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Hopeless 03-22-2016 12:05 PM

The rules keep changing, leaving me confused
I am guessing I am not the only one perplexed with food and weight.

Ever wonder why some people can eat all the "wrong" foods, lots of them, and never gain an ounce? And some people can eat very healthy and can't seem to lose a pound?

Well, if you have ever wondered about these strange phenomena, then you and I are not alone.

There is no simple answer in my opinion. I think a person's weight is much more complex. Eat too much and you gain weight. Don't eat enough and you gain weight due to your body thinking it is in starvation mode. Guess, simple calories in versus calories out is not the only thing at play.

One decade, the food pyramid is completely different from another decade.

Eat this, don't eat that. Well, that changes, too.

Low carbs .....

Low fat ......

No ONE answer works for everyone.

No wonder there are almost as many "diets" as there are people.

The only thing I know from my own personal experiences is that I could eat anything as long as I was very active, giving great credence to the calories in and calories out theory. When I became sedentary, my weight continually crept up on me.

There is not too much I can do about the sedentary lifestyle as it is the result of disability as many of us here experience.

For medical reasons, I have been on a very restrictive "low carbohydrate" diet for 9 years. Eating "healthy" does not translate into weight loss. Maybe portion control is the problem. Oops, tried THAT, too.

I am now in a position where losing some weight is essential for some newly developed health issues and don't know how to make that happen.

I have looked into so many different diets and diet plans and none some to be the answer for me.

I have a nephew that has had great success so far with a type of ketogenic diet but from what I have read, it would NOT fit my tastes.

I would never be able to sustain eating foods that I do not like and have never been able to swallow.

My current meal plan consists of LOTS of vegetables, (I LOVE MOST veggies) and a baked or boiled protein, such as chicken (boneless and skinless), turkey, fish, tuna, salmon, and the once in a blue moon, pork.

I guess I am considered a "picky" eater, as I don't like most fruits, nuts, berries, melons, etc. NEVER drink sodas or alcohol. The ONLY beverages I consume are water, coffee, and the occasional milk.

I don't use any seasonings and never cook with nor add salt to food. Not to say I never get "salt" in my food as I do eat out on some rare occasions and drink tons of water to quench my thirst from the salt in the food. I do not eat processed meats from the deli.

I rarely eat a sandwich, always a "hot" meal, avoid almost all starches with the exception of a banana every now and then. Don't purchase bread but once a year and throw most of it out.

I KNOW I could lose weight if I could engage in some physical activities, even little ones but that is not in the cards now.

Anyone with any ideas on how I can lose some weight? I have tried just about everything. I am sick of my low carb diet for the past 9 years without any reduction in my weight. I need to keep it low carb, but I also need to lose some pounds.


bizi 03-22-2016 12:41 PM

just a quick note to tell you that I read what you wrote and feel for you. I will post more later when I get home from work.
Track count calories.
STudies have shown it really is what you eat, calories in calories out.
Remember one pound equals 3500 calories so we have to eat 500 calories less each day to lose 1 pound. It is hard work!
I use to help track my food intake.
I need to lose the 20 pounds that I just gained in 4 months!

Hopeless 03-22-2016 03:02 PM

Hi bizi,

I have read some of your posts on YOUR thread and since it has grown to so many pages long, I thought I would start a new thread.

As long as I could be an active person, I never had a problem with my weight so I am a firm believer in exercise being a HUGE factor in MY ability to weight control.

The problem I am running into NOW is my life is so VERY sedentary, SEVERELY sedentary, that I would have to stop eating almost completely to burn calories. Breathing and sleeping burn very few as that is about all I manage to do the past couple years.

I can only stay up and awake for a few hours at a time and then I lay down, fall asleep for a few hours, and then repeat the process over and over all day until bedtime. I am always exhausted, even when I first wake after a full night's sleep. The last few weeks, my neighbor is even bringing my mail to me because it is so difficult for me to walk to my mailbox.

When I am "up", that means I am sitting in a chair, possibly at the computer, taking care of business or communicating with the outside world. Pain and fatigue take over and off to bed I go to lay down. Once in a prone position, I am sound asleep within a minute or two, even if I try to stay awake.

I used to "exercise" in bed but that has disappeared from my routine now as well.

I know that the excess weight is only adding to my pain and limitations but it has taken over.

I see people in wheelchairs that are of normal weight and wonder how THEY manage their calories with the limitations they have when I am not confined to a wheelchair, at least not yet.

Then I read that diet plays a larger part in weight control than exercise. I have a hard time believing that because that has never been my case. If diet were such a large factor, then I should be THIN. I must be doing something wrong. Maybe I am not drinking enough water as I know that is an important part of one's diet. I know my caloric intake is not excessive. In fact, it may be too little, and my body is constantly in "starvation mode".

I know from past experience, whenever I engaged in a physical activity that I enjoyed, I never had to worry about my weight. If I had accumulated any excess pounds, they fell off without any effort as soon as my activity level ramped up.

I am not a big fan of "diets" per se, eating healthy and well balanced has been my choice for an entire lifetime but due to illness, have had to watch what I eat (carbs) for several years now.

