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cass3765 12-26-2011 04:17 PM

How do I live with an aneurysm?
Hi my name is Cass. I have recently been diagnosed with 3 aneurysms (6/12/11). There is 1 in the right PCommA, 7mm, 2mm in thr right PCA and 1 in the left PCommA, 3mm. I spent a few days in hospital after having a type optical seizure that sent my right side tingly n numb in parts especially my face, my 3rd in 2 weeks.
I have since suffered depression, anxeity, panic attacks. I cant drive or visit a shopping centre as I become fatigued, confused, i start shaking, my temperature rises. I am off to see my neurosurgeon in Jan 2012 to discuss my options. Ive had to give up work as it was a very physical job and I am very scared.
I am 46 i have 1 adult child and a littlen of 11y.o. I have been given little information and i have since visited my GP who has been a great help (she hurried me to hospital after discribing my "seizures".) I have also researched as much as i could to find out about my condition.
It has been wonderful to find this site and being able to read others stories and to know i am not alone. The thing i hate most is the amount of codeine i am taking as normal painkillers do nothing for the constant headache. Some days i want to curl p n die it becomes so draining. My partner has been a great wealth of support and now wears my apron. But I miss being able to walk long distances and play sport and attend zumba classes and I feel right now like my life is wasting away.
I am in Australia and I was diagnosed just as everyone closed down for the xmas break. My question is this.. If I cant cope with trips out and can only feel comfortable and safe at home... how do i live, what kind of exercise can I do, how do I make the headaches stop without copious amounts od codeine each day?

ginnie 12-26-2011 04:37 PM

Dear Cass
Dear Cass, No, you are not alone, even in this forum, there are others who have Aneurysms. I have read up on it too, and I understand how frightened you are. The one gentle man that I have talked to through neuro talk is SDfence. He may be able to give you information on aneursm, and a book that his doctor wrote about the condition. Are you having surgery, did have it? I will re-read your post. I am really glad you found neruo-talk. I hope others will chime in to welcome you to this site. Do keep coming back here. There is information that should come from others who have knowledge about this more than I do. I am just a member who knows someone with your medical problem. I have cervial issues etc. Take care and be at peace. ginnie

Lynn 12-26-2011 08:35 PM

Hi Cass

What part of Australia are you in? I live in Central Western NSW and had an aneurysm clipped successfully in 2004. Pretty lousy deal leaving you hanging with this scary diagnosis and no tools or information to deal with it.

The good news is, that there is most likely a surgical option (like clipping or coiling with titanium coils) available to repair and/or strengthen your aneurysms. You will need to be guided by what your specialists tell you. The repair options depend on the the type of aneurysm, their size and location, and your age and general health.

The best advice I can give you, is to try and stay calm - yeah, sure - easy for me to say. Don't do anything that will cause physical stress or strain, remember that you have found it before it has really found you. That is a good thing.

:o Ummmm - this is a delcate topic, but codeine can cause you to become constipated - and straining is not a good thing for you to be doing. So make sure that you keep your fluids up, and eat lots of fibre rich food.

Take care of yourself and be hopeful - you are certainly not alone and this is a good place to come for support.



Lynn 12-27-2011 07:42 AM

By the way Cass

I will not be online for the next few days - I will be checking as often as I can to see how you are.

I just don' t want you to think I have not been there for you



ginnie 12-27-2011 10:12 AM

Hello Cass
Hi Cass, I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you. I sure hope you get to see your specialist soon. You will have options on what can be done about your aneurysms. I agree with the other post, it is hard to be left waiting with this haning, and unresolved. Please do post and let me know how you are doing. There is nothing worse than feeling alone in a situation out of your control. The name of a famous Dr. in our country is Dr Spetzler. He has written a teaching text on the subject. Maybe the book is available in your country also. Please be careful, and know that there are other people who care about you. You are in my prayers. ginnie

cass3765 12-27-2011 03:43 PM

Thank u all for ur generous support, Im in Sydney and Im attending Royal North Shore Hospital. The wait to see the neurosurgeon is the hardest I have another 3 weeks b4 my appointment. My partner was terribly worried about me yesterday after we had to visit centrelink to discover it was closed. I became very dizzy and full of headache. It was a very draining experience.
The codeine plays merry havoc on my belly as I also suffer with diverticulitis and try hard not to take anything for the headaches, but some days its unbearable and I succumb to the little white pills. I have increased my water n fruit intake and have plenty of nuts n grains on hand to eleviate the "constipation".
I have read plenty now about my options and I do worry about either option although there are more success stories than bad ones so I am staying hopeful. This site and support has been a great source of positive for me and even on those "bad" days I try and keep positive.
I will come here often and keep u posted on my progress.

