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dorrie 06-22-2008 12:34 AM

Checkin In!!!
Hi Everyone!! Hope everyone is doing well...lord knows summer is difficult for some of us!!!!
Take Care and check in when you can!!:grouphug:

GladysD 06-24-2008 06:26 PM

I'm going to CHECK-IN :D

DH has been recovering since 5/12/08...I stopped drinking myself on 5/5/08, I was a 'compulsive' social drinker..if that makes sense? Totally co-dependent, lol.

Anyways, HI, HELLO!!!

dorrie 06-28-2008 06:57 PM

Hi there Gladys!! Congratulations to you and hubby for making such a wonderful decision! It was so nice to see that you had posted! This is sure not a very busy forum!! How are the two of you doing?

GladysD 06-29-2008 09:36 AM

Thanks :)

We are doing alright. Dealing with the backlash from family members who just don't understand, but that's of them is complaining of numbness in their face, each his own to learn in their own way....*sigh*

One thing I've been enjoying....more time to do all those little projects that have added up over time...and more support with the kids. :D

dorrie 06-29-2008 09:26 PM

Hi Gladys!! It is such a change when we stop drinking and it sometimes takes a long time for family and friends to settle into the new us!! I am sure they will. It is good that you get at things that need to be gives us a sense of accomplishment! Keep at it!!
I hope your family menber who has the numbness finds their thing you can do is set the example. I remember wanting what the sober ones had so bad...they seemed so happy. I eventually came around and here I am!!!!!
Keep in touch Gladys...its so nice to have you here!!:hug:

dorrie 07-01-2008 10:53 PM

It is Canada Day here and I noticed the beer was flowing today at a lawn party as I drove past on my way to the library to drop off some movies and books that were due back. I am sure some of them will be feeling rough tomorrow! I am sure if I was still drinking I would be drinking tomorrow to feel better from today!!!
I always feel grateful on holidays least I get invited places now!! I do not feel sick the next day...unless I really am...and by the grace of God...I am alive to see another Canada Day!! Hope everyone else is having a great day!:grouphug:

dorrie 07-02-2008 08:32 AM

Hey!! I love sobriety!! I woke up this after a holiday here in Canada.....I am feeling good!!!!! 8 years ago I would have been lining up at the door of the liquor store waiting for it to open.....thank you God!!!

GladysD 07-02-2008 08:57 AM

We have our 4th of July Celebrations coming upon us this weekend. I'm glad I don't weather and alcohol....UGH...don't miss it:)

dorrie 07-02-2008 09:02 AM

Hi Gladys!! It is so wonderful waking up feeling good is it not!!! And yes booze and heat to some sounds great but I don't miss it!!!!!!!!

I love my sobriety:):):):):):):):)
i hope your day is delightful Gladys!!!!:D

dorrie 07-03-2008 07:24 AM

I am alive...sober and loving it!
Just checking in!!
How you doing Gladys?:hug:

GladysD 07-03-2008 10:11 PM

Had a Wonderful day!

Played with my boys, took walks, played ball. Got caught in the rain at the holiday festivities in town. Can't remember the last time we all laughed so hard, me included! We may have looked like wet rats, but gosh darn was FUN!!! :D

Today was a day of LIVING!!! :)

dorrie 07-03-2008 11:01 PM

Hi Gladys!
Good to hear that your day was so full of life!!!:D
How old are your kids? I bet they appreciate you spending time with them!!!!
I cleaned my car out today...we are going camping next week and Saffire and I do make messes in the car at times...cookie crumbs, french fries etc. It is all ready to load up on Monday AM. I am looking forward to the trip!!
I can RELAX and leave all stress behind!!!!

GladysD 07-04-2008 01:01 PM

My babies...5, 2, 1 :D All boys too ;)

Though today is the holiday, we are enjoying a peaceful, quiet day. Recovering from the busy day yesterday, lol. Watching the Sox/Yankees game as I write this!! GO SOX!!!

