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Kitty 01-15-2009 07:17 PM

Hearing Loss
Has anyone experienced hearing loss since you've been dx? I can tell a huge difference between my left and right ear (left is muffled and right is clear). Not sure if it's MS related or not. My Dad was nearly deaf in his left ear but he always said it was nerve damage. Wish I had asked how it happened (or could remember). I have been noticing it more and more lately....especially if I'm lying down and watching TV. If I lay on my right side I can barely hear it....if I lay on my left side it's fine. :confused:

Is hearing loss a sx of MS?

PolarExpress 01-15-2009 07:52 PM

I've heard it can be, but it can be caused by a lot of things. I'm deaf without hearing aids (in both ears), which started going really quickly shortly after my son was born, nearly 18 yrs ago. It could've been caused by a number of things (my dad was deaf, I'd had a bad cold & ear infection in my 8th month, being a dj at a rock station for many years, any of that could've done it. If you think it may be caused by MS, get it checked out now while they can still do something about it. If you wait too long, it'll be permanent.
No matter what it's caused by, it's very frustrating!:hug::hug:

ali12 01-16-2009 08:49 AM

I'm so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with that as well as everything else Kitty and really hope you get some answers and feel better soon!!:hug:

My nanan had Progressive MS and she had some earing loss, however it wasn't very bad. Her Neurologist examined her and told my mum and grandad that he thought she could have Tinitus (sp?) from all of the medications she was taking as she said she could hear a buzzing/ringing noise in her ears that would come and go. I'm not sure what they did to try and stop these symptoms but from what I believe, my mum said they put her on some medications and then measured her up for an hearing-aid.

I'm sorry that I can't help you that much but just wanted to send you my love and say I hope you feel better real soon as the hearing loss must be very scary for you:hug:! Please talk to your doctor and see what he/she says - it might be something really simple that can be easily treated and I hope and pray it is!

I'm thinking about you and please keep us all updated when you can!

Kitty 01-16-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 447371)
My nanan had Progressive MS and she had some earing loss, however it wasn't very bad. Her Neurologist examined her and told my mum and grandad that he thought she could have Tinitus (sp?) from all of the medications she was taking as she said she could hear a buzzing/ringing noise in her ears that would come and go.

I have the ringing in my ears, too. It comes and goes.....sometimes it's really loud! But the hearing in my left ear is very much muffled. I guess I should have my hearing checked.....will have to wait for the next health fair to happen!

weegot5kiz 01-16-2009 10:50 AM

Kelly no not here, but I have noticed I am more sensitive to louder noise, kids voice, tv volume too high,

SallyC 01-16-2009 12:05 PM

You told my story, word for word, Kelly.:eek:

During an exacerbation, many years ago, I had a temporary hearing loss. I just thought my ears were stopped up, but when the Doc looked, there was no build up of wax at all. It was MS nerve damage going on.

I got most of my hearing back, but there was deffinately a small permanent loss, in my left ear especially.

I knew it, we are evil twins..:D:D

Kitty 01-16-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 447513)
I knew it, we are evil twins..:D:D

lady_express_44 01-16-2009 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 447526)

So which one is Sally?

Kelly, I have a small amount of deafness in one ear now, but for a couple of years I had intermittent & more severe deafness daily. I had my hearing tested, and he said it was likely due to the MS at the time.

The intermittent deafness (and ringing in the ears) went away completely after I stopped A/D's. :confused: I don't know if it was coincidence, or if any other drugs can do this to people . . . but that was my experience.

I still have slight deafness, but I think that might be "normal" for my age group.

Is this constant for you? Is it possible it is related to sinus/ear issues, not the MS? :confused: It's worth being checked out ...


tkrik 01-16-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 447513)
You told my story, word for word, Kelly.:eek:

During an exacerbation, many years ago, I had a temporary hearing loss. I just thought my ears were stopped up, but when the Doc looked, there was no build up of wax at all. It was MS nerve damage going on.

I got most of my hearing back, but there was deffinately a small permanent loss, in my left ear especially.

I knew it, we are evil twins..:D:D

Me too, Sally & Lady! The only way I found that out was after a dose of IVSM. I do transcription work and had the volume way up. After the 2nd IVSM dose, I went to type and I thought dang this is loud! Turns out it was part of that exacerbation.

I have gained most my hearing back in my left ear but every now and then it will act up.

(((Kelly))) Try to get it checked out so that they can give you something to help you out and possibly prevent permanent damage. I know that you have vertigo as well and this could all be part of the vestibular nerve. Valium helps with this as it is one of the only drugs that works directly on that nerve. (Learned that with DD17 and her vertigo) Plus, Valium also helps muscle spasms so it would have a double benefit for you.

KarenMarie 01-26-2009 08:24 PM

Lost the hearing in my left ear years ago - it came back slowly but with tinnitus in both ears - the ringing - I prefer to describe it as tree peepers - gets louder in the evening - I have learned to ignore it - but at the same time I can't hear sounds that are in that pitch - got small hearing aids a few years ago when ears were really loud to sort of mask the tinnitus and bring in the sounds I wasn't hearing - birds for instance - it's annoying - I remember the sound of snow falling and rain on the leaves which is good as I won't be hearing them again - at the time - my neuro didn't think it was from MS but from a milogram I had just had - thought an air bubble had gotten in somehow and lodged in my ear - time has proved him wrong -

Debbie D 01-26-2009 09:19 PM

I have lost hearing in my left ear over the last 2 yrs or so...I notice that when I lie on my right side, I can hardly hear...I also have "ringing" in each ear...kind of like an audiology test...never in both ears at once. Is that tinnitis?
So maybe it is a sxs of MS...hmmm

Lady 01-27-2009 01:16 AM

FWIW, I have ringing in both ears. I can't count how many years, 20 steady years maybe.