Lynn 12-31-2011 09:42 AM

Hi Cass

I had my surgery at Westmead Private Hospital. My cranio-vascular surgeon was Dr Mark Dexter. He was fantastic - very skilled and extrememly gentle and kind.

In a controlled environment (I mean planned surgery to repair unruptured aneurysms), these are very safe surgeries, and the success rate is very high.

When you go for your appointment, make sure you write all of your questions down and take someone with you that you can trust - maybe even ask them to take notes for you. If you are anything like me, you will walk out of there and not remember everything that the doctor says, or forget to ask something important.



cass3765 12-31-2011 03:49 PM

Hi Lynn,
Happy New Year, may the new year bring u lots of love laughter and good tidings.
I dont know who my surgeon will be until my appointment, the joys of being a public patient lol. That is 25 Jan 2012, only a few weeks away.
I have my partner coming with me and I have already started writing down questions regarding both surgical options and I downloaded the book by Dr Speztler which was a great source of information to my family and myself. I have moved from being freaked now to being a bit better informed and I have decided not to spend anymore time researchig aneurysms as I think that was upsetting me more than informing me.
I will keep u posted once Ive had my surgeons appointment.
Thank u so much for ur support,

ginnie 12-31-2011 05:44 PM

hi cass
SD fence was the gentleman that told me about that Doctor.. He was the one who did his surgery I think in arizona. He is the one who gave me that information and posted about it too. I wish you all the best as you seek the solution for this trouble. Fence will be glad you down loaded this book. Be informed, don't let fear get in the way of finding out what you need to know to make an informed decision. That is kind of the way I approach my own medical conditions these days. I will be thinking of you. I will also let fence know what you did. ginnie

SDFencer 01-01-2012 01:18 PM

Hey Cass: I hope the books help. My tale of woe is that I have had 2 brain surgeries, 3 strokes and 4 seizures in the last 5 years. I know this board seems to be a "can you top this?" of conditions. I still rank in the top few because I had a fusiform aneurysm in my basilar artery. That one was fixed with stents and at the follow up angio they found a new one right above it. So they did a craniotomy, flow reversal, bypass, and clipping of the new trouble zone. The two aneurysms seem to still be growing. So as I tell people, "I have an exploding head and I'm not arfaid to use it, so don't make me angry."

Dr. Spetzler was the man who had his hands in my head. He is a very nice man. Before my surgery I read his book and went to the medical school and researched his surgical texts. I asked him to autograph his book and after my wife and I walked out and I looked at the inscription and told my wife, " I hope he operates neater than he writes." But a messy writer is the sign of a good surgeon. Right?

Dr. Nussbaum's book is also very well written and is a good book for family and patients. I tend to be an informatio-a-holic and research everything to death. I would look at any brain associations in AU as well. They are tremendous help. Brain Injury Austrailia is and in NSW there is on facebook.

I am always worried that a rise in adrenalin or BP is going to have me pop like a balloon. However my surgeons tell me I can't live in fear. (want to bet?) So I am a nationally ranked wheelchair fencer in the US. I do walk, but if I try to fence on my feet I fall right over.

So drop me a note if you fancy a chat.

