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caroline2 05-23-2015 01:37 PM

OPC's have been short of a miracle
in my life since I started on Pycnogenol in 1995, then after a year went to grape seed extract. Long history and I could write my own book, but here is a good site to learn about OPC's if you don't have the history of them. Just too too bad, they could not save me from a hip replacement which has been a huge downfall for me since late 2010. Nice to be here and learn more and support others with all I've learned in the last 25 yrs on my alternative healing path.
OPC Antioxidant Reference Guide ... OPC contains real antioxidant protection based upon 50 years of research by Dr. Jack Masquelier and Berkem ...

caroline2 05-27-2015 12:29 PM

I just posted the below in a NewsBot article on more younger people exploring alternatives for cancer treatments. This is my story on OPC's below, I do not have cancer:

I'm very OPEN to alternative treatments IF it would come to that. I've been involved with other mostly alternative health forums and we have discussed enough alternative treatments. On a personal note, I was introduced to Pycnogenol in 1995, it was arriving in the U.S. from France where it was produced over 60 yrs ago. There is a long history on this pine bark cure long before modern medicines were around.

Anyway, we at the lecture were told it "may" prevent cancer(s) . That was music to my 57 yr old ears so got on "P" and it's going on 20 yrs. I have since then found grape seed extract which I've been taking for many many I have found over recent years in all my research, that these OPC's are used in cancer research centers such as Mayo, City of Hope, Univ of Maryand, Kettering etc.

I'm banking on OPC's and these have been a huge topic of conversation in my life for the last 20 yrs coming up soon.

caroline2 05-27-2015 02:13 PM

Just a few of my OBVIOUS supports from taking OPC's...

No more allergy/sinus issues.
No colds/flu for MANY vaccines either.

Improved gum health, years before taking OPC's I had "pockets" in gums,
no more.

Eye health is good for my age, same scripts for the last 8 yrs, no change.

No brain fog ever, hear this problem from so many.

Moles/brown spots reduced.

And so far so good re: cancer issues.

Dosing is generally 1mg per lb of body weight. I weigh 160's and round up to 200mg dose. And I take more than that each day.

When I've had 2 bouts of edema -- one from BP med and the other after hip replacement, I upped dose to like 600mg per day and edema was gone in no time.

Disclaimer: If on pharma blood thinner, then can't take both, one or the other.

caroline2 05-31-2015 11:10 PM

A story about a friend who deals with Ideopathic Neuropathy, she had taken Neurontin for like 8 yrs and dealt with the side effects and finally went off "N"....during that time she was given Lyrica from her doc, but got sick and so did not continue.

She is so much improved with the nerve pain since on grape seed extract for going on 3 yrs...she is 81 and just sorry she didn't know about grape seed ex sooner...but she's happy that she has her 56 daughter on grape seed her daughter will have many years of better health down the road. I was 57 when I got on 20 yrs coming up on both.

Her daughter is dealing with a foot reconstruction surgery, and going on a year post op can only walk a few steps. It's been a HARD surgery and she often wishes she had not done it. The grape seed ex will help with her advancing recovery work.

caroline2 07-03-2015 04:01 PM

bumping reminder..

caroline2 07-05-2015 05:47 PM

Had an early dinner with my friend who attended the lecture on "P" in 1995 with me, she jumped on "P" in Aug '95, me Sept. She didn't have any real issues but has been in alternative healing for most of her life and taught me so much when I met her in 1994, I was on my way with comp/alt healing but meeting her was the icing. She didn't have the allergy/sinus issues so there was no healing there for her, it was me...So I've been much more excited about these OPC's over all these years than she, but she takes her 300mg grape seed ex daily. Over the years, she has taken a break but goes right back on as her "energy drops" when off. She tests her body on a lot of her supps. I've never taken a break, only when hip replacement, had to go off about 5-6 days before. Then back on a couple days later. I'm forever reminding her the major push for us to go on "P" was we were told they "may" prevent cancer(s).

Anyway, I showed her this group and my issues with posting links, so she showed me a better way that I didn't know, so now I use that way.

She's not been on health boards as I have but knows about my years of groups since about 2006.

Her mom will be 92 soon and takes gabapentin but susie is not about to work with her mom to get off it, she does pretty darn good at 92. Still drives to store/docs, she lives in FL, we are in CA.

