stays down? GOOD for now. Discuss this with your docs as you get further along with what all is happening. See what diet mite be best for you & supplements as well.
Keep hope and faith in yourself! Get help sooner rather than later! Faster they get to the 'Problem'? Sooner other problems can be avoided.
Hugs and hope in heaps!!!!!!!! :hug::hug:'s!!!!!!!!!!! - j

mskitty 09-26-2010 05:39 PM

CHeck out your b12 and check for Gluten sensigivity
Hi hang in here. Get a new dotor. ther are many eastern western doctors who will test you for these things. Gluten -celiac disease docs are reluctant to check there is a hospital that is dedicated to Celiac disease. i hope you feel better-you are not crazy.. what you feel is real and you neeed to find a doc who will help you they are out there.

Originally Posted by buttercup1975 (Post 682729)
I haven't had any new developments other than the rash coming back after my meds for it ran out... this has also got me thinking that there is also something my body is trying to tell me - right? My left arm is still heavy and the tips are still numb, Im still coughing, still clearing the throat - of what idk... and my fatigue is still there. I have the drive just no energy to do anything. Its really weird, I could sleep for 12 hours and have no problems going back to bed for another 4 or 5. ive been test for Lupus, scalderma, lyme, rumitoid along with other idk blood test all came out NEG except ANA positive at 1:160 and she also told me I had a unique pattern of nucleolar - not sure if thats how it is spelled. . . Im grabbing at straws now. :eek:

ginnie 10-20-2010 01:54 PM

auto immune problems
Hi buttercup, I sincerely hope you are better by now. I think there are other reasons other than diet for auto immune diseases. I went to mayo clinic years ago, when I developed alopecia universalis, total hair loss, the worst of three forms of the auto immune disease. My degenerative joint disease followed with osteoarthritis. Mayo sugested that you can indeed come in contact with a pathogen such as contaminated ground water. Some of the auto immune problems are very obscure also. If you cannot get to the bottom, please consider going to Mayo clinic. They provided me with the latest research and tools I needed to help myself. I hope they can find out what is wrong with you soon.:)ginnie

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