cass3765 01-03-2012 08:19 PM

I cant believe the support that u guys have shown me and beleive me i am eternally grateful.
My first reaction to being freaked was to be told that all is well but we have found 3 aneurysms in your brain, followed by size. I wasnt told anything else. I spent from 8am in the emergency dept, lying on a bed being doped up with codeine. I was then offered ibuproven on top which i rejected as my diverticulitis doesnt like it. So then i was given endone, which knocked me out even further. Sometime in the afternoon i had the ct scan (contrast). around 6pm my eldest child turned up demanding to see the doc treating me to find out what was happening. about an hr later I was told of the discovery and that i would now be having a spinal tap. I still hadnt been told where i was standing in all this n left alone. My family left, my daughter in tears and i was still none the wiser.
The spinal tap was done and by this time... 13hrs later i asked for a sip of water as i hadnt anything since entering the hospital doors and was feeling terribly nauseous after all those drugs. a nurse told me i wasnt allowed anything at this point in time, but offered no explanation as to why. I again asked to which a doctor told me that i may be having surgery... surgery i thought, on what, where, why? Still no explanation.
By 11pm I saw the surgeon who had informed me that my spinal fluid was clear and that i will be sent to a ward as soon as a bed is available. The surgeon seemed somewhat releived as he said he wasnt a brain surgeon... that scared the hell outa me. A surgeon prepared to cut into my head without having much brain surgery experience?? cant be!!
I finally arrived at the ward just on midnight where a lovely nurse finally offered me a cup of tea which only took 2 sips to finish. I discovered that i was in a mixed ward of 4 beds... 2 women, 2 men. 1 of the men kept us awake most of the night with his roaring snore and constant complaints of other patients noises. If i had the energy i would have escaped.
after a few days of rest i was alllowed to leave, no information, an intern who whispered "i think u have been taking party drugs" in my ear... my reply... u have my blood, go find out for urself! cause im damm sure i havent! I was told nothing of the type of aneurysms, where they were, how they intend on dealing with them and how to live until they do. All i was given was a box of panadol, a box of somac ( for my intestines), a work certificate for 2 weeks off and a discharge letter with appointment instructions at outpatients.
It wasnt till i got home i opened and read the discharge papers that i knew anything of my condition. I burst into tears and then started researching. My partner went to work the following day and after just 3 hrs there he was coming home to console my hysterical self.
My work refused to have me back until i have an all clear from the surgeon, my partner lost his job as he was more worried about me and could not concentrate. I visited my gp who gave me a certificate for 3 months off so i could get sickness benefits and a carers allowance and now we just sit at home waiting.
Finding u all has been great. I know i am not alone and certainly not in the SDFencer league of aneurysms and can feel alot more secure about where i am today.
Thanks again for the support so generously shown to me, and hopefully i can in turn support u all and others.
also thanks for letting me write a very very long reply lol

ginnie 01-04-2012 12:19 PM

Hi Cass
I am glad you found this site too. also that you discovered this good soul SDfencer. He has been through so much, yet he opens up for council and advise. I have been in contact with him and have the upmost respect for his knowledge and the humanity he shows. He is a "light" to help guide the way for people with your condition.
I am horrified however with how you were treated in the hospital. There is no excuse that I can think of, that would send a patient home, uniformed and terrified to death. This is unexcuseable in my opinion. You needed to be informed of the situation while you were in the hospital, and be seen and evaluated by the neruo surgeon on all facets of your condition. It upset you this way, and your family. I hope that you have the specialist now, and a direction to find the proper solution. That book that SDfencer led you too, is written by one of the best in the country. Even if I had fear, I would read it. It is easier to make an informed decision. Also the doctors won't say anything to you that you will not understand. Learning the medical terms, takes the confusion away. I will be thinking of you cass, and hoping for the best result for you. Please stay with this site, and let me and others know how you are doing. I wish I had that magic wand to make this go away. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and you go forward. I am sending an angel to help guard you. ginnie:Boy(angel-flying)::Heart::Girl(angel-flying):

cass3765 01-05-2012 09:17 PM

Today i feel alot better. I managed to walk into the sopping centre with my partner who held my hand tight offering me security and leading the way i dont need to think.
I have stopped taking all the codeine as i felt horrible, couldnt concentrate and really felt "dum". I just deal with the headache and as much as it can get a bit yucky i feel much better than being "doped" up.
I have a friend who is a nurse and is helping me write a letter of complaint to the hospital as we all feel the treatment or lack there of was un warranted and needs to be addressed regardless of whether im a paublic patient or not. I feel the "party drugs" comment also needs to be addressed.
Im feeling more alive today and well versed in my condition. any more reading and I will be able to instruct the surgeon on the procedure lol
Thank you so much for ur angel Ginnie, knowing there is one sitting over my shoulder keeps me smiling.
SDFencer, I will be in contact for a chat once I have seen the surgeon. I am feeling more comfortable within myself atm, but rest assured I will come asking questions if they arise and keep me awake.
I do have a question for u all tho. At what time did u realise there was something wrong? I have problems thinking fast, I forget some words when im put on the spot, some things i could spell without effort takes me time now and did any of u find white lights noises and crowds affect u when u were out? As in confusion, sometimes all the glare n sounds confronting?
All my love to my new found friends