Camping sounds like FUN!!! I bet you'll have agreat week!!!:hug:

dorrie 07-04-2008 04:53 PM

Hi Gladys!! I hope you enjoy the quiet day...Happy 4th of July!! I am in Canada so we had our holiday on the 1st.
Three boys!!! Wow!! Hubby and I have 4 kids between us. My kids are older, 22 and 18. My 2 stepsons are 12 and 9 and my Saffire, my granddaughter lives with us and she is will be 18 months old on the 7th of this month! The boys and Saff are going camping with us!
I have been busy getting our things organized and packing what I can. It will be lovely to relax!!
It is my intention to leave any and all stress here at home....hopefully it will be gone when I get back:p
I am really enjoying the chatting back and forth with you on this forum Gladys. It was so quiet here for so long! Hopefully more people will join in when they notice it is a happening place!!!
Have a lovely serene day:hug:

GladysD 07-04-2008 05:48 PM

My baby will turn 18 months on the 12th :D

January of 07....quite the month!!! ;)

I hope others join in on this thread, as well. I am certainly enjoying our chat back and forth, as well:wink:

I've decided that I will try to make this summer as serene as possible. Of course, I have my moments...then again, we all do :p That's the joy of life!

I've delved back into an 'old hobby' of mine....Reading! Lots of self-help stuff now, but I try to add fun reads to the mix....

I'm considering adding a nightly walk to my life. I think it may serve me a world of good. All good things in time :)

Have a good weekend, and I hope you are able to leave the stress at home, even before you leave home :cool:

dorrie 07-04-2008 10:05 PM

You are right Gladys! All good things in time!!
I used to really strive for serenity in my life. It is there all the time I just need to notice it more.
When I am rocking Saffire at night I feel it. I look at her and feel complete joy and a wonderful sense of peace overwhelms me.
I love that feeling!

dorrie 07-05-2008 09:39 PM

Hello hello hello!!!
Just letting everyone know that I will be away Mon to Fri this week camping:D
I will miss everyone madly!!!
Have a good week and keep on posting!!!!!!:grouphug:

GladysD 07-06-2008 02:11 PM

Hope your week is great!!! Can't wait to hear about it when you return :D

dorrie 07-12-2008 03:43 PM

Hello there everyone I am back!!
I had a great time!! Relaxed and chased the baby but that was OK...she had a blast! We were in a good place as you really do not see alot of drinking or partying...makes for a much quieter holiday!
Gladys I hope you are well...pop in when you can!!:hug:

Chemar 07-12-2008 08:51 PM


good to see you back:hug: It sounds like a wonderful vacation:p

GladysD 07-12-2008 11:49 PM


Glad to hear you had a good time :) Glad to see you back :D

My week was well on the homefront. Just getting lots of enjoyment out of my kids, my dh, my neighborhood and myself...been spending lots of time reading and reflecting. Also got my hair highlighted for the first time in years, and found my new hairdresser ;)

dorrie 07-13-2008 12:36 PM

I love getting my hair done!! I was a hairdresser some 26 years ago!! I usually do my own but once in a long while I get it done by a stylist.
Always makes me feel fresh!
When I used to party and drink I used to have the hair to go with the lifestyle that I lead. Long blonde and a wild perm!!!!! I used to stick out like a sore thumb! Now I prefer to be alot more tame..however if I am going out I give it the ol flip to get some puff then spray it!!
I think I have been almost every colour going. My hair is naturally dark blondish, almost light brown...only a couple whits hairs in the side...not bad for 42!! I have been black, brown, red, platnium, purple, and pink and blue at the same time!!!!! I once sported a mohawk in pink and blue to attract attention to our hairdressing school!!!!!!! Amazingly enough I still have a good head of hair...fine but lots of it!!

GladysD 07-14-2008 08:37 PM

My whole life I've been a little consevative with my hair. The most I've done is some spiral perms and some highlights. I've often wondered how a reddish color would look on me, but each time I get highlights I'm swayed back to preferring the blonde.

Today was a nice day. My oldest has been playing with the neighbor kids this summer. They are having a positive influence on him. I like to call it positive peer pressure. ;) He's 5, she's 9? He's 11?