Sometimes it may change it's tone. A higher pitch or a steady ringing sound. Other times it seems like a buzzing or swooshing in my ear, like I can hear my blood going in my head.

A few times it went real high pitched and then I lost total hearing in that ear for a few seconds. It comes right back, TG.:)

I used to be able to hear a noise on the outside street, before my dog would, and he had great hearing. Now I blast the TV and Stereo. My DH gets in the car after I had it, and it blasts him when he pushes the button on. :rolleyes:

I hear background sounds first, then voices. So at a party or a crowded place, if people talk to me I hear the music first and have a hard time hearing their voices. I am getting good at lip reading. :D

My ENT and Neuro said it is probably a lesion in that area. I put the radio on or TV, even a fan to drown it out, so I can ignore it.:cool:

I thought it was from having Measles as a kid. I had so many ear infections with that illness, and after that for years. Who knows? It's hard to determine.

Kitty 01-27-2009 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Debbie D (Post 453949)
I have lost hearing in my left ear over the last 2 yrs or so...I notice that when I lie on my right side, I can hardly hear...I also have "ringing" in each ear...kind of like an audiology test...never in both ears at once. Is that tinnitis?
So maybe it is a sxs of MS...hmmm

This describes exactly what I experience. To a "T". The ringing is worse at times. Sometimes I can barley hear it but it seems as soon as I realize it's not as loud it gets worse...:rolleyes:I have it in both ears (I think).

Kitty 04-09-2009 10:45 AM

I looked up this thread because my hearing in my left ear has gotten progressively worse.

After reading all the replies here I notice that many of us have hearing loss in the left ear. Isn't that strange? Or just a peculiar coincidence?

My Dad had hearing loss in his left ear as did my sister (the one who passed away). So I'm not sure if this is hereditary or a sx of MS. Or something completely different.

It's very annoying, though. I'm tired of asking "what" all the time! And I'm sure not ready to tell people to "talk into my good ear"!! :eek:

KajunButterfly 04-09-2009 12:25 PM

I have 70% hearing loss in my left ear. My neuro sent me to an audiologist 6 years ago. Both agree that the hearing loss is caused from MS and where lesions are located. I have a tiny hearing aid that fits in the ear canal. I hate wearing it! It makes make ear canal sore. So, I'm getting pretty dang good at reading lips also. It is strange that most here have problems with the left ear...

Curious 04-09-2009 12:39 PM


Did you say something Kitty?

TXBatman 04-09-2009 01:05 PM

Hearing loss was what got me my eventual MS dx. I was sitting at my desk one day and all the hearing went away in my left ear. Went to the PCP right away and he shuttled me to the ENT same day. They took and MRI a week or so later and saw lesions. 2 years later when a followup MRI showed more lesions, I got my dx.

My hearing was totally gone in my left ear for about 4 weeks then slowly started coming back. By about 8-10 weeks out, I had gotten most of my hearing back. I still have a slight deficit in that ear that makes it difficult to tell what direction sounds are coming from and gives me trouble hearing conversations in rooms with lots of other noise. I still have tinnitus pretty much all the time, and sometimes my hearing seems to come and go a bit...but only for a few seconds or minutes at a time.

Curious 04-09-2009 01:11 PM

I have partial hearing loss in both ears, more pronounced in my left. Good for being a passenger while hubby is driving. :wink:

I had both eardrums burst as a child. I am handy dandy at reading lips. Good for when teens mumble. :p

I hate surround sound. I don't hear low tones. It confuses me. Also good for when hubby is speaking to me. :p

It does not serve me well with his snoring. Or maybe it does and he is even louder than I hear. :eek:

<---monkey off to appologize to neighbors.

Kitty 04-09-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 493572)

Did you say something Kitty?

WHA?????? Talk into my good ear, will ya?

Kitty 04-09-2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by KajunButterfly (Post 493564)
I have 70% hearing loss in my left ear.


Originally Posted by TXBatman (Post 493581)
Hearing loss was what got me my eventual MS dx. I was sitting at my desk one day and all the hearing went away in my left ear. My hearing was totally gone in my left ear for about 4 weeks then slowly started coming back.


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 493585)
I have partial hearing loss in both ears, more pronounced in my left.

See.......we're all lefties!! Why is it always in the left ear? :confused:

Erin524 04-09-2009 06:21 PM

My left ear is my good ear. When I worked at McD's, that was the ear I always kept the stupid drive-thru headset on. If I tried to use the other ear, I couldnt ever understand what people were saying.

Now when I use headphones for my iPod, that's the ear I listen thru.

coletaterbug 04-09-2009 10:30 PM

I have problems with my ears. It feels like I can hear better with one than the other and it feels like my ear throbs a lot. I don't know if it is ms related but I know it drives me crazy.

PolarExpress 04-09-2009 11:16 PM

Because I Love LOVE LOVE to be different, my left ear is my good ear. It's the only one I can hear on the telephone with. Would make sense if it's MS related, as it's the right side of my body it affects..Who knows?

KarenMarie 04-10-2009 01:15 PM

went deaf in left ear years ago after mylogram (sp) - neuro said it was quite possibly because there had been an air bubble left in my spine when they removed the dye from my spinal fluid - got hearing back after a month or so but then started tinnitus in that ear which quickly progressed to both ears and now I have tree peepers year round in my head - sometimes really loud - had ears tested and there are some frequencies I can't hear at all - like birds and people with higher pitched voices or who speak softly - have small hearing aids that I can't wear when I wear my glasses because of feedback when they touch - hearing aids over ears not in so have to choose - see or hear - generally I pick vision - and lately anything remotely loud drives me crazy - like my husband watching TV or listening to the radio - ears have gotten quite sensitive I guess - and it would be the MS I think -

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