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Rocking4Epilepsy 09-24-2006 12:30 PM

Our Pets
This forum looked lonely so I felt I would start...

We have a dog named PO she is half sheppard half chow
We have a cat named ahya
We have 4 birds...1 love bird, 1 finch and 2 cockatales

Oh we can't forget the 20 fish

Lets hear about your pets


Snoopy 09-24-2006 12:41 PM

You have quite a house full! Do you have any problems with the cat trying to get the birds or fish?

We have an American Eskimo, Chrissy, who is 13 years old and a 7 year old black cat named Midnight.

At one time we had thought about getting a rabbit but we have wild rabbits where we live. We no longer want any rabbits since Chrissy threw up the remains of a rabbits head....really special.

We had a White German Shepard who lived to be 12 years old and a Lhasa Apso who also lived to be 12 years old.

Okay, who's next!

stormsun 09-24-2006 12:51 PM

I am the proud caretaker of a little Yorkie mix, a goofy Black Border Collie Lab mix, American Eskimo mix, and a Pom/ Sheltie mix. A wonderful ex ferel cat named KatyPuff and I am so sad to say my beautiul Persian mix had to say good by at 18 on Tuesday, she will be sorely missed. The hardest thing and the kindest, I hope, thing I have ever was having my animals put down. Some how the other animals know I am sad and are hanging around more, not always a good thing, lab weighs 80 pounds. I would love to hear from people who have companion animals or service dogs. OOps forgot the 6 fish they will never forgive me.

Chemar 09-24-2006 01:02 PM

Hi fellow petlovers :)

we have 2 cats, Snowball (yes, white) and Gravy (yes, gray tabby) =mom & daughter
plus a Jack Russell terrier Millie ( joined our family in Jan 2000 hence my son called her Millenium:D )

we live by a stream and so have lots of waterbirds that visit and a duck family that have adopted us (thankfully my cats, tho outdoor, are not bird catchers)
being in Florida, the yard is overflowing with lizards :eek:
My son used to have a Bearded Dragon named Beardie, who now lives at the school as he grew a little too errr large for us

I am very much a cat person, and have had many wonderful feline friends over the years

Bobbi 09-24-2006 01:23 PM

Good forum first post, Rocking4Epilepsy. I mis-read (still waking up) and thought you'd written that your dog is half cow. Duh! What was I thinking :o.

Snoopy, how do your dog and cat get along?

Y'all sound as if you have quite a handful :).

I have a dog. She loves stuffed animals and... receiving presents. She came home (8 weeks) to 4 Siamese (since passed). She grew up around cats, and they "taught" her all she needed to know about puppyhood: Behave like a cat!

She put herself on a dehydration diet when I tried weaning her from (1 percent milkfat) milk. I told her doctor that she was behaving differently; she was withdrawing. He said that she was dissociating from the stress of not getting what she wanted. Well, she dissociated to the point that her pink nose turned white and I knew something was wrong.

Puppy ER and $450 later to learn she was dehydrated. Her doctor said, give her the milk; it's 1 tablespoon in a small bowl with bubbling tap water. It has to have bubbles or she won't drink it.

While on vacation earlier this month, she got a new dish. It's a cat bowl and it reads: Got Milk?

She doesn't like snakes or frogs (unpredictable and probably following my queues), but she loves butterflies and, what do you know, Lizards. She spent hours on end Lizard hunting in AZ. Of course, she never "got" one, but it didn't stop her from entertaining herself day after day :).

Jyes 09-24-2006 02:15 PM

I don't think there has ever been a time in my life without a pet in the house, other than while away in the military!

Since I grew up with cats and dogs and myriad of other pets, it seems we always have had at least a couple cats and at least one doggie.

After our last dog passed away a few years back, we had three cats and I said at that time, NO MORE DOGS!

So, we have had many blissful years of having three kitty kats, one is mostly Siamese, one is a 50/50 mixed Siamese and one good ole Alley cat for good measure.

My statement of NO MORE DOGS went by the wayside Thanksgiving week last year. Last summer I was in our yard and spotted a dog on the edge of my property. The dog was a cutie, and I made the mistake of whistling to it and it came right to me. Well two weeks later and after putting signs up all over the the place the dog was "claimed" by the owner.

That is in June 2005, and even though we loved having that dog for two weeks, I felt relieved seeing him go and being back with his "family" and I was happy not to have the burden of owning a dog and three cats again.