Lynn 01-06-2012 06:40 AM

Hi Cass

Sounds like you got a raw deal at the hospital. I hope things get sorted and your appointment with the Neurosurgeon is more sensitive and informative. I was lucky, I had no headache or anything before they found my aneurysm. They found mine because I have Multiple Sclerosis and they were testing for other stuff - so I got lucky. I am wondering why they did the spinal tap - unless they were looking for meningitis????



ginnie 01-06-2012 09:30 AM

Hi Cass,
I am really glad that you are a bit more comfortable. sometimes having the information you need, makes dealing with a situation much better. Keep in touch with SDfencer. He is the most knowledgable, and good grief he has read enough about this aneurysm condition. His research was in-depth. I am here to listen to you any time you need to talk. We all need each other no matter what our conditions are. I will continue to send an angel to sit beside you if you should feel alone. You arn't alone, I actually do have a list of the people I have met here, so that I keep their names in front of me at all times I am on the PC. Be good to yourself, while you go through the process of finding the correct help. ginnie:Boy(angel-flying)::Girl(angel-flying):

cass3765 01-07-2012 01:41 AM

Hello ladies,
I have had such a nice day today, did a spot of gardening, relaxed under my big old tree and teased my partner about learning to use that dreaded lawn mower lol.
Lynn... they did a spinal tap to find out if i was bleeding as my symptoms were that of a minor stroke. With no blood found my GP suggested i may have had a t.i.a. My Gp has been answering all my questions that the hospital didnt tell me. at times they are assumptions based on the discharge reports sent to her, as well as my constant questioning why i am doing strange things, thinking or lack of.
I hope u are all well and in good spirits
All my love

terri19651 01-09-2012 03:34 PM

Share the pain
Hi Cass,

My name is Terri and I started having seizures in 2005 and Dr. found aneurysms behind my right eye. Had surgery four months later to double clipped aneurysms.
Post surgery in 2008 I had back to back seizures 5 times and was hospitalized for two weeks. The Dr. changed my seizure meds to solve this problem.

Just wanted to share with you that I experience all the same mental problems that you have encountered and it took me until now to start feeling normal again.

Be strong make goals for accomplishing things one thing at a time and things will get better.

Thanks you and thank God


Janet_B 01-13-2012 03:55 PM

Hi, Cass. My name is Janet and I'm new to this board, but certainly not new to cerebral aneurysms. Mine ruptured over 14 years ago without any advance warning. I had emergency surgery to clip it and I survived and recovered.

I pray that you're able to see a neurosurgeon soon. The waiting must be absolutely horrendous. The headaches, the fear, the uncertainty...all have to be taking a toll on you. Don't lose faith!

Remember that you have something working to your advantage. The fact that your aneurysms were detected before rupture immediately shifted the odds in your favor. Planned surgery is far less risky than the same procedure performed under emergency conditions. If you can get avoid a bleed, you greatly reduce the risk of complications and disability - and shorten your recovery time.

If you haven't already done so, you might want to Google "The Brain Aneurysm Foundation." Their website offers some pretty straightforward answers to frequently asked questions. Information about the condition is much more widely available now than it was back when my "bubble" burst. Knowing you're not alone helps - and trust me, you're not alone. Cerebral aneurysms are more common that people think. I don't have the statistics at hand, but I believe the estimate was 6% of the U.S. population have undetected cerebral aneurysms. It may seem like a small percentage, but it works out to a LOT of people.

Don't hesitate to contact me if there's anything I can do to help you through this tough time. Be good to yourself. Get plenty of rest and eat healthy, nourishing foods. It's okay to take it easy. Most brain aneurysms can be sucessfully treated. Expect the best results and be patient with yourself while you recover. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

ginnie 01-13-2012 04:34 PM

Hi Janet
I just wanted to welcome you to Neuro Talk. Your post to Cass was so wonderful and full of hope. Thank you for coming on to NT with such positive and good information. I like to greet new people, and I could not have done any better than the kindness you expressed to Cass. I also know waiting can be such a difficult thing to do, when you are frightened. I hope you come back to NT often. I am glad to meet you. ginnie:welcome_sign::Good-Post:

cass3765 01-15-2012 10:35 PM

Hi Janet,
Thank you for ur kind words. Its a pain sitting and waiting but Im now on the countdown, my appointment is next wednesday 25 jan, I have annoyed my family everyday reminding them we are 1 day closer lol. I think i have even given myself a few headaches with all the reading but Im certainly more equipped to fire off a million questions to the surgeon.

