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Abbie 01-14-2007 03:44 PM

Wonder Thread #23
I wonder why it is... when you need a hug the most... you're alone?

Curious 01-14-2007 03:54 PM

i i heard that a certain somebody needed a hug?

Attachment 681

FeelinGoofy 01-14-2007 04:22 PM

{{{{{HUG}}}}} for Abbie

i wonder if i spelled her name right :rolleyes:

i wonder if we're going to get any more sleet,freezing rain, or snow?

I wonder if you guys know my hubby and i just went to get some milk and over to Hastings to get a movie, and the main roads are not bad at all.

i wonder if my potato soup will turn out, i'm trying a new recipe. :rolleyes:

Julie 01-15-2007 11:23 AM

Wonder Thread #23
I wonder why people think that bringing up old hurts is something good.

I wonder if that person will realize the damage he has done.

I wonder at all the people who have no shelter and how they faired in 23 degree temps last night.

I wonder if my internet is going to stay up as our cable seems to have gone frrrrzzztttttt.

I wonder at the neighbors pulling their kids on an ATV through peoples yards on sleds.

I wonder if the word idiot has ever entered their vocabulary.

I wonder if everybody is thawing out.

I wonder if Mr. and Mrs. Alffe are with Mr. and Mrs. Goldenbooger.

I wonder at the cars slip sliding on the roads...what is so important that you drive on ice.

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room.

SeamsLikeStitches 01-15-2007 02:02 PM

I wonder if you all are staying warm back there. It is cold here, but not as cold there.

I wonder if Abbie knows we all care?

I wonder if this cold I've got will hang on as long as every one else's did?

I wonder if "Rich" will call me after our date Saturday night? It was our first date.

I wonder if my little Tinkerbell got her medicine this morning from her mommy who is not always too responsible about things.

I wonder why my company has to work today and everyone else is off.

I wonder if that potato soup will be ready when I get to Goofy's house?

FeelinGoofy 01-15-2007 03:04 PM

I wonder if Seams knows the potato soup is gone!!!!:rolleyes: i have a 6'5 16 year old son who has a bottomless pit for a tummy.

i wonder how Abbie is doing today?

i wonder if Julie is ok?

i wonder if the Alffe's are having a good time?

i wonder about all the terrible accidents that are happening around the united states because of this ice storm :Sigh:

i wonder if i made the right decision today about something that i've been trying to decide on for a long time.....

i wonder if you can tell i'm bored as i've been on the computer more the past couple days than i have in weeks....:rolleyes:

i wonder if i should try and make these peanutbutter ball deals that i found a recipe for yesterday... They have rice krispy cereal in them and they sound really YUMMY!!!!:icon_wink: (you dip them in chocolate) :rolleyes:

Julie 01-15-2007 11:30 PM

I wonder if I can say OMG it's so cold outside Can you believe that it is 27 now and supposed to be 22????

Abbie 01-15-2007 11:36 PM

it's 27 here.... windchill makes it feel like 17....

low tonight is supposed to be 13

wonder what the windchill will make it feel like....

wonder if everyone know that I deaply appreciate their thoughts and want all to know that i'm getting by second by second...that's the best i can do right now.....

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-16-2007 08:17 AM

I wonder if i can tell feelingoofy that i would love to exchange tater soup
recipes with her.
I also make a big pot about every other week in the winter!
I wonder if feelingoofy makes grilled cheese with her's also?
I wonder if feelingoofy knows that when my son lived at home we didn't have any leftovers either.LOL
Now i take some to my parents..
I wonder if i could leave a hug for abbie too..even if i am a bit late..
{{{warm hugs}}}
I wonder if i can tell her that sometimes we all have to take life seconds at a time.Whatever it takes to get you through.So long as you make it girl!!
I wonder if i can tell y'all that we got light snow overnight and it's 28 degrees this morning here..
When i came back from dropping my kitties off to get spayed/neutered it was still snowing:rolleyes:
I wonder if my kitties will be ok today and if they wonder where i am...
I wonder if they are sleeping yet.I sure hope so..There were alot of animals there already even though we were right on time!They will be scared and they were in seperate cages.They have never been seperated.
I wonder if rich will call seams as well.I sure hope so...If not..I hope you call him..heehee
I wonder why people feel the need to bring up old hurts too Julie.Some people just thrive on these kinds of things..sadly!
I wonder if i can leave a {{{{hug}}}for Julie
I wonder if i can leave a {{{{{{{{bighug}}}}}}for the room.

FeelinGoofy 01-16-2007 09:08 AM

i wonder if it got down to "7" last night like they were predicting :yikes:

i wonder why i've got such a horrid headache this morning :(

i wonder if our little alzheimers lady at work is still alive? they usually call me if something happens.

i wonder what the dermatologist will say about Scott eczema today.

i wonder if Kelli puts cheese in her potato soup?

i wonder if the ice will melt enough today that they will resume school tomorrow?

i wonder why our school does not make allowances for snow days in their calender? They use to....:Sigh:

I wonder if Abbie knows she is in my thoughts and prayers today.

i wonder if i can say :Wave-Hello: hi to those who are lurking and wish you a good Tuesday today.....

