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Kitty 09-26-2013 08:40 AM

Random Thoughts
Can be anything......just please keep it clean! ;)

I always seem to buy too many bananas. There is always one or two left that I jut don't want and end up tossing out because they get over-ripe. Than, after they're all gone I want a banana. :confused:

SallyC 09-26-2013 12:32 PM

I was wondering what would I be doing today, if I were 20 years
younger, without MS? I miss me, DH and Friends, a lot!!!

doydie 09-26-2013 10:12 PM

I am always amazed when I watch House Hunters International that the lands, houses, trees, etc look pretty much like ours but yet we are worlds apart.

Kitty 09-27-2013 07:08 AM

Why do they make packages of 8 dog buns but hot dogs come in packages of 10 or 12? :confused:

SallyC 09-27-2013 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 1017898)
Why do they make packages of 8 dog buns but hot dogs come in packages of 10 or 12? :confused:

You're supposed to put 1 1/2 dogs into each over-sized bun.
I always do..:D

SallyC 09-27-2013 10:33 AM

Why is it, you wash 6 pairs of socks, when you take them out
of the dryer, one sock is always missing? And you never find it?:rolleyes:

jprinz99 09-27-2013 10:50 AM

why is it supportive bras are plain & ugly- but the cute, sexy bras are useless??

SallyC 09-27-2013 01:59 PM

Why do some peeps think, if you are kind you are weak?

DD posted this on FB, I like to think she learned this from me.

Erika 09-27-2013 03:34 PM

I love that Sallly!:)

Similarly, reminding someone who may be taking advantage of kindness with "Don't mistake my good nature for that of a fool" usually brings the point home. :winky:

With love, Erika

Kitty 09-27-2013 03:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 1017930)
Why is it, you wash 6 pairs of socks, when you take them out
of the dryer, one sock is always missing? And you never find it?:rolleyes:

I think I solved the mystery Sally!!

Debbie D 09-28-2013 11:32 AM

Why is joy so elusive?

SallyC 09-28-2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Debbie D (Post 1018221)
Why is joy so elusive?

Maybe it went the way of Gay. I used to know peeps named Gay/Gaye. :D
Remember Joy to the world and Jolly & Gay?

Erika 09-28-2013 06:45 PM

Last Christmas I saw a funny picture of drag queen that was all decked out in festive clothes, excessive make up and an outlandish hair-do. She was sitting in front of a mirror clipping on a huge dangley earring...and singing,
"Now we don our Gay apparel..." :D

With love, Erika

Kitty 09-28-2013 06:58 PM

How are you supposed to know which side of double-sided tape to use? :confused:

Kitty 09-28-2013 06:59 PM

Are unsalted saltines really saltines?

doydie 09-28-2013 10:42 PM

Why is an Ipad and Ipad. I use my fingers. Why woldn't it be a finger pad. And what do apples have to do with computers. Apples are apples.

jprinz99 09-30-2013 11:37 AM

why do we drive on Parkways and park our cars on driveways??

Kitty 11-08-2013 11:09 AM

Watching The Price Is Right.

Do folks realize how ridiculous they act on national television? :rolleyes:

Debbie D 11-08-2013 07:17 PM

I was pondering the seasons' names recently...

Is Fall called fall because the leaves fall, or the temperature?

Why is spring called spring? What springs during that time of year? Maybe our moods:)

Shouldn't summer be called Simmer? Or maybe boil?

I get winter...cause We In during that time of year...

jprinz99 11-09-2013 10:21 AM

I always (and I mean always!) forgbet something when I go to the grocery store. It's usually something important, too...

ANNagain 11-09-2013 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by jprinz99 (Post 1027909)
I always (and I mean always!) forgbet something when I go to the grocery store. It's usually something important, too...

Like leaving the list on your kitchen table?

SallyC 11-09-2013 02:12 PM

Where do the little items, you drop right in front of you, that seem to
disappear, go? A bottle cap, a pin/needle,thread, pen, etc......Sometimes
you find them some weeks/months later, while cleaning, or if it's a
needle. by stepping on it.:eek::mad:

Where do they go:confused:?

doydie 11-10-2013 12:55 AM

Sally I always drop at least one medicine on the floor when I am doing my pill keeper for the week. For the life of me I can't see it. Where does it go???? I'm just glad the cat has never seem to be interested. She did enjoy rolling around my little Colace pills on the floor one time. I usually find them in the day light hours when the sun is shining in the kitchen.

SallyC 11-11-2013 12:06 PM

Oh yes, I forgot dropping pills..:eek: When Pal was here, I had to search
and search, because he would eat them. My cat found an LDN cap
and just played with it, until I could snatch it from her..:D

Debbie D 11-11-2013 01:52 PM

It is so sad how local news programs get all out of whack when the first snow hits-just roll the video from the year before with the salt trucks getting ready, etc...

Erika 11-14-2013 09:24 AM

We have snow for 6-7 months of the year where I live, so it doesn't really make the news. We know that its on the way when the highways people put up little pole flags along some of the curbs and traffic islands so that they can see where they are once the snow piles accumulate, so that they don't crash their plows into them.