Today was just a nice day. Not perfect but serene. :D

I'd realized this week....I'd started drinking 20 years ago. My 'depression' {off/on} started 20 years ago. Hmmm... ;) Weird lil coikidink.... :D I'm optimistic for my future....

I cannot believe you are a grandmother at 42!! Do you realize you are younger than my DH? ;) :D

Toodles for now...I'm off to watch the HR Derby....up to 17...

How was your day??

GladysD 07-16-2008 09:10 PM

ARGHHH!!! It's HOT!!! I'm tired, I've got MS---so sometimes the heat gives me headaches and dizziness and nauseau!

I'm aggravated because though the alcohol is removed, the little underlying issues still exist in the marriage! Arguing over bills, housework, kids/parenting styles---you know the works!

I'm tempted to FINALLY attend my first al-anon meeting tomorrow. I feel everytime I think I want to go, somehow I allow myself to be lulled by being talked out of it. Convincing myself that things have changed.

Well they have changed, but still stayed the same...I hope that makes sense.

I need to know how to set up the boundary with dh---get into therapy or AA or something like that. I applaud him for not drinking. I applaud him for trying with his own anger issues...but desire alone cannot help one overcome....

I'm a reader. I read and read and practice techniques, etc that I've learned along the way. I'll start therapy soon and as of this evening, after a couple days of walking on eggshells---I'm ready for the in-person support!

I vow to get my lil ones off to bed on time or earlier tomorrow so that I can make it to the meeting on time!!! Before my blood boils anymore and I say something mean and nasty...and before my stress levels boil!!!

God Grant me the serenity!!! Please Grace me with peace....

dorrie 07-17-2008 10:14 PM

Hi Gladys!! Sorry I have been absent...hubby left the laptop at work for a few days!! I think he misses me:)
I really hope that you get to that meeting!! It is hard to motivate ourselves onto going but it is soooo worth it! I am sure that you will feel good about going! They can help so much but you have to go to get that help!!
Please go Gladys!! In the meantime you are in my prayers...may God wrap you in his warm blanket of love!!:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:Hugs to you and your family!!

dorrie 07-19-2008 01:30 PM

Quick check in....I will pop in again later!!

dorrie 07-19-2008 09:27 PM

Hey! Only 11 days untill my 8 year birthday!!!:Dancing-Chilli: July the 30 is my AA birthday!!!!! Wow how time flies!!!:)

GladysD 07-20-2008 12:13 PM

Ooohh, Dorrie! We'll have to celebrate on your 8 years!! :D

Well, the other night I had the motivation...just the kids weren't cooperating, lol. Their bedtime is between 7 and 730 with the oldest at 8. 18month olds and 2 year's tough to plan to make it out of the house a little after 7 on that note. I planned for it, but it fell through. I shall try once again this week to see if I can.

Since I posted my vent and frustration, dh and I had a bit of a chat. Also, the money frustration that I have being a stayathome may be coming to an end this fall/winter. I may end up babysitting :) I miss earning my own $$. I don't like to be dependent on others, if I can help it. This will be good for me. I'm planning to get back to the workforce once the littlest one is 5.

How's the summer heat treating you?

dorrie 07-20-2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by GladysD (Post 327245)
Ooohh, Dorrie! We'll have to celebrate on your 8 years!! :D

Well, the other night I had the motivation...just the kids weren't cooperating, lol. Their bedtime is between 7 and 730 with the oldest at 8. 18month olds and 2 year's tough to plan to make it out of the house a little after 7 on that note. I planned for it, but it fell through. I shall try once again this week to see if I can.

Since I posted my vent and frustration, dh and I had a bit of a chat. Also, the money frustration that I have being a stayathome may be coming to an end this fall/winter. I may end up babysitting :) I miss earning my own $$. I don't like to be dependent on others, if I can help it. This will be good for me. I'm planning to get back to the workforce once the littlest one is 5.

How's the summer heat treating you?

