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LisaM 10-16-2006 11:01 AM

My "Feelings" are changing....Anyone with RSD in the hands/arms
can you help me out with this?

I'm in a bad way lately. I can't stand this darned weather! I'm in Michigan and we can't decide whether to be warm or cold. Are you worse with this weather, too? My hands are freaking KILLING ME and this "restless body" is driving me bonkers. Plus, I forgot to change my patch this morning, so I'm sur tehat's part of the restlss body (withdrawal, probably). I can't stand how my body feels righg now.

I think one of my muscles in my right hand is ging whacko. What does rsd do to the muscles and tendons, etc? There is one, in the palm of my hand...the fatty part of the palm by the thumb, that hurts like heck most of the time now. You can usually feel that muscle whn you are twisting a cap off a bottle - and when I do, it throws me thru the roof. I cannot use that muscle or it spasms really bad. Sometimes it will spasm just cuz it fees like it. I will press n it to try and get it to calm down, but it just starts bak up again...or the left hand will spasm cuz I'm using it to stp the spasm in my right. thumb and forefinger on my rightg hand are going kinda numb...but in weird way. Almost like numb and sensitiv at te same time. Does that make any sense? I can't type for squat (as you can tell) cuz when I use thoe two fingers I either can't feel the keys or it hurts to feel the keys. I'm feeling BOTH sensations...numbness AND sensitivity.

Can you sehd any light on my weirdness? Is this an advancement to another stage perhaps?

Hope you had a good weekend.


KathyWP 10-16-2006 12:22 PM

I have rsd in my left hand
and I am experiencing the hyper-sensitivity. I haven't had numbness feeling since a carpal tunnal surgery in 1997. My pain today, is burning like grabbing a hot muffler and I cannot stand even the slightest breeze. I would suggest you ask your doc about a trapped nerve in the wrist or just before the bend of your elbow. Warmth like a paraffin dip and wrap of towels really helped me then. I hope this helps a bit. I remember the two sensations being worse than just the burning that I have today.

Anyone else had carpal tunnal surgery?

LisaM 10-16-2006 12:53 PM

Thanks Kathy...I'm SO AFRAID of any type of surgery though. That's what got me here in the FIRST place! I don't want anyone cutting me every again. I don't even want any more emgs. Aren't emg's dangerous to those of us with RSD?

Wouldn't a nerve entrapment be on only ONE side though? cuz this really is on both, it jus tonly happens "by itself" on the right. The left happens, too, but I have to actually DO SOEMTHIGN to make it doesn't come on by itself like the right does.

ATallOne 10-16-2006 02:06 PM

Hi Lisa
I had nerve entrapment on both hands following my car accident in 2000.

Piture it: Ford Ranger Pickup - Quite Small.

Me: Damm Good Looking and 6'5" - Quite Big :D

Yes I was wearing a seatbelt and no there was no air bag in the truck - I had already dropped her off! :D :D :D

I was hit head on and was gripping the steering wheel so hard that it broke and I put both of my hands through the windshield. I fractured both wrists and crushed the carpal tunnels in both wrists as well. I needed carpal tunnel release surgery to fix them. It was the surgery on the left wrist which started the RSD and got me into this hell I live in now!! But I have learned to cope with it, and with the help from some great drugs of course. Just hang in there and know that we are all in this with you. Chin up!!!

Mark :)

LisaM 10-16-2006 02:14 PM if you have rsd FIRST, and the entrapment SECOND, what do you do about releasing the entrapment if you have one? I read your progression and I don't want that! Surgery is what got me here in the first place, but it was for TOS, so it was major. Still, I don't want to be "cut." And entrapment release means you are "cut." So if that's what this is, and I already have rsd, what do they do about the entrapment? My rsd is already in both hands, but in my right (surgical side) it goes up my arm, into my shoulder, neck and chest. I don't want it going any further.

ATallOne 10-16-2006 02:40 PM

Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMM
Good question Lisa. And I have absolutely no idea how to answer your question. I do not think there is any other way to release a entrapped carpal than to do surgery. And I think it is 50/50 as to whether or not it will spread. Boy are you glad you asked me ha! Well this will get bumped back up so perhaps someone else can offer you better advise. Sorry! Chin Up!

Mark :)

KathyWP 10-16-2006 02:59 PM

It's really difficult when you're in pain to even think of something to add even more pain. Surgery is very risky alone and even more with RSD, and weighing the odds is even more difficult. Talking to your doctor is easy if he/she will listen to your concerns.

I had the surgery after I was diagnosed and it helped me. I am not recommending anything to do with surgery at all. What I am suggesting is, talk to your doctor, ask about what your options are. Maybe ask about a hand specialist, because it really sounds like a trapped nerve. But please remember I am not a health practicioner, and I only know what happened to me.

I hope I am helping.

Goodn'Plenty 10-21-2006 12:15 PM

My symptoms in my hands change like the weather .
And I live in a very nice climate :)

As I type this they are freezing and burning at the same time but give them some time, they will change.

I don't even try to open anything with a twist top anymore,my hands ,arms and shoulders are really just for show - and I save them for the neccessities- washing , getting ready ,and a few choice selections:D

My feet just get really cold and ache alot.I can't really take any walks anymore or I won't be walking for days but I can still do the eliptical trainer which makes me very happy!