I am now faced with desperation to find some way to lose some weight even without the aid of "exercise" which I KNOW would work if only I could do some.

I guess I just needed to vent my frustrations today. Thanks for listening.

mrsD 03-22-2016 04:20 PM

You might want to read this book and website:

I found it very interesting. There are used book sellers for this on Amazon.

kiwi33 03-22-2016 06:28 PM

Hopeless, a few thoughts which you might find helpful.

I think that you are eating in a very healthy way. You could consider adding some whole-grain products (for example, brown rice and whole-grain breads) to what you eat. These are low GI which means that their glucose is released slowly during digestion and are good sources of fibre and some vitamins and minerals. I appreciate that you have medical reasons for avoiding carbohydrates so this is just an idea.

As a rule of thumb sustainable weight loss involves losing no more than about 1 kg (about 2 lb) per week - more than that may not be sustainable.

You could see what is called here an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD). APDs are qualified health professionals who can review the food intake of their clients and make constructive suggestions.

bizi 03-22-2016 06:33 PM

You need to be eating 1200 calories to lose weight, at least.
This is why you need to count your calories to see where you stand.
I wish you much luck in your journey toward better health and well being.

Vowel Lady 03-22-2016 07:34 PM

I have some very good ideas, I think, because they
work for me consistently. They include:

1. Drink a LOT of water in between meals. And make sure it is good quality water. My top two faves are Moutain Valley in the green glass bottle and Evian. You could google which waters seem to have good ratings. Perhaps buy a water filter. I try to always buy mine on sale.

If you are thirsty during a meal, just take a few sips of water.

I actually set a timer for 45 mins after eating a small meal and 60 mins. After a moderate meal (I don't eat any large meals because I'm in dieting mode again...I goofed off during the holidays. But I have it almost all off now :)

When the timer goes off, I drink one or two glasses of water. Then a little later, I'll drink another one or two, but never within 45 mins. of a meal.

Again, space out drinking your water so it is only clearly between meals helps with weight loss!

Additionally, reduce any other liquids. Let water be your only or primary liquid. Try not to drink any soda.

2. Also, I use my Fitness Pal App. Determine what cal. count you want to stick with. Perhaps have a doctor help you. Perhaps use google again to find a calculation based on your height, etc. for weight loss and then stick to that count. If in a week or two you don't lose weight being honest to that cal. count, lower it by 200-300 cals a day. Record your food intake daily and honestly. In other words, track your food intake, be honest, and be open to the idea you might have to go lower.

3. Give up sugar. Period.
Reduce intake of high glycemic fruits like bananas. Stick with apples, strawberries, pears, blueberries etc. in small portions. Greatly reduce in-take of flour or eliminate it. Try to eat lots of vegetables both cooked and raw.

I have found exercise to be a minor component in weight loss. Moderate walking around the block etc. is very helpful. It doesn't have to be hard core. For me, healthy foods, reduced calories, lots of water between meals and some (any at all) consistent movement spells definite weight loss.:)

PS consider taking at least a multi vitamin if you are not doing so already. If you do these things, within a day or two, it will be easier. Sugar is the devil it makes you crave more food AND it packs on the pounds. Additionally, all that water fills you up. Hence, more willpower.
Best of luck on this journey!

Hopeless 03-22-2016 08:52 PM

Thanks for the responses.

One thing I may have failed to mention is that I write down everything that crosses my lips all day every day and the time. The ONLY thing I do not record is my water intake and I think I may not be drinking as much as I used to drink.

You can name any day in the past 9 years and I can tell you EXACTLY what I consumed that day, not only the food but also each cup of coffee or swig of milk. Like I said, the only thing I can't tell you is how much water I drank. I do think I also recorded that for a short time but discontinued it. I was running out of space on my log when I added water to my listings.

I have also been under the supervision of dieticians for the past 9 years.

What prompted this sudden concern beside my newest medical issue was a recent and unexplained weight gain of about 17 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Just as suddenly, I lost 9 of those 17 pounds, but so far, the other 8 are still with me. NOTHING had changed. I was eating all the exact same food and quantity.

Many of my medications have weight gain as a side effect and my newest med just added, also states weight gain expected to occur. Just what I don't need. Tonight was the 2nd night I have taken the new med so I know it was not the culprit on the 17 pounds but it is just one of the reasons I need to get a jump start on warding off any gains and start getting some losses under my belt.

Has anyone tried a ketogenic diet? I really don't want to go that route but I am feeling a bit desperate and am considering it as a maybe. Then again, maybe not.

Cooking is very difficult for me so today I searched online for some healthy prepared food deliveries, designed by nutritionists. Not only did I find a few, but they were too expensive and contained more carbs and sodium than I eat. I certainly don't need to add either of those with my many health issues.

I think one of them was named Magic Kitchen. There are several but all of them have so many seasonings to make the food more palatable but I am used to eating very bland and like my food to taste like its natural state.

When I eat broccoli, I want it to taste like broccoli. I don't put anything on my broccoli. I just steam it and that is it. Don't like butter or anything on my veggies. I just used broccoli as an example. I eat all my veggies that way.