By this time of year most us have had our studded winter tires on and, for those that have them, snow plow blades on the fronts of their trucks (mine isn't on yet). Others have put away their cars for the winter and have dragged their road-salt corroded jalopies out of their garages...or out of the back 40, as the case may be.

We even have an "Ugly Truck" contest during the winter.
Last year's winner was a beat up 1978 Ford pick-up truck that had a cracked winshield (most vehicles need a new one by spring from the flying rocks that they put on the snow covered roads for traction), shot gun bullet holes in the tailgate, a 26 inch round of log for a front wheel, a gun rack with a full compliment, and a partially frozen road kill moose carcass with chunks hacked out of it's rump (apparently for dog food), being guarded by a couple of well fed, howling hound dogs in the bed of it.:D

Got to love the Northern Canadian region!
Once the tourists leave and the snow flies, pretty much anything goes up here.
The police retire to the local doughnut shop to shoot the breeze with the locals, the sanding crews and tow truck drivers; who all pretty much get dispached from there.
Its kind of a fun time.

With love, Erika

Debbie D 11-14-2013 05:46 PM

I am one who hates winter, but on these crisp late autumn days, with just a touch of snow on the grass, it makes me feel SO alive!!:)

ginnie 11-14-2013 05:53 PM

Hi Sally
I can answer your question. There is a sock monster that lurks very quietly in your dryer. It attacks without warning. If you ever find the lost sock, it is months later, when you have already thrown out the other one. :(ginnie:grouphug:

Kitty 11-15-2013 01:28 PM

I had the best random thought last night but was too sleepy to get up and log back onto the computer to post it.

Wouldn't you know....I now cannot remember what it was!! :o

SallyC 11-15-2013 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 1029380)
I had the best random thought last night but was too sleepy to get up and log back onto the computer to post it.

Wouldn't you know....I now cannot remember what it was!! :o

That may have been the best Random Thought of the day..:D.
It's called fleeting RTs and I have many of those.:p

Erika 11-15-2013 04:40 PM

RT from a friend's child:
If your feet smell and your nose runs, you are built upside down.

With love, Erika

ewizabeth 11-15-2013 10:34 PM

I have random thoughts when I am trying to get to sleep so I can get up early the next morning. Of course it turns into a long, drawn out random conversation in my head, I get wide awake and it takes an hour to get to sleep, so I am sleep deprived and dragging the next day. I can get myself all worked up about navel lint if I need to get to sleep early, lol. :D

Debbie D 11-16-2013 02:04 PM

Why do we hold onto books we've already read? I always think "Well, maybe I'll read it again someday…" and they sit next to the books I'm always planning to read but never get to...

ginnie 11-16-2013 02:18 PM

Hi Debbie
Some neighborhoods are doing something called the book box. They attach another mailbox type device, and place unwanted books. People come by, and if they are interested can pick it up. Some folks leave another book behind. Also our neighborhood has one big book sale every year. It can be in someones Garage. I pass books back and forth in my family too. There is one however I do re-read, It is called the Journeyer by Gary Jenninngs. I never read a book 4 times before! All my family members have read it, and currently the hard bound is in Delaware with a friend. It is one rousing adventure of Marco Polo and the travels along the silk road. Love books you get glued to. Happy reading Debbie, keep all of the ones you want to read! ginnie:grouphug::D

ANNagain 11-16-2013 09:09 PM

Ginnie- I think the book box idea is called, "The Littlest Library." We have one that is on my way to the main street of our neighborhood. It very interesting to see what people leave. Both DH2B and I have found books there and we "feed" it frequently. CD's are a new feature.

There is a library a few hundred feet away but the LL catches people that might not go to the library.

We have Unitarian, Episcopal and Babptist sales that include books and the two libraries on each end of the neighborhood have a sale each. Also, there are many yard sales that include books. Some people just put books out front w a "Free" sign on weekends. It is said that every book changes hands in the area at least once every summer.:)

doydie 11-17-2013 12:28 AM

Our local library has an annual book sale. They sell, books, CDs, DVDs, anything that is in their library it goes in the sale. It's one of the biggest events here. Moms, homeschoolers, or just avid readers can get books at almost garage sale prices. It's held in one of our malls that doens't have that many retailers in it anymore, mainly doctors offices and a lot of walkers.

ginnie 11-17-2013 09:42 AM

Hi All
Glad other neighborhoods are doing this book thing. There is nothing better in my opinion than a good book you can get lost in. Have a good day to all. ginnie:grouphug:

jprinz99 11-24-2013 07:58 AM

my random thought of the morning- Who in this house can I get to clean the litter box? I just plain don't want to do it...:o

ANNagain 11-24-2013 02:43 PM

DH2B changes the cat litter! :) I knew he was a keeper! He also cooks and irons. I know, what is "irons?" I don't iron anything but sometimes he decides that something of mine would be better if he pressed it w his shirts. I don't mind.;)

Gotta love him.

SallyC 11-24-2013 03:37 PM

That brings up my random thought. If cats are so doggone (pun) smart,
then why can't they clean their own litter-huh? :cool:

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