Having said that most people don't know there is anything wrong with me.
I still haven't decided if that is good or bad:confused:

I too had TOS surgery bilaterally which gave me this condition.
.That was only in 2000 when TOS was still considered a garbage can diagnosis .
Now it is at the front of the repetititve strain line.
How far this disease has come !!!!!!!!!!!
That however is not the beginning or the end of how I arrived in this place:rolleyes:

I think Kathy gave you very good advice.
I often have no idea what symptom is going to hit me next .
Or, if it is a symptom I have experienced before.
However if a symptom is that painful ,consistent and pervasisve I would certainly discuss my options with my doctor.

I recently had an acl repair in my knee.The docs gave me a block before the surgery and a week later and so far ( 6 months) and no spread(knock wood)so it is possible to have surgery again with RSD.(ok not especially happily but we are nothing if not survivors and some of the strongest people aroud!!!!)

I know there is someone on here who has had TOS surgery after RSD - daunting and scary for sure, but when the question of quality of life comes in to play we all have to grapple with those very difficult life altering decsions.

Good luck and much peace,


if you would like to further discuss RSD and hands and arms feel free to PM me.

himomdp 10-21-2006 01:15 PM

Good discussion...!
I also have RSD right arm since 12/99. I think that everyone here has given you great information. My symptoms started with a very swollen pad, thumb, writst including forefinger. I couldn't move them at all w/o pain that would send me through the roof screaming and crying. My diagnosis came quickly as RSD. And I atrophied and couldn't move them. Very quickly a Frozen shoulder came out of all this and RSD move on up the arm. I started getting SGB's immediately after diagnosis. This is key w/ RSD. If they happen to work on the's a wonderful pain treatment.

You didn't mention current treatment? Are you receiving SGB's now for the pain? Stellate Gang. Blocks are given for upper extremity separately. Or epidurals are given to hit both right and left arms at the same time.

GnP hit it nail right on the head. If a RSD patient is given a block prior to surgery, you are at least doing all that you can to prevent further spread or increased pain.


Goodn'Plenty 10-21-2006 01:53 PM

I wake up with my hands completely numb and sensitive and dead every day- I am never sure if it is RSD or TOS as there is so much overlap between the two.
I do experience alot of the numbness you speak of on an ongoing basis.
I just don't use my arms/hands alot and have somehow become accustomed to it.

Dana brings up an excellent point.
When I get especially nervy and extremely hypersensitive to air I usually go in for a block as a treatment modality. Lower or upper body- right or left sides - depending on need.
I don't abuse the privilege as I want them to work for ever:D

However some of us are lucky enough to have health plans that cover blocks in our medical treatment while others are not.
I think it varies from program to program and state to state.

Good Luck
Breathe deep
It always works out in the end


LisaM 10-23-2006 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by himomdp (Post 28527)
You didn't mention current treatment? Are you receiving SGB's now for the pain? Stellate Gang. Blocks are given for upper extremity separately. Or epidurals are given to hit both right and left arms at the same time.

I'm not getting any blocks or epidurals at all. Only pain management. It's too late for blocks for me. I'm sympathetically independent now :(

Thanks for all the advice ladies and gents. As it is TODAY, my thumb is completely numb, but in a really weird way. If I do happen to touch it on something, it does have sensation - and NOT a nice one, either! Shoots pain thru it like you just bit down on aluminum foil! Not sure what this is all about. When it's just sitting there, or I touch it with my finger pad, it's numb. But touch it with anything slightly rough and ZIPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! There I go! Yelling is pain.

Time to desensitize to that type of sensation now I suppose. Sigh....things are always a-changin' I guess...


artist 10-23-2006 12:24 PM

hi Lisa,

Well`I have very similar zaps and yows in my right wrist hand/wrist/arm, worse in my hand; this isn't my RSD arm, that's the left one. I was diagnosed in the Spring with Spinal Stenosis (pinched spinal cord) and Cervical Spondylosis (arthritic growths on C4-C6, so pinched nerves too) which is worse on my right side (I'm right handed, think it's always worse on whichever side you favour). They found it using MRI.

Your description of numbness combined with extreme sensitivity of the electrical zappy kind is absolutely identical to me, yes, it's so strange, plus the pressing which produces kind of painful electric shocks.

They haven't said what they think the cause is exactly, (RSD, RSI, SS or CS) but it's not the same as the RSD arm...

I've got a doc appt next week, I'll let you know if they come up with anything :)

Just wanted to throw in my $0.2 worth!
all the best

Goodn'Plenty 10-23-2006 12:51 PM

It is interesting
My PM doc claims that I am now sympathetically independent yet I still get some relief from blocks -better on my lower extremities which are newer to the fun and games.
Have you tried one lately?

That is what is so confusing about this disease.

Again like with everything what works for one does nothing for another

I remember reading an article on the other site .Perhaps someone can google it.I don't remeber which publication it came from .
It stated that the reason no one is finding a cure for RSD is that it is not one disease.I believe the article suggested that it is 5 separate diseases.
One cure will not fit all.

If we did a survey of our symptoms , which we can do if we extrapolate the info from our threads ,we all present differently.
Now why don't the doctors get a good handle on that .I know, a rhetorical question:)

Much peace

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