Hi Ginnie, its always lovely to see u here, ur angels and ur thoughts have kept me smiling and with Lynn I feel well supported and looking forward to getting to the final stages of the annie trial.

Maybe u have some questions that i havent thought of that possibly first timers dont think to ask. I have a list as long as my arm regarding recovery, dealing with all 3 while "under" and the common questions regarding the various options ive read up on.

I think I have covered all bases and eagerly looking forward to letting u all know my surgeons opinions.

Welcome Janet and Terri to NT, I do hope we all see u again soon. Once again a big Thank you.

hugs to all xxx

ginnie 01-16-2012 09:39 AM

Hi Cass
That angel I sent around your way is still sitting on your shoulder. I am glad you have ready all the questions you will ask your doctor. Waiting for that all important office visit, is what I call "hard time". I hope this day finds you outside again, walking the dog, and in less pain. ginnie

cass3765 01-22-2012 04:34 PM

Yesterday i had another optical seizure, that will be number 5 since mid november, 2 days to go to the surgeon, im over it, my eye hurts, my head hurts, my partner is running low on energy and the only positive yesterday was no major headache that would suggest rupture. Plenty of water, codeine and a full day/night sedated and i feel ok today, just sore.
How much more i can take, i dont know, wait n watch program is out of the question I cant do this anymore. I just have to hope the surgeon is willing to fix me up.
Im sad n angry n want it over with.

ginnie 01-22-2012 04:50 PM

Hi cass
I am sorry you are going though so much. I wish it were over with too, and that the surgeon can fix it. Nobody would want to go through that. Please be brave. I am thinking about you and praying for you. Don't hesitate to contact SDfencer for support in PM. He lives with this horrible thing to. The doctors did say that they would operate didn't they? I wish I could do something to lift your spirits. I don't think I would have done as good as eithor of you have. My neighbor went through this too, and had his surgery about a year ago. he is doing very well, but a bit frail. he is 48 years old or there about. He had brain cancer followed by aneurysm. He is OK however and not in pain. I hope that you get to be free of this. ginnie

ginnie 01-22-2012 04:51 PM

2 days cass
I will be with you in spirit in the two days, and hope the surgeon will help you. ginnie

cass3765 01-22-2012 07:54 PM

Hi Ginnie,
I have little memory of wot the doctor told me while i was in hospital, i can only remember them telling me its borderline for surgery. I guess Ill know in 2 days time... Ill update once i have some news
Much love n big hugs

ginnie 01-22-2012 08:20 PM

Hope cass
I will hope and pray that the doctors can fix this for you. I will be here of course wanting to know how you are and what the doc. says. Be at peace tonight. ginnie

cass3765 02-01-2012 05:22 PM

hi all,
Been in hospital for the past 8 days, released last night. Seems I have migrane disease and they finally got it under control. A few days ago i started to stutter, first thought to be a side effect of the drug used to control migrane, but after MRI came back all clear we decided that it was possibly stress n anxiety. Today the stutter has decreased, speech therapist recomended a new way to talk which has helped greatly, just gotta watch those stress levels so it doesnt turn into something else or stuttering returns.
Im off for an angiogram in 2 weeks and then back to surgeon for treatment plan. Keep u all posted.

