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sugarboo 03-22-2008 01:06 PM

Knocking on the neighbors door!
As you know I love animals. DD brought a cat home 2 years ago that was pregnant. We took her in and she gave birth to 4 kitties. I chose one to keep for me, I watched him be born. I love him! His name is Murphy.

I let my cats run around and be cats. I have a neighbor 4-5 doors down with litle girls, and they fell in love with my Murphy. They started feeding him and keeping him last year. After he disappeared for about 5 days, I put up fliers, and they came forword. I told her to stop feeding him. She said cats should not be allowed to roam. (Screw her!)

Since then, Murphy disappears for days at a time once in a while. I don't know if this woman and her kids are still doing this.

Last week, Murphy came home with an absess under his eye from a cat fight. I got his anitbiotics and had been nursing him back to health. I have not seen him since Tuesday night and I am heart-broken and worried about his infection which had not fully healed.

I wonder if the neighbor has him in lock down. I've checked animal control, he is not there dead or alive.

I just wanted to vent....I'm at the point of being weepy over this. Last year on Good Friday my beloved Sacha died (old dog) and now, here I am this year suffering once again for a pet over the Easter weekend.


Jules A 03-22-2008 01:16 PM

I know some people don't agree with this but is there any way you would consider keeping Murphy inside when he comes home this time? I can only imagine your worry. I get frantic when one of my ferals doesn't show up for dinner. I really like the security of knowing that my inside cats are all inside, without parasites or injuries.

sugarboo 03-22-2008 01:20 PM

My back yard is forest. I'm no where near any busy streets and one of my cat's is 13. I never have trouble with them...they never get sick...just this one time with Murphy's absess. I don't know how I could change them from outdoor to indoor...almost seems cruel....But I understand the theory of keeping cats indoors. I suppose if I lived in a big city I would do it....but its all wilderness, even in Anchorage.

Erin524 03-22-2008 01:26 PM

If he comes back and his eye isnt healed yet, keep him inside until his eye heals. That way you know his eye is ok.

Hopefully he's just being held captive at your neighbor's house and hasnt had a bad run in with a moose or some other cats.

Did you ask your neighbor if she's seen him. You could tell her you're worried about the cat because he was on medication for the eye infectioin and you want to find him so that you can finish the treatment on his eye.

Jappy 03-22-2008 03:09 PM

I agree with Erin, check with the neighbor and tell her that he is on
meds. If she really cares and does have him, she will give him back
and probably give you a lecture.

Hopefully no other wild animals got him.


Kitty 03-22-2008 05:52 PM

Oh, GJ I hope you find him. My two cats are indoor only cats - never go out. Maybe the neighbor has him and will come forward and return him. :hug:

sugarboo 03-23-2008 12:42 PM

Something is very wrong. Still not home. :Sob::Sob:

I keep watching the animal shelter online, no kitty. Not in the paper. Neighbor having him would actually be a blessing about now. :Sob::Sob:

Two Easters in a row losing a pet :Sob::Sob:

Erin524 03-23-2008 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by greenjeans (Post 243010)
Something is very wrong. Still not home. :Sob::Sob:

I keep watching the animal shelter online, no kitty. Not in the paper. Neighbor having him would actually be a blessing about now. :Sob::Sob:

Two Easters in a row losing a pet :Sob::Sob:

Did you ask the neighbor about him?????? Maybe she has him and lied?

I hope you didnt just lose your kitty cat, I lost 2 dogs on March 14th...9 years apart...My poodle Chako that I'd had since I was 11, died in 1997, and my Bouvier des Flandres named TinyMonsters that was THE PERFECT DOG for me, died in 2006

and then my surrogate puppy dog, my aunt's pug, Pudge, died last friday...also March 14th...which was 2yrs from when I lost my dog TinyMonsters. Tiny and Pudge were best buddies. So I guess Tiny's probably thrilled that he and Pudge are together again.

Jodylee 03-23-2008 04:59 PM

I'm so sorry Jeannie. I have 4 cats that stay inside. I hope he comes back soon. Don't give up! I had a kitty who disappeared for a full year and then came home! Miracles happen.

kicker 03-23-2008 05:12 PM


I'm sorry but don't give up hope!! Our Blitzen was gone 5 days, he must have gotten locked in a garage or something somewhere, came home hungry and seldom left my side for 1 week or two. We have 5 cats, a forest next to us. Yes, my heart breaks when I think of losing one, but I should be from New Hampshire, my motto is "Live free or die".