Doody 01-16-2007 09:45 AM

It's -6 degrees here this morning. :eek:

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-16-2007 06:49 PM

The winner iiiissss Doody...heehee
I think it's coldest where your at woman!!

It's still 23 here..But mighty cold with the wind.We have had
snow alllll day long.I didn't put my car in the garage today.So when i left to pick up my kitties from the vet and my girl from school.Guess what i got to do??
Winter has arrived!!

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-16-2007 06:57 PM

I wonder why i forgot which thread i was in:confused:
I wonder if i can tell goofy that i do indeed put cheese in my
tater soup..:D
Only i put it in after it's in the bowl...:D
Along with a few pinches of dill weed and fresh pieces of crushed up cooked bacon..heehee
I wonder if i can eventually get feelingoofy's recipe this way?LOL

I also wonder how your patient is doin tonight{{{{goofy}}}}
I wonder why i'm wonderin for the second time today???Maybe because i have been awake for 32 hours:eek:
I wonder why it seems to snow like krazy while my girl is in school.Then quit when she gets home.I bet they dont cancel school tomorrow either!
Iwonder if i can tell everyone that is feelin bad tonight,that i hope you wake up tomorrow feelin like your burdens have been lifted somewhat.

Curious 01-16-2007 06:58 PM

:winner_first_h4h: i wonder if doddy has a frozen margertita in her winner's cup?

i wonder why i'm happy i didn't win? :D

i wonder if the alffe's and moi's are having a good time? i wonder if they miss us? ;) :p

i wonder how kimmie is?

i wonder if i can leave a (((((hug)))))) for jingle?

i wonder if i can leave a jar of tang for abbie?:Head-Spin:

i wonder if julie is going to drive all night long cuz she got her car fixed? :Wave-Hello:

i wonder what goofy found out about scott's eczema?

FeelinGoofy 01-16-2007 07:19 PM

I'm wondering what this thanks to curious thing is????:confused:

i'm also wondering when this ice will go away, school is canceled again tomorrow.

i wonder if i can finish my wonders after we eat... the timer just went off on the oven....:rolleyes:

Doody 01-16-2007 07:34 PM

I wonder if Goofy hasn't seen Doc John's post in Forum Feedback addressing the new 'Thanks' thingy...

I wonder if I can thank my cast, crew, the producers, the writers, and my family for this marvelous award bestowed upon me... :D

I wonder that we managed to get up to 1 degree today... :eek:

I wonder how to continue to cope with this awful tailbone pain, geesh I hate it!

I wonder at daughter's story this morning about granddoody's bath last night. Daughter reads to him while he's playing in his bath, but last night he kinda crouched in the tub and put his little arms on the side and looked at her and grinned. Then giggled. She asked him, "What is so funny!?" Then...bloop...bloop...2 little turdies floated to the top of the water. :rolleyes:

I wonder who could get mad at somebody who looks like this and deposits tub turdies... LOLOL! The little stinker!

Curious 01-16-2007 07:36 PM

i wonder if goofy knows docjohn posted about in community forum feedback this morning?

i wonder what goofy is having for dinner? i wonder if she knows i'm just heating up leftovers? ( i didn't know hubby and lil'monkey were going to be some so early! :eek: )

i wonder why the parent's of the girls from her track team who came to workout with her "assumed" hubby would take off from work and drive them ALL home? :( i wonder if they think chauffer service comes with the free membership? :Sigh: i wonder why he didn't get one thank you when he dropped each off?

i wonder if the tang i left for abbie came out her nose? :eek: :p

Abbie 01-16-2007 07:54 PM

I wonder why we can't keep the snow but lose the cold???

I wonder why it is that some teens don't know how to say thank you these days... my niece thinks I'm her free taxi.

I wonder if I can thank Curious for the tang...

I wonder if ya'll know that tang in powder form burns like crazy when it comes out your nose.... *hint---never take a mouthful of the powder when someone is around that could make you laugh or scare you.

I wonder if Doody knows that Granddoody is super adorable!!!

I wonder what Goofy fixed for dinner???

I wonder if I can send hugs to all and many thanks for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers!!!

FeelinGoofy 01-16-2007 08:56 PM

ok... i wonder if i'm dense or what......:rolleyes:
if i want to thank sombody i click on the word thanks on their name?:confused:
gotta thank doody for the smile. i just love those turd stories LOL

i wonder if i can tell you i made parmesan chicken for supper. with twice baked potatoes. of course my son doens't like baked potatoes, so he got some english peas. those, and occasionally green beans are the only veggies he'll eat other than lettuce. :Sigh:

i wonder if i'm nuts too...gee.... dense and nuts.... i'm on a roll.... ANYWAY back to my wonder, the reason i think i'm nuts is i'm getting ready to take my daughter to gymnastics on these icy streets:rolleyes: i called and they are open..... guess i'll catch you guys later.....