I got an item from my doc today to try that had 13 carbs. Tried it for lunch and it was pretty good until an hour later, I was feeling not so good. Then I saw the product contained garlic. I am allergic to garlic. I don't use any kind of herbs or spices at all.

It is really difficult to find anything prepared that I can eat and cooking is too difficult for me most of the time. I guess I will just keep boiling my chicken and steaming my veggies and start drinking more water. I like water and as long as it is in front of me, I drink it. The problem at home is I don't think to put it in front of me often enough.

Hopeless 03-22-2016 09:17 PM

Thanks Vowel Lady,

Your step ONE is the one that I have been a bit lax on of late. I will definitely try to drink more water. I just don't think about it. The very few times I eat out during a year is usually a very special occasion and it is in a restaurant where the bus boy keeps filling your water glass throughout the entire seating. The more they fill it, the more I drink it. If it is in front of me, I drink the water because I like water.

Steps 2 and 3 are done daily. I record EVERYTHING I eat and drink. Been doing that for 9 years. As far as flour,.... haven't had that in my house in over 15 years. Sugar and sweets have been off my consumption for years. I even limit onion use due to the natural sugars they contain.

I don't even use bread crumbs IN anything or ON anything and definitely not flour.

I have never "fried" any food in my adult life. (Fear of popping grease.) When I was a teenager, I was going to fix my brother and I a big breakfast one day. He liked bacon, not me, so I attempted to fry some bacon. The grease popped on me and I never fried anything again.

As far as the "moderate" walking. I am lucky to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom with my ailments so that is not in the cards. Sure wish it were as I liked to walk.

I needed to go somewhere a few years ago that was just two blocks from my home. I did not want to go to the trouble of "driving" just two blocks so I set out walking. I did not even get to the corner when I was on the ground in so much pain I had no idea how I would get back home. I did not have a cell phone but if I had, I would have been in an ambulance on the way to the emergency room. Did I mention I also have a heart condition?

Hopeless 03-22-2016 09:22 PM

Too few

Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1205536)
You need to be eating 1200 calories to lose weight, at least.
This is why you need to count your calories to see where you stand.
I wish you much luck in your journey toward better health and well being.

Thanks, bizi. I think I may not be eating enough calories on many days. My caloric intake usually ranges between 900 and 1000 when calculated.

bizi 03-22-2016 09:41 PM

This is why you need to add up the calories in the food that you are already tracking. go that extra step to figure out the calories.
Are you home bound? you may be eligible for meals on wheels if you are handicapped.
Their meals are rather bland and simple...and cost very little money.
Have you been thru physical therapy?
May I ask what you deal with? pain? back?
Do you think the medical people are doing all they can be doing to help you?
It sounds like you are dealing with a lot.
sorry it is so hard right now.

Vowel Lady 03-22-2016 09:57 PM

This does sounds like a tough case!

Regarding the med where it says you are "expected" to gain weight...can you talk with the doctor about lowering it or replacing it with something else?
On the positive side, you have many good habits already.
No sugar, no flour etc.
I do think the trick is to drink lots of water between meals. If you drink water with your meal, your digestion will not be ideal. Since you are struggling with weight loss, you want your digestion to be ideal.
You might consider using a timer. If I didn't use my timer, I wouldn't remember to drink the water. After a meal, I set the timer and drink two classes. Then I might set if for a half hour and put a little note "drink two more glasses of water". So, then I get in 4 glasses between one meal and the next.
If you stick with very healthy foods only and take a multi vitamin, you can probably stick with 900-950 calories daily. Don't let it go to 1000 until you are more active physically. Perhaps right now 900-950 calories is what you need to lose weight and that extra 50-100 calories keeps your weight on. Something to consider.
Since you are not moving your body much, you likely don't need the usual amount of calories.
It is something to consider.
Also, remember that veggies have lots of water and vitamins...ideal for weight loss and good health.
I agree with Bizi, you might want to ask the doc about physical therapy. Perhaps there is a chance you can get your body in a better place so that you can do a little more physical activity like walking.
I too hope you can feel better, it sounds difficult. Wishing you well.

Hopeless 03-22-2016 10:28 PM

Hi bizi,

I have some great docs working with me. I have 8 docs which I thought was a lot until Sunday someone told me they had 17.

I have enough trouble coordinating with 8 much less 17. I just can't imagine that. I hope I don't need to add any more specialists to my list.

As to physical therapy, ... been there, done that to no avail.

My pain mgt. doc has helped greatly with some pain issues. I am not totally housebound and I still drive (limited) but the only places I go are to the doctor(s), the pharmacy, and I try to get to the grocery once a month.

I tried to go to the movie theatre a few years ago and found that is no longer an option. That was not something I did much anyway so losing that option was no loss. I think I can name all the movies I have seen at the movie theatre in the last 20 years on one hand.

Thanks for your support. I hope to be able to tell you soon that my weight is going in the downward direction and not up or staying put.

PS I looked into meals on wheels about a year ago and don't remember the reason but I do remember it was not an option for me. Sorry, brain is gone, too.

bizi 03-24-2016 09:22 PM

Do you have someone help you with the groceries????

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