ginnie 02-01-2012 06:04 PM

Re: home
glad you are home cass. does this mean you don't have the annies? Just the migrane disease? Sure glad you got home, as hospitals are no fun, and no place to rest. sleep good to night and catch up here when you feel better. all of us were thinking of you. ginnie

cass3765 02-02-2012 03:35 PM

Hi Ginnie,
I have both, migrane disease and annies. I also now sport a stutter which we thought was due to the new drug Im on, but turns out its all anxeity/stress. I guess thats what happens when the partner is not coping and picks fights as soon as I walk in the door. I just gotta hope he calms down soon n gets a grip on it all instead of blaming me for bringing this on myself.
One good thing from the hospital stay is giving up smoking. Im loving it and would love it more if my partner would take his smoking outside. He does till I go to bed then thinks its ok to smoke inside, of course i wake up to stale smoke. Not pleasent but just creates an argument if i complain.
Anyways, Im doin ok for now, looking forward to getting the ball rolling so i can heal n get on with life.
Much love n big hugs
Cass xxx

ginnie 02-02-2012 04:06 PM

Hi cass
Stress can wipe a person out, thats for sure. That is my issue as well. Did your annies get fixed while you were in with stents? I hope your migranes go away too so you can get on with life. Tell your partner, that you didn't bring this on yourself, nobody asks to get these terrible thing. There is fighting at this house too. I don't like being ordered about, when I can barely walk.
My PCP is calling my pain specialist and asking for more help for me until I get surgery to get this joint replaced. The pain is awful. Hope you are feeling better and get better support at home so you can heal. ginnie

cass3765 02-04-2012 06:24 AM

Thats terrible, I hate being ordered about too. When u can barely cope with the pain n suffering u just want ur family to back off n give u the space n time needed to hurt n heal... The stress on care givers is great I cared for 2 cancer sufferers and swore I would never want to go down that path again, but NEVER did I make demands on them, all I did was feed open curtains to see the sun shine and help when i was called to n left them alone when they wanted it. We need the same now, we need to feel loved n not blamed, we need to be asked not ordered and we need to know that its ok to hurt without guilt.
Im yet to start my journey Im still waiting, my partner thinks im incapable of helping him cook or clean the house, I cant do it all but im not broke enough to not help. He wants to manage my every move so his life is easy... what about mine??? My life is a minute by minute hell, he cant understand that his and my daughters worries become mine. I was cruel enough to demand that he keep his feelings to himself from now on as I have enough to deal with. Didnt get me anywhere just another argument. Now my speech is almost non existant, my throat hurts and I am really sick of being the only one that can hear me. I love him for trying to care for me I just wish he would take my lead, allow me to tell him what I need and in turn how I can help.
Ahhh the horrors of being ill and being a carer. Im ready to call a friend to come step in n take him away from me for a few days, we both need to breath before surgery.
I guess its the same for u too. Im sooo sad that ur in so much pain and unable to walk much, hoping n praying for u that ur doc gets the help u need. Sharing my angel with u
Big hugs ginnie n butterfly kisses for ur forehead to help calm u some

Lynn 02-04-2012 07:59 AM

Hi Cass

I totally understand your frustration, but don't forget - men are wired to 'fix' things. Women 'talk', men 'do'.

If they can't fix it, then they feel useless and that may explain why he wants to do everything for you - because he feels powerless in this situation (as we all are - this is unpredictable and beyond our control).

Try writing him a letter, or getting someone you trust to talk to him. I really feel that a lot of the time partners and families are the biggest victims in this whole annnie journey. We have the power to take action, fight this, and hang on, but they just have to sit and watch it all go on around them. Often times, their world will spin out of control if something happens to us.

So, be patient, loving and kind. He is going through a massive ordeal too.

Go softly, but never give up your right to love, respect and understanding. You are right, his daughter's problems can't be yours right now - you have enough of your own.


ginnie 02-04-2012 12:01 PM

Hi Cass/lynn
I did what Lynn said, I wrote a letter to my help person. I laid out exactly what was bothering me and why, and it has worked. I think Lynn had a good idea you may want to try at your house. Even to daughter, you do have enough to go through until your surgery. We sure need to talk here don't we>
After an 8 hour battle with two doctors, and lack of communication between offices I got some relief at 7 p.m. My pain specialist is a good guy, but his staff is horrible to say the least. I won't go into it, but it was very sad to be treated as if I were dishonest, or criminal. For example "why did you quit taking your medicine?" I replied it did work,, she said I didn't give it enough time, well I had been on it since the 11th of last month. NO respect at all.
I am doing alot better this morning. My biopsy came back negative, Thank God for that. I have two appts. next week, with the rest of my crew to keep my body in shape.
I do hope you have a good weekend and like football. I will be glued to the TV, even though no teams I wanted to win in the playoffs will be at the superbowl. Have some fun Cass!
Lynn, I hope you have a good week end too. I don't know you very well, but I hope to some day. ginnie

cass3765 02-04-2012 04:01 PM

Hi Lynn,
I had tried that and yes I do understand he is under alot of strain. I was a carer as well and its a nightmare, but I didnt rush nor push. I think my partners problem is that he is a manager outside of the house n now trying to be one inside the house. I will be calling a friend as he needs to talk to someone as much as i do and he needs to get things figured in his own mind without taking them out on me. I tried taking control of a spiraling situation and realised that I just cant. Being a carer is not fun at all and not easy. I do think of him going thru this and since i have been where he is Im trying to help him help me. Of course thats not going to happen lol.