Curious 01-16-2007 09:07 PM

i wonder if goofy see's the "thanks" on the bottom right side of the posts? ( on default theme setting...i'll have to check the other themes)

i wonder if i can tell goofy for her and sis to be safe and warm?

jingle 01-16-2007 10:26 PM

I wonder about being tired of winter - lol.
We have been without power for 3 days and nights and out here in the woods that means no heat, no water, no nothin'. The telephones with answering machines, Caller ID, things like that, don't work. NO COMPUTER !!!

The temp this morning was 9* and the high today was 20*. With the fireplace we managed to keep the temp in the house at 53*.
It's been difficult but it's over now.

Julie 01-17-2007 09:14 AM

I wonder where my wonder went?

I wonder if my feeble mind can remember what I said.

I wonder if I can send warm, warm, warm and did I say warm hugs for dear Jingle.

I wonder how the predicted light dusting of snow has turned into one inch of snow and three total predicted.

I wonder why Dallas is keeping there schools open and everybody else is closed.

I wonder if our northern friends are laughing at our schools closing in one inch of snow.

I wonder how if EYC and Bible study are cancelled tonight.

I wonder at the wisdom of a button for thanks.

I wonder at the hatefulness of my sister.

I wonder if it was a good idea to move up here and rekindle our relationship.

I wonder if the Mr. and Mrs. Alffe's and the Who Moi's are having a blast.

i wonder if Doody really has a Maine Coon and can I tell her my sister used to raise and show them

I wonder if I can leave hugs.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-17-2007 10:39 AM

I wonder if i can tell jingle how happy i am to hear that of her utilities are back on!:)
I wonder at how beautiful it must be to live where she does.
Iwonder how long i can keep my female kittie from jumping.Oooh what a task......:eek:
I wonder if julie can just imagine the amount of snow we have.
I wonder at times why they do keep them open though...
I wonder if the alffe's are having a grand ole time so far in their wonderful weather...heehee
I wonder if i can leave hugs for the room.{{{{hugs}}}}}}

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-17-2007 11:10 AM

I wonder if i am losing my mind?????
I wonder if i can tell y'all the i just reread these wonders and i JUST SAW the thanks button..Lord have mercy on my poor feeble mind:D
I wonder if maybe i didn't get enough sleep the past 2 days:eek:
I wonder at how adorable lil grandoody is..He ALWAYS puts a smile on my face!!!:)
I wonder if doody tries sitting on her sides like i do..I always just rotate..:Sigh:
I wonder if i should just go on over to goofy's house for supper from now on..:D
I wonder if i should get up and get my day started already:Sigh:

jingle 01-17-2007 12:32 PM

I wonder if I can say that I agree with Julie (as usual :p ) about wondering about the new "Thanks" thingy (I've lost the correct word ~sigh~ on the boardd.
I wonder if I can say that it's still so very cold here in Missouri.
I wonder if everyone is as astonished as I am that husband hired someone to help me clean this house. It was completely trashed by all the fast, day and night trips in and out with all the wood for the fireplace and to check and gas the generator. Also it was difficult trying to find food ... the nearest open stores were over 25 miles away !

And I wonder if Julie understands that I understand the pain of , the extreme pain of trouble with sisters ~sigh~.

I wonder if everyone is doing OK with this terrible weather. I wonder if Alffe knows how happy we are that she's safe and warm.

FeelinGoofy 01-17-2007 05:13 PM

I wonder if i can thank Jingle for the Hug.........

I wonder if i can tell Jingle I'm so glad she checked in as i knew they'd probally lose power and i was worried about her :icon_wink:

i wonder at the kindness of our relatives Ricks aunt called from Oregon, his aunt called from Illinois, and my aunt called from Kansas.... I guess the town of McAlester here in Oklahoma has made the national news scene.... they got it BAD!!!!

I wonder if we'll really get 5 inches of snow on Saturday and Sunday.

I wonder if i can tell Kelli that she is welcome to come eat with us any time she wants.... Tonights meal isn't to exciting... i'm only fixing hamburgers.... LOL

I wonder if the kids will finally get to go back to school on Friday.... they've canceled again for tomorrow :(

I wonder what the weather is like for Alffe. Hopefully they are enjoying their visit and are having decent weather.

i wonder if i can tell you the little alzheimers lady at the place i work at was still alive yesterday, but wans't expected to make it through the night last night. You never know... i've not got the call today. I hope she makes it through the day today, as i found out yesterday, that today is one of her grandsons birthday.

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