Well, around Thanksgiving week last year, after dinner the doorbell rings, and I hear my wife yell, HI Shorty! (That was the name of the dog)

I knew immediately who was at the door, no not the people, but the dog. Evidently the dog was "lost" again and some neighbors at the other end of my development took the dog in. But after a few days, their dog and Shorty were not getting along and the Mailman saw the dog and said that he remembers seeing people at the other end of the development having that dog. (US)

So, my wife could not refuse the taking in the dog and of course I went and made signs up again in hopes of those owners coming back for it. I knew they lived in a Townhouse complex a half mile away so I limited my signs to that complex.

The signs were ripped down the next morning! I think the "owners" did not lose the dog but abandoned it! The vet said the dog was beaten, he could tell by the reflex actions to hand movements, and so could we.

The bottom line is we adopted Shorty, he gets along fine with our three cats Munch, Dillon, and Hidey, and he is so well behaved, loves to play catch Frisbee and lives to play with my grandson.........

Shorty is a Pembroke Corgi and I gave him a nickname of "Smilin George"

The photo is of Dillon (L) and Munch (R) sleeping on the sofa and Shorty last summer when we first had him for a couple weeks, with my grandson.



Ellie 09-24-2006 02:59 PM

Nysa, Maltese (rescue)




Fozzy, Shih-Tzu/Poodle Mix




KTM5665 09-24-2006 03:52 PM

We have Lucky( rescue) who is a 14 yr old sheppard, and Ricky, also a rescue and is a 13 yr old Dauchsund..and morbidly much that his privates drag on the floor.I know, TMI...we adopted him from the radiologist at our local hospital who coulndt put that much time into taking care of him. He is a trip without a suitcase. Obnoxious is the understatement. I woulndt trade him for the world. Ricky sleeps in bed with my 8 yr old...and they both snore!:D

Snoopy 09-24-2006 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bobbi (Post 12387)
Snoopy, how do your dog and cat get along?

They tolerate each other:rolleyes: - we did have another American Eskimo (bear) who we had to put down when he was 8 years old. Bear and midnight (cat) were buddies and played quite often.

You would see bear chase midnight then they switched and midnight chased bear....hilarious to watch

You have one interesting puppy - I have never heard of a dog dissociating....I do believe animals are very close to being human:)

trekker 09-24-2006 10:26 PM

I am reprinting this from another forum that I originally posted it to. It helps explain why I asked for this forum.

We were the happy companions for 18 years to a force of nature that received the name of Midnight from my MIL but we called him CATZILLA, a black ball of energy, temperament, and love. We lost him last year and still miss him to this day, though his spirit is still with us.

"Midnight "Catzilla" K----- passed away today at 2pm our time. He has been going downhill for the last week or so. He was at the end of his eighteenth year on this earth and up until the last day was enjoying all that he could con out of us. He spent his last few days in the recliner being pampered and petted and cared for. He will be buried in the country under a weeping willow right next to some bird feeders.

How do you say goodbye to a devoted companion that you've lived with for the last 18 years. I've had many cats over the years and all were lovable but he was one of two tied for personality, brains, and that indefinable "feline" trait that makes one understand how they could have been worshiped at one time. I've never had a cat who enjoyed "play" so much. He turned this apartment and us into his personal playground. Sometimes he would just run from one end to the other, stopping to see if we were noticing how much fun he was having...he'd even jump on hubby's bed so hubby could see the joy sparkling in his eyes. We'd acknowledge him and off he would go running again and again. He used the tub as a slide, the clothes rack as a jungle gym, the recliner as a tree, the gerbils in their cages like interactive TV, the aides and neighbors as playmates and often sparring partners. He'd hide in dark corners to leap out at the night attendants,(how he learned to swear I think)... eat rice krispies and spaghetti off hubbies hand...the only time he would eat if saying "Daddy" added the special flavor and I swear he knew that he was doing something unusual "just for Daddy". After hubby could no longer eat he'd make it a point to get up on the bed at least once a day for treats from Daddy's hand. He's nuzzle him by putting his head in hubby's armpit and then lift his head and his eyes would be crossed and he's be drooling...we's laugh and go "oooo pit juice" and he'd react by doing it again, but I think the joke was on us. I'd scold him for teasing the gerbils and he's go trotting down the hall in a huff and cursing me out the whole way. The day "our" best friend died he walked through the house crying and up till a couple of months ago would go to her door even though the apartment had had a couple of new tenants since she died...including a dog. He never forgot her. I hope that they are romping in heaven tonight...reunited, young and frisky. Him chasing the feathers from angels wings, Betty laughing till her sides hurt.