Hi Ginnie,
I do like footy but not american footy. I am gearing up for our state of origin, I hope to be able to yell at the telly come June/July and make my kids laugh. Im usually a quiet person till the footy comes on. I dont watch weekend matches but I have plenty of garden that needs tending today while the sun shines. We have had noting but constant rain for weeks now. I think 2 days in the past 3 weeks has been clear.
Anyway I wish both u lovely ladies a great weekend and whoever u barrack for Ginnie I hope u have a win. Good to hear they sorted out ur pain n feeling more at ease today
Much love n big hugs

cass3765 02-11-2012 04:20 AM

All has finally calmed down at home... too much frustration was sorted out.

My partner was getting frustrated with me for not sitting all day long. He now understands I can help and will offer to help and Im not completely incapable and I do call out when it all becomes too much.

I had a good week this week, I managed a trip to the shops with my partner just to get out n have a walk about. We were out for about an hour when i was finally pooped and asked to go home. The following day i wanted to go up to the local shop n get some stuff for scrapbooking. The plan went well till i wanted to buy a cup of coffee and couldnt remember my pin to my card. I paniced n went to the bank in ears where i was met by a lovely Teller who organised me and sent me on my way. I enjoyed my cuppa and bought what I needed and headed back home. Because I had a big day on my own and a bit emotional too I ended up with a killer Migraine which upset my partner. we got it under control but we both now realise I simply cant go out alone for now and will have to limit trips to no more then 1 hr.
What I noticed was my speech got terribly worse when I paniced and the staff in the shops treated me as if I had a mental disorder not a speech issue, so im now setting out to create a witty T-Shirt to wear out on such occasions. A friend had also suggested I make up a couple of witty badges instead of shirts to pop on when struggling in public.
I certainly dont think and act as I did 6 months ago and I just hope it all comes back after my op.
Speaking of Op's. Since my second trip to hospital was on the day before my surgeon appointment I have been placed back to the bottom of the waiting line which means right now we dont know when I will get into see him but it looks like nothing will be happening this side of July at least. I will keep u all posted tho.
Much love n big hugs to all,

cass3765 02-15-2012 03:38 PM

woohoo I finally got another appointment quicker then expected. Im back to surgeon next wed, heres hoping I keep a cool and calm head and dont miss this one. Then the ball will be rolling and the annies on their way to being fixed.

ginnie 02-15-2012 03:49 PM

Re: good wishes cass
I hope all goes well, and that you can be fixed up soon. Get that taken care of and you will feel alot better. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. ginnie

Lynn 02-18-2012 12:08 AM

I hope your appointment goes really well - don't forget to take all of your questions. Let us know how you get on.



cass3765 02-22-2012 02:37 AM

Hi all,
I had my appointment today, my angiogram is being booked and will take place in a few weeks. Following that, my surgeon sits as the outpatients clinic once a month so we are looking at possibly April for next appointment with the surgeon. They are only looking at the 7mm Annie with the other 2 being put on the wait and watch program. After I have seen the surgeon then we will be looking at either coiling or clipping within 6 months of that. So I guess most of this year will be taken up with quick appointments followed by months of waiting.
At least we are moving forward. The doctors assure me that my TIA's and migraine disease arent related to the annies, but somehow I beg to differ since it all happened at the same time. They the experts tho so I have to go with what they say and hope they are right. I am not returning to work till all this is over as I feel the type of work I was doing brought all of this up in the first place.
Good news, a few steps forward, cant ask for more then that.
Big hugs to all!

Lynn 02-22-2012 06:39 AM

Good luck Cass

I hope you get some answers and some actions soon. I am glad that you have been given some timeframes and some direction.



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