Koala77 03-23-2008 07:52 PM

Poor GJ. I can empathise with you over this dilemma. We had 3 cats who have all sadly passed on now (from old age) but we'd kept 2 kittens from a litter of a stray we'd taken in.

The last one alive was named Esky and he was a really loving cat. Our next door neighbours did the same as your's are doing, and eventually locked him in their house so he couldn't get out.

It took a long time and many threats before we eventually got him back, and I don't know what we'd have done had the police not gone to their door. Thinking we'd called them, they opened their back door, and our cat ran home to us.

We did keep him inside ourselves after that, and he got to rather like the extra attention he was getting.

Good luck GJ. I hope you get Murphy back soon, and I hope his abcess is all better after the antibiotics you gave him. :hug:

the Bird 03-23-2008 08:23 PM

Oh, GreenJeans,

definately ask ALL the neighbors....especially ones that are friends with those people....

We had a cat years ago adopt a family 3 houses down....the poor cat was getting double shots and everything! When we finally realized it was when they decided the cat should be an indoor only cat!

They were nasty to us, claiming the cat had always been theirs!!!

I only have indoor cats now that I'm "grown"!! LOL Well, with the exception of girls are "old" They are 15 and at least 13 years old....

Erin524 03-23-2008 08:43 PM

My poodle Chako escaped once from a kennel. We'd gone down South to visit my mom's parents, and on the way back we stopped at a hotel. Got back from Worlds (and Oceans) of Fun to find that my aunt had called to tell us Chako had taken off the night before when the kennel owner opened the door to his dog run and he took off.

Chako was probaby looking for home and couldnt find it.

We got home the next day and my mom and I went looking for Chako around the kennel. It was in a rural area on the north side of town. I was about 14 at the time, and we drove up and down a bunch of streets. I kept wanting to go east, and we looked for hours.

Turns out, that when we stopped to go home the last day we were out looking for him, we were within maybe one or two blocks of where he was found. Someone found him on the side of the road about a week or so after he disappeared. He was starving (surprised me, because he was a good bunny hunter) They gave him some water, and some cat food and were able to get close enough to read his tags.

They called us and said they'd bring him home to us. My parents bought them a HUGE box of expensive chocolate candy (they had kids) and gave them a cash reward. (I think $50) I think they were really surprised that we rewarded them. They didnt seem to expect it, but were nice and took it anyways.

Chako was so happy to see us. He velcro-ed himself to the nearest human for the next few weeks. If my parents werent home, he'd be right next to me...he didnt like my sister much.

I was thrilled to get him back. He was one of my favorite possessions as a child. I got him the day after I broke my arm in 1980. He lasted longer than my first dog, a Yorkie named Killer, and my last dog TinyMonsters did. Killer was 11 when he died (kidney problems) and TinyMonsters died young. He was 9 and also had kidney problems. I might just get myself another poodle, since they seem to be tough little guys...

Hopefully you get your kitty cat back...There's nothing worse in pet ownership than losing the pet. When they die, that's bad, but at least you know what happened...but when they up and disappear on you, you're constantly wondering where the heck they are and if they're ok and being taken care of.

tkrik 03-24-2008 09:38 AM

GJ - I wouldn't hesitate to knock on their door. Even though you both care about this cat it is yours and it needs it's medicine. It would be cruel on their part to not give him back so he can have his medicine.

I do home he comes back and all will be well. Sending you some cyber:hug:'s.

braingonebad 03-24-2008 02:59 PM

GJ - I'd knock too. Tkrik has a good point about the meds. Anyone who cares for the cat would want him to get better, right?

Why people think keeping cats indoors is cruel baffles me.

I'm sure my dogs would rather run loose too. And the sheep and llamas and horses. Is that cruel too, keeping them in fences? Nobody seems to think so. and nobody wants to wake up and find a llama on their lawn, either, lol.

It's what is best for their critters. They know where the animals are, they can feed them and keep them safe.

I know plenty of house dwelling cats and they seem pretty content to me - well, as content as cats ever seem.


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