Anyway, it was good to spend time with her as I've been so out of commission with my dear friends since this hip job, it's been a real setback in many ways. We hung out at my house to almost 9PM. Take care all.

caroline2 07-07-2015 02:22 PM

Here I am again. Talking with other friends, one of them sent me info about a farm/vineyard from Michigan and about all the PURE grape seed products they offer. No fillers.... I may buy their product some day. I have a good supply right now.

caroline2 08-04-2015 12:54 PM

If a person needs to save money, I have found that both Pycnogenol and Grape Seed Extract are available in bulk powder...1/16 tsp of either one is about 200mg of OPC's. Amazon sells all the bulk products. I'll probably buy one or the other and work with the bulk, no fillers involved...pure product.

caroline2 04-29-2016 10:38 PM

Tests done on those who smoke and OPC's:

caroline2 10-31-2016 02:07 PM

Well, I passed 21 yrs on OPC's...grape seed extract and using some Pycnogenol lately due to a new mucus issues, here in So Cal we have no rain and everything is so dry and pollen is worse than ever. No drugs though .. some morning nose blowing and that's it. 21 yrs in Sept. 2016. Found a good enough pycnogenol on ebay. Affordable.

caroline2 11-03-2016 01:52 PM

For those trying to use Grape Seed Ex and looking to save money I just purchased from a company my daughter has been using for a year or so now. I think I can post the company here. I just bought 2 bottles of 200mg capsules, 120 caps per bottle for a little over $18 shipped to CA.

Piping Rock is the company.

caroline2 08-05-2017 09:04 PM

Just when I think I've read everything, I find new History info on "grape seeds".

The wondrous grape seed - Gere Attila Winery

A friend is OFF gabapentin and taking Grape Seed Ex (Costco brand) for about 5 yrs and she is a huge allopathic med taker.

Even the above link I posted talks about cancer research and this OPC.

caroline2 08-13-2017 03:00 PM

I just found this Stunning link on cancer(s) and grape seed extract. Check out the Note area at bottom of page and 80 references for this incredible info.

Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products

Wonder if anyone is "hearing" this info and now taking Grape Seed Ex. Lots of silence.

Jomar 08-13-2017 06:49 PM

Is a word missing in the thread title??
OPC's have been short of a miracle
We can fix that if so, let me know.

caroline2 08-13-2017 10:16 PM

I can't think of what word could be missing. They are short of a miracle. Getting off allergy drugs has been a miracle, but I still blow my nose now and then. Thanks.

caroline2 08-14-2017 11:09 AM

Jo*Mar.. just thinking about your comment, the only thing that Could Be missing in the header are the words Grape Seed Extract but in the very first posting I made I post about OPC's as they are a class of antioxidants which are grape seed ex and pycnogenol etc.

Lots of views but don't know if I saw a comment from NT...oh well, I'll keep putting stuff out there and who knows. I've said from day 1 of use, everyone could benefit in so many areas of health. C

mrsD 08-14-2017 11:47 AM

"Nothing" short of a miracle

Nothing short of definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

caroline2 08-14-2017 12:35 PM

So you are saying I should have typed "something short of a miracle"... It's just short of a miracle in my life.

Jomar 08-14-2017 01:27 PM

Nothing short of a miracle - I usually see it used in this way.. I thought you left out the word "nothing" by mistake.
We can leave it as it is...

caroline2 09-15-2017 08:49 PM

I talk to so many people with health conditions and so FEW know about the wonders of grape seed extract or pycnogenol.

Today I had an appt with my social worker who checks on me since home from the LONG hospital/rehabs for knee infection. She was wheezing and coughing and said her allergies are horrible and she's sick and tired of doctors and the drugs doing nothing...I know that route I was there for years before 1995 when I found these salvations.

I went to my drawer and took out a 200mg cap bottle and she took her first one while at my house and then went home with the bottle and to do her research. She's not on a blood thinner so no problems with her taking this Grape Seed Ex.

Told her to take 200mg two times per day. HOPE HOPE HOPE she can give me a good report in not too long.

caroline2 12-11-2017 09:17 PM

I was just reading some posts on the pros and cons of vaccines (any type) when one is dealing with other health issues say like MS and other diseases.

On another group I'm active on this subject is going on to on the pros and cons of all vaccines...

I personally have not had a flu vaccine for about 30 yrs and have not had a flu since the Asian flu in 1957 and I was 18.

I take supplements and my major one is Grape Seed Ex or Pycnogenol and can honestly say I believe these keep my immune system strong and away from vaccines.

I've never had the shingles vac and never had shingles and I'm 79...what I take some times for this prevention is Lysine. I take it for a few weeks and go off and then back on in some weeks.