I haven't been able to cry the end he was getting as much care as DH...I even had to make "kitty underpads" for him since he couldn't get to the box anymore. He also was so weak he couldn't turn himself so he was on an eggcrate and I turned him every two to three hours 24/7. Had to wash him when he soiled and "clean his chinny-chin-chin" after spoon feeding him every two to three hours. I've been very tired but I wanted to tell my friends about our loss and sorrow. Hug your own a little more tonite...give them an extra treat...they are never with us long enough.

I know some of you are asking why we didn't have him put down. Well, first of all he wasn't suffering. He seemed quite content until last night when he stopped eating. He was getting the same care that Daddy got...maybe he though it was his due, or the way it was supposed to be? He wasn't in pain...just very old. I was hoping that he would just go in his sleep...happy and loved at home. We did contact some vets but the price was either way out of our reach (top quote $135.00) or they would not take us because we were not clients of theirs. The only one that would consider it could not take him till tomorrow evening...she would "put him in a holding cage till then" NOT BLOODY LIKELY. He deserved better and I knew he wouldn't last that long..I didn't want his last hours spent alone, abandoned and scared in what to him would have appeared a madhouse. He had a heart attack and was gone in about a half hour, although I don't think he was aware of his surroundings for the last 15 minutes or so. "

I was taught growing up that there was no heaven for our animals, they just ceased to be, but I could never believe that. God gives us each other and our pets. It is what makes life bearable during the worst and makes life a joy the rest of the time.

jingle 09-24-2006 10:33 PM

Beautiful ... very, very sad but incredibly beautiful.

When we lost a much loved cat before we got Jingle and Belle, the vet who helped us through it sent us this card:

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan ......."

"the Once Again Prince" Irving Townsend

Wittesea 09-24-2006 11:54 PM

We have 3 cats.

Winston is an 18 pound gray and white domestic short haired cat that we got as a kitten at a pet store in 1999. His name is Winston because his first toy was a pack of winston brand ciggarettes.

Marbles is a skinny but tall and long all black short-haired cat. We got him in November of 2005 and the Vet guessed that he was about 3 years old at the time. A family member found him wandering around her neighborhood, and despite posting flyers, etc... his family was never found, so he came to live with us.

We tried to figure out what his name was by trying all sorts of typical black-ct names to see if he responded. after a week of that we finally decided on Marbles because he is nutty (as in the cat has lost his marbles). After 2 days, he learned his new name.

Then we got Guinness in July of 2006. The story about how we got him is really long (I'll save it for another day) but the short version is that a neighbor dropped him off at our doorstep. He is a 1 year old Maine Coon cat and he is very smart, very active, and very high-maintainence.

He has a lot of issues. He is clingy and follows me around the house all day long and cries when I leave for 5 minutes to go have a smoke on the porch. During the first 3 days he lived here he thought that the bathtub was a litter box, but thankfully he is very smart so fixing that issue was easy (and thankfully it was the bathtub and not a closet or behind the couch).

I could write a novel about Guinness and his issues and special needs. But to keep this short, I'll just say that he fits right in to this family, and we are working on the issues :)


Bobbi 09-25-2006 02:18 AM

(((( Trekker )))) what a beautiful way to remember and share Midnight.

Snoopy 09-25-2006 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by trekker (Post 12776)
I was taught growing up that there was no heaven for our animals, they just ceased to be, but I could never believe that. God gives us each other and our pets. It is what makes life bearable during the worst and makes life a joy the rest of the time.

Trekker........I hope this helps you...................

Just this side of heaven is a place called RainbowBridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to RainbowBridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross RainbowBridge together....
Author unknown...

trekker 09-25-2006 04:39 PM

Thanks Snoopy, that's really lovely.

Doody 09-25-2006 06:11 PM


I was taught growing up that there was no heaven for our animals, they just ceased to be, but I could never believe that. God gives us each other and our pets. It is what makes life bearable during the worst and makes life a joy the rest of the time.
((trekker)) Oh contrare, our animal companions have as much heart and soul as we do, as we all here know, I'm sure.