Hi Gladys!! Ever since Saffire came to live with us I have not been working at all. My pay was not good at all....Hubby has a great job as a Senior Technologist for an international Standards company. I miss work sometimes but I love being here with Saffire!
Summer heat has been OK here. Lots of rain lately!!
:hug::hug::hug:Hugs for you Gladys!

GladysD 07-21-2008 10:20 AM


Being home with your little Saffire is pay in and of itself ;)

I may be sitting a little girl :) That will just tickle me I'm the only female in a home full of guys! I know we won't be having anymore children, so this will give me a taste for what it's like to raise little girls. :D

We've been having nightly t-storms over here. Last night's were petty neat---those 'silent' t-storms :D

Hope you have a great Monday! My dh starts vacation on Saturday...woohoo...staying close to home, but it's still 2 weeks with him home :)

dorrie 07-21-2008 07:15 PM

Hi Gladys!! I love it when hubby is home but I find it hard to get things done!! We have had alot of rain here. Yuck!!

GladysD 07-22-2008 05:15 PM

We've been having scattered storms for a few days. I find that with dh home, we'll get things done, but then...he starts to get bored, and I hate that :)

dorrie 07-26-2008 08:17 PM

Checkin in!!! Still sober!!!!!My 8 year birthday is on Wednesday!!!!!!!!:D

dorrie 08-04-2008 01:34 PM

Checking in!! I am alive!!!!!!

GladysD 08-04-2008 02:43 PM

Checking In!!! :) Back from vacation !!! :D Doing Well....

dorrie 08-04-2008 08:17 PM

Hi Gladys!!! Where did you go what did you do!! Did you have about the boys!!! Fill us in!!!!!!

GladysD 08-04-2008 08:47 PM

Good Times, Good Conversations
We went down to the South Shore of MA to visit my dad, stepmom and sister. Only planned to stay a couple of days, but ended up staying for a week. :D Good times, very therapeutic and healing for myself. {spent a decade of no-contact with dad, so we've been building up to this :)}

My boys enjoyed swimming in the pool!!! A first time swimming for ALL 3 !!! You should have seen my 2.5 yr old! He took like a fish to water, I was impressed! My toddler loved it too. And so did my 5yr old, but with waiting as long with him, there's some fear factor for him, not much, but compared to his brothers...we could tell!

We went school shopping at one of the outlets....quite some deals, and quite some clothes! Ate lunch with a bunch of geese at the park after shopping.

Went on a 'date' with my hubby...first time in 6 months, lol. We went down to the outskirts of the Cape{Cape Cod} and I had this incredible stuffed scrod/scallop dinner! YUM...Dh had fried clams, of course :p Then we took a ride by the beach...DH has NEVER been to the Cape before, which is funny because he's lived in MA his entire life. Then we played mini-golf....laughed and giggled like we were on a first date or something. Then had ice-cream. Black Raspberry-chocolate chip{white & chocolate} frozen should have seen me buldging out of my britches after this evening of

We took the boys to the beach. The youngest 2 have never been to the beach and they got to 'swim' in the ocean. ;)

Then my step-sister came for a visit! We haven't seen each other since 1990! Just like old times....we always hit it off! She, DH, my 5yr old and myself went to a Seafood Festival in Rhode Island! What FUN! My son got to ride some rides, we ate some good clams and scallops, and enjoyed the entertainment.

Last night there was a rainstorm and a rainbow appeared in the backyard! It was pretty cool!

We are still ambivalent about the whole Manny fiasco....time will tell, lol!

I'm ready to sleep in my own bed!!!

Hope all is well in NT! :D :hug::grouphug:

dorrie 08-04-2008 10:09 PM

Sounds wonderful Gladys!!! I am glad you all had a good time!!! Welcome home! It is good to have you back:hug:

dorrie 08-07-2008 11:19 PM

I got a dozen red roses for my b-day last week:p

dorrie 08-20-2008 12:34 AM

I am home but really tired! I will pop in tomorrow! Hi Gladys...hope you are doing OK!

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