Just reminders on the power of antioxidants.

caroline2 03-14-2020 05:13 PM

I have been reading some new posts on members struggling with cancer(s) and just want to say I'm so thankful for being at the lecture in 1995 and heard from the panel how Pycnogenol COULD prevent cancer(s) and I took Pycogenol for a total year and then found Grape Seed Extract and have been taking it for 24some yrs. As far as I know, no cancers. I'll be 82 this year and just a reminder for many here to think about this and maybe even act. And so many more great areas of health are from these antioxidants.

caroline2 08-23-2020 05:35 PM

Just reading over this thread and I've pretty much talked to myself except for a couple grammar checks but here I go for some more self talk and maybe some views.... Just posted this info on a couple other groups and thought I'd post here also:

Here is what this supplement has done for me and I'm now in year 82 of life.

No more allergy and sinus drugs.
No Headaches
No Colds, Flu and for sure No Vaccines
Have not been to dentist in 10 yrs...gums are great.
Have not been to eye doc in 10 yrs....eyes are good and stable with a reading script about 15 yrs old.

On the dental report, I've also eliminated big time, refined sugars/carbs. And added for a couple yrs now coconut oil toothpaste.

On the eye report, added some eye supports in the last couple yrs.
It's great NOT to go to doctors.

And may prevent cancers and so far so good.

This supplement should NOT be alternative, if just about everyone took it, big pharma could be almost out of business....almost.. I firmly believe better health for all.

caroline2 12-15-2020 10:19 PM

I don't know a soul who says "I can't wait to get my mammogram"...and I have NOT gotten one for at least 30 yrs....Now I count heavily on Grape Seed Ex for my breast protection, and I may have posted this before but if not here it is on the 4 cancer models using grape seed ex in their cancer clinics:

Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products

And here is a very scientific essay on grape seed ex and breast health:

Grape seed extract is an aromatase inhibitor and a suppressor of aromatase expression - PubMed

My one or two mammograms were cloudy and I was told "calcifications"... I never got another one. And I just about got away from taking calcium supplements, concentrate on magnesium.

Now this is what I do and there are 1000's of stories out there on mammogram stress.

This came to mind since a friend visited earlier and she had been thru the mammogram test and was making her complaints known.

Lara 12-16-2020 03:35 PM

Alternative types of screening
One can always choose other types of screening procedures. They're better than no type of physical screening.


Self examination of the breasts and axilla regions is extremely important for early detection of breast cancer in both men and women.

A regular Clinical Breast Examination by either a General Practitioner or the practice nurse.

kiwi33 12-16-2020 05:17 PM

I agree with Lara.

There are many different types of breast cancer. As Lara say self-examination is preferable to eating grape seed supplements as a diagnostic or protective process.

caroline2 12-16-2020 10:31 PM

I've posted here on the 4 cancer models and that grape Seed Ex is being used at Mayo, City of Hope and other research labs for breast cancerS.....So many find faults with more natural means to healing...

caroline2 03-15-2022 03:53 PM

Just reading others stories on their cancer and treatments and I'll mention it Again, the very main reason I started taking Grape Seed Extract in 1995, we were told MAY PREVENT CANCERS. That was going on 27 yrs ago in Sept this year.

I share my reasons and story and I'm fine. 84 this year.

The damage I deal with is from hip replacement and advanced OA and with this manage neuropathy.

happyisme09 04-01-2022 10:46 AM

OPCs for Treating ADHD: Miracle Antioxidants Improve Brain Waves

Running for bb extract now ;)

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism analyzed a group of adults treated with blueberry extract vs. a placebo group. Cognitive tests and MRIs showed that the blueberry concentrate increased brain activation in areas associated with memory and executive function.

caroline2 04-01-2022 02:15 PM

On the cancer topic and we have a discussion going on another health group about a person's cancer that is advancing and one member posted on these two supplements for the cancer fight. Many do work to fight their cancer battles.

Modified Citrus Pectin (originally from Israel) and Blush Wood Berry Extract (from Australia and research in Sweden (I think).

I didn't check out the 2 above but members can, I bank on my Grape Seed Extract for prevention.

caroline2 04-01-2022 02:51 PM

On the Modified Citrus Pectins I found this information and also found the supplement at various sources on line in the U.S. (Iherb, Vitacost and some others.

I found this information on MCPs on this Cancer Research UK site: And they primarily talk about prostate and melamoma:

Modified citrus pectin | Complementary and Alternative therapy | Cancer Research UK

caroline2 07-25-2022 02:19 PM

Talking to some others on the cosmetic work done by hollywood and regular folks in general, I had a nose fix over 40 yrs ago and the best thing I could do for me.

But so many yrs later of taking Grape Seed Extract and living with results of both inside and outside health results, I absolutely know the drug industry would lose so much business. Grape Seed Ex can't be patented. And it's so kept from millions.

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