You know how animals just know when things aren't right with you? Whenever I've been sick or down for the count, whatever reason, my animals pile around me and stay with me, only getting up to take care of their own needs. Then they're right back at my side. It amazes me.

I feel your pain. I just lost my Sweetie Pie on May day, and I wasn't expecting to. She'd been sick for sometime but it was happening so gradually. She was full of cancer. She was my tortie cat and queen of the house.

After I let her go, my folks thought they might have to put me inthe hospital! I had that kind of reaction where I was just wailing in grief. I couldn't even stay in my own home. I stayed with my folks for 3 days while they went to my home and cleared all evidence of Sweetie Pie.

I miss her so much. And at the age of 57, I've lost a lot of pets along my life journey. Every time it's hard. But I'm still mourning my Sweetie Pie, miss her terribly.

Yes, I feel your pain. ((hugs))

Kira 09-25-2006 10:49 PM

My sweet, goofy Archie, who is no longer with us:


Pictures of Toby as a puppy (he is almost 2 now):



wayleaf 09-27-2006 01:53 AM

Hello, Am sorry Trekker about your loss. My Syd is 14 and I dread the day....

It is nice to see how old our pets are living to be nowadays.

I have Sydney, Silky Terrier, when he was young I was in bed about a year and a half due to m.s. and he kept me hanging on through some bleak times. I got better and now I too belong to the 'Ya look so good' club, ha. Now its my turn to return some of the devotion he's given me all through the rough times. I'm honored.

Now if I could just figure out how to post pictures like you all have, I'd be doing good. ha. margie

Rocking4Epilepsy 10-17-2006 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rocking4Epilepsy (Post 12346)
We have a dog named PO she is half sheppard half chow
We have a cat named ahya
We have 4 birds...1 love bird, 1 finch and 2 cockatales

Oh we can't forget the 20 fish


I need to add a NEW pet we got tonight....
LMAO we now have a pet toad named Rita....
Just what I needed huh?

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-18-2006 08:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)
alll of your babies are soooo cute!!!!
To all of you that have lost yours.I am very sorry!!:(
I have my Felix kitty he just turned 7 yrs old in may.
He is always following me around.When i am so sick i cant get up off the couch.He is right by my side.When i have had a surgery its as if he knows not to step on that spot..He always takes good care of his momma..
He could be anywhere in the house and i can say.Felix do you wanna treat?He will come runnin..LOL
When i am online,he is usually right here on the back of my chair.
For about 4 months i had a stray momma kitty i took care of but she became very aggresive.She gave birth to 2 lil baby kitties on 9-14-06.When i found them on my front porch i just knew they would be coming im yhouse..LOL
I tried to take care of momma kittie and keep her happy.
I played with her everyday.I opened the window for her so she could lay up there and look out.But after 2 1/2 to 3 weeks i guess being inside just took a toll on her.She became kinda crazy!!! She started biting her babies and throwing them around in the box!! Then she woul jump on me when i would go upstairs.I had to seperate her from the babies.Then she started howling which in turn made my felix howl...all night long!!!!!!!
So i had to give her away!!:(
I was finally able to convince my husband to let us keep the babies though.
They are almost 5 weeks old ..:)
One is male thats noops and a female lucky!They are just adorable and have brought soooo much happiness into our lives..:)
Now i have the task of introducing them to felix...LOL
I got some good advice on here.So wish me luck.Imgoin for it this weekend!!
Here's the pics of my witties.
I'll try and get a better one of the kitties soon!

Lara 11-29-2006 03:43 PM

Here's a tiny pic of my little kitty Isis who I lost a year ago. She was the nicest and most loving cat I've ever known.

jccgf 11-29-2006 04:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Lara, Isis looks like a real sweetheart. I love long haired cats~ they are so pretty and soft.

Maybe we should start an In Memory of our Pets thread??

Here is my Ginger~

Jan 22, 1993 - July 3, 2006
13 years, cause of death unknown, presumed cancer

She was such a cute puppy! And this older picture was taken just days before she died. She was very sick here and couldn't walk without staggering, but she looks so serene in this photo. She was overlooking her favorite lake, but was too sick to even try to get down to the beach. I feel she knew it was her last visit there, and she was just standing and soaking in the memories of leaping off the dock and swimming for ten hour days when she was younger.

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